Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Nov 1962, p. 17

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] S ] I ff other Liberal. rt ay ced It has never|plans. | 7 1 Sena'or Salter Hayden (L--jreac inal approval. | Often it was difficult to cite ' ROAMING STUDENT ; @) a S toc ar et s Ontario) said it is "'utter non-| Speaking in the continuing|such costs in interest rates and ahoedy soit g he pony nd ay attended 46 dif- 3 Plan 1 sense" to maintain that people|cenate debate on the e, |the firms shouldn't be forced : 4 ; don't know the true cost of in-\senator Hayden said various|0 meet this difficulty. had to be given to an actuary.|ferent schools in 27 states as | Att kk d stalment be hed ~-- pene provincial regulations force re-| Senator Hayden said that in|The expert came up with ajshe accompanied her engineer ee OS ins ales mation 6 6 Mer ae ee Ae ae ee 2 acke vend spelled out in annualitaiters or finance firms to re-lone example he and Senator|third figure. ling father around the U.S. +-0dd xd--Ex-lividend, xr--Ex-|) ke mnie rights, guetike werrante Ne' Hes 4 Bt ie BH [morte ) Ports Pit 42% + %| OTTAWA (CP)--A private bill} The lawyer-senator paid trib- board-lot closing sale.) A 25 «25% 25% Meta Uran 1000 8 & ~ by Senator David Croll (L--On-jute to Senator Croll, however, Si 1k 1% Min Corp. 558 OS ey ou tario) that would force retailers|for his "persistence and indus- a OMe : % f Fs : : : : me ee on aa ao ES to spell out instalment' planjtry" in pushing the bill. T ' $16% 16% 16% N Hosco 26200 98 7 terms in simple annual interestlis the fourth session of Parlia- a * eee | § Newound 5000 | tie 325 430 430 --20 IN Mylama 1933 2000 Instalment was attacked Wednesaay Dy af-/ment m wmicn me DM Nas peen)veal the "true" cost of payment THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 15,1962 7 * NTO AM. STOCKS 1 Net Stock Gales High Low a.m. Ch'ge hen > The Canatiod Press Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge 11:00 Net sertetameeernenatenanietamennt-snennetnd sattintneiemretin sg ee 430 $27% 27% 27% + %\Newnor $19% 19% 19% -- WINickel MS 1000 oe ao ae" IN' Cokietrm fee Se. te 8 ' : = : : nan te a SUBURBANITE %% ™ ™% Norvalie 1000 9 ; T5\%4 15% + Ys) Opemiska 225 : 9% 9% %%e-- Y%/Orchan 1100 1 6 Osisko 6100 42 39 4 43% D : i mou ie PERFECTE by research... 6 +1 % % + %|Paramaq 1000 3s 8 Pato 100 320 320 2 25% + | Paymast 0 13% 13% 13% 7 50% + %|Shaw 5 $40 40 | (40 Pick Crow 500 61 6! 6 0% 50 + OM 10% 10K -- He} Pitch-Or 11000 12M 12 PR i b f iL 1 reston . 5 tom 20 1000 8888 y performance, eet o #2 ea foe ads i 29% -- %|SKD Mig 300 300 Pros Air' 17% -- W]Slater Steel 2100 $10 10 10 Purdex 4500 Stedman 270 $13% 13 13% + %|Quemont 30 Steel Can 1935 $174 17% 17% Quemont EAs] | Texaco 215 $42% 42% 42% Ralm 2500 Tor-Dom Bk 246 $634 63% 63% -- %|Rexspar 1300. 13 15 fs T Fina 100 $14 13% 13% Rio Algom 1571 11%' 11% : %\Tr Can PL 477 $21% 2114 21% -- | Ryanor 1000 12% 12% 1%--% Trans-Mt 547 $15% 15% 15% Sherritt 500 300 300 300 --5 Turnbull 250 Sil awe pind eh gh a maa 0 i ie & ae =i) Lm ET RUNNING Vendomat 275 Steep R 300 670 470 470 «4101E CO MPANPTES , tt mitted Lig Wie io , Wai: 225 Sturgeon 500 Ye 20% ey iy ny, & . i : f Walk GW 240 853% 53% 59% --46|TeckH 200 sa 43 | GLK E continuous rib tread design, Suburbanites Le 4 68 ; rc 2 4% 14 Thom L 1300 ; ; I i Tr 350 $44 i 1A on * oe Y, Gi, G Wesast run whisper-quiet even on dry pavement |Weston A 1195 $16 15% 16 Tribag 1705 4 and at high speeds. 