Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Nov 1962, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 15,1962 15/ D, Livingstone, G- Graham, G.| Radio, Tilemen Top pice ene ee BIDDY LEAGUE Oshawa Cage Teams. Pa Bolahood Sportsbaven beat{(1), Bill Rantz (1), Fouls: 4 for; SPORTSHAVEN: Coach: R. Hie egg a ware Mall Z Boys' ett LEAGUE [Goldasd: 'Chuck Wasting, Cn) Ee Club Biddy League, earlier this| rpsinkia: Us wan diel ok, | Nick Corneal (2), Andy Glecoff| MINOR LEAGUE week, Teams were eveNiond game in three tries when (6), Drew 'Allman, Fred Man ee 1 Til throughout first three quarters.|they edged winless CKLB 26-24,/9tyk (6), Walt Hubar (2). ehies He Bolahoods outscored the Fire-| the teams were tied 4-4 at/Fouls: 4 for 15. Saahecd Biers men 5-3 in the last Pago the end of the first quarter. | Officiating were: P. Wright,|CKLB Ogg to i < E -- Tilemen outscored the trans- ill Rajkovic (6), Ed Luke,| miter people 10-4 in the second! Robert Davey (3), Alan Bowin,| quarter. John Nawrot (2), Fouls: 3for5." CKLB fought gamely in the FIREFIGHTERS: Coach: M.|last half to even the score but Bowin; Dave Calder (2), Tom|the comeback effort was two Eldridge (2), Dennis Myles!points short: « (2), Rick Lewis, Bill Cobel (2), PROVINCIAL: Coach: Living- Steve Ball. Fouls: 0 to 2 stone; Wayne Haas (6), Dave In the second tilt of the|Hughes, Sam_ Bradica (13), triple-header Parts and Serv-|Brian Lynch, Bob Glecoff (6),} ice outscored Jaycee Blues 16-11/Jeff McIlveen, Gary Morrison to take a 22-14 victory os -- Branton; Fouls: 2 BLUES: Coach: G. Graham; |' : 1S DEFINITELY Ron Mcinroy (9), John Bowin| "CKLB: Coach: Ellis; Bill 4 - : LZ (2), Albert Foster (2), Bill|ayling (3), Dale Gallant (2), > > Corby (1), Jack Shearer, Fouls:|Lloyd Hehold (15), Jim Davis : : i y 4 for 8. \(2), Phil Mcllveen (2), Herb Z x By wit PARTS - SERVICE: Coach:|(22? mam Larry Brennan, -- : a ~ | NRreNHE So eee : Fouls: 4 for 8 Bill Melnychuk ' 4 *| Bolahod Sportshaven handed = |Mike Zimny (2), Frank Cononi-/hirefighters their first rene, jco (12), Altinos Felix (2), Gary 2, 2 | of the season when they took a : 4 i |Foreman. Fouls: 0 for : Incidentally .. . Do You Know * art p| 20-14 victory. : I th ' > =CKLI . ue ---- , lao A col corel ers Good passing and dogged! Z THE MAKE AND YEAR OF THE ABOVE CAR? j es . : A \tensive display ene paved the way to the} =e : You'll Find The A "ul , ~ ~ " we - ad | ¥ . Pe 3 . '4 « § : ~ me . inbred EASY FIELD, on the rail, kept his early lead all the , lyn Lad on the outside showed | CKLB: Coach: M. Karas; DOR SIEN Win: SpOnsHaven 18d) with jockey Ron Turcotte up, W8Y to win the first race at 'early speed but was unable Randy Jackson (1), Ted Boivin Nail ana tt a1 the ead a the | ee Old Woodbine Wednesday. En- to catch 'Ture otte's mount, mee ng Ate (4), Fred: To',|thirg frame. i es icke; : hy ckey Melynchuk. Fouls: 1 for! Botahoods now own part ofl =i ' | 1957 BBBC Stri MUNDINGER: Coaches: D.|ne {ist place standing by vir. 4 | OLDSMOBILE OLD WOODBINE CHARTS TIPS --calter andB. traynyk Davs| roots Te sire nea ie STATION. WAGON. 4 | Itee (2), Tom. Edwards (1),| rovincial Tile share the honor| : E == ~ door model with pee ;with them. i issi 2 : matic transmission and ager . 'Bill Swindells (1), Ron Kent ." ' TUESDAY, NOV. 14, 100 "can ano Fast Downes Of His Pag ower ee 3 radio. Excellent volue ot alway; artwrig! ; --<---- First Race beeeter sian" *" bse t8| Middl | BRUINS MIGHT (22 [erkins, Andy. Cherkas, KS re A BOFJAC : 2.70 1 e rown Gary Shaw (5), Mike Plancke | farlongs. 2-year-olds _Cansdian tented: ae = 5 pre ht raya FIRE WA (4) Fouls: 4 for 13. 