Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1962, p. 12

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sie ih tinct, Millie ware oa 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September, 22, 1962 "THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK SS a ot a ee a ae ee Ss Sp ee YOUR HEALTH By Juseph G. Molner, M.D. Dear Dr. Molner: weight and I am interested. ches tall and weigh 146 pounds. Three years ago I weighed 198. With my own will power and my own diet I eliminated 52 pounds, ES, Since that time whenever I have tackled a new diet I have '| failed. Many people have told me that because I lost so much at one time, it would be harder to lose more now, than for a person just beginning. Can this be true, or have I just lost.my will power? The weight I desire is 125 pounds.-- 'ohn V. You've done a splendid job of reducing. You've started doing something about your weight at a sensible time of life. If other Loss Of Weight Sought By Girl MOLNER FOR FRI, SEPT. 21 You re- cently commented on a diet you pres¢ribe to eliminate excess I am 21 years old, 5 feet 4 in- like that, The speed with which you reduced has nothing to do with it--although frankly I find several very valid reasons for reducing at a moderate rate 'n- stead of trying to lose too much in a hurry. However, the closer you come to your best weight, the slower the process will be. Are you certain that 125 is the 'poundage you should seek? It may be, but then again you may be rather heavily boned, mean- ing that you should weigh a little more for best health and, inci- dentally, for best looks, I would not make a special trip, but next time you visit your doctor, ask him to give his opinion as to whether you have a large, me- dium or light frame. It would take him a matter of seconds to give you his opinion, and it Lwill be a more valid one than yours because he (not being you!) has better perspective people would do what you have done, they'd live longer and also be happier. However, to answer your Dear Dr. Molner: I was told by a physician that I could not be vaccinated against sma'lpox questions, here are the unvar- because I am epileptic. I_ was DINING KITCHEN WO" 12-5" 9-9" 12-5", nished facts. 16 then, and now am 30. Since so many things have changed in By JIM PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer Dad has to dig a little deeper this fall to send his offspring to one of the larger universi- ties in the Maritimes, But a Cross - Canada Survey by The Canadian Press shows basic costs are generally un- changed from last term at most of the country's universities. Tuition fees and charges for room and board have been in- creased at Dalhousie in Hali- tigonish and Acadia. in Wolf- ville, the three larger schools} in Nova Scotia; and at the Uni- versity of New Brunswick in Fredericton and Mount Allison in Sackville. Spokesmen for all five at- tributed increased fees to higher salaries and higher op- erating costs. Tuition charges jumped by as much as $80 and_ residence rates by up to $50 a term, giv- ing' these schools rates on a level with the highest in Can- "a Elsewhere in Canada's larger universities, tuition fees have been increased by $50 in some courses at the University of Ot- , i lose a lot 1 ok ae . medicine in 14 years, I wonder of weight when you are much too heavy. It isn't because you if I could be vaccinated now.-- lost so much weight at one time) -N- | GARAGE 22-11" 20-0" You could and should be vac-| cinated. Epilepsy is not a con- traindication to vaccination. that you now find reducing more difficult, It's just that you are now closer to your normal ; : weight. | Mrs, F. E. W.: No, cirrhosis It's easy for any athlete to runj of the liver is not cancer, no '|100 yards in 15 seconds. To run) matter what you have been told. 100 in 12 seconds requires some|I constantly wonder why people doing. To do it in 11 seconds is| say such worrisome things, es- a feat, and from there on, each/pecially w hen they are so tenth of a second means a great| wrong. However, cancer of the deal of work. liver may be more apt to appear * Losing weight: is something' in cases of cirrhosis, | DESIGN No. 469 Main Floor 1412 Sq.Ft. Upper 812 Sq.Ft. HOME DESIGN NO. 469 Here's an outstanding colon- fal home whose room layout provides the kind of livability seldom found in a home. The front entry hall is protected by a deep porch and. pro- vides easy access to all major areas of the ground floor. Up- stairs there are two extra large bedrooms each with its own full bathroom. Down- 469 cost $15 for the first set and $5 for' additional sets. They are available in Canada by return mail. (Ontario resi- dents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this NewSpaper Office . (or from address below) is the New 1962 Design Book en- titled "Canada Guide to Home Planning and De- sign," price $1, and is tax FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE tawa; by $40 for general arts at Western Ontario; and by $55 fax, St. Francis Xavier in An-|' son and $100 in the over-all tui- tion - residence rate at St, Francis Xavier, an all - residen- tial school where room, board, laundry, medical services and tuition charges total $1,123 for a general arts student. A general arts student pays $435 at New Brunswick, $425 at Acadia and $460 at Mount Alli- son. These compare with $250 at. Memorial in NewfoundlanJ; th #465. at Western, McMas- ter, Carleton and Assumption und $410 at Queen's and Tor- onto in Ontario; with $425 at \" °Gill, $400 at Bishop's and $300 at Sherbrooke and - Sir veorge Williams in Quebec; and $346 at B.C., $300 at Man- itoba, $250 at Alberta and. $200 at Saskatchewan. __A general arts student living in residence at Dalhousie would need $1,103 for tuition and only by the $1,175 for the same at McGill. New Brunswick charges $1,- 060; Mount Allison $1,050. At the other end of the scale is Manitoba at $720. Saskatche- wan's charges are $740, Alber- ta's $800 and British Columbia's $836 while Queen's totals $980 for engineering and law at.the University of Sherbrooke. The! ~ balance have held the line. FEDERAL GRANTS UP Residence charges have been boosted by between $35 and $85 a term at McGill, by $100-at |Bishop's University in Lennox- \ville, Que.; by $30 at the Uni- versity of Toronto; and by $25 {to $o0 at Assumption University /in. Windsor, Ont., where new residences have been opened. In areas where fees did not go up this year, university | spokesmen said additional costs are being met by fee adjust- {ments made the previous year; Gar .509 Sq.Ft. free. This new edition in- cludes information on Financ- ing in Canada, Building Con- struction Details, Landscap- ing, Color Selection, Inte- for Decorating, Furniture Ar- rangement, Custon Design- ing, etc., plus over 100 popu- lar and new designs to choose SWEATING WINDOWS \doors, hot baths and showers, moisture in the wall spaces QUESTION: What causes win-|+-4m roof :eaks or flashing dows to sweat on one side of a)1,345 or from ground moisture, double window and not on the ate other side? We have a new gas} ~ furnace, practically i flues.| DOORS SWING SHUT The .two upstairs bedrooms - i ' have'the moisture on the wie) oe aaa brag Paar fre ye |Gows. : |door swings shut. This is a nuis- from. Also included in this| ANSWER: Sweating or CON-|ance, as I prefer it to be open book are full details on how jdensation is usually due to/for betetr air circulation to order blueprints. |warm humid air coming in con-/through the house, except when | tact with a colder surface (ma-| actually cooking. Is there any stairs there is another bed- room with separate wash- room, plus a full bathroom. The spacious study, has two large closets and could be used as an extra bedroom if necessary. A large modern kitchen plus a separate din- ing room and a_ huge living room complete the downstairs area. There is a protected errace behind the two-car garage. Construction is brick veneer but details for build- ing in solid brick or frame | sk The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. [] Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send. me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail requests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name Address PPrereTiririiii rt eee eerereceecceseeesesseseseses sonry, glass, metal, etc.) You|way to remedy this? |don't explain which side of the) ,ancweR: The condition is jdouble window sweats; if this/due to the door not being hung is the oe it may pe due' perpendicularly. To remedy to warm ouse air leaking/+); i around a loosefitting inner win- ee eee Cee jdow; if the condensation is On| one js out of line) must be ad- |the inner window, it may beljycsted. A thin Shim of wood due to too humid house air. The/pjaced under the -hinge plate moisture may be carried uUP-\will move it from the door stairs on the heated house ait|frame. A more difficult adjust- or due to too humid air in the|ment is made by deepening rooms ilemiselves, Gas-burning|the recess to move the plate equipment must be specially/farther into the frame. vented to the outdoors, or have} ANSWER: All wood gradual- are supplied with the blue- | rints, Standard -- builders | Blueprints for. this design No. | ment to inc ROYAL ALLOWANCE ATHENS, Greece (AP) government has asked Parlia- rease the annual al- --The|logical diggings on the Upper special flues. Was the proper|ly darkens and mellows- with flue installed when the fur-lage. Applying top quality, water nace was put in? Too humid\clear varnish will.retard this |throne, will take part in archeo- Nile in Egypt late this year She has done some excavations the frame (depending on which! by an increase to $2 from $1.50 |in the federal government's per- capita grants; and--in Quebec and Ontario--by increased prov- | vincial government assistance. ; The four major universities in Western Canada -- Manitoba, | Saskatchewan, Alberta and |British Columbia--boosted tui- tion fees last term and this year are stagding pat on both }tuition and residence rates. | Memorial University in St. | John's, Nfld., also is holding the line and registrar H. T. Ren- ouf says its' largely because students can't afford any in- | crease. | Biggest boost in tuition fees }eame at Dalhousie. The fee | previously was based on the jnumber and type of classes jfnken, regardless of course. | Now it is a flat rate for a given }course and in effect means a {general arts student, charged #65 this term, pays $80 more » he would have last year. |S" ""*TC™EWAN FEE LOW | "Tuition fees are up between $c. . .u $20 a course at New | Brunswick, between $40 and $50 a course at Acadia, between $25 land $65 a course at Mount Alli- house air may be due to Cook-| process somewhat. i and Toronto $1,090--all figures ~4ine the arts tuition fee and room and board where a jone-third of the operating costs tuition fees of $465 at Dalhousie, |: room-and-board charges, topped| College Fees Higher | Despite More Grants student shares a double room. Tuition fees pay less than at most of the universities Canada. At Manitoba, for in- stance, student fees cover only 18 per cent of the total budget. At other major schools, the _ "entagze covered by student fees is Alberta and Saskatche- wei 20; B.C, 26; Toronto 21.5; Assumption 25; Ottawa 30; Me. Master, 33; Queen's, 36; West- ern 42; McGill 27; Laval 25. in' New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, these fees cover half or more than half of the operating costs at every school except the' vi.versity of New Brunswick where the percentage is 30. In most areas, provincial, federal and municipal govern- ment contributions provide the larger share of university costs with the Prairie provinces lead- ing in this regard. ALBERTA PAYS MOST _. Alberta gets 70 per cent of its costs from government grants, Manitoba nearly 60 per cent and Saskatchewan 55 per cent. British Columbia gets 45 per cent of its budget from government contributions. In Ontario, the percentages| vary from 53.8 per cent at Tor- onto to 40 at Western and Mc- Master, 42 at Queen's and 30 in Quebec, where student es schools since the provincial gov ernment agreed two years ago to accept federal government contributions to univer- sities, McGill covers 41 per cent .of its costs government contributions, the University of | Montreal nearly 46 per cent and Sherbrooke 75 per. cent. -- St. Francis KKavier gets 41 per cent of its costs from gov- ernments, but no exact figures were given by the other schools bg oe Maritimes, not increased gen- erally this year "because of moderate increases in govern- ment grants, from the provincial government." Spokesmen at McMaster and Toronto also ted that one reason for hol the line lies in the fact the province has be- come 'somewhat more liberal in a. the needs of univer- ies. ' In Quebec, the comments to this effect were more pro- nounced. i "We are now getting gene- ous assistance from the prov- ince government," said regis- trar Colin McDouglas of Mc- Gill, "and we would not be jus- tified in raising fees, and mak- ing the students pay more, un- der these conditions." Vice - principal Douglass Burns Clarke of Sir George Williams University said "we now are getting adequate grants . . . and the provincial government has asked Quebec universities not to raise tuition fees while these grants are fees have been lowered at most given." Precast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS DURA STEPS RAILINGS PATIO SLABS SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. Current Range of Products include: @ CURBING @ WALK SLABS @ WELL TILE @ CHIMNEY CAPS Specialists in Custom Precasting g CONCRETE PRODUCTS LID. "Serving Oshawa & Area for Over 10 Years" CALL 725-4632 (Evenings 723-2707) for your ee llowance for the Greek royal)!" Denmark. family to $649,000 from $383;- 000.. Officials said the present THE HOME FREE ESTIMATE ON IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL 'ond PRESERVE STATUE WINTER'S COMING... WORKSHOP allowance is not sufficient for| . ad the royal family to meet its BELFAST (CP)--The bronze obligations. MARGRETE IS DIGGER (AP)--Princess Margrete, 22 year-old heiress to the Danish COPENHAGEN, Denmark Heating Equipment DELCO GENERAL MOTORS | bert St. RA 3-4663 jstatue of Lord Lawrence, vice- roy of India 1863-69 that once |stood in the High Court at La- j|hore, is being brought to Foyle College in Londonderry. At present it is being repaired in London. by 313 All | CHIPPENDALE SHELVES By RUTH W. SPEARS A new method is used to transfer the design of these lovely shelves to wood to be cut out with a jig saw. No more tracing of intricate lines. Pattern 107 for Chippendale shelves is placed face down on the-wood and the design is tragsferred by going over it a warm iron. The wide if with a narrow one at each) side gives a handsome effect. | Pattern for both is 75 cents.| Address orders to the Home| Workshop Dept., The Oshawa | Times, Oshawa MAKE A POST LANTERN OF SHEET METAL PATTERN 345 Make your own lantern' to light the way to your front door. It may be of sheet brass, cop- per or gavalnized iron, you will need tinsnips and a soldering iron but no other. special tools. Pattern 343 which gives cutting guides and shows every step, is 75 cents. This pattern also is one of four full-size patterns in Packet No. 74 -- Worthwhile Yard and Garden Features all for $1.75, Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa Buying or Selling ! GUIDE REALTY | LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. Improvement Service Is COMPLETE tt ging for We will help you with the whole |] job from start to finish, © CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS © BUDGET-WISE PRICES © FINANCING TO SUIT YOU "Where Service Comes First" LUMBER co. LTD. 1270. SIMCOE N. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA |) PHONE 723-1121 728-4688 McCULLOUGH| CALL US FOR LOW-COST, DUMONT ALUMINUM 7} McGRATH EXPERT REPAIRS zis'uimet - y25-1 725-1334 ALCAN Aluminum Siding "Where Satisfaction 1s Guoronteed" LES EVENISS SALES Lid. 15 PRINCE ST. -- OSHAWA For VALUE and 'QUALITY Assured || FREE DELIVERY "lf It's LUMBER PHONE Ceili Our NUMBER" 728-1651 PHONE 725-1121 | 53 ALBERT STREET BUT BUY A dont get caught short ! HHL {IVIL Later Than You Think! A lot of people . . . including some we think are pretty smart... wait until it rains to think of fixing that roof. Or wait until cold weather gets here to think about installing that new automatic oil furnace. But... if you're half as smart as we think you are, || you'll see us right away for the finest furnaces or oil | burners madé ... GAR WOOD and CONROY. Free || estimates cheerfully given without obligation...on || l | IS THE TIME t either a new furnace or converting your old one. McLAUGHLIN | HEATING | A Division of McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Ltd, tee you the best possible needs. | } 110 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA 723-3481 " Ue ion coat ee -- Pe Nese satenes BUY WHAT YOU LIKE HOME EXTRA CONVENIENCES When you own your own home, you can enjoy every convenience of modern built-ins, a garbage dis- posal, or whatever you wish! Don't put up with renting any longer -- buy Don't delay any longer... choice today. His experience and know-how guaran- OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD FIRST! YOUR FAMILY WILL ENJOY SO MANY ife -- you're free to add hat home now! call a realtor of your buy, to suit your family's LIST and BUY Through PHOTO CO-OP It's the chimney that comes in a package . . . so light and easy to handle, you can install it yourself in a few hours, Selkirk's original insulated design 'means a safe chimney and an efficient chimney . . . | densate or soot problems with Selkirk's WARM-WALL - design, Your heating unit will operate at peak effi- ciency with any fuel; gas, oil, coal or wood when you install the Selkirk--Canada's first choice in chimneys! SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER. Do you need a new chimney ? SELKIRK is the answer.. choose, as an no con- brick design. (1 like the clean, -here's why... Roof-top design -- the regular chimney is modern- round design of weather-resistant material. You may extra, the square if you prefer, you may order the square design at a later date.) But round or square, you'll neat appearance of your Selkirk, the original factory-built chimney, SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS itp. +.or write: 625 Wall St., Winni| or North Auguste 10, Manitoba load, Brockville, Ontario SELKIRK CHIMNEYS AVAILABLE NOW AT Ontario Plumbing & Heating Supplies (OSHAWA) LTD. 253 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-6259 "BUY YOUR SELKIRK CHIMNEY NOW AT BATHE & McLELLAN "Ul! 81 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA NG SUPPLIES 725-4761 SELKIRK CHIMNEYS NOW AVAILABLE AT MILLWORK & BUILDING Supplies Lid. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291

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