Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jan 1963, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Januery 17, 1963 %s| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== nan 17-----Male Help Wanted Se Space 24--Houses For Rent a TENG and Garages rigging SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R bY SCOTT RAPED "cn onmple tee, prune: SEMENT BLOCK athe 30 x 40 feet, ea ina OREN cent NTE 5 ss q f north Whitby, ra for repair shop' or storage,/et®, fenced yard, shared ays BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | @& See! oe ee te. ; ; Moni, "telephone Ajax géna4so. OFFICE SPACE |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent ROUTE MAN for dry clean Must AVAILABLE TWO-ROOM | furnished spartioent | -- ] ' F have experience with routes or door to subset until Mareh 18, A) Accountants _|Household Repairs -- " pene TV Radio Repairs ; don? seit Wah "comminon, teks Sieh ad eal ite ove North relenine rt Sadia 4 4 r a te pairs to all makes ore gan to waran' salary END -- Five room, retrigeras SAYWOND 8. R. PROSSER, ER, Ch, Charter-| r |QUARANTEED tre Str ot North, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES IMONEY TO LOANS , radio, car radios, Thompson Elec- and commission if satletactery, Dandy 400 to 700 square feet. joo Leveled fet in ntant, 906 Cen . cL ! Whitby. Te Telephone 668-54 REPAIR SERVICE |tronte » 187 Elliott, 723-9792, Fred, ' GROWING: | Cleaners, Whitby 468-2582, u APPLY 53 KING ST, EAST hace pil - » hospital, TLBERT HOSMER chartered account: RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, \ YOUNG MARRIED man wanted as Including heat, "telephone 7253810, Sedo. wie | acces Low Interest | T.V. TOWERS au'Stt tone spomastncs'a mun Nop? Waransens| CAKAS COFFEE SHOP |wornavar aviNon, a -- Gam rT are ' A A ME BASIS \ \ Manager, Commercial Food Mart, 18) room apartment, Refrigerators LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified 25 years' experience No Valuation Fee All galvanized, no paint RICE 1S Re 3 " tae nae, washing machine, Parking val Public Accountants, Suite 205W, O8h-) Formerly with THOR of Canada : LEN & LOU ' ee ive. : Richmond Street Wost, OFFICE SPACE able, 'Telephone 728-1126 or Apt No. 2, TE oaara -Acouming| OVAL COLLECT 986-4342 Until Loan Completed MAN 40 o 40, iandle alay_Werniory FOR RENT RR a BOB CLANC ar ' FREE ESTIMATES ; : ' \ rurrounding Oshawa up te Shopping Centre, large Gervice, Complete bookk ie service, . » ' \ nae in 's pl cas rit three i 18 Bond Breet West. re0a0T, Res, Residential ANTENNAS , Wy ' G, Stephens, Vice' Pree., Texas Re. Approximately 325 Sq; Ft, mors itn devia ecien 8 723-7605, Instruction S City and District 728- 5804 or 725- 7844 Earp!) 1) faba' \\\ tn Corp,, Box 71, Fort Worth 1, CENTRAL LOCATION moat U'cretieat ities } Apply ape HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Char HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, ; With a tered Accountants, 172 King Streeti Ohh t "aii Highland, 'Register Summer Properties TV AERIALS | i - ee ||! \ TWO SALESMEN to call on service 723-2138 MAIN FLOOR apartment, unfurnished, East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509, (now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122, V nt Land ; stations, ete,, in Oshawa, Whitby and _ EVENINGS 728- 9296 | private bath, entrance, "kitehen and WILSON and BURROWS, chartered pach Dn DR main Michaela aca aq i i surrounding areas, Dealership to quali- Bria! room, newly decorated, near A 4 King Street East, Osh -|PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, DO WEAR OUT ~ , mean fied applicants, For interview and fur:\"" late, ample parking, Telephone $ Ronald D, CA; Le years' experience. By interview Member . Pil bru wlephone MrT Timleck, WANTED ¥ y. Aci 725-1054, ; / ler Brush Company, 728-8130, ae STREET -- canlivesrwom