SOFT LIGHTS AND sweet music was the theme of the New Year's Eve dance spon- gored by Corinthian Lodge, Independent Order of Oddfel- lows in the auditorium of O'Neill Collegiate, until mid- night, then jubilant | spirits broke out with horns and noisemakers to herald the ad- Oddfellows, Friends Celebrate The Old Year Out, New Year In The New Year was brought in amid festive balloons, hats and | streamers by over 435 Oddfel- lows at OCVI. The happy crowd enjoyed the gay evening of dancing and mer- riment from 9.00 p.m, until 1.00 @m., convened by Mr. Wil liam Payne and his committee. ong the spot dance win- Bi oars Mr. Ray Greentree, Mrs. Jack Taylor, Mr. Elmer Marshall and Mrs. R, Richard. Among those seen dancing were Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lee, Mr. Louis Peter, Miss Nor- ren Read, Mr, and Mrs, W. G. Sim, Mr. and Mrs. M, Winter, Mr, and Mrs, Gabriel G, Lavic- toire, Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Cunningham, Mr, and Mrs. Bryce M. Ashmore, Mr. and Mrs, M, Black, Mr, and Mrs. Cc, Layton, Mr, and Mrs. J, Milne, Mr, and Mrs. R. Whit- taker, Mr, and Mrs. V. Braney, Mr, and Mrs. B, Mason, Mr. and Mrs. B, Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman, Mr, and Mrs. Gary Cooper, Miss Marilyn Rowden, Mr, Donald Pringle, Miss Shar- on Gimblett, Mr. John Norris, Miss Joyce Harris, Mr. Thomas Gimblett, Mr, Robert Clark, Miss Audrey Trick, Mr, and Mrs, W. Kusnell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown, Mr, and Mrs. T. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Ashton, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Smith, Mr. and Mrs, I, Perrin, Mr, and Mrs, R. Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs, R, Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Morley son, Mr, and Mrs, Wil- liam Weroski, Mr, and Mrs. R. Weroski, Miss Marilyn Clements, Mr, Gerry Beaudry, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Dalley, Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Rudkin, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Harnden, Mr, and Mrs. George Van De Walker, Miss Marjorie Lick, Mr. David Piatti, Mr. Roy Parker, Miss Marjorie Johnson, Mr, and Mrs, F, Mat- thews, Mr, and Mrs, D, For- rester, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Son- ley, Miss Ann Wyrzub, Mr. Vin- cent Vasey, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Neville. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Walker, Miss Marilyn Shutron, Mr. Wil- liam Campbell, Mr, and Mrs, J. French, Mr, and Mrs, F. Mc- Clure, Mr, and Mrs, A. Dionne, Mr, and Mrs. J. Graham, Mr and Mrs. A. McMaster, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs, R. Burns Mr. and Mrs. A, Betts, Mr. G, Williamson, Mr. P. Leddy, Miss Marie Davis, Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Thompson, Mr, and Mrs. D. Starkey, Mr M, Leonard, Miss June Scott, Mr, and Mrs, Roland Toy. Mr, and Mrs. William Hilts, 'Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Harmer, Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Thomas, Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Chambers, Mr. Mr, and Mrs, Robert McDonald, Mr, and Mrs, Mr. Murray Nelson, Miss Mar- ion Glenney, Mr. and Mrs. W.) : Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Don-) | and Mrs./ | and Mrs,| | ald Thompson, Mr. William Neal, Mr. George Lawrence, Miss Lor- raine Parsons, Mr. Robert Ma- son, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mason Jr., Mr, and Mrs. A. J, Ma- son, Mr, and Mrs, J, LaRocca, Mr. and Mrs. L. Home, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kehoe, Mr. and Mrs.'§ A. J. Lytle, Mr, Jack Watson, Miss Carol Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Orm Cole, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goodes. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Newman, Mr. D. G. Rodger, Miss Betty Harvey, Mr, and Mrs, Marvin Walker, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Na- than, Mr. 8. Zubkavich, Miss Beverly Lovelock, Miss Caro- lina McGarry, Mr. Denis Grier- son, Miss M, Elvick, Mr. Gary Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Roy An- drews, Mr. and Mrs, G. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. L. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hanson, Mr. John CHANGE FROM TV MONTREAL (CP) -- Radio and television actress Jeanne Sauve, wife of Maurice Sauve, MP and mother of a three-year- old son, has been elected Mont- real vice-president of the exec. utive council of the Institute for Public Affairs. WOMEN WORKERS Some 1,000,000 women are employed in Sweden--making one in three persons on the la- bor market a woman. Eviness, Miss Eunice Martin, Mr. and Mrs, G. Pearson, Miss Judy Gibson, Miss Jean Stain- ton, Mr. Robert Bryant, Mr. Jack Snelgrove, Miss Betty Puskas, Mr, and Mrs, John Simpson, Mr. and Mrs, S. S. Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs. N, McCarroll. Mr, and Mrs. David Simpson, Miss Lynne Esson, Mr, Barry Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bry- ant, Mr. Peter Blackwell, Miss Joyce Wolf, Mr. and Mrs, Clar- ence Udell, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Greentree, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Heard, Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Pugh, Mr. and Mrs, A, Broadbent, Mr. and Mrs, John Whitefield, Mr. Kenneth Whal- ley, Miss Patricia Carley, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booth, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whyte, Mr. Murray Johnston, Miss Jean Quinlan, Mr, and Mrs, George Killen, Mr, and Mrs. Rae Pas- coe, Mr, and Mrs. Neil Gifford, Mrs, Edward Richard, Mr, and Mrs, E. R. Watter, Miss Juan- ita McGregor, Mr, Elmer Mar- shall, Mr. and Mrs, W, Young, Mr, and Mrs. J. E, Morewood, Mr. and Mrs. Cheredaryk, Mr. and Mrs, C, D, Jobb, Miss D. Heard Mr. J, M, Mosuk Mr. and Mrs, C, R, Smith, Miss D. Dougherty, Mr. L. Allen, Mr. Bernie erry, Miss Doris Moore, Miss D, Kauzenuk, Mr. M, Thompson, Miss A. Hill, Mr. G, Porayko, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Wilde, Miss Barbara Workman, Mr. Daniel Riordan, Mr. and Mrs, Grant Derry, Mr. and Mrs, D. Cosburn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen, Mr, and Mrs, B. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Andrews, Mrs, D. E. Luke, Miss Pat Mullen, Mr. and Mrs, D. E. Weldon, Mr. Ross Farrow. : Mr, and Mrs. Jack Taylor, Miss Janice Beech, Miss Made- line Lauzon, Mr, Larry E, Wel- don, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wil- son, Mr. Bruce Bouckley, Miss Dorothy Donald, Miss Anne An- nis, Mr, Terry Romburgh, Miss Beulah Trotter, Mr. Garry Par- fait, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lowe, Mr. and Mrs, P, E. Mer- lin, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald G. Oke, Mr, Joseph Doninik Jr., Miss Clara Mitchell, Miss Olga Trimble, Miss Karen King, Mr. Maurice Thompson, Miss Nor- ma Carswright, Mr, G, K. Gra- Mrs, Cy Merlin, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Grace, Mr. and Mrs James Sabyan, Miss Gail Ve- Mr, Joseph Zulkavich, Miss Heather Hanson, vent of 1963. Officers of the lodge who attended with their parties seen above from left to right nre Mrs. Gilbert Free- man and Mr, Freeman, Right Supporter of the Vice Grand; Mrs. William Payne and Mr. Payne, Noble Grand; Mrs. Jack Taylor and Mr, Taylor, past Noble Grand, Oshawa Times Photo ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Last year my daughter had a child out of wedlock. I begged her to give the baby up for adoption but she said she would never forgive herself if she did such 'a thing. When she came home with the baby it was the talk of the town. I tried to hold my head up and it wasn't easy. My daughter had to go to work so I took care of her child as if he were mine, Naturally I became very mugh attached to him, Three months ago she came home and told me a fellow she met at work wanted to marry her but she'd have to give the child up for adoption. I was shocked, All my pleading went in one ear and out the other. |The next week she took the baby jto an agency and now I dont even know where the child is. Is there anything I can do about this Please say some thing to comfort me. I am-- SICK AT HEART Dear Sick At Heart: There is nothing you can do now. The mother has the right to decide-- and she made the decision, You may find comfort :n the knowl edge that your grandchild is bet- ter off in a home where he has the love of both father and mother. Dear Ann Landers; Our daughter will be graduating from college in February, She wrote us today that she wants to join the Peace Corps. This comes as quite a -shock to us. Brenda was never very athletic and certainly not the outdoor type. From what we hear about the Peace Corps' rigorous demands, it's no place for a girl who gets her hair set and her nails manicured every week, My husband is quite upset over this. He says it serves us right for sending Brenda to that farout college. He thinks "sav- ing the world' should be' left to the professionals and not to a bunch of young kids. Frankly, I know very little about the Peace Corps so I am not saying anything either way. |What do you think of it for a ham, Miss M, Lutton, Mr. and|young girl who has been raised) with a silver spoon--Mrs, R. Dear Mrs, R.; The Peace Corps is marvelous regardless \girl was born with. | Be proud of your daughter--| and Mrs. Brian Logeman,| © G, P. Montgomery, Mr,| | Leonard Andrews,| | | A space-age development, is modelled in Paris' bohemian Montmartre. Designed of fine nylon jersey with foam lamin- ated lining, it is as crease- resistant as a sponge and can double as a rain coat, Coin- doated hat and scarf are by Claude Saint-Cyr of Paris. More Security for Baby & In Adoptive Home §& * Wate even if she doesn't make the grade. It takes courage to trade a plush-lined existence for two years of missionary type sacri- fice. The rewards are enormous for those who have the physical stamina and the dedication to undertake to serve in the Peace Corps. The satisfactions which come from giving of one's self and teaching the underprivil- eged cannot be measured, No person who has made the con- tribution can help but emerge fulfilled, more mature and vastly better for the experience. Dear Ann Landers: Since your column embraces not only your own ideas but those of your readers I would like to offer a -- which might be use- ul. I was once a shy violet who felt an obligation te answer every question put to me. I have since learned that the per- son who has the poor taste or the pure gall to ask questions which are clearly none of his business ought to be put in his place. When a neighbor asks, 'When are you going to have another baby" -- or "How much did your living room carpeting cost" I stop her dead in her tracks with a one word question of my own'... "Why" It works like a charm and never fails to squelch the nerv- jest and the nosiest. try it-- THE NEW ME Dear New You: fhanks in be half of the meek. Although the Bible says they shall inherit the earth it's nice to have a little protection until the inheritance comes through. CLUB PARTY The TOPS Club held its Christ- mas party at Storie Park club- house. Entertainment was pro- vided by Mrs. Dan Godfrey and daughters. Mrs. George Mc- Cammond won the flowers and Mr. Charles Bradley, the bride doll. IST PM i pith <2 Re (emen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 4,1963 7 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES 8TH. SEA SCOUT MOTHERS AUX. Members of the 8th, Oshawa Sea Scout Mothers Auxiliary celebrated Christmas at a din- ner meeting in Christ Memorial Church Parish hall. The Social committee consisted of Mrs. Mathew Sutton, Mrs, Giles Goulding and Mrs. Keith Burns. After dinner Mrs. David St. Andrews, president, held a short 'business meeting. Mrs. Thomas Abthorpe spoke on the project card party to be held on Jan- uary 25, Gifts had been given by the Auxiliary to'the 22 lead- ers working with the 8th. Osh- awa Sea Scouts. Money was spent by the Auxiliary on the new lighting in the scout hall. Mrs. John TS cbetteeie asked for assistance to make flags, »eck- chiefs, and bandages for the troops as this is a large pro- ject and the supplies must be kept up. The evening was then turned over to Mrs, Stanley Gales who had planned games and the giv- ing out of prizes and the gift ex- change, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH WA The Women's Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Edgar Anderson. The president, Mrs, Ralph Hopson, presided, The devotion. al period was taken by Mrs, Walter Nickerson, who gave an interesting talk on Christ- as, Several ladies offered to as- sist in the Hillsdale Manor Tuck Shop on February 4, Christmas boxes were sent to sick and shut-ins of the church. A presentation of a gift to the press reporter was made by Mrs, W. A. Wellman from the group. The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for 1963 as follows: president, Mrs. Ralph Hopson; vice - presi- dent, Mrs. Richard Britton; treasurer, Mrs. Edgar Ander- son; secretary, Mrs. Walter Wellman; group leaders, Mrs. Edwin Wellman, Mrs, Walter Nickerson; pianist, Mrs. Edgar Sewell; sick visiting, Mrs. John Darcy, Mrs. Edwin Pearson; flower convener, Mrs, Elda Howard; press reporter, Mrs. Edwin Pearson, The meeting next month will be held in the church, and a supper will be served at 6 p.m, The hostess served Christmas refreshments, assisted by the group in charge. Christmas music and the exchange of Christmas gifts was enjoyed. HEATHER UNIT 3 The December meeting of the Heather Unit 3 of St. Andrew's United Church Wom. en, was held at the home of Mrs, Richard Bradley, Glencairn street. Sixteen members were present. After a much enjoyed buffet supper, the devotional period was conducted by Mrs. Mur- ray Miller. A Christmas carol was sung and Mrs, Miller's theme was 'The Shepherd That Would Not Go," A short business meeting was presided over by Mrs. Mat- thew Leyden, co-president of the Unit, The treasurer, Mrs. John Bentley, gave the financial re- port, and the minutes of the November meeting were read by Mrs. Herbert Piatti secre- tary, At the conclusion of the busi- ness meeting Santa Claus ar- rived and distributed gifts to each member present . Arrangements were made for the next meeting to be held February 4 1963 at the home of Mrs. Corbett Livingstone, Sim- coe street north, Concluding a most delightful evening a hearty vote of thanks was extended to the hostess, Mrs, Bradley. gee SEEN BRINGING in the New Year at the Oshawa Golf Club amid streamers, Oshawa Golf Club Presents Gay Scene On New Year's Eve One thousand balloons floated down at the stroke of midnight over the merry-makers at Osh. awa Golf Club's first New Year's Eve dance. The lounge and dining room were elaborate- ly decorated. The tables were laid with pale blue linen and blue was the theme for the ap- pointments, Some of the party favors were imported from France in- cluding exquisite hats for the ladies and gay sombreros for the gentlemen, Frank Bogart and his orches- tra from Toronto supplied dance music until 3.00 a.m. After the midnight jubilation, guests par- took of the cold buffet making their choice from barbecued turkey, glazed ham, smoked ham, smoked salmon and var- NEWS IN BRIEF Susan Lee, 7% years old, and James Robert, one and a UNUSUAL INJURY |} VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mrs, Mary Anderson, 85, collapsed godda, Mr, Patrick Monaghan,|of what kind of silverware the|When @ wad of chewing tobacco jlodged in her throat. An inhal- ator squad removed the ob- struction. HANDY SWIM POOL WINNIPEG (CP) -- A six- storey nurses residence due for completion in early 1983 at mid- town Misericordia Hospital will be linked to a nearby indoor swimming pool by an under- ground tunnel. | NEW FLAVOR Try cooking carrots in con- "\somme instead of water, say \food experts at Macdonald In- | stitute, Guelph, and they wilil half when this picture was taken, are the children of Mr. and Mrs, James F. Carnwith, Brooklin, Their grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, James F. ious entrees, Among those reserving for parties were Dr, and Mrs, R. E. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Norton, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross, Mr, and Mrs, K. H. Tip. ney, Mr, and Mrs, John Kent, Dr. and Mrs. William Boyko, Mr, and Mrs, L, R, Marshall, Whitby; Mr, Edward Gray, Mr, R. 8, Alden, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs, Dyson Brooks and Mr, and Mrs, Walter Libby whose party included many out-of- town guests, WIFE PRESERVER Carrots can be stored in the winter by covering them with moist sand in a cool, dark place. A BONNY PAIR IN BROOKLIN- Carnwith, Brooklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopps, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Alex MacDonald, Ritson road north, Oshawa, are great grandpa. rents. Treland Studio bya" VISIT 81 SIMCOE NORTH Our Woodlyn EAUTY LOUNGE NEW DOWNSTAIRS SALON Oshawa's most fashionable Beauty Lounge. Nine experienced opera- tors and technicians creating styles to give your hair fresh new beauty Call us todey for on appointment. OUR New Number 723-1143-4 |really take on a new flavor, ZELELE RS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Big Saving 20% OFF ON FINEST ENGLISH DINNERWARE 20-PIECE "Ambassador" Pattern STARTER SET 7.99 LESS 20% 3 "CHARGE-IT" PLANS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. ONLY 1.25 WEEKLY ON PURCHASES UP TO $60, SE THE MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS DURING OUR BIG JANUARY SAVING SALE DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE S, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2294 723-2209 WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE REPAIRS TO.ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! 178 BOND E, 725.3531 e ¥ balloons and elaborate hats were Mr, and Mrs, James Harris, Mr. and Mrs,-Doug- las Boyce and Mr. and Cecil 5 Dodwell who were ca' by the camera at Mr, and Mre, Thomas Norton's table. . --Oshawa Times Phote KEEP IN TRIM Start New Year Thinking Of a Slimmer, Happier You © By IDA JEAN KAIN , Emerson, our great American philosopher, said ' "Once our eyes are open and truth comes to mind, we grow to its dimen- sions, as if to new worlds," The New Year with its chance for a fresh start is a challenging time to hurdle some mental mountains, Let's grab hold of exciting new ideas and put them on a plane of action. Fresh ideas spark the imag- ination. Try something entirely different for 1963. It has been said that inside every fat girl is a shim girl wildly signaling to be let out. If the idea of giv- ing the slim you a chance stirs your imagination, and you get into the spirit, this can be a dramatic adventure, and a gay way to slim down, The most fascinating realm in the world is your own mind, The discovery of the part your mind plays in slimming, or any- thing else you attempt to do, is both enlightening and exciting. We hear much today about the electronic brain that can give back answers, In building an electronic brain, scientists spec- ulated as to whether or not the human brain operates on the same basic principle of feeding in certain data to get the an- swers. In the opinion of many of these experts, the answer is yes. The continuous data we feed into our mind is based on our thoughts, beliefs and established attitudes,, Results are in direct relation to what is nourished in the mind, William James, that giant intellect, said that human beings can alter their lives by changing the pattern of their thoughts, If all the thoughts you give your mind are in the direction of your' becoming a vital, ate tractive, slim person, one happy day you will achieve your goal. It is known that there is a deep tendency in human nature to be- come like that which we habit- ually visualize, Get excited about the possibil- ities. With lively interest you can spark a chain reaction within yourself, Never tell yours self what you can't do! That is utterly defeating, The winning way is to tell yourself what you want to do and picture rself taking e of your life ,With this new attitude, suddenly you are set free, This happens, and it's magic, : MON. ;. FRI. 9.30 P.M. Ai \ "TL 6 FREE STOP A Anscus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. fon 728-9581 BROADLOOM, DRAPES, TILE, PAINT AND ° WALLPAPER HONEST CAL KING ST, E. ot VARCOE'S RD, PHONE 728-9191 Oshawo's Biggest Discounters APPLIANCES & FURNITURE "THANK YOU OSHAWA" For Our Biggest Month In 20 Years of Business In Oshawa! The Past Month Our Sales Were The Highest Ever for ANY Month During The Past 20 Years! We are grateful to know that the ladies of Oshawa and District want Quality and Service as well as low price in furs! MARTEN'S FURS "Manufacturers and Designers of Fine Furs for Over 50 Years" OPPOSITE HOTEL GENOSHA 75 KING ST. EAST