Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Dec 1962, p. 3

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: ones NEWS Production Drop Seen For Butter TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian|Trud reported today. Trud said | butter production may dropjtwo ringleaders each were 9,000 tons from last year's 180,.|jailed for eight years and others 000 tons output, J. M. Hart-|for between three and six years. wick, president of the Dairy Council of Canada -- predicted 'Onna ae a Thursday night. He told the an- (AP)--The haan nual meeting of the Ontario ment was announced Thursday Creamerymen's Association his night of Viscount Elvedon, 25- prediction was based on an ap-|Drewery empire, and Daphne year-old head of the Guinness yeremt crop in total milk pro- Jane Smiley, 22-year-old daugh- duction this year, and a de- éf i ter of an aristocratic Aberdeen- snd a aeey oe ----. shire farm family. She is a sec- ' VOTE ond cousin of Lord Cowdray, one on yy one of Britain's wealthiest. men. : vaya . Abraham F ein berg, national KENTS. REUNITED MARGARET RICE : BARBARA B! BENT : WILLIAM KENNED' vice-president of the Canadian} yong KONG (AP) --. The ' , Campaign for Nuclear Disarm-| young Duchess of Kent and her ament, said Thursday night helfive.month-old son arrived by favors a free vote in the House] pjane today from London to of Commons on the question of| join the duke. He is on military) Canada acquiring nuclear arms.|quty with the Royal Scots Greys He was speaking at the annuallin this British colony. The duke meeting of the Toronto Com-|is expected to serve a normal mittee for survival, a branch Of|tour of two or three years in the disarmament group. Hong Kong. BLAST KILLS FIVE DECK CENTRE YOKOHAMA, Japan (AP)--| NEW YORK (AP)--Rockefel- Five persons were killed and 30\ler Centre Thursday night ush- injured when an explosives fac-jered in the Christmas season tory. in this port city exploded|with the lighting of 7,000 clear and burned today, police 1e-|bulbs on a 67-foot Maine ever- ported. |green in the plaza. The tree is; \further ornamented with 5,000 CRITICIZES SPAIN |gold - colored aluminum discs} GENEVA (Reuters)--The In-ithat reflect the light of the ternational Commission of Ju-|puytps, | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 7, 1962 3 AIR CADET NEWS ra Sports Parade Fine Success By JETTY Now to remind the cadets of . . Stab, stab . . . stabjanother parade this Sunday be- ... Stab, stab. sides the sports parade, This: What is that sup-|Will be the Navy Cadets' pre. posed to represent? Well, that's|Senting of the colors, the way the Cadets got to.and|, This parade will be held at from the best Sunday night's)? P-m. at the Armories, 4 sports parade ever held. The|Cadets, however, are request reason for the stabbing was the|'0 be there at 2.30 p.m." intense fog condition. : ay. ppt nay cs ri a4 The parade was extremely y. OF ihe é satisfactory for all except one|iCeS. or. any interested _s ;.|tators are invited to a ; ffi- ; eee aston Ramee tec| This isthe first parade of Durham County Farm Calendar BOWMANVILLE -- The fol- lowing calendar of Agriculture events in Durham County was prepared by the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture in Bow- manville. Friday, Dec. 7, 6.30 p.m. -- Blackstock, annual banquet, Durham County Holstein Club, Guest speaker, G. N. Hawn. Monday, Dec. 10, 8 p.m, -- Durham County Hog Producers Directors meeting, Dept. of Agriculture, Bowmanville. -- Monday, Dec. 10, 10.50 a.m. 30 p.m. --Directors and Project Planning meeting, Dur- ham Soil and 'Crop improve- ment Assoc. Board Room, Dept. of Agriculture, Bowmanvillee. wn * Wednesday, Dec. 12 --North-|happy with the grouping, but|™#ture held in Oshawa. os umberland and Durham Applc/like -the old saying goes "bet- iy Growers Meeting, Newcastle. | ter juck next time." . ae Thursday, Dec, 13, 8 p.m. --| It seems to me that our US. Disagrees. Orono Town Hall, Durhaa. Jun- games, in the inner extreme- wt ior Award Night. Presentation|tjies of the building, are be- ith ns of special prizes and trophies tojcoming a regular thing. The 1 ema : 5 cron og ri Licenai hall is getting well known 4v ' armer members. Guest speak-|all cadets participating and the B A h er, LeRoy Brown, Agricultural|cobwebs seem to be disappe. ~| y Cc eson Representative Victoria Coun-|ing from behind a certain black-| a ty. board. Right, Cadet Hedge! WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan.| As a result of this, also, our|State department politely dit 8 and 9 -- Staff Management|"good'"' Sgt. Boyton didn't feel|agreed with some remarks Workshop, OAC. too hot going home. In fact, -- dtr state secre' Thursday, Jan. 10, 10 a.m. --|he must have felt quite cold.) ean eson in a speech this nance Sel and Crop Improv.|¥0u see he was suffering from|week--but refused comment of Assoc. Annual Meeting. Dr. Wm.|4 Certain disease with no cure|4n Acheson observation that Tossell, Head, Field Crops|but a good patch on the seat of|Britain's role in world affairs Dept. OAC, Guelph, guest|the pants and going half way|"is about played out." speaker, enh . down the leg. Lincoln White, the depart. rists today criticized totalita. rianism in Spain and expressed the hope the Spanish govern- ment will give "manifest rec- ognition" to the dignity and rights of the individual. The commission, made up of 27 of the world's top legal experts, claims support from 40,000 law- TO CENSOR FOLIES | NEW YORK (AP)--A slightly| censored edition of the Folies| Bergere will be one of the at-) tractions of the $10,000,000) French exhibit at the 1964-65) New York world's fair. A spokesman for the fair's French} yers, judges and law teachers|pavilion said Thursday the) in 90 countries. Folies would be housed in an} DENNIS McCROHAN ANNE YONSON MARY LAING WILLIAM HANLEY OBITUARIES EARL B. HOGLE ,Murray, and a brother, Gordon, House Session To Recess Friday, Jan. 11, 10.30 a.m. -- Durham County Holstein Club Directors Meeting. Dept. of Agr. Board Room. Saturday, Jan. 12, 9.a.m. -- Toronto, King Edward Hotel -- Anaual Conference for Junior Farmers of Ontario. The pro- gram will consist of competi- tions in public speaking, choir, Mac Remarks On Acheson 'Error' LONDON (AP)--Prime Min- ment's spokesman, was asked to comment on the speech Acheson made Wednesday at the West Point Military Acad- emy. London dispatches have -pic- tured Prime Minister Macmil- lan and his senior cabinet offi- cers as surprised and irked by Acheson's statement that Brit- ain is 'about played out" as a Over Christmas Season OTTAWA (CP)--Leaders the four political parties agreed Thursday to take a four-week \break over Christmas and New) quartets and trios. Saturday, Jan.. 12 noon Peterborough and District Dual Purpose Shorthorn Club Annual Meeting, Diana Motel, Peter- boattige, world power. White said the U.S. has @ def- inite Berlin policy. "It_ seems rather doubtful," said White, "that Mr. Acheson meant to give quite as negative an impression of our Berlin and German policy as reports on his "= imply." ie declined to say why it was "doubtful."" 5 Acheson, White said in reply to a question, is a private cit- izen and made his speech in this capacity. Hospital Aux. Plans Party _ AJAX -- The December meet- ing of the Ajax and Picke; Women's Hospital Auxiliary ister Macmillan said today Dean Acheson, in criticizing Britain's role in history, has 'fallen into an error which has been made by quite a lot of people in the course of the last 400 years." Acheson, secretary of state under President Truman, told a West Point conference "Brit- ain's attempt to play a separate role based on a 'special rela- tionship' with the United States, a role based on being the head of a Commonwealth which has no political structure or unity or strength and enjoys a fra- gile and precarious economic relationship--that role is about played out." Macmillan wrote to Lord Chandos, president of the Insti- tute of Directors: "TI have only seen the various press reports of the speech. If "gg are Np ged insofar as appeared to denigrate the/p, resolution and the will of Brit-|g ps: in the Menvis ooidea ain and the British people, Mr.| The President, ¥ . Acheson has fallen into an ef.linvited which has -been Pa ae party. There will be carol sing- ing with Mrs, Wheeler and Mrs. Westney conducting. There will also be a few aprons and mitts sold. The Doll Draw will also be held and refreshments will be served. Spe] MORTGAGES | Ample Funds for - Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER ASKS AVERT STRIKE NEW YORK (AP)--The city's top labor official appealed to Mayor Robert Wagner Thurs- day to try to avert a threatened newspaper strike which "may be long and costly." The appeal ofjference with Liberal Leader Pearson, Social Credit Leader Thompson and New Democratic Leader Douglas. The House will adjourn at 10 p.m, Thursday, Dec. 20 until 2:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 21, pro- vided Mr. Diefenbaker doesn't decide in the interim to ask that the House be dissolved for an election. The prime minister, describ- ing the conference of party leaders as 'amicable, friendly and fruitful," said the leaders also came to an agreement on the legislative business that it is to be scheduled for comple- tion before the recess. He declined to give details, possibly because the schedule is to be submitted to the cau- cuses of MPs of the opposition parties, although he indicated that three bills now before he House are among those on which work is to be concluded b, Cc. :20, ' Mphees are bills to establish a national economic development board and an Atlantic Develop- ment Board and to increase the membership of the National Productivity Council. Civil Servant Jailed 2 Years LONDON (Reuters) -- Civil servant Barbara Janet Fell was sentenced today to two years in jail for passing confidential documents to the Yugoslav em- abssy official who had been her | lover. : Jan, 14-16 -- Dairy Farmers of Canada "anaual meeting, Hotel. London, London, Ont., General sessions, Jan. 15-17. Jan 15--Durham County Hog Producers annual meeting and banquet. Tickets must be pur- chased by Jan. 11, Contact agri- culture office or Directors of the Hog Producers. Jan. 14-16 -- Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conven- tion, King Edward Hotel, To- ronto. Potato growers section on Wednesday, Jan. 16 Jan, 23-25 -- At 10 a.m., an- nual meeting of the Provincial Soil and Crop Improvement Association, Coliseum, Exhibi- tion Park, Toronto. Feb. 46 -- Ontario Rural Safety Council, OAC, Guelph, Feb. 13.-- Holstein Friesian) Association of Canada, aprwral meeting, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, March 4-8 -- Farm business Management Course, OAC, Guelph. NOVEMBER SALES BY GM RECORD Demand for new motor vehicles continues at an unprecedented level in all 10 provinces, General , Mo- tors of Canada said today in reporting car and truck sales totalling 24,576 for the month of November. The sales total set an all-time record for the month and was 11 per cent higher than in October. ror y by quite a lot of people in the course of the last 400 years, in- cluding Philip of Spain, Louix XIV, Napoleon, the Kaiser and Hitler. "I do not know whether Mr. Acheson would accept the log- ical seq of his own argu- ment. I am sure it is fully rec- ognized by the United States ad- ministration and by the Amer- ican people." The British press appeared with a flurry of angry head- lines, arguments and editorials|} « aroused by Acheson's com- ments, SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and ing girls, he said, would not be| at the Oshawa General Hospi-|Funeral Home with burial in as "obvious" in New York as/tal this morning. He had been|Riverside Cemetery. in the Paris show. in poor erm Seo gi FUNERAL OF A son of the late Mr. an rs.| o A James Hogle, he was born in| be ai y rerbegrong e funeral service for Wil- was made by Harry Van Tuberculosis A ; ' Arsdale Jr., president of the Hamilton in Little Britain Sept.| street south, who died at the| Prime Minister Diefenbaker Central Labor Council. Negotia-' il t E em 5, 1916, and for a time lived in| Oshawa General Hospital Mon-|announced the dates of the tions now are under way be- 1. en n y | Columbus. day; Dec, 3, was held at the|Christmas recess in the Com- tween nine metropolitan daily | He has lived in Oshawa for| McIntosh - Anderson Funeral|mons following a 35-minute con- . 11 years and for 15 years was on|Chapel Thursday, Dec. 6. . 7] midnight tonight. Dief Doesn't See While there has been a/contre Street United Church. |ed. Interment was at Mount . NASH. TO RESIGN \dramiatic decline in the tuber-| Besides his widow he is sur-|Lawn Cemetery. Early EEC Ruling WELLINGTON (AP)--Walter|cyjosis death rate in recent| i |. Pallbearers were Morris| Nash, New Zealand's veteran jye\Vived by two. daughters, Mrs.| OTTAWA (CP)--Pri Mini Leee : : am/years the incidence of active] George Hayes (Verna), of Col-| Hart, William Hart and Cecil] )--Prime Minis- bor opposition leader, said) disease continues to be a signifi- umbus, and Mrs. Frank Bea.(Durno, business associates; Lynitet Diefenbaker indicated but will contest the 1963 elec- one son, Robert Hogle, of 'oi 1 compared to a few years ago, whether to join the European tion as an ordinary MP. Nash,|put tuberculosis is still far from| Clumbus. | Common Market. 81 in February, has been Labor Surviving are four sisters, 4 : ; , 00" conquered,. Such figures, though beve | NERA He said negotiators for Brit- leader since 1950. He wa? prime considerably less than in past Mrs. William Cameron (Alfa), FU L OF aii und 'The Six 'hava failed 96 minister from 1956 to 1960. | years certainly show that| Norland; Mrs, Frank Haag) JOHN MOORE CRUMB (1. ty agree on common. agri- WRECK R. ' Php 8 -y ae -- on = a r+ of Rockford, Illinois, and Mrs. algae = a Monday, Brussels A fe i |Claude Birch (Gladys), of Vic-|Dec. 3, in his 89th year, was - Selanne tinting Kong|,, Tuberculosis may be called/ (i. Bc There are five(Held at the Armstrohg Filicrall=e- €as= commenting! "Ota and Canton in China, arrivals|the silent enemy because of its ndchildr Home, Thursday, Dec. 6, at 2 brief submitted by La Chambre from Canton said today. insidious onset. It gives little, if ee sy vie ee eo valaens ' so hde de Commence des Jeunes de pce es edt ae: Montreal. The brief called for a general lowering of tariffs be- great emphasis must be placed : "pn insurance brokers sharply cut|on detection and diagnosis|P-™. Rev. W. G. Dickson, pastor Sinaiep pa gy cont was at premiums for cargo to and from|through regular examination, to]! Centre Street United Church,| Mount Lawn Cemetery. ket | will officiate. Interment will be! Pallbearers were Herbert|**'. Cuban ports today because of|prevent development in the pa- ' Flintoff, Alfred Flintoff. Jack the calming of the Cuban crisis.|tient himself and its spread to|@t Oshawa Union Cemetery. |Flintoff, Alfred Flintoff, Jac! The brokers raised premiums | Flintoff, Allan Flintoff, Fred|ther, he is survived by a daugh- lent of 11 t 36 nr dite a ae DEGUERRE RAYMOND JOSEPH BARTON)R. C bell of Osh equivalen cents to 36 cents|in ifferent centres in On- * | |R. Campbell of Oshawa. for each $300 of insurance on|tario operated by various agen-| The funeral service for Mrs.| Requiem mass for Raymond; Also surviving are three sis- cargoes to and from Cuba, Thejcies including the Department|Arlie Evalena DeGuerre, 44\Joseph Barton, 79, of 24 Shier|ters, Mrs. Albert Hollman premiums were reduced today|of Health. County and district|}Adelaide street east, who died/drive, Scarborough, will be|(Freda), Mrs, -Edgar Wilson to the old rate. at the Oshawa General Hospital|held in the St. John the Evan-|(Dorothy) and Mrs. Allan De- 200 of .these clinics through : funds raised from the sale of|Thursday, Dec. 6, at 2 p.m. |2 p.m. George, Harry and Earl, of tel, Boo garg ag grind Christmas seals. Rev. W. G. Dickson, pastor} Mr. Barton, a tinsmith for-\Oshawa and Bertrum of Ajax| pone gy h Wann the 4p-| 'There are special case finding|of Centre Street United Church,|merly of Western Canada, diedjand a granddaughter, Laurie| The blonde 54 - year . old top oe hen ewardel' sine 000 in programs among __prisoners,|officiated. Interment was at Osh-/ Wednesday, Dec. 5, following a|Lynne Johnson, of Kingston. |civil servant at the governmen- damages for injuries suffered egg-shaped building with a 1,500) The death of Earl B. Hogle, 97/all of Lindsay. seating capacity. The 50 danc-| Richmond street west, occurred) Service was held at Mackey Pickering Dec. 11, 1890. Mr. Ho-| | x gle sealed the former Alma|liam E. Henderson, 864 Simcoe) Year's. newspapers and seven craft un- y fons whose contracts expire at) MATTHEW B. DYMOND, MD f of P d. Oshawa.| Rev. J. Porter. pastor of Ce- Health Minister for Ontario {the staff of Parkwood, Oshawa.| Sor e r |Mr. Hogle was a member of|dardale United Church, officia- Thursday he will relinquish] want j i | h problem. Ontario is in a |Henderson, Barry Henderson|Thursday he does not foresee party leadership in Februaryirejatively fortunate -- position| ©°°* (Coral), of Oshawa. 'agseie William manievens, grand-|an early decision by Britain on sol ;,|(Meda), of Romeo, 'Michigan;; The memorial service for ; ne AILWAY tuberculosis constitutes a public! bre cultural tariffs and policiés and Mrs. Ralph Tarrant (Lillian),|John Moore Crumb, Darlington other questions in their talks at CUT PREMIUMS \the poocngge Relig sbrseiniedl| held at the Armstrong Funeral) Rev. A. E. Larke, pastor of LONDON (AP)--British ship Chapel Monday, Dec. 10, at 3:15|Albert Street United Church, tween Caneda. Whe United States and the Common Mar- other members of his family - ties Nov. 8 for war, strike, riot and|and community. FUNERAL OF | Sills, Alfred Wilkins. |ter, Mrs. Lyle Johnson (Bever- civil commotion risks from the MRS. ARLIE EVALENA | lley) of Kingston and a son, Eric tuberculosis associations con- ZERO COLLECTS tribute towards the cost of over|Tuesday, Dec. 3, was held _ nae Roman pig ery tenbeck (Phyllis), all of Osh- NEW YORK (AP)--Zero Mos- the Gerrow Funeral Chapel itby, Saturday, Dec. 8, at |awa; five brothers, Kenneth, homes for the aged, recipients|awa Union Cemetery, |short illness in Providence Villa,| The memorial service will be|tal central: information office, when struck bya bus. The of public assistance, foster par-|. Pallbearers were Earl James,| Scarborough. {held at the Armstrong Funeral|was sentenced after pleading award was handed down Thurs- day in state supreme court by a jury of eight men and four women. ents, bush camp workers, new admissions to general hospitals, school board and hospital em- ployees, miners, food handlers, Norman Petre, Bert Terwilli-| Surviving members of the|Home at 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. Leonard|family are sons, Arthur, of New ger, Archie Britton, Goldsmith and Gordon Wanda-|York City; John and Thomas, cott. |both of Detroit, Mich., a daugh- guilty to eight charges under 10. Rev. F. G. Ongley, rector of St. George's Anglican Church, will conduct the serv- fidential the Official Secrets Act. The prosecution said the con- foreign office docu- Sales of 256,314 cars and trucks by the company inthe | first 11 months showed a 21 | per cent increase over the same period of 1961. North Commercial The established, reliable Ges Dealer in your area. SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 723-2265 -- 728-3376 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 y jter, Mrs. D. F. Callaghan of walks of life. | FUNERAL OF |Scarborough; two sisters, Lucy The Tuberculosis Prevention) RS.' ETHEL ARNOLD |Barton of Whitby and Mrs. F. Branch of your Ontario Depart-/ The funeral service for Mrs.|H. Perry of Niagara Falls, New|at the funeral home before Sat-|Belgrade to the foreign secre- ment of Health also provides a} thel Arnold, who died at her|YOrk and three brothers, Ber- urday. tary. | provincial mass tuberculin test- residence, 122 Adelaide avenue|Mard of Whitby, Vincent of Ni- ' oecara ing and chest X-ray service.| east, Monday, Dec. 3, was held|agara Falls, N.Y, and Frank of Nearly 375,000 people attended! at the McIntosh-Anderson Fun-|Toronto. these surveys last year. eral Chapel Thursday, Dec. 6,|. Funeral arrangements are un- Once a person has been found) at 2 p.m. jder the direction of the W. C. to have the disease there is no} Rev. John Porter, pastor of/ Town Funeral Chape! of Whitby. quick cure. The chronic nature|Cedardale United Church, offi- sacted pgs csr lengthy | ciated. Interment was in Osh- ROSS B. CAMPBELL 0 1 of treatment. A period Cf/awa Union Cemetery. | The death occurred suddenly, pec nga agli ge 18 to 24 months is required to! paljbearers were Fred Ding-/as the result of a heart attack ot as trade union newspaper] out', . 2, Satisfactory | result.|iey, Pat Meagher, George Pat-/at Scarborough, on. Thursday, ga, Spaper) Patients are able to leave sana- terson, Douglas Crandell, Paul|Dec. 6, of Ross B. Campbell of bo gy igs ag bc coh and Frank Deane. 637 Burton street, Oshawa, Mr. The atre Group their treatment as prescribed to oe et ire was Camtant To Present 4 s ' Children's Plays Prevent the disease from be- and the late Stuart Campbell, coming active again. the deceased was born at Sun- Tuberculosis can be prevented derland Aug. 7, 1918 and was AJAX -- Four children's plays will be presented at the Kins- men Community Centre on Sat- and many others in various) ices. Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. Friends are asked not to call After Hours 728-3376 SHES ments she passed to the Yugos- lav included confidential reports from the British ambassador in American type passenger car sales are up 30 per cent for the year to date. SET VENUS DATE WASHINGTON (AP)--It now appears the Mariner spacecraft heading for a rendezvous with Venus in about a week will pass within about 19,000 miles of the planet, a space agency official said today. JAIL LATVIANS MOSCOW (Reuters)--The Lat- vian supreme court has jailed seven youths for currency spec- A new, inexpensive drink. Light, with appealing new flavour. LLOYD DAVIS LINDSAY Funeral _ ser- vices were held Thursday after- noon for Lloyd Davis, founder of e Canadian Tire Store on viNG Taste it --all the proof you need. and cease to be a public health married in Cobourg July 9, 1937. urday, Dec. 8. The plays, pre- problem. In order to accom.|" ang A ; , : say street, w A resident. of Oshawa for 34 plish this goal public awareness|/indsay street, who died in hos years, Mr. Campbell was em- sented by children belonging to the Pic-Ax Players Workshop, ger ital Tuesday. f the problem is a necessity.|? y ployed as a group leader in the will be shown from 10.30 a.m. and by regular X-rays and par- ticipation in mass survey pro- grams, you can help do your part. at Oshawa for nine years prior to locating in «Lindsay. A past: president of the Lind- say Bowling Club, he was also Besides his wife, the former Wilda Crawforth' and his mo- ZING Serve cold, on the rocks or 0! i Mr. Davis, 59, established the Your Ontario Department of ' body room at General Motors. to 1.30 p.m. jg Store 25 years ago. Health and local tuberculosis) M B He was a member of St. There are 28 children in the} associations do all they can to| .Well-knowa in local business G , ; ade incles he managed a sho> sto eorge's Anglican Church and detect and control this disease, |! Ba Geer svieaittie Ublon Bod and' Gun Club: group which is divided into a junior and senior section. a member of the curling club! and a member of St. Paul's| GROSS NATIONAL (Gaur, survived by his oe PRODUCT UP the former Mary Elizabeth| Hall, one daughter Mrs. Joseph The United States' "GNP" |Efler (Donna) and one son,| (Gross National Product) is om up. Total production of HEAT WITH OIL goods and services wil oe fi reach 560 billion . ollars this year, an in- crease of almost 8 per cent DIXON Ss over 1961 figures. OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 If you need dependable workers to help your busi- SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS with your favourite mixer ... tonic, ginger ale or soda; twist of lemon, lime or cola, OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- loom has been a specialty for 18 years . . . with thousands of yards on display to select from. PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. John Paxton, principal of Greenwood Grammar School, has been directing the juniors. Plays they are presenting are "The Girl Who Owned a Bear" by Frank L. Baum and 'The Doll Who: Wouldn't Smile' was| written by Mr. Paxton. The seniors have been di- rected by Frances Parkhill who has done extensive work with children in Boston, Chicago, and last year in Ajax. They will be} presenting 'The Leprechauns" and a musical version of Tum- belina" complete with dancing which Mrs. Betty Steptoe has under her capable supervision. The children have been taught speech under the direc-| tion of Mr. Joseph Mullen. ZING viNG Switch to ZIG | Never before so many interesting, subtle drink combinations froma bottle and at such economy! ness thrive and grow, the surest quickest way to find them is through a far-reach- ing "Help Wanted" Class- fied Ad. Dial 723-3492 and get your job offer to the re- liable people you want to- day.

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