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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jan 1963, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY If you have troubles, forget them; if you haven't, tell others how you do it. he Oshawa Gi WEATHER REPORT ° Mainly clear and cold today and Tuesday. Winds west 15 this evening. VOL, 92 -- NO. 11 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1963 et peatape et Coan, SIXTEEN De Gaulle Blunt On U.K. Entry PARIS (AP) -- President de| Speaking at a press confer-| Gaulle clearly indicated todayjence, the president made the} that he felt Britain occupies anjbluntest stat ement yet on) economic position incompatible/France's attitude to Britain's with the Common Market, but/entry into the Common Market. he said if the British govern-| He said Britain had asked to ment wishes to re - orient its|join the Common Market but economy the six member states|with her own conditions. Brit- ould welcome her entry with|ain, he said, is insular, mari- @en arms. jtime and linked through the |Commonwealth with distant, di- | versified countries. Brit- jain' is stly - De Gaulle Not arsccerynsanat it ithe agriculture, he went on. | Subscribing To. "In brief," de Gaulle said, "the nature and structure of Britain is profoundly different Bahamas Deal \from the continental states." {This posed a great problem on PARIS (Reuters) -- President| how to fit Britain into the Com- de Gaulle told a press confer-/mon Market, ence today he does "not think) anyone thinks we can subscribe to The Bahamas agreement" in which President Kennedy of- fered to supply France with Po- laris submarine. missiles. Speaking of the Anglo-Amer- ican agreement at Nassau to MAY BREAK TIES He added, however, that there has sometimes been reason to think that Britain is considering transforming itself to apply all the conditions accept ed and practised by the six Commons Market members. But the ques- This is a section of highway between Volendam and Edam, have single Plows a Netherlands. managed to open Shot Dead In Revolt LOME, Togo (AP)--A strug- gle for leadership of this tiny lwest African country appeared to be developing today in the wake of a sergeants' revolt and lthe assassination of President Sylvanus Olympio. | Two men emerged as possi- ible heads of a aew government Togo Chief | $13 BILLION U. TAX CUTS URGEL JFK Asks Biggest oe Cut In History WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- den' Kennedy proposed today ithe biggest income tax cut in United States history -- a $13,- 500,000,000 slash to take effect in three annua! steps between now and 1965, Individual taxpayers eventu- lally would save about $11,000,- (000,000 a year under the top priority program which Kennedy junveiled in his traditional State iper cent "to a more sensible range of 14 to 65 per cent." He jasked Congress to lower the tep 'corporate rate from 52 per to the pre-Korea level of 47 cent, About one-fourth of the re- | sulting revenues losses would*be jrecouped through tax refor#is, /Kennedy said. oe TV, RADIO COVERAGE = This lifting of the secrét SCENE NEAR AMSTERDAM (AP Wirephoto via cable from Amsterdam). |--fornmer premier Nicolas Gru- nitsky, 49, and Idrissou Antoine Meatchi, 27, a former opposition leader in the Togo assembly. A military revolutionary com- mittee that engineered the Sun- day coup is reported to have appealed to Grunitsky, a broth- of the Union message to Con-|wraps from the long - awail gress, The rest of the benefits|tax package was easily would go to corporations, high poe = the pean ie 4 First - stage rate cuts pro-|Sage, broadcast live on all na posed for 1963 would total $6,-\tional television and radio nét |000,000 -- roughly equivalent to Works, in which Kennedy also: the biggest tax reductions of the) 1, Implied the United States past, and its allies are winning the cold. war at a time when Sino- Kennedy said he wants indi- jvidual tax rates whacked from |the present range of 20 to 91) build a multilateral nuclear NATO force, de Gaulle said: "I repeat that France intends to have her own national defence." er-in-law of the slain: president to return to Lome from exile in | neigh 'boring Dahomey to form a Rumors spread