27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale [29--Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Ostober 19, 1962 17 THE MARKET BASKET 6 WOODEREST, "Avenue, fvz-rnm| PRIVATE GALE -- 8 Cromwell Are lahevtmaanrn' wil trade on Dutt |cer "Tecpoas Taba nt vive fo. B18 caah Teapbone TET 3 Articton tor Sale (32--Atticles for Sale en ER. MSE TAY oe atthe in for i984 PONTIAC tour door sedan, in good _ vaceat November 8. as p Siento ll cleat tye aay aa oat wre 300 VOLERSWAGON. in, seed sent running ctadiiien, Apply "310 Dovedale GENERAL, 'Nigeise machine |BOXiraier, To flap. ladder - i 1 apd 8. SAORIFICK owner buying new ear.|"ABGE double to city 'timits," 92,800, |Apartment 1, 725-0698, Derves Mauen, Sie Ss Co cou jrrenes Sones 9s meni ° | es eae rer an Ford, out. e 8 1956 BA' Pontiac, radio, heater,|BABY erib, $15; Seo i chair, | RIMOREN. 2, YOUNG FOWL. seed mavertising Radio, ely -irgh agaiet aniles. | after 6 p.m, 733-4111. 1968, VAUXHALI. Victor, with yadio,|automatic, turquoise and white, good|pink, $5, Telephone 726-0 Fresh .killed eviscerated ave- ond FUTURE 5115 or best offer. Telephone MO §-8071.|PACIFIC AVENUE, $22 -- tworbed-|good condition. Green with beige inter-|condition. Telephone 728-6546. a eer roge low ll healed, mcronion or. Telephone MO S87 sfler $ 0.0.lia57 PLERMOUTH 6 evlinder, Tour don,| matress. $2. Telephone 12-073. eo" Good Merchandisin VISION . cata mabe es lust well fast room. #16000," After 4, Gal SCTE GEGGGIG. ies oe |e Can ee ee, hee felepone 123-7673 agent bor: ©. ave | Good Mercnandising | SUBDIVIS tse "Werden sony cr | aa pwn adn, nt bl hn ae cling oman, mr Se yar" auachia "ryan eae Glecoff's Supermarket -- 6O bedrooms, large dining room. "Treed Jot|NEWCASFLE -- "¥i In cocmmaibinecmadie' | = ines. "Katimaten fre. pe North of Camp Samac with ging d Cisse 42,790. with $1,750] eight veers. old, all moders sonves- |! 1234. ine VOLS AGER: One Fae tas 'one| Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv oe HAND in HAND ewe: 0) Eile. sal VA. Fr WON diego ypc shard i FANDARD CHEVROLET stailan ton, stock truck. Will accept Inte medellice, 728.0501 anytime Open Until-10 p.m. 1 ee 64 Acres 57.00 oKL PRICE, old gulnde, it |ataly Only $0,000. Tindall Real Bavave, Age", 6298. Apply 14 Whiting Avenel ease AWNINGS, "canvas, Prom ore Included ' Fequied,, easily |29-0829 ome | toate! HORRATOR, 9.1 cu, 1. Reason, Farm House and Barn Include downtown, si mie Sr gg yeas f ALERT STREET oP "treet ne po Fama sata eee BUICK Le wig Rd ; hardiee, a ro 4i2 sieve a able, Telephone 725-8091. ATTENTION WwW, T. LAMSON Bolebond Lid, Rese alan lace, coatimen a Tere.|™ ae pa yay aaron Yale "snd ag! om 923-3390, after § ot 063 er 96000. LARGE denen HOME, REAL ESTATE LTD. Sa: ta aber at: Louk brakes, 10.000" miles. 98.900. int popGe DGE Reval, one owner, immac-| John A, J. Bolahood Lad, Realtor. |7--Sanee Tea" and white, Gwo door|radio, new paint. and brakes. This ear Winn? aos i b anichelyt gelrig om cn Pago ie | 1951 CHEVROLET, aulomatic transmis-|Telephone after Sexcept Sunday, rhe ff motor aoe tires perfect erry ds seg or boy's coi, eat heat, Situated in orchard on large Cog sion, radio, dark blue, good mechanlea!-|moloy, and tires, $275 or power with ict mame te tee 655-3737 : EXECUTIVE home for sale. Brick bun- 9 Me adov vale, ii PONTIAC, two door, private' sale,| coral 'ifs helage e Oshawa 728-2570 $2,500.00 down -- 7 room lot. Choice a" location. $3,000 down. 1958 MONARCH, two 'ione," sulomatic:!make offer. 18 condi spirit or | stencil, supplies. Hamilton Lor tires. -_ MO 8-5849. down payment. Mr. Koornneef Th asad good offer. a . 