Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Oct 1962, p. 5

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<< WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lioyd Robertson WHITBY PERSONALS On the occasion of the first communion of Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mal Femia, 331 Dove dale drive, a dinner party was Tel. MO. 8-3703 'VON NURSE PERFORMS MANY SERVICES IN WHITBY Six . week - old Jennifer Jermyn seems to enjoy her weekly visit by Victorian: ring. Jennifer who is one. of Miss Bowring's many post- natal patients, is the daughter Braevenor is a General Nurs- ing Care patient and requires a bi-monthly visit by the nurse. This week is National VON week and a fund raising campaign is underway to pro- Whitby's VON nurse, Miss Ruth Bowring, is seen giving medical care to one of the town's senior citizens, Mrs. Robert Braevenor, 89, of 201 Brock street north. Mrs. Order Nurse Miss Ruth Bow- cesesnmgegse ot! oe of Mr. and Mrs. William Jermyn, of 409 Kent street. Post-natal instruction is only one of the many services 24 vide this worthy order with sufficient funds to allow them to maintain thetr_high stan- ag of public service in (Oshawa Times Photo) Beginners Bonspiel To Open Curling Here The curling season in Whitby| says that the primé purpose of resounding|the event, besides providing a bang on Nov. 4 when some 64, week of curling for more than gets off with a [roeed a curling club recently, | since January of this year. The opening game of the rinks start the seven-day-long|250 curling enthusiasts, is to) DuPont Bonspiel gets underway DuPont Beginners' Mixed Bon- provide a 'spiel in which be the DuPont company, is the) sibly catch "the curling bug." largest bonspiel of its kind) club on an annual basis. ganizing the ] Hodges, personnel supervisor of] non-curlers. DuPont's Whitby plant. Non-curlers : "|on spiel. The event, sponsored by/ginners can participate and pos- na! To this end, the rules for en- ever organized for the Whitby|tering the 'spiel stipulate that| jonly two members of each Chairman of a committee or-|rink may be experienced curl-| *spiel is Bertiers. The other two must be) The roundup of the 'spiel will] comes on Saturday, Nov. 10 Helalso include those who have) when the trophy winners will =| be declared. Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock and continues through- | out that afternoon and evening. |But week day games, Monday through Friday, will be played in the evening, starting at 6 p.m. BROCK Evening Shows At 6:55 & 8:20 WHITBY Starts 6:55 & 10: Starts 8:25-P.M. In addition to the trophy, the DuPont company is providing replicas for the winning rinks and 24 other prizes, valued at nearly $500. Entry forms are now being mailed out and Bert expects to see rinks here from Toronto to Bowmanville, including the two Oshawa clubs, and as far north as Port Perry and Unionville. The beginners' bonspiel also marks the opening of curling for the 1962-63 season at the Whitby club. The only fear at present is that summer may linger too long for good ice. Temperatures must drop to 55) degrees before ice-making ma-| chinery works properly. NEW HANGAR DARTMOUTH, N.S . (CP)--A jnew storage and maintenance |hangar estimated to cost $325,- }000 is being built at nearby Shearwater naval air station. About $125,000 is also being arranged on Sunday, with the following guests: Mr. and Mrs.| Chris Femia and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Al Femia and four children and Mrs. Evelyn Femia, all of Toronto. Miss Helen Whitman, Superin tendent of nurses at Whitby's Ontario Hospital, will be guest speaker at the Colborne Street Home and School Association meeting to be held this evening at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. C. Hoag of Whitby public school board will present trophies won at Whitby Field Day. Alex, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kehoe is celebrating his fifth birthday today. His friends wish him many happy returns of the day. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. R. Donnithorne, Dovedale drive, are sorry to learn that she is her a prompt recovery. Mrs. W. E. McBride and Mis Eileen McBride, 301 High street visited Mrs, McBride's sister-in. The many friends of Mrs. Robert McCabe, 1301 Gifford '%\street, are sorry to learn that she underwent surgery at the Oshawa General Hospital. They wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. McCabe is expected to come home very shortly. Mrs. Jerry Mainguy, 1515 Duf ferin street, is entertaining the CWL traveling euchre members at her home this evening. Pres ent will be Mrs. L. Ruest, Mrs. under medical care. They wish) © spent Sunday in Toronto andj: law, Mrs. L. L. Clogg, who is in| : St. Michael's Hospital, quite ill.) ~ The Union Jack, the flag and symbol of the British Empire, was presented to the IODE PRESENTS students of St. Theresa's sepa- rate school by the members of the IODE Viscount Greenwood Chapter at a brief ceremony THE OSHAWA TIMES, Teesdey, October 16, 1962 § last week. Seen receiving the flag on behalf of the student body is Betty Burtinsky, a Grade 6 student. Making the presentation is Mrs. F. W. Marsh, left, with principal, Mrs, M. McGee, looking on. --Oshawa Times Photo C. Ottenbrite, and Mrs. J. Sey mour. SKI-NOSED COMEDIAN Bob Hope's career in vaude- ville, movies, radio and tele- vision has spanned three dec- ades. ictiai sd offered by the VON, a na- tional professional home nurs- ing service. --Oshawa Times Photo . creditable job. WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Clinton Comets, one of the better amateur hockey clubs on either side of the border, oppose Whitby Dunlops Junior "A" hockey club tonight in an exhibition encounter at the Whitby Community arena. Game time is 8.30 p.m. Comets have made the swing through Whitby on a couple of occasions and have always brought # formidable unit into town. Clinton, perennial. front-runners in the United' States Eastern Hockey League, have many familiar faces in their line-up. Two players in particular, Pete' Babando and Jack Kane, performed for two seasons as part of the Whitby Dunlops Senior "'A" club. They were in the 1958-59 Allen Cup squad, then finished out the era with the rest of the guys the following season. The regular meeting of Whitby Chapter No. 248 Order of the Eastern Star was held with Mrs. Audrey McKenzie presiding and Mr. James Martin, worthy pa- tron, assisting. The flag was presented at the altar by the Marshal Mrs. Helen Boke and after the singing of the National Anthem it was es- corted to the East. Presiding matrons and pa- trons from visiting chapters were introduced by Mrs. Mar- garet Mustard, conductress, as- sisted by Mrs. Mary Inkpen, associate conductress. These were: Mrs. Mabel Eastern Star Welcomes Guests son, Mrs. Julia Thomas, Mrs. Mae Phair. The-worthy matron welcomed all and expressed her apprecia- tion for their presence. Officers and members of Whitby Chap- ter were greeted by the worthy patron. At the conclusion of the gen- eral business the new officers for the coming year were elect- d ed. The meeting closed with Mrs. Audrey McKenzie, worthy ma- tron, giving the farewell. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Mary Inkpen and her com- mittee. Alpine, Surban Chapter, Osh- awa, Mrs. Marion Jones, West Hill, Mrs, Doris Byers, Ontario, Pickering, Mrs. Doris Notting- ham, Blue Ray, Port: Perry and Mr. Frank Train, Sunbeam, Osh- awa. All were escorted to the East and cordially welcomed by the worthy matron. Other guests were: Mrs. Martha Dunlop, Sunbeam, Osh- awa and honorary member of Whitby Chapter. Mrs. Adele White, Blue Ray, Port Perry, Mrs. Eleanor Train, Durham, Bowmanville. The following past matrons of Whitby Chapter were introduced and escorted to the East: Mrs. Kathleen Browne, Mrs. Grace Blow, Mrs. Pearl Roper, Mrs. Elsie Goose, Mrs. Anne Patter- Grant Decrees In Two Actions At Supreme Court at Whitby Monday two decrees nisi were granted. Mr. Justice Parker granted a decree nisi to Evol Nikolai Maeks of Oshawa, plaintiff in an action brought against Vera Maeks of Toronto, Gilbert Mur- doch acted for the plaintiff. Francis Clements of Oshawa was granted a decree nisi in an action against Marie Clements also of Oshawa. James A. Mac- donald appeared for the plain- tiff. Babando, a man who never seems to grow old, was the leading scorer with Clinton last season. He is best remem- bered in this territory for his untiring efforts when Bobby Attersley,; Harry Sinden, Fred Etcher anl George Samo- lenko donated their services in an attempt to bring the Olympic hockey title back to this country in 1960. Pete patrolled the left side on his normal tour of duty, and cap- ably filled in frequently back at the blueline. Another member of the Clinton Comets familiar to older hoskey people when the Generals were active prior to the 10-year absence because of the tragic fire -- (of course, they return to hockey circles on Sunday afternoon in Maple Leaf Gardens against Toronto Marlboros), was Dusty Blair. He played on a line with Red Stephens and homebrow Ted O'Connor, Just last season, Blair was with Sault Ste. Marie Thunderbirds of the Eastern Pro circuit. The coach of the Comets is veteran defenceman, Benny Woit, a fourtime participant in a Stanley Cup celebration with Detroit Red Wings. Benny assumed the coaching role last season, and did a Other players with Clinton, well known in hockey circles are Skip Teal, a member of the Barrie Flyers Memorial Cup club back in the early '50's, Len Speck, defenceman with Windsor Bulldogs and Normie Defelice, goaltender, who served a 10-game tenure with Boston Bruins a few seasons ago. Clinton moves into Belleville on Wednesday night for another pre-season clash with Montreal Junior Canadiens prior to their league opener on Friday night against Johns- town Jets, also a competitive club in the USEHL. Oshawa Generals Junior "A" hockey club will be the guest of Clinton Comets general manager, Wren Blair, who happens to be their manager also. Dunlops expect to have their clug whittled down to proportionate size for tonight's encounter. Coach Bobby Attersley and manager Ivan Davie will go with four for- ward lines, six def: two goaltenders, and possibly an extra forward or two. Pe. ee BOWLING NEWS WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Thursday Section) Results of Oct. 11 -- Otten brites 1, Andrews No. 2, 2; Post Office 0, Simpson's Wood Prod ucts 3; Knights of Columbus 2, Legion Old Sweats 1; County Bowl 3, Abner's Esso 0; Credit Union 0, Devils 3; Mel-Ron 3, Firemen No. 2, 0; Silversmiths 2, Legion No. 2, 1; Mowatts' BA 1, RedWings 2. Triples over 700 flat: M. Jor dan 791 (250, 262, 279); R. Reeson 769 (267, 289); M. Reeson 764 (266, 324); W. Gor don 743 (333); J. Izott 731 (336); D. Adams 725 (268, 253); E. Jordan 703 (259). Singles. over 250 flat -- M. Slesson 326, J. Levitt 303, L. Bedard 287, A. Hepburn 285, B. Fowler 281, R. Bragg 280, B. Newstead 278, C. Sawdon 275, M. Anderson 269, G. Richardson Couples Club Hold Discussion St. Mark's United Church ¢ W's Couples Club held its monthly meeting on Saturday, Oct. 13. The members were divided into groups and met at different homes when questions were out- lined for discussions. A spokes- man was chosen for different groups and upon returning to the church they gave a sum- mary of what their group's an- swers were. The business meeting was chaired by presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baker. It was de- cided to continue with the adop- tion of a Greek boy. At the close of the meeting lunch was served. The group's next meeting will be on Satur- day, Nov. 3 when "Project Night" will be held. 268, T. Perrow 266, B. Brown 265, 253, G. Schmidke 264, B Foster 261, B. Jordon 261, Knibb 257, D. Walker 254, White 254, A. Samanski 252, McIntyre 252. COMMEMORATE DEATHS EDINBURGH (CP)--A cere- mony was held at Kringeteen, Norway, recently to commem- orate the massacre of 350 Scot- tish mercenaries in 1612. The soldiers were on their way to fight a campaign for Sweden when they were attacked and slain by Norwegian peasants. The Sinclair Memorial, named after one of the chieftains, marks the scene. FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this summer and guaranteed trouble- free all winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 PROTECTION for your home and possessions wthe STATE FARM HOMEOWNERS POLICY Karl Gerhardt 155 Hillcrest Dr. Whitby MO 8-3762 oer, STATE FARM FIRE founase AND CASUALTY COMPANY Cenedian Head Office Te Ontario. 77 Four wiggling, homehunt ing puppies are being held by Whitby's Dog Control Officer, John Greer, The pups, all six to 10 weeks old, can be seen at the Whitby Dog Pound. In all, seven dogs are currently waiting out their last days and if a home can not be found St. Mark's To Observe Anniversary The Sacrament of the Lord's PUPPIES NEED Supper was celebrated at St: Mark's United Church on Sun- day at the morning and after- noon services. At the morning service new members were re- ceived by transfer of certificate from United Churches in other! communities, The 136th Anniversary Serv- ice of the founding of the con- gregation will be held on Sun- day, Nov. 4. The Rev. Philip Romeri! will be guest minister at the morning worship and his son, Rev. John Romeril, will be spent on repairs at Shearwater. ® the evening speaker. for them they will have to be destroyed. All of the dogs are happy and healthy and would make ideal pets for children or some of them could be trained for hunting. New Healing Toronto, Ont: (Special)--For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and itching. Thou- sands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own home without di fort or inconveni Only Preparation H Contains Substance... Shrinks Hemorrhoids...Stops Itch If your doctor thinks that surgery is not necessary, Preparation H may be the answer to your hemorrhoidal problems. among these sufferers were a wide variety of hemorrhoid tions, some of even 10 to 20 years' standing. hte of maatoesatd core: ics or as any poedng, kt wall oy sub- stance (Bio-Dyne)--the discovery fa fi pe tifie institute. an: & one hemorrhoid case after another, "very striking improve- ment" was reported and veri! by doctors' observations, Pain was promptly relieved. And while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction of a scien' Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing piueed tissue on all parts o} This form called Preparation H. Ask your druggist for individual] sealed convenient Preparation MH 10s or £ (shrinking) took place. In fact, results were so th h that sufferers were able to make such statements as "'Piles have ceased to be a problem!" And ointment with special applicator. Satisfaction after one package or money refunded, ' --Oshawa Times Photo Precast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS DURA STEPS RAILINGS PATIO SLABS SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. Current Range of Products include: @ CURBING @ WALK SLABS @ WELL TILE @ CHIMNEY CAPS Specialists in Custom Precasting g CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD.

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