Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Dec 1962, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT LOCAL DENTIST SAYS " Davidson Objects To Sleepy Town Charges Charges that dirty Whitby,paid $150 per year to keep one streets are the sign of "a sleepy/block clean. He suggested that Tree Planting Regulation Urged Regulation of tree planting, care and replacement was urged at Whitby Town Council meeting this week. Councillor George Bevan, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 5, 1962: § In 'Drunken Stupor Water Fluoridation Can Reduce Decay The fluoridation issue received a boost at Whitby Council meet- ing this week. * Councillor Paul Coath told council that in answer to anti- fluoridation letters and : liter- ature received by council he had asked a local dentist, Dr. Andrew Glenny to address coun- cil on the issue. Mayor Stanley Martin pointed out that the position of the town was clear as spelled out under the Municipal Act. He said that the vote at the last election was in favor of fluoridation and ac- tions. One part fluoride to a mil- lion parts water, he said. 'In towns that have used the chemical, Dr. Glenny continued, it has béen found that 60 per cent the children have had cavity'reduction. It appear sthat fluoride fs the only. bulwark against the problem of decay, he' said. Council heard that, 'those jwho argue against the treat- ment can bring no proofs what- soever that the recommended dose causes disease or poison- ing'. Dr. Glenny said that the cordingly the equipment was|Royal Commission on Fluorida- town", were angrily denied at Town Council _ meeting _ this week. ° Councillor William Davidson said that a recent "Times" report of the Chamber of Commerce meeting quoted In- dustrial Commissioner Larry Cond, Chamber secretary and which had used fluoride for other Chamber officials as say- vears had no great variation in ing that the streets of the town the death rate. were dirty, the sign of a ) F ichter "sleepy town." aan that weak Big Councillor Davidson said that tage to a person 30 years old,|it, was annoying to see some- Dr. Glenny said the treatment thing of that nature published was directed to 'children as the| about the Town of Whitby. He j "4, a./asked council to have a_ sur- ype Bsa used fluoride as 1 ey made of the streets and a x on report made. Councillor William Davidson) Mayor Stanley Martin told said he would rather have a council that he believed the medical man administer the/ remarks were directed to the drug than a machine, He said) members of the public who lit- that a town in the U.S.A. ter streets. He said that the received a dose of 1.4 per mil-'Chamber wants, "the people lion through error and the max-'to smarten up and take a pride the streets and sanitation and welfare committees study the problem. Councillor Joyce Burns said the Chamber might do some- thing about its own backyard. She said that she has seen downtown merchants sweep rubbish from their stores on to the street. The question was forwarded to the streets committee. for further study. Life Buoys - Recommended | For Harbor | Drowning fatalities at Whitby |Harbor earlier this year prompt- }ed discussion of safety meas- jures in the area. The Protection chairman of the streets com- mittee, proposed the. following motion: "'A bylaw be prepared by the Town to regulate the planting, trimming and removal of trees on all roads and streets, and to include the trimming and re- moval of trees on adjoining property when such trees may be considered decayed or dan- gerous to the public." Councillor Bevan urged that: 'Ever. since the incorporation of Whitby in 1855 the tree-lined streets: have been a mark of distinction and pride to its citi- zens. | the «control of pweeds, and we have our own Sylaw which con- trols hedges on streets, but we do not have a bylaw for the planting, trimming and removal of street trees. "We have a provincial law for! Described as- being in a| OPP Constable Ray Bibeau "drunken stupor', a Brooklinjsaid he saw the car whose man was Tuesday fined $100/licence number the two previ- and costs, or 10 days, on each|ous witnesses had given him of two charges when he ap-|being pushed near Brooklin. peared before Magistrate Craw-|The accused, he said, was seat- ford W. Guest. led behind the wheel. Donald Bouckley pleaded, not) Constable Bibeau said Bouck- guilty to charges of having ley. was '"'quite drunk -- not just care and control of a motor/'fresh drunk -- but appeared vehicle while intoxicated and/ig have been drinking for quite failing to remain at the scene Of sometime. He appeared to be in an accident. The intoxicated!, stupor, not lively like the charge was reduced to im-/ysyal drunk,' Constable Bibeau paired, said | Fined For Impaired way 2. He said there is a "bad hill" just at that point. According to the accused, the momentum of the approaching vehicle forced him into the ditch. He said after he en- quired whether the