F a ' De etaanes% £1g TH comawa Tus , Jonuary 17, 1963 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued fro.a Page 17) OBITUARIES 32--Articles For Sale 32----Articles For Sale i iy ! ij GUN (old antique) w cartridges, Telephone ji Secon a ae neo" anted, Also 725-6183, Oshawa, and o14| SAXOPHONE ood condition, LA) bon sd FREEZPR, 18 oublo tect, "Town and street, con stroller TWO piece chesterfield 1919, Apply 240 'Nassau attress, all| vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725- Tito | ELMER'S fea for less, E, Wilbur, Hampton, 263-2204, |BUY AND SELL, good used furniture h tnd appliances. One location only, » C melody, In SFetapbone 125-7708 pm, SOOT 16 HP motor, tank ind controls, $180. a 723-0633 after 6 p.m. Country", $160 or best a Good con: dition, 723 suite, wine color Btreet after 5.30 pm, BF, D os -- a tories, Kelvinator rotzigereters,_ sie Furniture apd Lrg See all the rest--Come buy at, au Simooe Street South, 723-5271, AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, _ , GALKA, rie Lorraine gh venue, 16, 1083, Mar. aden i wife of Joseph RBECUE KING LARGE SIZE Cooks 24 Chickens every two hours. cost ALMOST $1,000, SELLING $400. Telephone 728-4143 Chureh BA tt rm Homa on Wat Smith + La, Mra, A, Drinkle (Maud C.), Mra, « J. Fleming (Florence M,), John Cy « James A,, William H. F., y Ry of wa, in his 86th year, The + late Mr, Smith is resting at Molntosh- Anderson Funeral Home, Service in the chapel on Saturday, January 19, at 2 « Pun, Interment Union Cemetery. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST FUEL OIL--COAL OIL FURNACES 24 HOUR SERVICE DIXON'S 313 ALBERT ST, 723-4663 Day and Night f estimates, Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, ber for sale, 2c a foot, poo umeenl Service, 286. Harm Road North, 720-1951, ING hunting? Get your sup) at Dominion Tire, Stores, Bond Street West, Oshawa, Guna, ammunition, jack ets, boots, ete, Call now 725-0311, EDROOM sulte, walnut, 4 ploces, #75, hetween 7 uth 9 pm, telephone ony WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- alt fete ul fet ad ores, im Rae a 'i Bond Street Bast, 723-1671, WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, good condition $48, Telephone 668-4720 after FINDLAY four burner minute iunier and years old, $00, of ele: SKATES Oshawa's Leading Skate Ex- change, for 10 years, New and Used, Largest assortment in town, DRAYTON CYCLE 204 BOND STREET EAST Remove Ice with Calcium Chloride Rock Salt or Sand from BATHE & McLELLAN BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD, 81 King West, Oshawa For free delivery call 725-4761 What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or Foaahy the store ion phone afternoon 723-3002, ROA television, 17", good dark finish, $9, Telephone 728-0270, FOUR piece chrome kitchen suite, good condition, 36" grey top table, chairs in lime green, Best offer, Apply 440 King Bast. condition, LLOYD. convertible beby oneriage, ee new, ypen, large * x Tovina, all ia condition, Rea- sonable 723-3291, $5 field set, $15; Kitchen set, 5 chairs (chrome) $15; Wide venetian blind $5; Bunk beds $10. Telephone 723-4773, CHESTERFIELD set, 2-piece, condition, Reasonable price phone 725-201, DINING table, solid walnut, round, with extensions, 4 walnut chairs, rose fabric upholstery, good condition, Apply 333 Athol Street East, ANTIQUE Sheffield plate oi] iamps, drapes, eight-widths, oilette, wardrobe hostess chairs, bathroom scales, man. tel radio, club bag, Apply 514 Bulalie after 5, SELL the extra TV set you aren't using and have extra cash instead, Dial 723-3492 today to start the inexpensive Classified ad that brings you cash buy- ers in 'a hurry. STUDENTS A very . Tele, super value, ind Dundas Street West. IN MEMORIAM GHEWCHUK -- In loving. memory of & dear mother, who away Jan- ey 17, 1980. hearte a memory is kept Fors Mum we loved and will never remembered daughter Amelia, son - | > law