'ed, Sepeheeving roo -- Courtice. Telephone 134-6 $8,900.00 and $9,500.00 -- | 88.000 FULL price. Cute pangaiey" near 1960 AUSTIN 650, clean ear, good con ent ¢ Pf Any reasonable offer accept- for only $1.00. Makes won. 263- a cNIaHED foom, near Ritson Boat. shade trees, good garden land. Close matic, loaded wi bi gene ter buy, about 728-1203. steer-| i TELEPHONE 725-1186 |gome decorating. A terrific buy. stis1t |29--Automobiles for Sele | tevek, $185, Telephone 72s FREEZER OW ER OR cr thd at alah. ($5500, Gown. seaulres. Call i938 "CHEVROLET, rebuilt motor, like new, $895./suampoo basin for beauly NEW bungalow, Thickson's Road South,|hardtop, automatic, eustom radio, new|runs perfectly, 725-6304. Tom, 1 668-5893, spray, Te Buy bread i in bulk at reduced prices. Baked METCALF 5 large rooms, extra large Le ppetys Abe tires, $225. Apply 1457 Oxford Street, |1959 PEUGEOT, good Sains $906.| 1955 FORD two door, rw, cle IRCA Victor % ton air col loaves for $1 .70. Delivered. He throughout. Mahogany trim. Complete) 0, radio, excellent condition, $200|899-2771, Pickering. 78 3, $1 daily. 10 $ saga eri aes coramie beth. Basement garese, Ot cash Apply evenings 433 Athol Wast.|i955 FORD tudor, sulomalle iranamie-| 008 CHEVROLET deluxe coach, (goed tauesoere al Weaver, Saas i t. E. ed. Full $14,900. RESTA 5 JOHN FORD DIAL eo 4678 Call 728-0020. weal ole 1053 CHEVROLET, deluxe sedan, wheel|!¥. $295, Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas)' Phone' 725-8117, bs be custom radio. Must be sold;| West = ity, 668-5895. MUST sell a Piymouth, Shon oi | RL TRAC pcpcPaIC range, Molfat, 40-ineh, i low, three bed aitached ply ae ; ; Brooklin COLBORNE STREET. (shah. three Detepomts eee Lane one owner, Telephone after 5, 725-3273,,most ie Se Te warraniys neene 208, pet, Cores ge: 82016, DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, . KKK four door, radio, sed 4 k home | nice con- pie at See ead x "ee } veel ba Aeneas Hee $8,950 FULL price. Lovely house, just tion, Full price $500 Telephone '725-7175, rmsd SETA at Office Eaulp,, 137 Brock 8 26--Rooms for Rent eft Estate for Sale outside the city, with large Jot, low m 1956 PONTIAC rat mnilease, Telephone 72 ne 728-44 so ater s HIGHEST prices paid for gon a used sapG: PIVISION STREET -- clean, furnish- |9% ACRES, close to scneoty, cresiden- BRUCE AND DREW STS, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 4 725-0870. a 725-0998, nae totale rag ont Belair, six cylinder, cvlinder, etd ta | wall prptire Siete: Dey an Mitchel Avene a, acrte 5, 5.0450. ue, approxi- = TREET, 25 -- Double 2 good homes with $1,000. hospital new oll furnace, "se408, ere Telephone 125-0100. myed eliéad (5 CupeMeaGLE eoach in very good) mately 0 sheets ot eter, pus. Daper enna Meware Telephone" Hampton: , o-- or! _-- pelle 23 for lady or gentle- GUIDE REALTY down for either home, or Joseph Bosco, 725-9870. WHO ELSE WANTS _ - liner pomanesiss ana-in0n "waux sve; s Pica ers ee deer [aera pid ape. ize fakes, S00 | 953-2264, : Light housekeeping privileges. 4% room ey ' plan Be pocdagieA is acres. Five-room mod- A NEW CAR! ra ben offer, Will sell either, an MEROURY ee gr red | rg eer omy Vou mes, or Whitby, Aggy erly metas, ye oe flat ma room in very * % ke 5 Chevrolet, recent $625, Sea- ya Limited - Realtors -- Call us today. to highway. Phone any time. MO & : ', PRIVATE sale 1056 Coereees, Foes poor cen eee 20 "pean Street West,| W% buy. sell ang mechan oie a tober 17, Wont Wednends arroer mn tional. Iioouaes 725-8352. : ; 3521, Bowman and Gibson, ' 723-0231. ane : " Ree, RP ' ion, $500 or best offer. Af Trading Post Btores, 446 Simcoe Street | /25-02i 3 BLO Baer -- Furnished room, | ay S WILLIAM ST. MUST MOVE! King Street Hast area, BUY IT NOW WITHA nme, itis CHEVROLET voi isdn, "new point outh and 31 Bond Sireet fant, 725 1671.| FRIKIE,. Binek" Female" Cockay housek. 'é nea lovely three-' room home, large liv- » Clean interior, radio, snow ti . ee Coches town. Telephone after 4 p.m. 723-7816. | $3,000.00 down' -- 7 room |iag room, Hollywood sitehen, tile oath. LOW.COsT LIFE-INSURED 1980 CHEVROLET. seden Gelivery, ow $1,250. Telephone 725-6827. "TENTS. camping pee, arias In Theatres Teg 1160," chain collar: ARTHUR Street, 336, furnished ; | brick home in good condition. | room, mileage. Best offer. Telephone 9 Apraen ¢ tine pe 6 ROOM BUNGALOW--with Close to north plant. Must be {storms and screens, landscaped jot, Exx x xXx | x eB x | Pipl Re ® 196 Laurent 'f 125. two single beds, suit two gentlemen or} p.m.» 7235-8229. 1961 PONTIAC four door Best prices, Try, Dominion jadies, wate home. garage.) attached gorage and breeze- many other extras, $16,500. Telephone ibi9 DODGE truck, et0n, 1058 Chevro-| 20"? radio, Tire, 48 Bond Seeet West : telephone 728-9717. way eeoied erecen Oshawa sold. 8-2434 eo eee eee ee KKK i let, two door. Best offer. Tietboak 728- an tone "beige, Telephone 798-1067, WALNUT dini ing furniture, 5 35--Legol fC eas a SINGLE room in private home, clea>| ong Whitby. Well-built home AFTER 5:30 CALL: LARGE six - room custom built brick| XXX XXX hast 5314. : a sri ee <i aswpeed cocks buck chairs table ltt e Reasonable, Bow- : warm, spring mattress. Suit 'gentle-| ly lend d lot -- bungalow, built-in stove and oven, wall < 0000 x 1935 PONTIAC four door six cylinder | " ri: » Com OF torme./manyile Fa Gahan" GS "102 Elgin Street East. with nicely landscape Jack Osborne .. 728-5836 | to wall carpet, ceramic tile bathroom x ok thr Bb dana ins COLEMAN ii space heater, | TENDERS 728-2392 | Bius two other washrooms. Stone fire-| ¥ ie | i * Color a and -- 725-8823 or 4609/1960 DODGE, pale blue. new condition, | speed blower, fair condition, 87 x veuma | Good size recreation room. wa pomererd a north, fu | John Kemp .... place, living room and ree room, x Emerald Avenue. ie mileage. $1,500, Whitby, MO|833 Glenbrae'S Street, Telephone 7 f FOR OIL Stat for gentleman. Telephone | Excellent terms, | Bick Berriogs .. 729-6243 'oe ta many other extras. Very | XXX x aan Se ater adie ie petal BEAUTIFUL chrome kitchen s set, ox: IN STREET --- 7 rooms, | * a matic, power steering, brakes reale, 1053 CHEVROLET four door sedan, tension table, 4 chairs, grey and wh hoppltal and eemaigwe, 2 peor Ot tak 2 ue Joe Mogo .... 725 As Fat After 5, telephone Whitby, MO) LOAN Many other accessories, $895. Searay | 9008 Condition. $200 or best olfer.|$90.. Original price "$100. Telephone Quotations for prices on de- cite. Two or three girls may hens ond extra room in base- | Ken Hann .... 723-796 | $28,500. SEVEN rooms, brick, trilevel : 668-5095. ee Me PLYMOOTE st te -- =| ver ot a ter es Sve wo or th é . . +5893, ie 1955 PLYMOUTH, good traneporiation,| VACUUM cleaner, Kirby, in very y good | ond Parsonage. Annual: es- ; room to quit Lloyd Metcalf .. 725-6983 |Three large bedrooms, Hollywood kit: Og . come e. y re 'ge ms, yw mont, Geod W hom: THE BANK OF 1008 VOLMBWAGEN deluxe, 3,600 miler, |Can be seen anytime, 'Re reesoneble condition; algo Polaroid land camera, tio of oii 10,000 = one, enees oe 735-0838. dinin; ke Tarnished bedroom sultable| $100 monthly, and aport- ' [ones breah pal on Hg siding Pa ba Many extras, offer refused. large sige. Telephone after 6 p.m.) , for gentleman, abstainer or middie} ment for the owner. Property jacoustic ceiling; 30 foot living room, NOVA SCOTIA 1 728-7949, iow PONTIAC F twordoor | 72371887, 12,000 gols,- Tank 1000 gols. lady. nee, 49 Eastlawn Street.) cjeqgr ---- asking $2,000 down jraised corner fireplace, exposed beam 1954 OLDSMOBILE, clean car. Nitop, 327 tuble ineh V8, RADIO, table model, re Closing date for tenders 12 ephone 72 e , ceiling, redwood paneling, 20 foot pie- running order. Best offer. Telephone Many extras, Phone 725-3238 after 5|FM ein Bed in antennae and direc- noon Nov. 10, 1962 SoReORTABLE bedroom, cooking payment. ture windew. stone foyer, 8 Bathrooms, | 728-6200 after 5 o'clock, pm. tional, short and ay wave. Private, Send Ail Replies Te required. Parking space, near South ia windows, stormed and scree! 102 CHEVROLET panel tuck, 00h; $150. eplies To ne atter 4,30 weekends} BUILDING LOT--on Meadow 10 siilideties with -scanie' Ay nested, fireplace in recreation room, gnow ties, mochonicaliy fair, 1688 Olde. | $0--Automobiles Wanted WEpFiNGoURE range electric, four | Clarke Hubbell; Oxford Street. 725-7824. Crescent, Garrard Road, 125 Aere st ae eins vaNan: Utility Toon QUALITY mobile, automatic, good $600 CASH offered for beat" Chevewiet|PUrner, 800d oven, best offer, Telephone | Sec. --~ Board of Stewards frontage, Close to schools. location, 4% miles from Osh- loft kitehen. Completely landscaped, | $150. . condition |or Pontiac car available, No deslers| ere": King St. United Church Iw lot, close to school. 204 Reynolds, | SPECI ALS throughout, $225. Telephone 728-0820, | please, Telephone 6 - 10, 725-8096. GOLD drink cooler, electtic, commer-| King and Charles Streets, Whitby. Phone 728-4509, 1990 DODGE beautiful tutone, om 6\sis00 CASH tor the cleanest low mile. al ~*~ 80 oe A ees condition, Oshawe, Ontorio. | 1961 PONTIAC Sedon, Radio, |$1,488. slyate. Telephone 723-9083. CRIN 64 x 36, spring flied matiress, aera se iat Ae FARM FOR SALE. 4. mileage 14,000. "immocu: Mee Wali sei aesamomeanig"Wincina wiles inser tio * "|THE PUBLIC UTILITIES. 100 acres level clay loam, late'. New cer condition, |tires, snow tires. Radio, heater, yo fisuet wrecking. Highest prices paid. WDOTEN bar etl tae Wee ae COMMISSION OF THE 2 large benk barns, lovely | "Save Depreciation'. clean. $175 or best offer, MO 8-5071 - ---- --|§45, Tel ef large home, modernized, ex- | : "i CHEVBOLET. fay boy, v 45 CARS WANTED __|aoive panting? er CITY OF OSHAWA cellent water supply, Priced 1957 FORD "V8 Coach, inside. Fair tires, ee fi Sivine a Now Gat Dominion Tire tore. 48 Don mgs ot ; ORaeGE" rinelnal Gil Tues Evenings Brooklin to sell way below value of | automatic, radio, 'Sharp |$150. Telephone MO 8.5071. | ying tea' (West, Oshawa. Guns, ammunition, jack- TENDERS i ert dad padile: nterest, pi . the buildings at only $16,- | Clean Car". *S4 BUICK sedan, best offer. Also sim-| Sell your used Car to "Ted ets, boots, ete. Call now, 725-6611. ec bi DUPLEX -- Now renting ot 655-3853 000. Terms. Guide Reolty, | old 44.0. BC machine, two years) Talk "Cash" to the New |BEFORE buying or een televisions, Television, Dining Room, $150.00 per month with en 723.1121. 1957 CHEVROLET Sedan, $45.00. MO _6-4517, Cer Degler and "SAVE", furniture, _refriger ves, wash-\FOR THE CONSTRUCTION A ers, call zim itbur, a ton, CO Lunches Packed: | ra store ond ora. tel | NORTH SHORE in Bnlew Coator'." lattaetaeetis a eek] TED CAMPIN MOTORS eet ree] on Ae estment, will ta' x uaey cri w ie F ACES, ag air, '\0-yea: mus : 725-0078 down witr' 6% merroege fer Leshbos Ree. /6b-3074 F week, no down 'pas,| Sealed tenders addressed to w@eciL Pi lantee, $2.25 pei ¢ 77--Real Estate for Sele the balence. Full price $13,- Realty Company Ltd. 'George Blyleven Bol te sa feet, needs tome body work. Radio $ ALL CASH $ Ait Package deal, "s 30. Tele yMane the Chair. at toe Publig ai 1son rapeh Swi 900. 112 Simcoe St. North REALTOR | like new. ae, pO TIAC winttiaienne, two-door : FIANO, 'uprighi. medium vised. ae Simcoe Street South, Rn é , 8185, mily. Let 110%) 2 ACRES --- of land in the | Oshowe -- 725-3568 | 1956 CHEVROLET V2 Ton |eduipped, Royal Master tires. 10,000| FOr clean cars we deol up or | 725-9271. Ontario, will be received yt Dette am| th cutee | | __MAPLE'GROVE | Pik Up, Hen toon ued for |ERE OR Roe! Gees] Sven. Hens wal ot. OSS Neer Sel ea acne | t. terms. " f f motors; new cement 8, teleph construction , low, gpaclods rooms. Should be vn | METCALF | Community store in excellent light work only. MA 30066. pean _| NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 723-9221. sea ly 4800 feet of - Hyman Realtor. >| BEAU VALLEY -- Ultra mod- neighborhood with living | LAN _-- 'Jeep BUYING OR SELLING 512 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY |KITCHEN suite, arey pearl tone tabie,| 24-inch and 5200 feet of ----e ern 514 room bungalow with Real Estate Limited quarters. Ideal for people | Ao. Bi or gv MO 8-8001 ee Ppeers thgy ey, Pino Mo gisu,| 16-inch diameter water mein » L d A res | ° port, many extras in- AO Ki E who want to have extra in- | draulic, Snow Plow, Flasher TED CAMPIN ATOR. sek it" eubic|. from. Wilson' Rond "South"te © ynwoo C | cluding twindows and screens, ing Street East come., Asking price $11,- | light, ete. Ready for Work. 31----Automobile Repairs feet, used 17 th Freezer 52 pounds|. King Street. built in vacu flow. Built-in 728-4678 500, | MOTORS Asking $175. Apply 1406 Simone 'Nevo } | 31 COLBORNE East, mas furnished ete kit facil- hl é ' ities and = nee sehen! tor Asking $2,500 awa. Your opportunity to in willing Sol and deuntews. yet convenient to everything $3,500 with eosy terms. pic Lg nice, large, clean, fur- 4 this Cedar Valley home 314 Pee cent ober] little For Further Information aired. Hear nos hospital a stop, $9 per} years old, all those hi extros completed, eee: Contact Howard Forder in r , 6% PONTIAC INN morgage corries. for $82.00 725-3568, to share. Central to hospi) TiiaT SUBURBAN LOOK -- vest for a second income. rah | P Shae. | fe, Real a ar,lage General Motors ear offered. Pri- | . : ; oe MILL STREET | stove and oven hood exhaust 1956 BUICK SEDAN. "A HOUSTON'S GARAGE RUG. grey patterned broadioom, # x. Drowings and specifications. : Pickerin | fen, built-in dish washer nd EMERSON AVENUE a ieicam home with pon | Real Buy -- Only $695.00, | 607 KING'ST.--OSHAWA | and SERVICE STATION |i. with under Pas 18 6008 Tondition.| with hy blook: Form of Landen g | $ynememe enh otict | comet coved Sere, ash | ip GMePe god wertahon. Gs ast of Wilton Road) | BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- |haunaa a, gems aly MBe;| OF the Public Uilltieg. Come Perma mipvovictn | gogane-pned arse, wel | Rigor, Sine"Gors | TED CAMPIN | 722+0+ vneu7assere | "AiireStanue Sever" (OMG teres aia Bp oh bl Uli, Con vi! . 5 Ce ex: i! oe THE HOME | snibor'bay NHA montgoge. | only $13,500.00, "Substan- | 9" °F'®" | Tl LDEN Moron TUNE AND DEER Hille 3035 Winch wodarsi| Gore & Storrie Limited, Con- YOU ARE LOOKING FOR | Owner leaving the country. pet worn pepnent required. Call: 623-5300 | MOTORS : earbine; also Winchester Reming-| sulting Engineers, 980 Yonge 0 © inspect now. -- | SHERWOOD AVENUE A 67 KING ST, WEST tae, koseasalte 1g 13. Woodemas:| Street, Toronto, on payment ' HH _ ON LOTS 75 x 125 smart six room brick bunga- $1,000.00 DOWN 607 KING ST. EAST RENTALS "RENAULT -- PEUGEOT '|e seater + ihoueand Dans @ auou-| amount of $25.00, Such ae | CAR AND TRUCK 723-7822 ter. Telephone _788- of a by ch iev the COME AND SEE ° lew in this much desired area. | 6 roem brick heme, gerage, . D. HYMAN OSHAWA AUSTIN ishest prices paid, ae posit will be refunded on th OUR MODEL HOMES The living room has a stone central, new forced air oil (All Makes and Models) ruchange, 19 Petnas oie T2911 return in. gdod. condition a OPEN EVERY het END | -- Uust East of Wilson Road) Po gga i firepl dd ea. | furnace, storms and screens, ALL 725. Parts end Service ph Kitchen iste. Many extrs | decorated rely contin -- | REALTOR | 723-4494 CavAlbert St STATHAM foes ag vee: pees na | specications wine such as storms and screens, " ull price. | haa le ston purcin ' 3 . weeks from the chosing date © a venetian blinds and drapes. NEW HOMES IN $8,500 » full "price, $900 RES, 725-5574 "SPOT CASH MOTOR SALES --_ pn. 7b. weeks. fra na Easy to sind Owner transferred. Call now dca; 7 resiinwns haw ) ie PAID FOR ealer for Renau! fae tee ae 'se ree | tende 40) to inspect : 6 SUBDIVISIONS 2 kiteh ¥s \ : 5a 59 KING STREET WEST 20. Tel fi Loch sander maton fs weR NING. CLOVERLEAF Some completed, ready. for eens 1s Say Ne a Good leon' cers. Trade. up 723-7712 TYPEWARTERS,s4053 ci Far ipa: panied by @, marked PICKERING CLOVERLEA For Full Particulars Call 723-1121) occupancy - prices start at highwoy 2, 5 miles east of | S Th | ae aoare dane Gall Bit dado Wet an Mitty AND FOLLOW SIGNS ' $11,595.00 Call today for Oshowe ce ese | DODD MOT L PRE- -WINTER Hainilton's, 157 Brock #outh, MO Bet. per cent of the tender i PHONE 725-3406 | Open Deily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. more particular information. 3 : Ae AS ved TYPEWRITERS reconditioned, your ea is AFTER 5:30 CALL New home with basement, | Clean, Qual ity 723-9421 INSURANCE ment, 10 Richmond Batt 7260000" | necessorly accepted |: Salar ae 8.2392 garage ond hollywood kitchen, | eat cutelaasiaiaienal Tune-up for Winter Now B. F, GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, ba WHITBY CLASSIFIED | Si 32) Sz\iicem, Rambler STUDEBAKER A ae een Ken Hoenn ... . 3-7963 volvers and pisto! 1 ae oer to one NHA mortgage. Call! Cor Today! Telephone 725 tle aan ol 'old cartridges. Chairmen, Piekerin, SMALL two-room apartment for rent, | Lorne Hartford, 728-6286 Pi a im : a Whitb: by ie Yoo 4 and aa at ce rpmencey, As '| Lileyd Metcalfe ... 5-6983 | Trade Ins pier ccc wae Ken Burne's Garuae cubed Roetaget tn ay ete Manager €all_Toponto wie : i sories, 9 Tudor Street, Ajax. WH 3-3401. | Cae an SA Oa seam RENT -- seroene op $10,950 AT SALE SAND SERVICE | 874 King Est guhave IREPEWRIPaR atl mace a chain il 'at 639. Brock NoFth.!room, to be completed 'November 16. LLOYD REALTY aoe Moti eG Opposite Shopping Centre slenhone 725.0221 scale 'ment sien" * vein "eemae Corporation OF The ui ase Se CaENURD. costing lady requir- age arena, Boleriey, fame ment Bunoelaws, Yes, 3 Well ma n's . N a GY 32--Articles for Sele o pata 7 seg City Ok Oohewn | é | FOR 6ALE eek. Telephone etc. Tel _Fage, MO Ste. i ed, one afternoon per wi See LIST WITH LLOYD large bedrooms. 1958 PONTIAC ear radio, $10, also derpads 9 x rd Be a ey i bed room and) THEN CALL YOUR MOVER aes Say time. piety gg ood Ng ye Hoge Mo Motor Sales Agtiny Baby earring, white, 8. Tole|$i0d 96" Motta wlectrie ln | * ONE oom ap | Euenen, Poise. | | hn , aahgain ' eigs Hy nf : | A QO ANI )» Je apacenant bull pace, a) Faia, tupplel. Pegi meaner New $1,000 DOWN ONLY | Men TaAGE Telephone 728-5175 [wi save a ; Kihei Raise SALE OF L monthly, Brooklin, 655-3611. vacant. Apply 33 oe Tiree, 1961 Rambler Sedan 24-HOUR TOWIN' this year installation should he arrang-|SKATE EXCHANGE -- 600 ney | SS FOR BRENT: Four room unfurnished | 10,000 FULL PRI 4-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Jed for about now. Winter wreaths are|skate wee iy 1961 CHEVROLET 9 passenger wagon, apartment, third Tene, fae chia wel- $ cE amel oe peyment, no | Automatic, with radio rere ~|now Ay display at the park office, Fades. Ghatos ee' ati my, take goed BY TENDER automatic, radio, whitewalls, discs, 22,- wnt moni, Tolapheee. MO Alma street near hospital. Please eall in er phone for informe- ; Ine mort. for t I- | | : gage for the ba $59.80. MONTHLY | ' 2633, HUM of Oshawa hereby invites of+ 0: 300. miles, two-tone green. Very clean./f'7), THE HOME OF tion om memorials. Mount Lawn. 723- Prine Suet jatt enehonse, 19 The Corporation of the City Whithy, 668-3226 PPR ANE POAT | -----SLYMOUTE. ae i FOR REN ; fe k h i 4 : ins PLYMOUTH. in| good penaion,\Paliding, HH or Rea tay ea with r gg Baath $75. '| . Includes interest and principal | 1961 Corvair Sedan GOOD USED CARS ac dg ye al wen | fers for the purchase from it Rly ; | KATES sep ; ilk . One owner. Telephone Lg Hei apartment, $90. Adults only. MO monthly, interest and princi- * NO Second Mortage ay gs 4 bertoten Apply | of the following lands: Automatic, radio " MODERN three - room unfurnished fo : e ' Before You B a ORenre AVON MODERN "sce deeazuee. hedoR RENT -- $65 monthly, three and| at _ aig reasonable TELEPHONE 725-1186 : , . ou ih NEW AND USED GCOLEMAN sace nates 10 TOS Ga EK Was: Late to'1S- tntloaive apartment, four-room apartments. Residential area,| nspect this A One-Owner Car, Give Bill - Sold and Exchanged er, electric fi eluded. Good forth vate bath. Telephone MO 8-4864. nesr downtown and school, Laundry,| Good yalue. Call Ed Drumm | YoU Con Live Better Electrically sialic aad le ny tondition. "Reasons die i ee re mENT "o eo arg t =. Res od High Sereete Whitey, tah aY 72E-2128 oF' 725-9945 2 BILL WHI ICK Largest Assortment in Town |Brookiin 655-3470, * Telephone) side of Conant Street. 'oc! ree' ities. Hig ee : reg rae re tS ie tr Oa : BuiLoInc Lor |: Medallion Home! | 1960 Rambler TTICK | DRAYTON CYCLE |fsrarists aratae ran] | iehgu ay 40 "at able Nov. el STUDEN i ; ' ts fe i Pe ee 50 x 135 Castle H Station Wagon MOTORS LTD. | © 204 sono street casT _[Plationm, rmokere and and Lot 15 has a SABH your October baby bonus cheque |paper (news print) for only $1.00. x | omes . tables from §7; pF ad ~~ hi | frontage of 43,9 feet, cn fe COON aed" vescine 'onizelpiy" Gekawe "tamer "Oehen WRIBT| North-West south of Rose (CO ; 2 Another One-Owner Car 146 BROCK ST. N. | SKATES focks, Kindergarten sata, record stands, Sunhen neat a cases, tea wagons, hampers. Pew: | ther rticulars of these monthly draw. Prize $25 in|11l1 Dundas Street West. merchandise. Mercantile Dept. Store| WHtTE newsprint paper in convenient fond: Only $3,500.00 full $500 DOWN | WHITBY NEW AND USED lkare, ree. are at Wilson Furni-| lands may be obtained at reh | 4 106 Brock North, Whitby, 00 ft. roll price. Close to all schools in COnT -- Female cat, white with "pease banquets, tle. Available at the Cireaia;| cluding mew high school. Sit- 1957 Chevrolet Sedan |MO 8-4741 and MO 8-4025 ©.C.M. and Bauer Brands.' | Howser Cal's big @ "ait -- the Assessment Department, apes a part 4 hia Whitby vicinity. | pg lene Oshawa Times. ¥7e uated on a built up street 4 rooms plus summer kitchen | Steniiced' Shit re Also sharpening service, |gontinental beds, 00 a ggntinie:| City Hall. J ao nie andar | ODER lioon ; apartments,| SY FALL SALE... | eT a Iat lait. Hany, call 2 bedroems--in good con- | PROSKIN VICTOR'S ye tte, mo ay Offers for the purchase of Centrally located. Available im: | Ed. Drumm at 23 or dition -- All facilities--Nice | $98.88; smooth top mattresses, 54, the above lots may be made tely, Cal] W. Sehataman Realiar.| Used Boats, motors, trailers, | 725-9345. Loree Gand Laedtintmccte | 1957 Chevrolet C h AUTO BODY 40 Bond West 723-314) ine, see! shetroam ile eo fomeleie| tn toon orovide for. that ee pac | fenin, tellers, tent trailers, | NORTH-WEST wediote. Pasiaaalen occ ded evre OOCN | 83 RITSON RD. SOUTH fi2tads General Hieettte wasmng ats: purpose by the City Clerk, at 901 Walnut' street, Whitty. | ro iss aati coed loli $9.5 : sonably priced -- Good terms Standard Shitt 723-2632 DRAPES chines Siok ti requ a nigh) 3rd floor, bin Hell, Oshawa, oom é cn - i a r size wi BOR BENT -- Ooe snse snd one dou) << WILDE RENTAL 1300 FULL PRICE Paint J 9.50 Honeot Cat's for furmiure or saciancre,| rhe,clesing dete fer tenders. = ie We Wht. pply SERVICE AND SALES Big lot, small house with Also --- For Rent --- 3 room 1955 Pontiac Sedan 'aint Jobs $3 Rr Up Most Modern Designs: |ine 'store that 'arniare ge toegenc ss | is 5 pm. ES.T., Friday, NDITIONED student typewriters. 1415 Dundas St. East re Looe a al self-contained apartment. | EXPERT COLLISION WORK abstract, Colonial and Rae eee pol | moralag £ 9.30| . November 'ond, 1962, and Ft a for Ang choice. Hamilton | WHITBY .--- MO. 8-3226 heating sesteth: , Carer wa Standard Transmission | Free Tune Up floral patterns, Made to /day. Located King street € East, nt . yg Pi yg . : r rk, . 37 Brock S. MO: 8-5849. _ 7 : For further Datail : ; town Ii Vv Pee Suits, coats, dresees, FR EE 60' x 150'. Only $1500. of, further. Details Contact WITH EVERY PAINT JOB order, 'apery Fabrics yd. 728-9191. nt Wareaes Corner, "siamyane Oshawa, in o sealed envelope . | di ired, ; i , | " spel "Mis Tom HSER) Hove your furnace cleaned | Hurry for tn one. Coll 728: | bf GOLDSTEIN | 125° Austin Sedan ian ean Pec up CHICKEN . YOUNG FOWL! fleayly. marked "Tender. for: tea | free this Fall and guar- ibeshl MECHANICS M and g Fresh killed --_ eviscerated panied by a certified deposit .- Call W. Schatzmann, Realtor, MO 6-3338) onteed trouble free all win- F REAL ESTATE v Men j ' 2.3253. LI ' young fowl. 3 to 5-Ib, weight. cheque ible to The ae ter, If you purchase 'White loyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, 1953 Chevrolet Truck | Open 8 a.m, to 9 p.m. Special per Ib, 87 Corsnolilan "at the City of. ROOM rtment wanted by! " ' ' aly i THREE- apartment w: Ress'! unitied fuel cil on Realtor -- 728-5123 22 ONTARIO STREET Stool bady with werial ladder Oshawa for an amount equal +' couple, first week of September, Apply ; OR PHONE 728-5161 ANYTIME <i Conaen JAKE & BILL'S Dry Goods Glecoff's Supermarket| to 10% of the amount late Oshawa Times, Whitby, Box No. Western Oil Company. 101 Simcoe St. N. SEPTIC aks cleaned. Walter wert DI AL 7 Open Every Evening 174 Ritson Road South fered. The Corporation of the t one West. Telephone) 25- ] 21 2 A Mo 92563. - GARAGE 74 CELINA ST, 723-7827 | aan' Until 10 pir: City of Oshawe reserves, the Bs right to refuse any or all of- itby' fuel |} | authorize lealer est Quality WIND "| fers whether such offer is > wreeyssony,fel ) LAMBERT OIL | -- SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED | WELLMAN | simweteleane | cop case | Bo Gulp winpows'| ce ao $7 pecial Discount unti ristmas L, R, BARRAND, 4 t li f FUEL y g er--Presiden i creeters --- Vice-Presiden e 7] ringer Pe oy Barupiate line:¢ pe Si | Seana | ee Loree MOTORS LTD, | AUTO-ELECTRIC weer Awemetic Washer | $10. PER WINDOW. | "iy ike " "7" ® } v I Blue Coal" in various sizes, SPECIALISTS Dish Washer Combination | Delivered, Installed Now $18 |-- Briquettes and Charcoal: : : tires, exhaust systems, rad 728 5253 Anytime 728-9257 OSHAWA TIMES Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils, Order your fuel oil and stove living room iwth stone fireploce, dining room area has built-in cer needs for the cold westh- We buy the most ' SAWDONS | diate delivery sired by the modern housewife. 3 lovely bedrooms, extre large | General Repair and Fina Service Semet -- Solvey Coke, BROOKLIN, ONT. for Sil, Hardwood and SAVE MONEY Owner moved to Toronto, must sell this beoutiful ranch style sil Maaaieasie Waive, en ee We: sell the. most, | CLASSIFIED (WHITBY) LIMITED | TELEPHONE | recreation room, home tastefully decorated, attached garage 728-7351 449. RITSON RD. S. | CALL CAESAREA FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL COLUMNS 1 Coal, Stoker Coals. : | pike -- GIN HIGHWAY. NO: 12 GRANDVIEW GARDENS AUTHORIZED DEALER Full line of botteries, snaw $100 | GALEA WINDOWS | "USE THE 'od Slabs. bungalow in this most desireable location, contains beautiful | RAMBLER - HILLMAN hoses, and whatever your (Installed) ...... $100 up | We buy, sell, exchange. oil and save money. Imme- ching cabinet. The very modern kitchen is everything to be de- | 100 Nonquon Road | Gonelel Bana i i Year Warranty on all We poy th ost. y the most. | | paved drive, beautiful lawns, bus service at door, Handy to COLLECT Valley Creek Furniture | aR AS sth etait: 244 Brock St. Soutr A ewe | Cl Ob ee ne etn 728-0921 986-4342 728-4401 | (Continued on Page 18) ERG Bans 38 > 8 ee A Nahe Rican 6