Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1963, p. 5

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ee a es STEVES VS Pw TET i i Son ED SEIS RAS os gh art 3h, te EM PRO MT Sa Sr ee eS oy eet eG earls org ea es GEILE IPED LE LEEGEGLLEGE RB GRELE RIS NG AAA AP BESSA ALIA LAN SALE Sh Pickering Township Police THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday January 9, 1963 5 Constable Glover Hutchinson * told the court he found the ac-| s#egere shout 2 feet tothe car, vara gored of ale cused asleep behind the wheel] - Used SKATES of his car on Church street, in Pickering Township, Nov, 29. 1.97 Pair . Plus Your Exchange The officer said he was unable to wake the accused by calling i a Sportsman's Corner or shaking him, After he lifted the accused from the vehicle, 103 BYRON ST. S. 668-4511 One block west of 4 Corners, turn: south. Asleep At Wheel Gets Seven Days Richard Wanaop, 24, of 52 Albert street, Markham, was Tuesday sentenced to pte i days when he pleaded guilty eager ig _ iy _ before Magistrate Crawford W. f : Guest to a charge of drunk by i laaitthie. Crawford. ew coming home from work after|driving. Guest on a charge of impaired|having worked all day the Fri- driving, marking his fourth con-/2@y before the day in question|fined $100 and costs and having viction for impairment since|#Nd all that night and all day on/been convicted twice of the 1957. the day in question. same offence in Lindsay in 1959. Donald Samuel Leighton, 25, He said he only had one drink/On each of these occasions, he of 101 Gibbon street pleaded not|-- @ New Year's drink with his oe by was fined $100 and costs. en i he ch i; i efore leaving wor! dition, he admitted having been Se tad "en Cae " Leighton admitted having|convicted of driving while un- Year's drink" with his boss be-\Peen convicted of impairedjder suspension in Barrie in May fore leaving work Dec. 29." driving in Kitchener in 1957 andlof 1059. Witness Arthur Jacobs, Pine Ridges road, Pickering, told the court he noticed an eastbound car on the Baseline road, ap- proaching him on the wrong side of the road at a consider- 'lable distance. Mr, Jacobs said he got off the road and at the last minute, the approaching vehicle swerv- ed then parked opposite his ve- hicle. The witness continued he ap- proached the vehicle because he 'feared the driver may have suffered a heart attack," when the driver started cursing and swearing at him, throwing up and groaning, all at the same |time. Draws Four-Month Term For Fourth Conviction An Oshawa man was Tues- day sentenced to four months WHITBY And DISTRICT Family Monuments Created To Bintan oS STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Constable Hutchinson said, he FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase 'White' an unified fuel ol oil from Western 0, DIAL 725-1212 geo IN, _ This Week, BEEF is your Best Buy! RED BRAND BEEF The HOME OF QUALITY our prices speak for themselves CAROLYNN MICHELE, BORN NEW YEAR'S DAY Mrs, Ruth Toole, 1015 King street, gave birth to Whitby's first baby and possibly the first baby to be born in On- Carolynn Michele, whose birth weight was six pounds, 13 ounces, is the first child to be born to Mrs. Toole and her baby's birth until after a pic- ture of Whitby's second New Year's baby had been pub- | lished and was therefore re- | ported in error, to be the first | | 'When I started around to the back of the vehicle to get the jlicence number,'"' Mr, Jacobs |said, "fhe driver said he would |kill me and started to back up.| |I got out of the way and the} car went into the ditch." Pickering Township |Constable Cyril Cooper told} m STEINBERG Police | : Canada's Finest * SC SR ESeEES CECH CEES REST eS eee husband Marvin, an Ontario Hospital Whitby maintenance worker. The Oshawa Times had not been informed | of the |the court he noticed someone |had been "'ill" all over the side jof the car. He said he found the} |accused seated behind the wheel in a "very drunken condition'. Constable Cooper' added he found 12 pints of beer in the back seat of the vehicle. Sgt. John Pugh told the court the accused never stayed on lthe bench when he was lodged| é jin cells, but got onto the floor | land rolled under the bench I go to sleep. , Leighton said he got on to the| i floor because the door to the| DECORATING For FREE Advice and Color baby to be born to a Whitby couple in 1963. --Oshawa Times Photo tario County in 1963 at the Ux- bridge Cottage Hospital, at 9.54 a.m. New Year's Day. IMPAIRED DRIVER Feared Hold-U p When: Stopped By Police saying "keep it up -- you'll be|at 4.30 a.m. the previous morn- er, who told Magistrate Craw-|alright". jing and after a long working| ford W. Gucst he feared a hold-| Then, Sgt. Bodley said, Hib-|day, had driven into Scarbor- up when he was stopped by two/bitt dropped a, cigaret on the|ough to see his mother on her| Pickering Township plainclethes|seat and knocked the lighted birthday. He said he only had policemen last Nov, 17, wasjend off when he attempted to/two part glasses of wine while Tuesday senten-~* to three days|pick it up and had to put it out|in Scarborough. and fined * costs, or an}with his hands. The accused said he was ner- additional 30 days, when he; Mr. Kelly suggested there was|vous when the two men ap- pleaded guilty to a charge of|nothing to identify the cruiser|proached him and did not see impaired driving. as a police vehicle until the|Sgt. Bodley's badge. Goerge James Hibbitt, 59, RR}siren had been sounded, nor was} His Worship described the ac-| 2, Whitby, pleaded not guilty to|there anything to identify its|cused as being "typical of the! @ drunk driving charge. At the| occupants as police officers. half drunk drivers on Highway request of defeace counsel T. V.| Sgt. Bodley said he showed) 401". Kelly, of Oshawa, His Worship/the accused his badge when the ADDITIONAL WHITBY | reduced the charge to one of|vehicle was stopped and told police officer. INEWS ON PAGES 12, 13) BLADE ROAST A Whitby Township pig farm- Schemes in your Home or in our Modern Store. Coll... For Day or Evening Appointments DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Days PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH. 668-5066 Your Friendly C-I-L Dealer WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES: RANE 59¢, 14 OZ. PKGS. To $1.00 : 3 ror $f 00 EXTRA LEAN Ground Chuck STEINBERG'S - FRESH BAKED Beef «»> Kidney Pies Cod Fillets STEINBERG PINK, WHITE, LAVENDER 150's "12¢ SPECIAL" FACIAL impairment. him at that time he was a ogee ting yw Defence witness, Dr. David) Wisebaum, of Bay. Ridges, said the two men who stopped him BOOTH he had been callled to the police| BREADED 12 OZ. PKG. 'Were policemen until he was en- toute to the Pickering Township Police station 'n Dunbarton, when he was asked if he wished!' to take & blood test. , The accused said he became nervous in the back of the un- marked cruiser »nd feared be- ing held up. He said he had "a Jot of money on his person', Hibbitt added he had been held up in Toronto once before. Sgt. Richard H. Bodley told the court a car forced the cruiser he and Constable Peter Nichols were riding in off the road at the Liverpool road inter- change and Highway 401 on the night in question. According to the officer the vehicle travelled east on High- way 401 in an erratic manner and its speed varied from 40 to 60 miles an hour. Sgt. Bodley said cars attempt- ing to pass the vehicle were forced to brake as it weaved from the shoulder onto the driv- station to examine the accused 0 5.30 a.m. the following morn- | , after he complained of dis-| pi in the chest region. | Dr. Wisebaum said he under-| stood Hibbitt had a history of heart trouble, but found there was nothing to worry about. He said he smelled stale alcohol on! the accused's breath, Hibbitt testified he had arisen Remand Youth Who Won' o Wont s s s Quit Drinking An Oshawa youth whose father told Magistrate Crawford W. Guest his son told his doctor he would "drink and drink all he wanted," was Tuesday re- manded in custody one week) for sentence on a charge of| Whitby Red Cross BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wed., Jan. 9th 2 P.M. -- 4:30 P.M. 6:30 - At... UNITED CHURCH WHITBY 9 P.M. SOFT RITE } au I Hogs ORCHARD KING FANCY 20 OZ. TIN Florida No. 1 Vine Ripe » TOMATOES IMPORTED U.S. NO. 1 ing lane. The vehicle, he added|being a left the Baseline road almost Tokar yrs: yt completely and was "kicking up|, a lot of dust'. examination for 18-year-old Mi-| _He said he shone his flash-|chael Murdoch, 155 Garrard| light into the eyes of the driver,|road, at the request of the boy' s| who ignored him. Sgt. Bodley/father. said the vehicle stopped "'almost| Town Police