3%. 'Ye + {West A.wts 735 840 835 810 U Asbestos 130 és EXY \ . 1544 4 wlWhite Pass 210 $94 9% 9% Un Buftad 600 p | y GA se agge a ". 2 aT 7% 1%4--™%\Wdwd A w 215 325 325 325 Un Keno % Un Fort 1000 : Sait ons | GASOLINES*FUEL OILS = SUPERIOR TRACTION 124 2% ' || 35 56% 36% + % é | Willrey 1000 4 43 a FS.9 | ; 7 -- S10 $23% 208 Site -- 44 Salley Fe Saute 28% 24% + | Wueer ) = , , i ff 260 rugged cleats to bite through deep a, rk sey ee wen 100 224 224 2M -- 4) gales to 11 a.m: 669, : ° . snow. Plus 3,728 biting edges for sure starts 300 300 eee iW]; and stops in all winter driving conditions. = i se 1t bb: + 710 $37% 37 37 %/C Mic Mac 100 390 390: 390 | T 2125 $19 19 D Dome Pete 500 $13% 13% 13% + ? 3 NYLON 500 86% 6% 6% + Ki pom 7 ' pera Y Goodyear's exclusive, Se ee tee ere et 100 $10% 105% 10% [Fare i a ee a : 1075 $45% 45 454 --~¥MiHome A 300 $124 12% 1 é | triple-tempered cord for greater strength gee \'H B OW G $15% 15% 157% + 4 ' Y | and safety at all speeds. 57° 4 | Medal Ms 2 as : : TUFSYN The new tough rubber com- 29% --_ | Bonder rd B ; / ---- . . i ' pound that gives you more mileage for your 4 50% -- ¥ | Provo Gas 4 - - y 4 1% (erento a A NODOSA money, plus 20% greater carcass durability, sm | Spooner 5600 M7 i 2900 1 ' 4 7 t gem tle 2000 M3 Sy Nea ak ely 'to q : HITEWALLS 18% 500 114 11 be ' WSs yy Ww Suburbanites are : ; : \ ' available with double scuff-rib whitewalls. 100 $17%6 17 1 MINES ' ; Su) 270 320.320 ee uh ee > , N nN nyo Extra narrow, extra white, they match the ime ee ie 10 | eecemadla 3500 3838 SN A, | stim styling of today's automobiles. 50 38% 8% 8% | Belcher 1000 43 42 +2 s f 3 $4 54 OB Beveon 15000 8%} BT $11 $43% 434% 43% -- %/| Bibis 2000 8% 84H 84H-- Kh 13 m 13% Bidcop 6000 13% 13% 134-- % eo es 8 Ek | Bralorne 250 615 615 613 900 6 . Ky 255 $2% 24% 24% |Brunswk 1000 310 310 310 +11 9 260 375 375 375 Buff. Ank 500 160 % 475 {Camp Chib 700 475 | Candore 500 "n°? is Accep Min G Bronze prsl00 $4 2% U4 ic eskirk 2000 5. 5 5 Int Nickel 785 967 67 67 Chimo 500 46 6 6 Int Util xd 150 $4% 44 44 -- 4 /Coniagas : 71 1 : e 00 240 Int Util p xd 100 $50% 50 --- %|C_ Discov Inter PL CG: 27 MONTH ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE | ; 4 ; , ; Plus lifetime Guarantee against defects in workmanship and os oh + "bene one ate material. 15% + 4, | Conwest 9 9 9 ' he 4 = 6 60 6 |Cop. Corp 2% 25 4 *, 1% 1 |Get «100 GT ITM : me 3% 8% a + IC a. 6 8% 9 ae ae % for the connoisseur by 700 $18% io iM | 52 39 39 «(39 De! 995 990 995 ; 410 410 410 p Hin Yul .S, | Dome 0 $26% BY 26% ; El Sol 507 6 7 41% 2 Lalhen Lon ae ; gy, ' Rate-Cut Won't =. "is = 3 : | Gaitwin 30O 610 «210)=«(Oo0 |Geco Mines 200 $24% 24% 24% ; : Curb Butter Goldale 7000 2 2 2% 42 yy, lh, by Ce Gut Lead 150 9 9 9 es He . | Gunnar 125 815 815 815 --S io. wot ss oe : EST'D 1858 a Hollinger 100 $20% 20% 2044 % Lino 25 OZ. ee urp us |Hud Bay 310 350% 50% 50K + % . -- er | Jacobus 200 3008 \Keeley F 6500 6 59 59 OTTAWA ZCP) --Agricuiture|Rerr Add (5 730 725 73S 4s 162 KING ST. EAST - OSHAWA a go Hamilton has virtually)" Min 400 be | ' out cut-rate export sales|Lake Ling 5 8% BY of butter as a means of solving oe 31% 31% 3% PHONE 725-5512 Canadas big butter surplus. |rencourt 1 ii He told the.Commons Wed-|LL Lac 75 170 nesday the government receives|}rado, 10000 118 scores of offers from around the| Macassa world to buy Canadian butter at/ Macfie concessional prices well below) ----------------- the Canadian support price or even below the commercial world price. Canada has refused these of- fers, he said, because of its obligation to trading partners who are exporting butter at $29.95 Value commercial prices. Haren Argue' (Le Atsinibeia) |< paaee ELECTRIC aawad is Se Sain toneies ih ; BLAN KET man that East Germany seeks to buy 10,000 tons of butter at | 3H to 34 cents a pound | Earlier, government kes- men also discounte "the 'Hkell-| FAMOUS QUALITY hood of export butter sales. Canada's pegged price of 64 cents a pound to the farmer ' for top grades is too high, Sell- 5 ing at a loss--to be borne by FE ge gig uote Z New, exclusive Meter'd-aire drying system with below what the domestic con- hog three heat selector and a complete selection of sumer pays: ee time settings allows for all kinds of fabric. Has In the past, this has drawn . , : rage sharp public protests, officials] fo safety door, oversize lint filter, provision for said. : venting six ways... The last major sale to another and get this beautiful 7 country was in 1959 during a geo i ms period of international shortage i i double bed size elec when Bri'ain obtained more : tric blanket--a genu- than 10,000,000 pounds, a ine $29.95 value free. Even then, the sales price at NO EXTRAS TO BUY--COMPLETE 56 cents a pound constituted a loss of at least eight cents a : nt -- $12 A MONTH a ig Ce <* 6-Pc. Double Dresser dian Association of Consumers. Canada's butter surplus now UNFINISHED .. . SMOOTHLY SANDED So? Bargain Buy of the Year! A complete bedroom is an estimated 250,000,000 pounds. ' 3 : - suite just as pictured with double dresser, chest nas range tin So 3 cans 7-Drawer Student's Desk 3 dy and bookcase bed. Nothing skimpy about this SMOOTH TOP MATTRESS a pound although te govern- : as i suite--it's full size throughout with BIG storage 4 cents "2 pound for top grades okay pe pres pia high saya iin p tileg | space in the six drawer double dresser, the three --_ BOX SPRING INCLUDED it acquires as surplus. ; ; ; i World prices are about hav} Just as pictured, large size with six drawers for i ae drawer chest. INCLUDES smooth top mattress Made by Beverley - makers of the Fomous that of the pegged Canadian) storage, double pedestal for F ; | Reba and matching box spring. ONE LOW PRICE. Springwall. A complete matching unit thot rice of €4 cents a pound at the} = strength. Practical quality $ 3 3 95 ' jis 'auld sak vou 17059 elma: government level. Government| : @ DOUBLE DRESSER @ MIRROR @ CHEST @ BOOKCASE BED @ SMOOTH TOP MATTRESS plus totalled nearly $4,000,000| value. for the year ending March -31/ NOW ONLY .. ee storage costs on the butter sur- and styling. A Yolles special @ BOX SPRING and probably will exceed that this year. TOP PRICE COLLEGES | MONTREAL (CP)--Montreal/ FAMOUS MAKER is the most expensive place in ity ed | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Shorores ELECTRIC KETTLES HAWA SHOPPING CENT | Bacar arr 99 725-3519 campaign. He says the maxi pees are Tn oe ae aio ; Bowring. $0. ihe: $5 FU Re N pes RE = mum annual cost to a student! ' 5 cut a number ot this BIG saying for you. Act. now Daily 9.30 to 6 p.m. Friday 'til 9 p.m. Closed Wednesday at 1 p,m. here is $1,500 compared to $1,370 They're CSA approved with automeétic shut-off. While in Toronto and $1,100 in British) they last Columbia, moet

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