Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1962, p. 18

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19 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, October ¥z, 1967 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS vu OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, USINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Building Trades | |Money to Loan CLASSIFIED AD RATES 6 CONSECUTIVE ipo YOU have a roofing problem? Try ay ® are Agent, H. C. 'Andrews, 723-95) SoLEBOEING ana excavating. Free estimates. Call Taylor Bros., crest Drive, Whitby. MO é-5612 YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys built and repaired, gas linings installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free estimates, 723-2997. WINDOW SASH, or storm sasn, No. 1 quality, 'made to order. Telephone 723-9849. ALL TYPES ot building stoop Gordon May, , 728-0394. "CEMENT WORK PATIOS OUR SPECIALTY Small Block laying jobs, ete. Free Estimates Call | 25 words or less Cash Charge 3.78 4.13 "2.25 2.48 1# not pald within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates epply only to original % for consecutive -- insertions, pop detid insertions ordered ot a later date constitute o new originol order. Professional end Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional fine $1.60 per month. @ CONSECUTIVE sertions seit | Eoch word, Initiol, abbreviation or Tere counts as a word. Box charge 15¢ additional. Classified Advertisments |Mortgages MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages ot 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builders' Mortgage ot reasonable rates. 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. on } } | | Sale} |TV---Radio Repairs |TV RENTALS, by the day, week, or! month at Parkway Television, Simcoe North. 723-3043, T.V. TOWERS ~ All galvanized, no paint, LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 |Well | Drilling -- Digging -- W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIG MO 8-2563 --- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST 12--Articles Wanted 16--Female Help Wanted behesretyionglehs -- bedroo: condition. MUSIC 1 wanted, for player piano. Will pay cash, Tele- phone MO 8-8348. suite, in good Apply Genos! room Telephone Brooklin 655-3450. . large collec and popular CASHIER required. RIENCED nh , spare time! work, weekends and nights, in service) station, Write Box. 826 Oshawa Times. ROLLS -- semi-classical i j 918) | 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. WOMAN to take full char charge 2) house, bel for amines business school-age children. Live i Tele-| me 728-0311. RELIABLE woman to care for two pre- school age children in their home. Pre- gd A Bi in. Telephone after + 728-1: SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts cars for wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone a8 -- oer woman, evening shift. home. South End Restaurant, Transportation 5 Bloor WANTED Street East. SCRAP IRON, POULTRY couple to take charge of home, Single lady preferred. Live in, good wages, AND FEATHER TICKS 467 yalbert Street between 5 and 7 p.m. Scrap tron and Metals RELIABLE housekeeper to care tor (collect) {children while mother works, from 7 'a.m, to 5 p.m, North-west area 728-5968, |WAITRESSES and short order cooks required immediately. Apply in person. Genosha Hotel. |, TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-2281 13--Business Opportunities FOR RENT -- Ground floor, suitable for office or store, good basement, long term lease, centre of town, Whitby.|Recent experience in store work essen- Telephone MI 8-4360. tial. Apply Manager of Roxy Variety) FOR SALE or lease, North Oshawa ser-| 10%? 725-9917. ictebetlg vice station, three bay garage. Show- EXPERIENCED jroom. Stock room and office. Semi- work in modern Variety Store, Th work will be on part-time basis only. enced, | Also one grill' HOUSEKEEPER required by elderly EXPERIENCED lady heip required to! |18--Male or Female Help Wanted | SALESMEN and | WOMEN | Full or Part Time | | For Oshawa, | Whitby, Ajax, | | Bowmanville Area. | | Excellent Earnings Some Sales Experience preferred. Must hove car. Phone from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHITBY 668-5875 juous hot 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent SON ROAD SOUTH -- | apartment, clean, heated, Three-room