Mune' and grand- children, YOURKEVICH -- In Jo TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guor- anteed, One year warranty on picture tube. We also rent and buy. PREMIER TELEVISION 339% Simcoe St. South 725-6457 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, Free estimates, Parts, attachments, *!Anderson Funeral Chapel Tues- by, | Vie, HENRY SAMUEL SMITH Henry Samuel Smith, former. ly of 74 William street west, died at the Sunnybrook Hos- pital, Toronto, Wednesday, Jan, He had been in failing health for the past. year. He was in his 86th year. Mr, Smith was born in Lon- don, England, as the son of the late Henry and Jane E, Smith. He came to Canada 57 years ago, He was an employee at +lthe General Motors Company/'! for 29 years. For the past 11 years he had been a resident of the Dividale Hospital, To- ronto, He was a member of the St.| A" George's Anglican Church, He was overseas with the 166th Battalion during the first World War and was wounded in action. Mr. Smith was predeceased by his wife, the former Annie Russell, in 1949, Surviving rela- tives are three daughters, Mrs. (Rev.) William Marshall (Mary J.), of Baton Rouge, La,, and Mrs. A. Drinkle (Maude C,) and Mrs, J. Fleming (Florence M.), both of Oshawa, four sons, John O., James A,, William H, F,, and George R., all of Osh- awa, He was predeceased by one daughter, Mrs, T. Cable (Ada)./° Also surviving are 22 grand. children and 7 great + grand. children, The funeral service will be held in the chapel of the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home Saturday, Jan. 19, at 2 p.m, Interment will be in the Oshawa Union Cemetery, Con- ducting the service will be Rev F, G, Ongley, minister of the St. George's Church, FUNERAL OF MRS, WALLACE G, BATTLE The funeral service for Mrs Wallace B, Battle, 47 Aberdeen street, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital Sunday, Jan. 13, was held in the McIntosh. day, Jan, 15 at 2.30 p.m. Rev, H. A, Mellow, pastor of Northminster United Church, conducted the service. Inter- ment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were Gordon Jar- George Perkin, Robert Latham, Ira McNaughton, Mel Wiseman and Harry Bartlett. brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines, Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Serv. fee, Call anytime, 728-0591, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it, Stoves, refrigerators, washers, anything at all, For top cash offer | CG F Store, Grey Coach terminal, 4 Prince » 728-9191 , 5 next Street. © a Geer dananter 14 (ase, eee, who passed away January 1?, 4 There's a sad but sweet m BUY NOW AND SAVE! Boots; Grew-Crulsers, Tra- veler, Mason, 0.M.C., Larson, Motors; Evinrude, Volvo~ Penta. MARINE STORAGE A and effects, GE Ms, 90" deluxe » clothes dryer, TV, 2 pe. eld, house desks, office desk, 4 mirrors 36 x 48, 9 x 18 Axminster rugs, lounge chairs, Duncan Phyte ee oe walnut, end tables, folding » lamps, dishes, garden tools, etc, 204 King Bast, 725-2363, HONEST Cal's Furniture » Name Seente at Honest Varcoe's , 9.30 - 9.30, Telephone 728-9191, & SUPPLY LTD, BROOKLIN, ONT. 655-3641 ae He i; gs H i g ef i | SENT Ph Congress Urged To Crack Down On Promoters WASHINGTON (AP) -- Con- gress was called on Wednesday to help crack down on mail- order sales of desert plots In Arizona touted as lush retire- ment havens but which wit- nesses said are raw land 10 to 12 miles from the nearest wa- ter. "Thousands and thousands who are planning for the sunset years of their lives read this disgraceful advertising--they go for the bait without seeing the * hook," J. Fred Talley, Arizona * state real estate commissioner, testified. Talley told a Senate commit- tee on aging "i is a mystery * to me" why the post office de- partment hasa't acted against oters of the project--the : ¢ Mead Rancheros in the Mohave Desert. QGhief Postal Inspector H. B. Montague said the reason is