OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 21, 1962 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued frora Page 17) 32--aArticles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale DRUMS, complete set, $100 cash. Tele- phone after 6 p.m, Whitby, MO &-4327. 17" TELEVISION table es Crosley, i BEFORE buying or selling teievisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves. wash- ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294. 728-6428. gown, floor length, size 15, white lace pag Cyend veil. Like new, $40. Tel COMPLETE living a, TV, mps, ar ca 32--aArticles for Sale Eneve. re eee ™ news of aged Your fiends and relatives in The Osh- awa Times for only $ 7 723-3492--A d-writer ae ee sca in wring 8 Bir Notice. COMPLETE oil furnace with Delco/son etc.; chrome kitchen aoe Apply 221 Johnston avenue, 725-7117. GAS range, fully automatic, $80. Rea- for » moving. Like new. 10 Mil Lane, burner, gravity heat, new to $100. Telephone 725-7887. ile. MA 3- AWNINGS, GOING hunting? Get. your supplies at Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. Guns, ammunition, jackets, boots ete. Call us now at 725-611. a Fi ore Provincial, fruit- Raye Prompt maviens|* free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. BOAT, plywood, 16 ft., new, never been used, $50. Telephone today, 728-0049. WASHING machine, Westingnouse, wringer model with pump, geod condi- ee $50, Telephone 728-1913. IL tanks, 200 galldn, and o il burner, Thon tioceng Apply 217 McKilm Street or telephone 728-2736, Saat ora', Fass Si, oe re, located 444 Simcoe South only, 723-3271. 3-piece brown brocade upholstery, gold occa- sional chair, end tables, coffee table, $275 or sell separately. MO 8-2401. DRAPES Most Modern Designs: ab- stract, Colonial and floral patterns, Made to order, Drapery Fabrics yd. 98¢ up. M and C Dry Goods DEATHS 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon: stration, T 728-4683. TYPEWRITERS. reconditioned, your Remington dealer, Cook's Office yang ment, 10 Richmond East, 728-8300. TENTS, camping supplies, aciat hardware, outboard motors. guns and bicycles. Best prices. Try Pominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. COUCH, Kroehler, pull out model -- new mattress, $135. Lazy-Boy chair, brown upholstery, $45. Telephone MO|s¢ 8-2401, PHOTOGRAPHIC equipment, Keystone movie camera, 3 lens, case, pro- jector, titler, splicer, lights, etc. $200. T MO 8-2401. COAT, lady's black boucle cloth, natural seal collar, fitted tall style, 14-16. Al- most new. Telephone Orono, 202)iJ.. LADY'S wintercooat size 16, fur jacket, grey kid, size 16; man's overcoat, size 38 to 40. Telephone 725-2218. PIANO, ee and Risch, very good $17: 985-2674. TELEVISION RCA Victor, console oe 21 inch screen, very good condition, Only $95. Telephone MO SHOTGUN, 12 gauge, automatic, "Hig- gins', tly used. Apply 476 Crom- well 'Avenue. KROEBLER seated suite, 2 ga i old, Best offer. Telephone 728-0; STORM windows, 20"x55%", a and various sizes. Good value. Cheap. 725-1379. ind mattress; KITCHEN set, chrome, pink and gray, extension table, 4 chairs, $30. Walnut tea wagon, $40. Student's lamp, $8. Telephone MO 8-2401. "| RANGE, BED, full size, spring a also dresser and night stand. All in good condition. Telephone 725-3879, Moffatt electric, gece size, fair NORGE refrigerator in good condition. % continental box spring and mattress witr mattress cover. Like new, Call Whitby, MO 8-4003. TLETT, Alfred William watered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Wednesday, Septem- ber 19, 1962, Alfred William Bartlett, rae husba! 