Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1962, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 21, 1962 Church Schedules Infant Baptism By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The Sacrament of Infant Baptism will be ad- -ministered by Rev. S. J, Hillier, during morning worship at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 23 at --. Unit Church. ihe Young People's Union will resume fall activities by meet- ing on Sunday, Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. in Christian Education Hall. SENIOR CHOIR New choir members are. ur- gently needed to replace vacan- cies caused by members mov- ing away, especially soprano section. Interested persons should contact organist and choir leader E. A. Winkler. Phone 728-2735 for particulars. RALLY DAY Next Sunday, Sept. 23, will be observed as Rally and Promo- tion Day in the Sunday School. Service will commence at 10 a.m. in the Christian Education Parents and friends cor- Hall, dially invited. Proceeds will be devoted to) Brougham: Expropriation Plans Worry Residents By ELSA STORRY BROUGHAM -- Mr. and Mrs. David Crichton, of Riverside on Duffin's Creek, told Pickering concerned the Metro and Region Conservation Au- thority was going to expropri- ate lands in this area, and in council they were over rumors that other flood areas. They asked for some idea of would be when these lands taken over. About 35 area, he said, had to plan the future exp of their h residents in the hospital work in Korea where funds are pA tly geo: MEN'S Men of the cecreretint of Brooklin United Church are urged to attend the seventh an- nual Conference of United Church Men, to be held at Elim Lodge, from Sept. 28 to 30, in- clusive. Speakers will be Rev. Robert Blair, assistant minister of St. James United Church, Montreal and the Rev. Dr. John R. Leng, of St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa. For registration forms and information contact regis- trar, John Mediand, or Donald Duncan, both of Brooklin. Old Ontario On Exhibit AtBrougham Old Ontario | will come to life again this Sat- urday in the Hamlet of Broug- ham, situated nine miles east of Markham on No. 7 Highway. The Pickering Township Mus- eum will be the site of a full afternoon of demonstrations | and exhibits. According to Mr. Robert Mil- \ler, Museum Committee Chair- man, there are few people to- day who know the old trades and crafts. Members of the Pickering Township Historical Society and local residents have been work- ing all summer to prepare this exhibition known as "History in Action'. Mr. Miller reports that there will be demonstrations of stone splitting, timber hewing, butter) making, quilting, and cider making, grain flailing, and many other trades and crafts. Visitors will also see early steam engines, tractors and old and felt insecure without defin- ite knowledge of the time limit. He said he had been told by the Authority that expropria- cars in action. The committee has arranged for real old fash- _jtenced Sept. 28 on six charges Youth Guilty Of Attacks On Women TORONTO (CP)--Julius Pat- rick mayer, 19, of suburban York Township will be °sen- involving attacks on young women and girls. He was convicted by an On- tario Supreme Court jury Thurs- day of indecently assaulting 15-year-old girl after dragging day of indecently assaulting a ing her seven-year-old sister last January. Thursdays trial brought to an end a nine-day string of four trials in which the youth was convicted on six charges. Three other charges: were withdrawn Thursday when the Crown of- fered no evidence, In the previous trials Mayer was convicted of attempting to rape an 18-year-old girl in her home in November, 1960; raping a 25-year-old Austrian maid last October and robbing her of $45; and assaulting a 17-year-old girl ae in 'her home in October, Lawyer Remanded On Theft Charge POWER PACKET The U.S. high altitude plane X-15,; almost a rocket, packs 548,000 horsepower. TORONTO (CP) - Toronto lawyer Murray Gruson was re manded for one week wi bail Thursday when he ap- peared in court on a charge of conversion involving $61, Magistrate Fred artrem re- fused bail. Gruson, 38, was arrested at Toronto International Airport earlier this week two minutes before an aircraft he had booked space on was due to take off to New York. Conversion is the transferring Of another person's assets {o one's Own use. Canadian Deposits Boosted Last Week OTTAWA (CP)--Government of Canada deposits increased $6,630,000 in the week ended Sept. 19 to $25,343,000, the Bank of Canada reported Thursday in its, weekly financial statement. Chartered bank deposits rose $2,926,000 to $732,454,000 and notes in circulation dropped $12,446,000 to $2,144,223,000. In Person Direst From WWVA, WHEELING, W.V. boc WILLIAMS featuring @ CHICKIE WILLIAMS gitl with the lullaby voice @ SMOKEY PLEACHER king of country comedians @ MARION MARTIN blind accordianist @ BILL GUEST Halifax Fiddle Playing Whiz Mayer's arrest last February came after an 18-month series of break-ins and assaults in the York Township area of Cedar- vale Park. He was identified in a police lineup by each of his victims, New York Rabbi Norman Lei- ner was picked up earlier in the same aréa, and was charged with assaulting police and caus- ing a disturbance when he ob- jected to riding in a car on the Jewish Sabbath. The charges were suspended pending the outcome of an in- Ballet. Tap, Baton Twirling REGISTER REGISTER NOW ! IRENIE HARVEY C.D.7.A. -- N.BTA. 424 KING ST. WEST PHONE 725-6122 . of police brutality. DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal--Dr. Paul Robin, 65, chief gynecologist at Montreal's St. Luke Hospital for the last 30 years. Washington--Dr. John Leigh ton Stuart, 82, a missionary and onetime Us. ambassador to China. Wanne-Eickel, West Germany | --Ella Rentel, 110, West Ger- ioned horse and buggy rides for the children. many's oldest inhabitant. Quiry into the rabbi's charges! also | CKLB's e SLIM GORDON © LITTLE SHIRLEY Sunday, Sept. 23, 8:00 p.m. ies | Oshawa's Only Coffee House THIS WEEK ONLY | he U '"The Laurentians" THURS. - FRI. - SAT. 9:30 P.M, -- 3:00 A.M, pee iscover a rig ht new world of er elivered to your oor or PENNIES A WEE The Economy Reading Plan...a very special Reader Service offered exclusively by this newspaper! MORE THAN 59 FAMOUS MAGAZINES 4 magazines select Dhe Oshawa Times CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITES for only 65: a week @ Extra big savings over newsstand prices tion: would take place within) ten years. Mr. Crichton contended that some of the older residents would like to know something more definite -- "whether it would be two, five, or just how many years." Reeve Scott advised the Crichtons that he believed the Authority was willing to pur- chase property at the present time from those owners who? wished '> <°ll. He said it was very ur. ri.in what was. going to happen, but that it will depend on what money is avail- able to the Authority and the number of parcels they are able to purchase without ex- propriation. The flood program over the Authority region he said, in- volved the spending of thirty- six million dollars over the next ten years. Councillor W. J. Gr g re- marked that he was concerned about the people occupying the flood areas, who were uncer- tain about expanding or im- proving their homes. "Tf they knew something defi- nite they would feel a ttle more secure," he said. Council again announced that| they would try to get a definite answer from the Conservation Authority, and Reeve Scott said that he believed Dr, Ross Lord would address Council on the matter at some time. REA ORAM ROE ANTHONY QUINN | SOPHIA j LOREN BRING YOU aT | ABSTRACT 153 KING ST. E. OSHAWA @ Convenient ... your magazines come by mail REEVES CAST OF THOUSANDS HERCULES EASTMAN COLOR ! Today! BILTMOR Tn Shu! THE UKRAINIAN CANADIAN COMMITTEE | ANNUAL DANCE Saturday, Sept. 22nd 8:00 P.M, me Ukrainian DNIPRO Hall 681 EDITH STREET e Your newspaper will be delivered by carrier JAZZ AT IT'S BEST | TONIGHT ONLY! © No Money Down! BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! Order Now! Check the Magazines you want! Fill out coupon hand to carrier or mail today! ®: -- GROUP A -- PARKER IN "HOME from the HILL" TOMORROW! "THE HELLIONS" "Twist Around The Clock" iN ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOOS MAGAZINES -- All from Group B-OR Adult Entertainment SATURDAY MAGAZINES -- 1 from Group EVENING POST A and 2 from. Group B -- OR * OSHAWA CHILDREN under 12 FREE: MAGAZINES -- Both from Group A Magazines New Renewal LIFE (Weekly) GOOD HOUSEKEEPING | TEEN-AGERS INGENUE HUMPTY DUMPTY er 3. ie Me POPULAR BOATING . SPORTS AFIELD : POPULAR Lal CAR and DRIVER .. JACK and JILL Refreshments SATURDAY EVENING POST .... 3 yr ot 4 aid DIGEST (Ages 5-12) 3 ci HOLIDAY CALLING ALL GIRLS (Ages 7.14) . a ae REVIEW fLLERY VQUEEN'S DETECTIVE . POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY . WEEKLY SCOTSMAN . MADEMOISELLE eee MOBILE HOME JOURNAL steer CLAIMS ON MOVE ELISABETHVILLE (AP) -- The Katanga province govern- ment claimed Wednesday night that the aerial reconnaissance has shown between 2,000 and 3,000 Congo central government troops advancing deep inside north Katanga after bloody clashes with Katanga forces. No confirmation was available here and the United Nations denied earlier Katangan claims of cen- tral government offensives. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. 3 yrs. yes. GROU WHAT MYSTERY FORCE THE WORLD AND [Ts TOOK OVER THE CONTROLS? rn g th 4 the SATURDAY 12.30 P.M, ONLY! 5 DISNEY COLOR CARTOONS cet 3 STOOGES COMEDY ch : IN ADDITION TO REGULAR SHOW noo0 000000 0000 000000 oo000000000 Oo Oo Oo a QO OG Q) ) oO Oo Oo B-- 7s Magazines New Renewal or koctwel ADULT CLASSES ST. JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP) -- About 1,500 adults throughout Newfoundland now are taking special acadgmic courses in six adult education schools, and an other 500 are taking regular school classes. Some. of the adult students are in their 60s. THE BIG ONE! shck A Se $$ -- PLAZA Q.22 'GG TOUNG: AUDREY iP FADOWS Feature Times: 1:50-3:45-5:45 7:45-9:50 P.M. Thy! JiM HUTTON eee as a dauntless-type Soldier fighting a prone-type war! PAULA PRENTISS «00S & SCXy-Type medic...with a ContagiouS-type kiss! ~-HORIZESNTAL LIEUTENANT »Cinemagcope ed METROCOLOR, Ci BCKUS CHARLES MRA an MOSHI UMEK) FEATURE DAILY: 1:30 ------ 3:35 -- 5:40 7:45 -- 9:85 REDBOOK ARGOSY (The Man"s Magexine) . ESQUIRE BETTER one nd GARDENS . FIELD & STRE. TRUE story ae CHATELAINE. css cteeeveeas U.S. CAMERA . sieves = CANADIAN SAT. NIGHT PARENTS' MAGAZINE FLOWER GROWER ............ GOLF DIGEST 00 oo C) MACLEANS (Every Other Week) . () AMERICAN HOME B PHOTOPLAY TRUE LOVE ste ( CATHOLIC DIGEST (] POPULAR GARDENING C) MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY . (1 McCALL's rn 0 LIBERTY ) 0 O 0 O O oO oO AMERICAN. GIRL HUNTING & FISHING in Canede . ATLANTIC ADVOCATE ROD & GUN Wes LE SAMEDI (Fr.) baa LA REVUE POPULAIRE (Fr.) .... LA REVUE MODERNE, CHATELAINE (Fr.) : LE MAGAZINE MACLEANS (hr) MOODY MONTHLY ... ] CHRISTIAN HERALD . () CHILD LIFE (Ages 3-10) ..... [] SCIENCE & MECHANICS nooo ooooooooonoo if oooosooo0Noo00R9 oosooscoooseca w 0 Do _ Not Write Here Carrier's Name .....5..5 Oe AeA Caedecdese oe j ' an Carriers' Route No. ......+..... D ekelyin 1 hereby agree to subscribe for or extend my present subscripti Pp rq, the © OSHAWA TIMES for 36 months and the magazines chosen 'for the hele as indicateqGy™ pay 65c weekly for 36 months with the understonding that this amount 'represents fulland Present rates for not only the magazines but also for the newspaper. ton \ont oY ae PROVINCE ORDER TAKEN BY PLEASE ALLOW 6 TO 8 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE Please let us have your renewal today so that you will not miss any copies. iE % Phone No. ..ccccjiers

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