hydro and |ntove | 78-3664, 109 PARK Road South, furnished room for gee Ryley now. Parking if. ment, inasanis bath, boards, «stove, kitchen "eup- aerial > |27--Real Estate for Sale Tv private entrance, driveway, $75, 725- 19595. PACIFIC AVENUE, 322 -- two-bed- heated, recreation |UPPER four-room apartment, aps] end, private drive, and en. $10,000. After 4, telephone trance, bus at door, Telephone 723-9041, TWO bedroom apartment in modern apartment building. Apply 306 Montrave Avenue -after 6 p.m. Apartment 5. ELGIN Street West, 123: Two room apartment furnished. Suit one or . Close to hospital. Telephone 00 LARGE six - room custom built brick heap built-in stove er oven, wall two |double garage, many other extras. Very Wn location, $10,000 or nearest A Whitby, MO =|* etl, jurtice 244-room eaturniined apartment, stove, refriger- 'ator, private bath, entrance, ed \TV outlet, Work! king 'ouple. GainseOn sin Street, 90: ment, private entrance, bath matic heal Apply above after 6. |THREE-ROOM apartment near South 20--Room and Board ROOM and board in private home. |Suitable for girl, close to bus, All con- jveniences, $12.50 weekly. 728-2815. | |GREENWOOD CRESC » Whitby -- Room for single person; board optional; or room and board for adult and ~|MO 8.3804 |General Motors, partly furnished if de- ioe. Seats 268 Malaga Road after 7 } - room apartment, hot water, honking, by oil, on No, 2 highway be- tween Lys and Ajax, $45 monthly. Ww ELENA, $85 central, four-room | upper '7 BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX LOTS Good rental area. WE DO THE BUILDING Plans available in our office. © Contact Bill Millor 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES You can live better electrically duplex, stove, . refrigerator, aritenna.; ino 3 eg ea % | FIRST jagreements purchased and sold. Hen-|, | nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King} Street East. . 72: -7232. be by 5 p.m. the day be- and second mortgages. must in by 5 Pp. - nag publication except Births, BERT McLEAN In Memoriam, Cards of Thanks lehild, day care. MO 8-4761. ROOM and board for two P.O. BOX 329 |detached duplex rents for, Sis per ong welcome, juiies included. iroan sick | month, Be 539 4 MEDALLION HOME! TYPIST lane STREET, 567 -- Heated ress 723-2867 which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost ae Avebiitichy | j lations and Corrections -- Office Hours Daily 8 - 5. YS MOVING AND STORAGE, Saturday 8-12. |Oshawa, Whitby, Reasonable rates.| |Fully equipped and insured. Phone|® REGULATIONS | 728-3661. The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- Fuel and Wood ments submitted otherwise than in vidassodien writing, mot for more than one F R E E. incorrect insertion of any adver- be allel Mihbeed ag ita hose Have your furnace cleaned charge for a single insertion f h fall: "cad ay isement in which error ree this gu: Se And 3 anteed trouble free all win- ter. If you purchase 'White Rose" unifined fuel oil from Western Oil Company. occurs, And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to | DIAL 725-1212 |Gardening and Supplies its own classification, "RICH BLACK LOAM | Cement And | Driveway Gravel |B Top Soil, Sand, Fill | DIAL 725-5279 LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE MULCHED FILL 184 Bond Street West, Tractor and loader work. 733-7605. TE eee Lots levelled. Reasonable rates. YALE, FRIEDLANDER : AND CO.,! Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus-|_ tee in hago 64 King Street East,! Oshawa. 728-7371 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- tered Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshaws Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered) Accountants, es King Street East, Osh. | Ronald F. CA; 54. In the case of display advertise. ments, The Times will not be held rsponsible for more space thon that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisment, if any inaccuracies in eny form are contained therein. Appraisers MeDANIEL, AACI, Real) 'e Appraiser and Broker, Whitby. Phone MO 8-2311. Accountonts LEONARD JAMES ; BROOKS, Certined, Public Accountant, Suite 205W \- awa Centre e, 725-9953. BOB CLANCY'S « Catarte cymes lete bookkeeping service, ier pea. were 725-0397. Res.| OSHAWA HILLSIDE Sg. Pen . D. Wilson, G. Burrows, CA. 728- | chased. jdoch Evenings by appointment. MORTG AGE ~ MONEY available, bonus bs coven no| Realtor, ; and corporation Sages and agreements of 'chased and agreements of sale Creighton, Drynan and (See heading 'Barristers"'.) ~ MORTGAGE LOANS Available for loan on first pur-! residential, industrial, city, suburban, country and sum- mer cottages. SUMMERLAND | SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 and second mortgages and | | Optometrists \c. B. TUCK, RO, Optometriist, Please} pay arcounts at downtown Dominion} Bank or 74 Burke Street. invalids ex- amined at home. Dial 725-4587. Reasonable interest rates. Peter) | PERMANENTS on special. Bowmanville, MA/dressing, 396 Pine Avenu jlena on all types of mortgages; mort-! brassieres, sale pur- | slips, jur- | | | 1--Women's Column 725~ 5363 foundation garments and individually designed; aso panty briefs, Spireila garments. J. Hendershot, 324 Admisat _Road.| DRAPERIES Bamboo and Fabric Mrs. | LINCOLN INTERIORS | FREE ESTIMATES TELEPHONE EVENINGS Whitby, 668-5345 Days Toronto 694-7511 |2--Personal_ | LESSO! own pictures. in oil 4 ng. For information, after 6 F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of f Optom-|p. ™., telephone 723. 7514, etry, the examination of eyes, lenses, 136 Simcoe North, at Colborne. 723-4191, contact) iF YOU HAVE a_ dri nking problem,| |write to Box 333, Whitby, or call MO} 193. °ainting and Decora | Professional, pon papering, plaster repairs, 3! Papering and pai " proc applied and taped. Dial) ~ DODD & SOUTER -| PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., ayer DAYS MO 8. 523 | 8. 3034 or 725. TRY THE OSHAWASH | Frigidaires |Coin Laundry for the fastest, cleanest painting | wash. 451 Simcoe Street South. free |~ Removal of "superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Oct. 29, 30, 31. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 NIGHTS 728-7426 | SoNTENTE- MONTEITH, RIEHL and) 3--Pets & Livestock {DEER hound for sale, black and tan. | Telephone 725-7263. |BLACK I Labrador retriever | pups. 5. Pure | | | | | bred. Whitby 668-2183 | Page Hair-| Teleghone} $2,500 Takes over well known established, WHOLESALE FOOD and CONFECTIONERY or purchasing employee benefits. Rowe Brothers of Canada Ltd. REQUIRED Preferably with bookkeeping training, __AJAX WH. 2-6500 Willing to share, single beds, all con. veniences, perl ig space. Apply 345 Rit | son Road So ROOM and board, nice, {home, good home cooking, lunches! packed, parking, five-day week; close. \to Shopping Centre, South General! otors, 81 Park _Road South clean, quiet | oll & Co. Suit gentleman. Telephone | DISTRIBUTORSHIP Servicing Oshawa and Area, Previous Sales Experience Not Essential. WRITE TO BOX 724 se WAREHOUSE -- Required At For Sale, TELLER Lease or Rent Centrally Located 3500 square feet. One Floor AMPLE PARKING SPACE APPLY ofter 9 p.m. 728-6861 EXPERIENCED Full Time Apply to the monager. BANK OF. MONTREAL OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | HAIRDRESSER With Some Experience REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FOR DOWNTOWN BEAUTY SALON Salary and commission basis. Telephone for appointment room apartment, private entrance and) |bathroom, unfurnished, laundry facili-| \ties, parking. Apply after 6 evenings. |BANFF AVENUE, 299 -- Duplex, up- |per two-bedroom apartment, unfurnish | |ed. child welcome, parking space. $97,| j month, 723-4569, |SiMOOE STREET NORTH, 1@ -- Fur-| | 5/nished or unfurnished bed - sitting) room, kitchen, bathroom. Suitable for) |lady. verre A and parking ee SIMCOE STREET 80TH, 666--Room| land board 'or gentlemen, single beds, lunches packed, TV privilege: Call 725-8255. CLARKE STREET, 194--Priv board if desired. $15. Five dass, 8 318 for full week: aoney and lunches,| {Telephone 728-4152. BEATTY Avenue, room and board for jgentlemen, quiet home, lunches pack- jed, laundry if desired. 'Near Duplate, $15 weekly. 723-1248. |RITSON South, 173, room or room 4 board, single or to share. Seven day |week. TV and laundry privileges. Child | welcome. Apply above. | 424 PARK ROAD "NORTH -- - room and |= jboard for lady. Private room, | pelea Lunches packed. Telephone ___|DREW "STREET, | rooms in lovely immaculate {single beds, $15. weekly. jyard. Telephone 725-7043. Once -_- - Spaciou home, Attractive a |en, $75, monthly. --jlet, |$335--CENTRAL -- three - Ea" m base ment apartment, stove, bath, te inet' Apply Apt. 2, 67 Gibb Sen ' THREE. -ROOM unfurnished 3 'apartment, A brigeuci at, Bye supplied. Suitable middl couple or settled wom- ea $45. "Telephone 725-1454, RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- - Four-room apartment, private bath and entrance, cupboards, stainless steel sink in kitch- 725-0349. CROMWELL AVENUE, 4% -- New three room apartment, unfurnished, heavy duty wiring, poe space, suit- -jable couple. 