1957 Basy Field " Ki car ' bh | 1 1a- 1 Turcotte -$_ Cosentino --A LONDON (AP)--The British) TSON i ae -- ; Seoret Siar 118 63 GF mk Tt Sak Rovinson--C Smythe Boxing 'Board of Control has) | NEW YORK' (AP) -- A hu- REMEMBER WHEN | OLDSMOBILE _ 47 : ing loss to New York eee ? i | Potts--J L Smallman --A | stripped Terry Downes of his} 4 Gordon--Albion Hills Sta _ | * 5 ; S| R ; has i By THE C me ' a hi ; . angers has done nothing y i. CANADIAN PRESS sew Ruy British middleweight charhpion-) gispe] rumors that Phil Wat. Ottawa Rough Riders ae : § Hardtop complete with euto- Stnvk Edmonds, smith B|Ship for failing to defend the! son may be fired as coach | 'he Big Four footbail title tells the truth Fete' tela matic transmission and rodio. Lanoway--W Moldowan . | : g . Coupled owe -- Coupled title against John McCormack) of Boston Bruins. after 11 years of failure 37 Winner br g 2 Windfields -- Easy Betty. Trainer L Cavalaris Jr of Scotland The Rangers scored five | Years ago today. The Riders b } & ] . Si od, i ou Pool 21,151 Pool 41 ithi , ' , : « tart good, won riddeo out ue le Pool 38,041 | the BBBC., said Wednesday| goals within 77 seconds Wed- | defeated Hamilton Tigers 8-3 a out wnhis Vy Vy 1958 ~ ' i E Ottawa and 34.70 10.90 7.00/George Aldridge and McCor-| nesday night en route to a 6-2 | a! a and went on to Second Race Past BILE. APPROAC H 7.10 4.20] | National Hockey League win the Grey Cup by beat . BENE DUCAT }mack will meet for the vacant! 4: : & , ey Cup by beating H : ; : 1 ae, yearelis, Canadian tate BENE DUCATO oso aigeg? © | championship. triumph over Boston. It was | Winnipeg Tammany Tigers Water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable PONTIAC as. ¢ 4 the 12th straight game with. |. 24-1. That was their first guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds & * SPUPY~YHr Enlyn Lad Whizzinby a" Lane TF SCopbs-kb B> oe agew pie Str Fin Jockey Owner Ink Her'dez--M Miljus Downes, one of the world's, out a win for the Bruins, w succes i 25 Stadnyk--W G Trevenen | top middieweights and a chal-! opened the Seat re eatne _Success in the Grey Cup nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true Deluxe model OF Rete ty ee \lenger for Nigerian Dick Tiger' wirtis A | ra yet T'cotte--White Oak St gers} M y . 1 tu $i ksilat-P and P Manos |world crown, scored a ninth-| nels ene | Nor SOUTHERN TIP ee ae momavets Pur menue 95 $a the . The Cape 'of Good Hope, gen- water test and you'll agree--to be that good with 6-nk Gubbins--V E Mason Ir " vk, ver! cravesicetumnionsiolones round technical knockout over; - Rumors have it that Watson : - prepara ese Moyer of Portland, Ore..| wi (Ble jerally regarded as Africa's water, it must be a superb whisk is- | th 12... 94 7% Robinson--K S Currey At Wembley. Stadiain Tuldsdave pi "a released from his job |southernmost point, is 32 miles , ; : P ' i enon pagar one | 1958 "a 112% 101" Glesb'eht--stark, Tomian |i on , 3 ie ine Poe iae aggre le north of Cape Agulhas, the ac- fying drink with any man's favourite mixer. | L104 i each. uynn Patrick will take over |ty BU CK licnke 12 ' --Bill Beasley Downes held a piece of the) his duties. Watson is working \. a} vctniiaines oP: Ses 1 4-door sedan with power Wartaga 114 2 Subtle Approach 114 6 Bene Ducato 1 Mill Race 1 7 Call Me Charlie 120 Sun Chop 120 4 Queen's Har'ny 1 Dainty Maple 10 Donnon 8 Normanton i2 5 Tiger Lass 3 Beatnik Betty. 9 4-door sedan, Dane eer "3 Ba Feeses ses _ ay Winner ch {3 War Poppy -- Sanataga. Trainer R Miljus. s ; . A Start good, won driving Pool 37,095 world middleweight title for) on the second year of a three- | nine months and neglected his| year contract, having re- X a l, if] steering, power brakes, mene! .'