Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Dec 1962, p. 20

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"qq THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 31, 1962 {==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 723-3492 1 17--Male Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY [sees Ore SEE CENTRAL '|Dressmaking Mortgages 2--Personal RELIABLE MAN Sut toe 218 Dundas Street East, Whitby |f83 a Oftre Rant Accountants a EXPERIENCED dressm«king, bg, allers. | PRIVATE and staee ort jokesnggl i oaertene Se, FOR SERVICE STATION a Accountants 0" ERGNARD JAMES BROOMS, Co"Gon-[Hons, pant cutting, ete, Reasonable|iend oo all types of m shawa district. P a Coal, table Sena tet ne a cn Re es Heme, | Set ett | SS Siri ea (eee ce, Ger aera] Televhone 668-5431 a eis nat ep 2 omg - on these dates for appoint- x . Telephone i Henotable rie. Optometrist ment. Mio Thy Parking Gentleman' preferred: "tee:| BETWEEN WHITBY tem ad G. Wl. TUCK, BO, Optometrist. Pine ELECTROLYSIS eat, |nhone 728-8706 or 723-4300, ' ye Aies| Fuel and Wood at 728-7164,|TREMEDDAN MOTEL = Winter AND OSHAWA Furnace Cleanout Bee gis go ama 723-4641 TAXI DRIVERS | a oe rates, Rooms, single $8," double $2 : FREE Painting and Decoroti 3--Pets & Livestock Preferably between 25 - 40 Avaliable. tn pet | 2-21 oo ee ae if You Purchase Painting and Decorating ONE Chihuahua puppy, female, ¢ weeks Top eamings. Apply urch. This bedroom red eal and old, After 6 p.m. telephone 728-3604. RY TAXI Motors north : .| brick ranch style home is @ isl Pag ae ll baby budgies, ready, for MERCURY ,hzdro supplied. South. gosd lish. dies Wk leo Gale ROSS HILL MEW a TED Gvetoe Papplicd sna{roed- it Ragin Street Bast 725-4771 Site hime oa PONTIAC INN | ond toods of room for @ taped. G. Golding, 206 Church. 725-7297. /apee BOUNDS, black and tan, good ' fai pores at DODD & SOUTER .|Bmeera bowie KINGS COURT Sonesta! | moe eee uae WILSON AND BURROWS, Chartered rn j Accouttants, 114 King ROWS. icra Ost-|Household Repairs PAINTING AND DECORATING |5._Eormer's Column ELECTRONIC APARTMENT pacha ci ee ee gern; Ronald FD: cA, 72138. | HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES CONTRACTORS TECHNICIANS ¢ sis Tht REPAIR SERVICE Painting, Paperhanging CART oe Ake apes. Hisset Paeee Bae 725-0078 ond cheery open fireplace. Appraisers RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, Gypten, Full 'Wall Mural for xf pig jar eR sired for sinltily-aee AJAX Full price $15,900 with TRICK 0. MODANTEL NOT Rani] POLISHERS, IRONERS 107 BYRON ST. S,, WHITBY |Licence ae SS TF) varied work with company has tind etalooa ATTRACTIVELY about $4500. down payment. FA and Broker, Whitby.) Service Guaranteed manufacturing electronic test Prose m0" eat sonmaty aan eats gemperience PANS 668.5862, =| 1---Articles For Rent equipment. 'Good wooet ond | Approximately 10 mits | FURNISHED ROOMS wi +) Sm : 3 ,, Auto Parts TELEPHONE 1725-8296 | Personal Service Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, 942-2120 for appointment. freon Canes. Cuil LeneewnPEivate nome. -- 128--Real Estate Wanted FREE ESTI unch Bowls Opposite large Shopping Centre Be Save At Western i " care rete pise Paw Heo hot Brandy, Wine, Cocktail Glasses ; near schools, churches, etc. 82 PARK RD. pedro ye plex or poese se Ou Osh- Service Centre instruction ed. Phone Ajax 9421004. Roasting Pans Learn Meat Cutting Leib Ona Bedson $79 NORTH awa. Please send information to Post ~~ REEEORER