a BRIGHT-EYED BROTHERS. Timothy Jay, aged three, 'and S¢ott Edmund, one year, + are the Soris of Mr. and Mrs.| Oshawa. Mrs. Thomas { Fred. Knapp, Agnes street, | Gurney, Oshawa, is theit great- sand grandsons of Mr. and | grandmother. ' UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ' - $T. DAVID'S SOCIETY to witness 'he ceremony: * The regular meeting of St. Refreshments were served by David's Welsh Society was held|the hostess. t the home of President Mrs.) FIRST BAPTIST WA avid Andrews, Quebec street.| The WA First Baptist Church Plans were made. for the chil-/held the monthly meeting in the! firen's Christmas party, beingjhome of Mrs. George Hall, theld in the ORC on December}Townline. President, Mrs. Ralph} 10. Mrs. Jack Russell, Jasper|Hopson, opened the meeting. favenue is holding a hard time|Mrs. Richard Britton was in} {party November 10 charge of the Devotional Period. + An invitation has been re- It was decided to purchase} 'ceived from the Dewi Sant/china in readiness for the Con- 'Church in Toronto, for the gregational Banquet on Novem- tmembers of the Oshawa Welshjber 7, Mrs- Walter Nickerson! sSociety to be present at thejand Mrs. George Hall were ap- idedication service of the com-|pointed nominating committee sbination desk and table, which\for the coming year 'the Oshawa Society donated to) Mrs. Sidney Canfield donated 'the church on Good Friday./to the irthday Box. Plans were made to charter a, Mrs. Walter Nickerson closed 'bus for the members who wishithe meeting. Mrs. Adolphe Knapp and Mr. , and Mrs. Joseph Dixon, all of | | Fire Hazards, Safety Rules Impressed on H&S Members Safety and Fire Preverition were the themes of the October meeting of the Dr. Robert Thornton Home and School As- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 sociation. Chief James Watson, Captain Hary Knox and Chief ; § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 25, 1962 |Deputy Wesley Bryant, repre- |senting the Garrard Road Volun- \teer Fire Department demon- '| Chrysanthemums * |setting in Centennial Hall for the|Kellett, 'ldessert bridge and hat show son. D. Mrs, Douglas: McKay was the] Joyce, convener and her Donald Cooper, Mrs. Terwillegar, Mrs. Jack Pierson.| scott, Miss Viola McDougall dis-} Dyer, and winter shades, which wer' modelled by: Mrs. Charles Bax ee ee ee ee ee oe ee ee MARGARINE in the thrifty *3 lb. PACK Thrifty way to buy the finest all-vegetable margarine. Three pounds individually wrapped . ++ delicious sunny-sweet flavor. -- ee ey Mrs. Colin Wiliams. . i Prizes were won by: 'Jheld recently, sponsored by thej1y Toaze, '|Del-Mar Unit of King Street/Mrs. J. United Church. dick, Mrs. Edwards, committee|Mrs, Rae Crossman, Mrs. Douglas} David Disney, and Mrs. William Nicholson. Mrs.. JC. played a variety of hats in fal | irs. J R. Milne, Mrs. Dessert Bridge, Hat Show Presented By Del-Mar Unit were the|Donald Cooper, 2 Mrs, James Bell and| Wilma Barnes, Lorin strated the use of various fire- fighting equipment, The Junior Fire Marshall Campaign had been conducted at the school during Fire Prevention Week, and the banner was won by e\Miss Lynne Dilworth and Miss | whose classes \tiéd for this honor. Mrs. Arthur Mrs,|Joynt thanked the firemen on M. Hutchins,|behalf of the association. G Red- Jack McCarnan,|cipal, and head of the school's The evening was opened by|Mrs.. J Haire, Mrs. E Joynt,/recently installed Safety Patrol, the president, Mrs. Robert John-/Mrs. W Rusnell, Mr. Fred Anderson, vice-prin- William|spoke of the duties expected William|from its memberrs and urge di Miss Helen M- Oliver,|parents to impress upon their M.jown children the importance of were: Mrs. Lorine Kellett, Mrs.|Starr, Mrs. Ross Flintoff, Mrs.|co-operating with the patrol. Clarence|Badges and Captain's record Pilkey,|book have been supplied by the Dudley, Mrs. John|Canadian Automotive Associa- Fletcher, | tion. | A, §. ?owell, Mrs: B Logeman, Mrs.|With Strangers" to be shown to 1. A, Powell, Mrs. Jack MeGill,/the children, was well received. --Aldsworth Photography 'ter, Mrs- Bert Beckell, Mrs.! Irs, E A film on "Taking a Ride Mrs. Cyril Campbell intro-} duced the guest soloist, Mrs. Kenneth Farrow who sang "Some Enchanted Evening" and "Autumn Leaves", accom- panied by Mrs. Jack Allen a: the piano, A brief report on the Kinder- garten Mother's Tea was given by Mrs. David Clutchey. Mrs. Hartley Delaney com- mented on the Monday even- ing art classes which were in- troduced to the community by the Home and School Associa- tion, and have been well re- ceived. Mrs. Arthur Meddings and Mrs. Anthony Schur were cho- sen as delegates to attend the Conference for Area "C" of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations to be NLS IS NE OO a OW Mrs. Hugh Scott, general con- vener, reminded those present of the bazaar and fun fare to be held at the school on Saturday, November 10. Conveners of the different booths are: Baking, Mrs. Nick Pascal; delicatessen, Mrs. Murray Holliday; Novel- ties, Mrs. Harry Sliter; Doli Clothes, Mrs. Arthur Wilson; Sewing, Mrs. Ron McEachern;} 4. ee Can, i: Reae Pi : McLeod; White Elephant, Mrs, : ede wert Tea beg Pas WIFE PRESERVER avid Clutchey; s! 'ond, Mrs. Douglas Kerr; Games,| Barbecue foods can be mari- Mrs. Arthur Joynt and Mr, Al-jnated by the plastic bag lan Jackson; Candy, Mrs. Glenn|method. Instead of dipping or Crawford; Candy Apples, Mrs.)prushing sauce on, just put the John Kozak; Baloons, Mrs, Ev- é erett Coedy; Movies, Mr. Mi- food in a plastic bag, add chael Karpiak; hot dogs, Mrs |Sauce and 'shake. Jack Westlake. ones i HOUS! HINT There was a three-way tie for the attendance plaque; Miss) The type of brushing you Ellen Gomme, Miss Ruth Best|should give your hair depends and Miss Marie Koster. on the- kind of hair you have. Refreshments were served by|Dry hair should have plenty of mothers of the Grade 7 pupils,|vigorous brushing, but be more held in Belleville on Octoberr 27. with Mrs, J._A. Kift as hostess.'gentle if your hair is oily. ON ALL WORLD AFFAIRS ! - Now Available... TRANSISTOR Short-Wave Radios Portable or Table Models With Civil Defence Channels! Priced from 4.95. Now is the time to purchase one of Z these amazing new sets ed to keep you on top of all the latest developments in international news! L.A.:B. 9 BOND ST. WEST . + + design- BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE DEPARTMENT STORES LTD. PHONE 728-9521 i ' ' ' ee ow Ne we EE RE ere eae cen ii Modern 7-Pce. Bedroom Group - €AN BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY { YOU MAY BUY ONE TWO OR THREE ROOMS AS YOU WISH LIVING ROOM--9 PIECES Chesterfield or davenport that sleeps two persons. and matching chair in 100% NYLON covers, Cocktail table and two step. tables in walnut finished Arborite. 2 lovely ceramic base lamps with shades complete; 2 decorator foam filled toss pillows. BEDROOM--7 PIECES DOUBLE Dresser, chest and beautiful bar bed. Choice of Walnut or Desert Tan fin- ished hardwoods. Complete with Inner- spring Mattress and Slat Spring PLUS 2 , foam pillows. DINETTE SET--47 PIECES TWO-tone Arborite table. FOUR matching chairs, padded seats and backs. COM- PLETE 42 pieces set of dishes and stainless steel service. OE Re OO OT OSES CROSS 60S HOE OF OOO ERS Re 6 Oe 6 SEES ORS SPS TERT See Soo 'ia a . 2 ---- ompletely Correlated HOUSEFUL of FURNITURE EVERYTHING YOU SEE git a ee OO vey © (| ; aaa *SMART PLAID TRAVEL BAG AND BLANKET FOR ONE DOLLAR WITH ANY PURCHASE "ne 4) J OF AS LITTLE AS $20 MONTHLY ae ERN 9-PCE. LIVING ROOM GROUP 18S CAN BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY © Group can be purchased separately DETAILS, BELOW u sai dei deidenaaniaial $49.95 OR MORE