other driver was hurt or his vehicle dam- aged, he drove away. He said he understood one did not have to report an accident having less than $100 damage. He said: he was not in an intoxicated condition, but was in a tired condition. : Service, station operator Allan) He said the accused denied Heffering told the court od SaW having been in an accident. Saati net uel sald he Bd the : 3 sae lpints of beer abou a.m. on nae ig 2 and get hit by a tne day in question than went! shee deadie gutianle 'back to bed until after 11 a.m,| : After a. panne Hr td said he then drove to Osh-| ering said, northbound ve- awa where he had toast and/ hicle backed out of the ditch,\ccttee | Thi \ } ready to go into operation. ition made an exhaustive study imum dose was 1.5. in the town." ers consider) "Many home-owners consid then continued driving north on He said as he was returning) DECORATING | For FREE Advice and Color Schemes in your Home or in our Modern Store. Coll... For Day or Evening Appointments Dr. Glenny said that 98 perjof the problem, receiving depu- cent of Canada's population had/tations from both pro and anti dental trouble but only a third)groups and decided that there of these sought dental care. ri no age a a been said that if all the dentists in| He also sai e- Canadian) : ; the country worked 24 hours a|Medical Association, the Cana-|Per igggeno cua eg ao day they would not be able to do/dian Dental Association and the/entific authorities were over- all the work that is necessary. |World Health Organization as Dr. Glenny said that the max- made by the machine was to introduce a dose of 1.05 parts |whelmingly in favor of fluoride. He noted that oral hygiene|well as U.S. medical and dental] 'The experts do not seem to Reeve Everett Quantrill add.|'0 Persons and Property com- a street tree, abutting property, \Thickson road, imum error which could be ed that the plant he managed| WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS and diet hints had been passed on to the public by the dental profession: but these were not enough Fluoridation, he added, is althat the chemical was notja dangerous dose could be taken|/as of Dec. 31. Reeve Quantrill|the Whitby harbor and that the solution to dental decay when it is used in the proper propor- |Kodies approved the use of the agree about it,"' said Deputy- BOARD RESIGNATION | chemical. |Reeve George Brooks, "I am) Whitby Town Council received | Councillor Joyce Burns asked|completely confused." jthe resignation as Palnning Dr. Glenny if it had been proven| Dr. Glenny told council that)Board Member of F. C. Twist harmful when assimilated into|by drinking 50 bathtubs of water|and Mayor Martin both paid tri- the body, He replied that a town|in an hour. bute to Mr. Twist for services aie --\to the town over the years. | Rouge Dance Hal Is Trouble Spot Crown Attorney W. Bruce Affleck said in court here Tues- day that the West Rouge Rest- aurant dance hall is a "real trouble spot in Pickering Town- ship." Mr. Affleck was speaking to sentence for two youths charged with causing a disturbance at the dance hall Nov. 30. He said there is a fight there every Friday night. George Cooke, 22, of Fairport Beach was fined $75 and costs, Lions Offer To Develop Town Park roposal to develop D'Hillier Park in the west end Fas Rar" made to Council Herbert Vissier, president of the Whitby Lions Club, appeared on behalf of the service or- ganization. He said the park has been lying undeveloped for years and asked that the club be allowed to buy or lease the property from the town. He said the Lions would like to develop it for the benefit of the community. Visser asked if there were any ideas for the renewal of the area to be put forward. by council members. Councillor Joyce Burns and Councillor William Davidson asked that the matter be dealt | | s SIGN REQUEST 1 Council Asked A request for the erection of ja sign at a new Brock street north supenmarket was referred To Purchase |to the Protection to Persons and : | Property Committee, Town En- | Old Clock an application formerly | e to his department was A history-loving Whitby youth refused as the sign contravened appeared before council Mon-!|a bylaw. Fase | day night with a plea for pres-| ervation of the town's historical| HUMAN RIGHTS DAY Town Council approved a relics. | Brian Winter, of King street,|"ecommendation of the bylaws a Grade 10 student at Henry|and applications committee that Street High School, asked coun-|Dec. 10 be declared Human cil to buy a clock made in|Rights Day. In answer to a Whitby almost 100 years ago./qestion posed by Councillor He said that the clock was up|Joyce Burns, Mayor Martin a teenage dance at the West|for sale in a local store. [Said that=the-sciexshonored:-the Rouge Restaurant after a com-| Winter told council that plaint that some of the dance|Whitby had a great heritage of patrons had been fighting. |history and objects made in As he entered the dance