Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jan 1963, p. 15

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27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale 29--Automebiles For Sale |32--Articles For Sale GUIDE REALTY LIMITED--REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. S$. 723-1121 ARE YOU HANDY -- Only decorating to make this @ real home. It's vacant now ond must be sold. Two bedroom bungalow, with nice living room and fireplace, hot woter oil ire Ne ging ond a beoutifully treed yord, In a desirable north end neighbourhood. Convenient financing. Call todey to in- spect. BEAUTIFUL RANCH NORTH OSHAWA A lovely home that is designed for the growing family. You will appreciate the extra spaciousness in this four bed- room bungalow, with attach- ed garage, with electric outo- matic doors, Private paved drive. The 14 x 20 living room has « notural stone fireplace, separate dining room, 12 x 17 ultra modern fomily kitchen, 4-pc. tiled nd vanity bath. Convenient financing, owner, will carry the mortgage. So pick up the phone now ond moke your appointment to inspect. $IX - ROOMED HOME -- Close to all facilities, full dining room, built-in desk and bookcase in one bed- room, new four-piece tiled gage. For appointment call 723-7192. brick bungalow, i one MAPLE Grove, 10 acres good soil. Price $2,600, Down THREE years old, Near down, garden 600, $1,100. Peter ectoms Beaker, Highway 2, Bowman- ville, 623. EE bedroom, storey and half home, Oil heat. Close to schools, buses and shopping, Will acce) low down payment. T 723-7043. CLOSE to Dr, Phillips School, 4 bed- rooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, brick garage, stone terrace, paved driveway. Phone 725-0376. No agents. LOSEDALE AND MARY STREETS -- - hedroom brick bnugalow, living with natural fireplace. Furinished rec-room with one bedroom, Large double garage. Listings Invited Real Estate Department GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada 32 King Street East 728-1653 AFTER HOURS Telephone Bill Collins 668-8716 STUDENTS A super alue, approzi: mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00, Ap- Tit Dundas Street West. WISE buyers shop classified ads. For a home, car, furniture, almost anything you need 'see the Want Ads. Do it today VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. Free estimates. . Parts, attachments, hoses, 4 rebuilt ma- chines, Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Serv- jee. Call anytime. 728-0591. HON Cal's F , $299. King Street West, 728-1238, 1956. BUICK four door hardtop, excel- 4 condition. Priced to sell, $499, Hill- 4 Auto Sales, King Street West, 1238. 1953 FORD sedan, very good custom radio. Special $111. Hi Sales, King Street West, 728- 1958 OHEVROLET hardtop, good re- Wable trai itop Auto 1238, 4 |. Hilltop Auto Sales, King Street West, 728-1238, 4 1954 PLYMOUTH sedan, mechanically A-l, special $89. Hilltop Auto Sales, King Street West, 728-1238. pee ne 1953 FOR coach, in running condition. First cash buyer gets this one for $29. Eiete Auto Sales, King Street. West. +1238 " 1954 PONTIAC sedan, priced to sell, $79. and A ances. SELLING furniture? We'll buy iy. washers, Tele- phone 728-5972. vee EXECUTIVE ranch style home, large living, dining room, kitchen, three. bed- rooms or two bedrooms and den, utility room and garage. On large lot in good residential area, clos¢ to high school, hospital and downtown. One open mort- PATRICK G. McDANIEL REAL ESTATE BROKER WHITBY 668-2311 4.3 acre site on Dundos Eost hwy 2). Two frontages, -- Dundas frontage zoned Commercial. Seven - room house and gorage. Good mot- el or used car and apartment site. HILLCREST DRIVE; 3-bed- 29------Automobiles For | Sale 1984 PONTIAC, g00 good snow tires, $95. Apply 520 fue, One street south on Sterling. condition, Sterling ave- Dieppe to C, 1960 PLYMOUTH Savoy, very good con- dition, V8, automatic transm! Take over payments. Telephone ater 6. 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, four hardtop » Cl ood one owner, low mileage. Fully equip- ped, T 728-9432, 'ission. 728-6879 in, four door color, Stoves, refrigerators, beds, anything at all. For top cash offer. Telephone Community Furniture Store, next to Grey Coach terminal, 24 Prince Hilltop Auto Sales, King Street West. 'Telephone 728-1238. 00 1953 CHEVROLET sedan, in excellent condition, $125. Hilltop Auto Sales, King Street. 