Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jan 1963, p. 24

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Evid op NY AG Re GN i le A LP EG ANS A ewe te AS pn aetna ti Se ie 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenuery 16, 1963 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS ESS SERVICE DIRECTORY yer MONTRAVE AVENUE, 299 --- One- |TV _ Rad bedroom apartment. Refrigerator, range, W machine, Parking avail- able. apartment, central. Heat, water supplied. Suit elderly lau A NTEE Pp to all makes |TV, radio, car radios 23.8782. Fred. Elee- 728-1126 or Apt, No. 2, above. LANSDOWNE. Shopping aseet isis |Fesphons Wikhe mene ne tronics, 157 Elliott: 9792. ator | s. $75|CLOSE TO AJAX -- Three large roome, T. Vv. TOWERS central Telephone 728-3396. rooms, OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to'5 P.M. Monday to yg' § Seturday 8 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSIN Accountants fobdesiakce RATMOND & Posten. CA. Chere! Hard of Hearing | MR. E. J. CHARLES Whitby. Telephone 668-5447, f ALBERT HOSMER chartered account- = Master Acoustician Trained at Danburg, Street prow Ps ecdalee Connecticut, Will be ot Genosha Hotel Thursday, Jan, 17th From | P.M, until 9 P.M. Repairs, service and batter- ies for all makes of Hearing Aids. Free Audiometric Testing No Obligation, of Course ACOUSTICON INTERNATIONAL 50 YORK STREET Toronto 1, Ontario World's first and oldest Manufacturer of Electrical Hearing Aids 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent PARK 'ROAD soUTH -- Two-bedroom apartm: in apartment building, all facilities. * pandae Telephone 725-3212. THREE ROOM 20--Room and Board By R J. SCOTT |ROOM ad. board for two gentlemen, |$15 weekly. --. and Ritson district. Telephone 728-6: ROOM and board for two gentlemen, willing single beds, ar Motors. Private' home. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ROOM and board in private home, close to South General Motors, Tele- Phone 723-3022. HARMONY district mother and daugh ter wish to share their home with lady, $20 0 _weekly. After 6 p.m, 728-5336. $15-- SEVEN DAYS for two gentlemen, willing to share, single beds, laundry, _|Mortgages Repairs "| $100,000.00 CLIENTS' MONIES available Immediately for first \mortgage loans. Also existing first and second mortgages, and agreements for sale purchased; second mortgages arranged. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN & MURDOCH 5 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 723-344 Evenings: 723- 4768 or 728-8554 MONEY TO LOAN Low Interest No Valuation Fee Until Loan Completed ithly, new!: bay Heine | on spare: furnished, two - bedroom. ig bath, monthly, ly al a : i» ment 3, evenings, Whitby 668-4875. ras water vasag Titan, » month- -|PARK ROAD NORTH, 130 nished Boat eee bad wales toe site it i : ment, large . ing room, kite! All galvanized, no pain LARGE comndortabis Geubis'" res ment, lacs - saline room, LEN & LOU'S : ] pend Taek ge garnroMiggp ne Bir north west section. for two, ¥ ' : parking, All conveniences. Whitby |970 irsongay = © ont abstainers and non- -- Unfur- four-room apartment, LEONARD JAMES | BROOKS, | ~caritied smokers. meter St Tee ees Publie Accountants, Suite 205W, Osh- awa Centre, 725-9953. BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service, Complete bookkeeping service, Bon id Street West. 725-0397. Res, apartment with refrigerator and stove. A le imme- diately, Ample parking. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. Telephone 668-3092 after) m, . ROOM for gentlemen to share, laundry done, lunches packed, home cooked meals, close to South General Motors. eobisseng roses and entrance. $80 TV TOWERS BOWMANVILLE -- One-bedroom apart ment, Centrally 'located, heated, self- Telephone Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget. contained, $65 guage TERMS ARRANGED »jmanville 623-33! OS HAWA TV @F ANY ODDS AND ENDS AVAILABLE. canaiiieaia ale © fg Frame, Brodin, : Must 'be first floor, ceeds Oshawa near schools, churches, etc SPADE oes SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 14--Employment Wanted © |17--Male | Help Wanted (cr waitny area, on mentny beats eke YOUNG mother, ex-kindergarten teach-| EARN $25 on your day off, Apply Box! Phone 725-3039. Lari Gne duaraans 409 Two Bedroom $79 and refrigerator, $120 monthly. "Tele: 5282, DAY OR NIGHT er, will give day care or board chil-|221, Oshawa Times. OFFICE "SPACE > cS TELEPHONE phone 728. . Telephone 728-2096, |DESK CLERK required at a AVAILABLE Ct rp iva eo , o' «€6O $$$ cabhe. CLOSE to General Motors, four room N, ready to help with any.