hall,/the early days of the town Constable Nichols said he saw/were a link with the past. He; evidence of a fight. He vointed|Said that as the years went) out there was blood on the floor|past, these relics would be/mendation of the sanitation and and chairs had been overturned./harder to come by and anjwelfare committee that the fu- The officer said he noticed a/ opportunity to buy the olditure of the town dump on commotion at the rear of the/clock should not be passed up./pHinier street be considered. t of 10 days on the charge. Ross A. Carman, 19, of 416 Painted Post drive, Toronto, was placed on suspended sentence for one year. Noticing Carman's badly bea-| ten face, His Worship said he) felt it was sufficient to indicate to him that he had had punish- ment enough. Pickering Township Consiable| Peter Nichols said he went to| |Act by the Ontario Legislature |which guaranteed human liber- jties and rights. CONSIDER DUMP FUTURE Council approved a _ recom- with by the parks committee who would talk over the ques- tion with representatives of the Lions Club. Baptist Women Entertain Men The regular monthly meeting of Whitby Baptist Women's So- ciety for Christian Service was ~ held' recently when the ladies of the group entertained the men. Groups were formed and games were played during the first part of the evening, under the leadership of Mrs. E. Pog- d son, , A short business meeting was then held with Mrs. K. Cullen gineer Charles Hoag told council) |passing ot the Human Rights mittee of Town Council brought in a report referring to the mat- ter this week. During the summer a coron- jer's jury reeommended the town take measures to supply safety equipment at the harbor. The committee reported that: A reply be forwarded to the Department of the Attorney |General, pointing out that the Town of Whitby does not own as a part of the residential !and- scape, and over a period of time, a gradual sense of owner- ship is acquired. It is very im portant to have a legal instru- ment -- a bylaw -- to clearly define, who is responsible for what, in the matter of street trees, The bylaw is also neces- sary as a guide to the public, the Town Engineer, the Works Department, to Council, to the streets committee and to the PUC, who by necessity, must undertake a great deal of tree- trimming in order to provide clearance for their power wires. "The absence of a bylaw has resulted, throughout the years, in a totally inconsistent approach to these problems. We debate at great length in Coun- cil the need to remove or retain a couple of trees located in a strictly retail shopping area, but we take no action to replace the large number of trees that have been removed over the years because of decay or hazard to the public. "A few years ago, the then existing Council, adopted a pol- 'icy of planting trees on residen- tial properties abutting streets, but this policy has now been discontinued. "T believe we need a bylaw for street trees, and I wish to ask Council to approve, in principle, | letter from the local coroner should have been addressed to \the Department of Transport at | Ottawa. The committee recommends |that two additional life-buoys be installed on town property east of the dock, bringing the total number of life-buoys to four and that all life-buoys be suitably protected from the weather. Also that on the poles holding the life-buoys signs be placed stating that the area is unsupervised and persons using the beach do so at their own tisk. The committee feels that it is impractical to maintain a motor boat at the harbor. The committee wishes to fur- ther report that on Sept. 10, a letter was forwarded to the Department of Public Works at Ottawa, pointing out that a barricade: is needed at Whitby harbor and that the property is owned by the Department of Transport, As a follow-up the committee recommends that a copy of the coroner's report to he Attorney General be for- warded to the Department of Transport in order to indicate the necessity for adesuate pro- tection. : The committee report accepted by council. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY NOT TOWN AMBULANCE A cutline under a page one picture in Saturday's edition of The Oshawa Times stated an unidentified woman was shown seated in her wrecked car, awaiting the arrival of a W. C. Town ambulance to transport her to Oshawa General Hospi- tal. Jack Town, operator of the Town Ambulance Service, said Tuesday afternoon, the accident was not awaiting the arrival of his ambulance, but was await- ing the arrival of another am- bulance. Mr. Town pointed out his ambulance had already been to the accident scene and taken the most severely injured vic- tim to Oshawa General Hospi- tal. The Times regrets any em- barrassment which may have been caused Mr. Town and his staff. this is done, the streets com- mittee could submit to the by- included in the bylaw." Reeve Everett Quantrill said there was a legal problem. in- volved