'Corcora: Proctor (Patricia), Mrs. James) Walter (Lilian), Mrs, William Imeson Charlies arid Frank, all ir. Resting at MeMinn ( (vy), eons Bag oo geess pg eo ig Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service 'n the chape Saturday, September 22, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. OLT, Ernest , in Osawa General Hospital on Thurs- day, Sept. 20, 1962, Ernest Holt, beloved husba! nd of the late Alice Dunn and dear father of Clayton, Toronto, and James Cemetery. | LAMBE, Elizabéth Jean Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, Thursday, Sept, 20, 1962, Elizabeth Jean Graham, beloved wife of John M. Lambe in her 62 year. Rest- ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel on Saturday, September 22, at 3.145 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. LYSON, George Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Thursday, September beloved hus- Serd year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral mass in St. Johns Ukrainian Orthodox -- herria September 22 at 9.30 a.m, Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- tery. (Prayers in the funeral home Fri- day, 7.30 p.m.) LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral arrangement floral requirements for occassions. OSHAWA SHOPPING , CENTRE 24 HOUR be ceae SERVICE 728-6 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM and all | Clearance BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS All at Reduced Prices! For Example: Brunswick Cutter Ensign Complete with steering wheel, cables, navigation lights, windshields, 'convert- ible white vinyl sun top, side curtains, stern cover, 15 ft. 3 inch length, beam 76 inches, will take up to 75 h.p. motor. Listed $1360. Special $1059 l Brunswick Cutter Scamp Complete with steering wheel, cables, navigation lights, windshields, white hull trimmed in red, 13 ft., 6 inch length, beam 67 inches, will take up to 40 H.P. motor, Listed $895. Special $689° Bowmanville Marine 164 King Street East Bowmanville (Rear of Robson Motors) Win a ie: to antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay- FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guar- |} lectri razor in case, good condition. after | 5.30 p.m., MO 8-5174. SELLING good used furniture, eppli- ances, sewing machine, or any article? ighest prices paid. Call Mid-Town Furniture, 19 Prince Street, 728-113). ment. Package deal, $130. T 725-4729. BF GOODRICH Stores -- 'rirea, bat- teries, tele- Methods By ARCH MacKENZIE OTTAWA (CP)--A summons to a "prayer meeting" was dne method used by the Seafarers International Union of Canada (Ind.) for "thard-timing"' certain companies or. ships, the federal shipping inquiry was told Thurs- day. Crews were pulled off for the "prayer meeting' at the SIU hall just before their vessel was to load, causing costly delays, testified President Richard Greaves of the National Asso- ciation of Marine Engineers (CLC). : Mr. Greaves said he first heard the description of the walkoff used by President Hal Banks of the SIU who explained that it looked better in Quebec ,|province--which he felt had a strong religious background--to say that the crew was bound for a prayer meeting. Later, the device for haras- sing a shipping company or a particular officer aboard a ship, came to be known generally on the Great Lakes waterfront as SIU 'Hard Time' Cited a "prayer meeting." "Were these very pious met- ings?" quried lawyer Maurice Wright, counsel for the Cana- dian Labor Congress. JUSTICE WONDERS Mr, Justice T. G. Norris of Vancouver, conducting the in- quiry, wondered whether they had the same influence in '"un- regenerat provinces such as Ontario or British Columbia." Mr. Graves testified day about his association with Mr. Banks from late 1956 to about June of 1958 when he and the $10 leader fell out. His union, the National Asso- ciation of Marine Engineers, helped touch off the struggle for power on the Great Lakes and its recent history has been a series of legal actions and dis- ruptions. Its charges of membershin raiding against the SIU in 1959 brought the expulsion of the SIU from the 1,070,000-member CLC in 1960. The N.A.M.E. now is merged with the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway, Transport and Gen- eral Workers (CLC). Mr. Greaves said the eastern wing of the N.A.M.E. in 1955 had broken away and lined up with the SIU. But in 1956 Mr. Banks chose to support the na- tional officers of the Marine Engineers group and for more than a year provided money and some staff to help organize n the Great Lakes. TWO FALL OUT Then he and Mr. Greaves fell ot in 1958 because the N.A.M.E, became convinced that a 10-week strike by the SIU on the CPR's west- coast ferries was designed purely to break the engineers' union. Mr. reaves