725-458! TV BACHELOR + apartment, two rooms, un- refrigerator, stove, Private entrance, $53. monthly, Park Road Nor th. DOWNTOWN = -- Three-room unfurnish- ed, self-contained ground floor apart- furnished, sink, co upboards, utilities paid. oars Space and Garages GARAGE for rent, for boat storage. ;102 Church Street. Telephone 72 725-0355. |STORE FOR RENT, heated, 360 5 jfeet. 152 Simcoe Street }OFFICE AVAILABLE elevator service; bright, treshiy paint- ed, tiled floor, Can be available in few days. Moderate rent, lease avail- for Wilson, The) Building, and King |Streets, Oshawa. |23--Wanted to Rent sMewly 'wilt; "Mary South, $65. / room {monthly Telephone 725-4277 or 725-3911. ment, newly decorated. Handy. Bell Telephone, stores, etc., adults. Avail- able October 20. Telephone 723-7530. WHITBY Three ene! apartment, centrally located, all conveniences, heavy wiring. Available November 1. me Apply 417 Byron Street Nort PATRICIA AVENUE, Ti -- Three- rangette and ra bol rent, adults only. 723-3! KING | STREET | aa Four-room lower duplex, and water supplied. Available Novem- ber 1. Telephone Hampton 263-2413. two apart- |TOWNLINE NORTH jments, one-and two-bedrooms , unfur- moderate OSHAWA -- heat, lights |nished, heat, lights ra $65 and __..|$75. After 6 p.m., 728. | TV out-) 124} IN OSHAWA -- Spacious, two-bedroom | LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER V.L.A. -- BUNGALOW ONE ACRE CITY One year old bungalow on one acre lot in city. $16,- 900. Full price. Custom built home with mony many extras, too mumerous to mention, including walnut cupboards. Hollywood kit- chen. Substantial down pay- ment required. Carries for $84.00 per month including interest and principal, Ar- range for appointment te inspect. Coll Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345. BUILDING LOT 20% 135 NORTH-WEST $3,500. FULL PRICE Situated on a built up street, hurry for this one. $500 down will buy. Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725- 9345. FULL PRICE $12,500 Moden five room brick bun- golow. Just a stones throw from Rossland road, nicely landscaped and treed lot. Only $2,500. down payment required. Call Irwin Cruik- shanks at 728-5123 or 728- 5205. Co., chartered Accountants, Meggpiied| 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshaw: WH 2-0890. Whitby, MO 8-4131. "| Auto Parts | { Save At Western | Service Centre Repairs to All Makes _ LICENSED MECHANICS | 145 King West--728-1607 "FIVE BAYS. TO SERVE YOU" Barristers 10 MARY STREET -- Saree bea bed-sit-|Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, Realtor -- 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. Open Every Evening GUIDE REALTY Limited -- Realtors 16 Simcoe St. $. 723-1121 $$ LOOK $$ -- Only $10,- 000 for this 5 room bunga- low with 3 room basement apartment situated on an extra large lot in the North West area. Carries for $70 per month, If you want this one call now for apopintment. HOME & INCOME -- Just listed two 5-room_ self-con- tained apartments under one roof. Only a few minutes from Oshawa. Cheap living for any family because of the income from. the extra apartments. Low taxes; large lot; new well and water pressure system. Only a low down payment required. 5% NHA RESALE -- Three bedroom brick bungalow with double paved drive-way and a_ three-room apart- ment in walk-out basement, with private entrance and 3 pc. bath. Now. rented for $70 ger month. BROOKLIN VILLAGE -- Ex- cellent five room brick bun- galow with large modern kitchen. Complete in every detail. Close to both public and high school. A safe place for children. ATTRACTIVELY SET ON A' LARGE LOT ON PARKLANE --One look into the com- fortable living room, will bring your.question -- When can | move in? We are de- lighted to answer, anytime as the present owners are leaving the country. No part of this Ranch home wi let you down, the kitchen, with separate dining area over- looking the lovely fawn, large family room, Upstairs the arrangement and design are in perfect harmony with the main floor, with built-in furniture. 