Pig Fodder In Bread Worries Italy Officials ROME (AP) -- Italy, famous} for cuisine, is in the grip of a food scandal. It is making con- sumers queasy and the govern- ment uneasy. Some recent cases of food sub. stitutes brought to light could give a goat indigestion -- or worse; cheese made with dirt and garbage; horse hoofs and mineral oil in butter; rotten eggs in spaghetti paste; dena- tured alcohol instead of grapes in vino; and pig fodder baked into leaves of bread. "We never ~ rgd eo things even after the secon' aid war when food scarcity was general," a high health ministry official told premier Amintore Fanfani's cabinet: "We must stop this and re- store the buyer's confidence in what he is buying," said an- other. It's apparently going to take some doing. City investigators in Milan re- cently accused a number of firms of selling tons of parme- san type cheese fabricated from garbage, dirt and dairy by-prod- ucts used to manufacture but- tons and umbrella handles. It was the latest in a series of such discoveries made over! the last three years. STEAKS INJECTED Months ago the government closed down hundreds of butcher shops when chemical analysis showed their meat was beefed up with chemicals to give week- old steaks that fresh-cut look Wherever investiga tors turned, it seemed, they found abuses. A number of olive oil dealers were found to be adulterating - their product with unhealthy' mineral salts to increase oil weight and thus give a greater profit. Customs officials inspecting export supplies of bottled wines found in some cases that lamb's blood, sea plants, ox bones and iron cyanide had been used to) create artificial flavoring that was cheaper than the real stuff. The rush of recent revelations; touched off a widespread outcry. For days newspapers and tele- vision programs were filled with the food fraud story. Fanfani's government prom- ised a crackdown. Improved legislation against food frauds is expected to be introduced soon in Parliament. "We shall see that both those who sell and those who buy can trust each other," Fanfani pledged. Householders, dinets-out and restaurant owners hope so. Residents Pay Transit Loss In Boston a BOSTON (CP-AP)--The Bos- ton area commuter service will «go into the red as usual this year..And, as usual, homeown- ers of the area will have to dip into their pockets to make up the deficit. The Massachusetts Transpor- tation Authority, which operates a network of elevated and sub- way trains, trackless trolleys and gasoline buses in the Bos- ton area, has had deficits every year since it was established * gbout 15 years ago. To make up the difference, the MTA is given a subsidy raised by assessments on Bos- ton and the 13 surrounding cities and towns served by the system. The assessment, paid by homeowners through increased real estate taxes, is divided among the communities on the basis of a head count made about 10 years ago. WON'T PARTICIPATE The deficits have been as high as $23,000,000 a year. This year it is expected to be about $16,- 000,000. There have been efforts in the Massachusetts le gis1 ature to spread the assessments to all cities and towns, but these at- tempts have been beaten down by legislators from communi- ties not served by the MTA. The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce recently went on record with a statement calling for federal and state aid to fi- nance capital costs of rapid transit operations. It said the most efficient operation should be sought without recourse to property taxes. The chamber also said it would support a study to deter. mine whether the public would patronize existing rail or other masg transit commuter services if fares were reduced, services iacreased and equipment im- proved TAX BENEFITS Plans for improving transportation in the Boston area--and other large urban areas of the U.S.--have been linked with a federal appropria- tion which Congress has not ap- proved, In addition to the MTA sub- sidy, the Massachusetts legisia- ture has enacted legislation un- der which railways can qualify for tax benefits. But neither the Boston and Main Railroad nor the New Haven Railroad--the two roads serving Massachu- setts--are taking advantage of it. Both railroads have said that crippling amendments to the tax benefit law have made it not worthwhile. One of the specifications in the measure is that the raul- roads cannot fire or lay otf workers without getting the per. mission of a Superior Court ' fudge. | EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS LUC. GHEEN KY STAMPS LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase é-ox. Jar TRUMPET Instant Coffee £1 Coupon Exp, Oct. 17 With Coupon & Purchase 4 fi. ox, Bottle RESDAN £4 Coupon Exp. Oct. 17 With Coupon & Purchase 32 fi, ox, Plos. Bottle instant Suds for Dishes £7 Coupon Exp. Oct. 17 With Coupon & Purchase Any Three 15-0n, Tins SOCIETY Dog & Cat Food E10 Coupon Exp. Oct. 17 With Coupon & Purchase lé-ez, Pkg. BETTY CROCKER Angel Food Mix £13 Coupon Exp. Oct. 17 With Coupon & Purchase 12-02, Pkg, QUAKER CORN FLAKES £16 Coupon Exp. Oct, 17 With Coupon & Purchase 12 fi, ox, Jor Pimente Menzanilie McLarens Olives E19 Coupon Exp. Oct, 17 With Coupon & Purchase Two 15-02. Tins CLARK'S IRISH STEW €22 Coupon Exp. 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