said the engi- neers decided to strike on an- other ferry service, the former Black Ball Lin, so 'that govern- ment intervention would end the strike. Premier Bennett of Brit- ish Columbia did intervene un- der the Civil Defence Act. Later, the SIU said that the eastern wing of the N.A.M.E. had voted to join the SIU--an election which the Canada La- bor Relations Board declared fraudulent. The SIU signed collective agreements with Great Lakes companies already holding N.A.M.E. contracts for the same personnel, Mr. Greaves said a Canada Steamship Lines spokesman told him he was sorry but that it had to be done. The spokesman had acknowledged that it was illegal to ditch the lawful col- lective bargaining agreement with the N.A.M.E., Mr. Greaves said. But Canada Steamships 'said that by the time the N.A.M.E. had had to fight its case right to the Supreme Court, it would be bankrupt and that only nom- inal fines could be applied against the company anyway. Besides, Mr. Greaves: said he was told, Mr. Banks had guar- anteed to indemnify Canada Steamship Lines, SHOW HIM SIU HQ During his chummy period with Mr. Banks, he said, he had been shown through the SIU headquarters in Montreal. In the basement Mr. Banks dis- played about 50 baseball bats and a number of pieces of two- by-four-inch lumber with han. dies carved out for convenient holding, Mr. Banks had said the lum- ber pieces were handy for nicket signs and that the base- ball bats allowed him to have a baseball game anytime he wished, When: Mr. Justice Norris asked if there was any baseball played around SIU headquarters Mr. Greaves said he hadn't a me aa thc te 8 lea ' ss: came angry at an SIU é he'd been up north. Mr. Greaves said he accom. panied Banks to bu convertible replai model and that ti abo SIU, Mr. Banks had another at his Montreal home, boats and about $15,000 He said Mr. Banks se Rages expensive pei w'th a superior type com. plaining that another resident had a faster craft. APPOINT MINISTER STOCKHOLM (AP)--Torsten . Nilsson was appointed foreign minister of Sweden Wednesday to succeed Oesten Unden, 76, foreign minister since 1945. No reason was given for the res- ignation of Unden, an uncom- promising advocate of Swedish neutrality, but it was under- stood in political circles it was End-of-Season - BLOWER for oil furnace, $25; also 200 |gallon tank, three- yet full of oil, |$50. Telephone MA 3. | 1958 JOHNSON nba saa, 18 hp, | la-ft. Cedar strip boat, and Otaco jtrailer, $450. After 5 p.m_ 728-0217. refr ele vision. Tatty Budget Plan, 725-4543. TYPEWRITER, adding machine, calcu- lator, check writer, cash register, meat slicer, and chopper;. also' scale. Snap! 723-4434. RANGE, 21 inch General Electric, [FOUR burner range, ~heavy duty, $60. |h |Apply Apt. 2, 1613 Dufferin - Street, | Whitby, or MO 8-4908, THREE oil space heaters, small and |large sizes. Reasonable. Apply 730 Sim- coe Street South. heavy duty, four burners, Excellent condition. $60. Telephone 725-2835. 16 FOOT family cabin cruiser, $399; 16 hp Scott and controls, $175. After six o'clock, 723-9833. 2 MUSKRAT fur coat, size 12, Worn 6 | DUFISOATORS, (and electric, times, $35. Telephone 728-6138. hand | spirit or stencil, | Oftice Equip. 137 Brock 8. MO 8.5849 |GUN (old) wanted, have 30-30 Winches- |ter, nearly new and Remington pump shot gun for trade. Phone 725-8183. -|refrigerator, ELECTRIC stove, 40, good condition; 9 cubic foot, "Lenard"; venetian blind, aluminum, & feet wide. Telephone 725-9768. NEW furniture, only $299 for three als, terms, service. Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO 8- ro TYPEWRITERS, eS Magee i a rooms: complete living room, bedroom and kitchen ensembles. Pay only $3 weekly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 condition. $90 or best off Road South, 725-2089. SEVEN piece, light soli Avenue. 728-4143, NORGE 4 burner large range. In good fer. 260 Wilson id oak dining room suite. $60 or best offer. 79 Pontiac Simcoe Street South. BOAT, motor and trailer, 1959 10 hp Scott motor; 1960 Tee Nee trailer. All 290 LaSalle Avenue. 