728-9191 . Street West. 728-1236, =| BEAUTIFUL Zig-Zag Singer, includ- 1953 CHEVROLET sedan, good 1unner.|ing truly outstanding cabinet for only Special $59. Hilltop Auto Sales, King|$78.20 repossessed balance (originally Street West, 728-1238. $309) or take up payments E tagior , = 7,5 Pr GEN deluxe black red|month. Bi is, 5s, ma utton- SOUR ES , Maknmendragnae | cl , iC.» & wit atta le |Good condition. Telephone bi thdes | Your old machine accepted as down | 198% BELAIR Chevrolet, automatic,|payment. Dealer. Apply Box 226, Osh- jnadio, good condition, Best offer. Tele- phone 725-4930. awa Times. _ SPECTACULAR savings during Wil- 1960 son's January Furniture Sale, Frieze Kenai Paoneout AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 SPOT CASH van, good shape, $525. » 668-2582. platform rockers, $28.63; five piece ehrome kitchen suites, $27.63; clear wit T sis- ise CHEVROLET and Fontag tan |e ath nl any etviages: fro Dominion Tire, 48 Bond West. |$19.63; famous Ther-a-pedic panel vert ae ba |mattresses, nationally advertised ai 1954 PONTIAC, snow tires, re-built)$g9,50, mow less than half price, $44; moter, new paint job, Excellent me-|chrome kitchen chairs from $3.63; 3. spring filled mattresses as low as $13. ehanically. Telephone 728-000; 1955 DODGE, new plates, good motor;| Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, 1982 Pontiac, power glide, $118 each./BABY carriage, with mattress, con- Whitby evenings, 668-8526; = dayS,|verts into car bed and stroller, tur- | 728-5680. quoise and white, excellent condition. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Jenuery 12, 1963 1A Car Industry Hides Opening Of Congress NEW YORK (AP)--The au- .jtomebile iadustry hogged the | business and finance spotlight this week. Bright new auto sales and production feats, and their in- fluence on a buoyant stock mar- ket, overshadowed the contro- versy of the opening of a new congess in Washington, The big issue there, a federal income tax cut, may not come into sharp focus until President Kennedy's state of the union message Monday. Doings in Detroit also put into the' background the rela- tively slight, but growing, dam- age to the U.S. economy from the three-week strike of dock workers at 41 North Atlantic and Gulf coast ports, Domestic car sales in the Oc- tober-December quarter of 1962 were revealed as the highest ever for the _ period. They soared to 1,946,009, a rousing 20 |1955 CHEVROLET, two-door automatic $2. Telephone Ajax 942-0286. transmission, good tires, radio, mech CHESTERFIELD, two. piece, grey, 7 per cent over the mark set in an option to buy 13,404 shares, of company stock at $9.91 a share, a little more than half the market price. UNDERSCORES ADVANCE The transaction underscored the steep advance in price of American Motors stock. And is- sues of Chrysler, Ford and Gen- eral Motors have been at either historic or 1962-63 highs in re- cent days, Their strength has contrib- uted greatly to a powerful stock market rally that blossomed in November, paused last month and surged ahead again this month, The steel industry felt the: in- \fluence of booming auto output. /Production last week rose nearly 100 per cent, the sharp- est rise for amy week in six months. Output hit its highest level since late last April. Citing consumer optimis and strong auto demand, the centre predicted a prosperous economy through the first half of the. year but expressed doubts about the second half. On the troubling side, the strike of 60,000 U.S. longshore- men gave signs of growing squeeze on commerce in scat- tered places. A cut in the flow of cars im- ported from West Germany and other European nations was emptying showrooms of some dealers, especially those offer- ing Volkswagens. Tariff Reductions University of Michigan research the Liberals Call Council To Hone Program OTTAWA (CP)--The national isbeewe the party's pres: ident, announced Friday, F "The council is being called together to clarify and sharps program of the Libe party for the next election," .he said, . "Its objective will be to pro- duce a clear statement of what> the Liberal party will do in its first four years in office." The national council has 230 members, including the exvct® tives of the National Federation, representatives' pf the provincial Liberal associa> tions, university Liberas, Lit» eral women, young Libsralg and Liberal MPs, Liberal Leader Pearson. will deliver the keynote speech Feb. 11, University Liberals wi'l hold wae 1963 an>ual coavention i . anieally good, $450. Telephone 728-8910.