apa a Rn een t Brokers A t § -- sa TREE, QAESLANDES AND O6,/EULAN Jaan MM, DEON] NO"OT® Ot ete acre cm oA220. | nytt M | TAXI DRIVERS SHOP OR cag [sat tonto ot Chartered Accountants, Licens: z , , . ile weather ond prices ore OF TKE A tees 4 King Street pre-sehoo! kinderdance. Fridays, Satur WORST ENEM) } i Se teri tt ne Sel aceon ram. Saaz =| SUMMERLAND ot thelr Des. ou nant FACTORY SPACE |anock 'stant' v. acitirenroan, ; FACES of ENEMIES Preferably between 25 - 40 A tely 1200 tt sceaion F M ; iL, and a h TRIO TEL SION pproximate sq. ft, eb 1 88 . oxretra Wie Ee a clas: SECURI | IES | ELEVISI P y Faealas wuany mondhiy. AND RELATIVES ARE To . Appl j 138 +o eae tees t North, Oshawa, Ajax|sified ads. For extra income dial | 171 BOND STREET EAST dain bans STARFISH. BUILT UP With CLAY hug Sbdeasl died Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, area. ahr nem WH 2.0890, Whitby MO 8-4131, ese di LIMITED ON THE ORIGINAL SKULLS, MERC WHITBY 668-4596 jeoeeamengrene bie a ALL 728-6781 | URY TAXI Oshawo's Fi n Auto Parts LEARN TO DRIVE 112 Simcoe St. North 3 th sdoanaare avd tag o Well Established Realty BEL oa EVE AT WECTEBN | Oshawa Driving School | - Oshawa, Ontario---725- 'Well Drilling--Diggin 725-477 SAVE AT WESTERN "BAY AVENING eee. See eet od esing ~~|13--Business Opportunities|16--Female Help Wanted Compony requires Park Lane Apts. --s 10 min, from Downtown SERVICE CENTRE Late Modéle. Standards 'Musical \Services | | WELL DIGGING BY [FOR SALE or re Vacant store wih HOUSEKEEPER for family ct, taree| ELECTRONICS OFFICE SPACE y | PIANO, dd, od 1 adults, modern home, permanent posai-) Repairs to All Makes Automatics, Duel Controlled {tuning Br ygota ag bed elsctroale organ | MACHINE otter hart Wrage om sre wines Roa dat fF rant person, reference. Non: NEEDS TRAINED MEN 700-900 $q. ft,--CENTRAL| LICENSED MECHANICS OSHAWA ond WHITBY [eel Phone Ajax 942-1664 | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE -- |South or telephone 725.0266 Swe Tien Pe BOK BR OM! He you are 16 oF over with mins Se: watieies Spacious grounds 145 King West -- 728-1607 i Al 'Nursing Homes | 668-2563 -- 668-3809 = | ABER SERVICE |RESFONDIBLE woman lo live in; aol (On"becrea' « oocctan or atau | | Prestige location "it Ww d Se ee eter WHITBY, ONTARIO jight housekeeping, Must be fond of| Radar, Communications, Autome- DON CHRISTIAN | Attractive two bedroom suites, "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU' | oan ante: 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST | Expanding business childern, Three miles from Pert) tion, Computors, etc, Resident Private balconies $4,000 APPROXIMATELY needed --| Gl d Cc , ie Hope: Write Mrs, KE, Fischer, Tall Tim:| Schools in. Toronto and Mentreal | REALTY CO, Barristers {first mortgage on house. Will pay 8/ ence ar P.O, BOX 329 | Low investment ters, a52108, Ontario, Telephone Port! or study at Rome Eosy terms 725- 0013 | Elevator service E on } Free Booklet "C s in Elece | , GREER AND RELLY, Barristers, 'Bail awe ate ee ee | Nursing Home Ltd. 1--~Women's Column | The only diaper service mus? sgrenanad | sya RADIO COLLEGE OF Controlled entrances f Ph J. pera soss; erence V iMoney to Loan Garages sh at in Oshawa ee | Ritson Road North, [SEWING "lessons in your own home| gui 31) Wilson Rd, South s rk hav 461 King St. W |23---Wanted To Rent Paved Parking fi ng " |BANK ACCOUNTANT vequl ntires | Group or individual, Also alteratioons some ex. - | perience, 7 relephone Columbus, Ontario and machine service, Dial 728-2976 723-2139 Toronto: 28, Ontane bedroom house to rent: tare ren | | | | | -"MacDONALD, BA, LLB. | |PERMANENTS on special. Page" Hair.| A GOOD start tor the new year abe in family, Telephone 725-6513 ea . to| and Solicitor and Notary Pub- MORTGAGES Chronic and Custodial dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. 