that the laws need to be changed to permit faster action to get court injunctions to hait promotional schemes while officials investigate fur. ther for possible prosecution. He said his office has known since late last summer that pro- moters of the Lake Mead Ran- cheros project were using "evi- dent misrepresentation" in a mail-order selling campaign. Talley said hi problem is ' that the promoters operate out- side Arizona to sell the lots and that postal officials had prom- ised help. * The committee also heard from Talley and Kenneth Will- * gon, president of the Nationai Better Business Bureau, New York City, about quack medical and outritional schemes, phoney WOOD MOULDINGS Special interest to controc- tors or to persons building their own own homes, A rare find of pine, oak, mahogany and birch mouldings ot Ya price, You can do wonders for @ room with these mouldings. come in and look it over, BEAVER LUMBER CO, LTD. _419 Dundas E. WHITBY 668-5818 Vacuum Cleaners Used, good condition, bag- less type $25 Filter Queen's from $50 Used Warning Protect your Filter Queen Warranty! Unauthorized re- pairs void your guarantee, Ex- clusive Sales and Service for Ontario and Durham Coun- ties. A BEAUTIFUL Zig-Zag Singer, includ. truly outstanding cabinet for only $78.20 repossessed balance (originally $909) or take up payments of $8, month, Binds, holes, plus hems, makes button- reds of decorative eg et all without attachments, awa BARGAINS galore, 3 piece sectional chesterfield, dark brown and gold, with built in end tables, 9 x 15° beige, Hard- rug pad, marble and Gee lee table, light blue lazy boy chair, And many more household and hunting ems, Everything the latest style, Priced low for ing. Apply 669 = sale, Owner: mov- kespeare Ave, 34--Lost And Found LOST pay envelope in vicinity of Sim- coe North and Ontario Street, Royal 725-3226, 35--Legal 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my mame by anyone on or after this date, January 15, 1963, without my written Roy Gallant, 24 Charles Street, T will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name by anyone on or after this date, Tuesday, January 15, » Without my written consent. -- nsell, Claremont, Ontario, » == Garnet Andrews, FILTER QUEEN SALES (OSHAWA) 728-7552 323 KING STREET WEST INQUIRE About Our CASH and CARRY PRICES McCULLOUGH'S BUILDING SUPPLIES 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (West Side) 728-4688 FREEZER WASHING MACHINE REFRIGERATOR . TELEVISION RECORDS LP's furnace and house repair deals, | costly dancing lesson contracts} end other traps laid for the ad wary. . \ 78 SIMCOE ~ GOOD USED APPLIANCES LOW, LOW PRICES Harvest Queen, Book-Shelf type, 15 cu. ft. Demonstrator Guaranteed General Electric, Used Working Condition, Heatwave Electric, Heavy Duty, Used, but good condition. General Electric, 21 inch Ultravision, Screen, Dark Walnut Console Model 20% DISCOUNT WAYNE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES STREET NORTH TELEPHONE 723-1411 SHERIFF'S SALE ONE 1955 PLYMOUTH AUTOMOBILE License No, B49507 and Serial No, 96093740 To Be Sold by Public Auction on FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 1963 AT 2:00 P.M. at Heard's Taxi and Cartage 124 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario. TERMS:--CASH Arthur Welsh, Sheriff, County of Ontario } -- 'ae 1 day reported on 85 committee down| World and visited nearly every | project in Korea, Hong Kong, "land are -| Child care, education, Nine Country Report Made On Services OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova, executive - di- rector of the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada, Wednes- projects in nine countries, For projects in the field, 1962 was described by the director in the annual report as a "triumphant" year, In 1962, Dr. Hitschmanova travelled 45,000 miles in Canada and abroad and delivered 154 speeches. In 115 days she