/, t automatic transmission. DAILY DOUBLE 1 TAND PAID $110.00 |British crown. He lost back his} placed Milt Schmidt in 1961. | 4 Saat N f; | rp' * 6-ZION 8.60 "390 aso| share of the world title to Paul} Schmidt technically, _ still Third Race L-SPLIT THE LOOT 410 250'Pender at Boston last April 7.| has the rest of the 1962-63 3-WHISPERING WIND Py * ; is 1 Feriongs. Three-year-olds and up claiming all $2500. Parse $1800, Pender also has been Mi campaign to go on his coach- WiPPs) 4% % Str Fin Jockey Owner frocked for failure to defend] ing contract. 1956 Zion ' i5 6 62 L 1-1% Lanoway Pipella | within the six-month limit Split the Loot 2M 1 2-Y Kallai Bordonaro Whisper'n Wind 106 5 5-h h 3nk Turcotte King field Fm mrt Sleeneeedadetenaaet " ake "s t ' Time Clock 115 1 1-L 4h Giesbrecht Rosemary fi PLYMOUTH Vineyard » ls 2 9- 4 5-1% Gubbins -- Parkway Sta } Vale of Avoca > -1 6% Robinson .-- Mrs. Hickling Mashonies 'dl. Excellent ; . | 4-door sedan. body and trim. Needs some 7-V¥a 7-no Cosentino -- Mrs. Glynn -10 8- Hale -- Brener mechanical repairs. Torfree 115 4h Outdistanced Wright -- TP Sta winner gr g 6 Osorno -- Jean Patch. trai ner A. G. Smithers ' Gtart good, won driving. Pool 57,909. oe a ; S-RUSE DE GU ERRE 2.90 "2 0 B 30 ~ i Fourth Race SEAT TRAP 290 it See LTD. S S , : 7 Furlongs. Three-yearolds and up, Claiming all $2500, Purse $1800. . leaders, E Wt PP St \% Sir Fin Jockey Owner . S 2 2 'Ee » present... R AY NO MB R 6 h 8 M 2-% Cosentino -- Dowling N THI F ID td VE E 7 t 17 P. e 2 Ruse de Guerre 110 5 4 h 1-1% Turcotte -- TE Hays 120 7 2 1-3 2 2 118 41 3% 3-5 "2 3nk Pong Tuck a ' ' ~ 118 2 5 5 - -4 4-414 Gubbins --. Newtondale { rt ' x 118 6 6 5 5-% 5-1% Gordon -- Bozzo « hy \ ; 1 1 3 6. . 6-6 6-5% Stadnyk Cameron ' V2 4 : 1 + Be! 7- Robinson -- Mrs. Trude}! ' Pe oe ¢ Ws \ i P te 8 London Town 18 5 > ogc eh i Pats -- " ow: Surprise Girt Trainer Merrill Jr. 4 ie . t '* ' | 11 TO CHOOSE FROM gd i pL : Bich SiR gt (ah : ae | Fifth ot RG cm --- SAH, BR Bae Oe ae er =O | va 5 460NG OF. 04 Baas eae J ay) | BULL, Bis is eh BUILT RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES : |i} CHEVROLETS 7 Furlongs. Three-year-olds and up. Claiming all $6000. Purse $2100 > . Wt PPS % str «Fin Jockey Owner H ' Song of Wine 117 42 q-2 1-1% 1-3. 1-4% Kallai -- Miskovich - Ristic Dap t " 4 Il) Priced from as low as .. 10 § 2 5 k Turcotte -- Viola . s) p | Bull Pine n Quintain 5. 5- J Rasmussen. -- Cymar Sta { " i 1 2 f 1% 4-2 ~ Rotent i Chinese Bandit 1 1 4 st Robinson Rotenberg Aj ficth Kubands sclid wives ere: ine Peaches Rew'd 3 "1h 5- Hale8 Gaylands Fm Ra } aN . "a Flight Princess 114 6 5 5-nk 6- 6- Potts -- Janity Sta Boe, vited to see. and learn how to q N $ : 1961 Winner b c 4 Be leet -- Blues Song. Trainer R, Miljus 2s build a Rec Room, Factory train- is d ; ~ oe | D001 25,636 ool 1 F Loney Start good, won easily Pool 25,636. Quinella Foot ot 0 eat ae . ed representatives, plus our own .% % ' ' marge "QUINELLA 4 AND | r PAID $57.20 Lape . experienced staff will. be here q : : ' ' | CORVAIR ERR IES 4 every Friday night to show you f Ge - : ; 7-KINGS HEART 4.70 4.10 3.30 how in a step-by-step procedure. s a4 é " i hi Sixth Race |-MONTANA. FLIGHT 10.20 5.80 Come and join our group, you'll ye ra | Sedan . . . in show- : : i] room condition .... 3.5 4 5- 6-MR, YO TE 5.40 . ' " 7] 14 mile, 3-year-old, Claiming all 83500, Pure $2000. enjoy it. There's a "Lucky Draw Wt PI % % Str Fin Jockey _ Owner Prize every class night. We'll. be Kallai--Mr F Tuke pleased to see you this Friday. Kings Heart 15 1 2- 12M 1-2 y Montana Flight 112 2 4-5 2 23% Pong--H and " ne ; : \ , er were Te eon Se : | "ans 10 5 5 51 a 54% Turcotte nion Jac! ta ' ee ee This Week's Class--Hov. 16-8 P.M. | VALUABLE DRAW PRIZE] ||| VAUXHALL § x : i EVERY FRIDAY VICTOR G'brecht--Stark, Tomian How to install peneling the proper way. Sedan... Bargain Priced Winner b £ Royal Note inteo Heart. Trainer F Gombolay. Start good, won easi 100! 