THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 26, 1962 FRET aE eee ea Pee HEADED FOR The Cuban freighter Bahia of seed potatoes CUBA at Saint ¢ shipment of sugar. The vessel de Matanzas takes on a cargo John, N.B., after unloading a_ sailed for Havana yesterday. Divorce Bills Passed 'As Blockade' Lifted OTTAWA (CP)--The Senate passed 305 divorce bills in five bec ade." But the bills may be de- Jayed in the Commons in a simi- lar way. _.Senator Pouliot was the only ane to vote against them as the long-delayed divorce petitions 'Went through first, second and third readings. . The bills were left over from the last last Parliament, when they were approved by the upper chamber but held up in the Commons sd New Demo- 8. "blockade" of thedivorce bills unless the whole issue is taken out of Par- Yament's hands. ONLY FIVE PASSED Only five divorce bills were jto evidence of adul cause the two MPs spoke at length on each bill. In former Session because the two MPs spoke at length on each bill. In former sessions, divorce bill were approved with little or no debate in the Commons. Senator Pouliot appealed to his colleagues today to find a way to "relieve Parliament of this burden." Parliament deals with divorce petitions from Que- bec and Newfoundland because the two provinces have refused to set up divorce courts. Using the same "argument as that advanced by Mr, Peters and Mr. Howard, the senator said Parliament has "more use- ful things" to do than to listen tery. He said Quebec and New- reneW/foundiand residents should not be denied the right to seek a divorce, but a new federal court might be a better avenue. He said the "wrong" system now in existence was created by the fathers of Confederation Passed. at the last session be- in an age when divorce prac- tically did not exist. In the first six years after 1867, only two di- vorces had been passed by Par- liament. Introduction of the 305 bills had been held up for a week in the senate by Senator Pou- liot's, refusal to give unanimous consent. At each sitting ,he asked for a delay to allow him to prepare his address. By ROBERT RICE MONTREAL (CP) -- The Sea- farers' International Union is expected to launch today its de- fence against charges before the Norris shipping inquiry that it is corrupt, undemocratic and responsible for organized vio- lence on the Great Lakes. Cross-examination of William Dodge, executive vice-president of the 1,070,000-member Cana- dian Labor Congress, is in its final stages as the public inves- tigation of waterfront labor vio- lence and shipping disruptions heads into its 36th session. Mr. Dodge, in the witness stand for the last four days, faces further questioning today from Charles Dubin, senior counsel for the federal inquiry being conducted by Mr. Justice T G Norris The SIU is expected to intro- duce witnesses and records de- TORONTO (CP) -- Trading was dull and prices were easier on a heavy supply of plain slaughter cattle at the Ontario public stockyards this week. Medium and good cows were lower with canner and cutter cow prices unchanged. Bull prices were Good and: choite vealers were steady to easier on a light sup- ply: Heavy rough and runner calves were slow and hard to sell, Hog prices were lower and lamb's were unchanged. Cattle receipts were some 600 head less than last week and the same as this week 1961. Cat- tle receipts from Western Can- ada totalled 629 head, an in- crease of 200 head over last week. Western stock calf re- ceipts were nearly 1,000 head more than last week at 1,238 head. There were 21 cattle and 17 calves received from New Brunswick. There were no ship- ments to Eastern Canadian slaughterers nor exports off the market to the United States. Slaughter cattle: Choice steers 29-30 with sales to 31; a few fancy loads to 31.20; goods 28-29; mediums 24-27; commons 16-23; good heifers 24-25; choice 26.50-28; mediums 20 -' 23.50; commons 15-20; choice fed year- lings 28:30; sales to 31.50; goods 25-27.50; good cows 16-17; sales to 17.50; mediums 15-16; com- mons 14-15; canners and cutters 10-14; good heavy bologna bulls 19-19.50; common and medium light bulls 15-18.50. Replacement cattle: Good Slaughter Cattle In Heavy Supply 10 Years For Rape Of Young Mother GIRLS STATUS SYMBOL? LONDON (AP)--The better a family lives the more girls it Produces, says Dr. Ronald Springer, school medical officer for Nottingham. "There seems little doubt that the nutritional state of parents has some in- fluence on the sex ratio of the family," his annual report as- serts. DIPLOMAT DIES TOKYO (AP) -- Masayuki Tani, 73, a wartime foreign min- ister and post-war ambassador to the United States, died today of a heart ailment. TORONTO (CP) -- Howard James Breen, 28, of Toronto was sentenced Thursday to 10 years in jail for raping a 21- year-old mother of three. An Ontario Supreme Court jury of four women and eight men took less than 10 minutes to reach a decision. The complainant said Breen had awakened her May 8 while her husband was at work and threatened: "Don't scream or T'll hurt the baby." She said that after Breen left she found his parole papers light stockers 26-28; good stock calves 28-32; commons and me- diums 21-25. Calves: Choice vealers 31-33; odd tops to 34; goods 28-30; me- diums 24-27; commons 21 - 24; boners 15-21. Hogs: Grade A 27.60 - 30.00; heavy sows 20.60-21.25; stags 17.50 on dressed weight basis. Sheep and lambs: Good han- dyweight lambs $19-19.50 per hundred weight; bucks dis- counted one dollar perhundred- weight; good heavies discounted $2.00 per hundredweight; com- mon and mediums 16-18; good SIU To Begin Defence In Lakes Labor Probe signed to refute allegations that it is responsible for organized\| # gangsterism and violence on the waterfront labor scene, CRITICIZES UNIONISTS Thursday, Mr. Justice Norris rebuked American trade union- ists who met here earlier this week for an executive session] of the powerful maritime trades department of the AFL-CIO. The MTD went on record in a reso- lution condemning Mr. Dodge as a "scab and strikebreaker" for his role in an inter-union struggle for labor supremacy on the Great Lakes. This fight--between the SIU,|} backed by the MTD, and the Canadian Maritime Union, backed by the CLC--has_ been mapked by violence and disrup- tions to shipping. Mr. Justice Norris said the MTD attack on Mr. Dodge was objectionable and in the "'lang- uage of intimidation." Maurice Wright, lawyer for the CLA, called it "impertinent, indeed reprehensible and con- temptible." To MTD charges that his in- quiry is based on unfair prin- ciples, the Vancouver jurist said: "The inquiry has been con- ducted to the best of my ability in accordance with the time- worn principles under which all such hearings, and indeed the light sheep 8-10; yearlings 12-16; common sheep 3-7. courts, are conducted. Entry To TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Herbert Aptheker of New York City was held incommunicado by immi- gration officials at Malton Air- port Thursday for 24% hours be- fore he was placed on a flight returning him to his home. Dr. Aptheker, who was sched- uied to speak at a meeting sponsored by the University of Toronto Communist Club Thurs- day for 2% hours before he was placed on a flight returning him to his home. Dr. Aptheker, who was sched- uled to speak at a meeting sponsored: by the University of Toronto Communist Club Thurs- day, refused to submit to a de- partment of citizenship and im- migration inquiry. Officials in Toronto would make no comment on the re- fusal to grant Dr. Aptheker en- try to Canada, saying the or- ders came directly from Ottawa with no given reason, Dr, Aptheker is a member of, the board of directors of a New York left - wing paper called Masses and Mainstream. Nelson Clarke, national organizer of the Canadian Communist party, said he would not consider the paper to be Communist but "some people might." Dr. Aptheker is a noted Marx- ist lecturer, Mr. Clarke said, and was to address the univer- from Kingston Penitentiary ly- ing on the floor beside the bed. sity group on-the McCarran Act in the United States. The act Speaker Refused Canada made membership in the Com- munist party a ground for de- portation of an alien and re- quires all Communists to regis- ter as agents of a foreign gov- ernment. CANNOT SAY Mr, Clarke said he could not say whether Dr. Aptheker is a member of the Communist party. In a statement issued through the Canadian Communist party, Dr. Aptheker said: "Immigration authorities here have denied me entry with no explanation, although I suffer from no contagious disease and have no criminal record. I pro- test most vehemently this in- hospitable and tyrannical beha- vior." He said he has been in Can- ada several. times in the past and has had no, difficulty 'n gaining entry- "% does - not. He - in their mouths to criticize this inquiry because they have neither. the knowledge nor the appreciation agency of of the AFL-CIO, to meet in Montreal and to conduct its SIU counsel Bruce'Thomas de |O™2 Cle fended the right of the Mari-lthe MTD were "gan derstanding, 'nor-epparently abilit * of British justice, nor the un- time Trades Meanie anni anand prejudicial, he said, 3 DAYS ONLY! FAMOUS All-wool KENWOOD blankets perfect for gifts - ideal for your own home! "KENWOOD" SALE PRIGE shopping for gifts? This blonket and comfort. Full x 84" past shades--Blue, Green, Rose, e! individually boxed. "Famous"... All Wool Furnishing a guest room -- a new home wood label will pare ee of long- lasting beauty llow, Turquoise or White, Full 7" satin binding, REG, 18.95 .. . 3-DAY SALE $15.95 "Ramerest" . . 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Buy a case tomorrow and see why Labatt's 50 is Canada's fastest growing ale. WATCH CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL on the CTV network, brought to you by Labott's. See TV page for station,