Se GRIER iy OP OLIGO UCW Regional Rally Planned For Brooklin OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Lou's TV 1; Oshawa Glass; High Triples -- Mel Whyte 834 (345, 2. 26 ) 278, 211); Stew McKinley 761 (297, 288); Bush Bob Dief's Reaction Viewed As Error By KEN KELLY -- mn eth be prlligerg 'A (CP)--Prime Min.|ment was ill-considered a i sar t Dielenboke.'s initial reac-jin fact, cause some people to By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ition to American allegations of|ponder a be agra ORONO -- Unit No. 4 of the/a strategic threat in Cuba may pga pipe Bog rns UCW met at the home of Mrs.|have afforded new ammunition|"edy a wi ng big he , ba Porter with 11 members pres-|for the opposition. up-to-date as it shou! y ent. 1 71; |%8 Fred Porter 26, Karst x Nich Nichols 23, Irene Hele 22, Belle G67 (oss, 205, |Fox: 19, Fred Zedie 17 and Stew Me- ececn' Gn tite TA ha cian | token eh date ~ Ree Pen Ot lt Reg 3 214); Sullivan high 3 fe eal to you . 3 i 637 (237, 233 Porter 634 (218,| -- Betty | Mates CaLsel. ele ta 16) aoa Tole Men high single, George Robbins Sr. el A "s . e ' ac besgc i high triple, Mel Whyte, 834. High Singles -- Ron Hele 260, Bud 's * » 834. Ellegett 258, Belle Fox 297, Betty Grant| ie Ine this recite OMY one night 246, Lioyd Corson 237, Frank Grant 234, Lenore Robbins 225, Helen Anderson) WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH |B. 225, Jack Allison 222, Irene Hele 218,| The Jokers have taken the lead in Be HH ni i i eet te ene . United tes quara' governm: ad 7s oe 'that' no|Cuba to prevent its receipt of|tempts to sponsor or claim|_oa seneral meeting would be heidiotfensive missiles, Mr. Diefen-|credit for any UN move to send fntil December when all Units|Daker proposed that an eight-na-|, team of observers to Cuba it|h2% will meet with the general meet-|tion team go to Cuba under|is likely to incur opposition fog her the Christmas program,| United Nations auspices "'to as-|wrath on another score. The November meeting of Unit|°ertain what the facts are. Opposition sources said i 4'will be held at the home of Pe A gg ee in effect, to be| such a move became known as|**ut Reid. President Kennedy's|«he Canadian proposal" when Mrs. W. E. i word that offensive arms had United Na- The October meeting for Unit} heen placed in Cuba by the Rus- on one ee ae ' ~ =a held at Mrs. W Robin-| cians. Sink dn the initial impression that Can- THURSDAY LADIES STORE LEAGUE 33 Prime ister y nd 'eam _ le Mrs, M. Tamblyn then read] weight to this view Tuesday by " = | fife yoo fail ee NtWey, Rag 12, Jordon'e Florist 11,] "A Prayer for Our Enemies.) saying, "lest there be »*2Y|to recruit support from nations|? Medal Cea Visits to sick and shut-ins|doubt about my meaning" in| not aligned with Russia but also|ikimiccke } sod acne Real J Rugs 6, numbered 43. The Regionaljhis first statement, "I was not, not specially friendly to the| Top Scores -- Mae Jamieson with 532 Presbyterial Rally for UCW will] of course, casting any doubts on}; 5 aes peiles |<< ace Maal te Cane, be held in Brooklin, Oct. 25. the facts of the bey as ro Foreign affairs experts among| 200): Bot "Pletcher "a (200): | Mabel The Bible reading was taken oir Med ag gel the opposition groups argue that| Mos ,478, (208, 270) dna by. Mrs, Hilda Tamblyn. Mrs. Pro prares a proposal for on-site inspection|Lena Nicholls 459 (271); Kay, Miade- : : in Cuba would have greater| Pate i Hilda Wood took the devotional. Campbell 412° (230) and M Mrs, Etta Irwin introduced] accusaTION REMAINS chance of success if it came Nicholls 408 (213), yd However, having made him- 4 the new windy book "Tae Word im, |from the US which has every Sin a. URE ober -- bs oo ate selc clear, Mr. Diefenbaker isn't ove te lose if inspection proves! Bowers ai Ede Burr 210 and' Mary Interment je next meeting will be atilikely to escape opposition accu-|Mr. Kennedy wrong. Mrs, Hilda, Tamblyn's home. ly -- A vote of thanks was extend- rh @ 2 icra Street,|ed to Mrs, Robinson for use + on Tuesday, October 23,/her home. Lunch was served 1902, Charles Laiclus Hooper, in his tt] and a social half-hour enjoyed F 7 ;| PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs- George Dunlop .jand daughters visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James Ruth. "Mr and Mrs. J C. Tambt tT. a rs. . Tamblyn _ e was and family spent the weekend in Fe gin peg poh right control of "near banks." eastern Ontario and visited Up-/ranor Congress, party to make| The CLC told the commis-|!