Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1962, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 26, 1962 |32----Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale 35--Legal |35--Legal |LINED drapes, five pairs, new condi- \tion. Ri ble. T 723-1374. i i | Street CLARINET Bohem system, new, $65. Telephone 723-1374. LARGE size space heater, with built in blower, price $25. Telephone 725-3766. BEDROOM suite, kitchen set, chester- field, le bed, carriage, in condition. Must be cleared. Make an offer. ----, Furniture, 424 Simcoe South. E i .|skates are now in stock, we take good USED fixtures and fittings, small size violin, girl's bicycle, boy's skates, size 5, Telephone 723-7346. GOING hunting? Get your supplies at Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa. Guns, ammunition, jack- SKATE EXCHANGE -- 500 new Bauer trade-ins, Skates for all the family. Oshawa's No, skate exchange, 19 Prince Street. 728-1131. i i -|spring and fail, 725-7684. | ets, boots, etc. Call now, 725-5511. BOX trailer, 10 ft, step ladder, pair French doors with frames, table for jelectric train, two burner electric 'hot- Plate. 728-3297. abstract with grey back- ground, large size, 's clothing, sizes 8 to 12, blazer, sport jacket, sue- dine jacket, girl's little boy coat, pleat- ed skirt. Gir! 1 Guide uniform, tunic, i ATOR, Pet tH fr REF * P CORONADO automatic washer, like|size,-small frozen food section, good new; Kroehler occasional chair; desk| condition. $75 or make offer. Telephone and chair; coffee table, step tables; 4/ 723-2142. chrome chairs; console tabl; lamps. Apply 59 McLaughlin Blvd. WANTED -- a thousand pairs of good, used skates, highest prices paid, Mid- onditi size 16. Cost $400, Sell for $95, Tele- ee 2 25, |phone 725-3856. BABY carriage, Lioyd, six-way miodel, white and green, excellent con- dition, reasonable. Telephone 723-7205. LONG black persian lamb coat, full skins, excellent c: ion, new style, | 725-1749 after five p.m. Town furniture. Oshawa's No. 1 skate exchange. 19-Prince Street, 728-1131. TRAILER, box, with spare wheel, ideal for camping. 1962 licence. Telephone MAN'S winter overcoat, blue-gray, tall, and DAIRY and meat case, 10 ft. | ar: lient 'condition. $700. Telephone 723-2536. | Al conditioner, two dryers for beauty = size 40-42, perfect condition, Telephone | 725-8820. high, white enamel, glass doors, excel-! reasonable. tober Lawn Cemetery. slicer; it | show ry ~s - shop, in good condition, NATIONAL ar et Berkel meat) Tejephone 723-3366. § f nd | ---- : Laie oan eager denis ton hone hans RECONDITIONED Singer electric port- reasonably priced. Apply Harris Food |able, $19.95. Automatic portable, $119. C , Taunton Road East, RR 2,,And others. Oshawa Sewing Centre, LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral. arrangement and floral requirements for all occassions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STRET WEST IN MEMORIAM '|teries, Oshawa. Simcoe South. 728-2391. Ca Gane CLOTHES dryer, one year old; truck|GIRL'S clothing, size 10-12, good condi- tarpaulin 12' x 20', washing machine,|tion, very reasonable. Telephone All excellent condition. Rangette, rea-/725-6697, wen sonable. Telephone 728-0547. __| WESTERN. Girl's bicycle, 26" wheels,| TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, rent-| good condition, $25. Apply 649 Oxford als, terms, service. New and _ used. /Street. arcs ame ee Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-5849. | O11 space heater, Sieglermatic with hot |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat-\air blower, used one winter, Days 3 Kelvinator refrigerators, telé-| 623-2654; evenings 725-6069. \vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725 4543. GENERAL Electric frigidaire, medium| FOR trailers and hunters. Heating|size, $40; 2 nylon swivel chairs, $20 equipment. Accessories. Trailer Acces-\each; cupboards; other articles. Mov- sories, 9 Tudor Street, Ajax. WH 2-3491./ing. Telephone 725-9356. MAN'S clothing, winter coat, shorty,|COATS, ladies, winter, 14, like new, $10 bulky sweater, suits, tuxedo, 44-46;/each; new dresses, clearing at $1. 24 chrome extension table; all like new.