Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Dec 1962, p. 8

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PRESENT CHEQUE FOR RETARDED CHILD Mrs. Sophie Arnold, a local hairdresser, is seen present- ing a cheque to Mrs. W. R. Wilson, president of the Osh- awa and District Association for Retarded Children. The funds were acquired by the Durable, Washable Plastics Make Housekeeping Easier By ELEANOR ROSS The lady of the house can really be a lady in the house these days. Though her decor- ating tastes be as elegant as Marie Antoinette's, she can be just as royally free from house keeping drudgery. Her secret is anything but a full - time maid. It's durable, washable plastic! This versatile meterial can be as practical as a kitchen canister or can look as luxurious as the finest dam- ask upholstery. No matter how it is used, plastic takes much of the work out of housework. Spots, stains and other soil are easily wiped off its: surface with a sudsy sponge. Using plastic cuts down on constant refinishing of walls and furnishings and on the fre- quency of replacing accessories such as window-shades, uphol- stery and many other items. of the house. REAL TIMESAVER A tour through a modern house shows how washable and how time - saving this handy marvel is. The homemaker who favors grasscloth, but worries about its perishability,, can achieve the same textured effect with vinyl, which is durable as Gibraltar emen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, December 29, 1962 HOLIDAY SOCIAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. E, F. Cuthbert- son, Mary street spent Christ- mas with their daughter, Mrs. K, E. Sproule, Mr. Sproule and family, Pointe Clare, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Peters, Cedar street south, had as Christmas holiday guests, Mr. and Mrs, John Ambrose and son Kenneth, Windsor; Miss Ann Peters, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Scarborough; Mrs, Gertrude Barclay, Los An- geles, California; Mr. and Mrs, Darcy Smith, Darcy Jr., and Virginia, Adelaide street west, and Mrs, Florian Meringer. Miss Pat Halliday, St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing, is spending the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and : Mrs. C. R. Halliday, Hortop Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chilvers, San Antonio, Texas, were visit- ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Turner, Richmond street east, over the Christmas holiday. Miss Audrey Lambert, Athol street east, will be going by jet to spend the holiday week with her sister, Mrs. James Milne and Mr. Milne and family in Winnipeg, Saskatchewan. Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Brockle- hurst, Ritson road south were} # Mr. and Mrs. Burt Metcalfe,| § Greg and Janet, Kleinburg; Mr, and Mrs. Colin Brennan| Be and twins, Scott and Judith, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Ri- chard Brocklehurst, Lynda and Jane, Richmond Hill and Miss} CELEBRATING HER first street. Their son, Mr. David REN Halliday, Notre Dame College of Canada, Wilcox, Saskat- chewan, will be home to con- valesce, after surgery in the Grey Nun Hospital, Regina Sas- katchewan. personal sale of Christmas cards and will be used by the organization for retarded chil- dren, SALTY SWIMMING The specific gravity of Great} Salt Lake, Utah, is so high one| cannot completely sink in it. Her foyer floor looks like im- ported terrazzo, but in reality is specially processed vinyl. This can be kept as clean as a win- Joyce Brocklehurst, Toronto. Mr. Gary Hobbs, Carleton University, Ottawa, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hobbs, Rich- ;mond street east. birthday today is happy Jacqueline Anne» daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Arm- stead, Mary street north. Her | ANN LANDERS Rifleman Richard McGarry of Calgary, spent his Christmas leave with his mother, Mrs. Dean J. Kelly and _ family, Kaiser crescent. dow pane by the simple tech- nique of washing with suds and water. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES An inlaid table top may look as choice as an antique but it is modern, chances are that it has a washable, laminated plastic finish that allows for harsh wear and treatment and plenty of spots and spills. Nothing ALBERT STREET UCW Unit 3 The December meeting of| Unit 3, Albert Street United) Church took the form of a pot| luck supper 'Christmas Style', mars its lovely surface. jat the home of Mrs. Lawson E.| That fine translucent lamp|P@tks, Celina street. shade isn't parchment at all, but|, A, Short business session was| a fine plastic facsimile. Those|Held and instead of exchanging "moire" draperies and snow-|Sifts among the members it was white window shades or Vene-|decided to use the amount for tian blinds don't have to be re-\Christmas cheer for some older moved from the windows for|OShawa citizens. | washing if they are plastic. Justispyy scOUT MOTHERS' AUX. & warm suds sponging, then a The December meeting and Hipwng Gnd! WANE BET WANS) co istmas party of the Sth Gcout and as washable as a dish. ! gilt Mothers' Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. J. C. Bentley') !|Harmony road north. The presi- ||dent, Mrs, J. E. Rupert, pre- | |sided. Mrs. G. N. Varnum, pres- i jident of the District Committee "|of Scout Mothers' Auxiliaries, was welcomed to the meeting. Each member brought a gift |Cornish's group was in charge| All teenagers like to gab on Mrs. Mervin McLean, unit leader, presided over a_ brief business session. A nominating committee consisting of Mrs. Mervin Cryderman, Mrs, Wil- Dear Ann Landers: My; mother just slammed down the) telephone. It. was for a She! i i told a boy, "I'm sorry, Gwen) ~ eg. aed peli ~ has talked on the phone enough 7 y _ |for one evening. Call back to- The tne of the evening | morrow." was spent in playin rogres-| ee hy : : ; sive court whist vith ite, Ron Ann, I'm so furious I'm) ald Wragg winning the prize for afraid to speak to my mother high score. Favors at each because I don't now what I table were supplied by Mrs.|™ight say. So, I'm writing to Lloyd Wood, Mrs. Harold|¥oU instead. |of arrangements for the evening,|the phone. Sometimes we over |do it, but we try to be sensible. LEGION AUX. NO 43 'Once in a while, When I've The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal/been on too long, my mother} Canadian Legion Branch 43)will pass by the phone and) on December 18 with president,|get right off. But this last in- Mrs. Norman McEvers, presid-|Sult was so humiliating I don't ing. Final arrangements have|think I'll ever be able to face Gabbing on Telephone Becoming a Nuisance held the final meeting for 1962)give me a dirty look. I always] a and Mrs. Michael Yakimy- shen, Canora, Saskatchewan, Mrs. Laura Armstead, Osh- awa and Mr, Thomas Arm- stead, St. Catharines. --Ireland Studio | are behind in our bills for the first time in the 12 years we've been living together. The age difference between these two is scandalous and) several people have mentioned it, but Aunt Hilda says they are jealous. Please tell me what do do. --DIGUSTED Dear Disgusted: Sooner or later. you and Aunt Hilda will come to a parting of the ways over this man, I suggest sooner. Find a new roommate--your own age. Your present living arrangements sound deadly for a woman of 30, The free- loader could be a blessing in disguise. been made for the Installation|that boy again. Dinner to be held on January | Please put my letter in the 15 at 7 p.m. Tickets may be!paper so mothers of teenagers| > |which was donated to the Men- tal Health Association. || Refreshments were served by the green patrol. SSW GROUP | }| The December meeting of the St. Stephen's United Church SSW Group was held at the home of Mrs. Murray Miller,| recently. | The meeting was opened with) a poem by Mrs. John Hoskin, president, and prayer said. by Miss Dorothy Fish. It was ;}moved by Miss Fish and sec- ' londed by Mrs. Samuel Jackson | |that the expense money be con-| | |tributed toward another parcel| to be sent to United Church Nor- | |way House, Manitoba. { It was moved that the mission , }eollection be turned over to the United Church Women and also that the hymn books be given purchased at the next meeting|can see how we fell. Is there! on January 8 and the price isja solution to this telephone| $1.10. problem -- TOMATO RED At the conclusion of the meet.| Dear Toniato: I understand ing refreshments were served/how a mother can be pushed and carols sung, Mrs. William|to the brink, but, it would Rutherford, as Santa Claus,/have been better had she distributed gifts and a bag-ofjhanded you the phone with treats to each member. Mrs.|the instructions to be off in McEvers' extended _ season's|three minutes. greetings to all, and hoped the] When a phone must be attendance of the first business|shared by a family there meeting of the year January 8|should be a limited number of at 7.30 p.m., would be as welljcalls per teen and a limit on attended, keeping in mind the/the yakking time. This should words "Service for Others"/be discussed and agreed upon which is the keynote of the family style. auxiliary. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a SOCIETIES pregeedth ly with gtr te LODGES AND man 36, He was friendly to to the St. Stephen's Sunday School. | Mrs. David Duchimen thank-| both of us and we invited him jaunt, Aunt Hilda is 59 andj VICTORY LODGE NO. 583 looks older. The regular meeting of the! Six months ago we met a over for meals. After a while Victory Lodge No. 583 was} he. began to ask Aunt Hilda Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band seems to have gone wild over huntihg dogs. We now) have three. Twice a week he is out at night running with) the dogs to 'keep them in shape," We "have two' small children and he pays more attention to} the dogs than he does to the/ children, I won't go into the expenses involved but I could have a mink coat for what my husband has spent feeding the dogs, having them licensed, in- oculated, trimmed and housed in the kennel when we are out| of the city. I have discussed this prob- lem with several friends and relatives and they are 'all .on my side. What do you say--| DOG-GOONED. ; | Dear Dog-Gonned: You are fortunate not to have more 'se- rious matters not to com- plain about. If you had to take care of the hounds or clean up after them I'd say you CELEBRATING THEIR FIRST BIRTHDAY TODAY i: THIS BONNY LAD who is Mrs, Robert Anthony Weston, celebrating his birthday to- LaSalle avenue. day is Master Stephen Doug- He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. las Weston, son of Mr. and James Mann, Toronto. --Ireland Studio Finger Food Fun For Party Fare Whether you call them can- apes, hors d'oeuvres, nibblers or snacks, you will be serving these tasty bites as a pre- dinner appetizer or as standard ~\party fare. Put them on the coffee table and let the guests help themselves; then you are free to finish other prepara- tions in the kitchen. Everybody loves finger food that can be dunked into a tangy, creamy mixture. Potato chips, crisp crackers, melba_ toast, carrot and celery sticks or chunks of chicken all go well with this dip recipe from the food experts at Macdonald In- stitute, Guelph. Cheese Dip; Blend 2 cups cottage cheese in an electric blender with 2 tablespoons chill sauce % cup finely cho; Parsley and 2 tablespoons minced onion until the mixture is very smooth. This dip may also be blended by hand using a wooden spoon. If you would like to serve something hot that can be pre- pared ahead of time, these cheese puffs will surely please. Cheese Puffs -- yield 2% dozen: Blend together 1 cup grated cheddar cheese, % teas spoon salt, 1 cup butter, 4 cup sifted all-purpose flour. Re- trigerate the dough % hour; form smail balls, and place on a cookie sheet in refrigerator, To serve, bake balls at 350 de grees F. for 10 to 15 minutes. OFFICERS LEAVE LYNEHAM, England (Reu- ters)--An RCAF aircrs™ canry- ing 20 Canadian officers, their wives and children, left this western England air base Fri- day night for Trenton, Ont. The officers recently completed a two-year course at the Royal When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725.2211 Military Col ege at nearby Shrivenham. | WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE REPAIRS TO ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! 178 BOND £, 725-3531 CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. Sie 728-9581 BROADLOOMm, WALLPAPER | LORDS . for EVERY OCCASION @ WEDDINGS @ ANNIVERSARIES @ BIRTHDAYS @ SPECIAL OCCASIONS @ FREE GIFT WRAPPING Als, RZ F OSHAWA, Diomona Merchants & Jeweller. 12 SIMCOE ST. S. osawa | have a valid beef. There's something terribly out. They went to the movies|¥nappetizing about wives who together and to visit friends,|@ttle on their husbands. You Now they don't go out much|may win the poll, Kiddo, but ed all for being present and she|helq recently in the Orange! jwas thanked by Mrs. Samuel) 1 it ti Worthy! |Jackson for her efforts toward) Mistress, by Bg A or \the development of the 8TOUP./mochan and Deputy Mistress, if RUSH STOVE OIL CALL PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 SAVE! GUERNSEY GOLD 2% COSTS 4¢ LESS! AP IPUES ||| & GIFTS H A Choice Selection |) } of Fine Antiques | | Paintings, Wrough ~ Iron and Pine t oe even eax 216 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY filling, slicing it as you would fect combination for a simple a loaf of bread. yet different dinner. |_ Serves 4 to 6. 1% cups hed sweet cae ror se DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY ¥Y, cup bottled lemon juice % cup apple-sauce 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOVELL LTD. ¥% teaspoon cinnamon ROSSLYNN PLAZA 728-4668 KARN DRUGS LTD. 28 KING ST. EAST 723-4621 RITSON DRUGS 264 KING ST. EAST Lea In Half-Gallon PURE-PAC THROW-AWAY Th ; ded h th nes ge oe gM pg AA ger eae tries sak yer: e evening ended wit €\Sister Gert Si ill .around here and I am sick of 2 e exchange of gifts and prayer. | siding. rn Seer ee grocery bill has dou- ind oo he takes the chil- 1 | Devotional exercises were|bled because of him. Aunt/@rén Hunting. : ag AES ' s | NORTHMINSTER UCW performed by Chaplain Sister|Hilda. orders choice steaks, ae % (Rossland Unit) |P y Chaplain 'Sister i : | save. Douglas Langinsid open-|sabelle Roberts. Sister Elda|fresh mushrooms, fruit out of POPULAR AUTHORS SWEET POTATOES IN HAM SLICES led her home for a pot luck|Howard gave her report on|season, and artichokes. Every! Agatha Christie and Dorothy : leaenier fee the. Daceribeer' inest tte, binges. jnight it's a banquet. We share|/L, Sayers are among the most : Nee of the Rossland Unit of the|, The Christmas party andjall expenses, so I am paying/popular writers in Czechoslo- For a Different Treat T Meruniadar UON. tecsatip lturkey supper was held at the|for half of these luxuries. Welvakia. Both are best-sellers. ry LEMON SPICED FRUIT jMrs. J. C. "Dudley. decorated|{9me of Sister Joan Under. j= a : < 5 ' wee 1 No. 2% can peach halves,|the tables with balsam boughs,|W00d, Stone Street, with an oak Ham Slices With S ice Fillin pear halves, pineapple rings|ribbon, baubles and candles.|Change of gifts. | }®) y g or apricot halves \Prior to the meal, Mrs. Ken.| Brother Milton Bateman was : ¥% cup bottled lemon juice lneth W. Farrow led ri prayer jreported as recovering in Wes- OO. The smokey flavor of nam is| 2 tablespoons pan drippings| 1 teaspoon mint or 6 whole\rollowed by carols: accompan.|'M, Hospital. the perfect addition to New) Combine sweet potatoes,| Cloves and a 2inch stick|ieq at the piano by Mrs. Gor-|,. rhe next meeting will be held ins BEAUTY LOUNGE Year menus. ; llemon juice, applesauce and| of 'cinnamon : ldon Wilson. \January 9 with the installation For an unusual dish, try this| Drain fruit, reserving syrup. | jof officers. Maken: Ham klive, It's new | cinnamon. -- on => one| Bring to boil syrup, bottled! : VIsitg OUR recipe, in which mashed 'sweet|ham slice. Place second slice|lemon juice and spice. Add! potatoes, bottled lemon juice, over sweet potato mixture,|fruit, return to boiling 'point.| NEW DOWNSTAIRS SALON po ooeaegs and cinnamon are|Stud edge of ham slices with| Serve _ or cold as a meat Oshawa's most fashionable Beauty Lounge. Nine experienced opera- combined and spread netween| cloves, if desired. Bake in a slow 8@!nish. i gi i = inch thick slices or oven (338 deg. F.) for one hour. | meupeunaunmenumaumeimmameuny beouty Gall eo today tor-en egpauemians on fer Som Oy am. |Combine lemon juice, brown) It's baked and basted with|suger and drippings, Spo on| SATIN SHOES 81 SIMCOE NORTH Our New. Number 723-1143-4 sugar and more lemon|ver ham slice for the last 15/8 gov'. ' Match ony Evennng, juice. minutes of cooking. Carve down ei Serve it with Lemon Spiceq|through both ham slices andj T AMM Y Fruit and you have the per- FASHION SHOES | 79 Simcoe N. 728-2491 e Be Satisfied With Our complete line of SWEET FRESH DAIRY PRODUCTS in all package sales. Lon CLEA sees They are the newest Masterpiece creations by Bluebird .. now on display" in our window . . and Jof course every Bluebird Diamond Ring is guaranteed flawless and insured free for'one year @gainst loss or damage. 2 centre cut ham slices ¥%-inch thick ¥% cup bottled lemon juice % cup brown sugar Before You Buy TRY FURNITURE CENTRE (OSHAWA) LTD. 88 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 725-9332 You'll Be Glad You Did. DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS PAY JUST 10% DOWN CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. W. 723-7022 QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS OSHAWA, ONTARIO "...at the Store Or At Your Door!" 725-5370 CONTACT OUR ROUTE SALESMAN OR PHONE 728-6241 TODAY!

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