went around the India, Greece, Italy, Austria and France, A social team--"probably the most imaginative project the USC has ever financed in Korea"--has a growing number of young Korean social workers who are in charge of social services at Canada House for slum-dwellers in the Mapo dis. trict, she said, Between 1,200 and 1,300 persons receive a 'meal every day at the barley gruel feeding station. SPONSOR HOMES In and around Seoul and In- chon, seven children's homes are sponsored under a foster- parent scheme and 623 boys and girls are under the committee's care, Thirty of the committee's 85 projects are located in India in five categories: health, community . development and emergency aid, Many of the projects de. scribed by Dr, Hitschmanova, were carried out in co-operation PP GO GR, To TORONTO 11 A.M, By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exohan, 'am, 17 (Quotations in certs w marked $. Odd lot, xd--Iix.dividend, xr rights, xw--ix-warrants, Net change is from | previous vlot closing sale, INDUSTRIALS 11 Net Gales High Low a.m, Ch'ge 225 MIN Wu 41% + 250 350 360 Btook Abitibi ee 123 100 $16 700 $35% 325 S864 66 649 876% 76 Bell Phone 679 $44 4% Butmore pr 100 $15 16 Bowater pr 200 $30%4 50% Bow 5% pr 400 $53 52% * Brazil #142 320 320 320 BA Ol 2170 $304 30% 30% BC Forest 600 84% 14 MH+% BC Pow 2411 $20% 20% 20% BC Sugar 210 84 34 BC Phone Cabol Cal Pow Can Cem cl Pnadry Can Perm CSL oo Alt Sugar Atlas Steel 4 93 * 3 Dh % 1008116 116 16 325 $21% 21% 21% $32) $21% 21% 21% 879% 70% 70% 0 $55 «685 OSS SLI% 1M LIM Con Can A $11% 11% 11% Cdn Celan Cc Chem Cc Chem w C Collleries C Dredge C Frbks B wo 390 0 100 87% 7% hs & 275 687% 7%! OT! 5 400 «(400 C Gas In pr C Gas Inw CGE pr C Husky C Husky w C Imp Bk C % 866% C Ind Gas 225 $0% cn 300 814% 100 wlS 22 % MY% MWY )0 Util 4 32% 39% + % 50 $30%6 386 30% + % o 9 9 La ag ap nana ge Ee 1 Net Btook Gales High Low a.m, Ch'ge 697, 925% 25% Pet pr 24d $11% 11% CTre A | 40 $264 ¢ Un 15 $334 3 285 9100 100 C Westng sl0 Cal Gel ey 3 geceucy +> = 3 £82 =ErE sts sg i : see88 : Ege i; go ut sete gst 3° e SEEE SSEEESEE pes i seeps. Hy EB SgEEETEE PESESSE Et 4 = 4 235 e: zk Ps FS s ees Ss = = § vi 3 & * 323% = = 3 - $5323" eo ESe = sc & = S e sss fs = B Gr Wes @ Gr Wpg vt " s5ste 1 ot 34m mw b% Maclaren A Maclaren B 100 $2) MB PR 940 820% 20% MILfM pr 25 $102 102 Mass-F' 2055 $12% 10% Mase-F pr hae 103 20' 102) = 12% + % 103 $O% 2h OM + % 105 $166 1546 15Y 1 150 $27% 27% 2ih-- , 19 Dace ged yp been tig day's Toronto Stock Market Ul Net Stock Gales High Low a.m, Oh'ge Mid-West 250 165 105 «(185 5 95 375 ld bi 2% Mu u% + o Oh+ y|Home B 4M 1 Net e 2.3 s3°8 esis 2e Ss =" 3 + $F 4 s i = i ! = a ae $10% 817% 1% hm $80 80 80 6 4% 6 6 275 265 «205 S14% 14% Mh ~~ Su% Mh Mh 7 ™ wh uh mM $504 504 BK % 585 $104 1% 1K + 100 6% 5H SK + 00 425 425 425 $58 oo +h $10 oT) et n Ace 1 pr Un Gas Vendomat Vulean Walk GW Weston A Weston B West A wts Wood J Woodwd A 58 10 225 $21 7 $10% 220 $94 9% 9% 215 $17% 1% lh OILS B 600 106 CS Pete 200 Cent Del 190 840 C Mic Mac 100 370 105 106 40 430 --8 oo HO 6 370 Mase-F rt 25870 25 24 24 Met Stores 160 87% 7% %+¥% 370 4 Dome Pete 200 $4 M4 823% 25% 235% + K)C Astoria 2 1 le 10% 04 = 4 6 EB BBSxBeershea8E= = Sis s Bo38Sebeansss BE 2 = GepicSbeeBeonegys¥Bsscreds S¥eselelesedicsivsitests Bie fe 4 = se issis =¥."scee2 Se 577 fal 55 LL * es = ( + + = Listings 2 "3 inh gS. egrs Hy "7 as pias vs HL = seu) aly i 2 + i sets er gs 2247 fe LoL! -- Sa BeFedeseissis 332 eebectSS= + 8 SSceh-orbSecesS.seuge® L este8 SEseGaor8esss¥ tess' = rd LL Bldrich 0% 04 --I% Canada Dairy Farmers To Promote Sales ' LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Start- ing June 1, Canada's dairy farmers are going to be asked to contribute more of their in- come to help promote the sale of their products. They'll be asked to contribute each month during the year in- stead of in June only as in the past, The