HELE EOFS 8.2. eS © "Teeter Ts a Box 220, Oshawa. Repairs to All Makes |is"yeare "exerieace. By "inteview! MAQODERN GRILL coe Gice od ancnine be Two Bedroom $79, |37--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sole only. Act now. 725-1 R t Is LICENSED MECHANICS --ssz| Bor-B-Qued Chicken; Turkey | Oargeant's Renta peta pi gy E 145 King, West -- 728-1607. |tap RAD. Ballet" Highand, "Registes| Dinners, Fish "n Chips, Home 725-3338 focwd eeanen, Tremoel TELEPHONE ESTATE, sue, groom ony and sloth SERATO-CRIEP, axiomatic, wal OMY "EIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" |now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122, Made Pies and Desserts. training in the highly paid downtcwn location, $6500 or best cash] Whithy 668-3229, Teleghens TELAAAN BAS BARSH: DEA, DMA, WE DELIVER 12--Articles Wanted field of meat cutting, mer- AJAX WH 2-2001 offer, Now vacant W, McAuley Heal. rriste Dancing Schoo}. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, chondising and shlk-abive . ; x 7 Barristers pre-school 'kinderdance. Pridays, Satur.| 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH SHAW ct Se wa Street, BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Says Masonic Temple. 723-7253. oe, ees ct now. Solicitor, Notary Public. Morgese/ MUSIC LESSONS, classical and popu- AUTO WRECKING CO. PRACTICAL MEAT funds avaliable, 26% King lar, piano accordion, violin, guitar, sax-|Plumbing and Heating Wants cars for wrecking. CUTTING and Park Lane Apts METC ALF = aphone, clarinet, drums, . vo eg P, ti le, al: i WSS simece Sirest South. T251301"" "lag: ney' and acd' materia. ecoe| and" metals, etc... bought RETAIL SCHOOL REAL ESTATE LIMITED LEARN TO DRIVE ----_|rasaesi "Foley. | 7oRaSI Lee OLOR E aes (eee 40 KING ST. E. he : p21 Vo af Oshawa Driving School [pth Pimvsal Hareld i stark Lia, WANTED 'TORONTO, ONTARIO ae wee shin alas Tanne orm |: come Ser tO woe hee DAY or EVENING Plumbing, Heating a.nd. Eaginesring, Prestige location Telephone _' 1 imeve Street South, NORTH EAST AREA __ | i083 METEOR custom line, two door, ee SAND FEATHER TICKS. -- listed at $10,800.00 |feal,,go0d condition, $295." Telephone ond Used. Largest assortment pts and remodelling of all types, THER TICKS Just 800. Automatics, Dual Controlled {new ard used materials. Reasonable AND FEA CE suites. with onl ' ly $2,500.00. chown, ameter aa llcseedeeci OSHAWA and WHITBY -- |FMes. Bree, estimates, "ias130," Me-| Raw Furs Deer Skies, Metols MAINTENAN pe balconies This lovely 434. room' bun. |i8i6 CHEVROLET elation wagee, § of DRAYTON CYCLE levator service galow has everything modern Telephone 655-4769 Brooklin, 204 BOND STREET EAST CALL 728-0091 ALL WeLL . . ¢ 1, TURNER Controlled motorcycle Lown Mowers ay ii ss le 723-2043 -- 723-2281 HANDYMAN -- combined living and "dining [ay eat fees ut FUEL OIL, COAL WE SHARPEN and RENT on the best . . . call ais ona RSE a nhl, eels Paved Parking fitchen 0, the, roomy. bea: (ewe | Oll, FURNACES ALMOST EVERYTHING GUSCOTT PLUMBING TRADE your value in mortgage on . rooms with lots of built-ins, nig : : transmission, one GIVE US A es tee and HEATING Limited ees duplex, sioariment or, sarvice experience. Don Howe quiet seclusion on a large age, lke ™, opeciale DIXON'S scenic lot with lovely trees, Oshawa, Ontario, Duties -- Boiler room : : S T A N S 207 Simcoe St. S.