on entering other peo- ple's property. Councillor Paul Coath suggested that the by- laws and applications commit- tee study the motion. was MAYOR RETIRES COLEMAN, Alta. (CP)--N. E (Frank) Aboussafy retired after 19 years as mayor of this Crows Nest Pass town, Under his ad- ministration profits from a town-owned light and water company made it possible for property owners to be free of taxes. ADDITIONAL WHITBY _ NEWS ON PAGE 4 | | Mrs. Gregory Carter, chair- St. Andrew's Presbyterian|man of Ontario County South presiding. The men enjoyed crokinole. | Following the business meet-| ing Mrs. Dudley Wilson gave) the devotional reading and pray-| er. Mr. Wilson led in the sing- ing of favorite hymns. Lunch was then served by the ladies, bringing a very enjoy- able evening to a close. Church Young Women's Group! Regional CWL, attended a Com- |held a most successful Holly tea union breakfast Sunday, Dec. Jand bazaar last Saturday after-/2 at Graham's Park Restaurant, noon at the church hall. |Rouge Hill. This event was Sponsored by St. Francis de Mrs. W. J. S. McClure, wife|Sales Council, Pickering, with of the minister, very graciously| Miss Verda Packer as conyener. jopened the event. President of! \the group, Mrs. T. Sloan wel- jcomed the guests on arrival. Guest speaker was Rev. |Leonard J. Wall, past Spiritual TEACHER WANTED Sinclair School, Whitby Township Protestant -- Grades 3 and 4 Salary Schedule $3,000 Yearly Increment $200 WHITBY JUVENILES COBOURG. JUVENILES Thurs., Dec. 6 8:30 P.M. Whitby Community Arena Adults $1.00 Children 25¢ Students with cards 50c Beginning in January ,1963 New School on Country Road Apply stating salary and quali- fications to Mrs. James Thomp- EXPANDING CAMPUS EDMONTON (CP) Pro-| Jects costing almost $14,000,000 are under construction on the! University of Alberta campus | From the end of the Second World War to the end of 1961, $23,000,000 was spent on build- ings on the 133-acre campus. |Director of Toronto Arch- 115 BROCK STREET BROCK WHITBY Evening Shows at 7 and 8:30 Last Complete Show at 8:30 Also . . . SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "WAR HUNT" Starring -- JOHN SAXON -- ROBERT REDFORD hall and saw fresh blood on the; Council heard that the clock|The committee received a depu- ing lot. He said there was a/the clockface on top and a pic-|binson, Mrs. R. Schell and Mrs. fight in the lot when he went/ture of a girl below. On hear-|Nettle who complained about Constable Nichols said when/asked if it really was an old i he went outside the fight broke! clock. Seourea Sas themed that ing lot where the pair siarted|seum in town some day," Win-| the winter and ' bg ' another project wrestling again. |ter stated, 'and we should have begun on Victoria street, beside someone had "'put the boots tolof our fingers." He said he was Carman." | Carman said he did not know|wards a $60 fund to buy the PIONEERS REMEMBERED who kicked him but it. was not| clock. Six descendants of some of the when Cooke said something to|mended Winter for the spirit|eatliest settlers of this district something. |Mayor Martin added his thanks|scendants of farmers who set- and said that the matter wouldjtled the area more than 100 Oshawa Man Is mittee for study. jing the original homesteads. For Impairmer or mpal en derson stationed with the RCA? )iravelling bridge and euchre A 38-year-old Oshawa man|im Halifax, Nova Scotia, has hostesses for the month of De- costs, or 10 days, when he Yukon Territories. Corporal|Mrs. F, Flanagan, Mrs. C. leaded ilt - P gullty before Magli, RCAF at North Bay hasjder and Mrs. J. Ottenbrite Jr. reduced charge of impaired been transferred to St.|Bridge, Mrs. Bob Mackey, Mrs. riving. : sons of Mrs. Mary Anderson,|Mrs. Jack Halligan, Mrs. Ivan son road, was originally charged|*%» Perry street. |Davie, Mrs. B, Macinnes, Miss wit ivi drunk driving, a charge to Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs.)Ruest. High scores* for the town Constable Lynn Middle- W. Ruesink, 120 Watson street,,;month of November were: nm to \. ; '| id the court he was des day today. Friengs of the fam-|Bridge 3930, Mrs. Peter Otten- ent on Perry street, Nov. 24. ily wish Andrew \hany. happy brite and Mrs. Larry Ruest. He said when he arrived, there _ But, Constable Middleton said, when he was enroute to his in- driven on the shoulder of Dun- das street. left turn without giving a signal. When he stopped the vehicle, he strongly" of alcohol and was un- steady on his feet. di | -The following conveners at-|@iocesan Council. fence counsel T. V. Kelly there/tended at the various tables: \m 2 had been no accide : A mn that the|aprons, Mrs. D. Kernohan; bake! driver was "in no condition to|table, Mrs. W. Mowat; Christ-! drive a car', | Pil x dal ge rd .. Scott, advertising, Mrs. | w é of im-'C, Sarles and Mrs. A. Riddell; pairment and pleaded guilty ~ HITBY jtables, Mrs. G, Anderson and; OPEN THURS. 'TIL |Mrs. T. Scott. } | stairs leading to the back park-|was rectangular in shape, had|tation consisting of Edward Ro- outside. ing that, Mayor Stanley Martin|the smoke nuisance and other up and moved to the front park-| "I hope there will be a mu-/the dump would be closed for He said it was obvious that|these things before they slip out the sewage disposal plant. willing to make a donation to- KITCHENER, Ont. (CP) -- Cooke. He said the fight started! Councillor Paul Coath com- him about calling him (Cooke)}and. content of his address.|met here recently, They are de- jbe put before the finance com-|ycais ago, and are still work- Fined $100 Flight Sergeant Kenneth An-| St. John the Evangelist CWL was Tuesday fined $100 and|been transferred to Whitehorse,|cember are as follows: Euchre, Allan Anderson stationed with|Ottenbrite, Miss Margaret Ren- istrate Crawford W. Guest to a Sylvestre, Quebec. They are the|D. Johnston, Miss Jean Stewart, Reginald Evans, 106 Steven- |Verda Packer and Mrs. Larry which he pleaded not guilty. is celebrating his second birth-/Euchre 80, Mrs. W. Harrigan. patched to investigate an acci- returns of 'the day. was no accident to investigate: vestigation, he saw a car being He said the driver made a noticed the driver '"'smelle Constable Middleton told de- I f cident. He said/fancy: work, Mrs. J. Frost: | it was his opinio: }mas table, Mrs. W. Port Mr. Kelly asked that 5 a on|decorations, Mrs. ' | behalf of the accused. | me Pe ee Ladies pouring tea were: Mrs. | J. Mowat, Mrs, Archibald, Mrs. | Dalgleish, Mrs. G. Stott. On be-| half of the group Mrs. T. Sloan |wishes to thank everyone who! participated and attended. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McLean, | |Green street, spent last week- jend as the guests of Mr. and| |Mrs. Alex Law, Owen Sound. BONELESS MEALED Ib. 49- Breakfast BACO Ib. 69 FRESH CUT Butt Pork Chop Ib. 59- Miss Olga Moores has return- ed to her home in Trenton after | Spending a few days visiting swith Mr. and Mrs. William Lee \of Green street. | 'ep |. Theresa and Winnie, twin| daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Fred) Henderson, celebrated. their sixth birthday, Sunday. D'nner COTTAGE ROLLS son, Brooklin, Ont. JUST NORTH OF THE FOUR RNOLD'S «: 8 P.M, FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. WED. 'TIL 6 P.M. FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT- INSPECTED BEEF SIRLOIN, WING, T-BONE STEAKS 739i. RUMP ROAST BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST ' RIB STEAKS ts. Country Style SAUSAGE _,,, 29° Porterhouse Steak or Roast ,, 89° FRESH WIENERS L 3: 5] BRAISING SHORT RIBS Fresh HAMBURG STEAK guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Suddard and their son Jeff.' ; ite 'from Oshawa he drove up! Witness William Bruce Cross-|Thickson road and did not see |man, driver of the car which the car until he entered High-/ jcame into collision with the DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store {northbound vehicle, said he vss travelling west on Highway 2, lwhen "all of a sudden a car |shot out in front of him when! he was about two-car lengths laway."" | He said after the collision, | \the accused asked if he was) FREE Hove your furnace cleaned free | | ond guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase 'White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 107 Byron St. $., Whitby Deys PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH. 668-5066 Your Friendly C-I-L Dealer hurt or if his car was damaged. When I told him no, he back- ed out of the ditch and drove the | jnorth on Thickson road, |witness testified. | Crossman said when he saw |Bouckley in Brooklin later that| |day, he thought he was drunk. | | Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 { | | | Vote to Elect FRED . STURCH TO THE WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Sat. Dec. 8th -------- scaiieiiaie the adoption of my motion. If laws committee, a list of basic features which it feels should be This year, plug. in for a merrier Christmas by giving electrical gifts . . . the gifts that keep on giving easier, better living for many years to come. Choose here the presents with the happiest futures! MODEL RCI7II (Not exectly es illustrated) Designed especially for those who prefer 'Danish Modern" design with rich walnut veneer finish, ially suitable for y room it . The all-wood. cabinet is solidly built to enhance tonal quality, it also provides the multi-tweeter- array system with ten speak fully orrranged for supreme tonal quality, Extra features include 4- speed h fessi ype turn- table . . . custom tone arm .. . exclusive "Record Saver" . . . storage space for records . . . facility for expanded stereo sound with optional extra speakers ., . AM/FM/FM-Stereo radio tuner. I-ty «2+ P INDEPENDENT Sales (Whitby) Ltd. PHONE 668-2081 Authorized G.E. Dealer in Whitby and Oshawa @ Our Aim Is To Please @ WHITBY PLAZA

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