WE WERE AT OCEANA TOGETHER OSHAWA een | BOWLING NEWS BOY, AMT LUCKY THAT WE'RE ON TOWN AND COUNTRY LADIES THE SAME TEAM, rolled this week WA TIMES, Wednesday, November 14, 1962 es TLL HAVETO LEARN ALL \\ "Te PARACHUTE RIGGERS 1 WANT YOUTO MEET JOE KELLY, THE RADAR OVER AGAIN HOW TO GET . | CAN ADJUSTA PRESSURE INTERCEPT OFFICER WHO'LL BE FLYING WITH ISION LOG , Trae aae | tw | WEIGHT. ier / CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton = CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel %~Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie 7:30 A.M 4--To Tell PM Truth : eit 4:00 P.M. 0) e-aibela Jacke | pThe tideaway i-Family | Theat ¥--Rocket Ship ¥ #4 Make Room = For 6--Early 8:00 A.M addy z Dazzle ° --e ss i Ba: and "a Bae ack Show | $-Kiddo T American Randst Flagel 511. Carol Porter 308, Jay Shew- Sed Captain Kangarce cd cdentet Glock i ' . 2 ; |ring 506; Jackie Legere 5:30 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 4--Sec ; : my ' ' Dot Brabin 500, 1--Early Show there | 4:30 P.M. é > WS se High Singles -- Pat Taylor 297, Irene 63--Hi y Hound) il--Romper Room =" |11@uick Draw. McGraw : | Horne 219, Helen Grant 214, Babe Lang ne aa Soha Wesgrine ree oe ' - 211, Irma Schaefef 208 and Donna Pas- 6: .M. ores 7--Jungle Jay Sho : [ ews coe wman at 6--I love Lucy , Lemon League -- M. Collard 91 and sare La a MS pd Playhouse 'Edge of Night ; Helen Grant 85 a ne ' ene 3-Certoons Popeye's 3 | : | Team standings -- Tigers 25, Ligne Fe aig 9:30 A.M. ame cH inigat sea -- " ' : 25, Giraffes 24, Rhinos 24 ,Monkeyé 22, 6:15 2.M. $--Domino sane Show | prdickey Mouse Club : . ; ' ; Elephants 16, Panthers 13 and Leopards eae | beara | ieiohy BPS Sree) | RENEE | ne eee 6:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M, '|--Family theatre IWAS A COCKY YOUNG, | AND 1VE BEEN FLYING Oy bya Nilad a etd g PaO 1-9-83-2-Nows; Weather) |) ne A.M, Show > | &Early Show OL" EI NK/ BUT IT WAS RIGHT FOR ALONG TIME/S Bouts 20, Jokers 21, Jets 21. Firébaile Sports Fa-say When 63--Razzle Dario IT YOU ALREADY KNOW EN: 17, Hot-Shots 17, Kit Kats 16, Sputnuts 6:45 P.M. erie Deo. oe ITS MINOR STUFF... AND [a3 > "m 12, Twisters 11 and Shellackers 20. NO CONVICTIONS/ EN , Points Taken -- Firebails 2, Jets 23 FULL OF HOLES A c 358 (226); Marilyn Bannon 551 (225); Marj White 7 (220); Helen Eccles 545 (215, 2123 M. Gates 537; Bernice Yuill 535 (213) 530, Elizabeth itcheson McCarnan 513, M. WEDNESDAY EVE. BUZ SAWYER @ King Features Syndicate, luc, 1962. World righta reserved. TTT 7--The Big Payoff aed Theatre 4---C. --H 5:30 P.M, pay ppd me. ", HotShots 0, Shellackers 4. Ladies High Triple --- J. Slater 668 9-6--News, Sports. Reasoner 1--Early Show @--Huntley Brinkley 4 iy pee 7:00 P.M. * Bd gees A Sean haar (237, 231) and B, Love 622 (231, 209), $--Dennis the Menace 4-2--Play Your. Hunch| 2--Huckleberry Hound Ladies High Single -- A. Cobb (234, 6--Seven-0-One 7--Day in Court 6:00 P.M 210) and 1. Rahme (221), T. Owen (224). @--Jeff's Collie a The. . Men's High Triple -- M. Love 604 (238 lle pai fhe Sutue Ne 240) and H. Bennett 653 (238, 224) ie Fi | anes Party aR Yast Men's high single -- K. Cobb (208, ; J. Tate (234, 215), C, Perry (269): B. Owen (255); G. Wherry (224); R. 11:00 A.M | ae PM ; Flewell (224); J, Harris (283); B. Clark $&-2--Price Is Right sday Club ; = (219) and M. MacPherson (206). bgacoth Beal 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford §--Thursday Clu ] ; rT - Congratulations to Helen Doughty. @--Andy Williams Show) Vv rne McCoys 6:30 P.M. | n 4 : i She won a pair of Ladies shoes by 82--The bet aga 3--Romper Room 11-9-8-4-3-2--Newss Wea = 3 3 y howling a 357 flat score. Next Thura GcNatone Business =| 11:30 AM. -- | ' +f FOOLED ; ; day will be the final night in this see- $--The Story of An | 9--Free and Easy ; +e AUKUSS DOWN 19. Ture er PIV TTT { i 5 | Hié y De «A Ne zt ion. | T2vours For A Song | 962. News 1. To stain 1, Reach see i : Ascoudiee wie ten ie | 4--Pete and Gladys | 8--Huntley Brinkley 5S. Hitter's ida i meas- RIE! Bg perce won the first section 12:00 NOON 700 P.M. target: 2. Rhythmic ure h | Saud Mares's "We Tey" kept theca 200 P.M. l1--Fun-o-rama with Bill| $---Leave It To Beaver | Baseball hand-clap- 20. IE i 14 | their Pri nine weeks a were 2 li--87th Precinct Lawrence 8--Highway Patrol 9. Extra ping game close second with 27 points. 7--Miami Undercover | ¢2 "Your First 6--Seven-o-One g : Josie Westlake's Wildcats were third 63--My Three Sons | Impression 4--Bat Masterson | 10.T.S.----, 3. Mettalic rock fe N nn papcearerce ] and helped Ascenders by taking three 4--Chopin, Singing y 3--Cheyenne author Number DILIAIF MAI < wae Se GOOFY, DID YOU poitte from Bud this week Society P.M --News; ; 2--Divorce Court 12. Made of . Game of 22. Spl K NO MATTER WHAT I DO, \S \ y HIN Chris Collins' Goofers were next with 8:30 P.M. Sports 7:15 P.M. oats chance S I CAN'T SCARE NM ' soe : 20 points followed by Mae Jamieson's ®--Have Gun Will 3--Popeye and Pais | 7--News; Weather | hool CROWS AWAY! i |Krazy Kats 17, Al Jamieson's Think- 12:15 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 13. Beetle . One's schoo MICKEY! ers and Archie Bruce's Jets 158 each 9--Rifleman genus . Fibber Pete Makarchuk's Puffballs 12, &--Wide Country | 14. Actress . Learning Jackson's Jokers 11, and Mr. 2 7--Ozzie and Harriet | . River rapids 2%, Insect dent's Tigers finally took more thas Munson Little child 24. "In oe point wane with 11. earl estiake | 1~Camouflage H . | 15. Trapped . Seniors: medias ' 6--Movie Matinee 16, Billiard abbr. dense 38. Gaucho' 'a 4--Search For Te 9--Gunsmoke ° oe i aolrew | Fonte Heed shot: var, é 26 a aad 3--Noonday Report | 12: 3--The Flintstones 10:45 A.M | 3--Man and the Days | 0: 'cast © 2--Death Valley ye | aivetion Army Challenge. JANE ARDEN followed -by Chris Collinge 728 (216, 284, 228). Pete Makarchuk led the "6900's" with 644 (279) followed by Paul Collins 643 (273); Al Jamieson 632 (218, 268), Dere- thy Sykes 629 (203, 256), Sadie James 35. A present . | 63--The Defenders | 19. Portrait Hamilton Higgins PM. | 4--Perry Mason | painter of , 860 em, 28. Subside 36, many the "Dice Vente] ¢--Guiding Lignt "| 2--Shannon | | G.Washing- "become 30. Wind ton = 3 'M. : Mi. : +H de e arp-yarn Y, R y ay . 629 (208, 241), Stella Makarchuk 608 or0:00 PM Li--Mid-Day Matinee | 11--OHA' Junlor A ton: poss, angry sacs 39. Born . = fr) . ( (229) and Shirley Bittort 602 (217, 236). ae Ce 9--Theatre | _ Hockey a1. Ata colloq. : | ae ye Ay : + Elsie Smith rolled the highest 'single 11--Toronto a &--Divorce Court : Kildare . 7 Ts > "= g % ' t game of 266 heading Joan Westlake 258, 8-2--Eleventh Hour 'Show | It To Beaver 25. Vexed V1 & bina Olga McDermaid 252, 209; Archie Bruce gscnve Magazine 4--Meet the Millers 9:00 P.M. 26. Make 7 a 25), Mae Jamieson 200, Jack Jamgs ' | @--Lacille Ball . 30, Roy Mann 221, Bi 5 ee Pee main | 72My. Three' Sone amends for _|Joan Jackson 217, Jim Anderson 215, 10:15 P.M 1:30 P.M. | 6-3--Playdate | 27. Corn nti -- te a -- = Vida Morey 214, By Campbell 216, Ines 3 nee | 4--The Nurses j crake 'url 213, Ross Westlake 213, Nick Jack- 8--Outdoor Sportemas | ° 730 P.M. | sitz 213, Vi Bittorf 211, John William- 10:30 P.M. Oe Ae Cee, Shew| O-Jae ban now |, SOUS son 211, Ross Clarke 210, 299, Ken Bai- News - Sports | Ghee Helese 64-Hasel 28. Puts forth ley 208, Harold Sweet 206, Ella Long &2--The State House | (Password 7--McHale's Navy | effort MAY I TAKE I'VE GOT A RIP-6NORTIN' IT'D BE WASTEFUL O'ME T' 205, Doug Campbell 205 and Jack Brows 6d The Formative. | 215 P.M 10:00 P.M. 29. Queen MY PIECE O° HEAD COLD... EAT GOOD CAKE WHEN I ms: 11:00 P.M. 1 @:dtaieeey. Biteal U--Toronto roniznt | Victoria's Se CAKE HOME : CAN'T EVEN TASTE IT! CATHOLIC LEAGUE 1997 o-News j 230 P.M. 8-2--Andy Williams os consort T° GAT LAYER, : ; eas , The first section really finished with t 6-4-3- 2: | 7--Premiere With Fred a bang, The winners were Wetmore Weather: Sports = /11Leretta Young | Astaire 81. Be on close GRANDMA ? a hi Se : with' 18' points: tallewee. wr Mane ee 11:15 P.M. | Show ay | S+oAlfred_ Hitchcock terms /) 4 : - Woodward with 16 points 'each, Hickey Viewpoint $--Here's Looking | Presents ("with" ' a | came third with 15. O'Malley follows 11:20 P.M. } . You | 3--The Untouchables minicea) Wt with 14 and Powers 13. Trailing is Watt 330 P.M. ENS = p - 5 - with 12 and Burrows last but not least 1--This Week in Football | 84. Expression A ta% with 7 points. 9--News | of disgust Mh £ y , : Men's high single of 309 and a lovely 3--Man and the | 87. One's of pera ' a triple 799 is awarded to our new groom Challenge |" dwelling * . GN Spe | ice Wrobel. This is the top one to MICKEY MOUSE .M. ii--Bugs Bunny | hee fi Fb beat $--Pierre $--People In Conflict 11:00 P.M. 88, Mrs. John . 24 ~~ i : 4 Ladies' single goes to Mary Ekker oe Show $432--Loretis | ad | 00-1-4.4-5-3---Nows Glenn Y), " Tonga (4 . < So 263, Marie Melnychuk the triple with a age 7--Queen For A Day | Revo : fs = =z oe i be 7--Late Show Fair | (The Millionaire | 11:15 P.M. 0. -- Stee 2 . poe "alee Over 200 -- Joe Wrubel had three eae | 3:30 P.M. | 6Viewpoint 7 Standish ; eS if a Png '| # pidge ted is Yd bag ag Hey 3 | 0-3 a 43 ; » set Fy if Fi egtegc™ a nychuk also ee: 5 4 . 4--Theatre 4 paney Dew | _ 11:20 P.M. _ 41, ee : Mary Ekker had a nice 263. My better 83_Dr. Malone \ll--@ports Scoreboa: 42. Sailors: = _ wz half, and substitute, Red Brooks had 7--Who Do You Trust | #-Show 43. Finest 259, Jim Woodward's team deserves 'Take Thirty Publie| 11:30 P.M. | special mention with all six trundlers ager ior art {l--The P.M. Show | bowling well over the 200 mark, He criedited himself with 215 and 204, Alan Boyle had 278, Bey Wetmore reaily ; Choose From 11 Models in 4 Exciting Series fing with, 231 and B51. Joe. O'Leaky ok FR ESH Desi tt 1 F il re a 249, Helen Burrows who always man- g - + + The Ideal Personal or Family Car Wintild' hea 'thnice' aguas Bat Mnaes was in there with 241 as was John y | Ebel 236 followed by A, Cardinal 231, _ "i Dan Rukaruk 233, Dorothy Wehrens 219, * FRISKY Performance ==> the CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. |cc22s's2e Phe] 296 followed by A. 'Cardinal So . LTD. bafPRukaruk 233, Dorothy Wehrens 219, * FUNCTIONAL Size good 'on te Winaing teem Sah. Bice KING ST, WEST PHONE 723-4634 | food 'on the winaing teem 255° Braves 266 G England 204, Mary Ebel 201 and last Rita Wrubel Cour new bride) 204, Rita = 7 7) = fongeeg Boe way -- 201 Pg last mae f (AW! IE YOU CAN PRODUCE (TS NO USE, 61UG/ THE LEE BROTHERS COVERED THEIR ¥ ut no rdinal 209, ay 4, : No tears this week please but am al- FE NEXT DAY --DOGAATOT THE WITNESSES, / SHALL } VC TRACKS: I | imteating veenon teaaee - BE AT THE y a We also wish to thank everyone who went out for being such a good sport by bowling in their fancy masquerade. It shows how young et heart you are. Thanks again. FRIENDLY 48 LEAGUE There were two doubles, one pingle and 10 lemons this week. Doubles -- B. Lang 417 (243) and 5. Hann 409 (264). Over 200 -- Ann Lee 217. Jets took three points from Mari- golds, Five Thistles took three Pointe from Gogetters, Bluebells took twe points from Two Roses and Satellites took from Jokers. : ; 4 ' A : ndings -- Satellites 20, Jok- 'gh aN ers 15, Five Thistles 15, Bluebells 14, : J = ra iL, f Jets 14, Go-Getters 11,.Marigolda § and Ap a4 Two Roses 2, y TH' U.N, BLESS ITS LI'L HIDE, MADE. A HONORARY CITIZEN OUTA TH' MAHA- RANEE. O' SPEEDISTAN' SHE'S COMIN' TO RUN "inuied by King Features Symdloste LI'L ABNER | Bead Corporatian, 1988 THE LONE RANGER Ss Wr": dix rei ne STORE gg chad i section over a close fight, Standings were in doubt until the last game but after the smoke | had cleared Alger Press was on top é iB ' THIS DOG 1S ON THE il wa hme rot. ane Bakery and y A 'owe! rugs topped all others with s ail eat &, FLEAS SIDE! t most pinafl 2 "inal standing -- Alger Press 26 (31,- 550); OMS 26 orator Cc vd Heating 26 (30,363); V and J Food Mat- ket 23 (29,848); Pedlars 21 (30,513); Acadian Cleaners 21 (30,051) Oshawa tapas Poms Onan Coal 20 622); Powell's § 18 (30,539); Coulters 18 (29,958); Bell Telephone 18 (29,437); National Grovers 16 (29,334); Brown's Lumber 15 (29,701). Goch Ser- vice Station 15 (29,399); T 15 (28,877); Vern's Barber Shop 14 (29,- 751); Oshawa Seven-Up 13 (29,076)3 Automatic Trans. 12 (29,918); Barbers 12 (29,128); and Hallidays 11 (29,135). Powell's Drags now have the team pis triple and single with 4,857 snd Si tied the high sngie r with a nice 388 score. oe on : pT aE IES. Lemon League -- J, MeColl 9. J, _-- Carrette out with a 277, DONALD DUCK -MUGGS AND SKEETER Stan 7 sages Roc ESA [pont KNOW WHAT You'Re EVER DOANY. )Y THREE YEARS OF IT, WHY DON'T YOU | f THER =~ REFERRING TO, CHILD. YOu BOOKKEEPING,/,/ MR. JONES, SAY-- | SALLY'S SALLIES THINK ABOUT ¢ | % -- AND ME METATA CHURCH DON? --=<iL\ you GoTA JoB FOR pe 4! = SOCIAL, BEST GET INSIDE ) Peas SAME IN MIND 2 I YOU LOOK. IN 71 2 : Lay | DON NOW--YOU'RE REALLY x 5) at TT) THIS WINDOW 2/ SHIVERING LIP A STORM. t | a wut JULIET JONES aon JONES-- \4 PLEASE DO MEA BIG FAVOR. DON'T. TELL. DON HOW..-T. MEAN HOW WE MET? j THERE MUST BE 2" WM 1 1 Ger asour LNT" ee er ed ' q a thts . ; ' / "--And return all my letters, BUSY WILL You | | OVER A THOUSAND | (A HUNDRED MORE WHO'S GONNA REPLACE ) IF Ag . : " 4 / TICK MY STAMPS HERE 1 CAN REPLACE OuR MY OLO WORN-OUT + ane Peay a TRADING STAMPS pe 113 7 OLD WORN-OUT IN THE BOOK TOASTER \ Skate X Change NEW and USED Used Skates completely refin- ished, new laces and sharpened SHARPENING PRICES Students 35¢ ---- Adults 30¢ STAN'S 223 King St, W. -- 723-3224 Warld rights reserved, © King Festures Syatcata, tm, 195: LARRY BRANNON