12 THE QSHAWA TIMER Seturdey, Jonvary 5, 1963 =| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2:2 (3fnsiiaie Help Wented |16--Female Help Wanted |17---Male Help Wanted (25--Apt. & Flats For Rent 27---Real Estate For Sale : oe iammenmd required, apply Genosha| EARN 823 pa lygcon ig PE aed, a fee werd-| MECHANIC with Class A licence for| ADELAIDE Avenue ee 303; gn PARK Road North, robe R APPRENTICE to wood, plastic, @nd/ basement utilities paid, TV AITRESS with Dees. E1808, Montreal 39. metal pattera making, young man, 16] serial, Dain, $90" mening. moved to To Ho pie iemagecen for David's 'Drivesia Restaurant, 030/CLKRK ~ TYPIST with shorthand or|'0 18 years, with Tas hon */ Adults, eae ea aa a. g Danads Street W. 728-7377, ¢ 'est, Whitby, 668-4066. Must be|years' high school, in writing t heef, teat Ta 00 or or va 4, typist, Peen Permanent tion, Good|Box 314 Oshawa, CLEAN apartment i quiet| Realtor ' Fuel end Wood Mortgages 1--Women " Column ---- |EXFERIENCED Hehe eet emotes ee Fiveday a rea BIG-PAYING BUSINESS . No ha 7 AMES BROOKS, Certified Furnace Cleanout |Fimst AND 'purchased ond we otdlGroup of inc vidual, "Also "siteretions| cury 'Taxi, 14 Albert Street, 725-477) hrs toe ; General Printers} FOR A MAN OVER 40 [sbetainers. and non-smokers, 'Telephone OPEN F ipexanp : Suite : comet aod. Mens! Sijand machine service. Dial ---- EXPERIENCED waitress for shitt/14 We wont 'a man for the _ gwa Shopping Centre, 1.0053. FR E E King Street East, 723-7232. PERMANENTS on special. ge Hair-| work, sag ech ad Bee WOMAN for Nght duties, Park Rued! Oshowg orea, The right man ' and Dath, 396 Pine RAYMOND B, PROSSER, Ch. ie erth. 1 we es ekg A IE nee erg -- "Pelee n° | taurant, or Street East. tt 728-636. ' -- sgghiogs is worth os February 1 Tole INSPEC ] ION tant, 906 Centre 4 - Woitse Te oe - FINA FUEL a pe types of morgue mort-/ 795.5963. a pied ee yak sen 2Personal Lge M corggy percnaci rong tamous| 17--Male Help Wanted meio' 000 IN A YEAR _ |sourn onAWA, tite: bedroom BOB CLANCY'S Ontario itacert nese actin ii aes ommaveld head Full er Pett \SECL the good miscellaneous articiea| We pay earings in odvonce |ment, unturnished' in mew duplex, | DAILY EX Complete bookiueaping, ervion, ROSS HILL RIDE required to Bathurst and King|tlme, Telephone 725-3607. you o longer need thmugh an inex] ond require, mo, investmenie,_|t2 2 monty. 720-26, G a SUNDAYS 4 Bond Street West, 125-0897. ¢ Optometrist Street arriving at 8.30 a.m, Kindly tele-\CASiieR-TYPIST, required by Cana-|pensive Classified Ad. To have extra \f you are over 40, hav: 5 |CLOSE to Ajax, three large Foomis, 9AM, T0 9 PM. 133-7605. 728-7761 irist. Piense|Phone 723-7168. __.|tian Tire (Whitby), fiveday week, in-jcash Gial 723-9492 today, ears 'sell i nd [PATHY faraisied, two bedroom, "0" r 4 mba) coats at aeenicen Di LADY would like ride to Bloor and ans Saraciay, Cones jag aeTUaL JOS in Canada, U.S. bo. Wrice Plating Bae iy oe a per ye oat ae, toating, "pening & $65 ) fnsannl ig King Bee treet Bast, ; Household Repairs Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids Fonge area --o Bae eed ad Am., Europe, 2 pay, eer eg sonal note," lL. B Sa = VE Ronald at home, Dial 725-4587. a.m. Please telephon phone 668-5828, lage 4 Dd. on vas a. modern in 5 edmond harvey, € Ta. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES IF you have a drinking problem write|YOUNG girl or lady to care for two-|Boylsion 'St., Boston 16, Mass, Vice Pres., Texas Refi apartment building, $85 month. Central. . . Fiv week 7.20 a.m. prety ee Adults preferred. Telephone 7206876, | BOPEING, Recounts, 5 co. - ryt sasieul Fe WASHERS. DRYERS, Painting and Decorating Box od Whitby, or caf 668-3034 or fo 8 pan Live in oo yan Sidaed ste WANTED pe eatimalee cor reupbolater. sm > ss ga ib 711, Fort Wi FOUR-ROOM uoitr ac kesied private MANSIONS HEooe, Oatown, Ontario. 125-650. POLISHERS, IRONERS Service, Prices lowest in town, Work| RIDE required to Bathuret and 411 fom aah: i district. experience an asset but ely ia eatrabe et weer athly. Que TALE, FRIEDLANDER AND ©0.! Service Guaranteed guaranteed, Bowmanville 263-2780. (Downsview) sexiving 8.30 a.m. Please EXPERIENCED and , anexperienced either in person or by letter to Kennedy 8--. ale or Female street, 1 10 P me (Ring strwet with THOR of Conoda \peiming? tise Grpree 'sppied and|MAN would like Tide"tp Scarsorooan,| avert Wanted foe lody's and. geats|Uptotsiering tad. "06 Wallon sueec| Help Wanted (80 --Fivi rooms, garaae, ol i araaee. ark Rd. N., Soe. Ommewes 01371. Formerly with Lyd EO ggg taped. te Goldings 2 Churees 7 #25. 191, areiving at 7.0 a.m. Kindly ¢ ee Me if Apply H. Sher-|<------------ --|WORKING MAN requires 3 ed] you like rural living see this, Tele- TELEPHONE 7 deg 725-7776. iif, 87 Pi "Street Coa} 738-6791,|2W° BALESMEN to call on service couple to care for two 'echool. wien phone Hampton 263-2394. Oshawa eg el lp bet Donga "--8 FREE ESTIMATES ioe " stations, etc., in Oshawa, Whitby and|dren, Rent and WILLIAM Gireet Bast, "Thane GENTLEMAN would like | transporta- |GIRL or young woman Seneral| surrounding areas. Dealership to quali- ret: for ~-- 4 Smoove Street North, Seneeree Ajax DODD & SOUTER tion, Arriving at Yonge and 401 approxi- | peneeworkk in Toronto, ew b home, Ex-/fied applicants, For interview and fur- aeuaohioke hone 725-5978 after 5 p.m, monn Available and sore ee OSHAWA s FINEST f brit 200, Whithy MO 8-4! Instruction PAINTING AND DECORATING [mately 6.30 a.m, After 5, please call perience and references nocoamary. Pi eh telephone Mr. "-- 28-6133, ELECTRICALLY HEATED R 728-6606, salary right | ler Brush Company, 723-8 0. nee Au Parts pega atlrd ya -- at ahn pv Pp i Pepe ing 'é "oll pai "Fesun or|§ ; r x ik: hee 2 Room and Board THREE, "oom healed a apartment, Pek | APARTMENTS Auto tap, RAD Ballet, Highland, Register re BA Wen Mee, I Year. 'Taught in groups, with in-|terview. TAX! DRIVERS | ALBERT Sizect, 131 'room and board, |Vate entrance an monty. Apply 22 r| ' S ve At Western now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122, --_ u 4 'all Muro Boy herp. or private. Children"s| RELIABLE baby sitter wanted to book |sale room, suitable wor one young 67 Orchard' View Bouley 4 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ; dent counsellor, ray Painting roup also, For information, telephone! after children part time and do light e . 8 nad, hee minut wi rom | ----_-- r a A gpm) yon "= "By "interview 107 BYRON. oT. 35 "WHITBY | 723-7514 hovsthoaping. For information tele- Preferobly between 25 40 tour corners, free parking, Five-day | THREE-ROOM Seaieiee private ei en-| SCHOFIELD- AKER Service Centre |'5,,7seey_emecines. DAYS 668-2862 |" Removal oF superflucus heir pases. 7a0-base, Top earnings. Apply wean: 08, Toleeene Tee evens Arter ap LIMITED : MARSH, DEA, DMA, i ' ill in |RELIABLE lady to take care of Hiree BOOM and board for clean, Tespect-|799. a Repairs to All Makes ea geen gh . NIGHTS 725-7426 | Marie Murduff will be in 'hadian whsie yt a Srorka; tveaey MERCURY TAX]! able gentleman, single beds, clean| 2°. b | PHONE DAYTIME 723 2268 i MECHANICS | pre-school kinderdance. Fridays, Satur. ; | Oshawa, Jan. 7th, 8th ond eek For particulars 'telephone fas. Teoins, good meals, Close to North|ARTHUR STREET, 29 -- "_Three-room| I LICENSED 728-1607 ast Masonic Temple. 723-7253, Personal Service 9th. Phone Genosha Hotel 4336, 725-4771 General Motors. 728-0723, apartnent, unfurnished, 5:3 145 King West --~ : ical and PIANO, Feed, pipe | and electronic organ} 6n these dates for appoint- {REL ABLE housekeeper for eldanty|._ >» =' HV 4 P ..|$15---FIVE DAYS for two gentleman, : see tet . "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" At Mae prondion he guile oem tuning and repair. a cio apprais-| ment, |couple, live Rss... oe sia willing to share, single beds, lnundcy, 5 Henry Stinson senile Shieh tintmae Green, Ge tae and/ed. Phone Ajex 912-1664. ELECTROLYSIS [woman Sith car te" call Topas rere HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS, kl sowmhevinie Seirconapan| Steve Macko 728-5868 used instruments, Alto Music Supplies.|--~~--. 7 | 1 Ni BOOM or room and board eed "oes Barristers 453 Simcoe Street South, 725.150). MODERN GR ie" | 7 Soa h 00 established Studlo G snails , gall pontloman or coahe tom od barking, |ment, Centrally ocated, heated, elt Les Hall .. 728-5513 BOWMAN, PAY Xi, iso. 'Resr| LEARN TO DRIVE Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey 23-4641 ae malieg neceeary deliveries, eie;| Non-conflicting | sideline + ae. g00s Bill McFeeters 725-1726 for, 3% Simcoe si or-B~ Pita ny, {three or four hours per day, Route wi: men now calling on t SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND area, warm! KING § STREET EAST -- dence 728-0264, Oshawa Driving School Dinners, Fish n Chips, Home | pa Pets & Livestock jpay up to $5.00 per hour, Write Stadio above. Highest commissions . {fom, private bath and entrance, quiet Selt-poutalasas haar -- Si Free oF carter, Reg Aker ... 725- 0201 'A, Barrister, ' Made Pies and Desserts. | Girt Cosmetics, Dept., CDJ-62, 840 La- : home, Lunches packed. Home cooked|m > Ralph Schofi Id 728-3376 cE Vv. MACKEY, Ba. Socibans DAY or EVENING aERCTINCL "baby budgies, ready for|flenr Ave., Montreal,' $2. paid weekly on year-round Imeats, laundry, ' ment, on main floor, Available in pri- P otie lable, 36% Street East. WE DELIVER Frond 114 eee strain: Apply Mrs. /RELIABLE woman to care for two| automatic repeat business. |Carnegie Avenue. wool Doors pe eas furmised, "Kitehen 72-1107, Res, 985-7163. Late Models, Standards 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH |Broad, 114 Elgin Street Bast, |children (one school age) and four-| Write Hi-Test . Corporation, ette mane ; wiivate ioUis & HYMAN, GC, Barrister, Sol-| Automatics, Dual Controlled 725-3887 {BLACK and tan hound Tae seven|room apartment. 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.| 206 King West, Hamilton, 21--Room & Board Wanted shower, hot water," hydre supplied. wars Notary, Ea Building, 87 King OSHAWA ond WHITBY | weeks old. Ten to fifteen dollars. Apply pt a Maar her ag Ag Ontario. WANTED west side of Oshawa or inne: as T hay girls or busi- 4983. rt; je meon- . {111 Allan § . Vhhith; 668-3294. ch adele: a ee ---- $s couple. 