Serena OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 19, 1962 pen: ::.8 ok Mr. And Mrs. S. A. Gates Honor {hall next week. Among those | Lian Andrews and her committee PERSONALS Miss Sally Halliday of 'Troon, Ayrshire, Scotland, is' visiting her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomson, and daugh- ters Sandra and Debra, Shake- speare avenue. Mrs. W. H. Gale has been a guest of her daughter, Mrs, C- Ray Clark and Mr. Clark, Osh- awa, for the past week. The Opera Study group of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art A iation met Wednesday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C D. Wright, Lauder road, and enjoyed recordings and readings of 'Die Walkure."' Mrs. S. C. Larmer assisted the thostess at refreshment time. Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests are always of interest in this column, Write telephone or visit the social de- partment with your item of news for which there is no charge. Telephone 723-3474. Mrs. W. A. Forsythe will com- mentate at the parade of fur fashions and children's wear to be presented by St. Matthew's Women's Guild in the church modelling furs will be Mrs. J. A. McPhee, Mrs. A. C. Christie and Mrs, E. S. Campin, and children of the Junior Church will display their favorite togs, all in a Hallowe'en setting, with Mrs. A. L. Gunn at the piano for background music. Mrs. J. are- planning to serve light re- | freshments. Mrs. Ira Travell will open the bazaar and dessert tea to be held in Simcoe Street United Church next- week under the auspices of the Astra Unit, UCW. Receiving will be the president, Mrs. Robert McLeod and the general convener, Mrs. John Peeling. Mrs. D. K, Stiles, chairman of Oshawa ahd District UNICEF committee, speaker at the Cobourg and School Association meeting last week and also spoke to the members of the Business and Professional Women and at the Westhill Home and School Association meeting this week. Out of town guests at the Kirkland - Clark wedding includ- ed Mr. and Mrs, William Gale and sons, Stephen and William, Guelph; Corporal and Mrs. George Gale, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flowers and Karen, Streetsville; Mrs. W. H. Gate, Inglewood; Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Hawkins, John and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Flowers and Teresa and Mr. and Mrs. James Flowers, all of Toronto; Mrs. Emest Holmes, Vankleek Hill; Mrs. Fred Hodges, Cumberland, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Bowan, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Kirkland, Clifford and Karen, Waterford; Mrs. Rich- ard Linton, Osgoode, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Holmes, Eyrville, and many from Whitby and district, : Prior to her marriage to Mr. ALGONQUIN Prior to a honeymoon trip to Algonquin Park, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Patrick Klaus were united in marriage in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, The bride is the for- JOINS SUDBURY . fessional Hockey League. 'Sudbury and 20 games 'for TORONTO (CP)--Ed Babiuk,| The 23-year-old native of Ed-|Kingston Frontenacs. who has been practice goal-/monton, who last season played) He had a 4.20 goals-against tender for Toronto Maple Leafs|for Calgary Stampeders the fo 3.95 fo of the National Hockey League,|Western Hockey League, was. in average for Sudbury, 3 id left here Wednesday to join Sud-|the EPHL in the 1960-61 season,|Kingston and 3.70 last season in bury Wolves of the Eastern Pro-'when he played five games for'66 games for Calgary. HONEYMOON mer Mary Ann Jasper, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, William Jasper of Holland and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Joseph Kiaus of Germany and the late Mr. Klaus. --Ireland Studio |BEAN 'N NOODLE FAVORITE can (2% ounces) noodie dry ICE TEACHER SOUTH PORCUPINE, Ont. PILES CBee bli i tl KRESGE'S 77: TOY SALE TO-MORROW IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE TREMENDOUS BUYS LAY AWAY NOW FOR XMAS! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER soup mix (CP)--Eleanor Guidolin, figure- skater and wife of the former National Hockey League player} Bep Guidolin, has been ap-| pointed club professional of the| Tisdale figure skating club. | yearn iaehaleiaiiaataitidiitemaae calaienicaaa At 50th Wedding Anniversary | glee, Kicsiend, Meee Diaoo|t g Sunset Heights H- Clark was honored at a miscel- ee | eous shower given by' Mrs. cups boiling water Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gates, grams were received from the Holds Parents Night Doris Harvey, assisted by Mrs.|1 cup cooked Italian green Simcoe street north, were hon-|Governor General and Madame} Douglas Churchill. A neighbor- proved iia Bacinesnis ored recently on' the occasion|Vanier; Prime Minister John) A "Get Acquainted Night" hood shower was arranged by| cheeks, . ' f their 50th wedding anniver-|Diefenbaker; The Honorable|was recently held at the Sunset/Mrs. Wilbert Smith with the) tir soup mix ates: . |Michael Starr, MP and Mrs,|Heights School. Mrs. B. J. assistance of her daughter, Mrs.|, n tert erin tats ce {isi sary. \Starr; Mr. Lester B, Pearson,|Salmers, president, welcomed|Kenneth Whitchel. Mrs. William |into water; bring fo boll. © At As An anniversary mass wWaS|Prime Minister of Ontario: Johnithe parents. Mr. Lloyd|Wilde of Whitby entertained at ly cover, ie ahd se wiaeaie held in St. Gregory's Roman|P. Robarts, John Wintermeyer;|Weiderick, principal, _greeted|@ miscellaneous shower. Mis s stirring now an en, OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING. CENTRE OSHAWA Catholic Church followed by a reception at their home last Tuesday. Over 200 of their friends, neighbors and relations called to extend congratula- tions. Mr. and Mrs. Gates were as- sisted in receiving their guests by their children Loretta and Roberta Gates, Mr. and Mrs. 3. A, Knox and Mr. and Mrs. John Gates. Mr, and.Mrs. Bron- son Brooks were unable to be present, Among those present were Mayor Christine Thomas and Mr. Thomas D. Thomas, MPP; end John Fullerton SFM and Mr. and Mrs. E. Goetz, Tus- con, Arizona. | | Pouring tea in the afternoon |were Mrs, Charles Reinhart, who was bridesmaid and Mrs. Hans Geissberger. Pouring tea in the evening were Mrs. T. H.} }Campbell and Mrs. Delbert Bur- |Whiley and Mrs. Alex Knox, Miss Bessie Knox, .Mrs. Mi- chael McArthur, Mrs, Edward Provincial Secretary the Honor-|the guests after which the par- able John Yaremko; Oshawajents went to the class rooms Liberal Association, Mayorjand discussed the progress of! Christine Thomas; the Rever-|the pupils. During the evening a. social| period was spent in the audi-/Miss Janet Kerr. Mrs. Eric torium. Refreshments were pro- vided by the mothers of Miss Grace pupils. Serving were Mrs. G. W. Trull's kindergarten Daphne Jones and her sister, beans and cheese; heat. Makes Miss Diane Jones, were host- esses at a shower and Mrs. Joseph Kerr honored the bride- elect at a shower, assisted by Greene was assisted by her sis- ter, Miss Joy Wilson, in enter- taining for the bride-to-be at a miscellaneous shower. 4 to 6 servings. Mrs. D. A, Brown and Mrs.| J. A, Vivash, ~ vice-regents of; the Golden Jubilee Chapter of the IODE, attended the semi- annual meeting of the Provin- cial Chapter which was held in Peterborough last Wednesday. Flintoff, social convener, Mrs.| F, R. Jones, grade mother for) the kindergarten class and the assistants. Mr. E. A. Doyle| |nie. Serving were Mrs. Kenneth thanked the principal and the teachers for their co-operation. | Mrs. B, J. Salmers presided at the business meeting. The OSHAWA TENNIS CLUB | To An Important Message All Merchants of the McNeeley, Mrs. D. Kirby, Miss Shirley Thomas, Mrs. James minutes were read by Mrs. M. A ; J. Achmatowicz and Mrs. Chris " irs Pronk Gan morn ate Janetos gave the treasurer's re- and Mrs. Alfred Goetz, Miss vs oh ee |port. Mrs. J. Kimmerley Kathryn Goetz, all of Kitchener;| Mrs. Gates is the former|gaye the report on the Grade Miss Shirley Thomas, Mrs./Margaret Gilmartin, daughter|; mothers tea. James Smith and Mrs. Robert|of the late Mr. and' Mrs. John) jt was decided to put UNICEF} Martin, Toronto. Gilmartin, Brantford, Ontario) hoxes in each classroom and the Many floral arrangements, and Mr. Gates is the son of the/money be returned to the school. | invited to the Clubhouse ot Ritson and Hillcroft. ts, cards and spiritual bou-|!ate Mr. and Mrs. John Goetz,) The speaker for next month| ow were | West Montrose. |will be Mr. W. A, Dixon, princi-| SUNDAY, OCT. 21 at 2 P.M. received. Tele-| Mr. and Mrs. Gates were/pal of A. E, O'Neill Collegiate| ILE married in St..Basil's Church,|and Vocational Institute. His/ for our A DEVILED DIP Brantford, October 16, 1912. 'subject will be Education. Place 1 package (8 ounces) ----e -- "OPEN HOUSE" cream cheese in bowl of electric Table Tennis, Cards, Chess, Canteen, etc, mixer, Beat until smooth. Add 1 can (10 ounces) condensed ALL WELCOME--NO CHARGE PHONE 728-1625 Mr. and Mrs, Leo Waddel, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lattner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reinhart, Mr. Winter Programme e DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT e OUTLYING BUSINESS DISTRICT -- e THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Starting on Monday, October 22nd - 1962 About 50 Volunteer Ladies Will Be Conducting A Canvass of Your, Firms In Support of .. . THE GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST This Year There Is Representation From The Following: @ U.A.W. AUXILIARY e@ RED CROSS © Oshawa & District Assoc. For Retarded Children @ GIRL GUIDES -- @ MARCH OF DIMES @ THE WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE : @ CAN. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND These ladies are giving their time freely and voluntarily to this Community effort. May we count on your courteous reception to them in their all important task. All interested in joining our Winter Social Club are tomate soup, 2 cans (444 ounces each) deviled ham, 14 cup, finely chopped cucumber, 2 teaspoons finely chopped green onions, and 1 small clove garlic, minced. Beat until thoroughly mixed. Chill. Serve dip for crackers, corn and potato chips. Makes 1% cups. CANADA'S ALL CANADIAN COMPANY YOUR RED CROSS SERVES YOU All ages...all stages...every step of the way through life your Red Cross serves you The infant, the adolescent, the adult and the aged all benefit from the services and programmes being " carried on In your community. THE 1962 UNITED RED FEATHER CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE: General Chairman--Richard Fairthorne Co-Chairman Walter Branch -- Co-Chairman Wm. Paynter Advisory---Ven. Archdeacon, H. D. Cleverdon; Rev. Msgr. Dwyer; Rabbi M. Kutziner; Ed Cline. Help your Red Cross to continue its humanitarian work--think of the many ways the Red Cross serves you and your neighbour--then plan your donation or pledge to the best of your meane. A generous donation will do so much for so many in 1962. RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW LOCAL RED CROSS BRANCH 2612 King Street East, Oshawa FRED ROBERTS, President MRS, E. A. MOUNCE, Secretgry Section Chairman: Stewart R. Alger, Ed. Cline, T, Harold Coppin, A. Graham Coulter, George K. Drynan Q.C., Byron 8, Edmindson, Dr. Charles M. Elliott, Daniel Fleming, Murray P. Johnston, Ernest Marks Q.C., James MeCansh, Miss Vera Moyse, Carl B. Olsen, Mrs. Alice Reardon, Fred Roberts, E, A. Doyle, S. Nix, J. Bawks, D. Courtney. J. B. Annand, F. Ball, B. Mann, W. Paynter, H. Kassinger, F. McCallum, Mrs. Anne Southern, Hong Seto.