THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 5, 1962 13 Today's Stock Market Listings| Foundations Cause SINGLE VISION , 11:00 Net ll Net 11. Net peal ple 9 os a | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. ch'ge! bey Salts High Low a.m. Ch'ge : N 230 89% 9% 9 Hasaga ae Bas | Rhche 1000 814 8% BY Toronto Stock Exchange--Noy. 5 | Salada. 200 ot oe Tee a 2% 2344+ ¥4/Ryanor +. $00) 13 134 134 + 14| . (Quotations in cents unless marked $.| Shawin 400 $24% 2438 24% + 19% 198 Sherri aa an a0 12 Fights, xwcExwarrante, Net change 19(Stawin A 100 $4 24 < ) Me Starratt - 200 9 9 9 » xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is Shaw A pr. 100 $40%) 40% is " ¥ | Ik , Si R 625 from previous board-lct closing sale.) Shell Oil 4021 | 61 61 aitunits Bird it Net teel Can a siege . |Suptest ord 100 YM "4 liv : ' | Lynx 6 6 Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge! switson 100 100 100 100 7 ig Un Fort 500 1%4| Lamaque 70 37 Un Buffad 4000 Abitibi 150 $40% ra» Tamblyn $16 166 oe as Sect aap dak ks ldealings by tax-exempt u.s.|° 2 Dist 150 Alta '4 : ommon stock on Feb, 23, 1962,| Alta Dis w 1000 701 |p Fis A a ane 18s 12% + th bop site |W 8 \ ba | roundations helped trigger thelby the Rockefeller Foundation. | BIFOCALS Alta Gas 910 27% + "itr Can PL $18% 18% 18% od | Min-Ore 4 2500 18% +1 |stock market plunge earlier The price was $52,250,000, and: Algoma 710 4l Trans PPL $8% 68 6% -- 48| siutti-M West Mines 200 235 - +10 275 (88% Weston A $14% 14% 14% Argus j ee : aaa! Arg CP pr 420-87% 7% + %4| West A wts 730 730 730 : by | Sales to 11 a.m.: $44,000. |business committee's founda-| The transaction was hitherto! Alamini 171 $21% 21% + % 490 499 490 ines i 1 Wr Harg 1000 ei --2 |this year. the foundation's capital gain 3 2. S mage Se Sa > Rg ine 78 | Nealon Young HG 1500 5 15 +1 | H. A. Olsher, director of the|was $47,013,093. It had held the : Anthes A 290 3 Weoast vt 50 $13% 13% 1314 \New Bid ' if Zenmac 500 31 =! lyduse of Representatives smalljstock since 1919. a a» PRECISION" Wood J pr 10 $100 1 100 if i Atlan Acc 500 +1 | Wawa A" te Gk tata ea LNG leans 17 be 7 105 | Paramaq +2 +. lee --§5 | Patino Placer 270" 270 44 | Radiore 914 39% +1 MeWhinney, professor of law atlavailable to reporters Sunday,|the big stock market break of C Gas In w 400 225. 235 5 vi h 11% | Rayrock 2 8 82 +2 |the University of Toronto, said|sdid the purpose "'is to assess|May 28. C Husky 2595 4 ' j 12 Rio Algom 1200 -- 10% 10% + "i C Hydro "100 3 | $11% 11% + %)/Rix Athab 500 25° 2525 + + Me Friday the school board in Bar-|the role of the tax-free founda-| py. committee's figures| C Imp Bk C 318 578 | Hom M4 $11% 11% + % '\rie would be on "'very shaky/ti a| Majtrens a ee a ground" if it tried ta force stu-'1962--in other words, to deter-lfoundations sold $22,600,000, | Medal 100 262 262 26 dents to stand for the singing|mine to what extent, if any, 3 Midcon _ 3360 28 27% 3 . UAW Agrees To of God Save the Queen. foundation professionals helped|von"_of, Stocks during the 'pe . . trigger the stock market plunge|739 tog' Lf oo ee #, : Satisfied Customers Your 5 In Barrie earlier this week : ed aed ae ht es End Strike At |about 50 students at North Col-of 1962 and profited later by} | legiate High School refused to|purchasing stocks at lower | Yon Can't Buy Finer Quality Glasses at This Price! Mill City 5 3030 "4! Ponder 40 : %4| Py G 25 ; |stand and sing God Save the/prices. ] fa eee a J Sarcee. 98 98 4 Windsor Plant Queen because it oe referred How Your * Your choice of 65 styles, as colors * All glasses complete with single vision 1 : 3 38 SEND REPLIES Chil dr en Grow * Oné Price -- One Pi Ont lenses individually ground to your exect Dist Seag D Bridge Secur Free $10% Spooner to as Canada's national anthem. INDUSTRIALS Stedmane 309. $12%4/ 12% iam 4 %{Kirk Min 2: 0 3 |Taurean 4500 343239 |States congressional investiga-000. 5 lenses ond cose S } 924 $1656 1658 16% |L Dufault 75 Tribag 200 ee 8) at jtors are studying figures in an| The largest single transaction Un' Keno i os © effort to determine whether! Zenith 200 355 355 355 +10" 'Sormeta } Doubts School rag so far tends to sup- Foundation spokesman in New Complete with frames, | Northgate 5 : , OILS N Rank 2 we Patman (Dem. Tex.)/sold by the foundation directly) Alminex 700 200 198 198 --2 | O'Leary i for a moratorium on granting|to Standard Oil Co: No brokers| 975 +65 | Orehan Board Could further tax exemptions. were employed and the' trans-| jquested details from more than/a stoéck exchange, he said. | |Pich 'oe. 9M 0% + th Force Students |500 foundations on their stock! The foundation spokesman| 5 4 |market transactions from Dec./noted that the sale took place) at 00 21° TORONTO (CP) -- Edwardj1, P 'Stock Market Dip? '| | $99 WASHINGTON (AP)--United,total capital gains of $73,442,-) Complete with frames, was sale of 1,000,000 shares of/ Standard Oil of New Jersey) i i xROU} ; on study, says information|unpublicized, and a Rockefeller, ND LE NSES a demand by chairman)York explained the stock was/ lenses aid' coos Olsher said Patman~has re-jaction was not handled through| 1961,, through June 30, 1962.|more than three months before ons in the market tumble of] -howed five Carnegie-controlled| So far, he said, 38 foundations; * No middleman's profit needs, including White, tint er sungless | Stanwell 31 1 +3 WINDSOR; Ont. (CP)--Mem.| The rebellion was quelled, have responded: Are we all getting bigger and * Factory-to-you | es eG lun Of 0 1 +2 \bers of Local 195 of the United tii threats of suspension, but] mi. inquiry is part of | taller? How tall will your child | * No Appointment Needed * Sculists' Rx's at. same low prices. sit Ye 16% 16% ' Ae ¥ 4 stud: i 7 7, i i $ by fn abel */Auto Workers Union voted Sun.| py rin Bagel algun larger study the committee 's| grow? In November Reader's | * Repairs reasonably priced. a day to end a strike that threat-|not finished. making of foundations, which Digest a medical expert with | ; ha viveaaliy : - |Acad Uran 25000 5% 5% 5%--% ened to close permanently the a |Patman contends. are virtually| records of nearly 4,000 children . "3 | Agnico 1500 -2 Prof. MeWhinney said in an) unregulated and sometimes! answers these questions -- Pa : 17 BOND S T el EAST American Standard Products|interview he doubted a school! ,coq' vehi i : y 4 +1 |Akaitcho 500 3 +3 | used '"'as a vehicle of trading wi is 4 y a A eS Ay ¢ +35 | (Canada) Limited plant. shudetts i legally force thelin securities and dodging the| Fy pe ee eae re adult / 2nd FLOOR -- PHONE: 728-1261 800-800 900° A Arcadia 'on +3%| The strike, which involved 140|$'4 Tm ee pgrinee ete ; capital gain tax. height. [Get your copy of | U.S. Trede-Mark Registered Opticions S04 144 144s Soc ggaghatuaer * *"*| workers, began Sept. 10 after! HatheR wick erg ing reti_|,, The inquiry so far shows that| Reader's Digest today -- 41 Over 3,000,000 Satisfied Customers HOURS: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. DAILY imp 'ol oa oe 7 Pieceond 2 'gg -2'/the company and union failed|gious ceremonies are good or|t¢,38 foundations sold $146.