2 car carport and potios. New exterior paint adds value to this home. SHERWOOD AVE.--A _high= ly deisrable residential sec-. tion close to schools,' shop- ping and transportétoin. 6 beautifully kept rooms, tiled and colored bath. Finished rec room. Sacrifice at $12,- 900. Good tegms BURK ST. -- Nice clean 7 room bungalow with goo size lot, oil heat. Only $7, $00 NORTH OF CITY LIMITS-- Low down payment for this 10 room semi-duplex which gives you 5 rooms for you and your family with private entrance, plus an equal amount for income. Situated on a farge lot, 165 x 150. $8500 FULL PRICE --~ for' this 5-room bungalow. Large modern kitchen with new cupboords, 3 bedrooms, Oil japartment required for family. Twins,|ting room and |2 years, by November 15. Not over arye . futaisbed or uainrauhad' tei] |$85. Telephone 725-6873. ss girls. 723-2428, | |URGENT! Bachelor ap 'apartment wenied LYNTONHURST MANOR, Warm com- ] ly by youn fortable gent for bed patiens and} |Must be self cobained and furnished; shut-in: jcentral location, Write Box 630 ee * oe surah mcinetioenccas cae LARGE two. bedroom aj apartment w with | living room, dinette area, refrigerator, stove. --, pig gery Apply 1055 Ravine Road, : Taanicaeon-- iabe ined ment, central, adults only. Apply Mar- Ee ll Apartments, 281 Simcoe Street QUEENS STREET -- Four rooms and bath, unfurnished. Private entrance, near City Hall, $85. monthly includes heat and hydro. 725-8296. CROMWELL Avenue, 195 modern two- bedroom apartment in new building, all 728-9039, ' NORTH OSHAWA 'o-bedroom mod- ern apartment in apartment building, pon aes Paver aa washing facilities, ckers. Paved parking .$87. month- ly. Telephone 728-3377. 68 McMILLAN DRIVE -- 'Three-room upstairs apartment, unfurnished, range, private bath, entrance, adults, abs ers, $65: month. TWO-BEDROOM 2 'apartment \ with cole color- ed built-in stove and refrigerator, cera- mic tile and colored bath fixtures, heat included, also laundry facilities. Avail- ale November 1, $83, monthly. 1070 Ravine Road, Apt. 1. Phone. 725-7159. 26--Rooms for Rent SINGLE room in | private home, clean and warm, spring coliegh Suit gentle- man. 102 EI | DACHSHUND pure bred, registe--4 | with papers, four months old,,$35. After) |6 p.m. Telephone 728-9915. | MINIATURE white poodies, registered, Papers, needles, etc, Male, $125. | | Apply 778 Hortop. | {BOSTON BULL pur pup, male, six weeks) jold, purebred. Well marked. Telephone; | 725-3744, | YELLOW LABRADOR Reirie of months old. From excellent stock. $40. j}with papers. Telephone 7 725-1669. 222 KING WEST. |13--Business Opportunities | WAREHOUSE FOR SALE, LEASE, OR RENT 66 Nassau Street 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH School, up to $100. Telephone 728-2383, |DEAR 1 HOUNDS, ¢ $35. . » started 725-3887 ; 7 i hounds, 100 x 40 ft. |24---Houses for Rent iPlumbing and Heating |s20, Beagle puppies, | $15., purebreds, Two floors |o venué, 108, well kept eight- |ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. ~ rons house, six bedrooms, new oil fur- |Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Ltd,,, DOVES FOR SALE. Apply 618 Carnegie Driveway and Drive-In-Door nace, $85 monthly. Telephone 728-0836. {Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, [gard before 7 y. | BOWMANVE <i iaataen deacon {255 _Simcoe Street South. | x' | bungalow, attached heated garage. All remodel. SIVUL Waby burgies, ready for! Suitable for storage or Small Service Shop |modern conveniences. Telephone Bow- jing, mew and used. materials, Reason- training, talking strain 'aaa Mrs} lane TYPES of repairs tk }manville 623-3194. Broad, 114 Elgin Street \GLARK Siuet RR TRLSR LRT RIES jable rates, Estimates free. Dial i NW |CLARK Street, 143; Seven-room house }728-6931, J. Foley. ___|PUPPIES for sale, six weeks old TELEPHONE 723-32 |with garage. Suitable for sub-renting. REPAIRS and remodelling of all types, Mother Le bah gr itepade $5. {Near school and buses. Apply after 6 jnew and used materials. Reasonable/Samoyd at st sire and dame cham-| 4 | eosin WwW. p.m. lrates, free estimates. 725-1334, Mc-|Pions. Telephone 723-9991. 1 -Employment, Wanted | 7 Male Help anted_ |Grath Plumbing and. Heating. |DEER HOUND -- two year: ELIABLE lady would like part-time | EXPERIENCED waiter " sequined | for| oil heat, available November i to 1 --lanteed, has all needles. Large bree: jouse cleaning. Telephone after 6 P.M./Queen's Hotel, Oshawa. Ask for Mr.| |For particulars write Rox 842, Oshawi [Apply 2! Beatrice ' Street, Telephone |728-1260. |Holsey. | Times al Professional. Crea- Oe or German Shepherd, ten tive Art, Lettering, Display: core 5 Fuller |brick bungalow, oil heated. Available |weeks old, purebred, males, $20. After|K. Lehman, local artist. MO ee Cae ae Paint eicphese|now. For further information, telephone | WAlnut 4.8348 [Tee sea before. 6. 3-2433, {tion for one gentleman, in countr; room work in automotive parts estab-|Corner of Cedar and Wentworth streets. me _\gainiaee Mest Nave: driver's licence. |Near south GM. Couple only, $50 month- | Apply _ in writing to Box 832. : Telephone 723- +7297. H é a. |TAXT DRIVERS with or without own|SIX-ROOM home, at Solina, MacIntosh, Courtland, Secor |DUTOH LADY would like to take in|cars. Must be neat and courteous. Call|drive to Oshawa, running water 850. |\GHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. APPLES -- Snows, Macs, Spys, Orange| Personal laundry, pick-up sie 36, ar- | Bell Taxi, Whitby, MO 8-3111. month Telephone Hampton CO 3.2225. lcovered like new. Get the best for less|Blemings, $1. and up. Bring contain-|:anged. Telephone Newcastle 3 |$60 PER MONTH, five large rooms and lat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe|€™§.. Thickson's Road, half-mile rorthicLEANING LAWNS, leaves ace WR Male or Female Help | good sized store, suitable for snack. bar, 728-6451. Free estimates 5 "MODERN GRILL Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home For Sodding, Seeding Ever- | | Made Pies and Desserts. | | | | greens. Topsoil. Gravel drive- woys, Sidewalk Slobs, | PHONE 723-9020 Turkey 'ESS MAN, wile, ; school-age en want three-bed- room home, vicinity Gertrude Colpus WE DELIVER 'OSHAWA GARDEN CENTR 1259 SIMCOE ST. N, 723-3222 All your gardening needs. A-1 Top Soil and Sod The Best In Gorden Design Free Of Charge p.m. Telephone jarrister, Soli- | » 37 King 723-4943. Mortgage mon- N East. ies available. GREER AND 'ern Barristers, Soli- King East, = J. y. Greer, 'BA, BSc., 725- pa Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-58: RICHARD H. Seats. BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simeoce North. 728-2765. RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. JAMES A. MacDONALD BA , LLB. Barrister and Solicitor a: Notary Pub- Uc. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park- ing available. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- tor, etc., ae Simcoe Street North. e 725-5542. BOWMAN, Savi D., Barrister, Soliel| tor, 3% nw South, 725-9592, Resi | PRIVATE dence 728 15 years' experience. BRUCE V. -- MACKAY, BA, Barrister, | only Act now. 725-1054, Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortage HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY -- aia fap itor, Res. 965-7163, pee wee ere: jtan. Twirlers' Home. Dance or Bato: upils register 424 King W. 725-6122. JAMES OMALLEY CONSTRUCTION. cy UD ras eraverai Additions, reno.ations, 1ew homes. y DANCE ACADEMY . Oshawa and District, "Insist on the, ia RAD ballet, Highland. Regi best." 723-7122. ow. 424 King Street West, 723-6122. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| ALL WELL = Bee But if you insist | on the best... call (GUSCOTT PLUMBING} land HEATING Limited|q--marker Bosker Simcoe St. S.--725-5132 {Household Repairs HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE REPAIR. SERVICE RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guarnateed 5 years' experience | 207 Formerly with THOR of Canada TELEPHONE 725-8296 FREE ESTIMATES -|NORTH Oshawa: two bedroom house, __| ILLUSTRATIONS, SIX DELIVERY men, 9150 per hour, | ONTARIO STREET -- Two apartment 5.30 p.m. or all day Saturday. COLfax't Any would like. s easiakcening poe THREE room house, lhome. Write E' Mobbs, RR 3, Picker.|YOUNG MAN for delivery and sick | 2 euse, newly decorated, |MAY BELLE Orchards 1% mile north HOUSEWORK required by lady. Tele- of Whitby on No. 12 Highw: jphone for further _Particulars. 723-7257. , 10-minut |Rug Upholstery Service \Instruction teach student By interview ROOM in private yng se to South General Motors, Available now. Tele- phone 728-2660 for further information. ted DONALD BLAKE. DODDS, a Solicitor, 26% King Street Ea: Telephones: Business 723-2201; Re: dence 728-5373. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister.) Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14¥4) King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. MANNING F. SWARTZ AND DONALD) East. Tele-| | Tower Antennas now sold at Honest Cal's Furniture & Appliance Store KING STREET EAST Installed By GEORGE'S T.V. 728-9191 -- 723-9525 _ TV AERIALS . | DO WEAR OUT REPLACE NOW While. weather and prices are ot their best. TRIQ TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST CALL 728-6781 SAMSON - TY TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Buy Now FOR BEST PRICE FINANCING ARRANGED r Rison | Road. baad al Op- |DEARBORN 'Avenue, near Simcoe. jlaide. Nicely furnished room, jeauir ped, kitchen, all sere Private entrance. Hooton ae 'to hospital -and ¢ downtown jfurnished bedroom, for suitably em- {ployed women only, Telephone 725-0238. | ARTHUR Street, 336, furnished 1 room, [two ae beds, suit two gentlemen or wo ladies, private home, garage, jtelephone 728-9717. oe |BURK STREET, 55 -- furnished 1 room jwith wash basin, suitable for one gentle- |man, $7.. equipped for housekeeping, i pparking facilities. Quiet home. } | fully conveniences, $10 weekly. or offer, Owner transterred, new two-bedroom modern de- sign cottage, sun-deck, large lakefront lot, Dock and hy- dro. Directions: drive north from Madoc on Hwy 62 Turn tight at Dept. of Lands and Forests office and _ follow signs to Gunter Lake, Sales personnel on property every weekend, J 1--Articles for Rent | Dishes, cutlery, glosses, chip and dip sets, punch bowls, chinese bowls ond chop sticks, and repairs and leaks. F., McCann, Brooklin, 655-306!. NICK DYRIW | |Lawn Mowers EXCAVATING = |-We SHARPEN ond RENT BASEMENTS DUG | ALMOST EVERYTHING | jot Taunton Road. Algoma Orchards. |hedges trimmed, lawns mowed, leaves,| Wanted jbarber, hairdresser etc. In addition, RFIELDS re-uphoistered aa | phone 728-3297, er ~ alti ae ae i e ce, 'our-piece ath, ete. miles facial sor 8. fer Street. T7212 | |PIGS, seven, Yorkshire, six weeks old.| 7 F 1 Hel Ww ithe laborers are few. Goda Fall Bb from Oshawa. Call Blackstock 986-4250, CAN ACCOMMODATE 7 : bin Ciba D isch ne nas Telephone Oshawa 723-9061. 6 emaie. Ld : ith over three hundred children on/| ers in private Lind Ries 82 seo "|CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid) HOUSEKEEPER for young couple, no|roll urgently in need of Sunday School pi : For further p: * i telephone after ble S. sf 4 . or 53 3 MODERN iwo- bedroom apartment i ip eae, Sarat rel: Owhada "Up SSH Marge Fur Fray, Tyree TE tan, 6 Ants Ona, Tees" aparnon builing Bataleon 87 COLBORNE Baal large Tarai |holstery Co., 10 Bond W. DIAL 725-0311. Licence 149. | EXPERIENCED. _ pes jtastefully decorated, colored bath, re- bedtoun with Prnatate kitchen facil- leans MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA,| | ities and own bathroom. Suitable for Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| Dancing School, Ballet, tap, acrobat, | WAITRESS {728 tal and first mortgages, 20 Simcoe - Street i2i\S" Masonic Temple. 723-7253. \H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, < Gaia | DEER hunters wanted for Nov. 5. SIMCOE nice nd Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue) mae THREE-ROOM _ ice, large, clean, fur- QC; Edgar F. ¥ astedo, QC. |MUSIC lessons, classical and popu . Phone 725-6881, through to 17 to fill established pri Good Merchandisin nished room, light housekeeping, if de- Bartister|Piano accordion, violin, guitar, saxa ae jone 12> __|vate camp. Haliburton region. Dogs and| g ne Steady day work. wee elephone 728-5: jused instruments, Alto Music Suppltes,| tarie Land Surveyor. Commercial blue-|8-3140. GO OSH is 453 Simcoe Street South, 725-1501 |print, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. > | Apply the manager i Stove and refrigerator OSHAWA Bind. Suh ire | --Summer Properties | MALL RESTAURANT | HAND in HAND | rvete veyors. 130 King Street for Sale or Rent Lansdowne. Apartments} *o#ted._Chila_welcome, 728-0652. phone 728-9161. s 725 2589 ATHOL STREET EAST, 182 -- furnish- DANCING | FALLSALEON | - downtown, L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, | St. Hedwig's Parish Hall PD | aay eee - Fledwig s Faris ai \tv, RADIO, car radio' repairs, al | [ed howssnsee' Toon, ase clean, furnish- 264 ig Street East, esi- | Li ni j |makes, 'hompson Electronic: 157; | ROUTE M . ing room or bedroom, 26/4 King Street East, (Olive ond Central Park South) [mines , TRemP eee args tgtcay | Pe ebowes APARTMENTS ii Mancino f . as STREET, 25 -- Double < MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King| DIAL 728- 7902 Required For | single room, Suitable for ladv mr gente Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Hum- AJAX |man. Li %, 100 ft. lakeshore lots rao! LiB. Office 7218177,, LEARN TO DRIV 30%, 725-1173; Residence, 725-4604; | Whitby, E some with cottage. Sandy No Lease Required. {Suitable for |gentiem beach, low shoreline, safe for mortgage funds available. DAY or EVENING from Oshawa. EGREIGHTON, DRY NAN AND MUR Lotediliodels: Stondords waters, roads and hydro in. Opposite large Shopping Centre les Public, Bank of Commerce Bulld-| range ig cig ey i nb neor schools, churches, etc. ing, 5 Simcoe Street orth, Oshawa, | y, Lots fr x e Ontario, 723-3446. Residences: T. | eyo ona pli al REPLY TO BOX 833 M. aC, | LL 726- cottage $2195.00 Call Miss + Bed $79 L. Murdoch, wo edroom Mortgages and agreements of sale| i Anne Collins 923-2495 Col- OSHAWA TIMES bought, sold and arranged. Instruction lect. TELEPHONE in Lr AJAX WH 2-2001 NEW PLASTERING and repa $2695.00 " 2 tions, cement work. 725-5002 | Theory of Music BULLDOZER for hire, $8. Street North, 723-3222. es OPERATORS. | pone Excellent wages and working conditions available |trash and rubbish hauled away. Tele-| : three roomed modern apartment at |re-styled. Free estimates, See our ma-| 5--Formers Column |Gop t needs The harvest is ripe but 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent jlike new. Why pay more? Our rates for dead and crippled farm stock. |children, to live in. Referenecs required | teachers, And music. Write Rev. Orval 6.30 p.m, 728-4 |frigerator, stove, washing facilities, Surveyors | 8--Hunting "Good Advertising |Paved parking. Must see to appreciate, |girls willing to share. Central to hospi- schoo] kinderdance. Fridays, fase and OW: North. 725-3566; Charles C. WANTED sci sired. Near hi ital, bi top, phone, clarinet, drums etc, New and|DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On-|Suides supplied. For appointment MO| APARTMENT ar Soe ee oe "BURNS 'SCHOOL ~ ~|HORTON AND WALLACE, private entrance, bathroom. Newly de- | -'17--Male Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted ; Py | Research cer rbashe, RPA E ide 8. Cesta a ER of oe A ed room 'f 1 y ITV -- Radio Repairs m 'for one gentleman, close to ong Money to loan. Henry Block,| KI NGS COURT arking, Telephone 723-7917, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and aa:/BALLET, TAP, pore A Di bt t 00.0 paveys, ac; Gh Bosnia: A. OC, iscounts up to $5) 0 or Fomnaae MO 82761, 725-5203, NHA and other Oshawa Driving School Approximately 10 miles swimming, fantastic fishing xP RI NCE NECESSARY DOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar-| E E E Automatics, Dual Controlled ae ee, Dishes and up. One only, lot and Large One-Bedroom $73 aes GL. 123-4768. | a Building Trades | SACRIFICE (Re-Sale) TABLE AND BAND SAW AX WH2.20 Oshawa Garden Service, 1255" 'sinese| JOHN R. ROBERTSON to suitable applicants. ' GHIMNEYS, new and rebuili, roofing | CALL 725-186) "PONTIAC INN Rooms, APARTMENTS | 2-BEDROOM SUITES 23 ELGIN EAST -- are ce room, housekeeping privileges. Close to down- |town. Telephone after 4 p.m, 723-781 Elevator Service Private Balcony Paved Parking Controlled Entrances Single and double. Television, Dining Room, Lunches Packed. ~~» 725-0078 ATTRACTIVELY | | | | | | | | TRENCHING GIVE USA CALL... 723-3898. STAN'S PETER JOHANSEN | CORNER KING AT BURK STS, Ltd. 723- 3224 Custom built homes. N.H.A. Apply Contact og coment, Me 208: | WantAds Don't Cost-They Pay repairs. No down payment. All work 4359207 207 OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 Gibbons 728-8180 DAY OR NIGHT coffee urns SARGEANT'S RENTAL 725-3338 SKLAR FURNITURE LTD. 30 RICHMOND ST. WEST MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 Evenings Howe ¢ Peters, Realtors | | FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. | 82 PARK RD. NORTH heat. Large lot 293' deep. Please inspect. For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 A.M, to 9 P.M, 728-8671

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