|{0tel. Apply in person to Mr. Vindum. | Corner King and Albert | ANT TO MAKE Oshawa's Finest W apartment, self-con! Wall-washing, windows, hase- |TOOL AND DIE maker, two required,| 400 to 700 square feet. door selling. High commission, trucks| BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? Park Lane Apts. | Telephone 728-9523, ' = stove. ri ca $65 monthly, 725: 21--Room & Board Wanted SIMCOE south, three cha. car cleaned, Have pick-up truck,|top rates, fringe benefits company) ner excellent references. Call Mil. paid, Steady employment. For appoint- APPLY 53 KING ST. EAST | a gas to ving Guaranteed salary| LAKAS COFFEE SHOP y. Dandy! YOUR HI-FI NOW 10 min. from Downtown 1 BUY YOUR HI- | WITH A LOW.COST LIFE-INSURED oud ENOUGH fo BE HEARD on EARTH WouLD REQUIRE 15 YEARS FOR 4HE SOUND "© TRAVEL fo OUR EARS. tered Accountants, 172 og Be Street East, Oshawa, on WILSON a A awa; G. Edmond « YALE, FRIEDL Chartered LIVING A FEW oF Curfon cum fo WEAR THEIR HAIR IM ALONG BUM PROJECTING FROM 'WE BACK OF THE HEAD, WHICH MAKES ACANOPY FOR BABY. jer artered he 'king sure East, Osh- . Wilson, CA; ._728-7554, ER AND ©0., Accountants, Licensed Trus- tees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-7371. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and| Charte: Accountants, 728-7527,/ % " Simcoe Street North, 'Oshawa, Ajax WH 2-0890, Whitby MO 8-4131. Auto Parts (oe "SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" North. Telephone /25.7311, Local 498-7900, r a APARTMENTS ea A i AJAX sinks No Lease Required. WHAT 15 SAID 4o BE THE ONLY eae LIZARD eeore - Space id Garages |\CEMENT BLOCK | building, : 30 x 40 feet feet. acide nteetnalee {Suitable for repair shop or storage, ONE room apa % |182 Simcoe Street South, Tephone Approximately 10 miles irameinte' percents = Telephone couple, Kitchen equipped with cupboards, refrigerator and stove, ute ONE oF THE FIRST Apply between 9 in beautiful RAILWAYS WAS BulLT IN 728-1901, from Oshawa led. Suitable for one or two. 4K, GILA Monster. BORHEO THE CARS WERE MADE Out LG | STORAGE | SPACE 'wanted Hiate- | 723-0 sre siees| Opposite large Shopping Centre Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Member Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 345 wONTRLY -- th bedroom ai apart- ment, newly decorated, hot and cold water, heavy wiring. All conveniences. Telephone 728. 1570, |THREE-ROOM basement 4 'apartment, re-ecorated, private bath, child wel- come, $60 monthly includes heat and jhydro. Telephone 728-9176. GLADSTONE AVENUE 21 -- furnished apartment, private entrance and bath+ room, kicthen and _bed-sitting room, Suit two gentlemen. Telephone 728-0283, | BOWMANVILLE -- One | bedroom apar 'apart- |ment, centrally located, heated, self-. jcontained, $65 monthly. Bowmanville | 623.3394, \F URNISHED " two - room cupboards, Household Repairs HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES -- REPAIR SERVICE RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guaranteed 25 years' experience | Formerly with THOR of Canada | DIAL COLLECT 986-4342 | FREE ESTIMATES y.| v.| Instruction --_-- | HARVEY 1 DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,| LL 112 Simcoe St. North a 1 noi "Qt King Street West. oer | Oshawa, Ontario--725-356B8 » Ontario. Client IVATE teacher, student counsellor, |Nursing Homes bo ilable. years' experience. By interview Sontta ares RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS BH. [onty: Act now. 725-1054 Glencedar GREER, Associate Barristers and Solic- ALLMAN MAE MARSH, DEA, 0MA,| Mortgage loans available. |pre-school kinderdance. Fridays, Satur-| | Nursing Home Ltd | |PETER PAN Day Nursery, Monday | to |Priday, 581 Simcoe Street North, Teie- phone 728-2604. have experience with routes or door to/ Barristers GREER AN citors, etc., KELLY, Barristers, Soli- 114 King Street East ss vg 723-2273. itesidence Phones: J Greer, QC. po ger Terence Kelly, BA, BCL. 7708-583 Wintkd = hos aad ee KINGS COU RT apartment, private entrance, bath. ree young gentleman, close to General Sineratec. stove. Heat, hydro included, ey ment, telephone Ajax 942-0430. eS ROUTE MAN for dry cleaners. ~ Must | ; ; 23--Wanted To Rent WAITRESSES required, Apply Genosha| YOUNG MARRIED man wanted as BANK ACCOUNTANT tequires three Hotel. truck driver, able to meet public. Neat! pedr room house to rent; three children GIRL t work in modern food_ stare, iWinavee cx must. Apply wees in family. Telephone 725-6513 from 8 to five-day week. Apply _ in person. | anager, Commercial Food Mart. 6 Stroud's Food Market, 54 Simcoe North, | Richmond Street West |FART:TIME HELP tor weekends want-| EARN $89 WEERLY plus « free ward | voy Res 'ant,| Ise; Ritossa Road "south." be eseagiobig |Fashion Frocks to friends. No weber 10 | semegerseese - ment, canvassing, experience WOMAN to care for two, pre-school! Write North American Fashion Frocks children while mother works. From 8) Ltd. 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. L-1676, ja.m, to 1 p.m., five- -day week, 723- 7192. | | Montreal 39. GIRL WANTED for lunch counter and MAN 40 to 60. Handi i¢-dauae Help Wanted |icancrs, Whitby (668-2582 partment. range, refrigerator, oe facilities. TV outlet, Apply 320 | Frontenac Avenue. |CENTRE "STREET, 168 -- Three-room, ' private Spacious grounds gas range, centrally located, One child Prestige location tonengaga day care if required. Apply 'i abo: Attractive two bedroom suites. | Private balconies Elevator service Commercial Building, he of 'The |YOUNG engineering graduate wishes share apartment, Bowmanville, Osh- Whitby vicinity. Write to Box 235, wa Times. DOUBLE GARAGE _ amis} OR BUILDING XXXX SYLVIA STREET, 846 -- - One-bedroom {@partment, unfurnished, private bath- room, private entrance, heavy duty | Ree § bus stop at door. Available now. xxx on a x xxx Rax Raxx x itors, 130 King Street West. 728-6246.) ocing school. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, | RICHARD | H. DONALD, BA. "Barrister, days. Masonic Temple. 723-7253. "Sc ts cient emcrR agi * eltor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King! Street . " tor, ete. * North, " Solicitor. } King Street vs MANNING F. ~L DOC! jes Public, Bank of Commerce Build: * Building Trades Public, 52% Simcoe Fe TS se ee Neth, ies "LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics, Dual. Controlled OSHAWA and WHITBY CALL 728-0091 723-4943. Mortgage mon- fon nraabes. sass |" j|Loan Wanted = 7. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, r North,|$4000 APPROXIMATELY Office, iaactio. Residence, "yaaa. oe mortgage on house. McGIBBON and | BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for WMAN, AVID L., Barrister, > Soliei- dudes yg Bho South, 725-9502, Resi-| dence 728. 728-0264. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, "hanna Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage| inds available, 36% King Street East | Far llores. 965-7163. LOUIS 8, HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- | needed - Will pay 8 Ritson Road North, Columbus, Ontario Chronic and Custodial Patient's Care Hospital Insurance Plan and Private Patients Nursing Care Payment Plan Telephone Brooklin 655-4931 mee xx % x x x x x XXX XK LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA cent per annum. Reply Box 222,/ r Oshawa Times, Optometrist t mortgages, 29 Simcoe Street) Nor 725 3968; Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Money to loan. Office 14% East, Oshawa. 728-8232 |Money to Loan MORTGAGES SWARTZ AND RONALD| Moneys for first mortgages. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Interest at 7% Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, | 26%4 King Street East. 723-4697. Resi-| No bonus. dence, dial 723-4029. oa wor gabst ah, Mane pee Pat | Mortgages and Agrees Telephones: Business 723-2201. Resi- dence 728-5373. purchased. | pevsonaiatfieratiauich iS Oe Moneys for second mortgages coherent BOYCHYN and WILL- | arristers, Selicitors, 36% ins available. sireci Bast, Oshawa 4 R jum- i parevs, QC; GS. Boycnyn, BA, QC: Immediate services rendered, Hillman, LLB. Office 721-5177; M, F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East rasitis, "tere 728-4326; Whitby, MO 82761, 725-5203. N Oshawa, Ontario HA and other __ 723-4697 _ No charge for valuations. TON, DI , Barristers, Solicitors, DRYNAN AND MUR-| Notar: | NOW IN OSHAWA FOR THE FIRST TIME dnd & 3rd MORTGAGES | WITHOUT LEGAL FEES! | --Low monthly payments | --No Bonus --Discount for prepayment --Loans Life Insured NO LEGAL FEES! SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED "THE FASTEST-GROWING ALL-CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY" 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 Daily until 5:30 p.m. Wednesday until 8 p.m. Saturday till 12 Noon ing, 3 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, 723-3446, 5 bg gen - K. Creighton, QC; G. Drynan, QC, 723-854; G. L. Nurdeee 723.4768 Mortgages and agreements of sale bought, sold and arranged. ALL TYPES of building repairs, roof- ing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. Gordon May, 728-0394 Lig ALL your building re requirements, » cupboards a + ail Call) mul Vroom, Whitby, 668-4 YOUR local chimney shane Chinneys| built and foemen: 'gas linings installed, Free 723-2997. Cartage JOHN'S MOVING AND Oshawa, Whitby Fully equipped phone 728-3661 y STORAGE, Reasonable rates. and. insured, Tele-| Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, alterations, pant cuff- ing, shortie drapes. Reasonable. A | Butler, 187 Park Road South, 723-9565 EXPERIENCED dressmaking, al tions, pant cuffing. Reasonable rates.| Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476./ Fuel and Wood Furnace Cleanout _ FREE 17 OFFICES Mortgages IN ONTARIO and sold oe 31/ 1 You Purchase FINA FUEL USE THE lagreements - purchased |Hennick and Hennick, King Street E Ea 723; « OSHAWA TIMES PRIVATE and ration monies m ta! lend |gages and agreements of sie pur: chased. Creighton, Drynan and Mur- doch, _(See heading "Barristers. * : WISE buyers shop classified ads. For a COLUMNS you need see the Want Ads. De tt | today Classified. Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results. Chorge 6 consecutive doys 3:75 4.13 3 consecutive doys 2.25 2.48 If not paid within 7 days, " charge rate applies. Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additional line per month. Zeunt each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word Box number MEG ' wees 15¢ sa edna Werd ads ve 5 'p.m. day. previous Classified Display 2:30 p.m. day previous Lost and Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publication. Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- one incorrect insertion of ony advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawo Times reserves the right to clossify advertising In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more space than thot in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! adver tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement from on all types rin mort-| CLASSIFIED home. car, furniture, almost anything Cash (Not applicable for merchandise edvertisements.) |. Births, memoriams, cards 'of thanks -- 9 am. day of publication. | ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than according to its proper classification. if eny inoccuracies in ony form are contained therein, C, @, TUCK, RO, Optometrist. |Bank. or 74 Burk Street. Jexamined at home. Dial 725 4537 Well Drilling--Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE Please -- pay accounts at downtown Dominion) Invalids) Painting and Decorating _ |DON"S painting and decorating ser- vice. Prices lowest in town. Work guar- an Bowmanville 263-2780. DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging -- a Wall Murals y Painting 107 BYRON $7;S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | _| 668-2563 -- 668-3809 --'|{& r-| WHITBY, ONTARIO | 204 CHESTNUT ST, WEST P.O, BOX 329 | 1--Women's Column | is ING lessons in your own home | 'oup or individual. Also alteratioons jand _machine service. Dial 728-2976, | <itouse | PERMANENTS on special. Pag Hair |dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Taghane 725-5363. |Personal Service |2--Personal _ $6,000 TO | $6,500 WANTED © on "first a | PIANO, reed, pipe and electronie organ, mortgage for house | tuning and repair. Instruments apprais- jspring. T Telephone 728-31 95 _after 6. jed. i, Phone Ajax 942-1664 to be built this; SIGNS, show cards, paper banners, art|Box 333, Whitby, or wor at low prices. 