contributions, designed to increase consumption by mak- ing Canadians more aware of dairy products, will be collected under a new voluntary deduc- tion system approved Wednes- day at the annual convention of the Dairy Farmers of Can- ada, representing 300,000 dairy producers in Canada, The con- vention was to end today, They will be asked to con- tribute a quarter of one per cent of their total milk and cream income each month, Delegates attending Wednes- day's general sessions also sup- ported a recommendation thac next year's convention consider increasing the deduction to one- half of one per cent, Following conventions also would consider increasing the deduction until one per cent of the monthly in- me is reached, probably in MORE THAN MILLION It was estimated that about $1,335,000 can be raised in a one-year period if every pro- ucer pays his share, However, only about 53 -per cent of the total potential is ex- pected to be collected during the first year, Executive Sec- retary John T. Monkhouse of _-- said, S percentage cor nds with that collected wader' the old system last June, when $380,000 of a potential of $600,. 000 was realized, M,. J, Framberger, president of the American Dairy Associa- tion, said dairymen have to keep convincing people that milk is the best nutritional product on the market. Research Fund Need Outlined OTTAWA (CP)--A delegation with other agencies such as the} Salvation Army, Hellenic Red) Cross and United Nations relief) and Works Agency. Dr. Hitschmanova said about) a third of the committee's funds | during the year were raised for the adoption of 1,200 children) by Canadian foster parents in 30 homes in Korea, Hong Kong, India and France, Total value of relief goods ex- ported to Asia, the Middle East and Europe in 1962 was $492,- 470.97, 35--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DENNIS JOSEPH LEPINE, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Factory Worker, deceased, ALL persons having claims against the above named de- ceased who died about the end of July, 1960 at the City of Oshawa cre required to file proof of their claim with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1963 and after which date the Estate will be distributed having regord only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice, Dated at Renfrew this 14th day of January, 1962. Dawe & Edmondstone, P.O. Box 332, Renfrew, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator of Canadian scholars in the hu- munities and social sciences says a committee of the federal cabinet expressed major inter. est in a brief asking the goven- ment to increase expenditures on research in the two fields, The brief was presented by the Social Science Research Council of Canada aad the Hu- manities Research Council at a meeting attended by External Affairs Minister Green, Vet- erans Minister Qhurchill, Citi- zenship Minister Bell and Mines Minister Martineau, "We are very encouraged by the reception we received," Dr, J. A, Gibson, dean of the fac- nity of arts and science at Ot. tawa's Carleton University and chairman of the Humanities Re- waren Council, said Wednes- ay. Dr.*Gibson, acting as spokes: man for the dolegation, said the four cabinet ministers took a keen interest in a proposal that the federal government estad- lish a national centre in Ottawa tur: research in the humanities and social sciences, At the request of the four ministers, the two councils agreed to provide the govern- ment with information on the operation of such centres Britain, West Germany, gium and other countries. in Bel- TRACK COACH DIES VANCOUVER (CP) -- Em- slay Lewis (Buck) Yeo, 67, the) schee! principal who discovered and trained Canada's 1928 Olympic sprint star Percy ' Wil-| liams, has died here, He was a rugby and basketball referee as MONTREAL (CP)--There's a new word-game going the rounds in the province, oops, pardon, State of Quebec. It starts