| good condition, Telephone 725-5650, |the last three months of 1061. both. F. A; Oil, garage, peved drive, bus stops ot door, Low taxes and priced to sell. N.H.A. RESALE --- In North West area. 5 room, 3 bed- room home in: immaculate condition. Large 54 x 143 ft, landscaped lot, carries for $82 interest, principal ond toxes. LARGE BRICK AND STONE RANCHER Has tefrifie value. Two fireplaces, two complete 4-pce. bathrooms room dwelling with an attech- ed garage. This is a good family home with many ex- tras. Close to Schools and on o quiet street Excitingly Different FUTURAMA | } if | | | | PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 ~|eream, | offer. 1%53 MONARCH "convertible, r-built motor, new top, new brakes, good tires $275. Call 728-4797. |1956 BUICK convertible, fully power equipped, signals and radio, good top. 5 Take over payments, After 725-6084 p.m CEMENT BLOCK building, 30 x 40 feet. Suitable for repair shop or storage. 182 Simeoe Street South. Telephone 728-1901. | - --.| BED, chest,of drawers, single cot, con- sole radio, ice box, table cuj-board com- bination, Williams sewing machine, | 000 The splurge pushed 1962 sales Urged By Traders to 6,752,644. With sales of 300,-) - plus imported cars, the grand total topped 7,000,000, ex- ceeded only by the industry's i036 FORD, standard. "six, red and|treadie, kitchen chairs each $1, wicker|peak year of 1955. Four new tires. $375 or best (668-4928. 1962 CHEVROLET Beil Air sedan au- tomatic transmission power steering, brakes. Apply to, Automatic Car power yash, Bond Street West or call Bow- manville 623-3669, 1956 CHEVROLET Bel-Air, new paint job, accessories. Good motor, $600. Telephone 6686-4632. chair and rocker, garden chairs, clothes | wringer, lumber % cross cut saw and| Buck saw, garden cultivator, 623-5890. cartridges. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa.| STUDENT'S violin and case, three quarter size, like new, $20, After 5 tele. phone 725-0688. WESTINGHOUSE range, _ |refrigerator, both in |Telephone 725-6398, | a - "at Frig | good = cond: Assembly plants were run- ining at top speed to meet de-| Importers GUN (old antique) wanted. also old/Mand. Plans called for produc-|tion in a ticn of 700,000 units in January, a figure hitherto unequalled for that month. Henry Ford IL added to the idalre, 4 . ition.|rosy picture, disclosing plans|day period prior to final can- OTTAWA (CP) -- Cancella-|chasing power of Canadian in- tion 'of remaining emergency dustry be used to its best ad- import surcharges and consid-| vantage by buying in the lowest erable reductions in tariffs were cost market wherever it may urged Friday by the Canadian| exist. However, a lot of the ben- and Traders Associa-|efit from buying in the lowest rief to Finance Min-|market can be offset if these) materials are subject to high} rates of duty. "We feel the time has come when it is necessary to take a very searching look at our whole tariff structure. It must jister Nowlan. The importers also asked that ja rebate be allowed on import surcharges paid during the 60- } Bond Market More Active During Week By THE CANADIAN PRESSs The bond market continued active and firm this week with jevidence of good buying in all | sectors. Day money was at 3% pet a 14 Albert St._ __.| 1959 BUICK, four door, \for $400,000,000 in Ford Motor|cellation. They stated that "in r, 8 1s Power steering, snow tires, BUY AND SELL, good used furniture with vanity. Master bedroom cent and in good supply. mileage 16' x 13'. Double paved drive, patio ot back. Beauti- fully landscaped lot, complet- ly enclosed. Eight rooms in oll, plus very large tiled and ponelled rec room. Owner leaving the city. CENTRAL PARK, N.H.A. RESALE -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport. Extra large living room, tiled kit- chen with eating area, tiled bothroom., Many extras, pov- ed drive, fron porch railings. Lovely lot, completely hedg- éd for privacy. T.V.: tower, with rotor, aluminum storms and scereens, broadioom and recently redecoroted. NORTH END -- Asking only $10,900, completely recon- ditioned with o new forced Gir furnace, 7' vanity in bothroom. Must be = sold. Owner purchased another home MODEL HOME Open This Week-end GLENALAN STREET Directiéns: Go North on Gib- bons Street to Glenforest Street, follow Glenforest to Glenolon Street. REALTOR TELEPHONE 728-7377 28--Real Estate Wanted WANTED, good summer cottage, Will For Full Particulars Coll 723-1121 it Om. Open Doily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ortice Box 200; Oshawa. sas il hf YOU HAVE SEEN THE REST NOW BUY THE BEST "HOME VALUES" IN OSHAWA AS LOW AS $12,900. WITH $662 DOWN - 612% N.H.A. 3 bedroom, brick bungalows, featuring storms, screens, ceramic tile, colored fixtures throughout, vanities, 100 amp service, close to all schools, meet Mr. Gower this week-end on Taylor Ave. at Done- van High School. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LTD. EXCLUSIVE AGENT CALL 728-1005 OPEN HOUSE 856 MARY ST. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12th 1:00 to 8:00 P.M. 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW NEW RECREATION ROOM PAVED DRIVE ~ YOUR VOLVO DEALER exchange new duplex or house in Osb-|_ KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY -- 668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa JOSEPH BOSCO |-- oie (ee BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Rood) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 i ~ SPECIAL BUY 1946 G.M.C, Tow Truck, 3 ton, heavy winch, con be financed, ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKER Bowmanville 623-5756 ~ The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill a Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY ___ $68 474) ond 668-4025 SPECIALS In Good Used CARS 1955 METEOR FOUR DOOR SEDAN, condition, nice = | dition, $400 cash. 725-6134. $450. | | 119,000, Telephone 723-9167 and appliances. One location only, 444) 1956 CHEVROLET, standard, good me-|5imeve Street South, 774-3271, chanically, two door, snow tires. Best) TWO piece chesterfield suite, wine, $25 offer 725-1777. % , \1954 CADILLAC sedan, Interior, me-| 725-2156. chanical and body in excellent condi-| AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, jtion, mumerous extras, $945. Will ac-\free estimates. Chair, table rentals. cept trade. Telephone 728-6504. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. |1955 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, blue and| ELECTRIC range, 30" Viking deluxe,' white, radio, good tires. Excellent con- fully tomatic i $5. Both in good 'condition. | ic, Telephone 725-9297 1954 OLDSMOBILE, white, customized, RECONDITIONED sewing machines, radio, body, motor rebuilt, new tires, Elnas, Singers, others, $10 up. Oshawa floor shift. $350. Whitby, 668-4068. Sewing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street 1959 OLDSMOBILE 98, allpower four-|S0Uth. 728-2391, door hardtop, like new, $2,295, Tele-|GOOD lumber for sale, 3c a foot. Kess-| phone Wednesday and Monday, before ler Disposal Service, 255 Harmony Co. Capital outlays for 1963, an|the long run we do not feel that increase of 20 per cent. Two-| the devaluation of the Canadian thirds of the sum will be spent|dollar is good for our econ- abroad, he said. jomy." A sidelight came from George} The brief said Canada's eco- Romney, former chairman of|nomic 'growth is dependent in American Motors Corp. andilarge measure upon her ex- since Jan. 1 governor of Michi-/ports and Canadian industry gan. must be given every opportu- Ii was disclosed that the day nity to keep its production costs before he severed all connec-' down, It added: tions with American Motors last} "It becomes increasingly |November, Romney exercised/more important that the pur-| mon, who can only gues sas to 4 p.m. other days 9-8 p.m. 728-9651. Road North, 728-1951. 1957 CHEVROLET sedan. Radio, good|GOING hunting? Get your supplies at tires, Body refinished. Can finance. Pri-|Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street vate. Telephone 668-5152. West, Oshawa, Guns, ammunition, jack- |1955 FARGO %4 ton truck, low mileage, |¢'S- boots, etc. Call now 725-6311. _ |Complete with oversize snow tires and BEDROOM suite, walnut, 4 pieces, $75. | cartage racks. 666-8343. Betweeh 7 until 9 p.m., telep! |1958 CHEVROLET four door, 6 cylin | 72-6265. _ der, $850 cash. Telephone evenings,| RANGE, Whitby, 668-8763. enamel, everything automatic, four 1959 PONTIAC, Strato-Chief, six, auto.|Years old. $110 or make offer. Tele- matic transmission, one owner, excel-|PMON@ 725-8673. 0 lent condition, $1,395. Telephone WE buy, sell and exchange used furnt-| 728-8348. ture or anything you have. The City "hat ry. ae aay Pag Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street 1953 CADILLAC, Coupe de Ville, def-|« ne linitely A-1 condition throughout, '$500, South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-167). | Telephone 725-5555 or 728-7913. SPACE heater, Teco, oil butner, heats) 1955 CHEVROLET BelAir sedan, auto- {matic transmission, new paint job. Good and ssa nol ir | condition, Apply 218 Arthur Street be-/ HOUSE trailer, gas range, gag fore 5 p.m, refrigerator, in good condi! eas METEOR Vo automate, new white: or will exchange for truck. Pickering, wail tires,.radio with rear speaker, back | 942-6754. up lights, body and motor in show room |FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guar-| condition, Never been driven in snow, |antee, $2.25 per week, no down payment ee gy mileage. Apply 1239 Meadow- Package deal, $130. Telephone 725-4729.| vale Street, Frigidaire électtic, white four to five rooms, used short time; 200 gallon oil tank, $75. Telephone 728-6034, | heater ition, for sale) | | B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tir 194 CADILLAC coup de Val, hardtop,|teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, ¢ bs pot rue owner car. Interior, mech-| vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-454; oni "Ph ence Rech Me ht Poe ttle tee AR Hon Namen ext 300 Wik aa. ELMER'S Furniture and Appliances, cept trade. Telephone 728-6504 See all the rest--Come buy the best, Men. cocgeaeeeeng 'i for less. E. Wilbur, Hampton, 263-2294. 1965 PONTIAC jm good condition, auto-linGiis washing machine, new rollers.| matic drive. Telephone Whitby 668-2108. Special $39. Wayne Appliances, 78 Sim. 3 ea) * coe Street North, Oshawa. 0 Automobiles Wanted USED "Heat Wave" heavy duty elec- LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want|tric range, to clear $35. Wayne Ap- ears for wrecking. Hfghest prices pliances, 78 Simcoe Street North, Osh- paid. 725-1181. awa, $ ALL CASH $ | For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK-ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "'Ted" Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 -- Res, 725-5574 What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. Cie FUEL OIL--COAL OIL FURNACES 24 HOUR SERVICE DIXON'S 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 Day and Night CSKATES" -- Oshawa's Leading Skate Ex- change, for 10 years. New and Used. Largest assortment in town, | | | 31--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE _ and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- | PLETE BRAKE SERVICE | edged | sender. {calmed and drifting. Undeliverable Mail Bin Houses Lost Cufflinks "They just don't put the right address on the parcel or letter or no stamps on parcels or just no address," he said in an interview, "Their return address is not there, so what can we do?" Leo Emond, assistant man- ager of the undeliverable mail office, said his department handled 2,414 parcels this sea- son, compared with 1,964 a year ago. MONTREAL (CP)--If you Aunt Millicent hasn't acknowl- that beautiful set of handkerchiefs you mailed her, or why you didn't get the set of cufflinks Unele Harry) promised you. for Christmas, try the undeliverable mail of- fice. Chances are the parcels are there. This is the time of year when the post office experi- ences the annual Christmas mail hangover. Hundreds of parcels and hundreds of thou- sands of Christmas cards find their way to the undeliverable mail office, to be destroyed or sold at auction. Robert Billette, of the serv- ice evaluation department at Montreal's main post office, put the blame squarely on the pared with 836,000 a year ago. The Christmas cards are destroyed, since the process of tracing them would be too costly. The parcels which can not several months before their contents are sold at auction. | 'Market Finishes New Year's Rally By PETER DUNN |vanced $1 on recurrent ru- Canadian Press Staff Writer |mors that re prong A re- The new year's raily. petered|Celve a takeover bi rom out on Canadian stock markets|Stelco. Officials of both com- this week, leaving them be-|Panies said they. knew nothing of takeover plaas, Utilities were among the| Banks weakened, snapping a -| strongest issues, although most/ sustained string of weekly ad- of the advances, however, were|vances. Nova Scotia, Toronto- confined to fractions. |Dominion, Royal and Canadian B.C. Power trading vigor-|Imperial Bank of Commerce ali ously on talk of possible settle-|slipped. Montreal resisted the |ment of its long-standing dis-\downward pressure, gaining al- Undeliverable Christmas cards| is the most wearable collection| totalled 828,000 this season, com-|to be shown by the New York be traced are held for | be remembered that according |to Bank of Canada statistics two-thirds of our imports are |for the purpose of aiding indus-| jtry." Treasury bill averages de: creased to 3.85 per cent on 91. day bills and 3.96 per cent en 182-day bills, compared with The importers said the re- et Gaaue of 3.04 a maining import surcharges are| 1 the Canada market, the not only increasing Canadian new 31% of 1065 closed around costs but are causing uncer 98.70; 544 of 1969 at 103%; § and confusion in the|f 1976 at 103%; and 4% of 1 jat 93%. : uea | In the provincial market, thé last new Province of Ontario ;when the surcharges will be re-|51%4 of 1982 closed at 99% and |moved, |the last new Province of Qué "It means," said the brief, bec 5% of 1987 at 97. "that many decisions are being) The corporate market contine postponed and we are not get-jued form with the last -new ting the planning for economic} Price Brothers 5% of 1982 trati# growth we should be having."|ing around the 102 level, oo Spring Fashions : Avoid Extremes. - at By MARGARET NESS tel pink runs through all NEW YORK (CP) --Spring/Collections, and turquoise fashions unveiled here this|avy are popular in the 'blugs, |week add up to what: probably| Particularly attractive was a subtle pale green called. abs sinthe or seafoam. White and |couture group in a dozen years. | off-white oyster continue in. coat | From suits to formal evening Popularity. "> gowns, the individual this spring| Prints are clear too. Thi§ /ean find her own styling within | spring the flowers are recog \the trends. jnizable, usually in the smalier More than 200 fashion writers |POSY variety. saw the advance seasonal show-| /ings over the last week, includ-| ing 21 Canadians--the largest! contingent from Canada ever to! attend. Off To New High - They saw styles that avoided; TORONTO (CP)--Automobile the extremes reached in the production got away to a.good seasons of the sack or the very| start in the first full work week full skirt. of the year. ct i ; | Production, says the Canadian DENGTRS Vany 4¢| Automobile Chamber of Com- This year, for example, suits) merce, was 13,336 vehicles com- lengths vary from just above) pared 'with 8,719 in the preced- the hipbone to a long tunic/ing short work week and pro- length. Suit blouses usually are| auction to date this year is 21,9 short or tunic overblouses that| 451 yehicles compared with 15 |do not flatter most women. Last/¢39 in the corresponding period jyear's tuck-in blouse tended to/jast year. a jcut the figure too sharply. | Ouiput in the week consisted Coats are slim slivers orjof 11,561 cars compared with gently shaped. 7,603 last week, and 1,775 trucks, Fabrics range in variety from|Ccompared with 1,116; while out the new synthetic called barba-|Put in the year to date is made cane, textured and non-wrink-|UP of 18,668 cars compared -wittt ling, to denim, along with sheer|13,409 in the comparative silks and crepes. jriod of last year, and |tainty |minds of Canadian business. | ra * Auto Production. ... NEWLY DE WELL LANDSCAPED $11,000.00 LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST! DIAL 72 CORATED REET EAST 8-4678 WHITBY CLASSIFIED room unfurnished near Four Corners, for handyman. janitorial duties. 942-1109 SNOW cleaning and removal 668-3093. Earl Pascoe, 24-hour service. Factories, Perking lots ete. Epp gt rooms, washer, * outlet, fans, private balconies, 725-3090 or 668-5212, SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, 204 Chestput Street West, telephone 668-2563. RECONDITIONED student typewriters, one year guarantee, terms. Hamilton Office Equip. 137 Brock §. MO DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, d 8, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a speciality. Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372. Whitby's only fuel dealer.carrying a complete line of FUEL "Blue Coal" in various sizes, Semet - Solway Coke, Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals. Briquettes and Charcoal Hordwood and Softwood Slabs. Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils. SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock St. 'South 668-3524 Whitby Wow | 228 | | | 1 Culture Studio of Hair Sty' | Brock Street North, offers speci jon all permanents from January 15 to Fi 15. First setting. free. Tele- phone 663-3151, Mickey Scott |FOR RENT: 3 room apartment with |stove, refrigerator, kitchen set. Suit) jecouple. 233 Palace Street, Whitby. Osh-) Jawa 725-4302. | | # eR ici FOR SAL: Central, new four-bericoom | house, two baths, living, dining, kitchen, large recreation room, utility 'oom; also choice well treed lot, 70' x 145'. Telephone 668-2786. AVAILABLE immediately, two bed- room apartments, main floor, $90) monthly. Apply 525 Mary Street East,| 9! or telephone 668-8131 after 6 p.m daily; | lafter 1 p.m. weekends. | 'BUY, sell or exchange used furniture) {and appliances. What have you? Goold) used furniture. 215 Dundas East, Whit-| |by, 668-5481 WHITE newsprint paper in convent 100 ft. rolls, suitable for pienic tables, banquets, ete. Available at the Circula- tion Department, Oshawa Times. Te jper roll | DAY care available in licensed home | Hot lunches. Playroom, fenced in yard. be Transportation may arranged 72. Tal PLEX < $22,995. DOWN $2,995. Income $2,280. Three years old, tenants poy your mort- gage. Dufferin St., Whitby. | CALL 725-3090 | 1 | } } } MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL. REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 32--Articles For Sale GENERAL Electric 42" range, good condition ,$30. Between 5.30 and 6.30 p.m. telephone 728-6116 BABY carriage, Lioyd, deluxe, like new with mattress, Converts into stroller and car bed, blue and manville 623-5150, 1956 DODGE FOUR DOOR SEDAN, New Motor, New Tires, Perfect. 550. iIDRAYTON CYCLE ___204 BOND STREET EAST _ ERE E All Oil Burner Service Free and guaranteed if you purchase "White Rose' uni- fined furnace oil from WESTERN OIL CO. DIAL 725-1212 | | | | | | 1957 PLYMOUTH FOUR DOOR SEDAN, nice, $495. real white, $25. Bow- 1957 FORD - TWO DOOR, a real good car. Remove Ice' with Calcium Chloride Rock Salt or Sand from BATHE & McLELLAN | BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. | __81 King West, Oshawa For free delivery call 725-4761 BUY NOW AND SAVE! Boats; Grew-Cruisers, Tra- veler, Mason, O.M.C., Larson. Motors; Evinrude, Volvo- Penta. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD, BROOKLIN, ONT. | Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guar- anteed, One year warranty on picture tube. We also rent ond buy. REMIER TELEVISION 33914 Simcoe St. South 5 Zap aAsT a | Vacuum Cleaners Used, good condition, bag- less type $25 Used Filter Queen's from $50 1956 VOLKSWAGEN Nice condition. $595. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Drive it, you will buy it. 95. P 1960 RENAULT FOUR DOOR, 8,000 miles, automatic. $795. Warning Protect. your Filter Queen Worranty! Unauthorized re- pairs void your guarantee. Ex- clusive Sales. and Service for Ontario and Durham Coun- ties. FILTER QUEEN SALES (OSHAWA) 1958 EDSEL FOUR DOOR, automatic. A scorce model, $895. 1959 OLDSMOBILE "88" | oe DOOR, real good con- iti 'us $1495. | | | | | pute with the B.C, government, gained a fracticn. vee Steels also showed a majority of slight rises. Page - Hershey Tubes ad- LATE CLASSIFIED ADS -bed- ning FOR SALE -- Central, new four room house, two baths, living, di kitchen, large recreation room, Utility room, Also choice well treed lot 70' x 145'. Telephone 668-2786, FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, all conveniences, & heated, central, low rental, Immediate possession, Tele- phone 668-3476 day or 668-3714 after 6.30 p.m. ' APARTMENTS and houses for W. Schatzmann Realtor, Whitby. 3398 evenings 668-3253. rent. 668- 35--Legal a SHERIFF'S SALE ONE 1955 PLYMOUTH AUTOMOBILE License No. B49507 and Serial No, 96093740 To Be Sold by Public Auction on 728-7552 323 KING STREET WEST | 34--Lost And Found LOST: Lady's Mido wristwatch, Thurs- day-evening, Vicinity Simcoe and Bond Reward, Telephone 725-6284. LOST Sunday night, high school boy's dark rimmed glasses, brown case Vicinity of Regent Theatre, Mary street to Hilleroft. 723-4101. 