Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1962, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT : Whitby Bureau Office: Manager: Lloyd Robertson AT KIWANIS CLUB : 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 WHITBY AIRMA Marshall H. M. Carscallen, DFC, CD, Air Officer Com- manding, Training Command. As a member of the Regular Flying Officer F. A. Archi- bald of Whitby was presented with pilot's wings at a gradua- tion ceremony at RCAF sta- tion Portage la Prairie. Fred, the son of Mr. and Mrs, A. Archibald of 513 Centre street, was one of eight officers to receive wings from Air Vice Officer Archibald has been undergoing pilot training fcr the Jast five summers and has flown Chipmunks, Har- Officer Training plan, Flying | A representative of the Ontario Department of Highways was the guest speaker at the Whit- by Kiwanis Club weekly meet- ing held at the Hotel Royal Thursday. Club secrey'y Dennis Ullyet jintroduced the director of Safe- ty Education, Harold Laybourn. The guest spoke on the various aspects of the safety education program. . Mr. Laybourn said that high- way safety was a field in which the Provincial Government and the Department of~ Transport was particularly interested. "The welfare scheme in Brit- ain,'"' he said, "looks after peo- '\ple from 'womb to tomb', we in the safety branch want to safeguard people from cradle to the grave." : With this end in mind, he con- tinued, the safety education branch was formed in 1957. Mr. Laybourn said that the branch was intended to interest the public in their safety. This is being accomplished in part by a publicity campaign. "This is badly needed," Mr. Laybourn stated, "as the traffic casualties of the last Labor Day week-end show the type of driving we are fighting in this province.' The Kiwanis heard that a major problem to the safety branch was children in the three |and four-year-old group. "There jis no organized group we can 4% |reach to teach road safety rules | to," the speaker said, "but a nursery school and kindergarten program has been formed for the younger children." Mr. Laybourn also said that the toddlers were taught by means of brightly colored post- ers which plainly told a traffic safety lesson. "We have found," he said, 'that three-year-olds can be taught the rudiments of road safety." When children reach school age, he stated, the Grade 6 to 8 pupils' guide the younger chil- dren by means of the School Safety Patrols. 'This is rather a wonderful installation," Mr. Laybourn said, "'this was insti- tuted in 1931 and since then there has not been one accident or fatality to any child under the scheme," Mr.. Laybourn pointed out that more than 1,000 schools now have the Safety Patrol system which is run by 20,000 pupils. Another difficulty for the Safe- ty Branch is the accident rate for children aged 11 to 13, he said. While. they are excellent road users as pedestrians, Mr. Laybourn stated, at these ages He said, 'This is one of the real hazards we face as the numbers of young cyclists is growing yearly and they have not sufficient knowledge of the rules of the road." 'The children are untrained, and show fla- grant disobedience of the rules which apply to all road users, Mr. Laybourn explained. ie Robot Will Replace Housewife N WINS WINGS | vards and T-33 Silver Star | Aircraft. During the winter ceed to Conversion School at Chatham, New Brunswick to fly the F-86 Sabre Jet. Later he' will train on the new months he has attended Royal Military College, Kingston and University of Western Ontario, | supersonic CF-104 at RCAF London from which hé gradu- | Station Cold Lake, Alberta ated with a Bachelor of Sci- | and then proceed to Canada's ence degree in Electrical En- | Air Division in Europe. Red Cross Seeks Visit Volunteers Whitby Red Cross Branch is|jbers have, because of sickness urgently in need of volunteers| or other personal reasons, drop- who will visit at the Ontario|ped out, and new helpers are Hospital. Our local Red Cross| badly,needed. Branch was the first group to| Members spent approximately be permitted visiting privileges,|two hours, two to four o'clock, as an organization, in Ontario,|either every Wednesday, or about seven years ago. | twice a month, and transporta- During ten months of the year|tion is available. since then, a group has gone to LONDON (AP) -- A British scientist predicted Friday that man will one day invent a robot gineering. He will now pro- --RCAF Photo that will do all of woman's tire- WHITBY PERSONALS | On Saturday, Sept. 22, Miss trip abroad where she visited) We is Professor Meredith Joan' Harris celebrates Hy dpm gees of her family. neh of Sheffield University, birthday. On Sunday, her broth-| spent some time in Ilford, Eng-|who is married and has three er Mr. Elmer Harris is also|land visiting her brother and! children. {occasion they will their parents, Mr. and Mrs Howard Harris of Uxbridge. cial opening of Council |celebrating his birthday. On the be visiting Knights of Columbus Grand Knight and Mrs. Frank Canzi will on Sunday attend the offi- the Scarboro Knights of Columbus In addition to visitors, the pro-/new hall and home. His Excel- sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| 'We have gone no further liam Bastin. While there she| than the half-way stage" in the also attended the wedding of her|industrial revolution, he said in niece, She also toured in Edin-|an interview. burgh and various other places.| 'This has led a number of In London, England, Mrs.\inventors to look seriously into Adam was the guest of her| the possibility of making a fool- |proof, 100 per cent robot house- wife." Mentioning vacuum cleaners, brother and 'sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bastin. On Sunday, Patricia Joanne, | Friends Shower Whitby Bride Prior to her marriage on Sat- urday, September 22, in St. An- drews Presbyterian Church, Whitby, Miss Mary Elizabeth Powell was entertained at a miscellaneous shower with Mrs. Lloyd Simcock, Burns street, as hostess. Following the unwrap- ping of numerous lovely gifts games were played. Assisting the hostess in serving lunch was Mrs. A. Alexandre. Miss Gayle Willett, Colborne cellaneous shower at the home of her parents. The bride-to-be | was seated on a spegjally decor- jated chair, she was assisted in | opening the gifts by Miss Bonnie Junkins. | The hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Willett and Mrs. R. Barnes, ' Safety Director Tells Of Program they are given their first bi-| course in these schools, he said, cycles. | street, also entertained at a mis-| y THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September, 22, 1962 5 To combat the problem, he continued, a Crusaders Cycle Club has been formed' which helps to train the children. Mr. Laybourn pointed out that, "the: cyclist of otday is the motorist of tomorrow". The youngsters can undergo a three part program, he said, first, recognition of road signs and uses. Second, am examina- tion of the cycle to determine its fitness. Third, a riding test is| © given to determine riding abil-| . ity. Mr. Laybourn said that the child who passes the examina- tion is given a badge and the title of 'Knight Rider'. A special problem is posed by the 16 to 25 age group, a group' which is involved in one third of all motor accidents in the prov- ince, he said. To rectify the problem driving instruction has been started in 60 Ontario senior schools, Mr. Laybourn pointed out. This has shown that the number of accident involved drivers is half that of the un- trained drivers in the age group. This is an extra curricular and while extra curricular urses such as _ photography re needed in the schools driving instruction saves. lives. r the older drivers, Mr. Lay-| bourn explained, a mobile ve- hicle safely lane can be laid was found in Whitby harbour Thursday. The safe was dis- an Oshawa skindiver. It had FOUND IN HARBOUR Cpl. James Barter of the ; been entered through a hole Whitby Police Force is shown | chipped through thick concrete above examining a safe which attempt to trace the owner of the safe is being made through Toronto Police files. --Oshawa Times Photo covered in 30 feet of-water by down on supermarket parking lots or other areas where driv- ers can check their cars. Nu- merous faulty vehicles are found in this way, he said, and UNCLAIMED MONEY house in Shoreditch. The sh SHOREDITCH, London ° $1,200 ping bag contained over $1,200 which enclosed the safe. An,~~~ Police are seeking the owner of a shopping bag found by school children playing in a derelict in notes, It was partly hidden among floorboards. in- an up- stairs room. the owners are advised of the repairs to be made. "Over 30 per cent of pedes- trian fatalities is. found in the over 65 age group," he stated. To keep the older people inform- ed of traffic and pedestrian safety, traffic officials visit Sec- ond Mile and Senior Citizens Clubs Mr. Laybourn said, Mr. Laybourn also outlined the points system whereby driv- ers who accumulate 15 points through bad driving have their driving permits suspended, He concluded by pointing out that the accident and fatality rate was not increasing, in proportion with the increasing number ey vehicles using the roads each) ear. | Mr. Laybourn received the/ thanks of the club from Presi-| dent Hugh Sims. 1 FREE Whitby Credit Unton. NOTICE - WHITBY CO-OP MEMBERS A meeting of The Oshawa and District Credit Union Chapter will be held under the auspices of the MONDAY, SEPT. 24th-8 P.M. AT THE 1.0.0.F. HALLV211 Brock S. Whitby TO ALL SPEAKER: LEON DAVEY Subject: Publicity and Education @ ALL WHITBY MEMBERS WELCOME -- Hove your furnace cleaned free this summer and g t free all winter, if you. purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil ws St. John Ambulance FIRST AID COURSE Starting Monday, Sept., 24 AT KING ST. PUBLIC SCHOOL ject is at present without alJency Bishop Marocco will offi- Co. "f . DIAL 725-1212 chairman or leader, and if there|ciate. On Saturday Grand is anyone in Whitby who would/Knight and Mrs, Canzi will at- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. V.|washing machines, floor polish- | English is celebrating her ninthjers and automatic dishwashers, | progressed with the project, but} 1 1 1 : birthday. Her school companions] he said: he visualizes a robot about the/j be interested in heading this/tend the dance held at St. Hed-jof Dundas Street East School] size of a small woman--a ma- committee, they will be grateful-wig's Polish Roman Catholic] and friends wish her many| WORKS HARDER lchine that could be rigged to ly welcomed by the Branch. | Church Hall. Grand Knights of} happy returns of the day. | 'Yet the' average British) make beds, set tables and do Please contact Mrs. R; H.| District No. 4 have been invited) Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Holy-jhousewife of 1962 works harder|cjeaning chores. Bedell, MO 8-2862, President of|to attend. oake and Mr. and Mrs. Gary|than her Victorian counterpart.| 'There's a gimmick. He said| arouse their interest in the world}the Branch, if you would be in-) Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs.! Turner spent their holidays on a/She works so hard that her hus-|jt would take about 10 years to| beyond the hospital. [terested in doing your bit to) Adrian Goverde is celebrating| motor trip to Atlantic City. They|band often feels compelled to/gevelop at a cost of $2,800,000. Those who have taken part|brighten the lives of the his fourth birthday next week.|also spent a day in Philadelphia|help her." | have found it is interesting and/ patients, or help them on the) Attending his party will.be 'hisjand a couple of days in New; Thring, a professor of chem.| | rewarding work, but some mem-' road to recovery. cousins, Gerard aged Corine Van| York City. jical engineering, said it's too the hospital every Wednesday afternoon to visit with patients in various units, carry out some pational therapy, where isle, conduct games with pa- ake them out for walks, daj whatever appears pos- sibl¢ to brighten their lives and Step up toa LAWN-BOY den Wildeburg and Henry andj -Mrs. Neil Lowes of Vancou-\early to discuss how far he's} SA Women | WHITBY BOWLING NEWS | Hold Meet | WHITBY LADIES' Salvation Army Women's| BOWLING LEAGUE Home League held its weekly, Triples over 500: I. Mother- meeting on Thursday evening] Sill 731, A. Hewis 625, A. Ander- at the Citadel with Mrs. A. Carr|S0n 577, K. Loyst 574, J. Pick- and her group in charge. jard 536, R. Peleshok 529, E. Anne Goverde, |ver, British Columbia was al Mrs. V. Hayes is spending aj guest at the home of Mrs. E. B.| week in Mount Forest as t he| Killens of Maple street recently, | guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mc-| Ladies Luhan. | dents of Fairview Lodge on Fri- Mrs. F. Adam, King street,|day enjoyed a bus 'tour and ad- |Has returned from a two months| mired the coloring of the leaves. Family Monuments and gentlemen resi-) | | Created To 2) Individual 'Athabasca Sands Jstarrorp bros. LTD. | | | | ...to find out 20% OFF CANADA'S MOST POPULAR POWER LAWN AT 7:30 P.M. Any Whitby or district residents interested in this 8-week course in First Aid invited to enroll Monday night. Course sponsored by the Whitby Chamber of Commerce GORDON RICHARDS, President The meeting opened with a|Mosscrop 527, B. Childs 519, T.) MONUMENTS devotional led by Mrs. Earle.|Shaw 14 and D. Kehoe 505. Mrs, Captain Reed chaired 'the| Singles over 200 -- I: Mother- how much you 318 DUNDAS EAST CHARLES STAFFORD, Chairman business meeting. | sill 261, 246, 206; K, Loyst 292, Further arrangements were|J- Pickard 258, A. Hewis 241, made for the Thursday, Novem-|A- Anderson 240, T. Shaw 212, ber 22, supper to take place at| A. Labanovich 203 and E. Wal- the Citadel, cgtered by the Wom.| ker 201. en's Home , aaa members.|. This week the Candy League Two different color tickets. will|bowled for handicap only and be on sale as there will be two| next week the schedule will be sittings. The first one at 5.30 p.m. and the second at 6.30/! L if you find that you cannot come out to bowl, please bowl off as m, Any members could be con- your team needs your score. tacted to obtain tickets. One new member was welcomed during started, All bowlers are urged to| Pe the largest known reserve of pulp is flooded with more hot be on time each Wednesday and} ljected by the Alberta cabinet,|S24's original oil content. Tapped For Oil | MO 8-3552 CALGARY (CP) -- The Al-|plant built by the Alberta gov--=--= |berta Oil and Gas Conservation|ernment and a private com- ' { |Board has paved the way for|pany. commercial development of the) The sand is first mixed with YyouR PLUMBING. Athabasca oil sands, believed to) water and heated. The resylting ae SPECIALISTS : oil in the world. jwater, causing the oil to rise The board, whose recommen-|® the surface as a froth. The dations have seldom been re-|{roth holds 95 per cent of te said Friday Great Canadian Oij|S¢COnd step purifies the froth |Sands Limited should be by removing the water, residual may save on Car insurance ae St. John Ambulance Courses Deluxe 19" All Juxury Jawn care features-- Whitby Churches one pull start--proven depend ability--plus 2 FULL YEARS' WARRANTY Reg. 87.50. "FAITH BAPTIST EMMANUEL ~Y REFORMED the business session. Following this games were enjoyed and a social time was enjoyed with re- freshments being served by Mrs. Carr and her group. At next week's meeting a Missionary guest speaker has been invited for "Missionary Week". All members and their friends are invited to attend. Mrs. Kentner and her group will be in charge. : | SELLS CENTRE TORONTO (CP) -- Ted Pur-! don, a centre formerly wih! Sunderland and Birmingham of the English League, was sold Friday night by Toronto City of the Eastern Canada Profes- sional Soccer League to New York Ukrainians of the Ameri- can Soccer League for $2,500. 5 given| 4 A the right to extract oil from a/fime sand and clay, leaving portion of the sticky sands| clean, heavy oil. which cover an area of about | 30,000 square miles in north-| Importers Hit | Dollar Value | Guild Plans M [PLUMBING = HEATING == GAS-OIL NOW ONLY 70.00 WILSON CYCLE & SALES 106 COLBORNE E. WHITBY Open Fri. 'Til 9 p.m. KARL GERHARDT 155 HILLCREST DR. WHITBY Ph. MO 8-3762 STATE FARM MUTUAL ; AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. STATE FARM PL « INSURANCE, M0.8-8761-137 BROCK ST. J WHITBY Last BROCK Evening Shows at 6.55 & 8.20 p.m. the church hall. The meeting) : : ment of the oil. sands take was opened with prayer. One| piace in the near future," the new member, Mrs. M. Roddis, board's report said , was welcomed. It said the improved outlook The meeting -adjourned: and the be ~~ \lar's external value should not tne" members. worked at_theof®qutree, dt aid the impact nave been lowered in the ma bazaar items. Lunch was served ; : ; jner in which it was." , | erude oil production would not! : : by Mrs. J. Duggan, Mrs. The association told the royal] Authorities estimate that only|import trade but in the long run |1,500,0000,000 barrels in an area|is harmful to the Canadian| lof 14 square miles is economic-|¢¢onomy as a whole. | jally recoverable at this time.| This is not the widely - held eastern Alberta. Decli : a | Decline Method During the business meeting|tor Alberta crude has reduced mC. '| be serious. |About 298,50,000,000 barrels re-|view in other quarters, com- Complete Show 8.20 "3 A Ma COLUMBIA (COM' _AsTRO-NuTSmeet MARTIANS! Newest! FWE Nuttiest' THREE STOOGES ORB Plus: SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTIO "RAISING THE WIND" Starring--LESLIE PHILLIPS -- LIZ FRAZER STARTS AT 8:30 All Saints' Anglican Church) «pp, ' ae | Pisiagt 'nt va | e board believes it js in St. Margaret's Guild held its | the interests of the orovinte regular meeting on Thursday at! thot some commercial develop-| the members discussed new nur- : N OTTAWA (CP) -- sand-| sry pies, bazar ems and Mt pa the 3008 barrele- aan impairs and Traders At future projects. Canadian plant would have on[sociation said Friday the dol- Holmes and Mrs. W.. Osborne., e sands are ij commissi banki i. . : sands estimated to|\° ssion on banking and fi The next meeting will be held| .onfain 300,000,000,000 barrels of ance that a discount on the dol-| on Thursday, October 4. _ _| oil. lar is not only harmful to the | main. : }mented Commissioner J. Doug-| Great Canadian proposes ajlas Gibson, general manager of| | $124,000,000 scheme which would|the Bank of Nova Scotia. Oth- extract 11,500,000 barre 1s ajers felt the devalued dollar year.. The crude would be de-|would aid both export and do.| | livered by pipeline to the inter-)mestic industry and help boost provincial system. employment, The company, which has of-| However, the association's| fices in Toronto and New York,|brief argued that this would be has until Jan. 1, 1964 to startla "pyrrhie victory'--one gained |construction. According to its at too great a. cost. proposal, the plant would go) Two-thirds of Canadian im- into operation by Sept. 30, 1966.|ported goods went into indus-| Great Ganadian will use ajtry, rather than to consumers. method developed by Dr. K. A.|Due to devaluation, costs of| Clark of the Alberta Research|these imports--raw and semi-fin-| Council to separate the oil fromjished materials, and capital| the sand. ~ goods--were likely to pyramid, | Known as the water flotation|gradually eroding the competi: | process, it was found technic-|tive advantage gained by ex- ally sound in 1949 at a smail'porters. "hk. ™& PRODUCT) PICTURES RELEASE EDY) | | | i WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD ANNOUNCES EVENING CLASSES INSTRUCTION will be given at Henry Street High School in the following subjects, if the demand is sufficient BASIC ENGLISH AND CITIZENSHIP FOR NEW CANADIANS . WOODWORKING . METAL WORKING - COMMERCIAL WORK: TYPEWRITING, SHORTHA*'D, BOOKKEEPING . SEWING: DRESSMAKING, NEEDLEWORK MILLINERY 7. OIL PAINTING Registration will take place at Henry Street H'-h School, on Wednesday, September 26, and Thursday, September 27, from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Registration fee of $5.00 will be charged, returnable only if class is not formed, | R H REV. GERRIT REZELMAN CHU C THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 15 A.M.--Radio Broadcast 45 A.M.--Bible School Hour 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. S. Wellington of Brantford, Ont. Speaking at both services Fireside Service at 8:30 p.m. Guest Soloist--Mr. Wm. Whyte of Toronto EVERYONE WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron & St, John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A,, Minister Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 A.M.--CHURCH SCHOOL 10:30 ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL a: v: 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister Rev. John McLeod Organist Mrs. W. E, Summers A.T.C.M, 11 AM.--"It Can't Be Done" 11:00 A.M. 7 P.M.--"Charge It" MORNING WORSHIP Baptist Young Peoples Union TOPIC: '| PROMISE" 8:15 P.M Nursery (Infant Care) Beginners' Classes ( Junior Congregation ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., 8.D. Rev. A, M. Butler, B.A, Mrs. J. Beaton, A.R.C.T, 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP "Monsters or Brothers' SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M, : Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11 AM Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Bible School Meets at 9:45 A.M, KEEP YOUR APPOINTMENTS WITH GOD WHITBY PENTECOSTAL 307 BROCK ST. N. Rev. Maxwell Case Pastor 9:45 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 o.m.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 p.m.--EVANGELISTIC Radio "Revivaltime'--10:30p.m. 1350 kc. CKES:

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