'ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES Oshawa will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mal- colm Elford who were mar- ried recently in Port Perry Baptist Church. The bride, the former Miss Margaret ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Postill of Prince Albert and the bridegroom is the son of Mr- and Mrs. Malcolm Elford of Port Perry. : --Photo by Belfry, Port Perry OMEN Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Diai 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 21, 1962 7 Woodcrest H&S The September meeting was "Get Acquainted' night at Woodcrest Home and School As- sociation with a good attend- ance of parents and teachers. The minutes of the May meeting were read by the new secretary, Mrs. Thomas Broad- bent. Mrs. Charles Hawboldt, the new treasurer, gave her re- port. Mrs. Donald Christian report- ed on the Grade 6 graduation party. Mrs. Roy Mercer gave a report on the Citizenship Tea held last May. Mrs. Hans Hudsonroder re- ported on fhe Ontario Federa- '\tion of Home and School leader- ship training camp held this summer. Mrs. T. J .Laurier re- ported on the pot luck supper to be held in October to cele- brate the 10th anniversary. The porposed budget for 1962- 63 was submitted by chairman, Mr. Hans Hudsonroder. The dol- jlar drive to be held in October jwas decided by a unanimous jvote |NEW CHAIRMEN Mrs. D. J .Pugh introduced Holds 'Get Acquainted Night" Association The principal, Mr. A. F. Higgs, then introduced his staff as follows: Kindergarten, Mrs. L. M. Wilson, Miss J, Rutley; Grade 1, Miss .J Hewis, Miss I. Johnston, Miss M. Adams; Grade 2, Mrs, V. Rodgers, Miss R, Reynoias; Grade 3, Miss C. Cook, Miss M. Dickey; Grade 4, Miss C, Flath, Miss J. Norton; Grade 5, Miss H, Alsop, Mr. A. Bracey; Grade 6, Mr. R. Gavey, Mr. R. Brown. There are four new changes on our staff this year, Miss I. Johnston, Grade 1; Miss J. Nor- 6, have been added to the staff. The room count was won by Mrs, V. Rodgers Grade 2 class. A bake sale will be held on September 25 in the Oshawa ton, Grade 4; Mr. R, Gavey,|' Grade 6; Mr. R. Brown, Grade|™ Posing for his picture is | Bradley, one year old son of | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Can. | Shopping Centre Bowling Alley at 2.00 p.m. Mrs. Vincent Genge has inquired about getting the Arena for a family skating night. Mrs. Kenneth Cobb, the first president of Woodcrest Home and School Association, presen:- nons, Ritson road north. | | Bradley is the grandson of | | Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Irwin, A BONNIE ONE-YEAR-OLD Evelyn Dawson : Feted Bride-Elect McClennen will take morrow, in King Stree several pre-nuptial events. Miss Evelyn Dawson, whose marriage to Mr. Donald Bruce lace to- United Church, has been honored at Mrs. William Clarke and her daughter, Sandra, held a .bath- room shower at their home on Oshawa boulevard north. Assist- ing were Miss Dale Calhoun and Mrs. Donald Clarke. Among those present were several for- mer neighbors of the bride- elect, ' Mrs, Clark Hubbell, Cadillac avenue and her daughter Mrs. Robert Jackson, held a miscel- laneous shower at the home of the former. Assisting was Mrs. Donald Jackson. ; Mrs. Jack MacDonald held a linen shower at her home on Chevrolet street with Mrs. Ray- mond Vincent and Mrs. Nicholas Kennedy assisting. Present were relatives of the prespecuve bridegroom. : Mr. Alan Essery, Finucane street, held a stag party in honor of the prospective bride- groom and presented him with a purse of money. The employees of the Ideal Dairy presented the bridal couple with a pink clothes hamper, The bridal party will be en- tertained after the wedding re- hearsal tonight at the home of Mrs, William McClennen, Winona drive. : sc RH AERA ENS Children's COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS Long sleeves, one chest pocket, double yoke, full open front, assorted patterns and colors. S Sizes 2-6x, ONLY Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. | Ralph Cannons, Consecon, | and great-grandson of Mrs. |§' Pearl Irwin, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H: Steenburgh, Picton. --Photo by Hornsby UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES i ESG KR Boys' Printed FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Long sleeves, boxer type waist, fly front, assort- ed prints and colors. Sizes 4-6-8 ONLY } Girls' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Long sleeves, elastic waist, colors of pink, blue, ES AINS 1.66. Kathleen Postill, is the daugh- | |the chairmen for the coming College Hill H&S Hears | , 2 year:, Mrs. Bruce Harrison, pro- Address On School Supplies -- faticmencr irs. ni me \Kelvie, publications and assist- ing. A hand worked luncheon|ant social convener; Mrs. Ed cloth is to be given away as an|ward Henderson, ed Mrs. Glynn Pearse with her} past president's pin. Mr. A. F. Higgs the school principal, presented an interest-|27 met recently ing program planned to explain|Hall, with Sister Frances Brad-| 725-2663, the school curriculum and show|ley presiding in the absence of, A Hallowe'en party will be rare sabi . how the parent and teacher can President Sister Ethel Thomson |hejd on the third Tuesday of H ership; jassist each other in the educa-} Minutes and roll call_were| October. | |Mrs. Sidney Gedge, family life; /tion of the child. A question andjread by Sister Viola Pilkey. romp : Mr. Hans Hudsonroder, finance;/answer period followed with|Sister Mary Turner, sick con-| ) cts are reminded of the| The new'chairmen each spoke|parents and teachers taking that get-well|bazaar which is to be held on| UAW AUXILIARY NO, 27 _ begin October 1. Anyone. wish- The Women's Auxiliary No |ing to join was asked to con- in the UAW tact Sister Ethel Thomson, at maize. Sizes 2-4-6. ONLY 1.66. 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE College Hill, Home and School Association began the season with an interesting speech on|attendance prize. school supplies by Mr. Howard! Room call was won by Mrs. Brown. Mr. Brown listed four|mMayko for the kindergarten types, namely, capital equip |class, ment which includes such items as desks, piano, etc.; instruc- tional supplies such as the pro- jectors and screens, etc.; sup- plementary reading books for) Grades 1; 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, the re-| maining three grades, 4, 5, 6 are) taken to the public library dur-| ing school hours; text books and| consumable supplies such as) pencils, erasers, paper, etc. It is} interesting to note that there are) actually 549 separate items list- ed under consumable goods. A film, "'Dangerous Stranger" was also shown, which warns 'children of the dangers of ac-| 'cepting rides or going with) 'strangers. It was decided that) 'this film be shown to the senior) grades. | The teaching staff was intro- 'duced by Mr. Brown as follows: 'Kindergarten: Mrs. Michael Mayko; Grade 1, Mrs. Frank "Wooton; Grades 1-2, Miss Joy t ; Grade 2, Miss Grace Peterson; Grade 3, Mrs. Audrey Dion; Grades 3-4, Mrs. John Frolick; Grade 4, Miss Jean -Imeson; Grade 5, Mrs. C. Kel-| 'lington; Grade 6, Mr. Gary| Minacs; Grade 7, Mr. Howard Brown; Grade 8, Mr. Robert| * Goddard. Mrs. Douglas Langley pre- sided at the business meeting. Minutes were read by Mrs. Ron- ald Lenover and the treasurer's "report by Mrs. Gordon Stacey, ®The budget for the coming sea- son was approved. Mrs, Ernest Thompson .con- sented to being UNICEF chair- man to be assisted by Mrs. Wil- 'on the duties of their office Miss Ella Mae Howard, RN, B.Sc.N., immediate past- president of the Registered Nurses' Association of On- tario and director of nursing at the new Mount Sinai Hos- pital, Toronto, will be the TO ADDRESS NURSES guest speaker at the anrdal dinner of Ontario County Chapter, District 5, RNAO, to be held at Northminster United Church on "Monday, September 24. part in the discussion. Mrs. Bruce Harrison thanked Mr. Higgs. Guild Plans Fall Luncheon Mrs. Philip J. Chadsey of To- lronto is to be the guest speaker at the annual fall luncheon to |be held next week at St. Georges Memorial Church under the auspices of the Wom- en's Guild. She has chosen as {her topic 'The Volunteer To- day. Mrs. Chadsey was educated at Clarendon House School for girls and at the University of London, England, obtaining her B. Sc (economics). Her em- ployed experience has been with the RAF Intelligence Service and the Market Research and Statistical work with the Cana- dian Marketing Council. Mrs, Chasey is chairman of finance for Metro Toronto of the YWCA, was elected to National Board YWCA in 1954, and also public affairs committee. ganizations has been with the England, the Canadian 48 and with the School; She has two children under 11 years of age and in ad- and gardening. has been chairman of national} | Her experience in other fae| Industrial and National Union of Students in| Red| Cross canteen work during 1946- Home and} dition to her volunteer work is interested in reading, cooking| | |vener, reported | |eards were Sent to two Sisters. | A report from the Oshawa} Tuesday, ; November 6, in the! UAW Hall. ; OSHAWA OSHAWA and District Labor Council was} given by Sister Muriel Guy. | Sister Mary Slater gave the kitchen report. Sister Viola Pilkey gave a report on the \UAW Women's Leadership In-| stitute held recently in Port \Elgin. It was. decided to send a do- ination to the Tommy Douglas Fund. $100 will also be forward.) led to the Clark Tannery Strike, | Toronto. Under the chairmanship of |Sister Alice Reardon, the mem- bers will participate again this year in the canvassing of the downtown section, for the Com.! i munity Chest. | It was decided to take a trip ito see Solidarity House, in Detroit; sometime in May. A membership driye will) SHORGAS } HEATING & APPLIANCES Commercial | The established, reliable Gas | Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 'liam Dearborn. Sick convener - will be Mrs. Earl Adams. Grade mothers for the coming year are: Kindergarten, Mrs. R. 'Gendron, Mrs. T. Hanna; Grade 1, Mrs. E. Labaj, Mrs. L. Mitchell; Grades 1-2, Mrs. P. Zeibin, Mrs. R. Baier; Grade 2, Mrs. L. Schram, Mrs. R, Vail- lancourt; Grade 3, Mrs. E. Pat- terson, Mrs. R. Lenover; Grades 3-4, Mrs. F. Saxby, Mrs. Pearce; Grade 4, Mrs. L. Morri- son, Mrs. E. Adams; Grade 5, Mrs. R. Turpin, Mrs. K. Mor- row; Grade 6, Mrs, C. Hurlbert, | Mrs. G. Stacey; Grade 7, Mrs.| K. Vallier, Mrs. J. H. Chinn; Grade 8, Mrs. J. Marsh, Mrs. J. Lasek. Plans for the fall bazaar to be, held on October 20 are progress- | Sorority Plans Presentation Night The Ontario Gamma Epsilon! Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi has planned a "'Night of Presenta- tion to be held early in Oc- tober at Westminster United Church. The members will pre- sent an evening of entertain- ment to acquaint their guests with the activities, aims, and purpose of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. The Sorority was created for young women in search of cul- tural and social activity. It gives its members an intimate touch with many lives and many minds, a precious guard against narrowed friendships and an enriching experience in the appreciation and enjoyment of the liberal arts. Beta Sigma Phi has over 6,000 Chapters and 145,000 members throughout the world and it is growing rapidly. Recently the Chapter award- ed a)scholarship to the pupil re- i the highest standing in 8 Toronto Conservatory | usic examinations. This larship was jointly won by| ther Eaton, Miss Faint will pigy a piano solo that evening. eta Sigrha Phi meets twice month during nine months om. September to May and at @ present time there are four hapters in Oshawa. | WOMEN Keep-Fit Rendez-Vous Club Mother's Day Out (free nursery) Swimming 199 CENTRE PHONE MEN AND WOMEN Badminton Club Bridge Classes Ballroom Dancing Classes Public Speaking Craft Classes Friday Night Dances Tues. and Wed. Evening SEPT. OSHAWA YWCA ST. OSHAWA 723-7625 Register Now For Your Activities CRAFTS © Millinery Copper Enamelling Painting and Drawing Saturday Morning Fun Weaving Swimming for boys and THE YWCA IS ASSISTED BY THE OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO FIND OUT WHAT IT OFFERS YOU, Y-Teen club for girls in 8-10 p.m. 25 - 26 JUNIORS AND TEENS School for girls 8-12 girls 9-12 Yar ....{ BEAU VALLEY DREAM HOMES, You've got tonight 'til 9 6 more days only... See... It's great! b 1 Sa by: KASSINGER ROSSLAND ROAD EAST that's right, only 'til Tuesday to see the beautiful They are sold, and the proud new owners will be moving in soon Tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday from 2 'til 9 p.m Great days, Admire the "TRINIDAD III' and the "ANTIGUA". See what living in BEAU VALLEY is like. See what "Kassinger Quality" is like. See, what BEAU VALLEY prices are like, (from $16,895 up) 'Well, in short, SEE WHAT BEAU VALLEY IS LIKE, TONIGHT. - "A PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE" PHONE 725-9121