%¢, per Canada Village. it easier for the government to/sion that it was referring to Norman Rickaby, Belleviile,| adopt expansionary policies, |such institutions as instalment|Rea spent the weekend with Mr. and The CLC said it fears that the finance companies, personal Mrs. Jim Rickaby. nl fis d exchange rate|!0an companies, trust and loan Mr. John Patton ,Mr. and|Present fixe B companies "'and others." ll i i i - i i i paid tf i gPfag BFEEE il if Li g 2. a ? 58 | : f 'By All Prices Shown In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, October 27th, 1962 xed LAMB SALE KILLED SHORT CUT SHANK | LAMB in BASKET wget ROAST, "A sew ors | LAMB CHOPS THE PIN. HITTE: CLC Raps Fixed [efuct 27, 279), Men over 200 -- 231, Roy Exchange Rates 222.543 OTTAWA (CP)--A return to|WANTS CONTROLLED The CLC also advocated out- a LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral arrangement and floral requirements for all occassions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Sim: Richards 246,' Edythe ing 188, 204, 178; Dorothy Tozer 181, Pearl Smale 198, Coral Williams 210 and Lil Bull 181, and Fran Simpson. Choice Quality PORK KIDNEYS +29 Burns, Sliced, Vac Pac, Mock CHICKEN Loaf «025. SALAMI aor 59 JANE PARKER LARGE ANGEL CAKE 39. Reg. Price 59e--SAVE 20¢ Reg. Price each 49e--SAVE 10c CHERRY PIE large 24-oz pie 3 ox Jane Parker Plain Reg. Price loaf 250---SAVE 7c RAISIN BREAD 2.162: !ove43¢ SAVE 9: SAVE CHECK THESE LOW, LOW PRICES Kraft Smooth Reg. Price jar 510o--SAVE 20 PEANUT BUTTER zi 9c Liquid Bleach Reg. Price Jug 470--SAVE 20 JAVEX 64-fl-oz plastic jug 45< Quick & Instant Reg. Price box 49c---SAVE 4e OGILVIE OATS _tssesizobox 5c sechiueics: Ayer cette may produce domestic policies 728-6555 Mrs. Roy Patton visited their ' These organizations--not sub- i usted to meet balance-of- ; »' MEN'S STORE LEAGUE cousin ,Mrs. George Winn and adj : ject to any kind of monetary ies GERROW FUNERAL family and other friends in Or-|Payments requirements -- poli- control at present--are exert- nie teomen. Cotati Meter aalen aa CHAPEL ili Saturd cies which at the same timeline an increasingly strong in-|eed the league with 18 points followed C : PR eM cel i Nb may actually add to unemploy-|/n8 4 increasingly 8 on_| closely by V and J Wwith 16 points, Osh- ib th Kindness beyond price "ae weeeee neil ment and low growth rates -- on a rt eerie od awa Bakery 16, Pedlare 26, Alger 'Press ' sie: ff, aterloo versity, A . stitute a "formi le rival" to 's 15, Acadian Cleaners 14. yet eae pra all. | spent toe weekend at their re: -- ites nt meson' bigs the banks in onstary import- aay tenwens" Ales heen ae - spective homes. "lance, the CLC said. akery. nance, the 1,000,000 - member Points Taken -- V and J 4, Halii- 390 KING STRET WEST |, dre Bites Octane spent|congress 'said. the royal com. : Osbews 'Bebery Verse: Or Gansses CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF the weekend with Mr, and Mrs.|mission should recomme W Risk R Motor Sales 3, Automatic Trans. 1;Bar- IN MEMORIAM _ 2ck Ball and family, Ayimer.|after careful study what policy| WAL ate bers 3; Brown's Lumber 1; Pediars 3, BONELESS RUMP, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allen "ago pt Phase : Drugs 1 Bell Telephone 3. 