10. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedn MR. Oshawa Pair Honored By Friends At Reception in Toronto A much respected Oshawa couple, Mr. and Mrs, Walter D. Bell, Lauder road, were honor- ed at a reception held at' the Evangelical Church of the Deaf, Toronto, on Saturday evening, celebrating their golden wed- ding anniversary. The reception was arranged by the family and some 60 ests attended including the everend Robert Rumball, pas- tor of the church, and Mrs. Rumball, with whom Mr. and Mrs, Bell have enjoyed a long association. Mrs. Lorne Kirkwood, Toron- to, was hostess for her parents who were addressed by Mr. Ar- chie Macdonald, Montreal, a fellow student of Mr. Bell at Gallaudet College. Mrs. Norman Stodgell and Mrs. Margaret Harris presided at the tea table and serving were Miss Pearl Hermon and Miss Helen Bond, a niece. The couple received numer- ous greeting cards amd flowers} from family, friends and asso- ciates. Official greetings were read and the guests autograph- ed an illuminated scroll. Mr, and Mrs. Bell met as stu- dents at Gallaudet College, Washington, D.C. and were married in Toronto. He was ie ea ai hae nee hae ee esday, January 16, 1963 AND MRS. WALTER D. born in Nashville, Tennessee and Mrs. Bell, the former Miss Lottie Jameson was born in Carman, Manitoba, where her father, the late Mr, John W. Jameson was editor and pub- lisher of The Dufferin Leader. The couple started married life in Birmingham, Alabama, and in 1921 came to Toronto where Mr. Bell was employed by the Goodyear Tire Corpora- tion, They moved to Oshawa in 1928 and after taking limotype training in Philadelphia for two years, Mr. Bell joined the com- posing room staff of The Osh- awa Times where he has been employed for the past 33 years. Their family consists of a} son, Dr. F, Jameson Bell and) two daughters, Mrs. Lorne Kirk-| wood (Lillian), Toronto; and Mrs. W. F. Dunn (Margaret), London, Ontario and five grand- children, Dr. Bell graduated from OCVI and received his doctorate in agronomy from) Cornell University. He is at ---- P ea ee as owe ' ean Amy Mh S| oR AG ih a Ai ell ile i alin all Rilet clalinai A f ANN LANDERS To Infidelity Dear Ann Landers: This |s no phony letter. It's strictly on the level and I need your opinion, 'A social craze has hit this town It's called "Mix-Mates."' The in- vitation we received yesterday read as follows: "You are cordially invited for cocktails and dinner at Bill and Mary X's home on January 25th, But you may not come with your husband, He is' in- vited, of course, but he must escort someone else's wife. You will not know the identity of your escort until he arrives, Your husband will receive a phone call soon assigning a date. But it must be a deep, dark secret and he is not to tell anyone--not even you. Of course you will be escorted home' by the man who brought you. R.8.V.P." I don't want to be a wet fire- cracker but the whole idea of- fends me. My husband says it's novel and should be fun, What would we tell our teenage chil- dren about such a party? Help. BELL --Oshawa Times Photo Open Invitation wR Se beginners, Since this column ap- I'm not selling anything--just trying to cut carnage and mu- tilation on highways and city streets. Do you know who the real menaces are--the honest t'good- ness threats to life and limb? It's not the teenagers as you might believe--it's those old gaffers who got their drivers' licences back in 1902, when they didn't even have to take a test. Year after year they send in for renewals and they get them. My great uncle is 83 years old. room, Half the time the battery in his hearing aid is dead and hé doesn't know it, His lumbago is so bad he's on crutches most of the time. Yet the law says he can drive from New York to California if he feels like it. How about crusading for some sensible legislation? --F.J. Dear F, J.: Most states, I am happy to report, have aban- doned the antiquated system of action. - Dear Ann Landers: There's a/)> He can't see across the living/C. EN tien pomger grr Ley eae ae ee tie as a ee a ac In Illinois, for example, all drivers who reach the age of 70 must take a test as if they were pears in 50 states I would be interested maybe we can shame them into woman who works in this office beth. Her desk is on the aisle. the Year One, the boss, out of respect for old age introduces her to all the big shots who come this way. gets up, and extends her hand with a regal flourish, Isn't this bad manners? Shouldn't a woman remain seated and wait for the gentleman to extend his hand? How about putting the ig- noramus straight?--B.D, AND Dear B.D.: Sorry, Queen is right. It's perfectly proper for a woman to stand at her desk when being intro- RICH TURNIP Turnip contains a good sup- ply of vitamin C and minerals and should be stored at tem- SPA at 4 in 'learning which|is states still have the horse and|i buggy laws, If you let me know, | who thinks she is Queen Eliza-|) Since she has been here since|i® It is sickening the way she|} duced to a person of importance, |* And, of course, the woman al-|» |ways extends her hand first. renewing driving licences auto- matically, to retain them, peratures of 34 to 40 degrees Please.--FRAIDY CAT Dear Fraidy: Tell your teen- age children that married peo- ple go to parties together and they come home together, which is why you and their father can- not accept this tasteless and re- volting invitation. There's enough extra-marital hanky-panky . without changing partners for kicks and calling it novelty night. Dear Ann Landers: Your col- umn is an excellent forum for presenting issues to the public. I feel this one is sufficiently im- APOLOGY ! men of Oshawa and Dist Portant to merit your support. Johnston's Men's Wear at 8 Simcoe St. N., offer the keeping them waiting for their V2 Yearly Sale of suits, coats and seasonal merchandise. 2 Yearly Sale starts Thursday, January 17th, 1963, rict a sincere apology for CONVENER Mrs. G. F. Watson is the convener of the Night of Cards | being held at the Adelaide Mc- Laughlin School, January 29, sponsored by the Home and School Association. LOCATIONS .IN OSHAWA TO.SERVE YOU!! --Oshawa Times Photo present in Djakarta, Ind Their family, home and gar- den have, perforce, been the couple's iife interest and they are active members of the Life in the Arctic Evangelical Church of the Deaf. Mr, Bell is also a member of the executive of the Ontario As- sociation for the Deaf. JUICY Fascinating Study | Seen in Pictures Swift's Tendered BEEF STEAKS OR ROASTS! Nay | For the first meeting of the) new Year members of the Ly-| day, March 2, at the Masonic|ceum Club and Women's Art! Association enjoyed the unique| Temple. tojexperience of a trip to Sisters will be pleased to) 1 thet learn Sister Mary Dyer has been| Arctic, conveyed by Mrs. -- her received into Kinoven Lodge,|ray Hofstetter who, with | REBEKAR LODGE NO. 3 | Brooklin, by transfer. . husband spent a year ai Port The regular meeting of Osh-| cister Evelyn Fickes has an|#a@rrison on Hu son's Bay. awa Rebekah Lodge No. 3) interesting pe arranged| Mrs. Hofstetter's colored was held Wednesday evening/14- this coming lodge night,|Slides and narration transported in the lodge room. Sister Dorothy Holdsworth cele-|her listeners to a land of blow-| _, Grand, ~ Ann --_ brated her birthday this month. ing sand = drifing ney ere presided for the meeting, assist- Sister Blanche Swinson and|"ig°rous living yet imbued with) ed by Vice-Grand, Sister Aida the majesty of brooding moun- Tonkin. committee served refreshments, tains, swiftly running rivers and} ® ROUND © RUMP ©@ SIRLOIN © WING © PORTERHOUSE Special This Week! BB | has planned a euchre for Satur-} LODGES AND SOCIETIES Vice-Grand, Sister Aida Ton- kin gave the report of the visit- ing committee, Sisters Violet Keeler and Sister Annie Mitchell also visited the sick. District Deputy, Sister Flossie Ball was absent due to home care, We wish Brother Ball bet- ter health in the coming year. A suggestion box, to raise money for C.P. and T. fund, is: on display in the lodge room. All suggestions are welcomed and appreciated |the home of her ancestors. AIDS CHURCH FUND | (CP) -- this Yorkshire village's Angli-| SMOKING DANGER Women who smoke may have e| smaller, even physically infer- jor babies, a survey by New Zealand's Otago Medical School The C.P. and T. committee showed. a } | ter; | iby Mrs, }school students who had won | the vast sweep of the heavens. | KIRK DEIGHTON, England)tures of the clusters of build- Mrs. Charles B. Welch| ings that made up the seven of Tacoma, Wash., has donated) establishments of Port Harri- $1,500 towards the restoration of son: Nursing Station, can church. Kirk Deighton was! Misciog the RCMP Station, the SON Weather Station, and the) _| during {Oshawa Little Theatre for the Mrs. Hofstetter showed pic- the Radio Station, the the Anglican |Hudson's Bay warehouse and/ |store, the school and school teacher's house. The mail plane, the cherished! link with the outside wor! d,) arrived once a month except freeze-up or break-up) times and the RCAF -Rescue Squad was ever-ready in emer- gencies, Mrs, Hofstetter showed many) jphases of Eskimo life im all/ seasons; pictures taken inside) igloos where the temperature is) always below freezing in win- inside tents for summer dwelling, hunting, fishing, bar-| tering in the Hudson's Bay store and fox-trotting in sealskin boots at a dance in the schoolhouse The sequence ended with the} ice break-up, June 20 and the) midnight sun casting a pearly] j light at midnight at Port Harri-| | son. The speaker was introduced] K. Maurice Hutchison jand thanked by Mrs, Uriah) ESSEX, FRESH, MILD SWEET, PICKLED FRESH, LEAN, BONELESS LOIN PORK PRESSWOOD'S, READY-TO-SERVE -- 2 CRYOVAC BONELESS HAMS * '"*" BOLOGNA (BY-THE-PIECE) BEEF TONGUES NEW LOW u. 79° u. 29° u. 35° PRICES FREEZER ORDER SPECIALS Side 260-275 av. RED BRAN > 53% us. Swift's Tendered 48: LB, |Jones who presided. Letters Hind Front 130-140 av, 130-140 av, 63° LB. 49° LB. 55°. 44°... d, CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS were read from secondary SHOP and SAVE at... scholarship prizes and from the Agnes Corben Memorial fund. | Afternoon tea and a_ social) half-hour brought the -- afternoon toa close, 46 SIMCOE N, -- 725-3564 SHEPHARD'S Meal Markets 909 SIMCOE N, -- 728-7041 GLOW OF GOLD In a season where elegance is so impottant, gold jewelry, whether real or fake, has a very special place. With the opulent look ia mind, Riche lieu created this glowing jew- | elry set of golden nuggets The necklace is in three strands and it is complemeni- ed by the gold drop earrings --By TRACY ADRIAN SAVE! GUERNSEY GOLD COSTS re LESS! SAVE! In Half-Gallon PURE-PAC THROW-AWAY CARTONS QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS OSHAWA, ONTARIO P -..at the Store CONTACT OUR ROUTE SALESMAN OR PHONE 728-6241 TODAY! SAVE! Be Satisfied With Our complete line of SWEET PRODUCTS in all Le ty / RESH DAIRY ackage sales. Or At Your Door!" SUITS OUTERCOATS SPORT COATS SPORTSHIRTS AND SWEATERS 20% OFF CAR AND SUBURBAN COATS 30% OFF 10 KING ST. WEST