that Meatchi)- was already back in Lome from exile in Ghana, which also| | Nesta antag bese, SHOMbe Reported cused by the Olympio govern-| ment of aiding exiled political " Favoring UN Plan apart from taxes, ranges f: conspirators, Meatchi, a French - educated Moslem and former civil serv- ant, was arrested in 1960 for; ELISABETHVILLE -- Pres-, Last reports said a UN ground) the proposed creation of a ¢o- ident Moise Tshombe of Ka-jforce had advanced from Jadot-|mestic peace corps to enactm@ht tanga province is reported tojville to within 50 miles of Kol-jof the medicare plan, NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Usu- to mean the Indian legislature,) Peking with Indonesian Foreign' conspiracy, He weat to Ghana y well-i P sources today inated by Nehru's Congress'Miister Subandrio. ally well-informed sources today|dominated by } 4 IS ONLY CASUALTY | have said today he still faVors! wezi, | Congress arranged a s applying United Nations Secre-). sources at UN headquarters|Joint session in the House cham tary-General U Thant's plan for)i," New York reported" Indian ber to hear the president de- |Soviet frictions reveal "the seeds of internal disintegration" in the Communist camp, 4 2. Challenged the Soviet Un- ion to make a choice betwegn continued conflict with the West and '"'the path to ee cade U.S. is ready for either e ality, he declared, pon 3, Revealed the bare bones.@t a legislative program, whith tion now, de Gaulle said, is to |know if Britain can put herself into a position to drop tht ties : ; .|with the Commonwealth, cease France also considered it nec- to protect her agriculture and to essary and normal to have al- A P : \ : break her ties with the free liesn but did not want to lose trade area nations. He said it ee its own is up to Britain to reply. For a certain time the United|, Referring to possibilities of a ? larger Atlantic community in --, co tn ll 8 reat which the United States would by 4 | ; , he Soviet Union also had atomic presumably be the leader, h per ; Niarye : ; jsaid this might be justified in basing de Gaulle said. the eyes of some but that this The Soviets also have a nu- is not what France wanted when clear armament sufficiently north of Amsterdam, in The lane in the feet-deep drifts. India Said Accepting Border Rift Proposals SYLVANUS OLYMPIO : oe ig whys TAILS ; were. Although precise details w found includin gaircraft. rock: be revealed until Jaler 4 rms and ammutition" Fire Destroys Samac Rover Den . Page Fire Destroys Seagrave Home ... Page Woodview Park Gets Bathe Award CNR Official Honored On Retirement ..... Page 7 Nuns Lost From Katanga Mission LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo (Reuters)--Seven Belgian nuns are missing from a mission sta- tion in the strife-torn South Ka- sai region of The Congo repub- lic, diplomatic sources said to- day The sources said no further details were available, but they were awaiting the return of a European who had goné to in- vestigate the general situation in South Kasai Some reports place the num- ber of deaths since tribal fight- ing broke out in the diamond. mining area as high as 400, but official sources say they think these exaggerated bo Veterans old Banquet ..... Page 3 Five Cars Damaged In Pickering " . He said that if Britain de-|qualified acceptance of Afro-|ernment's reaction. America into question. That is Ofori-Atta is going to Peking |side the U.S . Embassy early : \France to change her past rela-| The sources said India indi-| Would abide by Parliament's de-/ viding a chance for further talks|was the only casualty of the h to France had no current im- Congo, . d ia K ea's biggest address. " kolobwe, once Katanga's biggest : described his tax ourselves our own atomic ; "ke ; R c , Besides France, the Market ing lear the New Delhi gov- : portant mining centre of Kol+| miles s é Pade' sible program--the i andar gop tate he day, told reporters he believed) mands conceraing the easternjoutside the unlocked embas miles. southeast of Kolwes, 4 h and went on: | |mat meetings Sunday with Wing/Ghina and India "together fot }sovernpiént's ymin. reserva-| family) removed it. n + affairs/militafized zone in the Galwan his government were arrested.|. Tshombe warned them against the free disposition of one's self cil, Ceylonese Prime Minister miyistry spokesman t ae S' "4 : rejand Ghana's Justice Minister} ificati i » the! wi : lide Later veges Hic. febiekes it MIKRO CHORIO, Greece a jclarifications provide for jwhere the Chinese mopped up|side Lome, against their government. The) Rai corvice was reported re-/it-an effort to meet anticipated laris missile t Ini y ni yreck . .|posals. anw ime " te > wa lal . Mare reside or French Cong ic ; : 3 les from the United day night and wrecked or bu-| posals Meanwhile, the Times of In-\nderstood to have told Mrs.'sion last March and President! mer French Congo republic. of Northern Rhodesia, and. Besides calling for gradual siles or nuclear warheads t- st 12 sons w iss-|be put before Parliament, due arliame mC i ; ; ane ° afin 3 ies 0: warheads to a jat least 12 persons were miss ' tion in Parliament recommend-) these Posts. scene. to Kolwezi, but he would not supplies from Rhodesia to the Kennedy advanced two compan e e |basic Indian demand for restor- minimum, he added The enactment of tax re V eT Little Re action China announced earlier this, president was rallying his fol-| through lower rates. Reforms y ° INSIDE... ] ar ; next year, . |Egypt, Ceylon, Ghana, Cambo-) td " what remained of his secession- ° corporations in order. to. in Mrs. Bandaranaike came 'ereloft the United States today and| tures plunged to nearly 60 below) TShombe. that if he did not Accompanying the tempest jtax liabilities, He said Canada made com-|T. C. Douglas of the NDP de-| Deaths blamed on the wintry reported in Tennessee, Kentucky dustry--the UN would fly in a end of nuclear armamant for re 9 consideration of tax legislation: the North Atlantic Treaty Or- ety catch as "unrealistic." snow - covered highways it was 34 above in Anchorage,! Tshombe also was to get no- reaction from at least one quar- h timid or slow. For this is the ada should live up to those com- bah Gur Mirena aversear a00 at heavy loss by a rash of 'ires,, most areas, a howling snow- !ng installations and_ electric w i : v y J.S. fin- The president did not specify baker and Defence Minister There would be a l aes oe & é ; q " money could better be spent on The unseasonable cold. in State. The wind - blown snow for trial by the central Congo policy in the last few years, But dian finger on the safety catch." o| : should take effect. pa : ; There is no way that damage to citrus and vegetable leans County to the north, | : RE se with the government's own. lin, fofmer adijutant-general of tive control over nuclear weap- \ u vere cold spell caused millions' fot in rural areas. Winds were a decision was on military The Liberals had made Can- weeks the government ' . bial in ah a x ks that 8 Florida escaped the current cold) Buffalo Airport was closed for Diefenbaker said he would com-|*C2?0"5 and there is therefore years in office, Mr, Douglas southeastern Georgia areas, ge of Social Credit said he "cate- want to do the same militarily. possible opening is the prime ___ ee secassicstacees : measuring 17 inches reported in national. convention Friday. NE W PEARSON STAND 'was indicated, | for the New Democratic and So- ; 4 Sicides not to join the Common)Asian proposals for settling the' An official communique Sun- the new and gigantic fact. jtion with Britain. He paid trib-|cated this to three representa-| cision. |that might pave the way for di-|fast-paced revolt, Gunfire was x jute to Britain's contribution to tiy { the non-aligned Colombo j In a communique issued 220 mijitary base. 15 j . .| Kennedy, sient m The peace plan was unoffici-}2 a.m, and at dawn the 60-year- military. base, 15 miles south force." ; : | tome . pag eae is: | nde: countries are West Germany, sly he , ' |wezi -- Tshombe's last strong- r ' woundest way © r ernment is not entirely happy the six non - 'dligned Colombo) sector of its Himalayan border! | Ba wave. fos Prt accom: 7 modern times no nation, can con- j with China, | was lask ini sersonnel: modated 2,000 to 3,900. men, was land Luxembourg. Prime Minister: Nehru held ti-|2° Ch The body was taken into ain administrative Ratha al nted., . » 5 ' m d : far " "The need to have allies-goes Landslide Wrecks {Cmdr. Aly Sabry, «president~ of} naace' talks, ' {Mons hncerne' a proposed de-| Moy said <"enormous n said "by)River area of Ladakh, on the|They were reported unharmed "certai gitators' allegedly ; } | i and to keep it is also a necessity Mrs, _Sirimavo Y Paiva A og , Yl ets, anti-tank mines and 4.2-/Month, it was apparent the would not be oe i i Kofi Ofori-Atta, who had come} pring) ' : *hinese| Indi : nye % : abel saigags eh : 1 e ) (AP)--A huge landslide tore into jprinciple that the latest Chinese!Indian outposts. Olympio visited the United) communique was received in stored between Elisabethville Opposition from congressional States since it does not have) ried 60 of the 100 homes Nehru was reported to have/dia in a front-page story says)Bandaranaike it was not pre-| Kennedy praised him as'"'an ex-- A UN spokesman here said trains | began 'moving over itrate cues, to lessen the adverse tach to the missiles. ing. Five persons were hurt. to meet Jan, 21, This was taken ing a "favorable response" with. ---- -- say when. The UN is hoping to Katanga carital, ion proposals that would aim in | 4 1, jation of the China-India frontier Diplomatic informants ex- forms recouping $3,500,000,000 of month it has given a "positive! lowers for a last-ditch stand to) |would begin going into. effec /E es - ' het Eight Injured In | 2 A plan to gradually speed idia, Indon an rma--the m pot 2 ' ist domain n ae eapons an ape pe ig a Aa agai CHICAGO (AP)--Winter's icy) through the northern plains into | 9 |crease revenues by $1,500,000.- weapons whose tactical purpose gorically condemns" the Liberal) after a similar peace mission to) 1, immediate general break in'in Montana over the weekend, |Peavefully surrender Kolwezi-- ever Liberal Leader Lester B.! y a h 9] Kennedy also emphasized, a mitments to accept: such arma- scribed Mr. Pearson's reference} weather -- exposure, fires and/and northern parts of Georgia Gurkha battalion to take it' by Canadian troops, there was an ' } "Now is the time to act," he ganization and the North Amer- "Social Credit is vigoriously passed the 40 mark, Alaska. lice that if his followers carried ter. mast urgent task confronting mitments, he said. home.' sald Me Caguctte: 'The mounted into the millions of dol-)Storm off Lake Erie battered power dam in ithe area, he Harkness accused the opposition ger on the trigger," he said, gos ar pil y ' Page 3 80Y_ particular date on which food for the world's hungry. southern Texas, southern Cali. pounded Erie County and to a|government as a war criminal neither commented directly on Among the first to comment' . - he could have any effec- crops. Farmers started their The storm dumped six inches 4 sey a eaacing the Canadian Army. He said/ons if the U.S, decided to use There has been increasing of dollars damage to vegetable UP to 35 m.p.h. and visibility was f Sore 2 grounds and he knew of no ada an economic satellite of the plans a new statement on nu- snap, along with areas of the one hour, Power service was Mearcnan'e etaje.|me reason to accept them." said, and .Mr. Pearson's state- ment on Mr. Pearson's state- The below-zero zone extended Much of Michigan was snow- minister's scheduled address to Peliston in the lower peninsula, From other quarters, there | Michigan aeronautics officials) cial Credit parties condemned a leader's stand and} | tion indicated heavy icing prob- ably caused the crash Saturday af a private plane which killed three New York men in War- ren, a suburb of Detroit. Soldier Adrift For 48 Hou ; she joined the Common Market./reported India has indicated) Party, would endorse the gov-} , -- " powerful to call the life of } MAY TALK FURTHER | Shot down on the street out- - Market there is no reason for|China-India border dispute. day night said the government on a mission seen here as pro-;Sunday, Olympio apparently 1 ' De Gaulle said the U.S. offer the peaceful reunification of The) yj troops have taken over Shin-|liver the annual pace - sett ee to ig and ee S SUCCESS jrect Sino-Indian negotiations, |heard in the streets around "We will build and employ} yj ' SUULUESS ? Hes . ; : nkage. as. »* |historical development. sonfererce powers while mak- | miles west of here at the im: wac Jo } package as "a fiscally re confererce powers M Sabny, who left for Egypt to-|ally reported to meet India's de-|old president's body was. four west of Jadotville and about 90 De Gaulle conceded that injy, i : | sapere etiaeal | aly, Belgium, The Netherlands) w -sec: rOpos ; gate, hold -- the secessionist leader time a balanced y s with the still-secret proposals. ers achieved a "great. suc-| : | ° . ry " duct a world war on its own ss" in their efforts to bring|. It wis understood the Indian embassy, and later Olympie's| in Elicabe ial, le re 1 of the other members of await instructions. without saying. But to have also! v ll I C the United Arab Republic coun-|" An Indian external * illage In Greece : andaranaike | . s / ster ai iw 4 it awe ave eats ot c ; i a uea ome" g and lange the proposals andjwestern end of the frontier,|and held at a military camp out-| trying to excite the Katangans incr norters: bill has been carefully tailored useful for France to buy Po-' this vi 25 residents Sun-| to New Delhi to present the pro-! » corecsi one."' T " ues vanl Sts an aid-seeking -|Brazzavi rani rs uesceap se A , this village of 625 residents Su aggression will be undone The Qhinese government was States on an aid-seeking mis-| Brazzaville, capital of the for and Mokambo near the border|Consrevatives, ubmar "h t is- y We "OV t them th roposals wo Jehru w . icial Phare ne siaibiabiiany | es . parca <} pasted. : iid ' ; submarines to launch the mis One body was recovered and told them the proposals would Noehry will make an official mo. jpared to have India reoccupy|ceptional figure on the world the UN would send an emissary Sunday with badly needed food impact on federal finances, ss ? jout in any way abandoning the + | keep destruction there to a the same direction: , Winter Envelopes as it existed before last Sept. & p pressed belief that the Katanga) YOU LL FIND the revenues that would be lost response" to the proposals of} try to hold from The Congo etnenis Weekend Accidents Page 9 | quarterly tax payments by large Kotani, Copngrence Six. blasts enveloped the major part' the northern Rockies. Tempera- ,,/ He emissary was to warn By THE CANADIAN PRESS {000 without changing corporate requires them. position, while National Leader the severe cold was indicated.) Readings in the teens were Centre of Katanga's mining in- Pearson's advocacy this week- desire for haste in congressional ment in connection with both to a Canadian finger on the saf- traffic accidents on ice andjand Alabama. At the same time force, equally significant absence of said, "We cannot afford to be ican Defence Command.' Can opposed to nuclear arms both Property damage, including Although snow diminished in Out threats to blow up the min Both Prime Minister Diefen- the. Congress in 1963," lars. sections of western New York might be sent to Leopoldville leader of frequent changes of "but there would be a Cana- he believes the initial rate eut Mr. Douglas commented fornia and Arizona threatened lesser degree, Niagara and Or- and saboteur ped how the Liberal stand compares Was Maj-Gen. W. H. S. Mack- Canada smudge pots. A month ago a se-/Of snow on Buffalo and up to a the only valid basis for making them." speculation at Ottawa in recent . = ay at ties: 0 BA ste F and citrus crops in Florida. But CUt to zero at times, The Greater "logical military case for these United States during their 22 aiabhes . g : clear armaments shortly. Mr. Carolinas southward through disrupted in some suburban os ep | Deputy Leader Real Caouette ment indicated the Liberals now ments "in due course," and a from the upper Great Lakes Covered, with a blanket of white the Progressive Conservative |No early. relief from the cold| Was no hesitation. Spokesmen said a preliminary investiga- the Liberal were joined by advocates of nu- clear disarmament and others.| DO ABOUT-FACE Even members of: Mr, Pear- son's own party were appar-| ently caught by surprise. Mani- toba Liberals first rejected a motion at their annual conven- tion urging nuclear weapons for Canadian forces, then did an abrupt about-face to support the motion after details of Mr. Pearson's speech reached Win- nipeg. In his speech to meeting at Toronto Mr. Pearson advc warheads for Car TORONTO (CP) Liberal Leader Pearson called on the Canadian government Saturday to accept nuclear warheads "for jthose defensive tactical wea- pons. which cannot effectively be used without them." In a speech to the York- Scarborough Liberal Associa- tion, he said the Canadian gov- ernment "should end at once its evasion of responsibility, by ischarging the commitments it has already accepted for Can ada." "It can only cepting nuclear warheads for those defensive tactical wea pons which cannot effectively be used without them." Reaction to Mr. Pearson's stand included comment that his policy statement was dis appointing and that. Liberal pol icy was wandering _ heads. This would be similar to! Liberal party of having a wan- those already signed by the U.S. dering policy, Mr. Diefenbaker government, was in Toronto to visit -his wife, government with the Upited in hospital for treatment of a Kingdom and other NATO Coun- recurring back ailment. tries to provide for joint control of the use of the weapons, if and when they are accepted "In such an agreement, a U.S, finger would be on the trigger; but a Canadian finger would be on the safety catch WOULD BE READY "Action taken under such an agreement would ensure that the air division in NATO or the Bomare squadrons for continen tal defence would have these weapons available, would be trained in their use, and would be ready in an emergency to do the job entrusted by the Ca nadian government after agree ment with our allies." . which can only be carried out by Canadian forces if nu. clear warheads are used." Since the government in 1959 agreed 'to its troops' roles in NATO and NORAD it has "re-! fused to make the decision: NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. either to alter the commitments!(AP)--For 48 sleepless hours or accept the warheads." the young soldier adrift on the Mr. Pearson said Pacific ocean in a tiny, power "Whether Canada, in present less -boat fought seemingly un- weapons or not, cannot . be surmountable odds to stay alive decided on moral grounds with. | Towering waves up to eight ou' hypocrisy on our part feet high battered him. Winds "As members of the NATO gusting up to 55 miles an hour coalition," he continued, "we;drove him nearly 40 miles out accept the nuclear deterrent in/to sea the hands of the United States) His main concern as essential for defence Gregory S. Morrison, "To say that, on moral)Oakland, Calif. was grounds, we will not accept. anyjirom being swamped nuclear weapons in any circum.|tor had been turned off by stances is dishonest and hypo- piece of driftwood Friday critical unless we are at the) "There were lots of times same time willing to withdraw, when I didn't think I'd make Mr. Pearson urged the nego Prime Minister Diefenbaker,,in continental defence, the Ca- from NATO and refyuse to ex. it.' he said. "Il had to stay tiation of an agreement with the in Toronto when Mr Pearson;nadian' government has -- ac- port, to anyone, uranium for awake to keep the boat point- 'United States on nuclear war-'made the speech, accused theicepted commitments for Canadal military defence purposes." jing into the wind." : Mr, Pearson referred specif. y to the CF-104 Starfighter '0 strike force; the Honest John artillery missile . being used by Canadian NATO ground groops, and the Bomarc -B ground-to-air missiles: based in North Bav and northern Que- bec. Mr. Pearson fighters the job heads."' The Honest John and the Bo- mares "are in the same state of impotence." SEES NUCLEAR NEED "In 'short, both in NATO and a Liberal Saturday d nuclear an-manned CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 said the CF-104 "cannot effectively do without such war- do this by ac said Pte 21, of to keep The mo- a RED HEADS MEET party exchange greetings today at railroad station in East Berlin upon Gomulka's arrival for meeting of world Communist nor "4 795. leaders. Soviet Premier Nik ita Khrushchev was scheduled- to arrive later in the day. (AP Wirephoto via cable from Berlia). ; Polish' Communist leader Wiadislaw Gomulka, left,.-and East German "Red \,party boss Walter Ulbricht

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