YQ THE CSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 17, 1962 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK se DESIGN No.648. House 1200 Sq.Ft. Garage 282 Sq.Ft. ( Blueprints include full details for building in Brick or Frame) HOME DESIGN No. 648 This pleasing three - bed- room home features corner windows in end bedrooms, excellent traffic circulations, and an attached garage with sheltered terrace at the rear. There is provision for an addi- tional washroom in the base- ment. The simple roof line reduces the cost of construc- tion, and adds to the charm ef this interesting Design. House would require a 75-foot Jot, 60 without the garage The construction is brick ven- eer but the blueprints include complete details for building frame or solid brick. Stan- dard Builders Blueprints for this design No. 648 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Canada by re- turn mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this Newspaper Office (or from address below) is the New 1962 Design Book entitled "Canadian Guide to Home Planning and Design," price || $1.00, and is tax free. This |x new editien includes informa- || tien on Financing in Canada, Building Construction Details, Landscaping, Color Selection, Interior Decorating, Furni- ture 'Arrangement, Custom Designing, tec., plus over 100 popular and new designs to choose from, Also included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints. YOUR HEALTH By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. Dear Dr, Molner: My questiun is about a professional ball player. He is one of those mixed people who are partially right and partially left-handed, When he was, small he could throw a ball with either hand. ing was done to influence. him. At about 8 the left arm be- came natural in throwing but; Lefthanders Not Mixed-Up People Neither was dominant and noth- ha writing goes from left to right or right to left (or even up and down, as in some languages), is of no consequence. There are some truly ambi- dextrous people who can do such precise things as firing a pistol accurately with either nd, It doesn't, bother their learning ability, any more than being right - handed or left- '|harmful?--A.C, age is out of the question, water daily to wash the feet isuch a solution is recommended) with foot odo>. canned tomatoes fattening? calories?--M.M, - handed, Or mixed. -- is rather low. Molner: child was born mongoloid and -|died soon afterwards. Needless' s\sibly cam, and. batting right-\to say we are very concerned handed ditto. Changing at nis|about any future children. We me Liat igo and in very goo% ] 4 alth. s been very hard -|, Dear Dr. Molner: Is a fewlton us to understand why this drops of formaldehyde used in happened to us.--Name Deleted. accept, but the No. In fact daily soaking injunknown. Mongoloids are born somewhat more often toward for those whose feet perspire ex-|the latter years of child-bear- cessively and for those bothered|ing, but they can occur earlier. There is no way of guarantee- Dear Dr, Molner: Are plainjing that such a birth cannot That is, do-they contain many|there is little reasoin to as: sume that it will. Therefore I A cup of canned tomatoes av-jwould try to put the grief be- erages about 45 calories. This|hind me, and be hopeful of hav- e ing a perfect baby next time |W Dear Dr. Our Of course it is hard for you to exact cause js but he never could bat that way, so he is handicapped by being a Pll thrower and "'right" bat- r. : What can be done 'at the age of 19 to correct this? Is it pos- sible for mixed "brain domin- ance" to affect the ability to) learn? That is, to be a slow reader yet have outstanding athletic ability?--T.J.T. I quarrel with the term "mixed-up people" in this case. Left-handers are no different from right - handers and they aren't mixed up. Attempts to alter "handed- ness" must be done very early if at all, and I think the less done about trying to change a left-handed child, the better. He should be allowed to do things in the way that is natural for him. Then he will do them best. Left- The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontarioc, © Enclosed please find $1,00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra, (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). NMC ccccovcccsccccsessovevsscesrecneeveeeseeseeeseness AGATOSS. .resccccvccccerceeseveveseesecccscscvsceseseseess ders, who, for example, are forced to learn to write with the other hand are usually poor writers, It always seems awk- ward to them. Except at a very early age (and I even have doubts about that) attempts to change the "thandedness" confuse young- sters, and I feel sure it is well that this young man was let alone, LEARN BY TRAINING THE °HOME WORKSHOP INDOOR SHUTTERS AND Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President ® DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Trees. 16 SIMCOE ST. S,, OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 As to brain dominance having anything to do with the ability to learn--no. That is purely a FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN SLOW FLUORESCENT LIGHT "QUESTION: We have a fluor- escent light in the kitchen. Late. w can this be corrected? ANSWER: The starter may be worn out, or may be defec-) tive, A new starter is inexpen- sive; plugs into a socket at an end of the fixture. Unless you are familiar with fluorescent lighting, however, ask the elec- trical dealer or an electrician, MISSING MORTAR QUESTION: The old log cabin we have been using for years for vacations is begin- ning to need repair; some of the mortar between the logs has fallen out. What can I use to replace the missing mortar? ANSWER: A caulking com- pound, applied with a caulking ly, it is very slow in lighting UD.\pamn SEEPAGE IN CELLAR 0 average, sary every five or six years. an old house we purchased sev- eral months ago. The base- ment has a concrete floor and| concrete walls, heavy rainfall, we find water) seeps through the floor and the do you recommend we do? ANSWER: Tie water seep: age may be due to lack of drain tile a the wall footing. Water collects outside the walis, finds weak places and works through, Before going to.the ex- pensive and tedious job of ex- cavating and laying drain tile, try applying a masonry water- proofing preparation available outside of the foundation, Th outside o on, Thee QUESTION: We moved into\snbed a layer of overlapping! til After Very tainiv effective. lower part of the walls. What/age may be from drainage of apply a coat of pitch or liquid' coats should be applied. On the at masonry supplies dealer. Tf Order aining ig neces-|drain tile is eventually install- ed, while the wall is exposed, to the sheets of asphalt - saturated roll roofing, followed by another coat of tar, A big job, but cer- Another cause of water seep- roof gutter downspouts near the foundation walls. The down- spout should be connected with drain tile to a dry well, or other drain system, at least 15 feet away from the foundation wall, STICKY LEATHER CHAIR QUESTION: We have an old, big leather chair which is still in good condition. But in warm weather the chair is very cer, How can we overcome s ANSWER: This condition is such as saddle soap, following label directions, After the Jeath- er is thoroughly dry, 'estore the glaze by nes oe beat- en white of egg. ly spec' leather dressings, available at housewares and luggage stures = be used on the uphol- stery. ' The world's largest wildlife sanctuary is the Etosha Pan, covering 26,000 square miles in Southwest Africa, gun, can be used, CEDAR SIDING FINISH QUESTION: We are planning to have a house built next year and are considering using' cedar siding. What kind of stain is recommended and how often must it be renewed ANSWER: A most satisfac- tory material for this purpose matter of training, plus aptitude and liking to read. Whether the is a shingle stain made by a reputable manufacturer. Two By RUTH W. SPEARS INDOOR SHUTTERS must be made to fit but they are "{ beyond the skill of the handy man with a workshop. Pattern 445 gives directions for sturdy frames and for the slats' that open and close to regulate ss a aD oan - DEPEND ON US FOR PROMPT OIL SERVICE OIL I$ BEST We're only a call away! Couldn't Be Done" Order, your fuel oil supply now for the coming winter. Call today for fast delivery! FOR HEATING: © W's Safe © It's Clean cg It will be mailed for 50c. is pattern is one of four in ORILLIA, Ont- (CP) -- Sam/the packet Decorator Projects Smith, a local farmer, 'sur-|from the Home Workshop No. rounded his corn field with an| 50, Price $1.75. electrified fence in a success-| Address orders to The Home RACOONS SHOCKED AUTOMATIC DELIVERY-- ful attempt to ward off racoons. | Since he erected the fence he has had no raccoon damage. Times, Oshawa. Workshop Dept., The Oshawa IF YOU'RE "JUNIOR" RETURNS | Red Skelton's famed old ra-| dio character -- Junior, the mean kid--is being introduced on Is CBS television program. IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL and } nn Equipment =| ELCO | by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 | ee wi /) 4 of ¢ TEE McG PLUMBING-HEATING co. iTpD. 725-1334 215 KING ST_E Stl] lhe) (25 WAR) PLANNING TO...] @ BUILD A NEW HOME |] @ REMODEL YOUR PRESENT } HOME @ REPAIR YOUR PRESENT ' HOME | SEE US FOR... |} @ COMPETENT, FRIENDLY SERVICE | © QUALITY MERCHANDISE | @ FINANCING TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS BOLAHOOD LISTS ONLY TO SELL The listings we have ore priced right, or con be bought at the RIGHT PRICE We Need Your Listing TO-DAY A property well listed is half Sold. , PHONE US NOW 725-6544 JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD Limited Realtor "Where Service SELF-STORING, COMBINATION DOORS & WINDOWS In the morket for Aluminum doors end windows? Cell 725-4632. A courteous representotive will help you with your problem . . . and will be able to supply ond install your windows and doors at reasonable cost . . . you have 7 different door styles to select from. It costs you nothing to In- vestigate... CALL NOW. WINTER SEAL SELF-STORING, COM- BINATION DOORS START FROM $39.95 INSTALLED, Call Now For Your Free Estimate "Serving Oshawe and Aree Over 10 Yeers" LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632, Eve. 723-2707 "Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed" Comes First' | © Dependable © Economical BUDGET TERMS - AVAILABLE Telephone 723-348] McLAUGHLIN HEATING A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL 110 KING STREET WEST & SUPPLIES LTD. OSHAWA THE CHURCH FOR ALL. The Church is the greatest factor good citizenship. It is a storehouse BUY WHAT YOU LIKE BUT BUY A NOW IS THE TIME Don't delay any longer . . HOME FIRST! WE HAVE MANY OUTSTANDING BUYS ALL OVER TOWN Now's a good time to buy a home, and Oshawa is the best place to find it. We offer Photo Co-op listing service, to save you time and money. And, we are Realtors, so you can rely on our dependability. . calla realtor of your choice today. His experience and know-how guaran- tee you the best possible buy, to suit your family's needs. LIST and BUY Through PHOTO CO-OP OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE altend services . the Church. They are: (1) For ALL FOR THE CHURCH earth for the building of character and spiritual values. Without a strong zation can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should ly and support own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral | Time wa; when it took a month Mi} for a letter to get from one city of Bil to another, and such things as radio and television were unheard of. Now we don't think in terms of miles -- we think in terms of the time it takes to span them, and it doesn't take long to get around the world. As for communications -- well, they're instantaneous, these days. his But for all of that, we seem to find it just as hard to understand one another as we ever did. Only one form of communica- tion hasn't changed . . . God's method of communication. He speaks to you through His Chureh, and through a Bible that has sur- vived the centuries. Go to church this Sunday, every Sunday, and hear His message for yourself. His Thursday Romans 10:5-11 Romans Corinthians 10:17-20 1318-26 Copyright 1962, Keleter Advertising Service, Ime, Strasbarg, Va. THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS SENOSHA COFFEE S 70 King St. E. - A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1016 King St. 725-1764 ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE 723-7242 MA 3-3553 Bowmanville " HOP HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 723-7822 67 King St. W. STAFFORD BROTHERS CEMETERY MEMORIALS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Courtice BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, LTD. 725-4704 463 Ritson Rd, N, JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Res. MO 8-5285 Store MO 8-3334 124 Dundes W., Whitby ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE * Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities WAR i SRE Ham SEES