14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, Jenuery 8, 1963 a ee "Who Pang ap by sending them each|some taxi drivers have refused : J YOU an autographed hockey stick. |to answer calls when a Red 5 Pharmacy 28-55, Hyman Real Estate|Flyers and Hawks. trict Masters Tournamentio7s6, sabyan Motor Sales 26-58, John's! Average Leaders -- C. Andor. 186, D 7 0 rg Lanes, 1 p.m./B. Wors M. Katchaluba 518, G.\test 10; Morrisons Courtice am. Oe P-M-\Turner 510, B. Peake 506, G. McCor-|Champs 7; Modern Grill 7; Screwballs lea Til ana D. Cole 108. Latina -- Fn ee oe EASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE | Pee! 158, J. Gyurka 156, M. Taylor 154, n OVER 400: Jean omy p Stan Hodgson, proving to his|®- 5#xter 151. 1. Cyr and D. Vann 199.) aeeneee rere ay rasa PEDESTRIAN critics that he can bowl as| LANDER STARK CLASSIC |: Norma Magee 439; Dot Tyson 487; U ' ; Th $ 16 ~ © 164. Hand L Enterprizes 16, Goch super-ieon and Ralph' O'Reilly were|womrns HIGH AVERAGE: Bea' Allen fe Enterprises 4,/ ; . ' 2 ions i. Dumont 0; Robinson Motors 4, Jokers) This week marks the half-way Congratulations to the All ©; McLaughlin Coal 3, Mackies Van point in the schedule with the|5°rts for winning the first sec- ide Province's | ockey Crown Prince | ; By ED WALTERS from anxious fans asking if Alex|Faulkner with every $3 gasoline Canadian Press Staff Writer t' a goal, an assist or any-|purchase. It's always short of 'Newfoundland 7 fans|thing else. sticks. iasti ee n are an enthusiastic breed at res(G0OD LUCK TELEGRAMS = |FREE TRIP where Alex Faulkner is con-| The radio stations broadcast] A used car dealer offered cerned bulletins if Alex does anything ware a ora to " a +n 26. j _|during a game, newspapers pro- trip to Montreal to see Alex ea Wak' une caries ts vide special coverage. - play if they bought a car within yg forward with Detroit Red|. When Faulkner played his|a specified time. And a potato Wings of the National Hockey/first game as'a regular mem-|chip company is running a con- : sal can do no wrong in the|ber of Red Wings in New Yorkjtest offering as first prize a i] e ae of his fans back home. last Oct. 11, one radio station|free trip to Montreal to see was the first Newfoundlander|Sent its sportscaster and made| Faulkner in action. to make the NHL he has be-|atrangements for a special) st, John's hockey teams are : are, Alex Faulkner?" | One sports editor estimates) Wings game is on television. starts Sunday, January 13, at|Garage 25-67, Oshawa Camera Centre| Keeler 124, Mike Di Cesaro i82, Mickey Jan. 27. Brookdale LameS,|mack, K. Neal 505 and K, Gunn 502. [5 Gillard Cleaners 5; Flyers 5; Big |Grace Murphy 433, Beth Webster 430; test 16, Robinson Motors 16, Parker/tons each scoring a 570 triple.|151; Jean Hutcheon 147; Shirley Bowers and Storage 1; Cadillac Hotel 3, Goch e tion, Bob Germond and Al Lea come a shining idol to island-|>roadcast to Newfoundland. -- careful not to schedule a game FIND BET As Newfoundland gets tele-jthat 40 per cent of Newfound-| poyiner played three games Peterborough' 1 p.m. Feb. 3) Women 400 and over ¥ 4; Don Howe Real Estate 4; good at night as he can in the} Apparently most of the boys|Barbara Kirkham 425; Marg Brown Blectric 16, Pic-O-Mats 16, Cadillac) Barbara Kirkham 144 and Dore Serge gr OS he 7 gaoring pay, Berig jms vitt were mainly responsible for Does this sound too good to be true? Well, the PER WEEK ers The "e _ News sent Alex! on a Saturday night when ne , 4.|a good luck telegram signed by; Wings are in Montreal or Tor- Pec ge ed A B StcK 4,000 fans. Fifteen boys in @lonto because they know most pine etal angele ea hs "health camp near St. John's/folks will stay home to watch vised hockey only from Mont-jjand's hockey fans--tradition-|, : ' real and Toronto, the province's) ally supporters of either Mont-|in the NHL last season, all with hockey fans have seen AleXjreal Canadiens or Toronto)Toronto Maple Leafs. He ap- play only three times this sea-| Maple Leafs--have switched al-jpeared regularly with Roches- son. \legiance to Detroit. jter Americans of the American "When Detroit is playing else-| An oil company with service/Hockey League. _Red Wings where, newspapers and radiojstations in St. John's is offering}picked him up in the post- stations are flooded with callsjhockey sticks autog phed_by season draft, 10-PIN ACTION Mast rs Tournament PRO EC 10 $3, J 's TV 234 A M - Di Cec 181 i Stew Molloy 181 the Eastway Lanes and for ee ee ce tie kel oe eon : the bowlers who wish to par-|53%, Wilson's Furniture 20-53, Spitballs) OSHAWA MIXED. LEAGUE Sta age gr oon ge on nae a0 i "Peake "te vin pod cleaners 4: Angels 4 and Carl's reo, 4. z o -/435, B. Baxter 432, B, Grant 428, 8S. wen oVvER 500: G, Douglas 561; d 7 Shelenkoff 421 L 40% re bid : i Doure 1 ipa, and Feb 17 Seats hat a Ree ee eye anaes a ' an afternoon, rolled a terrific 634/were enjoying the holiday fes-|416: Dot Crossley 415; Mary Lee all; : ed ' oe ' orrai olby 410; Ni Richmond triple to move into second] tiyites this week as a good deal ean petri Bone wl. cores sop cid hei pola: Seng OAS the scores were well below) MENS HIGH A\ E: J. Tyson pi tg orl al that grows up to $15,000 , al 14, Brand 14, Du-iby the yals led by Harry ae p mont 18, Jokers 9. Art's Vending %! Joyce and Doug Keeler with| WOODVIEW PARK ' ing 1; Pic.O-Mats 3, Black's and 16 lost record pulling the Allsorts through. Men's Wear 1 and Houdaille Ind, 3, ; Team Standings -- Allsorts 33, Jets . . ; Clint's Texaco 1. | A real battle shapes up foros, Twisters 26 and Bombers 25. PAYABLE Top Ten -- S, Hodgson 634 (233, 224);\second place as three clubs the! Al pang inthe high man bowler Oshawa Times and the Scottish & York In- , vel] * iia | John's used to yell "Who d'you also sent a telegram. Alex re-\the NHL game on TV. And The annual Oshawa and Dis-| 30-56, Cook's Body Shop 29-68; Lane gers, Royals, Jets, Chiefs, Falcons, j i ee }19-48 and Gadabouts 18-63 S: * b ticipate here is the schedule.| "yr," over 500 -- G. Reid 569 (201):/shop 14 NDE Dougie Baber Jan, 13 Eastway Lanes 1 p.m.,|w. vervynck 521, V. Trimble 521 (212),|fendersons Block 10; Sandy's Super- Bowlodrome, Cobourg 1 p.m. | rurner 174, V. Trimble 172, M. Katcha.|} Wear 21, Mackies Van and Storage 19,/Par. Bob Edgar, Harry Hutch- ioe H: Rebeock. 171; | B.. Ceoeuley 7. 567 and 556. MIXED LEAGUE Results ---H and L B. Worsley 587 (230); H. Price 584 (214, IL Ti aE | for the night with a 525 triple and nice ' 205); B, Welsh 557 (219); B. McHugh\10ns, Tigers and Eagles, are|i9 single, Other high men were Keith ; i+ J 50 YEAR Ly Be Me EL, B Meee tied with 27-21 records. Ssonden 'and Bil Clark "who. bowld surance Company Ltd. will prove that it's true. - 537; K. Macinally 536; L. Hall 533 and) Results -- Royals 3, Hawks 0; Colts, 9°29 and 509. Lola Digmen was hi B. Howlett 531. : ba for the ladies with a nice 187 game and E L T adi £ Lead A c tagles 1; Jets 2, Lions 1 igers 2, 2, 186, Chi " A are + please note that over the holidays Lola : b+ a finden Se" was sf" wok 4284 POE, 2A, P28 nae deo lt ant wes, owatded This insurance was carefully planned for meperger 177, F. Sobil 176, R. Vil-\yqutcheon 570 (206, 201), R. O'Reilly two free games, not bad for a first leneuve 174, H. Erice 174, J. Spencer|s70, J. Waldineperger 568 (216); H./Year bowler. . . se @ . McHugl . | Joyce 567, Mike Di Ces 558, D Leadi Aver: : Men -- C. Russell h b f b ff ed I d COoOsTS ONLY eier 336 (20), He Prouken S44 (295%) 162,'Al Leavitt 1st, Doug Trivett 63, months betore being offered. It provides un- EASTWAY MIXED LEAGUE\c. Andor 543 (203) and J. Thom-|and Bon Germond 152. Ladies --- Joan Standings -- Silver's Texaco 30-68,|#0n 542 (204), O'Brien 139, Carol Ger d 135, Au- s thas week Lucky 13's 30-64%, Brown's Plumbing! Standings -- Colts, Lions, Eagles, Ti- arey "Parker 130 and Doris. ¢ lark 129 usually extensive coverage and is the finest $] 50 : : -- ber aged 1-79. agt FAMILY PLAN: low cost accident insurance you could buy. iy igionit OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Underwritten By Scottish & York Insurance Company Ltd. THE PIN-HITTERS ers" 3 to 1, and "Goofers" over the Some fine. scores were rolled this Team standings -- Bull's 20, Simp-|"Ascenders" 3 to 1 jweek and fireballer Reg, Hickey con- don's 17, Smale's 11, Price's 10, Tozer's; With just two more weeks to go in tinues to set a sizzling pace Two of the 8, Richards 6. this second section, team standings are: |Guys made the select class this week, Men's high sigle -- Maurice Rich-|Thinkers 18, Ascenders , Krazy Kats! Ron Swartz was high with 814 (298) fol- ards 27. 116, Wildcats 14, Joanie's Jokers 14 ,Jets lowed by Al, Goguen with 803 (321) SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS FOR FIRST YEAR * Men's high single with. handicap --|14, Tigers 13, Goofers 12, In the 700 class, for the Guys, were: Tommy Thomas 292. jand We Try each with Ll. On Jack Strank 798 (312), Reg. Hickey 793, * Men's high triple -- Gerald Bull 708. this week! Al Jamieson with ( > ni s Swartz 3. Ed Lugtenburg *Men's high triple with handicap--/233, 238) and Karl Westlake 56, 784 (302), Wimpy Reynolds. 781, Orest Dick Williams 740. 283). Pidwerbecki 769 -(346), John Trott 75 Dae eee --- Stan Simipeon 218,|\ Mae Jamieson leads the 600's with 685| soe Vasko 769 (395), Frank Hill' 726, FOR LOSS OF or Sunway 201, 231, Bill Boorman 238, Gerald Buil|(244, 264); Josie Westlake 6 (233,|Ron Jay 711, Warren Lanning 702 and 244, 273, Russ Flutter 262, Ted Tozer) 250); once Makarchuk 661 0), 222,\ Shorty vies 701. Accidente 217, Bob Bryce 222, 203, Les Smale 228,/209); oss Westlake 654 MIDs 2 os i . i j rir Reece ane wi ees Se Dick Wiliams 201, 246, Tommy|Nick Jaksitz 645 (243, 219); Harold|, For the Dolls, Nancy Mackay wae Life $10,000 $3,000 $1,000 $1,000.| $1,000 *Phomas 252, Al Price 208, 233 and Mau-|Sweet 644 (260, 226); Archie Bruce 644 gti 754 followed by Janet Pee} Both Hends 00 | ' ' ' ' rice Richards 277 (239, 234); Ev Campbell 630 (201, 240); 725 Nancy Love 706 and Shirley "Ashy 10,0 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 * Wi "s high single -- Mildred Flut-|Jack James 609 (221, 241); Long |Smart 704 Both Feet | | Monthly Disability as lad apa se G04 (206, 243); Joan 'Jackson 601 (201,| Footnotes -- The averages, are still Sigh , Both E Lb fc | ere Lipa pad 1. Up to $160 month Women's high single with handicap--|208) and Eve Clark 601 (219). jvery high and a list of averages will ight of Both tyes 10,000 | + 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 . pet | | Burning | Passenger Tornado, ' Buildings Car Accidents Eartha dred Flutter 251. Olga Shortt leads the singles with 272, be published next week » First Ald 1 nity Mvumen's high triple -- Edythe Read-\Pat Weggler 267, Ross Shortt 260, Sexa-Peels won the second section One hand and one foot 10,000 | 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 MG Indem RE EN Chris Collins 243, Flo Litster 24, Cecil and at the end -of the second section, One hand and sight of one eye 10,000 | 3,000 1,000 1,000 oie Wk 'oi icap--|Litster 234, Joa stla » Sadie| Reg, Hickey was leading the high ( i Lg ood Reseda acts seed sot sos charts cae" aes Mas Sega ide aver One foot and sight of one eye | 10,000} 3,000 | 1,000 1,000 | 1,000 The entire benefits under Women over 175 -- Donna Simpson |222, John Williamson 221, Fio William-}958 mark while Mavis Taylor was tops Either hand 3,750 1,000 500 500 500 Policy increase by 10% per 175, 182, Mildred Flutter 241, 184, Doro-|son 219, Vida Morey 2i1, Inez Curl 208,/for the dolis with a nice 233 average ; yi year for § years. 'hy Tozer 201, Nat Boorman 179, 27, Rhea Mann 203, Ken Bailey 203, . ; shea Either foot 3,750 | 1,000 500 500 500 : f 13, 'Vii Cor.|Don: McK, » 203 a th 'Abdos "Big Boy" Ballem has been falling * Widythe Reading 191, 218, 213, 'Vi Cor " icKarney 203 and Jim Anderson dova lately: Abd some bin scores ate Sight of either eye 3,750 | 1,000 500 500 500 | semen een eenee pee eneene ve Lemon Leaguers -- Coral Williams, Rhodes and Vern Wilson jthree singles ST. 4 e -- ™ Summary of Section No. 2: Winner) Over 200°-- Daisy Malcolm 216, Lou Cardinals' newly-acquired ri : . Bis ! La als y- d right- Bf Section -- Simpson's with 17 points.) Borrow 213 and Rose Anderson 203 : handed pitcher Ree Taylor AY 4 X la ene / S 0 To eS eee ee bias " Men -- High tripie -- Stan Simpson,| Jets took 3 points from the Satellites. : : e 425 University Avenue, p 40; high singe with handicap--j|Five Thisties. Two Roses took two . ¢ . @ POLIO -- Hospital indemnity for a Women --- High triple--Edythe Read-| Blue Bells 2, Two Roses 2, Five This #: aap 270: Devine, that when Clevela - : tte f : Snooze Richards, 270; high single with Guve ae Sols 1 nd In for Poliomyelitis issued by the Scottish & York Insurance the Hot Shot firs la ith Fla the Ss 2 . ri ; y j j the X Sots sare in irst place w n Fla., of the International e CUMULATIVE POLICY VALUE will subscribe to the Oshawa Times during the life of 'eecond section with 33 points: Pin Pick- matches, Dutchies shut, ost Anything "Tavlos sai ater | At rn cueta ves weak Seth & Vouk ales NAME. ecsscseieessosey MIRTOAIE Alley Cate 6. lot-Shots 7, Sabers 6, Dutchies 5, Cor-|iShed the season with a 12-4 rec- 'Abramoff 683 (302, 210), Art Moreau dinals tradec tilitv ce as ie; s traded utility first base maximum coverage reaches up to $15,000.00 BENEFICIARY. cs cee es (2B). |Beatty, who became the first|from Toronto 'borothy Price, Tommy 'Thomas, Anne| FRIENDLY 43 LEAGUE | | A Rhodes, Betty Powell,| is was the first week of e sec- --_ : See "Amey, Roy es, ety NEARLY QUIT BASEBALL Doubles -- Mabel Nicholson 417 (236) ; high triple with handicap All| Jokers took three points from Mari- said Monday he almost quit ards, 1 " Les Smale, 316 and high average --/points from Go-Getters Taylor, in St. Louis for a - --_|Ues 1, Go-Getters 1, Marigold a ald gener: enaene - . 4 e undersi, i e ing, 688; high triple with handicap Ne setters arigolds 0 and\dinald general manager, Bing Poliomyelitis up to $2,500.00. Th lersigned hereby makes application for the Travel shandicap ~- Donna Simpson 276 and MAJORS VIRE AN NESS taken al : ¢ WIRE AND HARNES' . the Policy when issued and wili pay the regular subscription ers and Head Pins, 31 points .each;|G0es 4 to 0, Sabers. decisioned . Sand- game. Go-Getters 29, Jesters 28, Hi Bawls 27,| Pails 3 to 1 and Sexa-Peels took a 3 to Taylor said that after he fin- rs 5, Sexa-Peeis Palle 4 At : ; ili i % ec Goer 600. Bev. Gibson 774 (303, 241) nets, 5, Sexa-Peels 4, Sand-Pails 4, Any-/ord he thought he: would give will increase in value by 10% each year, for ADDRESS "679 (276,'231), Ray Gendron 656 (263, ING 7 i b oe ee eas tad) ick. WIE WINS AWARD man Fred Whitfield to Cleve- Pl RELATIONSHIP TO YOU . " Bob Strutt 270, Cyril i j) Hy H + Geks 255, Peony Weatherall 244, Zea; Miler to break four minutes in- scaz lease read all details before completing application ze 243, Bob Clarke 242. Slim Bell|doors, was named winner of the " b 20: 'mish 175 and Bernice Wilson 193. ~2. expected from him in the near future, Grace Pidduck, Chris Thomas, Joanond section. We had one double and | ae % LOUIS (AP) -- St. Louis nice, 795; high single -- Maurice Rich-|golds, Blue Bells took two points trom professional baseball last year TORONTO, Ontario. Stan Simpson, 236. Team standings -- Jets 3, Jokers 3,| nhysical examination, told Car- Dorothy Tozer, high single -- Satellites 0. and Pedestrian Insurance Policy with Hospital Indemnity 'high average, Edythe Reading 196. After two nights of the third section, "ans sent him to Jacksonville, Company Ltd It is understood and agreed.that the applicant Sea eee ND rink are leading|Points from' the Leavers. In other| League -he decided to quit the INCREASE i i gaa price: Gay Six 24, Lucky Strikes 22, Flyers A Meee from Corners. The standing is , Bill Bevan 746 (330, 253), Doreen) ---- wd tose the game another try. The Car- the first 5 years. At the end of 5 years its 'son 221 (202) and Marty Muller 601 NEW YORK (AP)--Little Jim|!and for. Taylor, who comes I subscribe to The 0) Start Now 0) zip Edna Keenan 231, Wes. eonsn ove 1962 Sullivan Award Sunday by| REMEMBER WHEN .. : Marylin Rosseau 223, 202, Maurie 'Shorien 216, 202, Jack Johnston | the Amateur Athletic Union By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sd H enclose $. vie svcee sss Annual Fee ee an ale Biases. 207, Beth Lyn The award goes to "the am- Charles (Chuck) D - 201, 207, ayD- aithns e : resse tpiraer 06, 201, Pauline Calder 26,|ateur athlete who, by perform-| ,, ee). eee SIGNATURE 'Rev. Barclay 295, Leo Gorman 2%/ance, example, and good influ-| 9" Veteran and controver- : Se gee ee tea Lito t 'Byron Grace 204, Flo. Johnston 4 203, ai 4 Se Seok bh ee cseten Haken PP he eee aus. Ge 'au "een ee. em ee ee wee ee eee ee ees oe Doug Sutton 201, Ethel Atkinson 201, ence. did ee ee ee ee Bill Harding 200 and Faith Smith 200. i the cause of good sportsman-| gue teams in previous years. Lemon League -- Myrna Burgess #3,|ship during the year." It is) was appointed ; vonne Mudrey 90 and Harry Barrett) made in memory of James E Toronto Maple Leafs of the 96. oe Sullivan, a founder and former Internatio League. one MOTOR CITY MIXED DOUBLES president of the AAU year today. Dresser "Thinkers" are stil leading in' poit af bio ca dpe iti eatty, a five-foot six-inch' previously' had 'managed ° ian, set an American! Cincinnati, Brooklyn, Wash- ;;record with his 3:58.9 clocking) ington Senators and -Mil- | watkee Braves. manager of