'Telepl come a Beauty Counselox.. Manager's ; N 6 é m | es! e ep. hone | 14 Employment Wanted DRAFTSMEN e 5 Don Howe | | | lic, The ¢ Commercial Building, 266 Kin Patient's Care 725-5363. jposition available. Call Mra, Elliott, ina" --e = Gg) Ontario, Client park: Moneys for first mortgages. Hospital Insurance Plon | YOUNG mother, ex-kindergarion teach. | 5-442, De ba lal priecrond uewmanviue, On| Daytirne 725-7732 \2----Pe sonal er, will give day care or board chil-/ ARN $93 WEEKLY plus & free ward-| TO $4500 awa, Whitby vicinity, Write to Box 235, , 2 pe and Private Patients (ae TO Baa WANTED ca Eral| dren, Telephone 728-2096 robe in your spare time. Just show /Oshawa Times | Evenings 723-9692 » Barristers and Solic- No bonus. ; i, | Y an ene Meee sires West. 728-6246 ua | Nursing Care Payment Plan jmortgage for house to be built this |HANDY MAN, ready to help with any-)Fashion Frocks to friends, No invest: | WALI, exchange Valuable propery aa| Mortaa. age loans available. No charge for valuations. | | spring. Telephone 728-9195 after 6. hing, Wall-washing, windows, base ment, canvassing, experience necessary, For architectural plan lay- |partpayment on long term lease for! Howe and Peters Realt M d A nts | Tel h j eves ear cleaned, Have pick-up tuck.) Write North American Fashion Frocks, outs, required by Ajax Man. good apartment, Call Don Christian| -. aitors RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, ortgages and Agreemer epnone IF you have a drinking problem write| tools, Eacellent references, Call Mil,| Ltd, 3425 Industrial Bivd.. Dept. L-1676, * 1 Realty" 725:0013 eannainenneeed Golicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe purchased. | |Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 or | 728: 1993 Montreal 39 ufacturer of sheet metal {° North. 72 | VE nde Moneys for second mortgages Brooklin 655-4931 _ {72-00 PETER as Day Nursery, Monday *li7--Mele Help Wented | beg hs i i DOUBLE GARAGE _ OPEN BOWMAN, i, DAVID ) L., Barrister, | Solici- 1 Simcoe Street North, Teie South, 725-9592, Resi- lable. | ; fora weekend of chartered icecfishing (6 2604 sl | ; poll Od ve jOptometrist on Lake Nipissing, sometime in late tions ond minimum of 5 OR BUILDING onl tant Immediate services rendered. TUCK. RO. ease |Feb Ww. 9 DAY CARE available by young mother, years experience, Salary BRUCE RUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, |G. W. "TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please |February. Write Box 229, aula | lunehes, all play facilities, 'Tele:| LEARN MEAT open to $4500 depending Must be wired, suitable for % RALPH JONES, BA and | THOMAS Hi. Interest at 7 for inspection downtown Dominion| Times. Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage M, F, SWARTZ py poh * ~ ae 5 ieee Whitby 668-4871 | Panga nbi eK rohan ala 26 King St. East Jexamained st ene De Removal of superfluous hair, 7 f 1 a 1 vv) t d CUTTING PIB ly ios al on parking space prirabiy on NOW LEASING arie urduff wi 2e in 6--Female He! Pp ante ' ' = ToUw s, HYMAN, QO, Barrister, Soli- Oshawa, Ontario Painting and Decorating -- Oshawa, Jan, 2Ist, 22nd, 'WOUSEKEEPER "required. ee 20 men needed for closs; in with expanding company. Main Street or Highway, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS Seen ea aaa Mtg eae|____7204697_--i Rape cre DOSOretine | ard nd "Pore 'Gomis ROMGMET Eile ha| Shue sudsircendaen!" |" ful'enslere,tmelie" | 725-5855 or 728.7913 | 9AM. TO 9PM aces home. 'Telephone 728-3574) jen available. "I vice, Prien lowest in town, Work guar.| Hotel on these dates for |in mot trict day or evening, Being SSL RBS. BAT Barvisier, scr | GUARANTEED Anteed,. Bowmanville - 263-2780, appointment |after 6 p.m formed offering. orecheal | Mr, Wilson for appointment. $e Pees et ee | DODD & SOUTER _ a ELECTROLYSIS | CAPASLE wnat oe aie ve Bl training. in the highly paid |18-----Male or Female Required GOVERNOR jand assist with domestic chores, good! INFING X pay, comfortable home, Telephone! field of meat cutting, mer- | j PA anne | | 723-464] 72-1651 | handising and self - serve, Help Wanted ics | Immediately MANSIONS |HOUSEKEEPER to live in and care) Act now, S| VICE tiret mortgages, 2 cite Me Str sel MONEY SER ( |year-old baby while mother in hospi-| PRACTICAL MEAT Applicants For For single gentleman, self- | Gyptex, hs i Murals AR De Sa Macca contained furnished haste Sar ing |BLACK miniature poodle, 7 "reaistered, | jal. 725-7347 : ee | ee SERN od 110 Park Rd, N, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, 107 BYRON. Pe BY | four_months old. Telephone 7281067. 'loRuG CLERKT full or parttime, ex:| CUTTING and Part Time Position | ment or flat with kitchens | ' } | } | | Painting, Paperhanging |3--Pets & Livestock |for two school:aged children and lia | Golicitor, Money to loan, Office 14% - | ette Oshaw King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232 GUARANTEE DAYS 668- ed |FOX HOUND, two males, seven perienced preferred, Whitby - Brooklin RETAIL SCHOOL a re | , the old, and ni -- -- MANNING F- "para AND RONALD if Lanai : NIGHTS 725-7426 {ites Wecker "Drive. Telephone. 1 723-535 cows 'Times, pilathane! tel eel ues PI SECRETA RY. om -- on Ane OSHAWA'S FINEST Notaries, Money to loan, Henry Block, not completely sat- 'Personal Service |BOXER PUP -- purebred with papers,|COUPLE to live in free. Wile to care! = we = cgi ELECTRICALLY HEATED ' + Be ee onths & y | ee ia 733-4029, pant meal em isfied, return your si show cards, paper banners, art| lin 'colors thong rained ston Fen ion Sen dteoeees ey toe Fina 1425 DANFORTH AVE, TREASURER SUITE 2010 | APARTMENTS IGN % n within 30 days | work, at low prices, May Advertising./ther information, 723-1869 or 723-9382, | 728-6987. TORONTO, ONTARIO 8 KING STREET EAST | ted Solicitor. 38¥6 'hing Street Eas eigen ns | a vole bin A [BEAUTIFUL bany budsies, " ready ioe ait o work 'in modern food stare, HO 1-7545 | | TORONTO 1, ONTARIO EXCLUSIVE AGENTS : Busines: 5 . i vain | H j Ld egw 4 al MODERN GRILL [arcane att atin, Ave Mes veday Food Market, 84 Simeoe Nort Pickering SCHOFIELD-AKER dence 728-5373. t | -- © you. : 24---Houses For Rent M HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and WILL- Ro ay |REAGLE "HOUND, "male, PART wiles HELP for kends want- H MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 364 King Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey |tan, guaranteed on 'rabbit, fox and/ed. Apply in person, Envoy Hestearent,| Township School ALBERT STREET--Sinaoom house, LIMITED Btreet | East, Oshawa; R. B. Hum-| |t will be cancelled | Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home | deer, 'Telephone 723-4166 after $ 582 Ritson Road South, | new oil furgace, available immediat-| PH A \é | | r $ p.m, HOSPITAL Area No. 3 -- ie a mmedia ONE D. petty ad 2265 ys, QC; G .S. Boycnyn, BA, QC; Made Pies and Desserts, |GIRL WANTED for lunch counter and} § $85 ma0910. Telephone before Fe ete Le, Ore | without question and WE DELIVER |5----Farmer's Column variety store, Apply 345 Ritson Road HO eae 125080. "NHA and other} Without charges. | 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH |GASH on the spot. Highest prices pald | aa en i | , Haein ieee Bal tacsiened | Henry Stinson 725-0243 mortgage funds available. a }for dead and crippled f; WOMAN to care for two" pre-achoal| Are invited to apply, state HR oy GREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MUR.) th 725-3887 \Telephone 'Collect. Hampton" GOlieg| children while mother works, Live in.| ATTENDANTS | salary expected to acting [telephone 728-8125 ie Steve Macko 728-5868 etn Basselare, Gouaiiara, Natac. ou get more an $2721, Margwil Fur Farm, 'Tyrone, Telephone 728-0210 after 5 p.m, Older] | secretary, BEAUPRE STREET - Lovely ranch | Les Hall 728-5513 Plumbin and Heatin Li woman preferred. "io! " jes Public, Bank of Commerce Build: 9 9 cence 149 preferred brick home, five rooms, three bed ing, 3 Simece Street North, Oshawa, cash at Crescent. a "PLUMBING aad Sestiny copeen' in = HOUSEKEEPER to care for three chil | Male attendants ore required : rooms, uafursished, near school, "| "oh McFeeters 725-1726 Ontario, 725-446, Residences: T. @ 725-9821, Harold H. stark, Lta,,| 1 1--Articles For Rent dren while mother works, Good wages. | Don Goodwin ois Eaves OM, Foe cians il Aker 725-0201 shed Phon Croemon,_ Qc; G. M. Drynan, Qc, Plumbing, Heat: d E ------ --_ ~~----we| Weekends off, Telephone Whitby 668 , 5 Sos G. L. Murdoch THAIS CRESCENT [tie Sane sete Boake "| Dishes, Cutlery, Glosses, se | NON Met ne inceru. le ila iph Schofield 728-3376 _ ALL TYPES of topairs and remodel: Punch Bowls SALYSLADY, age 25 to 35, with knowl| Whitby, Applicants must have * and bought, sold and arranged, } jing. new and used materials, "ett Sicnay. W Cocktail GI 'ae Sereneoaet position, | | TELEPHONE AJAX 942-3928 | os dy, Win c 5s ry rom Apply . Renae Tee --| FINANCE ERTS ETF] ome, wee ni onan REE) a muemmt | OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PLASTERING -- New ' sera Teciodalling of all Wpesi| Coffee Urns BB nt equivalent standing, |20--Room and Board base: | |new and used materials, Reasonable} | |RooM 'ad board for two gentlemen, sk % PRINTED PALIERN ALL TYPES of building repairs, vd 10 Simcoe S. 728-7312 | Grath Phinbing and Heating. | Sargeant's Rentals | CITY OF | APPLY R. VAN > |Tetepnone i200 ee stsops. Gordon May, 728-0504." she: 'Mortgages A ____ 725-3338 OSHAWA te. -- [ROOM and board for two gentlemen, LL WebL . .. | WHEEL CHAIRS CHIEF ATTENDANT [Willing to. share, single beds, Near | North General Motors, Private home. FOR ALL your were requirementa,| FIRST AND SECOND morta But if insist 8 and repairs, cupboards a specialty, Calliagreements purchased an uti 'ou INsis ookkeeper - experienced | = Bil) Vroom, Whitby, 668-4118. \Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 1 th 'a rT] | Hospital beds, invalid walk through to trial ee bal . 725-6195. Went BETS SSAA ee MNS een eee King Street East, 723-7232 on the best... ca ers, bedside commodes, ug | balance YOUR local chimney cleaner Chimneys -- hn A IG SCOTT crutches also slend | Machine operation exper $1 SEVE N DAYS for two gentlemen, built and repaired, ga8 laiage instal og PRIVATE and corporation monie: | U PLUMBING| lia Abs « Ne onoe | jence on esset | willing to share, single beds, laundry, furnaces vacuumed. ree estimates. jiend on all types mortgages; mor i or roll- away | - . enn ence central. Telephone 728-3396. 723-2997 gages and agreements of . sale pur- land HEATING Limited! beds i Seon SS Bi nb nA chased. Creighton, Dry. nd M 5 | Apply | LARGE comfortable double rooms, Cartage ook gee bending ° whertisters "Ml 207 Simcoe St. S.--725-5132 | FOR SALE OR RENT : : : SALES single beds, sult Neatemen willing to 725-1644 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT i share, good meals, lunches packed, rr THE best medicine for sick budgets is |Rug-Upholst S$ bd s » loc - " JOEN'S MOVING AND STORAGE.) u pholstery Service / arking, All conveniences, Whitby Qehawa, Whitby, Reasonable rates.|Classified Ads. Dial 723-3492 today to 9~ CITY HALL, OSHAWA ( )PPOR T UNITY | Bae sok c |CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and) }2-- ~ 2 hn ASR ERE nT EL dl Tense and insured. Tele-/reach cash buyers for the nousehold restyled, Free estimates, See 2--Articles Wanted AVON |ROOM for gentlemen to share, laundry |goods you don't use any more. material for recovering. Dalton Up-|®INCH table saw and sixdnch Jointer, i In th t i done, lunches packed, home cooked --------"|holstering, 73 Charles Street 723-7212, both with 14 HP motor: also jig saw e Au omobile Business }meals, close te South General Motors, Dressmoking ~ eo wanted, Whitby 668-4118. | Telephone 728-9528, re} |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- ne atc dh pei |W, tte t : ARE ERNU RS Ca DRESSMAKING, alterations, pant cuff 15% BONUS civered like new. Get the beat for less WANTED RTUNITY | e require two energetic noon and board te gentleman, mr . rtie dra Reasonable. Mrs./ at ern pholsterers, 2 Simcoe! | 5 vate, laundry vileges, close to Buller, 187, Park: Road South,_ 723-0365. | South, Call 728-6451, Free estimate, | men to complete our sales south plant, bu os come erery tweety ED king, al |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, red, SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY | , : | staff. | minutes, Call 723-3 oe a fing easna able vas 8% INTEREST wre, eee. Way bay" mere) Ou fae AND FEATHER TICKS Are you looking ? |BLOOR STREET WER B= - = Room Eldri 7 ec. a ack uaran- : jand board, ny Vv = oc aan: net Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up.| Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals For a good-paying Must be neat in appear- {home South General Motore, 125-9032, ery Co. on al 725. } tlect) : Fuel ond Wood rccoiee MORTGAGE z ~ Te ee ! TURNER part-time job ? | ance and have good def- |21--Room & Board Wonted Furnace Cleanout i FUNDS MIOt-SRE. bervice 723-2043 -- 723-228) Avon offen 6 manele | erences, |WANTED -- tiem Non and Board for FREE OUTBOARD MOTOR ~ Ce ee opportunity. |Motors Norah, Telephone 2-791, Uacel If You Purchase WANTED REPAIR SERVICE | Toarran ge interview, 2 SCOTT MOTORS AUTO WRECKIN j FINA FUEL McCullough Chain Saw G Co. | Write P.O. Box 512 Telephone Mrs, Townsend eae yoy from By Real Estate Develop- SALES & SERVICE arbi sas for wrecking OSHAWA ROSS HILL ment Co. in Metro Osh- | OSHAWA MARINE errr oe aes B80 ectap Aton Between 9 A.M. and 4 P.M, -- |STORAGE SPACE wanted, immediate: and metals, etc, bought ly, approximately 1,300 square feet, ™ awa. : | SERVICE Open Saturday all da Phone Tele hone a |Must be first Moor, ferably Oshawa 728-776) Amounts ranging from | "1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 _| 725.2311--89 BLOOR E. C yee ASSER 7a 3557 (phone Tay-9008. sear bale, te USE THE |Surveyors iS Suslnens © | DON CHRISTIAN ii. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario tc ann pportunities equired for sales office. OSHAWA TIMES | REALTY Co). {Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East,| |SELE the "good 'miscellaneous articies m -- -- } THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Phone 725-6881 you no longer need through an inex CLASSIFIED 725 0013 DONEVAN' AND 1 FLEISCHMANN, On- cash ial 72}948 "Shaye ede esedy Good Hours, In Co- -operation with COLUMNS Se Lease, RentorSell by mony THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Knit On 2 Needles | ified Ad Rat - . | Oe ce 5 Les | LEN PULLAN | 5 CAR GARAGE ALUMINUM and the By ALICE BROOKS Better described offers get faster results. (ENGLISH TAILOR) | Formerly Used as body shop | \ | Smart for sports, every day! Cosh Chorge =| for all tailoring -- require- Large upstairs storage, 333 SIMCOE ST. S. MUNICIPALITY OF OSHAWA | Keep cozy in this set of thick, by AA, ee 6 consecutive days . 3.75 4.13 ments use our experienced | Also five room house, 728- 1651 |springy rib stitch, 3 consecutive days . 2.25 2.48 | services for both suit and Choose any 2 colors or one BACK-WRAP NEWS If not paid within 7 days, charge rate applies. 715A | dress repairs and alterations. APPLY YOUNG WOMEN | REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY | plus white, A jiffy-knit on 2) PE G ceca tol woenhanine cdeetuarenn) | 10 PRINCE ST. -- 728-5311 needles! Pattern 7091; beret! By ANNE ADMAS lot applicable for merchandise advertisem (r ' S ; edtlone eet Hine Go : duds caeineal ive ter month 160 next to Bus Station) GAN NON TO ASSIST jand ee direct ons small, | ern fitting just walk . : j | medium, large sizes included, jin, wray Wear this smart Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviotion as one word. (TV -- Radio Repairs AUTO BODY SUPERVISOR THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|Wrap style as apron, sun 1Se |VAN's TV "SERVICE. Repairs on all ae | for this pattern (no stamps,jevery-day dress, Sleeveless ver. 728-206. 1. Vanvolkenbirg, 314 Haig.) 335 Bloor Street West Saee RETRAINING OF THE UNEMPLOYED) piease) to Alice Brooks, care of} sion doubles as jumper. Word ads .;.5 p.m. day previous ----eecenmereeceemmrtmeememmen=| THIS COMMUNITY NEEDS A | The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft} Printed Pattern 4527; Misses* Classified Display 2:30 p.m. day previous | LICENSED COIN-OPERATED -| working from your home : A : Dept. Ontario residents add le} Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size Bae. epiena: conch of thorka -- $ om. dey of publication. V TOWER WESTINGHO | using your own telephone. Small Engines and Service Station Work |sales tax. Print plainty PAT.|16 requires 314 yards a9inch Lost ond Found -- .. 8:30 ¢.rm. doy 6! publication: USE | i TERN. NUMBER, NAME, AD-|fabric. Concellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication, | | Laundromat Laundry and Highest Commissions. | Aer : DRESS. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in REGULATIONS | Economy and Deluxe | Drycleaning Store! : Telept -- pa sca ag ph me x ir tenes Gace ye ten 1963's Biggest Needlecraft/cains (na stamps, please) for The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in odvertise- | MYO ore .rignt party, we bea' tisha ate fee thee cata te pie meaiately for the train | Show stars smocked accessories] this: pattern. Ontario' residents ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than Priced sygag your budget. | offer Complete Planning, Help ing le hg for vn nol. Bid fanese ue held be- --it's nor new Needlecraft Cata./add 2c, sales tax. Print plainly one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the | TERMS ARRANGED on Locations, Most liberal 728 - 0840 tage oe fe airing pm, and 11:15 p.m,, ys @ wee log! Plus over 100 fresh-to-you|SIZE, NAME ADDRESS, price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which | financing, Complete Promot- | the k cibia witond ee ucvair designs to knit, crochet, sew, STYLE NUMBER | OSHAWA TV Boa "1 Evenings Interested persons should call or write to Mr. G. L. Roberts, {weave embroider, quilt, Plus) Send order to ANNE ADAMS, The Oshawa Times reserves the right to clossify advertising | j Call or Write Today, co-ordinator, schedule "5" programme, R. S. McLaughlin Col- free pattern. Send 25c now! care of The Oshawa Times, according to its proper classification. | ALD, Inc. or write legiate and Vocational Institute, Oshawa, phone 728-9407 ee -- --~| Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. fold sospenible for ore spoce than thar in which cctuel | MED | ALD CANADA, LTO., | 20th CENTURY.FOODS | Mr. L. Gifford Geo: Drynan, Chairman | Want-Ads Don't |niis coupon tor FREE pat held respon or more s i ich the octua 25 Belfield Road, "| Qshawa Vocational Oshawa co ~ pss one you 1 Bag error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver 728-8180 R 1) Bridaclor : j Rexdale (Toronto) Ont 71 Bridgeland Avenue } : raining Committe card o : new Spring - Summer Pattern Pere , Bonrd of Education Cost-They Pay | tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement | if eny inaccuracies in ony form are contained therein, DAY OR NIGHT RO 6-7255 TORONTO 1? Catalog. Send 5c, now.

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