3 oastmas- BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN, Ib ¢C il} , ; F In A . FOSKETT -- In loving memory of a rossi gf Bradley 'al hae cated for greater international| £ OF surance Disvne * 3: and Acadian Cleaners 2, BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST Fer fens snd srandisiees, soba -| liquidity, which the CLC regards High Triples -- 8. Claus 830, D. Tal- Foskett, who passed away October 21,/spent the weekend at fue lat = dee 8 On Cuba Car 0 bot 726, J. Davidson 755, W . ter's cottage on Canal Lake. . 782, 8, Salz . Jenkins 709, D, ee ST Misg Marlene Grahem,| The congress said it was 9 Fane Ma, B. Lord TY, P. Choice Quality, Sliced Memories are keepsakes no one can/Queen's University, spent, the|calling for planned, long-term ONDON (CP)--British insur-|&. 'stacey 753 and Don' Beeaee'S 92% Beautiful memories are all we have|Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed./sustained expansion of "sociallance underwriters decreed spe-| Miah singles ao ae ban PORK LIVER b 3 C4 ont sic sua ote Graham and Terry, capital. cial war risk rates for sea|253, B. Pearse 293, H. Cornish 301 'C. -- sasha oe Connie Tyrrell, Queen's| sy yn freight to Cuba Tuesday follow-|Hubbelt 261, 264: 1. Zax 269, ©, Coack- Schneider's, Country Style, Pure Lovingly remembered daughter | University, mt the weeke: INVESTMENT i oar + Aha ach Rice, sonin-inw Bil and grandchildren: | with rom Co Tyrrel, Mataory This meatit federal - provin- pill a. Of an/s25, W, Lanning 265, 294; R. "Powell PORK SAUSAGE tb 5% wvinir te of ajand Linda. cial - municipal investment in 2733 : Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless ' SIDEBACON) »:1.19 io, & Salmers az, as ~ Jenkins 273, * . us - ; a ie bel Mie. % Rh hes sl clearance and urban re- The decision was issued by|z Lio: the war risks committee of the 1-Ib bag 3-Ib bag 65.159 SAVE 4c | SAVE 10c Jane Parker Mom's Regular Reg. Price 2-Ibs 480 MARGARINE 5---99: Libby's Fancy Quality CASE OF 12 TINS $4.00--SAVE 200 Reg. Price tin 38e ¢ TOMATO JUICE 3---1.00 Reg. Price box 87e one 5c visited with the former's sister|d¢Velopment, public develop-| rots of ondon Underwrit-|- and|Mrs, Paul Snodgrass, Mr. Snod-|™ment hig 4 coe pcg ata Bg ers. ah as. .¥/ Sources, * / hippe grass and son in Rochester, N.Y schools, universities, roads, May dng hg Ss ot ere po parks and so on. f re P omotio Se . old 'Fetnrire a' "care £100 to -- pagan car- Seaen 'Laken Rone al: This ;|80es against risks from "war a Miorts oe. Linger treve, | M SOFVICE itd iamed 'deficit budget." and. strike, riot and civil com|Rustat® * - Bend 9 ana 3 And that, in turn, would mean ion." (MEMO to Men's Store League pres cunet =| Observed At Audley an expansion of the money sup-| "Tho" rerorter, In future, your bowling league , e committee ruled that/reports must be submitted in type. . FRED PU ply to pay for the deficit. from today the rate for Cuba|written copy (double-space) or we re- y MRS. CKRIN Many people took for granted] voyages. will be "held covered," |*et ¥° il Pe some ts naan them, AUDLEY -- The Rev. M. But-|that financing government defi-|This means that although car- THANKS tars showed a film "A Boy with|cits by expanding credit willlgoes can be insured there is no ie oneness te ene, Pye resp a Bs always cause inflation. re rate--arrangements being for leadershpl of this section with Jets, : wed by dis-| «« made independently in h|Jays and Pin Pals all tied with 17 - oder ec pendently eac! ; Seder g(UnON, anda social al-out|aoey not "apport 'such an az|case, between the shipper 'and| fac sent sau Pe ed we a. refreshments, jon." i the insurer. Rockets 8, : welding anniversery 'c|. Promotion Sunday was held at|SWmPtion," the congress said. The British government asked Ben. oo ae tek Peak es te your thoughiful-| Sunday School recently when a British shipowners to be as co- (8, 233, 1250), Are Allman 653 Chit), E. our Kind deedsinumber of girls and boys were s operative as possible with U.S|Jacklin 626 (226, 211), Stan Gray 619 Jean Disney.