726- 6697 MODERN GRILL ~ Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 May Advertising. |IF you nave a drinking problem write call 668-3034 or | 725- 0893 NYONE "interested in | joining ¢ a group lfor a weekend of chartered ice-fishing jon Lake Nipissing, sometime in late February Write | Times Removal of superfluous | hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Jan. 2Ist, 22nd, | and 23rd, Phone Genosha | Hotel on these dates for | Plumbing and Heating |ALL PLUMBING and heating suppiles. | |Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Ltd., | Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 35 _ Simcoe Street South jling, new and used materials. Reason- al ue rates. Estimates free . Dia } 119. }? 3, J. Foley. ______|Fox HOUND. |RE PAIRS and remodelling of all types,| months old, and two years old. Apply Reasonable 725-1334, Mc- new. and used materials rates. Free estimates G hb Plumbing and Heating. ALL WELL... But if you insist on the best . call GUSCOTT PLUMBING)seacur nouxp and HEATING Limited) 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 appointment. ELECTROLYSIS . | 723-464] _________ 3--Pets & _Livestock |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel- lsuacx a miniature | § poodle, registered, | | 1 four _months old. _ Telephone 728- 1067 two males, seven 1195 Wecker Drive. Telephone _725-B555 BOXER PUP -- purebred with papers, -----|five months old with ears clipped, tan in color, house trained, $100. a ay jther information, 72 1869 |BEAUTIFUL | baby budgies, ready. "for! jtraining, talking strain. Apply Mrs,| | Broad, ia Elgin Street East. or male, black | and tan, guaranteed on rabbit, fox and deer. Telephone 723-4166 after 5 p.m, 5--Farmer's Column Rug- -Upholstery Service jre-styled, Free estimates material for holstering, CHESTERFIELDS re-covering. Dalton 75 Charles Street 723- 7212 and old chairs re- FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale |civered like new, Get the best for less|Telephone 142 Simcoe |3-2721 jat Modern Upholsterers, South, Call 728-6451. Free estimate. CHESTERFIELDS rebuill, _ recovered, like new. fare reasonable, Satisfaction teed. Mattresses rebuilt. holstery Co., guaran. Oshawa Up-| 10 Bond W. Dial 725-0911 Why pay more? Our rates; 15 YORKSHIRE pigs, eight weeks old, Other evenings ny appointment \CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistered and {°t_S#l¢: Telephone Whitby 668-3854. See po TEN Yorkshire pigs, Up-| Telephone 723-9081 "eight weeks old |CASH on the spot, Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock Collect. Hampton, COlfax Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone |Licence 149 11--Articles For Rent "Dishes, , Cutlery, ( Glasses, Punch Bowls Sales and Service ~ OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE SCOTT MOTORS McCullough Chain Sow SALES & SERVICE OSHAWA MARINE SERVICE 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 Surveyors H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ont Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, tario Land Surveyor. Commercial bive print, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5332. Ontario | 'On- | TV -- Radio Repairs VAN'S TV SERVICE. makes. I. 728-1206. TV AERIALS | DO WEAR OUT REPLACE NOW While weather and prices are at their best. TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST CALL 728-6781 Repairs on ail Vanvolkenburg, 314 Haig Brandy, Wine, Cocktail Glasses | Roasting Pans | Coffee Urns jadults, Box 229, Oshawa .. variety store. Apply 345 Ritson Road South. WOMAN to care "for "two | pre-schoo children while mother works. Live in. Telephone 726-0210 after 5 p.m, Older) | woman preferred HOUSEKEEPER to care for three chil- dren while mother works. Good afer +4 Weekends off. Telephone Whitby 5069. SALFSLADY, age 25 to 35, with knowl-} edge of sewing. Permanent position. Salary and commissions. Apply in per- son, Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1416 