Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Oct 1962, p. 19

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ENROLMENT UP MONTREAL (CP) -- Enral- ment in Montreal's Protestant schools for the current term shows an increase of 635 stu- dents over last year. Elemen- tary schools had 655 fewer pu- pils, but high school enrolment jumped by 1,200. © | Double-Ring Ceremony Unites | Marjorie Cornish and David Fry King Street United Church was the setting for the marriage 'of Marjorie Jean Cornish, dau- | ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Oswald 'J. Cornish to David Irvin Fry, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert A. Fry, Rosseau, Ontario. The Reverend Wesley L, Herbert of- ficiated at the double ring cere- mony. Mr, Rhyddid Williams played the wedding music. The soloist, Mr. Fred Densham sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "O |Perfect Love'. and carried cascades of white chrysanthemums tinted blue in the centres. Mr. Harold Rogers was best man and ushers were Mr. Ron- ald Fry, Rosseau, brother of the bridegroom and Mr. Robert L Johnson. : The reception was held in|ff Centennial Hall, King Street|}} United Church. To receive, the bride's mother chose a sheath dress of blue lace and peau de soie, matching flowered hat (Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's' Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 11, 1962 7 Guests Attend Special Meeting Of Sunbeam Chapter 73 OES The regular meeting of Sun. beam Chapter No. 73, BOES was held in the Masonic Temple with Mrs. Mabel Alpin, worthy ma- tron, presiding, assisted by Mr. Frank Train, worthy patron. Mrs. Dorothy Haley, Mar- shall, presented the flag at the altar and after singing of na- matron for taking stations, Min- utes of previous meeting were read and approved. The worthy matron welcomed all officers and members. Special commit- tee gave report of Shrine Din- ner which was a success. The conveners were: Worthy Matron Mrs, A. Kemlo, A. Shorten and Mrs. G. Little. The Worthy Pa- Married bury were Mr. and Mrs, Ste- ven Abernethy. The*britte is | Given SUDBURY WEDDING in Sud- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fila, Sudbury and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and | Mrs. Arthur Abernethy, Sud- with recently | panel of in marriage by her \father, the bride wore a floor length gown of white peau de soie designed on princess lines lily point sleeves. pearls and jsabrina neckline, also the front Seed lace adorned t's the full skirt. Her 'fingertip veil was caught to a and a corsage of deep pink car- nations. The bridegroom's mother was in a two -. piece mushroom brocade gown with matching velvet hat and brown|#} accessories and a corsage of|f| chrysan-|#} rust - and themums. Later the couple left for a yellow tional anthem placed same in fron' thanked: (hese: "congeners wedding trip to the eastern| the East. the former Joyce Fila, daugh- } bury, formerly of Oshawa. ;coronet of pearls and she car- --|ried a crescent of yellow roses. provinces. The bride wore a Introductions: Mrs. Jean Scott, assisted by Mrs. Thelma land all who assisted. Mrs. Cora Lyons gave sick MAILING LIST SEES LIGHT stephanotis and ivy. three-piece brown, with beigelll wool suit, a feathered and vel- Beerthuizer, conductress, inro-|and sunshine report. Miss Flora The bride was attended by jduced the following: Mrs. Meta _|Moore, Mrs. Agnes Kemlo, PDDGM's who were welcomed vet hat to match, brown ac- cessories' and a corsage of Purdie thanked the Chapter for) SACKVILLE, N.B. (CP) PORTSMOUTH, Eng!and her two sisters, Mrs. Robert L. their attention and the mem- Mount Allison University be-|(CP)--A 14-year-old boy toured Johnson as matron of honor. sllow touts, The biddal bers who sent flowers, cards|came the second university in|a crime prevention exhibition at and Mrs. Robert B, Kerr, Cal Fon make their heen le by worthy matron fe ee gifts. ha a Lae in 1924 to offer corres- A spsoh4 agg oe oe ted cen! ae sara Rogen | Oshawa. | for loyal support. Visiting wor-|Session report wi e iven| dence courses , |himself up. The boy, who ha mgs, . thy matrons who came to 4s-|next meeting by the Associate | Pe tae arcokd ms escaped from a remand home, 'They wore voltage blue peau vie Tr Suests were pres- sist in the elections were: Mrs.|Matron. who was one of the versity in Kingston, Ont., was}said: "I see now I'll never getde soie dresses with boleros: ee B igetnard Huntsville, Nottingham, Mrs. Adelia White, | delegates. the first. !away with it." matching veiled pill box hats)" ty. arkham, Calgary, |Mr. Colbear, Port Perry; Mrs./ 'The election of officers then -- see = - |Sunderland, Bethany and Orono. \McKenzie, Whitby; Past ma-|igok place with the visiting mel ; des "WEE GORDIE' Armstrong | and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brant, Shannonville, {tron Mrs. E, Train were wel-|t rons, worthy patrons and visit- Gordon James comed and thanked for assist-|ing past matrons assisting. was one year old when this | picture was taken. He is the gon of Mr. and Mrs, James Armstrong, Miller avenue, Nurses' Refresher Courses Essential to Meet Changes Miss Ella Mae Howard, di- ing and escorted to the East. Visiting past matrons also in- troduced were: Mrs, M. Hood, Port Perry; Sunbeam Past Ma- trons and Patrons introduced were Mrs. M. Dunlop, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. N. McLeese, Mrs. I. McDonald, Mrs. M. Lang, |Mrs. B. Wight, Mrs. M. Girard, /Miss F. Purdie, Mrs, D. Haley, Mrs. A. Wood, Mr. William Henderson, Mr. Frank Train, and Mr. and Mrs. James Arm- strong, West Hill, Ontario. --Ireland Studios {come the new patterns in Nurs- re thank- The following were elected to/ serve for 1962-63: Worthy Ma |tron, Mrs. Cora Lyons; Worthy |Patron, Mr. William Henderson; Associate Matron, Mrs. Jean! Scott; Associate Patron, Mr.! /Frank Train; secretary, Mrs. Meta Moore; treasurer, Mrs Ann Brown; conductress, Mrs \Thelma Beerthuzen; Associate} leonductress, Mrs. Wilma Taylor trustee, Mrs. May Lang; audi- rector of Nursing, new Mountjing Education. Nursing Educa- Sinai Hospital, Toronto, was) tion is changing with a chang- the guest speaker recently at ajing world. meeting of Ontario County; Miss Howard quoted ; Chapter, District 5, Registered) reports and peraine 40 years|taking Ist point, Mrs. Bert The worthy hago poor Nurses' Association of Ontario. ago, then looked into the future| Wight, 4th point, Mrs. Millar] the Sisters for taking ng Miss Howard chose as her|40 years. "It is quite possible,"| Warder, Mrs. M. Morris, sentl-/< hapter closed in pol orm topic "How is Our Vision?" (she said, "that nurses will bejnel, were thanked by worthy!Mrs. Alpin giving farewe". She described members of the|needed on the moon in 2002." = serene -- nursing profession as having Two of the changes foreseen three types of vision, normal,/in the nursing profession are:| nearsightedness and farsighted-|Central Schools for Nursing ness. Those with normal vision) Education and the much discuss-| regard the nursing profession|eq Cojlege of Nursing. Miss as one among many. They carry|Howard pointed out the close out their professional and other) working relationship that will duties to the best of their) he necessary between the Reg- ability. istered Nurses' Association of Those who are near sighted Ontario and the College of Train- are absorbed by the immedi-|ing. ate. They are "my" centred. In closing Miss Howard spoke They do not see past the end of/ about bi-focal glasses helping us the corridor or a street. The| adjust the near to the far, the farsighted take a long term| present to the future. past patrons. These we led for their interest and escorted to the East. Roll call of officers, | Mrs. from|four absent, Mrs. N. McLeese Lang. jtors, Mrs, A. Kemlo, chairman, j N. McLeese, Mrs. May SPORTSWEAR LID. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE newness of Spectacular WE CARRY BY FAR THE | LARGEST SELECTION OF LADIES' view, They realize nursing must keep up with a fast moving world. From these people have| | WEST COURTICE HS | A most successful Grade One Mother's Tea was held at the School on Tuesday, October 2, with 25 mothers and fathers present, Mrs. Douglas McLaurin welcomed the guests and invited all to attend the regular meeting on Oct. 9, She then introduced the principal, Mr. John Copp, who explained the importance of the children acquiring good reading habits, as reading iz the most important subject, it forms the basis for all the other sub- jects. Mr. Copp then introduced the teacher of grade one, Mrs. Bryce Handley when outlined the coming year's work, and showed a film, which also stres- It was. announced at a recent meeting of Ontario County Chapter, District 5, Registered) Nurses' Association of Ontario,| that a Canadian Nurses' Foun-) dation is being established by| the Canadian Nurses' Associa-| tion to provide bursaries,) scholarships and fellowships for) nurses studying at the master's) and doctorate level. | This foundation will also pro- vide grants for research in nurs- ing service which may help to) advance the knowledge and art' of nursing. Any member of the Canadian/ Nurses' Association is. eligible} for. membership in the Canadian Nurses' Foundation. | "recipe,' meaning 'you ancient times! terested in the Library, where the Librarian is more than in- terested in helping select the WHY DRUGGISTS USE RX AS A PRESCRIPTION SYMBOL TODAY It is generally believed by authorities that the sym- bol "'Rx" is an abbreviation of the Latin word however, is a far cry from the. mystical potions of take." The Rx of today, IN OSHAWA AND FROM ALL THE LEADING MAKERS CAR COATS AND ALL WEATHER COATS By IRVING POSLUN'S SPORT-TOGS Fashions in. BLOUSES -- A fashion first ... Newer than new, styles ga- lore in prints, plains, end splashes of flowers. Ruf- right book for the child's age group. Mrs. Handley answered| for bos bgge one pupils andjquestions which the mothers| suggeste that mother andjasked regarding the coming father should show an interest! year's wok Refreshments were| 9 SIMCOE in their children's reading, and|served by the social convener! HB to' hear their little stories. Also| Mrs. Randle Lamont and the that they get their children in-'executive members ; : nae | 19.98 to 79.98 B OUR LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL FREE © GLADLY PLAN AND DESIGN YOUR GARDEN FOR YOU. LANDSCAPE AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE year round available. If in doubt about any problems regarding your lawn or gardens, phone the Gardening Number 623-5757. fles, bows and lavish lace trims. Wolker's them olf, LADY-UTEX HUDSON SPORTSWEAR sed the importance of reading LIMITED TELEPHONE 723-3431 has Hundreds to Choose From SWEATERS Five thousand to choose from: KITTEN -- 'IMPORTED LANSAN' -- PARKHURST -- HOLIDAY-KNIT, WINTER-WEAR -- DARLENE and many others. 6.98 to 25.00 | DRESSES and CO-ORDINATES BY MISS SUN VALLEY, TERKYL de PARIS, KAY-WINDSOR, SPORTEMPO, HOLIDAY KNIT, GLENAYR, LEO DANAL, VAL-HUGHES And Others. SILKS -- SMOKETONE COTTONS -- KNITS . 10.98 to 69.98 SPREADERS AND GLOBE y ' PFITZER JUNIPER CANNARTI JUNIPER GOLDEN PFITZER JUNIPER GLAUCKA JUNIPER HETZI JUNIPER : STRICTA JUNIPER SAVIN JUNIPER . es HETZ! UPRIGHT JUNIPER TAMARISCIFOLIA JUNIPER SWEDISH JUNIPER SWEDISH JUNIPER BURKI JUNIPER SAVIN HICKS! JUNIPER KETELER!I JUNIPER CEDAR (GLOBE) UPRIGHT PFITZER JUNIPER Deep green UPRIGHT GOLDEN PFITZER .. Yellow tips HILLS DUNDEE JUNIPER «ois cccccecseseys Blueish grey KOSTER BLUE SPRUCE Intense blue COLORADO BLUE. SPRUCE 054 cseecsice +++.. Light blue MEYER JUNIPER Light blue DWARF ALBERTA SPRUCE Light green BLAAUWI JUNIPER . Blueish green HICKS YEW : Rich green ABOVE ARE MENTIONED SOME OF THE VARIETIES OF EVERGREENS AVAILABLE THIS FALL. MOST OF THEM ARE AVAILABLE IN THE POPULAR SIZES. Top Quality Dutch Bulbs @ HEDGES @ ROSES @ SHADE TREES @ SHRUBS @ GRASS SEED @ SOD @ TOP SOIL VAN BELLE GARDENS CALL THE GARDENING NO. 623-5757 BOWMANVILLE Members of the ONTARIO NURSERYMEN. ASSOCIATION, Oshawa: District Chapter ~ UPRIGHT TYPE Deep Green Lovely Yellow Steel Blue Rich green Flat-green Blueish grey Greyish green Light green . Deep green ++eee+ Globe-green Globe-green Deep blue Dark Green Deep blue Blue Light grey Blueish grey Light Blue Light green Just two of our fabulous new collection illustrated BLOUSES -- SHIRTS KAY-SILVER -- HORNELL -- VAL- HUGHES -- PARADISE -- SUSAN VAN-HEUSEN, And Others. -3.98 to 24.98 SLIMS PANTINOS -- SABRE, GLENAYR -- KITTEN, LADY HUDSON And Many Others 12.98 to 22.98 Twin Print - "blouse magic". Sheer nylon print delicately fash- ioned over identical print taffeta. wii blue, gold to fit sizes SKIRTS SABER -- GLENAYR -- KITTEN -- SPORTEMPO -- SUN VALLEY -- PARKHURST --- LADY HUDSON. And Others 12.95 to 19.98 WE CARRY SKI AND CURLING JACKETS -- SLIMS SEIGNEUR'S @ TOP SIZE @ TOP QUALITY @ TOP VARIETIES The Jacket Blouse - a must in any wardrobe. Our favourite of drip-dry cotton im blue, brown, ev lime tones to fit sizes WALKER'S . OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 dt

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