Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1962, p. 16

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TOES - Nps ae SSG PUG FED 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September, 22, 1962 : a . Record Vear DIVIDENDS . Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity |Reported [Miigthsex ower Company, com- For Loblaws® Year ended June 2' was the greatest in the 43-year histo: of Loblaw Groceterias Co., C. Metcalf, President, reports, Sales and earnings were again at all-time highs. Canadian sales of $497,916,545 were 5.7 per cent above $471,031,934 in 1061. Net income increased 3.5 per cent to $11,085,290, or $10.07 per com- bined second preference and common share, from preceding! year's record $10,708,309 or $9.67 per share. Net profit on Cana- dian retail operations was 1.98 per cent of sales. On the outlook, Mr. Metcalf says "We face the stimulating challenges of the days ahead with driving enthusiasm, fully confident that imaginative plan- ning, resolute leadership, ener- getic effort will carry your com- pany, to newer heights of achievement in the years to come." Total assets of $271,262,624 at June 2 were up $16 million. Working capital at $33,033,383 compares with $33,729,552. In- vestment in National Tea (not in current © assets) was -in- creased to $69,220,777 from $46,- 137,338. LC BLAW COMPANIES LTD. Record net earnings of Lob- law Companies Ltd. of $9,421,126 for year ended June 2 are 4.1 per cent above the 1961 high of $9,053,074, "/ rnings are equal to 86 cents per share on average number (9,710,030) of combined Class A and B shares outstand- ing for the year, compared with 84 cents on average number (9,464,764) in 1961, expressed on the new split basis. A pro forma calculation con- solidating net earnings of Na- rs NTO STOCK OTES 2 This Week---- ----This Week---__--_ 1962 ayee By po dagen ai tg Btock Sales High Ag pl Close Ch'ge wight Low Block High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Lin by 488 to 200 on Gat 5% pr 105 $103 100 100 'th ae : Am tome bh+h Toronto Stock Faas week, Issues un- Gen Bake $s a nchor Se totalled 185. wet i G Dev 325 | $7% bing o Anglo Un 'olume for the week was 19,851,763, ag Mig GP Drill 0 80 80 125 13400 7800 34725 previous week's 40,411,288. the % 60 $a 2 2600 fo date are 618,167,902. Quotations in, eents Drill A 3320 as Pg 3 r+ ae ae marked §. 8 8 % . Banff +3 22500 12986 ! 33 Aad FS sy & LLLpte lt FarughyBseutsesdge-Seere. L * usersysstst ted .st Foon WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press soso 9100 219100 4000 9450 28000 48000 19700 4400 es8.8..8se54 * = 4 su --------This-Week---------- 1963 Btock Bales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low INDUSTRIALS 144270 814% 14% ¢ 111583 $44 peng 9% G Wpg Gas 16% 154% G Wg Gas vt 1590 $155 i 15% reyhnd . 3370 at mY 7 = ss . os F VLiLtst s&s Bseanseeeeetey 82.5% séechseSece2sshsies 1+Lt1 Poe 5 38 3 z asstustsgbetass 8s pugb2.ccut, ceussusscebcBascicenl. 8. Foes. a28é UK = 3s = L = i] 2aasén 0 1290175 13067 $4% 4% bh ed 4808 "4 i 19% 641950 148 571600 4 = Glacier Ind Accep tie PA 21% sv Gr Plains 85 2% 9% 7 Home Oil A 100 $47% 47% 47% Home Oil B Industrials Mae ee ie aed 13120 425 RE ae 1300 475 sun au ae oe i Abitibt : _ ; Abitibi pr SA 24% a 163 Int City Gas 36% 6% 6% Atl Sug is -- 1 Bronze pr SU% 24% Atl Sug pr 500 Inter Min nd 410° 385 f Nickel yer s21%4 214 am = i ae Int Util pr tt ss BEsEs FS = sretzessentuses gees scdags8 8. 28esse. ALiLL = seBSecutey estget ~ = _ = * ae iss iso iss s Ale sgt $2056 " a --I% , S uta ee Northeal Alta Gas pr 140 $108, 108 ; 115 10 115 vee ast Oro Mead Alta GB pr 45 $105% 105% 105% ay ; $33% 53 53% --17 { Oto s Alta Gas w 7331 1000, 9% bes fe ; y 55 $49% 48% 49 : Okalta : 122 11% U%---% Nat 645 818% 18 13% $13% eas 1 + Pac Pete $14% 13% B%-- % $18% i oo mars $64 Pac Pet w 0 740 685 680 --60 Pal a4 ~30 a x ~ be Palliser 40% 40% Wt Se io 2 $104 10% 10% ) Ferme pd a) ig ; so 10 io 1 se ; 00 58 55 SS 200 180 200 : 5 Ang Pulp pr $534 83% SM tM HS Kelvinator Her ee eae | Anth Imp A 450 $143 Labatt rr " Prairie Oil Anth B pr 45.$101% ' 1% mu 7 N Provo Gas 2836 977 Lafarge 425 Quonto 400 Lafarge A Ranger tional Tea shares owned by Lob-| Lafarge wis Sarcee law Groceterias indicates earn- Lakeland Secur Free 6850 46800 , LO Cem 5 275 265 265 South U . 2% ings of $1.01 per share for year 10, Cee. Be Y gh he ; eee a Ey Maritime 4 4 ended June 2, G. C. Metcalf, Lambton L $31% 31% 314+ % 3 nel President, says. ate Laura Sec $15% 15% 15% + % 4 15 Loblaw Companies owne 2 piper BH sas Texsta 7. Mattgami 435 80 20 Mondet dn se Bn a Tidal Maybrun % 10 per cent of second preference 399-1 - 'Trans Can 4900062 64 ee a et and 97.9 per cent of common McKen --- on Union Oil ies , McMar 24500 7 shares of Loblaw Groceterias at $14% 12% 12% --1% ( U Canso vt 1124 145 i McWat M4 June 2. ? ? $7% % Mm--% 4 » Un Oils 23870 s Mentor 1 4 Un. Reef Pete 3150 Merrill isa e by 8 5 i $8% 8% 8%--% $0 50 50+ 45 A x 95 $916 31% 31% 328 sn 4% OH Unisphere 123499 ; va ' , . st at sett ee Se : soa ~ . IT'S UP TO YOU DOWN MEXICO WAY 165 $52% 51% sh MS an se 6 Wstates mae ee - te sso 9044 50% = m0 gies 1A W Decalta ; i Let your thoughts wander. Picture yourself dining and ol 19035 $5 $19% 18% 18 -- He Yan Can 277000 8% 7 3 be : Shaan : | dancing on the terrace of a modern luxury hotel... lounging mm 3 ep ito si tay lau = i" ' 1 ; ' 4 in the shade of an Aztec temple. The holiday of a lifetime! x ; Mass-F $1l% ---M " 4 t ee 3 i : O28 ee care ies Mines ae il j ie = «And you jet there fastest on your Super DC-8 Jet Empress - Mass-F pr 2 gore cre fan ieee wort, ty ie ie is is mM |" the only non-stop flights from Toronto. Money-saving jet-props 102 815% 15% 154+ % : Y idiots 7 ¥ | too! Travel in the friendly air... let Canadian Pacific jet 12702 $17 16% 16% + % 5 4 3 Acad Uran F % . e : th 5 5 Advocate you there. ms : at Sa t's Akaltcho 25000 $0 SS s Bc. TAKE A LOW COST TOUR OF MEXICO. Example: 7 suns 175 $105% 105 105% -- % " S eu peso 50h ; a, nn 6 7 120 68 ys ee | drenched days, only $308.20, including jet-prop y round trip, aS sr ick oh 2 Amal Rare v 0 ; : some meals, hotels, sightseeing. See your Travel Agent or any $8 ; : pd 6880 $46% 4% 3% 2450 a on Canadian Pacific office, Fab see BSogSu8 pissing BolseSScuscg geage8 2 o28urese88 23s pipalitget NO NGas «635 816% ee ° NQ Pow 65 $30 % 2B = : 138 4 ie --2 NQ Pow 1 pr 7 347 0008 wo '" Norg ' Veer GEORGE C. METCALF | TRAINS / TRUCKS/ SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS Gal Bows prsesias i im Nor Phone' w '325, $00,800 735, 425 "n 3 2 |. WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Can Cem 510 $25% 25% 25% + NW Util pr er 4 in oath +h B s 2 ' See your travel agent or: so OM 41 $27 26% 0 to 8 2. @2 62 : a 275 $18 Ogilvie nee 8 Northgte 23908 S k M k Canadian Pacific 3585 $23% BK +1 2 Ocean Cem ) ® 3. (8 Bary Expl m4 18 + 7 a oe : : toc ar et 11Y% King Street.E., Oshewe Ont Steel 1190 a4 u ll --% 0 «6-460 «+10 Tel.; 723-2224 23 Ont Stores 1500 : : 600 42 . Se Be aay in "he Bets C74 * «* | Takes Beating : Overland pr - 7%, ™ 60 38 sete: eae 1 -- 6 Na is" im 0 TORONTO (CP)--The stock ---- 'in "I aa ; ; eryeat Te | market took another beating DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE =~ 444900 n Obeaka Friday, as prices in all sections 8. 35 gy ah 4 Black Bay 0 : OBrien 3500 i E a f but golds moved downward. OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 1220 122) 12 = 200 0% 20% l 2 2 0 ~20- 2 i 1 ub Nat Dreg 1188 $16% ¥ : ios $15 is" is Bice eg Nat Groc pr x $27% Me 27 9000 106 102 104 --2 0 BY FLY 200 340 30 6340 360 «(260 Nat Trust a J > ? . : " . '. 520 $3 862% UMA--% Neon y 4 ye --2% me Hee a 8 3 6% Hh H---% Nia Wire B oe os A B o : | %% ™% h#-% 7 Noranda : tile He 4 . mea : 12 7 ae 70 170 --20 haag s Opem 296 46 | Industrials fell more than san 50M sit --3% : Bralorne 7 Foe. oreaeda es »,, 4 |three index points, base metals] 300 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY MO 8-3304 ; 05 5 Broul Reet 2 29 % 26 Osike 35 29% |4 Point and western oils almost 635 $12% 12 Gri 25 as : reat - 2 Damar two points. 1105 $3114 30% 30% --I% by Butt RL pei 4 Parmaq aA Ss Canadian Oil highlighted the) 450 $20% 20% 20% + Revelstoke pr. bane ar Cel 175 pr 400 $354 35 35% ; Revels yg 225 2B 325 main list, rising to a record 44, c s Chem 2670 S$7% 6% 7! R Yarn B = 42 ahead two points. Volume was aM d T | S en ee en ok 35 m1 meus ; f ey 116 a 3 more than 47,000 shares. ea ows ' rave ervice mF ma ne er igo ee acees) Sees $0 335 6750 - 3300 1 Power Corporation, biggest : > Curt 50 95 $ --% a 8 di Oil share holder, 2 Deeg 8% % § oe $164 ga 4 ee ee : Pickel Crow 13166 63 6) 60-386 (SK ppc ea rar high of 63 bul 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441 2 70 70 E y 3000 38 hou ae F fell back to 6114, ahead %. § ette C Silica Selkirk A s s Canlore 'aa bo Rt Seven Arta 6 13 Can Erin 3 wit '86% : Shawin 53657 9% Captain ; > Husky wts 4120 160 f 3 Shawin A % Cariboo 2700- 1 5 98 eS ' Husky wts 500 130 - Shawin A pr 1157 » 3 9 Cassiar Taga Be) Hydro Carlo104 $17% 16 y Cayzor ue 19 ib E 31 73 $8 34 Cent Pat 5 ~ oe y Cent Pore 9967 6 3% A Ne t % Cheskirk 6 Chester 1 12 1775 che 1 6¢ 111383 $44 40% 44 Slater Steel 0 Chib Kay 2094 0 Ye SMa = @ . "in Oi 20 3103 103 103 ; Slat Stl pr 184 184 -- %4 Chib M 29 og ag 3s ee dn 91 92 9 42 : Southam 29% 2% + % 5 Chimo 5859 5 22648 i224 21% 21% -- % Stafford 450 380 ~ ---~ Chrom 550 Real m-- Phi 1 1412 i : 391 oe 9 Coch Will Rexspar " 15 --s 2532 » 16 ss an 3790 site 1% 'fr Coin Lake 18900 23 2164 io = = Can Tire A 505 $ _ 16131 $16% 16% 164--% 'ee 101 C Met 21 7 6 8 5 Cdn 475 =i Y Coniagas 9200 85 4 Cdn Wall B 1514 th ; Heng 5g 23 CWN Gas on Key C Westing 151 C Bellekeno 28000 4500 7 6 : . Can W prop 1 4 ; S 400. 400 400 : C Beta G Py 4 6% Ms, ' Chart Trust 6 C Callinan 8 R 50 24 Chat-Gai T to Con C Cad m4 8 8 4 3 25500 6% Chrysler 62 6: ge ie Low : > Dev $55 $16 16 Js oh 2h 13% CKP 5 14 20 Col Cell [ 400 (00 $40 40 40 3 i : . Cons Bidg 3600 $18% 18% 18% -- % ou -- % 42% ; 50 $0 46 46 30 304 565 ' Cons Bidg pr 3050 $7% 7% 7% Me Py te 6% > Halliwell ae "7 " 2 - 600 33 4 q 865 850 85 Tor-Dom Bk 2371 $57 55% 564+ % 50% > Marben cee ee ee a 7 Tor tron A 160 $12% 12% 12% + 4 2 Marcus ' ' 'or Star pr ' > Mogul " Siscoe 20975 203 206 : igi i i i ee oe Towers 1900 35% 5 Sh--% 4% 3 Morrison' 7! , i) i 3 riginal half-hour film stories ro ' Towers wts 325 100 100 100 --10 9% Mosher 39 % revealing the events and influences in T Fin A 11860 $12% 11% ll*h--% 11 Con Negus 9 § T Fin B 220 $12% 12% 19% l% Con Nictiol 5 Steep R 40 450-460 933. 430 the lives of world-famous personalities, T Fin 5 50 $39 3 +8 6 € Northind 15500 26 4 20 j pr : 3 30 T RCan PL 12081 $20% 20% 2% -- % d C Persh 5500 8 Ye 8 Cows wal : 'Trans-Mt 11160 $14% 13% 14 --% 153 Cons Que 3 a. 6 167 162 162 : ; ae tis ime ts Hata "TR athe ie tu hw et ERP Boe te ion fi he SIR WINSTON r % 10% 1 +% 'urnbu 4 3 : 1 F Sylvanite 10 } J sae : 96 $11% 10% 10% te An lpr 6 te ney : i y' 4 10% 10% Un Ace 2 pr 700 $9 9 9 > Sannorm 3 5 36000 9 : af) Bs2% tn he ove ! Conwest Ex 10 395 390 Taureanis " 40 ee ' CH U R : Vv Cop Corp 'eck a . D Can Gen a 1 Vanadium 100 Ss 9 Max 500 8 nag - 7 és 0% -- Vector 22 Dom ect w a a oe vette | Sot ee eS ferrery sa g ate : 449 $54 =1% 380 3: § , ' ; : : i ee eh | Vulean { Craigie 18. Rk oir ' : ? See Part Two of this D Magnes 1S 584. 94 4 " Walk GW 4449 $314 S15 ' >A Croinor 2500 9 'Tormont ose ihe 2% ' inspiring two-part life. story ie et Crowpat Towag 3 1 + 4 : Doseo 10 3% 8% 2 el a @ 3 Gas uh 5 Trans Ree ' s 8 ; of the greatest man of our time. Dom Stores 111% $12% 12% y ed D'Aragon 3600 «20 Tribag 152 134 143 + é $17% 17 6 Weste 4288 $15% *S De Cour Trin Chib 7 38-7 +h $05 20% Weoast VT 6070 $15% 145% 14% -- % Deir Hove n c Ult-Shaw 13% +1% % 15 Westeel 10% 10%--% ns 3% : * Z on eS ie West C Brew uA MA E cca ype mom Ue, hes wos ao Sk 8. : Pont 2342 $33% 33 ; ee ae 52 5052 53. 44 Un Buffad Bein we Ly : PRESENT, y , kek 5 59 fg . $ Un Keno : ED B : C 13% 15% -- ; 420 5 Un Fort " Ih 4 e Wash prioo $16 16 a 4 2m 2 a 45 305% 95% O54 44 100" 91 r % vin ee "3 bi ais Ges ~~ YOUR LOCAL HYDRO 23 AND $10 10 --% " 7 30 14% 12 1 Vaute White 1 pr Do @ % u Ete K Myiotoms Wood J A 5 38 4 6 6% 8 8 Wasamac 500 80 * 5 : Weedwd A 5 ONTARIO HYDRO Wawd A. wts 390 3 z : i wiarear 1% 10 n° ; Y Knit A East Sull 199 191 193 5 1 Werner BAA ' wr " 425 5 £id nol W Malar 5 4 4 Sider 3 50% 51% +1% tS nia tr A ' Elarich 000 8% 3 West mines 15400 m 298 175 00 ie %---% M% 8B --18 410 El Sol % 5 W Surf I x 500 4811! Faraday Willroy 44, 138 198 200 8194 194 14 25% 1B z 55 1 ™ 1 s 1! ; $ C 484148 148 r 500 7 7 ol iad us gs tom s 5 10% % %9%4--% Fraser pei $% 2» B%N%--% 8 6 6 +! Freiman 150 ™m% Th 4 Gaitwin : 3 103 «104 «105 Fr Pete pr 600 3 Geco Mines ' b 3 39500 17% 16 6 --% Fross Acme Gas 7500 a Genex 1 1 8 6 5 Sw 6120 & c 66 Gnt Masct 3600 71 70 71 --2 0 527150 32° 2 30 Got 6 100 > 0% * Almines Giant YK Zulapa 10000 20188

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