59,308, tart B: a This Week's Lucky Draw... 12 Kings Heart ites by Mrs. F. H. Merrill Jr. F H Merrill Jr. $3500 ; . 4-GALINDO : 17.80 330 320 ) cy, NOW'S THE TIME TO aon an er Seventh Race RANE Sy | me | at Oe Eee 0 |] BUILD YOUR REC ROOM <= vuits 845-00) | oA 295 Str Fin Jockey Owner Bi-Chopavane aot Sag in be GbE vo PORT PRESENTING THE © No Down Payment @ No Payment Until May '63 Stans a iss ay fh be oi : '||| CHRYSLER Wings of Flight a 3 ee Mie AG copra a peck COAT WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S LUCKY DRAW--MR, A. CORDON, 97 TECUMSEH AVE., OSHAWA Sedan, simply Icaded with Eady Courine .. 15 i -1 ; McComb--View Hulloa Fm : DH ~ Deadheat for 2nd | cer singly eee with price. bt ongg idl won oriving ae Pool 38 re grins we You can select a Luxaire coat with full NEW SHEET Eighth Race TON Ric H on 3% confidence in its proven standards of WOODGRAINED ROCK H +MORE WATER 20 . 1 Mile, spends and, ap. Conatantenies claiming 1 Onaee quality combined with value. Superbly fireproof gypsum | wallboard os... s,s» : LOOKING FOR A SMALL CAR? Rng A Ng oye re Ksuscé Caplan tailored from fine English coatings. Three new true-wood patterns --- RANCH PINE, an We have.» MG 9 <TR VAUKRALS fl Von Rich 0k La GN Aa BS On ' de ! rns - ENVOYS - CHEYY II's - CORVAIRS. -- $4Q Money More... 116 47 7 eae Lapoway--G_ Groves informal "knot and grain" pattern; CHERRY- ' Priced from Fair. Mike 16 9 S41 St FR eee MeComb---Dream Cret 69.50 WOOD, a rich, radiant tone; SABLEWOOD, a There's a second car for you now. Lady Gangster 1 9 -ni ; Mister D P 116 7 1 7 54% Gordon D D Cardella a . * ss ' willie Warrior 16 § 1 21 1 6-8 Krohn--Mrg, B Farara TAILORED EXC\USIVELY BY straight-grained walnut finish. In new construction THE ABOVE CAR IS A 1901 OLDSMOBILE onervatory 13 1 : G 5 : or over. existing walls, WOODGRAINED SHEET- bdo ad ch g 4 Ferd -- Roe are ae bey rt good, won driving Poo ROCK accents one wall or Total Pool 45,370, e os " Z eRe Progress Bran Crornes adds incomparit!e beauty to For The Best Choice . . . Choose From The LARGEST Selection at 4 i Sens Sideline the entire room, Galindo Wins : eouk Ga : ack Ernie Davis : SEE THE COMPLETE RANGE Featured Race CLEVELAND (AP)--Although OF STYLE FOR ; PANELS AY. MILLWORK TODAY! TORONTO (CP) -- Galindo| poalge ci Sud mien: this : MEN AND BOYS" practically stole the featured |g »ason, the club said Wednes- Lion d'Or purse Wednesday as|qay, he 'will start full-scale all eyes were on Coup d'Etat/workouts 'and attend meetings. ; and Chopavane in a_head-io-| The decision to keep Davis is head drive down the stretch on 'the sidelines came from : Galindo returned $17.80 for|Paul Brown, coach and general her second eastern victory of| manager. " j the season') The Vancouver; Art Modell, club president, horse has won more than $40,- |who broke the news to Davis| 000 on western tracks in the last}/Sunday, said the 23-year-old} ied a argon place was!former: Syracuse all-American M EN 'S W EAR LTD & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. eclared a dead heat took the news gracefull Apprentice jocke Ron 'Fur Day develc leukemia ir * 1279 SIMCOE N RT - et jong more winners early June but the ae ody 'dis. 74 SIMCOE NORTH "OPEN DAIL 7 : : pe today, his 36th, 37th and 38th ofjease now is in a state of re- 723-3611 CELE A RE ON See the meeting. ha a | 140 BOND WEST 725-6507 |

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