= aeons 2 at Nae Ta Mit i a si das iT ose Sewn See aoe a ne ee Nepean rape pa agen # ene , OS Chg Gyr ate man eg eye ae pepae By bie rok NG Wt OR BIE oe a Rd OE PRE SH ee Be er ee tg Se : dei sti 3 alae Te Pete ok he da & 4 RA - Reo Je__|27--Real Estate tor Sale THE CON) ee See ee : 1 Estate for Sa ; --Real Estate for Sale |27---Real Es mal eR : n Rent zr ateal Wade See pee fe S rondidae: a Sead eet-|o0, Stove Street, 150" x 300" with lane|TOR,SALE -- Building tt 4 fx 130 ft 29--Automobiles for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale 26--Rouns fo UTHEANT OSHAWA, near Tuna SURE Sree, seven.reom brick Dou Breakage: Telseoae 1363, Bit ass7ee 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, #000, Call Sunday : Sige oom, aicely" furnished. "conn, |Sehool, f-room modern: orivate 'asle,age, paved drive, deep lot Private' sale OSHAWA'E Hass Sieur tures no Gon [SEVEN BOOM GLiovalbanealon, with THE HOME OF _ [tesisn.tzsmue. ' RKET BASK 'ooking "privileges if desired," reason-|rated, new oll "Telephone 723-7508. |ra0-i08. brick, with ti ese gaigt:|attached garage, yg eh egy A 1955 DODGE $150, or 1955 Biuck $30, 'Die rates After '6 p.m, dial 728-0002," |terms arranged. oat -- LOVELE toe Setrent Danie: Gestons Teeceee. er, Se GOWm Inated on 'Tm8-4408, Joseph Bose' GOOD USED CARS |Beet otter. Telephone 725-0005 = = Bar low, eres E as y| Telephone ~ | , 725-9670, | SIGUR soies Jo pees, Some, cine Larne Wet, Une, down parieent, © 3.57 oe i RO OL 2 THIS WEEK'S SPECIA'S SER") Cap) OLSEN [Geen Ses ioe eer eae, Hatha nea aaa ESE] vBetore You Buy : cs) PLES é CENTRALLY font "it desired. REALTOR that off Simcoe Street North. out, 'storms "and screensy landscaped Telephone RABifor" Give Bill a Try" pr] siete, al ' preferred; breakfast eg ; Payment. Sally Wallace, |?" other extras, T 3500. DOWN, beat decorated, wa OSH......by. $1.95 Aetna wmeet arenas foe. FARMS = See erecta te. ee! BILL WHITTICK der, Pekgy, anon i ig ac abt aaa Ok basket 49 Fame vas ian Retry farm ce TO THE CITY DUPLEX FvEROON binsigr oe tamil MOTORS LTD. iieiee, Sat grt S8 Alla" : weet or lady. - seeing this A-1 dairy f Cl Sg eg | > or ee al. $1.85 |veam Gewezat morons sourm| seeing | excellent buildings. heating, three-piece beth, ow Sows Pay'| 146 BROCK ST. N. FN hg ag Se gs 72] stsiictaiag *y 0 ty. TE Siete on] Lap mick medion: | OUR BEDROOM DREW ST CLOSE TO'KING| see Na GB waney ane - couple or two women. @ mon : G|ven ; ie VAURBATL "Victor, wii radio, N & G FRUIT MARKET. Sas GPRS Sraeee BOte --= Tap hee FOL STREET EAST -- fap i pai 9 te Mile quote, HOUSE i Freshly harika ' AJAX MO 8-4741 and MO 8-4025 for. Telephone. MO 0.0570 aes eae : ind kitchen, laundry facilities, suit) 5 "rites from Oshawa. tmmacuiate condition. 7 1956 FORD ¥%4-ton, ag oe SIRWA SGOPFING 'CENTRE crags» se siuaren, "Aeply shows od 140 Acres -- Dairy Farm $17,850 ™Beparate meter 1% STOREY HOUSE | JAKE & BILL'S Evenings Tssiogs snr On #9064 R OSHAWA S CaNERAL W honpial wat Wa Ger| 140 A houses, buildings in : ere DOWN ; Ee Mi I CT aes anny UNTIL 10 P.M. SATURDAYS a an ent cra ol, a ptienal, Alar 6 pm. good aa Bll ig ate! pape 3. ries (40 euit Meee $16,000. $! 500 bag A One hoes : igiites: cn Aas, condition. 1780 recy Te & Flats for 1728-8561. ; oximately 2500 ious Let 60' x 125' monthly including taxes. authorized dealer : Flats for Rent|25--Apts. LARGE ROOM for two gentlemen wii] ping approximately --Spacious Let , 5 : a 7 AGEN deluxe a a ee See) Shen ole om | Soest | Tooter er Telephone | TUNE UP AND |i, Soc" Se a ment, two rooms| apartment, chers or nurses. $65. priv; ' drive : 190" PONTIAC Laurentian, sedan Vie" Stan 940. monthly. Possession No- Ionthiy. 725-0900 Avenue, 214. D, 269 -- Room; break-| Just listed -- 140 acre beef --Excellent Transportation, 7 -3169 AUTO ELECTRIC tie Peg or Pron "condition yymber 1. Adults. Bradley se gag mod- frag eld pa Private home. Suitable) form at Little Britain, excel- schools 942-632 Dias 728-5592, aaa. Deer lore eperumens la Oberieaeet SUNeiNg: OS Slag women, Nome GM athens lent buildings, one of the --Bosementiess = Low cast SPECIALISTS 1953 CHEVROLET, private sale, peppy BROOK STRPET -- three-room, refrigerator, washing facilities, |Ov0 xm in the district. 2 miles a AFTER 5 P.M. engine, standard, radio, $150. 1958 Cheve apartment, hydro and ani, a Ted lockscos Paved parking 87, moet: : I peat raf No. 7 Highway at heating, upkeep NEW SUB-DIVISION iles for Sole Full line of batteries, snow |folet. good shape, Sandard. radio, $900, Wy furnished. 'Gose to ly. Telephone 728-3377. =o 27--Real Estate for Sale Oatesed --Cape Cod style 29----Automobiles ot. sai| tires, exhaust ystems rad a ink ens : . ; bedroo: * : i of lick-up, , May it VERDUN ROAD, 20 -- stirastive Tour |GRIERGON street wtcto-|home hus. Jost been recuced, Ie taet 500 Acre Cattle farm with | Call owner for direct sale Single Family Lots ber financed, siete kalore poy tng A the cold wartlo automatic transmission : gg oR og RS pene ts Cae Serene Taare corte |(eant nae, fant been Sedaves. monthly kefront, $20,000 ' ired : after 6 p.m., inandey srersession, Adult| ment, Briva automatic' laundry, contin [less taxes. Law down payment access to lakefront. $20, Low cash required. Duplex Lots PROSKIN i ssaaan. ines CHEVROLET sours: as = ge bot_watet. Apply "|For inspection call Phyllis Jubb at 723- wn. | Repair and Fina Service |motor, good runnin:g condition couple. 55 oe =| aooe iment, hot waterslsoo, "or Tas-1i2l Guide Realty Limited, : : General Repa Also 1938 Ford coach. Ready for Seeitase Teme ese ceri thes nea pretest ee as eA ag mi oe 725-5804 _| $3,000 PER LOT so RITSOR sour | 449 RITSON RD. S.. (nsec bag 10" : ebuild rt- 8-2857, : 21 \i056 Tre Car, wire wheels, over bed welcome. 'Telephone |i10" $-2804, asl ate Laceled nest to apart) i ovior at 72 Fully serviced, Locoted : ot 728-09 hard top, 'Michelin % tena ee, ; a gal ge A cata gas | "OU oats wae Vee ing St. West | Y aide Street and Wilson 723-2632 «|piy ind "Centeei ma South. 723.9608, Ee eet, ak ese Mae elt Ein" Hei peers Sacer] 299 King St. Wes GUIDE REAL Road Nor Call wite fr |p i $39.50 Up | e*eate, li-rurmenat yh boards, stove, refrigerator, "Ws. Tele: | FURNISHED relate" tein. bon Limited - Realtors copy of subdivision. LLISION WORK H : tion, One owner: Tehecbone tai private entrance, driveway, $75. room, kitchen, four-piece ggg Asa | EXPERT CO! . F : SPRY cee PRES! ae nud its" OPEN FOR INSPECTION Ser ac vw OWNS REALTY UTD,| "Ears Up . 2 tT te Dose ta lak SING SEES? Weer 6 = 'T BLAME US -- If you WITH EVERY PAIN *, 28: "sis new aly eg ced oye; oe Teom furnished apartment, television AY OCTOBER 7th ae this exceptional rh weed oa oy ea athens ae ~ ise FORTIAG, arog, ~aaiomaag, Daved, paring. nit 'se t 2 8A a SATURDAY, sekion Sgr ach 8 RUssell 3-1733 LICENSED MECHANICS IN LOVE WITH A [ses eepnote tite SHERRING VILLAS Lo Tanteicces |APARTMENT, two rooms an hone i bedroom : d awe Bodv Men 194 FARGO truck, half-ton, con PRORRRING VatAGE - men, wove, hydro, heat : noma Salen FROM 12:00 NOON TO 4:00 P.M. yoors old. bre Bog -- on Evenings Russell 7-9387 | Opsn'8am. t 9 p.m. | CERTAIN NEW CAR? dition, #350, Also snow tires. Telephone Retrigretor une of washer, dryer, ane: » large two-bedroom apart: i 00. 1000 CORVAIR, automatic, immaculate, oS poe ee 'Biri iow *monthiy.| 1] room house, 10 acres land, barn chicken heat only $54.0 Se Schotield-Aker : ita ae satomatic, imme ELGIN STREET EAST, i00 -- Four-| ment , -- ima: § Ca ae ee Guiet" adults ee house, must be sold. AA ge ll OR get 0 360 KING ST. W C| earance Low.cOsT, LIFe INSURED ibe VOLKSWAGEN aoe --tormap aphane, German tained, ' " HA Street, 491, i . inci interest. Low eid Ld radio, rebuilt » mitior = aeota nace tiae melscmb. heey PEN TO OFFERS ga Marg NE ok costs, 723-2265 . reauited. $900. 'Telephone 728-5866, THREE-ROOM entrance, small prad qinoa aoe eB Peg ogo 90K |e OLDEMORILE, ganderd transis: a 4 % . ° - ndition, at . TMENT _ rwo-no0m spertment hyére suppled.| Location: 3 miles north of Brooklin on west side of ad 4 rooms 5 OR 10 ACRES xx 2 y g ee to tit Apel S18 Peek heed North. APAR Noe Gas step, 36 Ritson Raed Nort. i " h for Our Sign'. BURK STRECT = : ' land on No. 2 XK XXX XXX' 1068 PONTIAC Starchiel, V8, au : Near bus stop. 343 Ritsoi No. 12 highway. "Watch for Ou 9 2 bedrooms, new oil furnace Fertile gorden land o Me a lic, radio, fully powered, good potedcagennenen aPaRe NT, three rooms, clean, nice large lot with yn 000 Highway just gr Hi pee ; 90 xxe 8% tion, tu-tone green. Bowmanville Lansdowne Apartments heated, yar, stove few coungy W SCHATZMANN REALTOR trees, full price $7, . penance irk for ae cas x ae ereoE save able November 1, _ : pa IN- Steve 7 - x DREW STREET--IDEAL balance. Contact om A Becrei Recaper | BROCK BLOG. WHITBY, Mo 6.3338 fee in th lige wal apt | Mocks 73866 $80 Children welcome. Fred Cowan 125-1007, free in this larg extras. $700 or best offer. 668-3446. dow AT LOAN aes Oxtord will be sold rea: 6--Roo . : prose eS iid gg uae BUILDING mdi eo THE BANK OF fonable or will wreck and) sel parts. ; ae pied meet ee er for only $90.00 per month, | 90 x 200 on Elizabe lephone 668-5040 after ONE BEDROOM aE ce e.eren| SC h ore i Osh 1954 peepee ee thane tod." | Sn Why Nie peer ; NOVA SCOTIA json ne ployed women only. T es : ieee : area. Full price $1900. Cal O S FS © liber CHEVROLET, four > ' 4 me Steve Macko 728-5868. i ndition, Telephone 559 Lansdowne Drive, [can ACCOMMODATE three girl reom- Reg. Aker -- President 10. SUITE epertment areata: 18 723 4986. Oshawa Fg, fiber pacuclar, elphone ater BILL McFEETERS -- Vice-President has stove ond fidge, gcd | APARTMENT SITE QUALITY Sidon, body good, tee dood Nebeaaee pera : | ict. Asking hawa-in< 728-4818, 109 PARK Road South, furnished room residential _ district 1% ocres near Osh wa bhi | ORE EMIS te ital "tie pada 0,000.00. i Pe to 1955 FORD, two tone, no Fust. Any reas LOWER mace Teepbooe F218. partly fur- 723-2265 Cal ut fr ae on this but nd seal, Bula' EVERY USED wih sonable, offer, socoeee: ou consider DREW STREET. «8 -- two partiy fur. ine investment. terms. Call Steve Macko 728- : O deise ie-aoed APARTMENT asia' iit tosestene rn FULL PRICE $10,500 APARTMENT SiTES -- 4,8 | Sec CAR AND TRUCK |} AT SEAWA mere, Aaa tanh Bo .m, 723-4152. j 4 located in the North End. 10. sulte, sites oveiloble LOT IRLANE 500 . $98. f Fully Equipped eee 4 room brick bungalow with garage " | or. 10. suite, d ! ON THE 1960 FORD FA 1000 SIMA sedan, deluxe oda nica i 'coms, modern kitchen ond bath i 'ately, all services paid Take Advantage sad lake A font oe $000 k Hazlett near Shopping Centre, wired for rang-| > living room, 2 good i plies) Ainnect, Lovely lot with hide Raines Located MUST GO ! SEDAN - ----, -- tntles. Excellent lent cond Tele- peice apos fra. rssh Tarnished ial cedar hedge. $2,000 down. Monthly payments only $75. Ideal neor Park Road North, FREE : rg od ascot trons- Mere RACER seine rota, Owner. Low mallonas dst = in . a ~ rf ra % . ase cieak: guint hoe, breakfast if desired. home for retired couple or small fomily. NORTHWEST -- 7 large § | f Oil mission. Don't miss this sharp fake white wens, Would . Evenings RUssell 7-9387 |r 'pin stop, parking space, Telephone 'S OPPORTUNITY rooms with separate dining upply o oak Sot, Teteeneee MO. 2-Om oro COLDORNE STARE EART_ WF --ivs See SAU. OF tee a Mie 2 located in the north west section | 00m, living room and large For One. Year 1962 Buick Sedan $1,595 |r ance new. Anta sad poo LBORNE bs é loca' in family siz itchen. . 8 ind white walls, Oshawa's Finest ie Kitchen facilities, orn oat. he aity hs home must be sold pages oto co posed plete bathrooms, lorge : a FROM ' hie er riphgt 1960 DODGE COACH - sar guatasice, Muct ell Private, MO Suitable for girls willing to share. pars ial down pay 4 you are interes uiet street. SKIING e 1 low new price. ; ti b on 8-5)52. tod downtown. pate ys yo business this is o genuine opportunity. 3 bed- $00.00. $650 DOWN $650 oe -- se itd bi isa FONTIAC two, door Sirsa Chet PARK LANE NTIAC INN rooms, fireplace, aluminum storms and screens, rec rooom, full particulars call 723-1121 | Hurry! Only two left, one Very low mileage. In new |XScgaulomatie, white wait, Telephowe PO etre ateol in boement, vacantie rie ie with garage, immediate pos- 1961 Pontiac cat condition, --,, Nema ais m. .m. ion ibe CHEVROLET Belair pedeay-oaie- APARTMENTS |. noone, Siglo end Double, MINUTES TO EVERYTHING ~ oT a 145 oe oe § seat Television. ng oo 6 room brick, 2 storey located off Simcoe Be oe LTY spi Better Electrically Shorpest used cor in town. 1956 RAMBLER SEDAN SL |e. ge od: itchen downstairs, ' : Light inish. Good mech- 1888 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition. 2-BEDROOM SU Lunches Packe ood" eden pon yg leg dy ean. Newly decorated LLOYD REA ina : -~ or inal pomp ee ae fnaead eo Elevator Service 725-0078 jout. New oil furnace. An excellent buy at $12,900. Medallion Home ! omical car, EROEDES ey Private Balcony -- Henry Stinson -- 725-0243 LIST WITH LLOYD HOMES 1961 Chevrolet $295 | i961. aay ool feet | Coated wee ATTRACTIVELY nig yp F288813 ig Ai Macko 728-5868 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER CASTLE Two door, 6 cylinder, 1958 MERCURY SEDAN -- ae eae ca VROLET "bas four tas ' co i iF a Controlled Entrances FURNISHED ROOMS BALDWIN ST. @ one-owner. clean ca Red 'ond White wee, Ate sedan, light sreen, automatic transmis. E METC matic transmission, radio, power steering, wheel dises, | Contoct Available in. private _home. $12,300 FULL PRIC $895 |fi'S00 tulle: private, Relsplene Fanes WE I! between 5 and 7 p.m. ; 6 pm to 9 p.m. ae MR. DON Pg $1300 down $99. per month ; 1960 Pontiac 82 PARK RD. NORTH on oe mortgope for; bale 40 King St. E. 1960 CHEVROLET TWO - | iges POWTIAG Patislenae, Ome WOO 725-7732 or 1 tees beacon Gunes. Dial 728-4678 CONVERTIBLE INDOOR -- Sharp Oshowa blue [an don hardtop, excsica conden veni 728-867 | 725-4701 or 725-7732 pote log! kitchen, re- ed i 327 Motor, fully powered, like | enderd, Very low |e eciteree many extras. 723-9692 Evenings ergy gag fay pe REATLTORS -- 725- pil yng Home 4 alte MARY STREET new. The owner's name on ceftusst | mileage: One owner cor Good Priced for quick 'sale. $2,800 Telephone - ' ; 72%. # Howe ¢ Peters, Realtors . | 25----Apts. 67 KING ST. EAST uated on ae ro pales Just listed this inimaculete & tires. $1,545 {ine PoNRIAG Chai: io 758 S123 or 728-1066. room brick veneer bungalow, | ' mileage, "excellent covdiion tue Tedio APARTMENT. $60 MONTHLY EXECUTIVE'S OPPORTUNITY : Rice | Zbedeume, ving wom cin | 1960 Chevrolet fare Gar Seas j i i i n xtras. , ; BROOKSIDE ACRES -- Inspect this beet' apie level heme $13,900. FULL P : ing room. new modern kit. STATION WAGON Seaway Motors Se ; j bath of distinction with 4 bedrooms, stone fireplace, twin her extras Brick bungalow with attach- ood sized lot that is accep- Automatic and radio. Ltd hardtop, Roman red, matching "* heated, ath or without 'refrigerator and | ttirstwa, ren end reget orden Stan: | porene caro te schol, | gond send it at i carer. acrid uae emo 4 . an including attached garage to mention. shopping ai uses, fi real buy for, only. $12,000. 200 DUNDAS ST. WEST 10,000. miles. Excellent condition' pri: ith or without refrigerator 7782 -- Try A Trode. gany trim and cupboords, intment to in- ' vate sale. 84 Warren Avenue, 7: gy eral possession. For: further . ONLY $10,500.00 eae a eer | ce Seren 1959 Mercury WHITBY, ONT. IDS CHEVROLET four dor, somatic stove, - , ; serment, P, 5 button a particulars contact John Penicka, GOLD- | | te att ote (ee. nen ee Scamerticl" goon" peymane SIEICANG SYRRET:. | HANTTOE Toe a, SHAN 668-5893 $425. ioas Hieroury 4 ton, iuck, 30% ' i ti ind private drive. ba t id ' di P.m., 725-9279, STEIN REAL ESTATE, 22 Ontario Street. | oie onduone pe onl"onete dre Face thonks ot 728-5205 or 728. | OMe volue unuurpowed ig TILDEN ' 3 vd r 0 . FINISHED BASEMENT 5123. 'at edu came mene 1958 Chevrolet FALL TELEPHONE 728-51 6] $12,900 for this brick bungalow toented in oy ot te. NEAR ST. CHRISTOPHER'S) jcundry plus 3 piece sate fy DELUXE SEDAN, cutomatic, cl fice CAR: AND TRUCK Ping light I gen Marty, Nog rg $11,500. FULL PRICE | ished bothroom in bosement. clean car with radio. eara RENTALS 5207. ' Lovely three bedroom bunga- seen to be appreciated--Ask- S ALE (All Makes and Models) E | Teeter wenn ey UE | IT pees Mle bee tun cece: "CALL 725-6553 : WHITB : 216 CLARKE STREET 5 distance to the schools and is moving so open to an offer 1958 Consul Sedan ; h' 14 Albert St. 3 I : Any low down payment considered, a ped condition, oil Sod tess eer icons a now. Seeing is wriebidgTie ee At Keit S BUYING OR SELLING . i dri d garage. Ca , . when fe for your appointmen ii A scarce model, \ : West side "of Brock. Street betwees [rooms with bath, TV gullet, cenerat | heeting, paved drive and oo ed road, ae em, Myre spect today. : All Our Cars TED CAMPIN i bg Ping SS gy Mg ee pie ty ord He SORTER) 98 Aare form about 42: miles from Oshawa on pov 3 Beyment, Call Bi 5 Dundas and. lm. Will finder' please| Availabl modern house, cement stables with woter bowls. Make on offer. 28-1066 or 728-5123. ONE OF A KIND M Started g ee Rar tee Pisin anes eee ee | 100 were farm, highway frontage, 95 acres workable, good "JUST LISTED ONLY Really an executive master- 1957 ercury ; P . MOTORS ; OR RENT: Four room unfurnisnd |e eet ate beth eee enrance, ildings with pond, will accept house in or near Oshawa os JU 'cally " y_Enolich This Morning 7 phd nig." Telephone, 30/885. Real, "hydro included. Telephone | buildings ai 3-3672 " piece in this lovely Engl HARDTOP two door, 7 KING ST. -- OSHAWA | cimg 6 monthly. Telephone MO Sua he. ao ee ee Oe ee ' $6,900. Tudor mansion located rail fully powered DID YOURS? ae East of Wilson Road) J i iand- Se. aks cleaned. Waller Ward.| Worth' \eeaship, "Pwo A and 10 acre 4% acres near Oshawn, $1,000 down. 725-7732. SEE Rigi ee beoutifully iimned end toca. ue mae Reval dgiingg ee SEPTIC . hone 668-/Call Toronto HU 8-0937, ana Saciaa ead DF i beamed Chesnut Street West. Telep) - EN Nin Just picture large 3 ; _magubeeebietioncoansd balding, 68 Mary Sireet East? bed pevrments of $68.00" meen | living room, lovely sun reoms | 1957 Cadillac 4960, FRONTENAC Share SPOT CASH Eo cian oun child, day car. ey foom apartment, $90. Adults only. MO HERE {7 IS Ponts of big: op on and ony Hechbel ated iP yal CONVERTIBLE. mane little Sar sconOAW. PAID FOR laundry privileges. Telephone a peend | will make you the own rooms-- , i Has Everything! : . Trade up FOR RENT -- Dundas East, 1003 -- furregm apartments, Renna aren JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR baked Bs ik nen oe poe i sa age eed he oN nigga Goad aig Rongpd a ot ay four Tooms,/near downtown and school. i "Bi" 728-5123 j ). Oil 1957 CHRYSLER IMP R ; £ bath. ested, "il cnvonlence, sai [parking and, children's playground facil KING AND STEVENSONS ROAD AREA ame now cluding Pate guorters Pal 195 powe lade with * DODD MOTO SALES d » MO £3749 or MO 83477. 