-) artcles of lasting interest sold Branches in Many Prigcipal Cities of OPEN WED. TILL 12.00 P.M. 230 $1344 1 4 | Bideop 0 % 11% 11% + % to reach agreement over senior-\bad, but I simply have doubts 135,000 worth of stocks mek on newsstands everywhere. Canada and U.S. Rounded 19 34 $23% 14] Black Bay 1 BY ity provisions in a new con-jof the legality of compulsory|©_Seven-month period, with Int Nickel 695 1 as | 62% C Malart 5 3 33 414\tract. The company warned/ceremonies of this sort in the Inter PL S774 77% 77% + 94\Can NW | Peed, ee | that failure to reach an agree-|schools," he said. Jockey C 290 290 290 Pog 10% ment would mean the firm|--------------- as tearee ots im ees: |Sem fom ;* yg" would have to close ils plant. iy Acca for ee | NICKEL IN WORLD MARKETS...JOBS FOR CANADIANS Lau Fin A, 281 $1 % 14% -- y|Coch Wit "0 _,| George Burt, Canadian UAW| ees : 41/0 Felek ya oe 174 --"* director, said a one-year agree. SCRAPES Levy 2 pr_ 200 + %|\CG Arrow $ 9 9 49 44%/ment will be signed and that BRUISES wer oe + IC Bale 22 --1 |the settlement calls for INFECT Milt Brick 100 30 10 | Morrison 0 40 44 |backward step" in seniority 1ONS omg oe } : |c Mosher 22 protections. He said there would heptane Alara Poet "ln 3 42 a2 thy) be no monetary gains. Quickly heals minor wounds. 4 /C Regeourt 1 ) 4 10% Mr. Burt said acceptance of Non-trritating, . 9 the contract was recommended |tic. Seid at 211 127 «6+2 |"even though we were very | 'tug counters 16 much aware this was the most Buy Mecca y hh + WIC Page-Her: 5 1 yj row 9 ras ; a « 41 Dacring 500 "4 ,|bitter pill the UAW. has ever} jn tin or tube Phantom 1 5 Deinite 46 oar * advised its Windsor members to QN Gas 710 435 5 Dicknsn 15 415 415 +15 accept." { Rolland A 100 § 28 Dae Rothman - 1173 ae | Donaide ah Seen al The union vote came after the yal a 1% 71% 71% 4 %/ Frobisher 5 1 l= 7 | Royalite 4074 $1454 14% 14% Goldale 2 8 jcompany refused to have me SUL Cem A 100 $14% 14% 14% Har-Min + uidispute arbitrated. There's Something Special about du MAURIER How Canadian Nickel helps irrigate 1000 sq. miles of Australia. : @ most effective filter tip yet developed IH @ choicest, extra mild Virginia tobaccos e@rtich flavour, exceptional smoothness The multi-million dollar Snowy. Mountain Schéme will irrigate a thousand square miles of previously unproductive land in' south eastern Australia. And nickel alloys will help, just as they do in similar projects in other parts of the world. Why nickel? @ firmly packed for longer-lasting smoking pleasure Because nickel alloys provide strength and corrosion resistance for conduit shafts and other vital equipment. The growth: d u MAU Fi iE i= of nickel markets at home and abroad helps strengthen Canada's economy and helps provide more jobs for Canadians. A Really Milder High Grade Virginia Cigarette with the EXCLUSIVE "Millec (> SUPER FILTER THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED - 55 YONGE STREET, TORONTQ) @penduet of Pater Jackson Tobeces Limited -- makers of fine sigeretter