728-7257 WESTINGHOUSE electric 4 range, phone 725-4570. burner 25", in excellent condition. Tele- 35--Legal TO WHOM table, both with Duncan Phyfe legs. Reasonable. Telephone 723-3817. range, automatic. timing, good condi- tion. $100 or best offer. Telephone 728-9188. NEW 1963 RCA Victor Stereo Hi-fi, wal- month. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. | good condition, $18. Telephone 723-2932, KITCHEN 8 foot cupboard unit, with top, $55, Telephone 72-8 GIRL'S red winter a size 10; plaid reversible skirt, for the lot. Telephone after 5.30 p.m. 723-9681, WALNUT coffee table and drum top KELVINATOR heavy duty, four burner nut finish, complete with $58 worth of records, $239. Terms $25 down, $10 per VISCOUNT man's bicycle, three speed, Galvanized hot water tank with electric attachmenjs, single stainless sink, Sigg arborite | slacks, shoes 5%, $10 IT MAY CONCERN The Oshawa Naval Vet- erans Club, do hereby give notice as 'to their intentions of applying for Club License (Re- stricted) for their new site, corner Viola Street and Oshawd Blvd. S. dur- ing or before 1963. Oshawa Naval in good condition. $400 or best offer. Veterans | because of his age and health. ident. ROGERS Majestic 1961 Television, 23" new condition, Regular $300 set. offer. Bowmanville, 623-2426. Best Econcntist Says | WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- jture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street |South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. |NOW open for business. Honest Cal's |Furniture and Appliance Store, corner |King Street East and Varcoe's Road, | just past Eastway Ten Pin Bowling |Alley. With our low overhead we can ~\offer large discounts on furniture and jappliances, Open 12 hours daily, 9.30 |a.m, until 9.30 p.m. Saturdays until 6 |P.m. Take advantage of the evening |Shopping hours and ample FREE park. ing. Use our easy Budget and Lay-A- Way Plans. We are franchise dealers Bank Should Club, P. G. Tulloch Pres- | Stick To Rate | OTTAWA (CP)--British econ- omist Sir Dennis Robertson said Thursday the Bank of Canada, having moved last June part way to a fixed bank rate, should for General Electric and McClary E appliances, also carry name' brana| compete its return to that. prin- furniture such as Restonic mattresses| ciple--"not again to depart from and Dubarry chesterfields. Phone Hon-| jt? est Cal's (Cal Blake) 728-9191. He also told the royal com-| | mission on banking and finance} | that he regards Canada's statu-| tory ceiling of six per cent on | commercial bank lending rates) jas "an anachronism which |should be abolished." | Sir Dennis, 72-year-oid former|~" | Cambridge professor and one of| © | the architects of the Interna- tional Monetary Fund, said Can- ada's practice between Novem- |ber, 1956, and last. June 24 of | letting. the central bank rate float with the government bill market looked "rather queer"| to observers abroad. | In a free economy somebody or other had to have a right of access to the central bank as a | lender of last resort. Yet it was|. necessary to have for bankers aj" "sting in the tail" in case they|" added too heavily to their bal- ances by such borrowing. The} ~ bank of England's right to set|"" |a@ penal rate of interest was this | sting. BINT -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Robert Fred- a who passed away September 21, 961. "Thy will be done" seems hard to sey When one we loved has passed away. Some day, perhaps we'll understand, When we meet in that better land --Sadly missed and ever remembered by daughter Donna, son-in-law Bob, grandchildren Diane and Janice, Ed- monton. NEW We buy, sell, exchange, We buy the most. We sell the most. We pay the most. FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 'Self-! -Storing Windows _ with Vinyl channels, push - button ad- Justment. Installed. Windows $18--Doors 39.95 100% Satisfaction Guaran- teed or your money refunded. Phones 728-9257, 728-5253 CUSTOM RELOADING 22 Hornet, 22K Hornet, 222 222 Magnum, 22/250 243 264 Magnum, 270 30/30 300 303 308 3006 358 | 44 Magnum, 20 Gauge Shotgun, 12 Gauge Shotgun. _J. HARLOCK 725-6494 BINT -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Robert Fred- erick Bint, who passed away September 21, 1961. God grant us serenity to accept Things we cannot