|Prince Street. Telephone 725-9356. estas hE SR tess oreo -| STAINLESS steel sink, cabinet arborite PIANO, upright, excellent tone, mahog- any wood, $175. Telephone 723-2101. BOAT, fibre glas, Brunswick Seafire,|GE DRYER, controlled heat, magnetic | black and white, 15 ft., 40 hp Evinrude/door, used one year, perfect. condition,| motor and Tee Nee trailer. Like new. | $125, Telephone 723-1444, | |$1,500 or best offer. Bowmanville -- en nen | 623-5861. | VACUUM cleaner pairs, all makes,| ------_---- _--____--_ ----|parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- WE buy, sell and exchange used furni-|teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. ture or anything you have. The City| Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv-| 72 top, copper pipe, large crib, Keystone 8 mm movie camera, light bar. 725-2879. BURK -- In loving memory of our dear father, Claude Burk, who passed @way suddenly October 26, 1956. We little knew when we woke that morn 'The sorrow the day would bring: For the call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. ~Sadly missed and ever remembered by his daughters Pam and Jean and ens George and Bob and families. BURK -- In loving memory of my) dear husband Claude H. Burk, who 'passed away suddenly October 26, 1956. Gone dear husband, gone forever, , [Furniture Ci A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness ., The world can never fill. z-Ever remembered by your wife Bernice. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 19) | Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street| ice, 728-0591 anytime. | South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671, | | ---- = ~ --.--|AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, DOMINION. Electric sandwich grill, $5; \free estimates. Chair, table rentals, Royal Electric floor polisher, $15; Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe Nor! Lady's Reminton electric shaver, $5; |------ thee a Fimoon 'sce eo Brownie camera, $5; assosrtment of RCA Victor % ton air congitioner: good dishes, all articles like new. Telephone condition, Girls' or boy's "judo suit, size after 6 p.m. 725-4414. 3, $10. 728-3945. FURNITURE at its best. High quality,|TYPEWRITER ,adding machine, cash low, low prices, Continental beds com-| register, ,calculator, check writer, plete, $26. Five piece chrome set $27,|scales, méat slicer. Very reasonable a 0, Piece living room suites $73. Spring | 723-4434. | led mattresses from $12. Three piece SHEST prices paid for good | bedroom suites, $08." Friese 'platform (HONEST ,prices paid for good used rockers, $29. Arborite student's desk|iocated 444 Simcoe South only. 723-3271 $18, Linoleum floor coverings 23¢ per |-- Rinks lartobsbotis w ARM Aa ft. Maple bunk beds complete with;DUPLICATORS, hand and_ electric, springs, mattresses, guard rai] and lad-|spirit 'or stencil, supplies. Hamilton der $48, You always do better at Wilson | Office Equip., 137 Brock S, MO 8-5849, - 20 Church Street. /§EFORE buying or selling televisions,| discounts continue: |furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash-| continental beds, complete, 36 inch,|ers, call Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, CO/ $28.88; 5 piece chrome set $28.88: 2) 3-2294 | Piece chesterfield, nylon frieze cover-| : 2: hin ee tele eee Prlighamlaee Pied condition, medium sized, sacrifice. Tele- | with 'spring and smooth top mattress,|POOM€ 723-1924, pi | $128.88; General Electric washing ma-|BED chesterfield, green velour, match- chines with trade $88.88; deluxe .nigh-| ing chair. Perfect condition. Also small chairs $10.88; cribs regular size with|mangle, Apply 56 Albert Street before shapshag and bumper pad $32.88. Try|6 p.m. lonest Cal's for furniture or avyiianes, | 5 tA nink Guia me cot the "store that will not be undersold.| as Siena qin ieee ascomition. | Try us at 9.30 in the morning or 9.30|°~°: Size 14. Telephone 728-3555. | in the evening; we're open 12 hours a}TWO metal venetian blind. in| day. Located King Street East, past the | g00d condition. One 5 ft. 3", other 8 tt. | town line at Varcoes Corner. [elephone | 10% ins. Telephone 725-4389. | | . 728-9191. FUR coat, full length, size 38, excellent | COATS -- Fur and all wool, excelient clean, 29--Automobiles for Sale 1952 PONTIAC five passenger coupe, good condition. Telephone 728-5680. 19,000 miles, 6 telephone 1960 VAUXHALL Velox one owner, lady's car. 723-9364. 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, standard radio, new tires, fect We buy, sell, exchange. poeta a aed pia alae eccinpen nada We buy the. most. CONVERSION oil burners, used, com- We sell the most. plete with all controls, excellent, con- We pay the most. Ferd eat tienen Perry, 285 Bloor FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL. |= Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 FUR COAT, full length, size 20. Excel- : \T perf Must be sold. 246 Adelaide West. 1960 CHEVROLET station wagon, V8 power brakes, power steering. Price $2,100. Apply 16 Ritson Road South. 1952 AUSTIN, good bg eagpeg re transportation. Should seen ap preciate. Telephone 725-5969. 1953 CHEVROLET, good condition, best offer for quick sale. Telephone 728-6848. 1962 CHEVROLET Impala, super sport two door hardtop, 300 » four len worn once, $45 or best offer. 159 Celina Street. 725-8901. FINDLAY stove, coal and electric, suit- able for cottage. Best offer. Coolerator refrigerator, $75. Telephone 723-9221. BOAT, 16 ft. and trailer, Mark 25 hp motor, $550, 53 Stone Street, 723-9021. FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service. |Liberal trade-in allowance, Free dem- ofistration. Telephone 726-4683. NEW AND USED C.C.M. ond Bauer Brands. Also sharpening service. VICTOR'S [tion Wil aceon be |FURNACE, coal or wood, in good con- |dition. Will accept best offer. After 5 epeed Road. 1953 CHEVROLET deluxe, radio, good condition. Telephone 725-4964. 1958 VAUXHALL, Velox 6 cylinder, A-1 condition. Actual mileage 22,000. One owner. $850 or best cash offer. Tele- phone 723-774. 1952 MERCURY %-ton pick-up. In very good condition. Good tires. $00. Tele- Phone Brooklin 655-4936. 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want oor . Highest prices paid. $ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or dowri. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY i OO 45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to 'Ted" = | Talk. "Cash" to the New | Car Dealer and "SAVE". | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | __723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 ~ RENAULT -- PEUGEOT AUSTIN Parts ond Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Deoler for Renoult 59 KING STREET WEST 723-7712 PRE-WINTER INSURANCE Tune-up for Winter Now -- Don't Delay Winterize Your Car Today! A-1 MECHANICS Kén Durno's Garage 574 King East -- Oshawa Telephone 725-0221 32--Articles for Sale ROLL-A-WAY bed with mattress; two storm combination d storm win id chair peta erent STUDENTS, 2 super value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size paper (newsprint), for only $1.00. Makes won. di copy paper. Apply Circulation Department, Oshawa Times, or Whitby, 111. Dundas Street West. Best Quality WINDOWS Clean From Inside Special Discount until Christmas $10. PER WINDOW Delivered, Installed Now $18 GALEA WINDOWS 728-5253 Anytime 728-9257 in |14¥2 FT. MAHOGANY PLY 40 Bond West 723-3141 DEEP freeze, Gilbert, chest model, 19 S K AT E S jeubic ft., $154 paid on freezer. Will jsive gs hr ag to take over pay- NEW AND USED bed GIRL'S 24 inch CCM bicycle, excellent Sold and Exchanged Largest Assortment in Town condition, $25. Telephone 728-8245. DRAYTON CYCL 204 BOND STREET EAST WOOD and coal ciruclar furnace, also cook stove, Norge oil space heater, large, 1952 Meteor coach, $65. Apply 306 Pacific Avenue. Most Modern Designs: abstract, Colonial and floral patterns. Made to BEAUTIFUL clean embroidered white y| i jown, size 14, veil head-| order, Drapery Fabrics yd. 98c up. nylon ig 8 dress and crinoline, $40 or reasonable joffer, Apply 588 Gliddon Avenue. {OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- volvers and pistols; also old cartridges. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. GOOD used bedding, blankets, quilts, sheets, President floor polisher, 3 brush. |Reasonable, 723-1488, REFRIGERATOR, apartment size; rangette, heavy duty, two burner, both g00d condition. Reasonable. Telephone 725-7576, TELEFUNKEN German hi-fi; mahog- any, perfect condition, like new, very reasonable. Apply 123 Brock Street |North, Whitby, in barber shop. |GIRL'S clothing, size 6. Three-piece winter coat set, dresses and skirt. Tele- Phone 668-4706, COLEMAN gas heater, thermostat, twenty by twelve, like new. Several ~|pieces new Belleek china, jlarge teapot, shamrock, |design. WH 2-1945, |34--Lost & Found |TAN and white spaniel, male, lost in jthe vicinity Olive Avenue and Verdun |road. Answers to | Phone 728-8803. LOST: Black with brown toy Manches- ter, let out of douse on Courtice Road North on Sunday evening. Had har- |ness and tag 727, Answers to name of | Prince. 725-2590. |LOST -- Black dog with white chest, |Part Labrador and Boxer, child's pet. |Tag 1070 plus rabies tag. Answers to |""Smudge". Reward. Call 728-4867 after }4.15 p.m LOST in Darlington township, long hair- ed German Pointer, brown, looks like | Irish setter, tattoo in ear, answers to Menne. Reward. 728-96! | LOST: Budgie 'bird, jw and green, in South Oshawa district, banded 4846 Reward. His name, Jo Jo. Telephone! | 725-0502. | LOST; Female hound, tan and white,| black spots, two years old. Gone three | weeks, Oshawa district.. Reward. Tele- | phone 728-0889, | COCKER SPANIEL, male, blonde, lost| in Oshawa on Sunday. Name "Skippy", | Toronto tag, green collar, Telephone To- ronto collect, LE 7-1191 | including basketweave | BOATS AND MOTORS FALL CLEARANCE 15 FT. LONE STAR FIBREGLASS 1962 Demonstrator with 50 H.P. Mercury Electric. See this one. . Reward, Tele- with 22 H.P. motor, com- plete controls, tarplights, ete 1959, used 14 FT. SPEEDLINER Complete hardware, 70 H.P, Mercury and troiler, con- trols, etc. used 1958 -- A-] condition. Good Advertising * and GORD'S MARINE. Good -- oe | CLAREMONT, ONT. | 9 miles north of Pickering, HAND in HAND 2 Tointhons 649-2007 : 32--Articles for Sale HONEST CAL'S SPECIAL -- SATURDAY ONLY TV TOWERS, 40' Do-it-Yourself Kits, All Channel, Complete $49 LOCATED KING EAST AND VARCOE'S ROAD Installation -- $59.95 TELEPHONE 728-9191 Also used Motors. We spe- cialize in Mercury Outboard tuneup ond winter storage. : NOTICE VOTERS' LIST ACT SECTION 12 © CLERK'S_ NOTICE OF FIRST ROSTING OF VOTERS' LIST VOTERS' LIST, 1962 TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY, County of Ontario Notice is hereby given that | have complied with section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that | have posted up in my office, at Columbus, Ontario, on the 26th day of October 1962 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality ot Municipal Elections ond that such list remains there for inspection, And | hereby call on all Voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any omis- sions or errors corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeals being the 9th day of November 1962. Dated this 26th day of Octo- ber 1962. George Farncomb, Clerk Township of East Whitby Columbus, Ontario. Columbus, Ontario, October 23rd, 1962 Corporation Of The City Of Oshawa SALE OF LAND BY TENDER The Corporation of the City of Oshawa hereby invites of- fers for the purchase from it of the following lands: Lots 1 to 15 inclusive, Plan 779, on the north side of Conant Street. Lots 1 to 14 have frontages of 40 feet ond and Lot 15 has a frontage of 43.9 feet. Further particulars of these lands may be obtained at the Assessment Department, City Hall. Offers for the purchase of the above lots may be made on forms provided for that purpose by the City Clerk, 3rd floor, City Hall, Oshawa, The closing date for tenders is p.m., E.S.T., Friday, November 2nd, 1962, and all offers shall be sent. to the City Clerk, City Hall, Oshawa, in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Tender for Land" and shall be accom- panied by a certified deposit cheque payable to The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for an amount equal to 10% of the amount of- fered. The Corporation of the City of Oshawa reserves the right to refuse any or all of- fers whether such offer is the highest or not. L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE T-01228 Approximately 134 acres of land, more or less, being Part of Lot 24, Concession 8, Township of Clarke, County of Durham, lying on the east side of Highway 35, one and one-half miles north of Kirby, Sale to be held on the pro- perty ot:. 2:30 P.M., LOCAL TIME THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1962 TERMS: $100.00 Deposit at time of sale (Cash or Certi- fied Cheque made payable within thirty days. For further information please contact: The Auctioneer, Mr. J. Reid, Orono, Ontario. Telephone: Orono 5-R-18 OR Department of Highways, District Office, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario. Telephone: TUrner 5-2481 OR Torono Regional Office, Department of Highways, Downsview, Ontario, Telephone: 248-3444, Sale Subject to a Reserve Bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO. TIMES WANT ADS a MOST ANYTHING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL HENRY CLARK, LATE OF CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY: OF ONTARIO, LABOURER, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Russell