1961 TRIUMPH ENSIGN FOUR DOOR, 3,000 miles, automatic, as new. 495. | Several 1963 FORD Demon- | strators at reduced prices, Smith's Sports 353 King Street W. PHONE 723-9311 655-3641 PAINT SALE Stock clearance of. quolity interior wall paint and ena- © ot low discount prices for one week only. Bathe and McLellan 81 KING WEST, OSHAWA mel SELL the good household items you're not using, Start the inexpensive Classi fied ad that puts you in touch with jbuyers fast. Dial 723-3492 today. | FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 1963 AT 2:00 P.M: at Heard's Taxi and Cartage 124 Brock Street North Whitby,. Ontario. TERMS:--CASH Arthur Welsh, Sheriff, County of Ontario (papers 2.3. }most $1, Individual standouts included| Moore Conporation and Trans- \Canada Pipe Lines, both trad- ing heavily for high - priced) stocks, and each showing gains lof about $2. | SENIOR BASE METALS UP | Although the base metals list presented a mixed picture, most} senior issues advanced. Falcon- \bridge, Hudson Bay Mining and International Nickel ail climbed 7 Noranda was an exception, 9: trict-attorney's office Friday| opping just more than $1. | Prag | : i ASS sought two contempt citations Speculative activity held the! against city editor Earl Selby spotlight early in the week./of the Philadelphia Bulletin, Wiltsey - Coghlan began the| one for refusing to produce cer- action, moving on news of fa-|tain files and the other for de- vorable drill results on its clining to answer questions in |Rouyn, Que., copper prospect./connection with a grand jury The stock ran through hefty vol-| investigations of alleged scan- jumes, climbing as high as 29/dals in city hall. cents, but as the week closed,| Judge Joseph E. Gold re- trading interest subsided and it! cessed jury sessions until Mon- finished with a slight loss. |day: pending arguments on the In western oils, such seniors] motions. as Central Del Rio, Bailey Sel-| Selby was sworn as a witness jburn, Home B and Pacific Pet-|riday after Gold ruled he must roleum showed modest gains./testify before the grand jury. |Calgary and Edmoaton declined/ Selby then declined to produce | slightly. jthe requested documents, under | On index at Toronto, indus-|instructions of his newspaper. jtrials rose 5.03 to 591.19, base! Charles G. Rogovin, assistant |metals .96 to 197.33 and western|district-attorney, requested the oils 2.97 to 119.16. Golds dipped contempt citation. Selby had 02 to 85.82. been ordered in a subpoena to Volume at Toronto was 19,-/bring with him documents re- 627,713 shares compared with/lating to interviews Bulletin re- Colors too are flattering. They are soft but clear. A lively pas- D.A. Seeks Two Contempt Cases Against Paper PHILADELPHIA (AP)--The | | | neair trucks compared with 2,230. °¢. Car production by companies this week and this year to date,« with figures for last week : the corresponding period last year in brackets was: oe American, Motors 758 (458). 1,243 (617); Chrysler 1,505 (Tf)? 201), 2,406 (953); Ford 2,929° (2,089), 4,822 (2,863); Generat Motors 6,131 (3,828), 9,959 (8° 654); Studebaker 238. (nil), 298" (322). Truck production by com- |panies( Chrysler 164 (132), 263 (216); Ford 407 (296), 661 (349); |General Motors 963 (539), 1,502 | (1,363); International Harvester 241 (149), 357 (302). Eskimos Want - 'Nunassiaq' As Area Name OTTAWA (CP)--The eastern section of the Northwest Terri- tories is expected to be curist- ened Nunassiaqg--the Eskimo term for The Beautiful Land, When the Northwest Territo- ries Council meets here Munday the task of selecting a suitable name for the vast ¢20,000-* square-mile area will be high. on the agenda. But the Esk'mos have twice had their say now and each time, although barely 11,239,544 last week. Dollar|porters had with John J. Fitz- value was $54,199,694 compared patrick and investigations con- with $37,568,017. ducted 'by the newspaper as a Volumes at Montreal: Indus-jresult of information supplied) trials, 882,230 shares compared) by Fitzpatrick. | with 671,166 last week; mines,| Fitzpatrick is a former city, 3,126,171 shares compared with) council sergeant of arms, who 1,374,532. {contends there were zoning pay) On index at Montreal, indus-joffs and other irregularities) trials gained 1.4, utilities 1.7,/during the Democratic admin-| banks 0.6, composite 1.4 and istration of former mayor Rich-| lardson Dilworth, | audible, they have said Nunas- siaq -- pronounced Noo-na-see- ak. The council decided a year ago to cut the territories in two at the 105th Meridian, and the proposed western region was promptly labelled Mackénzie. An Eskimo name, co.t:lilors decided, would be bést for the east,

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