--725-5132 _| sisi and Chips and Suack bar for sale| ond equipment maintenance. Daytime 725-7732 re Pine pais Sir sggisopd guaranteed. sean et fan ete goesy i a K ST ri or will sell equipment separately. Good| General, mechanical and elec- i 723-9692 eat t 4 CORNER KING AT BURK STS. |Rug-Upholstery Service location in Lindsay. Year around busi-| trical 'background. Steady Evenings 723-96 = this one surely won't i961 FORD coach, V8 automatic, radio, What's My Line? CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re.|D¢*- Selling to close estate, Write 50 723-3224 Civered like new. Get the best for lesp| Durham Street West, Lindasy. employment. Howe and Peters Realtors $1,796, Bastow Motors, 434 Ning Wert'| Buying ond selling used fur South, 'Call 726-6081, Free estimate, PHONE 728-6231 |17--Male Help Wanted ee YOUR VOLVO DEALER riture cod seplienoes. /For M to Loan baer Sl et nial Mesa narncn : ne poems Svemeigt Hira LEAS pir ron Large Gallonage in a prestige location, Extra JAKE & BILL'S Valley Creek Furniture MORTGAGES, SHELL OIL 1963 emcee "et | gammuamtgen, | Mile gaia 4 i CHESTERFIELDS re-upholsteced » ad completed, plus extra AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE fi FOR MORTGAGES |seseet,Fe_setinates full ide. ', SFr) EVICIALIC stering, 75 Charles Street. 723-7212. voy poo Sa o. ergs 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa TELEVISIONS , Monies available for oll types Ganpranbinlina "sabeit seccrenea, ° . extras included. Price? -- of 728-0921 Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guar- sine aa Neng of |i minty, "anes, rie] Service Station | EXPANSION PROGRAM SThas gees | SPOT CASH os available on second mort- Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up | one N.H.A. mortgage. PAID FOR 3 r r Rolstery Con 10 Bond W. Dial 723-0311, Se PES, need is ------| POWNTOWN OSH INTERNATIONAL FRATERNAL | "cm tours me | concn rae w [PRERIPR, TELEVISION . M 5 Sancta | CUTBOARDOTER | voiable For Leos ORGANIZATION | 0086 Moree Sas M, F. SWARTZ, SCOTT MOTORS Immediately 14 PARK RD, SOUTH ing St. Eas Cu ain ' 9421 - See | Meta ° REQUIRES 3 MEN GUIDE REALTY |-wexaant sector | sae yo my os " Telephone P. R. Moore Limited Realtors r 35 Ib. poll Mortgages SERVICE ' OSHAWA-WHITBY-PORT HOPE 16 iain St. S--723-1121 PARTS AND SERVICE fa aes og ; |FaRSE_AND. SECOND ee 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 728-0667 ve STATHAM ment colorful tea Tieng Barter 3lSurveyors | AREA NICE TO LIVE IN AND EASY | MOTOR SALES | STA-DRI-. . . you just brush *|\King Street East, DONEVAN AND "PLEWSCHWANK, On: : pe ere eran ant and. woniniy pee MORTGAGES tare Land sand Survey er. commer blue-/14--Employment Wanted - Opportunity for dignified lifetime career. pes st iy Avong par 59. KING STW. 7297712 BEAVER MAN wih % ton tack for kine. Tele-| 2 Opportunity for advancement in Multi-Million brick bungalow, new with Moneys for first mortgages. that Sateen ae Seer tees wack | phone Whithy 688-8943. Dollor Organization. 4 p.c. tiled bathroom, and BUYING OR SELLING LUMBER CO. LTD. Interest at 7% crabs FETER FAN DAY NURSERY--Mon-| 3 Pension Funds, etc. Ce CE Cee 419 Dundas E,, Whitby No bonus TV -- Radio Repairs North. Telephone 720-2604, . To the men willing to be trained by qualified wikia avons MOTORS PHONE 668-5818 Building Trades No charge for valuations TV RENTALS by the day. week, or] On in her ED lady | will mind ehil specialists, opportunity for $10,000 income per hed dsterndgy'y polinas Wel Mortgages and Agreements |Eincoe North, 723-3043. on SiS) works 'Telephone 728-1055. annum or over. on quk das wanes ol 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA ARPENTRY, new building, remodel- Summers. 96 Jones Avenue. T7245." serene? sage mortgages GUARANTEED Tepairs to all "makes| end experience, desires 'work, Phone| 5: Highly interesting and most satisfactory career. heating, immediate _possess- Uust East of Wilson Rood) DRAPES GL TEPES of boliding repairs. 7007. available. tronics, 157 Elliott 723-9702) Pred," |94%-1664 or write Box 1091 Ajax, QUALIFICATIONS: sion. Asking only $8,900. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 CUSTOM ihabh ing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks,| immediate services rendered. Al WELDER weats work, with of spent veeaaaaads y CENTRAL PARK -- 5%% |30--Automobiles Wanted Lak a ou T.V. TOWERS made or 'repered, "Hessenadie) |. Must be willing to serve his fellowman. resale, 3 bedroom brick bun- | :aKESHORE Auto Wreckew wan|/PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Hottot, 516 Palace Street, Whitby. 26% King St. East All galvanized, no paint | . Ability to organize and converse with the general ee lane. an Wes Ue paid, fast ieee ether Modern, Abstract, Colonial Oshawa, Ontario ' 16--Female Help Wanted public. i French Provincial and Floral Dak and epee a linings Soaraben, 723-4697 LEN & LOU S MIDDLE-AGED woman to care for . Own car. iy iors ectes rn bes ingralad oan Re 98c bg eo ree . Fabrics yd. up. ANTENNAS while mother works 'Telephose tasuais| 4. Be bondable ed drive, iron porch railing, | ¢ ., Buying a New Cor? 7 i id Cai "Ted MONEY TO LOAN) 728-5804 or 725-7844 [st . Ages 28 - 50. pay Ba Mage gv ga 4 Talk "Cash" to the New M and Cc SAVE Low Interest ee Ghilives, and do light househel Fg Bhs . Sales ability an asset. rotor, aluminum storms and Car Dealer and "SAVE" TV AERIALS SaTE EM hae Soachae Tee screens, broadloomed, ond re- TED CAMPIN MOTORS Dry Goods at Ns Valuation fee O A WANTED -- women to care for four) FOF Appointment Telephone Mr. Farr, West /Rouge, cently decorated. 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 McCULLOUGH"S Retil L C act H D WE R OUT children, trom 7.90 0 te 420 Pa while 282- 41 or Write, Giving details, previous exper- NEW FOUR BEDROOM RUG : 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 eee | NOW mm lence, marital status. BRICK RANCHER -- with | $ ALL CASH $ |34--Lost And Found attached garage. Hot water : BUILDING i Residential While weather and prices are lpephenesk ane' uatanes "la ae ght BOX 148 OSHAWA TIMES oil heating. All mahogany For clean cars we deal up or Lost -- Men's 7 brown SUPPLIES City and District at their best, {household duties. Live out. veer in brown case. horn-rimmed trim. Basement roughed in for down. Liens paid off, thee = Hey = sod Thomas Streets. $86. a and bg Summer Properties | RIO TELEVISION [mest Tessas rasa ener s - hia cai NICOLS MOTORS LTD, [ier 1270 SIMCOE STREET N. | | 171 BOND STREET EAST Cine ~or-yoang woman for gore 22---- Roem ond Boor 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent | N.H4.A. RESALE, 5% MoRT- | 512 BROCK ST.N. WHITBY |BO}D bievele ised, OG : : Vacant Land CALL _ 728-6781 6781 housework in Toronto, New home. Ex-|MILL STREET, 103 -- Two gentle-|soUTH OSHAWA, two-bedroom apart-| GAGE -- 3 bedroom home in 668-8001 Sahe, Rroser green, balloon tires. ewara : (West Side) --|petience and references necessary.