Henry Clark, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 30th day of Sept- ember, A.D. 1962, are here- 'hat PT yd ee Oe ty ee ey Oe ey Macaulay Picks Japanese Brains By ALAN McPHERSON Special to The Oshawa Times TORONTO -- It was almost three months -- to the day -- a beautifully embossed book arrived at the department of economics and development, Queen's Park. The "JAPAN", in large, block let- ters. But the contents the Hon. Robert Macaulay and 'he more he studied the book,| title was simple fascinated Garden Contest Rules Sent Out To Schools BROOKLIN Thirty-two- members of Oshawa Horticul- tural Society, eight members of Ajax Society, members and friends of Brooklin Society gath- ered in the Christian Educa'ion Hall for a special meeting of the more he became convinced that Japanese industrialists and manufacturers were on t he right track in world competi- tion. - Last week he flew to Tokyo, ostensibly on a trade mission for Ontario. It has been stated that~ he made overtures concerning the export of western Ontario tobac- co to Japan. He conferred with Premier Hayato Ikeda. But he jtook with him two of the prov- ince's most astute manufactur- is to prevent us establishing in- dustry in Japan and competing there? A little known fact is that most Japanese goods on the Canadian market are not even by notified to send full particulars to the under- 35--Legal jers -- L. S. Magor of Galt and sold for home consumption. |\George Rickwood~ of Niagara signed on or before the 30th day of November, A.D, 1962, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 16th day of October, A.D. 1962. ESTHER EVE CLARK Administratrix By her solicitor JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C. 14% King Street East Oshawa, Ontario. Se CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR SODDING Sealed tenders addressed to Chairman, Board of Works, c/o City Clerk, and endorsed "Tenders for Sodding, Con- tract No. 62-15" will be re- ceived until 5:00 P.M., E. ba NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Thomas Maracle, deceased, All persons having against the estate of the above-named deceased, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Carpenter, who died on or about the 23rd day of July, A.D. 1962, are hereby notified to furnish proof' thereof to the under signed before the .15th day of December, A.D. 1962, After the said date the Ex- ecutrix will distribute the esate having regard only to claims of which notices have been filed. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 23rd day of October, A.D, 1962. SARAH MARACLE, Executrix, by her Solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS, B.A. 13% Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario, claim BRAIM PICKING The real reason --: traceable to one of the finest illustrated merchandising packages ever to leave Tokyo -- is that the dynamic Mr. Macaulay and his cohorts are on a "brain picking mission." They want to know "Why?"- True, the minister will never miss a chance at selling On- tario in any corner of the world -- and he's a good salesman-- but he'll be selling Ontario for investment ears, He thas not forgotten his brain child -- The Manufac- turing Opportunity Show sched- uled for here November 5 and 6 at which finished products will be torn apart and opinions gathered on how the component parts now imported can be jmanufactured, right in the province. What better testing ground than the most polished country in the world for importing prac- tically every material--and still emerging in a healthy condition with a finished product. | Canada, a country with an| Mr. Macaulay is visiting the} abundance of raw materials? (masters of trade and his knowl-| (2) Although Canada finds itjedge gained on the trip could difficult to compete at home have far reaching effects on the |Falls, in addition to the depart- ment's executive officer, James Ramsay. REAL REASON What is the real purpose of the Macaulay visit to the Nip- pons? Rumors keep circulating in financial circles that more Japanese money is being fun- nelled into Ontario, particularly around the Metropolitan Toron- to districts. Some sources say the interest is in shopping centres, It's plain fact that Japan ex- ports many finished products into Canada and competes 'suc- |cessfully with Canadian goods. This would be understandable \if that country was self-suffi- jcient in parts and materials but jJapan is strictly an import jnation. | Therefore, two questions] arise; | (1) If such an import nation jcan become one of the world's | greatest traders in foreign mar- |kets, what's the matter with Brooklin Horticultural Society. At the District-annual meet- ing of OHA held recently at Markham, Brooklin shared third place honors with the Scarboro Society on the ar- rangement, : "The Glory of the Garden" was exhibited by Brooklin So- ciety. j : The arrangement was prepar- ed by President Mrs. Eric Green, assisted by Mrs. A. C. McCulloch, They were highly commended for bringing honors for the first time to Brooklin Society. : The prize money was donat- ed to Junior Scrapbook compe- tition. The secretary, Mrs, Arthur Elliott, reported on rules and regulations of the competition. "My Garden Scrapbook" which is open to students up to and including age 16. The rules have been forwarded to various schools in the district. Scrapbooks must be sent to Mrs. Arthur Elliott on or be- fore December 1 for judging by the committee appointed by Brooklin Society. Mrs. Green said that 50 red and white tulip bulbs were purchased and planted by Mr- and Mrs, Green in the south west corner of village park. Mrs. Norman Alves, convener of committee, introduced R. F. Gomme, Toronto, secretary of OHA, who presented an inter- esting talk on "How to obtain Planting' as a means of beau- tifying the town or villages where we reside." Many beautiful slides of win- ning entries in the "Photo- graphic Competition" sponsored by OHA were also shown. Miss Holtby, Manchester, en- tertained with a pianoforte solo. Mrs. William Young and Mrs. Neil Petty sang two selections. SERVE UN About 8,200 Norwegian offi- cers and men have served with United Nations units, mostly in with Japanese products, what|future of provincial economy. Gaza: Monday, October 29, 1962 for the sodding of approxi- mately 4,440 sq. yds. on Har- mony Road South embank- ments north of Taylor Ave- nue and on the south side of Thomas Street east of Valley Drive. Specifications ond' tender forms may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The ad which appeared Wed. indicated incorrect quantity of sodding to be laid, F. E. Crome, P. Eng., City Engineer, Oshawa, Ontario. Brougham Lodge Holds Meeting By MS. M. ANNIS | BROUGHAM -- The regular meeting of Joy Rebekah Lodge} was held recently with a fair attendance. Noble Grand Sister Jean Ellicott conducted the opening exercises assisted by Vice Grand Sister Isabel Annis who reported for the sick committee. Correspondence was read yby Recording Secretary Sister Flo- rence Ellicott. Invitations were read from Easter Lodge, Pick- ering, Benevolen Lodge, Whit- by; Kinoven odge, Brooklin; Blue Bird of Happiness odge, Agincourt and Welcome odge, Stouffville, to attend their In- stallations. -- a 4 STRANGE SIGHT ON THE SAGUENAY RIVER - When a lighthouse costs a million dollars and is the newest and most modern of its kind in Canada, it may come as a surprise when deliberately sink it in the mout! River. You'll read all about it in Canadian Weekly, the exciting, full color.magazine supplement of the big Saturday Toronto Daily Star. wy are made to of the Saguenay Star tomorrow ... it's an just 10¢. Get the big Saturday Star for more features -- more _ action -- more fun and more than one hundred pages packed with news and comments, en ment and information. You get all this of color comics, too. So reach for the Loo 16 ig Sa y unbelievable value for The big SATURDAY TORONTO DAILY STAR with CANADIAN WEEKLY plus 16 pages of COLOR COMICS = ** mildness of specially refined tobaccos gives you TRIPLE FILTRATION! The Imperial Tobacco scientists started with a pure-white, easy-draw- Ing filter of cellulose-- nature's own filtering agent. This is *Astra is a registered trade-mark, They combined it with soft, sorbent "Astra, most efficient filter. S ecmeenenetaimmmmeneeianminnedl super-ab- Canada's Mayfair's tobaccos--spee cially refined to a new mild- ness--add their own recog- nized filtering action. Results TRIPLE FILTRATIONI ANOTHER STEP FORWARD FROM TWIN FILTER IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S RESEARCH LABORATORIES! NOW! A cigarette that filters ONE...TWO...THREE ways! NEW TWIN FILTER MAYFAIR Not just one filter--TWO! And Twin Filter Mayfair is King Size! This scientific combination of two totally different filtering materials plus the new

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