with a little teaser: When is a province not a prov. ince? The answer -- sometimes--is: When it's Quebec, At other times, the answer wouldn't be 100-per-cent right. It would depend on who gives the answer: The Quebec gov. ernment's Office de la Langue Francaise or Premier Jean Le. sage, The office--a rough unofficial translation would be French language bureau -- started the word-game in the latest of a series of memoranda on style published specifically for Que- bec's French-language newspa- per men, The series is designed to draw attention to faulty French used in newspaper stor- ies or on radio and to recom- mend correct usage. PREPARED BY DIRECTOR It is prepared by Jean-Marc Leger, a former newspaper man himself who is director of the office, a branch of the cul. tural affairs department. The memorandum, in French, said quite plainly: "The government of Quebec has decided with reason to eliminate the expression prov- ince of Quebec and, in a gen- eral way, the word province and its derivatives." "This is an error," com. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT VANCOUVER (CP) -- A new era may be dawning in the boom-bust history of the multi- million dollar Britannia copper- zinc mine at Vancouver's back door, New York reports say a deal has been completed to sell to the giant Anaconda mining complex of New York for $4,000,000 the Britannia Beach property which has been. mak- ing good, bad and tragic news for almost a quarter ofa cen- tury, And more important, say local mining interests, are reports that Anaconda plans to step up exploration. This could mean an upsurge in the fortunes of Bri- tannia, once a bustling opera. tion employing 900 men in a self . sufficient company town but which now has employment for only 300, The big operation, 30 miles north of Vancouver on the shores of Howe Sound, is owned by the Howe Sound Company of New York. Its story began in 1888 when Dr. A. A. Forbes, searching for mineral prospects on Britannia Mountain, shot a deer, In its death struggles, the animal dug up the earth with its antlers, disclosing traces of copper ore, BEGAN PRODUCTION A Vancouver syndicate was formed, finally getting New York capital in 1903, and began 200-tons . a-day production. In 1908 the syndicate merged into the Britannia Mining and Smelt- ing Company Limited, owned by Market Closes Some Higher TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Stocks shook off early groggi- ness Wednesday, pulling ahead w mid-afternoon and closing slightly on the upside. In the main list, gains in a \%-to-36 range went to Atlas Steel, CPR, Canadian Brewer- ies, Interprovincial Pipe Line and Massey - Ferguson: Power Corporation advanced %. Do- minion Bridge, which reported sharply reduced 1962 net profit, dropped 3% to 1934. On index, industrials were up 21 at 590.21, and western oils to 85,22 and base motals .24 to 196.36. Volume was 2,746,000 shares compared with 2,659,000 Tuesday. Among base metals, Noranda declined 4% and International Nickel and Falconbridge 4 each. Hudson Bay Mining rose New Era Dawns For Copper Mine the Howe Sound Company of New York, Since then the mine has pro- duced some $400,000,000 worth of base metals, mostly copper. Cost of wresting this wealth from the earth has been high in capital and labor--and hu. man life, More than 100 work- ers have died at Britannia. The first tragedy occurred in 1909 when six workers were killed in a snowslide, In 1915 a worse snowslide buried part of the camp and took 54 lives; 36 persons died in 1921 when a flood swept down on the town- site, Others died in less serious -- within the mine it- self, Declining copper prices al- Quebec Press Pushed Into Semantic Hassle mented Mr, Lesage Wednesday. "The government of Quebec has not yet decided to eliminate his phrase, "The proof is that the expres. sion was used in several places in the throne speech (read at Tuesday's opening of the legis. lature)," Mr, Lesage said he and other political figures in Quebec use the phrase 'state of Quebec, whenever we can." It occurred once in the throne speech, SEEK CO-OPERATION The memorandum went on to ask newspaper men's co-opera- tion in spreading the use of the expressions "government of Quebec" -- presumably instead "state of Quebec"--instead of province of Quebec, In an aside about Ottawa, it added that newspaper men "shall remember that the pres- ence of two nations in Canada prohibits the use of 'national' to describe the activities and organizations of the central gov- ernment. In this case, one must use federal or Canadian," in Ottawa said the Quebec view indicated Mr. Lesage, a former federal cabinet minister, has no federal Liberal party ambitions, Mr, Leger said the word Hi i Lo geettasbsekcens ES seek, asegtassdeSnSelyseke tas E 141 "e st¥.SyotPolcelen=e B8geck. asegtassSednleiysrtetesoy = Prert i $e ~e 5 ~ptEcB¥c58cb8sstesbeecs So usestssr tebe SsbysBEgeaes gee: > = sF =F Lits+ jel Rig 8e = oe + Ld gS gns8ke.8ts Fe I S£08stesFes5iassdiisesiseslsnssedsseeee seFS8ses Esdectlicdeleledlacesistises L sgerSguekee 8 sger8gss8ee.8 He s - Sse28 * § A io Zenmac -- 1800 a a ame Bales to 11 a.m.: 618,000, DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Aluminium Ltd., common 15 ioe March 5, record Canadian We stern Natural Gas Co. Ltd., common 20 cents, March 4, record Feb. 15; 4 per cent pfd. 20 cents; 5% per vent ce 2. cents, March: 1, record The Great Lakes Power Corp, Ltd., common 20 cents, March 30, record March 1, of provincial government--and| Apri! Candy Ltd., common 17% cents, plus ee) extra, March 1, record . 5 One politically-minded person | $221 NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bruck Mills Ltd., year ended oe of 1962, $529,7980 1961, Southern Canada Power Co, Ltd., year ended Sept. 30: 1962, $1,432,218, $2.65 a share; 1961, $1,408,950, $2.59, "province" in French has the connotation of -an administra. tive unit, such as in France and Belgium, not of a political en- tity such as "a state, or semi- state, if you will, which has well-defined legislative jurisdic. tion," Mr, Lesage said that last Oc. tober government switchboard operators were instructed to re- ply "government of Quebec"-- instead of "provincial govern. ment"'--to show that Quebec is sovereign and to play down the idea of dependence on the fed- eral government, senor Thomson Kernaghan & Co. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE OPERATING DIRECT LINE To TORONTO - MONTREAL neous 725-1104 No Steire Te Climb RES, MGR. ERIC R, HENRY, 725-4308 _ most closed Britannia in the winter of 1957 . 58. Subsidies from the federal and provincial governments kept it going, but the operation shut down in March 1958 throwing 800 men out of work, Only 300 were taken back when the mine re. opened 11 months later, Mining men say Anaconda's acquisition of the still-rich prop. erty could spell an era perhaps more prosperous than anything in the past for Britannia. 35 at 117.16. Golds: slipped .65) | % "Western oils saw Dome gain well as a track coach, % and Home A slip %. (Bpesa pe cena the ultimate in design and quality \% , ven : | at fine stores throughout the ] world, Write for folders, In- cluding "The Gense Story", i and the name of your dealer, SAMACO TRADING ito. I 1604 Bayview Ave, Toronto ] I Stree I City. l Prov, rs \ WINTER IS FUN IN ONTARI Skiing ts at.its best for th Ontario Winter Holiday, always open, IGG e whole family--in Ontario, Beginner and expert will enjoy the unsurpassed variety of runs, Brilliant sunshine adds extra enjoyment to your Many fine resorts, Roads are FREE! SEND FOR "WINTER SPORTS -ACCOMMODATION™ ONTARIO TRAVEL NAME DEPARTMENT 203 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO, ADDRESS. PROV. CITY. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY Hon, Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister