16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 11, 1962 AT BROOKLIN Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings BIRTHS CLASSIFIED ° < TORONTO 11 AM, iy Y les High Low a. oy | Stock Sales By The © ae aa Sales dich vee cutee Stock Sales High Low aan tne Stock Sales igh Low a ge Tones nd cere] ADVERTISING 4-H Girls Club ee! ee a, Eines A, See ie ae one otations in cents unless marbed 8. 275 $19% 19% 19% + %|Pow Corp 175 $78 74% 79 5 SS + 4! Maritime 4100 (Continued from Page 15) ee Prriniongy 4 50 $53%4 53% 534 -- %/QN Gas 725 450° 440 450 +10 330 330 330 McKen 6200 S h dules Party oe boar cout ioe 1310 $10% 10% 10% -- %/QN Gas w 715 30 SO 50 % 9 9 -- %|McMar 1500 e|32--Articles For Sale cne 110 209 200 200 Reld Litho 120 $484 4B 484 11 10% 10% -- %|Merrill 1400 INDUSTRIALS 100 $354 354 354 + Ho Roveistk ao ois ie e. tac" fs ae {Moneta 300 od sims 128-1833. t 11 Ret 490 480 480 ---20 5 % 2% %% + % Nealon . ood condition, a3 "Telephone 728-4423. »y bee' a ging ag nd oF ~ = sift onchange . Stock Sales High Low s.m. Ch'ge 365 365 365 --5S |N Hosco GUNS ot antique) wanted. Telephone] "Girls Homemaking Club| "Safety in Driving" was the| som, tun 24 a PA change. |Known as "The Happy Helping|topic of discussion among mem- 235 2525S gh gg AB tog i nea valine ond|Hand" met in the basement of|bers with each woman present- 4 Sr aaqg if w = a ie if 8% + 10% 10% 10% -- ¥4| Newlund Candore 2000 «8 68 6B $27% 27% 27%--% N Mylama 102 100 102 42 |N Roun 3 32S: 'N Coldstrm 1000 1 : i ie Li ty idea. $17% 1% 1% at precision skate sharpening. Sports-|the Brooklin Public Library oajing a safe' Al : General Hospital, A brother tor Scott.|man's Corner, Byron Street South, |- +424 morning with an at-| Each club member was re- $24 2 2% -- 4 HEBARTH -- Jack and June (nee|COMBINATION cabinet; .adio and ree-ltendance of 17 members. quested to bring completed "Re- et #2 re a af A 425 425 100 i = a * + Wisehit A 73 idert 2500 50 150 150 La 2 years old, like new, $85; " the next meet- be Hie 4 vi tga ta Lge. excellent condition. 815.| The meeting was held under|cord Books" to th Anthes A 186 SH 15% -- % 4 "4 \ Seven Arts 74 oe at =10 Showin --2 |Opemiska 1030 ane 100% io Shell Oil $12% 12% 12% 210 210 210 "5 |orehan 300 300 Thursd: i i | Argus p) the leader,|/ing to be held on Saturday, De Call 725-3079. the supervision of the A RG» x ot mw zg.) on ay, December 6, 1 1962 at KNEEHWOLE desk, chair end night|/Mrs, Albert Cooper, with the|cember 15 at 9.30 a.m. in thelAry 269 pr ee nh wa Tripiete, you) Sedition wap gS vice-president, Miss Rosalie|township hall. Atl Sugar $16 16 16 ve Shell 1 pr 27% 27% 27% |Paramq 9500 condition, 4 price 90 $25%% 25% 25% |Shell 1 wts 540 535 540 «+5 420 420 420 +5 | Pax Int 2250 | Simpsons 30% 30 30 -- Yicop 2 2 2 + % Peerless 1000 Daughter, Twins or ' .| Atlas Steel $35 35 35 will want to tell the whole town about forced a7, loyear quer |Seymour in the chair. These books will be on ex-iSitr Som ido ssi sim eu -- 4 the latest arrival in your home. An- ig : % Tamblyn us i wld i j artac 315 315 315 Gon Bidg w 300 440 449 440 am. for publication he came dey "for|P2 deal, $130, Telephone 725-4723:}ty hold a Christmas party onling Clubs Achievement Day to/Ber eo ee Pe" 3 i, t, B. gine oe m a de only $1.50. Just telephone 7 writers, file cabinets, dupl-) Thursday, December 27 at the|be held for Oxtario South on Sat- lh ay i. $485 48% 48% Se P sary 7k aria = Pam A Ng cators, pop cooler, electric typewriters 'apér 380 Bow id 226 226 «226 Rio Algom 2637 Crore, POP coe rock South. 668-5849,/home of Miss Lois Downey, tojurday, January 5, at Port Perry Bow Si De SE FS Meee te ee ae ee lca Be : sh $38 8k Bix Ahn 4g06 ami 3 / : ; 2 ' j " SWNINGE. cauvas., Prompt eervice,|be concluded with a session at|High School, Port Perry. Brent a | fe ; 815% 15% 15% = ty © 22 32 29" i oi a le. ae DEATHS free estimates. Chair, table rentals./the Bowling Alley, Whitby. Instructions were presented Oil 30 3 Shron v 600 7 lun 4 5M ; i ae iene 444 Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. Each woman was requested) by the leader, Mrs. Albert Coop- <i -- Hee rt ' v . 3 oo im + (sivmag sa ty 7 a ' : } i 500 19% 19% 19 ec! E omane, Beralees Ts saturday, Dec. | Way vinios, hiehest wices pala. Stoa.|t0 draw names from a box forjer, on the record books. aC os bed ha a ee F I ise 184 f ulsod Com 5000 ene 8 meen: Herklewe T " barry.| Town ' vem e, Oshawa's No. 1. skate og neod 49% 3 we 2 toh SOM -- 1) Wooset vt So IS JS $4" Teck H 2800 160 18a 00 $4 aise He husband of Leona Cooper, |exchang ce Street, 728-1131. - BY 3% | Westeel ; 2 53 910 93: +10 \Thom L _ 1200 5656 pet oe iddera, cashier OTLIGHT Cal'? i te eon 13% |W Pee PL 473 8 Mi Q i MalTormont > 4500 % Uh Wh--% dear father of Jack Staten ber EWR |. BUSI Cal Pow 300 19% 19% + %4|bom Tar 222 % | \Weston A 3 12 12 |Somville pr pt 1% 32 Purdex 10200 43 |Stedmen 19 | Placer 450 | Steel Can 15 | B) A 0 $8) 8 8 = MiSuptest ord 500 . r week, no down payment] Tentative plans were formed)hibit at the 4-H Girls Homemak:|Bank Ns 871% 71% Ti% Con 600 87% «7% «7% -- 2 HE e: £. 3388 it 17 + Wiwstn 4% pr 95: i yi 4 --- 4|Trans Res 2500 Bee * rvice. } 1 5 mates Ella (Mrs, L. "gm ee fie. sAton'e, 137 Brock South. MO 85849. Bu Pont 36% 36% Wate. a a tad Hi : SE 2s BO ee ae ui in oe Caan' Cine 'Espi 2) wt : ne kitchen suit : ' 17 |Woodwd A x3 % 16% | 42 4 42% 42%--%\U Asbestos 180 385 3 Allison Cars, R. Tidy Sone: eras ee Frigees record Nuclear A f im 'ie -- Wdwd Aw 100 5 py : 5 4 lid UN Keno 501 825 nn ais 48 bis and Carvl Barcy; Also survived by|plaver and records. Box of dishes, su- rms Fadtn 10 $ +4 (Zellers pr $475 47% 47% + | Kerr Add Vandoo 3000 ae Fri +% four brothert, two sisters. ag) omg Cd for cottage. Apply 771 Mary Street xpor Fruenaus : 86% oA an +% OILS 4 F ' +1 |Yale Lead 11000 11000 9 8h oh in his 63rd year. Resting a hursda 81 ai po the Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker,| ; ; ting? Get your supplies at B I C d ' to 818 16% lem + U Pp W Beav 230 14 «14 (o Port gf for service on Wednes Bh pate 4 tire are,' @ Booed Street an n ana a 200 $19% 19% 19% -- % Acme Gas 6000 Yk Bear 700 ue be 13 +3 West « Interment Pine Grove , Jack- ° ® jAm Leduc 3800 | 0 rf Young HG 1000 13 +1 ~. as Fe. W shawa: Guns, ammunition, Jae G | Pri t B Gi ans 8S es os 15 fom ee es m4 2% an" Lamy ; ,_ jzenmae 2000. cs G2 | l ] l e I l e --_ y| Bata ngis 7 ' 7 - BROWN, David J. ral Electric, white, Urged y CLC sons ae 4 : 70 4 cs sary 14800 530 : 0 3% 13 : Sales to 11.00 a.m.: 512,000 s-) incl carers rely vip Y e. 346 315 315 315 --5 xindin y ie . C wing' drawers, $160. Tele-| t f sales \fesd Care 18 Bir. ~ aig poet 200 118 a 2a lores Bfown, beloved husband of Jessie C. |p OTTAWA (CP)--The trade de-| 2. Suppor Atak kas By be|.,OTTAWA (CP) -- refusal to|Haves su ; i M\Cent Del 355. 770 7 45 |Macassa Mabee. Funeral arrangements later.| kei chosterfield and matching chair,/partment, which has been urg-|agent or representative i . 320 «(32 allow nuclear weapons on Cana-|; Y ee ee Bee i ig eee fia OY van 4 For Satine cog arin oa Mela: own ot cribbage and coffee table;/ing Canadian businessmen tojready to spend money on pro-|qian soil or in ee teas of Ca- Ine Bed pr 215 vist --%|Dome Pete 210 $12 11% -- s|Maneast a 0 N tosh - Anderson Funer: lome. crib 23 33 y 3 lady's white $ F 110 » 2 ass yoush beds ladys adian troops was urged today| ind Accer a+) Nacehod es boot re kates, size 6 to 7. 173 Ritson (tackle new export markets in/motion and advertising. n i Gr Plains 200 it2% "mM at iy bees sats, Sion sas Hospital: 'on (Sut Europe, now has published a| 3. Use the help available from|in a six-point Canadian Labor ; Bt Home A 300 $12 11% 18 -3 Mondsy, December 10. 1962, William |HONEST Cal's, Furniture and Appli-|guide on how to go about the'trade commissioners overseas|Congress submission to the cab-|IMC 50 44 1m | tons Foint 00 30 * exciting new head | F 4 "4% Majtrans 9000 8% 78M 8% -- John Delong, beloved husband of Joan|ances, biggest discounts anywhere, |jop to get names of possible sales|inet on international affairs Medal 1099 254 250 254 +3 fj ig tac dee telear sy new | OF K Street. Fast , tor PL 275 78% -- %|M Le) me first ! David po goose Gogh, a Wola andland 24 PT prings "Street "(Open Dee, 10)| The cardinal rule: "If youlagents, information on products A thorough review of Cana- ' a haa y\Nat Pete 200 315 318 315 --S pen me Tirs 7 500 3 3 Roy Delong, in his 27th year. Resting |! unity Furniture. Phone/want to sell in the European|and markets, and contacts with! dian defence and foreign policy eo oa poate a sy a ae at the Robiness Funeral Chapel, Brook-|Cal Blake _72 ------ market, come over yourself or| prospective buyers. is urgently needed, said the 1,- 200 310 45 |Northcal 1000 12% 124 12% lin. Service in the chapel on Wednes-| [WE and exchange used furri- z|mart the best qualified sales-| 1 4 "lhe 13 13M Pac Pete 555 $12 12 --% day, December 12 at 230 p.m. Inter-|iire ; hing you have. [he City The successful exporter also|050,000-member labor body. 5 245. --§ |Pamoil e600 3 SLOSS 42 ment Groveside Cemetery, Brooks. (din: st Stores, 446 Simeoe Streetimen on your staff." |must gather information on such| J; said the recent Cuban crisig 270 Peruv Oil 500 79 79 GLECOFF, Cyril Alexander Seuth and 31 Bond Bireet Bast The, advice comes from L. H.|things as tariff rates, freight " in brought to light th 4 15% --- ¥%\Provo. Gas 1700 We 2 ; ren TV ; A Canadian trade ¢oin- as again brought to light the|ttm* iam sim iim ii "jaumnio" amo OOM FA Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-|TV : : Telephone|USMan, Canadl com-'rates and currency 'regulations, confusing and contradictory na-|ren Hs sti un | Ranger 150 eral Hospital on Sunday, 'December, - oe : |missioner in Brussels, writing|which .are changing all the ¥ , : pressure, worry more, i i de ai:ltars 3 sab: 810% ioe 10% Spooner 500 io "to '104 -- %| = slecitie freight train eet, en-|in the department's Foreign|time. ture of Canada's defence pol Lovee A 00 88 3 4 %| Stanwell 500 vane strain on body and brain nd: " A ; ra ears, automatic uncoup.| Trade magazine. His sugges-| icy." The time now was ripe for|;496° » 430 $85 8% -- %4/Triad Oi 1200 170 170 170 see fitness easier to lose--harder to regain. . ; ~|Union Of1 525 $10% 10% 10% igi Then AW gone" ukely wil be ellerated/EACH ONE DIFFERENT |2 comprehensive thorough and| ioe at . am aime rt uovoat Se tS" a | NUD complete | Tonisemelvn,onrewts rary Gagne (Phyllis) of Montreal, M: : "Galan anise puneaty| |many times when businessmen "Bach 'market is glial and either through a white anes ar MB PR na sis MM 19 Un Reet P 500 20 30 38 selection of yet dis Wee een a ont . je Penal ey yg or y de forcejonly by a personal study can f " ass ' 1% 11% 1 Ma ea ee ai ; ; * Dini Oe on : ced. Gle "super Market iD dete (eames ea. to- Iyou adacand its peculiar' a special parliamentary com-)Met Stores 100 $7% 7% 7: Yen Con U0 7 Me | Kaden gifts excess acids and wastes remain in : i " Mid West 100 175 system. Then backa b> rag | chester, Henry of Oshawa, Kari of Toone, until, 1p eae ts miso" gether here for the second ex-|ties," says Mr. Ausman. mittee or both." Milt Brick 1233 415 400 ronto, I che} Oshawa, is bI che, "tired-out" feeling often a ' p d ' ther sugges-|Molson A 25 $26 26 (26 ' year. at the Armstrong Funer-/ NORGE refrig S ca. &., im good|POrt promotion conference next! "Buying habits, customs, pref- ae ry Givi fom te eigen A Be ee Tat lines ; ; the time to take Dodd's pa maar mega Dante: orete ot Oeicwa Applinncen? 0, cleat [April 16-May 3. jerences and regulations are all approved at the CLC convention| Moor ger erereae yee 330333 5 ios LIMITED ; Gal Coarth ax Wetnabley, Decen|Qe, oe 7 Mr. Ausman underlines the|as important in the overseas|). <4 April: wee iy 3 eee i We Anscon 3 on ae one ReMoui oie. Ton pes ber 12 at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa wiaghing, Genaal Jblecias.| jimportance of the European) sales territory as they are in * N Phone : $9 Ansil 1 sT 723-3431 Kidney Pills Rg Upton Cemetery. ; , $29, sacritice|Common Market ---a market|/Canada." Every effort should be made |g: 25 $4854 48% 45% --% ANC Cop 2300 10871 05" 108 y Pills at any drug counter. SHAW .C John 7 a © of Oshawa Appliances,|about the size of the United to help achieve complete and 7 red into rest i Prince Edward 7? Sime osna¥3.___|States market, and one with a Fn S.. _Ausman general disarmament under ef- Ee, cash resister: "adding rapidly rising living standard plete fective international control. cheque writer, scale, R |turer should plan his export hould th . and c . A snap tov quick sale.|and a fast-growing demand for| sale program as carefully as Canada shou oppose ie Cecil Shaw and brotner of Mrs. Imany products. spread of nuclear weapons to Ropers ine and) Barbara, Cameron § iture and Appliances. | Bi jhis home market program. nations still lacking them, in- Hecty, Roneid : , Specials | See ot ee in SOME OTHER 'TIPS | "It is unreasonable to as-|cluding Canada itself. Wayne, all of Qehawa, in his and year. |i n 263-2294." ee '| Some of his main points ofjsume that the tough: and com- | Defence' spending should be ena Cnuen ein Tateal sural | TASON aad Risch player plane, excel.| advice; besides the injunction to| \petitive European market is/trimmed and the savings spent in the chapel on Wednesday, Decem.- |! dition, mahogany finish. 60 rolls| visit the market personally: easier to sell to than the one|on public essentials at home Tuer Ona et Cmawaicl poeeune 7 ee fers Don't try a scatter-gun ap-jcloser to home and of which the|and economic aid abroad. . B r room BLOND dinin manufacturer already has a| Plans should be laid for a we Apply 716 Philip' Morse, |Proach. "Occasionally: it may be} LOCK'S FLORIST. av |better for the exporter to con-/thorough under standing. /Yet! jcomprehensive plan to divert Funere! rrangement ond |®..F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- |centrate on one or two markets|some Canadian firms fail to re-|defence spending into construc- + floral réquiremonts "ter elt (Mitt: hes cena at the beginning." alize this." |tive peaceful projects -- thse Meinl oar islo- occasions. BUY and sell. good used turnin | javoiding harsh economic di and appliances. One locatio cation in the 'event of general = OSHAWA SHOPPING in sr7uinat aca, foe a All B k Di presley 24 HOUR RPLONE SERVICE lis. Mrxcellee vey, ee ae RE OW re | V 1é, 725-7154 anytime, RARE COINS 2] TELEVISION Crosley, biond, excel-| Rarest Canadian coins are $10 CHAPEL az = Said MD's Order ss ¥.sierscitid CHAPEL [Rca A VICTOR '2i" TV console ss cana | New Westminster, B.C., in 1g perfect we rking condition. Telephone| » Kindness beyond price | 75-2 HULL, Que. (CP)--A nurse,Simard used forceps for a _ yet within reach of all. |poxts ale wera Footstools and|testified in Quebec court of|longer period than normal in Thomson platform frieze ne ing chairs, $3.82;|Queen's bench here Monday| delivering the infant, Jean Bus-| 728-6226 bric ts 883 rectiner chairs, "$38; | that Dr, J. Conrad Simard, 49, |siere, born to an unwed mother} Kernaghan & Co. 390 KING STREET WEST cedar cc! waded a ames lot Hull told her to let a baby/from Ottawa, Geralda Bussiere,| rockers, covering. All' reduced. |in-their care die. 50. \#. |] TorONTO stock EXCHANGE ure, 20 ure! treet. | IN MEMORIAM CGAINS in unpainted furniture. Fin- Ap stl : oy 'alin in|IN POOR HEALTH OPERATING DIRECT LINE ' sh it yourself : cas a aroeett nearby Aylmer, Que., testified) She said the baby was pre-| TO The Brownie Fiesta ernest fae a file See fen dai gL eae ot coin |tealth, Two ayn afer" binh,| TORONTO - MONTREAL} - Camere. Modern, new ed away suddenly : seek bes, $24.88, Wilson | lanes 6 e, 2/ard's trial on a charge: of crim- the infant devel cos gid i camera handsomely styled in grey and silver ... less than $8. Camera, flash Looking back ph ge linal negligence in the death of|the infant developed respiratory encin 725- 1104 holder, flash guard, batteries, bulbs, neck strap and film... less than $12. le tines ee tome oo had with you,| MAN'S walnut wardrobe 815; babys |a three-days-old boy Feb. 26. ee ae pou a uP calles Ge iis Te te And leave the rest with Role ah Brock) Bast roperater $15.| Five witnesses were called by| ' r aaa hi at home at 4 a.m = CR HENRY, MGR a remembered by ay and fam- he ae b Pp. Crown Prosecutor Orville Fre- |to advise him. RES. ERI , A " abner win | nette. She quoted the physician as 725-4305 A ee a mgt lant "ciara Kodak gifts say 'Open me first" ge, $15; baby swing, $5. CHRISTMAS race szsemrran| STOMACH Back |e vm nye ..and save your Christmas in pictures! TRIBUTE As Mayor i 4 a. him die, we will bury him." : oot i ee on the staff : ' Bintade wig of the Ottawa General Hospital Nothing is more befitting or a : j os sels London Vote --Dr, Alsa Arias, Dr. Aedes rectur fibute 16 the iAS heater, 35,000 BTU's, under war Rios and Dr. Dominic Conway--| memory of the loved ones Jephone Bowmanville 623-3856. T.ONDON, Ont. (CP)--Mayor|testified that the boy was i ON SAVINGS who have passed on to rs come Bias, Conte fiat delet offz?| Gordon Stronach was returned|failing health and was breathing) that bourne from which no eph 104 to office his second two - year we difficulty when he was ad- Interest from date traveller returns, thon o --|term in Monday's municipal|/mitted to the hospital Feb. 25. ° memorial verse at Christmos - MATERIALS TO | election, |NEEDS CARE of deposit oe BUILD A HOUSE Tide te. Cages Miss Bussiere testified she Shesiing Peivtlogs It isc beautiful gesture of .|was informed earlier that day Deposits by Mail love and devotion to the WALLS --- 4 outer, in ponele |2ree? ibe. to J. Allan John iby Mrs, Laframboise that her! " 7 memory of a mother, father, Frame construction, heavy ston's 18,58! i Ww cli" |baby needed immediate medi-| | Hours--9 to 5 wife, husband, daughter or sheathing. 26 x 36 with |, Fluoridation of the cl ty | Slcal attention. Fridays--9 to 9 son... or those beyond the PLA Mies drinking water was tu 27899! She said she picked up the Pe Saturdays--9 to 1 immediate family circle, NDOWS -- 7 glazed, |49Ww. The vote was 27,892). 0) ot the Aylmer Clinic and| @ faithful friend or kin, I with hardware, painted. |@Sainst, 20, 339 for. jdrove him to the General Hos- | bi dndnen kano Door frames, front and rear, | The vote on Sunday movies| yitat on the afternoon of Feb.! rendering helpful service to f ee ae jwas 24,861 against, 23,466 for. |o5° The doctors testified they| those who wish to select on é Brownie Super 27 Outfit. The. --_ Built-in exposure meter -- lowest Super 35mm team! With its fast f/2.8 new-shaped camera with fast price! BROWNIE STARMETER lens and shutter speeds to 1/250 the GUARANTY f/8 lens and built-in flash. Camera measures light, shows set- Kopak RetINETTE 1A Camera takes | ' Camera, bulbs, batteries and ting ... less than $28. Boxed with action shots, sparkling slides, even "avail- Seed feet Puilt up- | Mr. Stronach, a member of immediately Placed the boy in) TRUST film, complete in a gift box... flash holder, bulbs, batteries and --_able light" pictures without flash. Less Gpprepriate memoriam notice | or. |the RCMP for more than 25/an oxygen case but that he} less than $27. film... less than $34. than $52. Show your slides big and bright ot Christmas, The Clossified | JOIST -- 17 pieces jyears, began piling up a lead|died the next day of pneumonia. | 2 x 8's -- 20 FEET with a Konak Reapymatic 500 Pro- Department of The Oshawa learly in the counting. | Dr. Simard was remanded to| A Times will publish Special ASKING PRICE Mr. Johnston, who operates @/Hull County Jail, He had been| 32 King Street East jector. Less than $90. Memorial tribute in the | typewriter agency, was mayorifree on $5,000 bail until Mon- 728-1653 ; | $850.00 in 1957-60 and 1939-40. He waS|day and his counsel moved un- ' CHRISTMAS Liberal member 'of Parliament successfully to have bail fone) | Blacks stock 986-4416 |for London for 4% years during|tinued. S id World War. EVE EDITION 341 t And Found "s? 'conceded te election at : So Pg rag 10:15 p.m., shortly after hear- Saturd y, De- ed : To ensure that your message mber 3 Taunton Road West be-|ing at his campaign headquar- Ooppears ot this time, call | n nson and Somerville. Tele- ivisi i before Friday, December 5645 ters from 269 subdivisions which 21st, If more convenient | EOST -- Man's Chevron wrist watcn,| dicated @ 9,000-vote lead for) -- to you Come in to the [Friday, December 7, vicinity Regent| Mr. Stronach, | 'Open ™ Classified Counter or th Bat 'kas Lunch. Reward. Neil| In his concession statement,| \ first! mail to send mada 143-4 cNahan, lt Clarke Street,)Mir. Johnston again charged * your copy to The Times, that Mr. 'Stronach's campaign yas backed b ndicate that TELEPHONE CARD OF THANKS wants {0 "Dull clio po COMPLETE SELECTION Automatic from start to finish -- Only one simple settirig Zoom effects... automatic Kodak film makes an 723-3492 sell. water to the city. PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE| that's the new Konak Autos is required with the exposure control--with the __ ideal " i ey ELLIOT? ideal "extra gift" for : room light off and on... threads | Camera. There is no Camera. Focusing f/1.6 Slip some into CARD OF THANKS):::": mnsenten, 2 tates: Sot -- smal wigs oman SOP WR EASY CREDIT TERMS * *| itself... : when the show is over it wa leg ; cise ee en ne ae re Meescens Sg tis ile od ays i f GIFT WRAPPING + * « matic 8 Projector. Turns the KopaK 8 Movie 'Konak Zoom8 Automatic Christmas morning. 1 to express my hearttelt| 34----Lest And Found need to focus. It's easy to. lens for extra-sharp 8mm Christmas stockings, shown to me in che loss|brown markings, answers "Nikki". Re-| , i i i ilt-i husband, Arthur ac te wack. Last ia Weeanetie cian, SBiiiae ; Fe ap pl cha of aa shuts itself pony sat veg f/1.9 lens. oe filter. Less 2 0 S nk to th Doct t ; _ . le 1 BENDERSON le Wak te express|the 1 u Sanat p ved rg gt ln Lost: Bestia bowed, male, beome face, ess than $ than $ * gw Rearifek thanks and appreciation nd 1B at Oshawa General Hos-| cco vicinity' of Rorcend von eine our ma relatives, s dipital, the R J. Hil = § , nd S A ' "A pdghbors sna their kindness and Hes sling words of len a of ager Sigg coe North. Reward. 723-7914, nN nnn len Cee oe li) prey shown us in the loss of ovr be-|!h¢ floral tributes re : Beagle hound, small, mostly ' husband and father, William 1 e rers for their kipd-|white, tattooed on ear. Answers to Eg a i gg Ta Ng a "Everything = ia 3 MINCE aM | Sot your Christmas shopping here, Finish it in one stop Z / en rs of the Mm oe ae pathy, | hospitalits ae at your Kodak dealer's displaying this symbol -- EA, fir Dy Feast . Morris, the|the Lend-AHand Unit of Syrnded"c|35--Legal SRC SLE. 106 530 SIMCOE ST. S$ x stl purses on 2A and 1E of the Oshawa 0: nda nO T who sent|I will not be responsible for any debts 125 -aas6 | | 0 HAWA 5 id 5 General Hospital and the Mcintosh. 'c on and|contracted in my name for anyone on 725-3546 lereon Funeral Home for their kind » General Hos-|or after this date, December 8, 1962, vga [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | efficient management ie service tal during my late busband's iliness.|without my. writte im -- P LSoO , Dire, W. B. Henderson ang tamby| coe barbed Huss [Greed %a"Grtoasseee, 7 STORES JN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA