Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1962, p. 18

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| | | j | | $ : in Greater Vancouver is. Tomifiy a a ee ee 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 3, 1962 POOP POS PPO EONS TE SSS SE SOS OR ry COACHES BOYS' TEAM | Vancouver Mother Is Hockey Delegate Too By STEPHEN SCOTT VANCOUVER (CP)--One of the backbones of minor hockey MeCaffery--Mrs. Tommy Mce- Caffery, that is. Tommy --it's doubtful that many of the meh she deals with in hockey know she was chtis- tened Audrey--is a vivacious, red-haired mother of two girls, a former Navy truck driver and oné-time hockey playér. She admits to spending hours each day on mihor hockey but still manages to keep a fieat hothe and 'bring up her daugh- tefs--who are more interested in figure-skating than hockey. Mrs. McCaffery is critical of parents who 'put kids into sports because it's a good place fot somébody to baby-sit for them while they @6 sofféWhere else." Tf a kid scores @ goal he gen- erally looks tip to the stands to see if his father saw, it, she says. Too often he looks to empty stands. \large part in minor hockey. er husband, who works as| a Marine engineer on a tug and MANAGES PUP TEAM Tommy, who says she loves hockey and likes helping boys manages a pup teami--six to 1 years -- afd does work on Lense wot ag Ee cauhiins able time to minor wen i she e was rétently' elected al!s less enamored with pro delegate to the British Columbia|hocky. In one game she went Amateur Hockey Association,|!0, between ---- a New 6f Of the rare occasions when|Westminster of the Westrn Lague, she almost got into a A woman has bees given sucn 8 fight with a woman spectator sitting in front of her. "A little forward dipped aiid swerved beautifully through the other team to the goa) afd shot It was beautiful. The woman in front yelled 'kill him!" "T asked her if she knew any thing about hockey. She replied 'I don't know anything abou! hockey; just kill occasionally supervises other teains when their coachés are ill. ; : DISLIKES PROS While she devotes consider. fole. Tommy's interest in hockey joes back to the days when her ather, a butcher in Battleford, Sask., was trainer for Sunrise Millers, a senior club that toured Japan in the 1930s. She layéd collegiate hockey with Battleford " the '308 as a cen tré and on defence. During the Second World War ey; who cares, she sétvéd in the fav~ as aj hin. drivé?. She Was discharged here| Tommy was so angry her hus- and five yéars ago joined th)band took het hottie before the wintr élub. Since then the 39-|en@ of the game and vowed year-old Mrs. McCaffery hasjnever to take hr to anothr. been taking ah increasingly! Not that minor hockev is jabove criticism. "Everybody One of her jobs is keeping has to have a winning team," statistics for the 2,800 players;she says. "They don't worry on more than 100 teams. An-|about the little guy who can be is away every other day, finds tife on his days ashore t6 be} with his skating daughters. iskate and stickhandle, and she out here." other is teaching her plips to/taught. That's the great failing England's Next Round Will Be Lot Tougher By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Ipswich Town, Efglish league representatives in the European Cup competi- tion, had no difficulty in reach- ing the second round of that international series. Having beaten Floriana, champions of Malta 4-1 in the first leg on the Maltesé ground, it Was ex- pected they would at least re- peat that performance on theif own ground. They did tuch).ng are not available. The new-|soccer managers have told the better than that, and the final score was 10 goals to ni! for Ipswich, giving them an aggre gate of 14-1 on the round. Unaccustomed to playing OMlseen showing sparkling form|Cup." a grassy pitch, Floriana, whoselnis season, dies . | gfound is of uncovered clay, could maké no headway against the Ipswich team, which counted six goals in the first half and four in the second. Ray Craw- ford scored five of his team's goals, and with any great effort might have made the total much higher. Ipswich are through to the second round of the Euro- ean Cup all right, but they|Greaves (Spurs), ane &. to have suech| (Wolves). cannot e xpect fragile opposition from now on i brought if seven new players ap that provided ty the aleee for their team to meet Poland/The situation arises in the European Nations' Cup| player is vvanted for an England é at Katowice on October 10- Only| get-together and at the same As I predicted recently, there|Blanchflower, Mellroy, Nichol-|time his club ha' an important have been no changes from lastison and Irvine are year in the England internation-|from the side that was beaten|two places at al team's defence for its intet|40 by Holland last May. champions. ENGLAND'S TEAM field (Blackpool) captain; Wil-|future in wor son (West Ham); Norman (Spurs)|ings, and Flowers (Wolves); well (Wolves); Charnley (Blackpool);|/something we have to discuss sathe six players have againjhave been brought back, but been chosen, and Jimmy Arm-|there is a generous infusion Of field of Blackpool has beenjnew and young talent in the made teadi capiein in place of|side, which is as follows: Ifvitte injured Johnny Haynes | (Linfield); Magill (Arsenal) afid Only Jimmy Greaves, how- Elder (Burnley); Blanchflower ever, femains of last year's|(Spurs); Neill (Arsenal) and forward line, He plays at inside|Nicholson (Manchester United); left, but his four colleagues in|Humphries and Barry (Coven- the attack are all newcomers|try City); Dougan (Aston Villa); to international football and re.|Mcllroy (Burnley) and Bingham ceive their first caps. These|(Everton) drastic forward line changes) Looking ahead to the next were Made fecessary because world cup series, of which the Haynes, Charlton and Bobby final rounds Will be played in Smith afe all or. the injured list/Britain in 1966, England's top comers afé Hellawell of Bir-)Football Association in plain thingham; Crowe of Wolves,|terms: 'League fixtures must be Charnity, of Blackpool and Hin-jout if England are to prepare ton of Wolves, all of Whom have/properly for the 1966 World This warning was given by The team against France will|the managers at four meetings thus line up as follows: Spring-jheld at different points in the ett (Sheffield Wednesday); Arm-|country to gh England's id football. After the last of these meet- in Birmingham, Dennis Hella-|Follows, F.A. secretary, said: Crowe|"The reduction of fixtures is (Huddersfield); Moore} (Birmingham); and Hinton |at the October meeting of the |F.A. Council, We are trying to have|avoid a clash between League and international commitments. when a The Irish selectors retained|League match. He can't be in once. That is |what we are trying to avoid . ee tot ew ee Uw ew eee The Motor City bowling team .§ still running with hard luck and aiouet they bowled much better Saturdey ih the Toronto Sity Major League they never: helésé lost all five games to stanley Jafvis Insuratice, one of -hé top teas in the City Major League. Stanley Jarvis took the first game with 1341 against 1247, che secofid by 1148 to 1094, the hird by 1204 to 1198, the fourth oy 1271 to 1227 and the fifth with 1280 against 1005. Totals: Stanley Jarvis Métor sity 5781. In four of the games, Motor city bowlers. were merres | up iftil the last two or three fathes but seemeéd t6 fade to- Wafds the end of each gare, when at the sémé time the vther team came on strong to vin. A lot of the*games are deing lost with teo many blows rlus the faét that the players ire not picking tip the pins. The fifst game lookéd like a yreeze for the losers when they ed by at least over 100 pins iff he sixth frame, then lost out by Motor City Team Drops Entire Set ih i i a a a 94 pins. In the second game 'hey lost by 54 pins. The third game théy lost by a mefé six , The fourth game they lost y 44 pins afd the only game that they had fio Chance in was| the last game. On the day, for the winners it was Joe Bash 'eading the way for 60. frames with 13828) (308, 278) followec by McBurnie for 50. frames with 1310 (841, 984). and Jack Pritchard for 5¢ frames with 1290 (315, 277). It was Ed Reaneéy's terrific felie! 'east three games wheh he amassed a total of 491 pins for 17 frames. : For the losers, Doug. Bryan: led the way with 1217 for 5 games, Ed. Brown 902 for 39 frames. The schedule so far has beer drawn in such a manner tha the Motor City boys have beer meeting up with the top team: and again this coming Saturday they will be facing tough oppo- sition, when they take on the powefful Plantation team a! Bayview Bowl. The powerful bowlifg of Jack Bregmah and Keith Barrett led Plantation Bowl to a 4-to-1 vic- tory over Oshawa People's Clothing, Saturday at Willow Bow! in Toronto. The totals tor the 5-game set were Plantation Bow! 6471 and People's Clothing 5793. People's got off t6 a very bad start in the first game rolling a cos = seore § while \ Plantation threw a Very hice game of 1261 for an éasy wih. Top storers for the vietors were Jack Breg- than 288, Fred Halle 266, Maw Mori 250 and Keith Barrett 250. Ron Swartz with 242 was high for People's. Plantation Bowl left a strug- gling People's Clothing team far behind inthe second game by rolling a terrific score of 1516 over People's 1167. Hari "Olly" Jordan and Orest Pidwerbecki with 201 and 233 respectively were top shooters for People's, whilé the high bowlers for Plantation Bow! were Maw Mori 374, Keith Bar- Plantation Bowl a 'Whips People's Brute Cadorin 28° and Fred Halle 271, The third game Went to Plan- tation Bowl with another very high seore of 1412 as People's, though trying hard, folled 1165. Once again Jack Bregman was high for the winners with 345 followed by Fred Halle $10,|' Keith Barrett 258, Maw Mori 255 ahd Bruce Cadorin with 244. Harold Ballam led the losers with 264 with Orest Pidwer- becki 249 and Don Henning 246 following. Plantation Bow! continued theif winning streak by 'a*'«* the fourth game with @ score of 1218 over Peopie's lin. . high games Were rolled by Jack Bregman With 321 and Keith Barrett with 284 for Plantation and for People's it was Harold Ballem 279, Orest Pidwerbecki 252 and Ron Swartz 230. After losing four games in-a- row, People's came back strong to win the final game, with a very hice score of 1842 while the Plantation team rolled 1064. rett 200, Jack. Bregman 280, Orest Pidwerbecki, a strong TORONTO (CP)--The Uni- versity of Toronto soccer team isn't predicting an intercolle- giate title, but it does boast the best looking managers in the league. Mary Bertolin and Kathleen O'Sullivan, two 20 ~ year «+ old young ladies, have been picked from among four ap- plicants as Blues' managers. The girls answered an ad- vertisement in The Varsity, the student newspaper, which U OF T SOCCER TEAM HAS PRETTY MANAGERS read: "Female wanted to han- CPCS SSH OOS bowling that did the ttick ih a'}goo OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS | Alouettes Lose EASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE Congratulations to R. Clarke for roll- ing the leagues first 600 plus score with a bealitiful, 621 (221, 212). Goch Super- test rolled the hew team high 2699, Poitts -- Goch Supértest 4, Robinson Motors 0; Arts Vending 3, Mackies Van and Storage 1; Jokers 3, Cadillac Hotel 1; H and L Enterprises 3, Pic-O-Mat 1; Progress Brand. Clothes 3, Clints Tex- geo 1; Les Eveniss Sales 3, Houdaille Ind: 1: mont 3, Black's yk Wear i; Parker Electric 3 and Me- Laughlin Coal 1. High Scores -- W. Welsh 67 (212); A. itcheon 550 (209);-T. Donohue 550; F. lor 548 (211); §. Hodgson 546; J. Waldinsperger 546 (223;) C. Severs 540 H. Witterick H Cc. Andor os He 531 (215) and L. Rose MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Points fiken -- Genosh: H Gillars 0; Motor City 3, Acadian 0; Westhiount 3, Eo -- © and Homes by Harrison 3 a 800 lub -- J. Bell a21 (344, 252); B. Courthey 804 (333, 248); and E. He: (278, 264), 700 Club -- B, Gallant 741 (266, 259)- D. Wotton 730 (302, 231), and R. Rich we 723 (ars, an -- D, Wijson 690 (310); B ebete: (250, 818); M. 0 647 (951, 251); D. Doyk 539 (287, 216); -D, Williams 635 (271 225); C, Cheski 633 (24°, 200); D. Chat tertom 628 (255, 203); L.- Arp 623 (214 211); BR. Roddick 618 (281, 205) and K Roddick 606 (251), 200 Cub -- S. Weeks (248, 211); W Sinith (248); T. Linley (241); J. Goode: (236); .D. Skinner (234); F, Dingle» (230); H. Canfield (215); M. 'Thompsor (207); KR. Dingham (205); P. Hercie (204) and B, Gledhill (200). LADIES MOTOR cIi¥ Single -- Ahhe Sabo 302. PP ead Triple -- Isabeile King 704 (204 600 Triples -- Evelyn Redpath 664 (286, 206), Anne Sabo 639 (302), and Vi see 638 (255, id scores -- Audvey Hodysoh 267 Lynn Barlow 264, Mary Kinz 236, Don- alda Williams 235, Pru Whittick 233, 201; Marion Weeks 224, Eve. Stata 224, Alice Callison 223, Lillian Morrison 219, Madeline Mortison 215, Dot Brown 214. Lyla Huxtable 2)0, Mation Thomas 20¢, Joan Maddock 203, Motly Virgin 203, an Collins 201 and Edna Andersop Total Pointe for each team -- Lite: vers 13, Cameos i2 Black Cats 12, fuhes 11, Seven Ups 10, Maypoles 10, Budgies 8, Red és 8, Corner Pi 8, Nick Nacks 8, Lucky 13 8 sige roeks 6, Showballs 6, Corn Balls 4, Nose Gays 2 and Bharpshooters }. FIREFIGHTFR'S MIXED DOUBLES Poitts Woh -- Foamites 4, Smokies 4, Axes 3, Pumpers 2, Blazers 2, Moon- lighters 1, Choppers 0, Hydrants 0. Team standing, to date -- Foamites 10, atten tenement ate alberta man for People's, rolled a 373 followed by Ron Swartz 293. Total pinfall for the day was as follows: People's Clothing 5743 with Orest Pidwerbecki 43 frames for 1157, Ron Swartz 46 "13ud Ellegett 207, Betty Grant 205, 203, pietakentnys 5, Smokies 8, Biazéts 4, |Pumpers 3, Aces 11, Choppers 4, Hy- drants 3. Harty Keys had. a niee triple 912 a by ob ge a feb tyke tel thacew, end Paul Neil Vermoen 622 Ain Gerry #29 \ball and 200 League --_ Pal; ry Graham 225, mer 203, Art Rowder 217, Connie Doris Bou }» Neil Sala, Yern Johnston, 201, Reg. Wood 202, Lemon League ' Connie iden 82. the Als have 20, Ann Gibson 76, Udo Séhlottke bo and|halfback Tom Doris Vermoen 92. SERGEANT'S MESS LEAGU:: Games over 600 Kay o73|Riders under the waiver ers on games with Montreal. Over 200 -- Syd Temple 246, Betty jel Joassen 225, Belle cx 219, J. An- derson 216, Win, Temple 210, 208, Bi- pif nny th yl psd een Corson 209, George Fox 207, 201, reserve list with a broken Mabel McNeil "i i 4 eg Rew OF: Schaalle BONN Gate Jack Jonassen 201, Nick Nichols 201 aho, R. Carswell 201. Points Won -- Ev Clough's team ¢|5!V¢ Plans, The two-year Yred Zedic's team 4, 'eam 4, Nick Nichol's teain 3, Karse Carswil's team 3 and Stew McKiney's| team 0. line. Dick Schnell MONTREAL (CP)--Offensive Fedor has quit foot a interior linebacker 871 (204, 313) and Joan Batten a ay. os ~~ has entered hosp} "tal with suspected appendicitis I beryie Garret Dis, 213) See Lat it Was announced Monday nigh' 204/by Montreal Alouettes of the 201; Eastern Football Conference. A club spokesman also sait laced defensiv: ers. Rodgers was Claimed b the Als from Ottawa Roug aN, 85 $1088. He did not play in any Fedor, 26, decided to resum: ir} | Toebe 219 206, Ron Hele 229, 202, Dore-l studies, Said the spokesmaé thy Zedic 228,-Heleh Andreson 228, Ita-lwas ysed sparirgly by coac) after spending the early part of the season on the eldb's injurt severe setback to Moss' defen: t elle Fox's teani|from the University of Wyom §, Irene Hele's team 2, Feed Potter's|ing has done a magnificent job f shoring up the middle of the Yugby Football The Oakville us Reatést rival fullback auts who has 36 points. waiv | 'arnia Impetials lace with 24 points. Nordoff Increases His Scoring Lead OAKVILLE, Ont. (CP)--Hals. back Bob Nordoff of Oakville Slack Knights, in¢reased his 'ead last. week in the Ontario : Union Senior eague individua' scoring race. Speeaster now as Scored 49 points more than Viliams of East York A.J Fullback Gaty Cranmer of is in third proc crry a. 'anada's people no nH } | opulation. More than 58 per cent ¢ live. in ommunities Of More than 1,000 mar tib. b er man | 0% cigarettes Team staridings to date -- Irene Hele's team 12, Ev. Clough's team 1?. Nick Nichols team 11, Fred Porter's eam" 10, Belle Fox's teat 10, Fred Zedic's teain 8, Stew MeKinley's team 7 and Karse Carswell 7. FRIENDLY 48 LEAGUE The 1962-63 exeeutive of the league extend a welecme to all partiepants, old and new. This is the second werk of league play. The best double this week was 8, Hann with a 420 (248), Next best was R. Anderson with a 404 (233). NATO alliance since 1950. NATO CONTRIBUTION Canada has contributed $1, 730,000,000 in fhutual aid to the How To Stop Smoking If You sthoke and with dida't ... then read n October's Reader's Digest how to be yout own boss when it comes t (there are three simple steps you can take te stop smoking forever). Ie to bacco really habit-fotming . . . does it help ease nervous tension e how ti A nlc gan. rs) body yout copy of Reader's Digust today." Men! Don't Miss This ! { 200 Scores -- M. Nicholson 233, C, Cann 217, R. Lane 212, I, Jann 204, P. Andetsoh 24, L. Borrow 203, J. Wilson 201 and M. Harding 200. 'Piper Boy' Takes Rideau Feature OTTAWA (CP)--Piper Boy, a six-year-old gelding owned by Buff MacQuarrie of Fergus, Ont., won the featured seventh race Tuesday hight at Rideau Carleton raceway when he raced home a length ahead of Hematite, a Hull, Que., horse Lynden Anhe, of Brantford, TOPCOAT or CAR COAT With the Purchase of ANY SUIT at 49.50 39 articles of lasting interest. 'Tames 1108, Harold Ballem 39 frames 942, Earl Jordan 37 frames 876, Sel Himes 32 frames 645, Don Henning : 28 frames 502, John Trott 25 frames 473, As a result of Saturday's ac- tion, People's Credit Jewellers and Stanley L. Jarvis General Insurance are how in top spot in Group "B" with 11 points Bowl with 10. points. Next Saturday, People's Cloth- ing travel to Bayview Bow! to take on the league-leading die managerial duties for men," Members of the team made the selection and decided on two managers instead of one aftet viewing the applicants. Mary comes by her knowl- edge of soccer honestly. She is the sister of Bruno Bertolin, former Varsity player rate now one of Canada's best pro- fessional players. Kathleen, born in Boston, became a s»c- cet fan last year when she dated a member of the team national match with France. The A couple of former Irish caps|through better organization." NOW! A cigarette that filters ONE...TWO...THREE ways! NEW TWIN FILTER MAYFAIR Not just one filter--TWO! And Twin Filter This scientific combination of two totally different filtering materials plus the new mildness of specially refined TRIPLE FILTRATION! * The Imperial Tobacco They combined Mayfair's tobaccos--spe- scientists started with a with soft, super-ab- cially refined to a new mild- pure-white, easy-draw- sorbent "Astra, ing filter of cellulose-- nature's own filtering agent. This Is Canada's most efficient filter. eecesidenenanieninaiesitiiaeniaiaaaaenill Mayfair is King Size! tobaccos gives you ness--add their own recog- nized filtering action. Result: TRIPLE FILTRATION! ANOTHER STEP FORWARD FROM IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S RESEARCH LABORATORIES! People's Credit Jewellers. ' apiece followed by ne was third. SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and USE YOUR CREDIT PAYMENT NECESSARY NO DOWN Commercial The established, telioble Gus Dealer in your area, 31 CELINA ST. | i (Corner of Athol) | | 728-8441 DUNN'S 2 LOCATIONS IN OSHAWA 36 King East and Oshawa Shopping Centre 7 Resell Er end i ce | Panic wag TRANSFOR M YOUR BASEMENT INTO A GLAMOROUS FAMILY FUN CENTRE... Drop in and view the finest book on basement game rooms ever produced. © FREE ESTIMATES 00 Six thrilling, personalized designs to choose from. Takes you step by step $3 ° yeep through the job with simple instructions, diagrams, -templates, ete. Desks, per planters, storage walls, bars, atmosphere pieces -- ideas leap out at you from copy © BUDGET TERMS every page. Just the book you've been waiting for! Over 100 idea-packed pages, each 14" x 11", | oe (it romuedt aa & CARPENTERS RECOMMENDED ecemecmnies SEE THE WIDE RANGE OF SMART NEW PANELING MATERIALS NOW ON DISPLAY . .. PRICED TO PLEASE YOU!! > THIS 1S "THE BOOK" ON REC ROOM PLANNING .. . BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE . . . McCULLOUGH ... .-HAS ALL THE NECESSARY MATERIALS ... . PLUS SKILLED PERSONNEL TO SERVE YOU. MARE McCULLOUGH LUMBE ve 64 Mf . THE "ONE STOP" Your Rec Room Stop! -- LUMBER COMPANY, ito. --Complitt (int. of BUILDING MATERIALS ( 1270 SIMCOE $T. NORTH ¢ OSHAWA, ONTARIO - -- Us aie ea

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