| men, willing to' share, single beds, $15] ment, unfurnished in new duplex, heat-| immaculate condition located 'Telephone 720-5697. Member | Good home and salary for right per-|for five-day week, Parking. 720-4763. |ed. $90 monthly. 728-8882. in very good residential dis- |31--Automobile Repair LOST: Man's leather ther wallet, =u 1954 GMC one ton pick up, $379; also 668-5765. 1952 Meteor coach, $9. Apply 610 ld aati dt re ~shevettangy ih é a so * - ' 2 = 7% ss - ieee ee eee Pee thier a eee er ee | errr Trae PHONE 728-4688 | Mortgage Brokers Association TV TOWERS Poets lephone Oshawa 725-7851 for aiWcih veunik. TOE Gh enn PAu wibed Goch, Goo batroaal Go| trict' "Aloo Very otivoctive fac. HOUSTON'S GARAGE aten's Gehan Shopping eer Reward ele Room and|ADELAIDE Avenue West, 303; Spacious) RUG BRICK RANCHER -- | Braxe SPECIALISTS, COM- Duly, conteved aod' ianned' hen, ich ie a ah young gentleman, tlires minutes' walk| thong Tagan." | master size bedrooms with | MOTOR TUNE-UP AND [peerers = me wi Sica BIRE the depedidable ho-idav heip you 112 Simcoe St. North first floor apartment, two large rooms, 67 KING ST. WEST and diamond chip. W: Classified Ad Rates let couple, parking space, Apply 195| with lights. Over 1,300 sq, 35--Legal 25 WORDS OR LESS SUPPLY LIMITED FURNITURE STORE ae ' and rages nished, in clean home. moa eae ud gag grenade yuo pte aban oc 38s Simcoe Street South. Telephode 759-lRopiy 466 Simcos North, Apartment %,| $11,700 -- For this 3 bed- tar Wake ua ee nee aaear hosted apartment, pri-| large finished recreation ; fod f Applicants to supply refers Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. WELL DIGGING BY OSHAWA TIMES er Avenue, . 67 Orchard View Bouleva: $100 per month with: taxes Foods elevator service: P enygr freshiy Classified. Display . 2:30- p.m. day previous WHITBY, GNTARIO INSURANCE Times Building, Mary wd Kine ment apartment. The lot is Lowest or any application not a ' 24--Houses For Rent ith Coneellations ond Corrections--8;30 a.m. doy of publication. SALESMAN ring 've "ntsance, ee i with good terms. $10.68 A Week ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than dressing. 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone} ed. We will finance you: |low, three years old, finished re-|BLOOR EAST, 155 -- Four-room apart- ore ready to help you today Columbus, Ont. | willing to share, parking »| reation room. .. Mr. A. Jeronimo, Cartoge | SUMMERLAND |17--Male Help Wanted [#04 food. French, Canadian, family. . Whitby 668-5350, and SERVICE STATION te SSS eS | Economy and Deluxe | ALBERT STREET, is1 -- and , Torr, sPrescription sun glasses, Osh- JOHN'S MOVING AND STORAGE,| SECURITIES Y FURN ITU RE board, single room, suitable for one|¥¢ room apartment, broadioom, range With attached gorage. 3 PLETE KE SERVICE |2¥* Shoppinu Centre, We Ledge en morn one P cing, 728-3661. LIMITED TERMS ARRANGED } S ALES M AN vase: Fu Telephone 728-4061. } ONY | Sraon STREET -- unfurnished, na ern poo epee beid GENERAL REPAIRS man's black onyx SIMCOE and Rossland area, Including fan, preformed kit- dala » tain cupboards ink. Private entrance. ig ton, Pp e ee 729 oa Ads. Dial 723-3492 today. Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 OSH AW. A TV noten Taschen entrance quiet Vacant, 'Telephone 725-6487, chen cupboards, double stain- 134-7822 emg FOR PROGRESSIVE monies laundry: Apply" 108] FURNISHED iweroom apartment for| less steel sink, double closets |32----Articles For Sale ft. of custom built home. Better described offers get faster remate 728-8180 IN OSHAWA 22--Storage Space TWO spacious rooms, completely fur-| Owner transferred, Immediate : mendous reduc- sone tg pes * . $63, month, Telephone 728- possession. . piece cushions).| wi receive the under- 6 consecutive days ; ; Experience Essential. ii SQUARE FEET clean storase|twowE LOOK! NORTH-WEST ONLY ~My signed for the position of If not paid within 7 days, charge rate applies. } -- ~ Write Giving Full Particulors res Soe Sits FROWR. AGES. Ay : ; East Whitby until Jon Professional listings only, 3 lines per month 7.50 |Welll Drilling--Digging oA GAGEC coucveie" Bek "aed Fawn ae room brick bungalow with Hol iday 10th, 1963. -- (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) W. WARD | BOX 207 roll-over door, 16 feet by 22 feet? Could) yate entrance and beth. Close to stores i Eoch additional line per month 1,60 : ' use for storage. 302 Kitchen-|11. schools, $55 Perr Big ~Aply 2 oe} room, carries for less than : | ences; state qualifications Box number ' 15c ' MACHINE -- OFFICE AVAILABLE . newly am KING STREET EAST -- 7 unfur-| ©" 5% N.H.A. mortgage. ON A BUDGET and salary expected. Duties _ DEADLINES SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE LIFE sa tiea"Wgos Gane, ara i seat Goal NORTH. WEST! -- § 'room "-- . ¥. 'ieee ms iow Modersia lease avail ¥ t ' Word ads . : at 5 p.m. day previous 668-2563 668-3809 ae. Aa ee Wie The : bungalow with 3 room base- FOOD AND FREEZER Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication.| | Streets, Oxshaw: 75 x 135. Choice area and Lost and Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publication. ~ ee eae: he Mer Capmucac AVENUE SOUTH, 101 --| 'the' price is only $10,000 As Low As necessarily accepted. 0. George Farncomb /REGULATIONS 'I--Women's Column . 'Telephone 1250125, aud ~ young working | couple. No children. For Full Particulars F Cc f oT uae The Oshawa Times will not be responsible tor errors, in advertise- |PERMANENTS on special. Page Haw-| Experienced life man requir |aagEE-REDROOM level bung ae: Call 723-1121. Our trained Food Consultants one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the Our contract pays top com- creation, for ee se Tee rent, $115 per oe et tr ue Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. without obligation. : 5 ; : Stone St. price charge for o single insertion of the advertisement in which [SEWING lessons in missions, substantial over- | an oe GMC. Taleghene 726-5372. preferred, oF one @sror occurs. bo di hag br "Ato "alterations ride and full renewals. We |2ut Plant GMC. Telephone 7205072/5 : Phone 728-9403 Now have clients and leads to ator, heavy ay wie: 725-6924. The Oshowo Ti the right to cl dverti . built-in oil Ditto itcn. 1S Renenel see nie' going. Nour op; |heating, garage, enclosed porch." 3196 Rooms For Rent he a THE HOME in the case of 7 nit cormgpat Agel ler Mg ar hs Sa Walter ae tn en omeangge A gg = ee lenge a ote, teens completely OSHAWA TIMES ECONOMICS held more spac 725-2 ome. eg. r oO 5 error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- aan a Schofield-Aker Limited at |house. Ooutact ching -elecri eee Peed CLASSIFIED Food and Freezer matter correctly, but assume no liability @f adverti: ride 723- é i . F< eb ot Pol ncepalellencrae ly Acgieagaael confidenciot, | MOTViews | ueteait Real sete, Tet ping come oe works cowie 85 = COLUMNS 11 ONTARIO STREET ue eee TEP PRR EO Et Pel ie eee) Peed Pe eee eee ere ee ee i

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