Cpl.: James Bar. immediately" when the siren|ter told the court he saw the was sounded. He added the car|accused in front of the Whitby | was "never driven in a straightiCafe and heard him swearing | line" while he and Constable|Jan. 4. Nichols followed it. | Murdoch's father told the! According to the witness, the/court his boy "is determined he| accused had to use his own ve- jis going to keep on drinking| hicle for support when he got| and told his doctor, after having out and staggered when he|been convicted of the same of-| bad to use the cruiser for|fence last October, that he| support after he walked the| would drink all he wanted to" short distance between his own) At that time, Mr. Murdoch car and the police vehicle. said, his doctor recommended) Inside the cruiser, Sgt. Bodley|psychiatric examination and said, Hibbitt 'fumbled through possible treatment for the boy| his wallet" as he looked for his|and warned him as long as he) driver's licence then dropped it|kept on drinking under 21 years| onto the floor. age he would get into/ "He said his false teeth were|trouble. slipping when asked why Bg Rnd Affleck suggestd the boy speech was slurred," Sgt. Bod-|has a "rebellious attitude to-| ley said. He added Hibbitt kept'wards society." j BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 P.M. WHITBY Last Complete Show 8:20 Cig LNs JOHNS O'HERLIHY ONemaScore | Fresh Green Broccoli 29¢, IMPORTED U.S. NO. 1 FRESH | 9c | ONT. GROWN dag MacINTOSH Cabbage » Apples < 49c Beans with Pork in tomato sauce 'in 10¢€ Cat or Dog Food cow rss0n 'ik TOE Peas & Carrots sxvoer's cHoice 15 oz. TIN PATE DE FOIS GRAS, 3 °2- 10¢ Sliced or Whole Carrots +. 10¢ Paris Spreads 5 Vist £28hcan" 10¢ Tomatoes «ent choice 15 oz. TIN 10¢ a WITH THIS COUPON MAPLE 3% oz. pkg. OR JBANANA: AND PURCHASE OF Jello Instant Puddings ,<'*\ AND PURCHASE OF A BTL. OF FLEECY 4 oz. pkg. ~ GREEN GIANT ASSORTED, LAUNDRY RINSE PEAS 4/69 32 OZ. 64 OZ. S 43¢ 83¢ 4 p COUPON EXPIRES JAN.12/63 p)} WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF FANCY COUPON EXPIRES JAN.12/63 3-12 OZ. JARS OF McLARENS q RELISH 3/85¢ PICCALLILI, CORN RELISH. OLD FASHIONED CHILI SAUCE 4 ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners OPEN THURS, 'TIL 8 -- FRI. 'TIL 9 -- WED. 'TIL 6 P.M. SLICED COOKED HAM tb. 8Qc FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF -- SIRLOIN -- WING -- T-BONE STEAKS «79: FRESH. BUTT PORK CHOPS Ib. Qe FRESH HAMBURG 3-lbs. STEAK FRESH WIENERS 1.00 1b. 69 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 4-8 OZ. PKGS. OF MORTON'S FROZEN BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY PIES 4/$1. S COUPON EXPIRES JAN.12/63 p) AND PURCHASE OF a A 44 OZ. PKG. OF INSTANT ORA 48 OZ. PKG. STEINBERG S-FRESH QUICK QUAKER OATS 4% $ COPE us 2 al GD HO Se hay ay. STALKS my Cle Show. WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 2 LB. POLY BAG OF YORK FROZEN 49% PEA COUPON EXPIRES JAN.12/63 WITH THIS COUPON Adult Entertainment' FRESH BRAISING RIBS COUPON EXPIRES JAN.12/63 'WITH THIS COUPON \ AND PURCHASE OF F 2. 'wim was covron NO 25 OR SO LB, BAG OF CANADA GRADE NO. 1 4 'Witt THiS COUPON WITH Tas COUPON ee AND PURCHASE OF A ONE 18. CUP OF IMPORTED Ni PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF BONELESS PLATE CORNED BEEF FRESH MADE BY THE PIECE BEEF BOLOGNA SAUSAGE '5! country Fresh PORK LIVER ANY VARIETY COUPON EXPIRES JAN.16/63 COUPON a RES JAN.12/63 COUPON EXPIRES JAN,16/63 COUPON exPines JAN.16/63 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 1 DOZ. OR MORE OF ORANGES ANY. VARIETY 'WITH THIS COUPON With THIS COUPON ¥ 'WITH THis COUPON li Wane es cove AND PURCHASE OF AND Sar or ry reunt | o Torreon ¢ TOOTHPASTE 65¢ DEODORANT ¢ VITALIS COUPON EXPIRES JAN 16/63 COUPON Expines JAN 18763. ies HAIR TONIC mu '* ¢ ouE, snes WITH THIS COUPON a a e'on i | 4 AND PURCHASE OF 2 ayy ot JAR OF { Dill soe |] naar ¢ | EC UES wn B) OPEN cm THURS. & FRI. COUPON EXPIRES JAN.16/63 s wit TH 'with THIS Ci 'COUPON ano runehaae & wim THis COUPON AND PURCHASE ¢ ee WITH THIS COUPON ANG PUCHASE OF Pi OY.AR.DEE 'pei inoren PIE Mix >> Pie 4% COUPON Expines JAN.16/63 $ COUPON EXPIRES JAN.16/63 $ : ef iit s TOMAT COUPON exPines OF ES aS i pana "396° COUPON ExPines JAN.16/63 ms) COUPON EXPIRES JAN.16/63 WHITBY © sx" AJAX © 'oo' ROUGE HILL DUNDAS STREET

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