'elephone 'or iutment Soest Eas 7-90. Mertens CALL 728-0091 Plumbing end Hesting __lFictasvan wuie poste ar ad |More Teeonone TOs ater 3e| ionce [Hite aya mooi, Gexttan, Wii] aT. ser ¢ Pon. and wehanse List With Lloya EELLY, Barristers, Soil- ALL PLUMBING and heating suppiles. le hampionship breeding. Outstanding| RELIABLE woman to come in and| Furniture and Appliance [Post Office Box $33, Whitby. *|SIMOOE Street, thr fhree-room "basement GREER AND bby, aE Cell ¥ 14 King Street East. awn e 7 an ar jeoat texture and black pigmentation. | care sma aby while mother n $60 ag Crake, 1 Z E Dial) L Mowers Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Ltd, | for 11 baby 'hil oth Store i Whitby | + Private bath. hen Cell Your Mover Residence Phones: J. M. ing, Heating and Engineering,| Telephone 725-4858. ing 8.30 a.m. to 5 pm. Five-day] ae" e Si Available 'February 1, Telephone 'Greer, BA, BSe., 725-3963; Terenee V.. WE SHARPEN and RENT 255 Simove Street South. week. Reply in writing to Box 216,! "2 pace 7030. $8,900.00 FULL PRICE Requires an 2 ALMOST EVERYTHING ALL TYPES of repairs and "Femodei-|5--Farmer's Column k- --_.S EXPERIENCE ___and Garages ee eS GIBBON STREET UPH 10NER, a soe ToOMAE B. GIVE US A CALL... tee. pain Pata oak ao Tei |CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid| LEGAL | CED -- for rent, Centre and Gabb | Spee ref: rigera 3 bedroom bunga! with 130 King 718-6246. 1 728-6931, J, Foley. Pectin ten a te. | SALESMAN Street, $7 monthly, Telephone 72s 2599] 0ary ssn cain on. Teleneene tecides, garage rahi 2 gage loans available. S T A N S REPAIRS and Po Tm ge PE ef | de gerd ollect 'ampton, fax | | ; i0 SQUARE FEET clean storage CORDOVA Road, @, Soe tee tae close to all schools and shop- 'RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, new and used materiale sataricon te um Pur Farm, Tyrone.' STENOGRAPHER salary and commission 3s Simeow Sitect South' Telephone one Tape | apartament, pertialy furnished. Net ping centre, Carries for only , Notary Public, 53% ef CORNER KING AT BURK STS, |tates: Free estimates. 725-1334. Mc | Company benefits. 9481, south General Motors, $70 monthly, $60.00 per month, Interest pe --7 DONALD, BA. 723 3224 Ee |11--Articles For Rent | WANTED Apply in writing to | OFFICE SPACE aaa eee fineaes and principal combined, Bat- 'JAMES A. MecDONALD, BA, "LLB. . -- | | Bireet, Gvecoom "apartenean, "Rerriatr sd nnd Solicitor and Notary Pub: ALL WELL... Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, | Only experienced need opply, BOX 112 fer furry tor thie one, Cat | | | main floor, garage, King 4 'i | water, Ed D ht now Pit oan Wanted But if you insist Punch Bowls Permanent position, 5 day | SEATING AVAILABLE fo : pomemnent Py ellie, or'738. ; n the best... call Brandy, Wine, Cocktail Glasses week. Apply | i j Comer King & Albert EXECUTIVE ranch style home, 9345 or 728-5123. gt, Sinan Been there. INVESTMENT GUSCOTT PLUMBIN Roasting Pans : Learn Meat Cutting ' 400 to 750 sq. ft, ra or oe ee < Othos Wes livl. Residence, 725-5543. OPPORTUNITY U \B1 G Coffee Urns | Louis S. Hyman, Q.C., a8 Nass winded tie dias | APPLY KAS ' eg $1,000.00 DOWN HeErebON sod BANTEDO, ' and HEATING Limited] 5 t's Rentals |_37_Kiro_ Street fost | Guhone ond surrmmdinn Din LA residential to Five room ranch brick bun- Cilente funds available fot Rand pac ag ood 207 Simeoe St. S.--725-5132 wise a i ais "| trict day or evening, 'being | COFFEE SHOP ese, For eomointment : ay ica Te " i y Charles C. McGibbon, 8% per aipainh: Write Rug-Upholste Sanics | wane ae SALES CLERK formed Offering ; pracitcal i KING STREET EAST, 393 -- -- Heated Lorge lot. Cues ae Is, 'Qc; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. ig-Vpholstery aad WHEEL CHAIRS training in .the highly paid git, self-contained, 3% rooms. schoo BOX 114 ; Private bath, shopping ond buses. Priced ' P, MANGAN, '@ QC, Barrister, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs se] Hospital. bede, invalid watk- FOR | field of meat cutting, mer- OFFICE is a poseeanen, mott. call 723-7192, Money 16% ivered like Get the best for 1 7 ; e $73_monthly, to sell, and only $70.00 Steet East, ones We ears OSHAWA TIMES at astern Upoolnterers, a2 alutoe , commodes, | gett sik eaihaalte monthly. Call Irwin Crutk- WF aWAETE BND RONAL South. Call 725-6451, Free estimate, also slenderizing | JEWELRY STORE KINGS ( COURT shanks at 728-5205 er 728- Solieiters,|Money te Loan CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistesed » na chines. ond roll - away 5123, . re-styled, Free estimates. See oy DOWNTOWN PRACTICAL MEAT FOR REN T CHESTERFIELDS rebuill, recovered, Then inspect this 6 room like new, Why pay more: Our rates) Recent! j | opartment for the owner and are reasonable, Satisfaction gusran- jae Wanted BOX ] ] ] PLEASE WRITE e yY occupied by AJAX a double brick garoge plus @ teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Lip. Saint cb dal he 1425 DANFORTH AVE. Oshawa Chamber f N rete 3 room opartment, * Monies available for ell types . [helstery Co., 10 Bond W. Dial 725-0311 | HAW |__ OSHAWA TIMES TORONTO, ONTARIO. | 4 o Lease Required. with full both. 6349 18 aes Ee Hum| Without bonus' Monies alse (Sales and Service | AUTO WRECKING CO. eon OT 7s4s______| Commerce. Approx- | Approximately 10 miles yeor terms, Murry éall "Bill" j from Oshawa. Horner ot 728-5123 or 728- wrx Hillman. F 3} @voilable on second mort- TBOA Wonts cars for cki ; j peniiiay" Heslosncer" 12843501 ae goges. Mortgages and Agree- OP SPARG MOTOR Parts for si also srop o 'AVON CALLING WANTED imately 1000 sq. ft. Opposite tatge Shopping 'Centre 2236, "MO 8-461, 725-5963. NHA and other ments for Sole purchased. SCOTT MOT and metals, etc., bought | 'Bright air-conditioned near schools, churches, ete, $900.00 DOWN 'mertgage funds available, = aE. Monies loaned on first and MeCullough eg Open Saturday all day. bought | N Y IMMEDIATELY g L Moderns shnseean ee TON: a a' second mortgages. Mortgage 9) 725- -2311--89 BLOOR E. ew ear-- Two Vinten danbiiinis spoce . . . elevator arge One Bedroom $73 room bunga: 'WANTED ----|_~--s" New Career | commitments for loans given SALES & SERVICE | low, close to all schools and | | service'... available $75.00 per month. Hurry for 262 King St. Eost | SERVICE | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY | Join Avoni in the exciting | SALESMEN TELEPHONE | material f re-coverin, Dalton Ub/ | 3 t CUTTING d MONIES aera eae] FOR SM OR RENT | remem toon Oa | APARTMENTS | sachs | M. F. SWARTZ, OSHAWA MARINE Two Bedroom $79 chulches. Carries for only this one call Bill Johnston now Oshawa, Ontario |_1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 AND FEATHER TICKS | business of selling Cosme- | | on lease... moderate ot 728-1066 or 728-5123. isn Surveyors Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals | tics, Good income. No ex- | For well established. cor lot | rent, a ae Lloyd Realty (Oshawa Limited, _Poccapeges H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontarto| repel | | perience necessary. We im MNiby. Eperenat not 26--Rooms For Rent 101 wed Street North, Land Gn ha 111 Elgin Street East. | |. TURNER t Writ } necessary, Only oggressive | 1 me ---- Osha: Ontario MORTGAGES __ [Pisve 8 723-0018. 7asaag | | a hoe | Aly Idnta bea ctabp wise war's] |--OPEN EVERY EVENING-- SOWRVAN & IND FLEISC MANN, On. | | share, Garage pene Red 728- Moneys for first mortgages |r Atus be ee sr Opportunities| P.O. BOX 512 | netion ates T | WI LSON a ; 6 - P ie undry, Blair M ° 4 FURNISHED bedroom in private h me, 'Building Tredes Irs ot 79% Felton Farag MR ge i ea nates ee =| CIDE REALTY BEL TYPES of building repairs, poot| No bonus nt RO Te \acwn. oliding sles Ul antes, teehee roc hitby . hells itr i -i28. chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, lo charge for valuations | |thousand down, Write Box 243° Oshawa CENTRAL -- Gan, Tamisbed room eteope. Gordon Maye 728 0604, No charg ' LEN PULLAN > pes Ive and adjoini FOR ALL your building requirem Mortgages and Agreements (ENGLISH TAILOR) 2 BOOKK CEEPER FOR TOP MONEY JOBS | The Oshawa Times stove and Pecigerette, sees, a 16 sheng a gy Ue 127 end repairs, cupboards a specialty, "Cal, purchased. for all tailoring require FARM FUEL GET IN ELECTRONICS | 'Suit gentleman, Telephone -- 723-9225, * BET Vroom, Whitby, 668-4118, Moneys for second mortgages morte <a bur /erperlenced TYPIST |\23--Wonted To Rent Kecnind Street, (63: Furnished house] $7,000 FULL PRICE--with * YOUR local cleaner "Chhas le. services for both suit and BUSINESS FOR TOP MONEY JOBS | GARAGE wanted vislaly Galboraw aod|*™8 fetrigersice: Telephon: Yestem'™"| low down payment. ; Pua ved yepaired. gas linings "nstelied, Immediate services rendered dress repairs and alterations. FOR SALE FOR._CHARTERED GET IN ELECTRONICS Mary Streets. Telephone $25. 3061. CLONE to aeesiowe one large bed-| for $80.00 per month, rend = 7apaeo7, | mS T 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 | FURNISHED house or apartment want.|T0°™. furnished, pref tl A Ing interest, principe ' : _ < (next to Bus Station) | Over 700,00 lions, North ACCOUNTANTS OFFICE | 1 you are 16 or over with min- te oe ee and Maerh,|PY_24 Charles § eet. ilapaoia ae toxes for this com 26% King St. East fil +: el is st ° imum Grede 10 education, you |Adults, Abstainers. Telephone 125-1395. CELINA Gireet, i3 a aed single room,} bedroom bungalow. he SAVE Oshawa, Ontarie iTV -- Radio Repairs a ee ee Person required is probably | can become a specialist in, T.V., ASSISTANT bank manager with fam-|'1@R, quiet home, all facilities, Five| ing. TV ontecna, Double ger- Pp © pio ish Radar, Communicetions, Automa- err inutes te four corners. ntlem: 9, oer 723-4697 ._.| GUARANTEED repairs wo ail makes) FULL PRICE $45,000 | ®¥. empicyed ee Tau | ton Commun ote) Radon | [Bee Seacon i Te) rete | eniy. h eremenee ob, Joana 18h: at j TV, radio, car radios. yg clee- we PAPAS PAY. Schools in Toronto and Montreal 3457 during office cl CELINA STREET, ti5 -- Large house.| ° 15 MONEY TO LOAN |= ti ist iota Terms cen. zai htt aati cain] SIX ROOMED HOME Cine McCULLOUGH'S | TV RESTATE by he aur each | APPLY BOX 219 Apply by letter to watiat RADIO' "eoueee oF |24--Houses For Rent |mam for 720389. sunk bee ok nd book BUILDING Low Interest -- [Bimece Sonu "Fata OSHAWA. TIMES BOX 217 raee Rg ge i a a ee [SELL eo good rasp items hood aedeacnca 461 King St. W peer ae porch, 324 fan eat | Too: ton a ee Availabe, Centra Hoee-} four piece tiled bath, F. oY Nis: Valuation Fee not using, Start ne inexpensive Claki:| ores [Telephone 723-9211 evenings 725-2539, Oil, gara: ved drive, bus SUPPLIES Ural keer Gareileted ae an ot Sil catatt? h with | ESTABLISHED | OSHAWA TIMES i Toronto 2B, Ontario [INO-ROOM, cain, saris" acme. ree Room ROT EY Witt a ie ie paved Fag Bie hot water heated, television. Telephone| priced to sell. EET N. | f : | Texaco | MODERN : 725-5102, 1770 say och ' Residential TV. TOWERS : : EXPERIENCED SEWING fences, close. fo seola bu rund Bi | LOoR West Ba, two furnlabed rooma,| !NCOME HOME ON CHRIS- est Side' City and District | All galvanized, no point Service Station ; inka 'pedcaneen ele pony. Ne. fees Prager fy mamarete te sotrance, id ST. BPM Plaedrgy an 4 : ' BLOOR WEST, 80 -- Six house, |tore, 726-9940, way roe, PRONE 728-4688 | Summer Properties LEN & LOU'S For Lease - MACHINE OPERATORS onl Rae SOS re (SOUP, HR ewe aang] AT, yO, Sewanee Vacant Land ANTENNAS ON RITSON'RD | 723-9210, ______ltance. "Telephone e728 138. Petvate es) come. Immediate. possession, ; a Al 4 - JOR MOVING ANB STORAGE: esis 728-5804 or 725-7844 REQUIRED pg RF ig I aS.) PONTIAC INN CENTRAL PARK -- 5%% tPulls""calpped sed lnworee. "Tele-| Mortgage Brokers Association = [~~ ay. AE | N1C. || A firmly estoblished mixture Le gg vee; ater 8 pm. RESALE --- 3 bedroom brick "sen Maia | AER ALS of neighborhood and trans- . rane CENTRAL -- Tine > bedroom| Rooms, Single and Double. ak age ooo ted Bae : Dressmaking SUMMERLAND DO WEAR OUT | lent business. $3,000 capital PIECE WORK OPERATION Inoase, ue bath, closets, in Television, Dining Room, | bes with 'aetng 'oreo, tiled * @RRGSWARING. atecrstoas~pant Ga ITIES | | required. Poid training avail- | 5 DAY WEEK boards, Large lawn "we and gerden. Lunches Packed. bathroom, Many extras, pave Ing. shortio drapes, Reasonable rates. SECUR REPLACE NOW oble : : |Heumaediete "pees cases, ed drive, iron porch = LIMITED While weather ond prices are | Cole of California (Can.) Ltd. 25 i Plas bar Roms 725-0078 Pes Bags posits with 112 Simcoe $t. North at their best, (PHONE 668-3211 DAYS OR) 804 Ritson Rd, South, Oshawa 728-7359 pase wR Bn Bhi oned ATTRACTIVELY rotor, aluminum storms and Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 TRIO TELEVISION §/.728-4231 EVENINGS AND | : apartment. private entrance, oll heet-| 1 yp screens, broadioom end rer ij 171 BOND STREET EAST | | ed. Immediate possession, adults pre-/ FURNISHED ROOMS | cently redecorated. Classified Ad Rates CALL. 728-6781 LEAVE NAME AND i L GRADUATES TaNaDOWNE a Available in private home. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- 25 WORDS. OR LESS . S NUMBER HIGH SCHOO G soertunint sister seman] ° Call between'S ond 7 oe 5 room home on Grenfell Better described offers get faster results. et | rag isundry 'and. parking Tecilstien "75 Street, lorge 60 ft. lot with i a oan Gren TV TOWERS (Tae oaear Ware | If you like meeting people raring godly A parks Apply apart. 82 PARK RD. goroge. Asking only $10,000. 3 consecutive days ae on aaubere eo NORTH _ |MOTHERLY care offered for children| 'ou will enjoy work asa Oshawa's Finest Sekcannat Ttngs ont. 5 lines ying eg _-- 7.50 Economy and Deluxe p% a yard, 'Telephone 726-1363 bares! ' Hoy : A 27--Real Estate For Sole regi <n Svnsd (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) Priced to suit your bud: | WILL CARE for one child in my own Pa k L 55,000 MITH low down payment. Taxes) Gitioned with a new forced air get. id r ane S only $135. New fu hospital, Py Each additional line per month. 1.60 i |home. Weekly or daily. Telephone| NE FFICE REPRESENTATIVE 1 ly ew furnace, near hospital, *) eon ol sii says -- or tioredction « ees 5c ahi vitae Pere PAN Day Nursery, Mo nday t sca sia " P Make us = oe Call' Sally Wallace ° ay Nursery, Monday to : i Box number. . . . OSHAWA TV | Friday, 581 (aod omg Rear Handling contacts with our Customers 10 min. from Downtown 725-6097 or 78-7377. Joseph B800,| purchased another home, iphone 728-2604. --_ | Spacious grounds 7 OSHAWA BLVD, NORTH -- Word ode ag bm dey preview ee, a ema ea GOOD STARTING SALARY -- REGULAR INCREASES | Prestige location ROBERT at Reduced to $10,900, lovely Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. SUPPLY LIMITED Excellent references. 'Call Mit, 128-998: PLEASANT OFFICE -- FRIENDLY CO-WORKERS Attractive two bedroom MARY ST in Roceert' Gaede tau Lost ond Found -- .. 8:30 a.m. day of publication. GIRL 'seeks position ba' accounling| : suites, . Caneelictions ond Corrections--8: 30 a.m. day of publication. 728-8180 clerk and junior typist, Phone 728-7723, | i ae | Private balconies ' SIMCOE NORTH RITSON ROAD NORTH -- REGULATIONS HEALTHY 'capable roman would like Please apply in writing to Clavdiee eaivlte indome hams beoutitl G5cdie work. prefera 00k ; The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- DAY OR, NIGHT Telephone 728-8651 so Controlled entrances Split level entrance, Spac- tion--8 rooms--2 | ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not io sears oh Well Drilling--Digging © WILL care for two or tires! small ¢ =| BOX NO. y18 . OSHAWA TIMES | Garoues -- three - bedroom bunga- 2 kitchens, private entrance. _.|dren in.own home, wi low Close to public, separ- Garage and private drive. one incorrect insertion of ony advertisement, nor aren in own home, while mother works , : io price chorge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which W. WARD . is Bloor East, 726-0188 Paved Parking a and aah ke Shop Convenient financing. error occurs. WELL DIGGING B |16--Female Help Wanted : BUILDING LOT -- On Park The bran faa mg the right to classify advertising MACHINE VOUNG WoMAN Help "for house. THE BELL TELEPHONE Don Howe ORLY ONE LEFT | 'Road, 40 x 115. Asking $2,- according to its proper classification.' SPECIALIZING: IN 30" TILE work and assisting with children, in ee | 500. Terms. inthe case (of disoloy edvertisements, The tboenes Bie lnallner a " 668-2563 -- 668-3609 | Bleseanl own us aalary. 125-4824 COMPANY OF CANADA Daytime 725-7732 J. OCHONSKI ke, fut porticulors colt 733-1121 held responsible for more space than thet in which the actua WHITBY, ONTARIO MATURE lady td care for two chil Evenings 723-9692 CONSTRUCTION Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! adver- 15 VICTORIA, OSHAWA ° | { os dren, one school age. Live im or out,| wey matter correctiy, bet rsume 10 lability rE advertisement 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST |Belcrenecs required, Telephone | Howe ond Peters Realtors! 725-6031 \