8-6287 onderful masterwork hos a tras. Luxury cor 723-9421 d won bent Modern, use 20m on. [STUDENTS sei of iin ag SPACIOUS Riser tak Gn oe pb i warmth Fed oe hee! alice | mileage. $1595 1560 OLDS. ms furnished apartment, MO (news print) for only $1.00. Ap PE! all its own -- o od ° i t@ bath. Telephone MO|Daper (news Wane : .00. PER 88 CE omit aa fs Sees oie ve 1,150 SQ. FT. BUNGALOWS | "th sraam bik stand | Sng a's ol $7360.88. TaChoose from | iia OMAR GER | ee s'Tquip., 157 Brock 8. ito 8008 100 cli, sultable for Peni bie, : free from wor of 'traffic. ty Geren Oey. rece ? full power, immaculate, power steering, power brakes, ' SiR ae FiSttee ten Detatten Conte tee: © ROOMS ly pat Close to schools, bus, and cal Ito arrange your pe Anti-freeze in every car. See and drive: this beauty radio, custom trim, shadelight '. BESSEMAKING: "Salts, 'sosis, Senos, ee CMa Times. We FULLY DECORATED EXHAUST FAN shopping. Perfect condition, viewing. « and you can own it -- the glass, new tires and brakes. a ipectalty. 'Mrs Toms, MO 82372. |per roll. COLORED BATH VANITY (BUILT: IN) oil heat, bag Et fad AFTER 5:30 CALL: car you always wanted, $700. DOWN FALL SALE FREE AND MUCH MORE yearly, Hurry cal yee Dick Borriage .. 725-6243 We cre onen tor citin 1954 CHEVROLET HARD- ér fw don payrtant Used Boats, motors, trailers, Hove your furnace cleaned . wee, Meee sr 738.9836 TOP. Two door, blue and to right' party cobin troilers, 'tent trailers, | free this Folland'. quor- LOOK! FULL PRICE Lloyd Recity (abaya! Linited, | "Jock Ouborne.. 723-7963 on any car or truck wre, ae, ecang Vere Call After 7 p.m. Camping, garden, lawn equip- onteed trouble free all win- Realtor -- 728-5123 Ken Hann .... | > mission, reconditioned for 725.8334 ment. ter. If you purchase "White 3 200 101 Simcoe St. N. John Kemp .... yen bens on the lot. your trouble free driving. a! £2: : WILDE RENTAL Rose" unified fuel oil from $] , Open Every Evening Lint: MRE: Teer 959 FORD 6 cylinder, R SERVICE AND SALES Western Oil Company. , AND BEST OF ALL | ie block onal white STUDEBAKE WHITBY a i 63926 DIAL 725-1212 OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND radio, yt ge me MERCEDES-BENZ rs WN ME IN .K.W. - FIAT - N.S.U, Whitby's only fuel LAMBERT OIL $700 ~ BY CALLING THE or. | COME AND SEE OUR a re MANY MORE MobELs | 2 por iat oat dealer ty re CO. LTD. Ct ee en pee cee Sa SHOW YOU LOVELY GREENWOOD : For Your Choice SALE SAND i od complete ine o Miia on THROUGH AND FURNISH ALL DETAILS. AT 725-6544. Only $11,595.00 With $595.00 Down R SALES ; Opposite Shopping tap fone ~ Lage pith oe OR CALL BALANCE ON 1 N.H.A. MORTGAGE MOTO KEITH'S NAGY Cannel Coal, ry tig i j MR. APPLEBY AT 723-3398 Directions: --Ritson Rd. S. to Wolfe St. turn east on Wolfe to M ARKET i Motor Sales Por peodky nase xd slabs. SAVE MONEY : JOHN A. J. open house 314 PARK ROAD CAR Telephone 728-5175 Texaco Fuel and Stove Oil: Order your fuel oil and stove EXCLUSIVE AGENT 137 King Street West 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE ' 'oil and save money, Imme- B 0} : A HH @) 6) D Peed d = SAWDONS diate delivery. Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limite PHONE 723-9421 Telephone 728-4162 Chativeed: wa. Pee ok (WHITBY) LIMITED TELEPHONE LIMITED --:REALTOR 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 "660-3524 Winey" OLiver 5-4801 | | ' ~ oe | a <9