change; Courage to change the things we can, And wisdom to know the difference. Sadly missed and ever remembered by daughter Joyce, son-in-law Peter, grandchildren Brian and Joanne. | For #) Persons BINT -- In loving memory of » dear father, Robert Bint, who passed away | September 21, 1961. You're not forgotten, father dear, Nor ever shall you be; As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee. Always remembered by daughter Roberta, son-in-law Graham. Aluminum French-Provincial Style SOFA-BEDS by 'BRAEMORE?' | Specially priced for clearance! All Expenses Paid ! | A lucky couple from | the first 50 custom- ers in September at Home _ Economics Food and Freezer Ltd. will be given an | all-expense-paid trip to NEW YORK CITY. CARD OF THANKS OUR SINCERE THANKS To all neighbors, friends, rel- atives, strangers, boys, girls, and last but not least the Mennonites. All came with willing hands and equipment to help free and carry to safety the large number of hens still alive in our col- lapsed hen pen. Many of you worked during the day and went to your night job afterwards, as also many worked their day shift ond came in after to work all evening, even some stay- ing away from their own jobs and farm work to help. In some cases <oming many miles. BINT -- In loving memory of a dear father, Robert Bint, who passed away September 21, 1961. We cannot clasp your hand, father dear; Your face we cannot see; But let this little token Tell that we still remember thee. Ever remembered by daughter Joan and son Dick. @ With Matching Chair @ Ten decorator-preferred colours @ Reversible foam rubber seat cushions and moulded plastic foam back -- padded. GRAND OPENING SALE 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP DROP IN THIS WEEK. FREE DRAW FREE GIFTS. FABULOUS PRIZES EXTRA SPECIAL! ! SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES It |WILSO 20 CHURCH STREET KELLOW -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Richard Edwin Kellow, who passed away September 21, 1957. Not only today, but every duy, In silence I remember. Sadly missed by wife May. It's many a moon since we've seen a "buy" like this! A happy blend of high-style, comfort and practicability at one exceptionally low price.. Gracious French Provincial styling covered in rich cotton and rayon damask fabric in natural, marine green, tan, bronze, crystal, gold-colour, blue, rose and charcoal brown; complemented with touches of showwood in mellow fruitwood finish. Diamond-tufted spring-filled back is padded with plastic foam and the seat cushions are rub- ber foam filled for extra deep comfort. Saving the best for the last . . . the chesterfield converts with an easy action to a full-sized double bed with its own spring-filled mattress. Yet it's so comfortable by day that even your most astute guests should never guess its dual personality. 249-39 Companion Arm Chair in matching decorator shades. Special, each EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms Available with NO DOWN PAYMENT PHONE 725-7373 -- For complete details on how to qualify for this thrilling Holiday in New York... ™ | Telephone, Write or Visit HOME ECONOMICS Food and Freezer Limited 11 Ontario Street EATON Special Price, Sofa-Bed Only, each Room 9 PHONE 728-9403 CARD OF THANKS MOORE--Mrs. Richard Moore wishes to thank Dr. E, M. Culp, Dr' Wm. Grant, Dr. Roy Rowsell, nurses and staff of Al and B3, Oshawa General Hospital, also relatives, friends and kind neighbors, for gifts of flowers and cards of well wishes received during my stay in the Oshawa General ek et £ Hho special thanks to Rev, #1: At no time con we get along without the women. !n they came with eats of every kind and stayed to help prepare and feed all the workers who would come in, and also take lunch, cold drinks and coffee out in the afternoons. } .00 Our Fire. Department stood by in case of fire and on the Monday Evening putting into play floodlights, which 'help- ed tremendously. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 271 FURNITURE [)0) os csmemmmennisenen COMPANY PHONE 723-3211 "A friend in need, is a friend indeed!' ghts until 9 George ond Clara Scott and Fomily |} bg --Winnifred Moore.