Ontario Street, Oshawa HOUSEKEEPER for family of three modern home, permanent posi- tion for right person, reference. Non smoker preferred, Apply Box 232, Osh- awa Times, | RESPONSIBLE woman to live in, do pie housekeepitig, Must be fond of| hilidern. Three miles from Port| Hope Write Mrs. E. Fischer, Tall Tim-| bers, Canton, Ontario. Telephone Port Hope, 885-2198 A YOUNG woman, single, wanted Bowmanville or Oshawa area, for Gen-| eral Store work, Full time, Must have! |some experience Telephone 725- 5911 | |A GOOD start for the new year. Be-| come a Beauty Counselor. Manager's position available. Call Mrs. Elliott, GITY OF OSHAWA Bookkeeper - through to trial Machine operation ience an asset. from experienced balance. exper- Apply: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT CITY HALL, OSHAWA Telephone CANVASSER Required for sales otfice. Salary and Bonus. Good Hours. Call for interview DUMONT ALUMINUM 333 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-1651 YOUNG WOMEN TO ASSIST SUPERVISOR IN ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT working from your home using your own telephone. Highest Commissions. Telephone /28 - 0840 Evenings or write: 20th CENTURY FOODS 71 Bridgeland Avenue, TORONTO, Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted S-INCH table saw and six-inch jointer, both with % HP motor; also jig saw wanted. Whitby 668-4118. _ _ WANTED -- } SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals (collect) |. TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-2281 | SHAW: AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metols, et bought Open Saturday ail day. Phone | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. | |13--Business Opportunities| FOR SALE or rent, vacant store with modern apartment above. Would > sider part trade on other property, Fo information. apply 374 Wilson Roa 4) South or telephone 725-0266. | 17--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED apple tree Apply Pollock Orchards, north Whitby I. B. M. Tabulating Machine Operator Applicant should be conver sant with 083, 077, 519 and 407 machines and possess sufficient experience to wire and operate with a minimum of supervision. "pruner. | Yne mile Modern new office, with Cafeteria Company paid medical Hosiptal and Insurance Benefits Apply Personnel Office Dunlop Canada Ltd. Whitby, 668-3361 pol |. G. -- | appointment. }surrounding Oshawa. Worth |$12,000 in a year, plus bonus. Write Stephens, Vice Pres., Texas Re- Fort Worth 1, "PD orite| Must be wired, suitable for small shop, and have extra parking space, perferably on Main Street or Highway. finery Corp., Box 711, exas. |TWO SALESMEN to call on service stations, etc., in Oshawa, Whitby and surrounding areas. Dealership to quali-|-- {fied applicants. For interview and fur-| ther details, telephone Mr. D. Timleck, Fuller Brush Company, 728-8130 DRIVFR for oil truck, mechanically! inclined, to learn furnace clean-out end Steady for right man. Refer- preferred. Call 725-1212 for Required Immediately For single gentleman, self- contained furnished aport- ment or flat with kitchen- ette service. ences TAX! DRIVERS Preferably between 25 - 40 Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAXI] 725-477) Ajax--Pickering--Whitby Areo Reply to: SUITE 2010 8 KING STREET EAST TORONTO 1, ONTARIO 725-5555 or 728-7913 Controlled entrances Garages Paved Parking Don Howe Daytime 725-7732 Evenings 723-9692 | Howe and Peters Realtors: MODERN APARTMENTS Quiet Residential Street ~ DRAFTSMEN- TO $4500 architectural plan lay- required by Ajax Man- ufacturer of sheet metal products. Should have at least intermediate qualifica- tions and minimum of years experience. Salary open to $4500 depending on qualifications and exper- |24--Houses _For Rent |TWo- ROOM cottag No children, please. |telephone 728. 8125. For For bedroom bungalow, outs, jary 1. | monty. 668-5280. BEAUPRE &§ brick home, five rooms, three rooms, unfurnished, near school, and South GM. Possession February No objection to After children, 6 evenings, . > partly , turnished. particulars, | TRICKSON' S ROAD NORTH -- - 'Three- available Febru- $80 Whitby STREET -- - Lovely 1 ranch POR cand tenants $110, monthly. 728- Convenient To Park Rd. North and King St. West REASONABLE RENTS For Information PARKWOOD MANOR bs! APARTMENTS 725-7272 ience. Permanent position with expanding company. Full employee benefits. Telephone 942-6500 Ajax Mr. Wilson for appointment. WANTED ENERGETIC DRIVER SALESMAN For a Well Established Retail Milk Route Remuneration on a' salary and commission basis along with liberal medical hospital benefits etc. Pension plan is also available. An excellent opportunity for steady well paid employment for the right man. Applicants: must have Ontario 'chauffers lic- ence. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment coe North 8. 'elephone OPEN for inspection NOW LEASING DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. GOVERNOR MANSIONS 110 Park Rd. N., Oshawa OSHAWA'S FINEST | ELECTRICALLY HEATED APARTMENTS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED PHONE DAYTIME 723-2265 AFTER 5:30 APPLY BOX 334 OSHAWA TIMES Round the Clock | READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Pieory Stinson 725-0243 teve Macko 728-5868 Read Les Hall 728-5513 | Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Times | Reg Aker 725-0201 |25---Apt. & Flats For Rent 728-9217 | 728- |LOWER APARTMENT -- -- heat, water Fey lights supplied, high powered wir. TV outlet, Apply 102 Church Street Telephone 725-0355, THRFE-ROOM heated | apartment, pre vate bath and entrance, cupboards, sink, tile, hardwood, close to Shoppi Centre, After 6 evenings, 723-1056. | PICKERING, | MAIN § STREET -- ig rooms, private bath, u month, heat included, middle-aged |couple preferred. -_Telephone 942-5540 |ATHOL STREET EAST -- Upper am piex, unfurnished, private bathroom, private entrance. Immediate posmennte joi] heated, Telephone 728-2653 |ADELAIDE ST. Newly decorated, tux nished, three room apartment, Private bath and entrance. $75 monthly, Close to hospital and downtown. Adults per- ig Apply * Robert Street. Avail- February 1st. '26--Rooms For Rent SINGLE room. Gentleman preferred, aus Telephone 7 723-1830. |FURNISHED room in minutes walk from Motors, Telephone 723-2408. FURNISHED 1 housekeeping room for gentleman, heavy duty stove, sink. Also single rooms, Close --_ | ping Centre, , 63 Grenfell, 725-8721 PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and Double. Television. Dining Room, Lunches Packed. 725-0078 46 | withvonnis subset until March 15. en 468 Sim-| Ralph Schofield 728-3376 _ Want Ads 17--Male Help Wanted WANTED SALESMAN Experience not necessary but an asset. We will train you if you qualify, applicant must be over 21, ambitious, willing to put in long hours,, desirous of making a minimum of $8,000 yearly. Want to get ahead in life, call Mr. Bolahood at 725-6544 of 725- 8333. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR | OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN 4908 SIZES 2-10 | FOR TEEN DOLLS By ALICE BROOKS Most glamorous wardrobe de- {signed for the teen model doll | little girls love best. New! Easy - knit wardrobe for famous 1144-inch teen model dolls. Pattern coat, hat, slacks, hooded top, 3- piece suit, skirt. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, 7160: directions, |- A IS FOR A-LINE By ANNE ADAMS Easy to sew, easy to see why this A-line jumper with side pleats is the hit of the young world. Whip it up in a day with blouse. please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add lc sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft Show stars smocked accessories --it's our new Needlecraft Cat- alog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you designs to. knit, crochet, sew, weave, embroider, quilt. Plus |free pattern. Send 25c now! Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay --~|tern Dept., Prnted Pattern 4908: Chil- dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 jumper takes 1% yards 39-inch fabric; blouse 1 yard. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. : Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- Oshawa, Ont, Just out! 304 design ideas plus coupon for FREE pattern --any. one ,you choose in new Spring - Summer Pattern Cata- loz. Send 50c¢ now

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