|Promoted to a higher class, COS ts authorities. in the Caribbean, an| ais, 3973, *D¢ Gord Shemilt 615 ich hed ania Thé superintendent, 'Bert authoritative source reported, and family wish|GUthrie, presented attendance The source said the ministry | pins, wreaths er bars to the fol- 0 anges of, transport made the request les -- Jean Morrison was lowing: Jo Astiey, Joy Astley, at a meeting with representa-|Rsh bowler, for the night with a very 'y Astley, Anne "aun| J i itish shi tty Grandy | OMEILL -- we wish wy exes wo-|Donald. Guth, "Hevolg ne Cuba Tra de tives of British shipowners, tions Jean, Betty Grandy ¢ sr {me 264, oP d rie, Neil Guthrie, Arthur Puck- ley Seay fGen a "9 Leslie a0, -irin, Dianne Puckrin, Keith Puck- M, Maunder 200, M. Hurst aie: Be tad Peck. Nancy marr hc oy Gnaeree| Ford Reports Net [zis Suu ser D » e a . Mr, and Mrs. Frank O'Neill. 3 ckrin, Ray Puckrin, Dorothy ports to Cuba, already wedged E Hy F Six 3, Jacks 1, Jets 3, Rockets 1, Jays STONE -- I would lke to express my|s™ith, Joyce Smith, Ronald by controls and dwindling Cu- amings or oes relatives who yy gp vei gifts ond Sear » Sener Smith, Glenn ban dollar resources, will not BUSH LEAGUE cords Guring' my lag ten in repee oauire, Peggy Squire, Stanley change as a result of the new|,D©!ROIT (AP)--Ford Motor| This week there were only four bowl- Special thanks to the following: Altar Wopenontt and Wilma Guthrie.linternational tension over Cuba,|C® TePorted Tuesday net earn- Si); D. Crewiea Te tain be Matthew's Church for fi eaived i he following had received Trade Minister Hees said Tues-|\85 Of $82,100,000, equal to 74/676:' A. Marcinek 658 (260) im " et last spring y cents a share, in the third quar- Phd fon Ohta en an Powell, Grace Powell, , ter of 1962. This compared with ee rites 4rm-|Barbara Smith, Beverley Smith, He said in an interview there|s79 990,000 in the similar period ie : E. Wilson 97, H. Douglas Smith, Bob Richards,|2°° no plans Longe 4 ie year ago, Por a Eee at ph a andy Richards and ,|Canadian exports to the islan PP OLE ph le nto Hp lg Susan republic, which have dropped Pa P a came on sales of] Team standings -- City Yards i8, Len *. Dan's Fina 11, Oshawa Glass chars, ane. ve de a s TV 12, CNR 12, Zoltan Nick T. ani rs. Dick Winter and is year following a) The third ~ Quarter results 0 p family visited at the home of|SHort - lived upswing last year.|brought. Ford's rolts for. the|Acme 3, Nu Way tn © Tony's & Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hamer,| Canadian shipments. to Cubalfirst nine months to $350,000,000| way ts Gentees any, Fands 4, Nu- Hampton on Sunday. --as to all Communist - bloc|compared with $289,200,000' at|Dan's Fine 1; CNR 5, Tony's 1; Acme Visitors at the home of Mrs,|countries--come under the ex-/this stage of 1961. S. Wonnacott on Saturday in-|/Port control list which bands| Ford is the first of the auto . Police Breach cluded Mr, and Mrs. Ni exports of strategic goods. jes t Wonnacott, Toronto; Mr. and As well, Guha bales to en- third-quarter 'performance, . Wall Of Women Demonstrators Cottons Sent To Congo By Church Group By MRS, A. L. HOOEY E BOWMANVILE -- The Unit- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ONTARIO GROWN, NO. 1 GRADE, FLUFFY WHITE COOKERS POTATOES Mrs. Jack Annan, Whitby, and| force the United States embargo a Fred Annan, Pickering. On|on shipments of Am rican st Mr. and Mrs. Arthur goods to Cuba by policing the onnacott and Ken, and Mrs.|trans - shipment of. American Snag Pickering; Mr. and Mrs-|products to Cuba through Can- c¢ Denham, Richard and ada and halting such shipments FIRST MAILMEN SUMMERSIDE, P.E-I. (CP)-- This town recently got its first mail carriers who found the first week "rather rough."" One vi Laurie, Q le; Mr. and|when found. ed Church Women com their fall meetings with a smor- gasbord supper in the church parlors. Following the supper, Mrs. K. Werry led a sing song. Mrs. Harold Ferguson, president, wel- comed the members back after gummer vacations: Reverend Harold Turner spoke to the ladies and his topic was "Christians by Choice". Mrs. Ferguson asked the members to bring used sheets and any white. cottons which will be sent to Miss Muriel Ste- vens who nurses near Leopold- ville on the Congo, West Coast of Africa, Miss Stevens is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Bowmanville. The need is also for dresses and underclothes for children. The United Church Women will pay the cost of the bales which take two months to reach Af- rica. The members were asked to make an apron for the bazaar in November. There will be a conference at Five Oaks, November 12 - 16 and the fall Presbyterial will be beld at Westmount Church, Osh- awa, Oct. 2. Pr Mrs. Austin Franklin, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Russell Glide, Rockwood and Miss Donna Har-jover this policy. Mr. Hees said there have been no official U.S. complaints|a department store. One maii- of their first deliveries included heavy catalogues distributed by man was bitten by a dog. Monday by plane to visit her sis- ter in Germany. FALSE . ALARM AT BAD TIME WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- An air raid siren shrieked in downtown Windsor Tues- day, jolting nerves already jangled by the tense Cuba blockade situation, But it was a mistake. An operator at police head quarters pushed the wrong button while making a rou- tine test of emergency alarm systems in industrial plants. tis of Whitby. Donna left on SCOTT'S SCRAP Mayor Michael Patrick, sitting in his office a few blocks away when the siren sounded, immediately called civil defence and po- lice officials for an explana- tion. "Today was just the wrong day for a mistake like that," the said. OK By R J. SCOTT fe £0 LS oF Tit DAEDICURUS WAS THE PROTOTYPE oF HE MEDIAEVAL WAR and demonstrators back to TORONTO (CP)--A wall of women demonstrators was breached Tuesday outside the strike-bound A, R. Clarke Tan- nery plant by mounted Metro- politan Toronto policemen, but none of the women was re- ported seriously injured. More than 50 women and teen-aged girls massed in front of the plant Tuesday - morning where an estimated 2,000 un- ionists demonstrated with local members of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America (CLC). Tie mounted police and some 150 plainclothesmen and uni- formed officers formed a linked arm line and pushed strikers clear the way for 475 employ- ees who continue to operate the plant. Representatives from 25 un- ions--some from Oshawa and Port Colborne--joined the dem- onstration. Police said there was no vio- lence other than shouts and in- sults hurled at the non-striking workers, The strike began June 25 over non-recognition of the union by; the company. ick (20 Off Deal) mene Penns Sew ives © So MAVE EXTSA MARGARINE 2 1b okas 5 De Smith's Cherry or Raisin Reg. Price tin 89o--SAVE 9c PIE FILLER © 2 20--021ins 6 Ye A&P Fancy Quality SPECIAL! KERNEL CORN 4 utorin6% CASE OF 24 TINS $4.14 -- SAVE 260 Henley Choice Quality Reg. Price 2 tins 49e---SAVE 9c BLACK CHERRIES 4 15.1.0: ins 8 9c CASE OF 24 TINS $5.34--SAVE Sd4o : Puritan Reg. Price tin 39e--SAVE 170 Meat Balls & Gravy 9-3. 15-oz tins 1.00 BRILLO SCOURING PADS pkg of 122.5 PIE FILLER £&. D. SMITHS BLUEBERRY 20-fl-oz tin 43 WHEAT CHEX 12-0z pkg 25c Early American CAKE MIXES -- DUNCAN HINES 19-0z pkg 43c 'THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ITD, FOOD STORES~ oo BY. NEW CROP, VALENCIA, FANCY GRADE, SIZE 180% ORANGES «-59. » B.C., From the Okanagan Valley, Fancy Grade, BARTLETT PEARS 639. GRAPEFRUIT 10-59% Imported, Fresh, Firm, Ripe, Hand Selected Quality, TOMATOES xz, 2 25. Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Cold Storage Stock SNOW APPLES os sicsiicts, 3% Bradford Marsh, No. 1 Grade, Waslied, Ready to Cook POTATO Sb cellobag 2 Se California, No. 1 Grade 12-02 cello bag 2 9: DATES FRESH EATING A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY