Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1962, p. 9

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ANN LANDERS UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES CALVARY BAPTIST WMS |Church with the president Mrs. Newlyweds Omit To Acknowledge Gift Dear Ann Landers: My cousin was married last month. Our Calvary Baptist WMS op the new season with a' song ser- vice and with praise and thanks- giving. : Se re reading was from J Psalm 107 read by Mrs. Wil- ree liam Spencer, Mrs. C. Arm- for her own god. Nancyistrong led in prayer. Minutes flunked out of the university) were read and offering received. Charles Carpenter presiding. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs, Carman Thomp- son and Mrs. Orville Rabme gave the treasurer's report. A short business meeting was held. There will be no luncheon this fall. The president reminded mem- wedding gift was a rather g-n- erous amount of money. We re- 4 \ceived no note of thanks, Last 4 \night we saw the newlyweds at a party. No mention was made of our giit. é The cheque was written on my mother's bank account, She attached a card to the cheque which read: "Best wishes from the entire Jones family." This meant my sister, my brother and his wife and my husband and me, as well as mother. We contributed equally. We feel the bride should have thanked each of us. Should I say something to her, or just skip it? -- INDIANAPOLIS READER Dear Reader: The card which last year and came home in) Migs Marie Armstrong, a re- February. Her dad insisted she/tyurned missionary from Africa, go to work and earn part of her|was the guest speaker. tuition if she wanted to return) 'The meeting closed with pray- to the university in the Fall.|or py Mrs, Erle Hurlbeurt. She has a fine job and makes) Next week Mrs. Reed of the Hep ag ftom -- wr Toronto City Mission will be ar goes on her back, I remin i her periodically that if she the 'quest. anier NAOMI BRANCH wants to go back to school she'll have to come up with half the} The September meeting of the tuition. She says "O.K."--and|Naomi Branch of the WA of keeps buying. Christ Memorial Church was This evening Nancy told us/held at the Church recently. she'd love to return to school| After leading the group in the next quarter, but she's flat}WA Prayer, the president, Mrs. broke. She promised to do her/Stanley Lawrence welcomed the best if we paid her way. members at the start of the new I want my daughter to have|season. The secretary's report was. given by Mrs. E. Davies a college education. My hus- band says it's up to me, What\and Mrs. E. Roberts read the bers to try and get their hus- bands to attend group commit- tee meetings held the second Sunday morning of each month a.m. These meetings are very important to Scouting. 'he clinic for October for the Sabin Clinic 'has been cancelled, The installation of the new of- ficers. will be held in October. The next meeting on October 11 will be the ninth birthday. The Otter patrol will have charge of the meeting. BATHE PARK AUXILIARY The Bathe Park Auxiliary held its monthly meeting in the club- room on Tuesday, September 18 with Mrs, Cleve McMann pre- at the Highway School at 11/gi accompanied the cheque should have listed the name of each contributor. | Write your cousin a note and) say: 'I fear our gift to you was hot properly labeled. The cheque was from Mother Jones, Brother Lawrence, Sister Frie- da, Horace and me." Dear Ann Landers: This prob-| lem may seem trifling to others) but it has caused me to con. sider mayhem. Our neighborhood is lovely. The lawns are carefully mani- cured and the homes are beau-| | A SEPTEMBER WEDDING Married recently at St.) P. J. McGarry of Oshawa Gregory's Roman Catholic) and the bridegroom is the Church were Mr. and Mrs. | so, of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Terrance John : McLaughlin. : to. The The bride, the former Miss McLaughlin of Toronto. Mary Kathleen McGarry, is | couple will live in Omave. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Ireland Studio ind. do you say?--E. L, P. Dear E. L. P.: It's not enough that you want your daughter to have a college education. She must want one, too--and appar- ently she'd rather have a flashy wardrobe- given for the missionary work of Tell her she can demonstrate|the Deanery. her sincerity by saving her|, Mrs. Don Wilson outlined her) money and paying part of her|plans for a Little Helpers party tuition or it's no deal. And don't/to be held at the Church with collapse cr you'll regret: it. |the Little Helpers from St. |Mark's Parish as guests. SOCIAL NOTICES treasurer's report. The members were invited to attend the Deanery Confer- ence at the Church of the Ascen- sion, Port Perry, on October 10, and a canned goods shower was | The study group of all branch- es of the WA will begin in Octo- ber. The subject this year will siding. don Dunkle, president, was read and accepted. Mrs. Haight was elected president and Mrs. Stanley Hicks will take over the duties as secretary. One new member was welcomed jinto the Auxiliary. The resignation of Mrs. Gor- William discussed. The Reverend N. T. Holmes was asked to spéak, and Mrs, Mervin Morrison was ask- ed to sing. Questions on the al son arid his elder brother given to the members at the last meet- 'ing were answered, and it was an interesting experience and gave much food for thought. It was decided to send out let: ters with the Thankoffering en- vel carding the privilege of Thanks- er. Refreshments followed, served by Mrs, Ross Clark, Miss Bernice Quinn and Mrs. Mervin Morrison, assisted by Mrs, Arthur Allman, CHRIST CHURCH WA (Dorcas Branch) Christ Memorial Church WA (Dorcas Branch) business meet- ing was held recently with the resident Miss F'orence jomas presiding. The group was pleased to wel- come back Mrs, Alex McMurchy of Whitby, who has been a ment- ber for a number of years, A hymn was sung and prayers were read by Mrs. Harry Wood. The minutes were read and the treasurer gave her report, The Deanery Conference will Plans were discussed for a baseball banquet and the tenta-|Port Perry. tive date is October 13 ( yd coh Hi vine New equipment will be pur- chased for the kitchen. At conclusion of meeting bingo Psychological Approach May Encourage Junior To Work tii ful. This area is d pleas- | \be "The Church in the 60's". was played and refreshments be held October 10 commencing with communion at 10.30 a.m, in the Church of the Ascension, was discussed and all members jgave the reports. Refreshments were served by Mrs. H. Pearce and Mrs. G. | Constable, to all the members, re-|f ing. The meeting closed with pray- : ing to the eye. But to the ear-- well, that's a different matter.' All afternoon one can hear| | abese jmothers shrieking, "Bon-n-nnn- or La-a-a \at \friends and neighbors on Satur-|in_ the AT HOME | Mr. and Mrs, George Leach,| Manchester, Ontario, will home their - relatives, | to The main business of the meeting centered around the an- nual night of cards to be held) served by Mrs. Byard Kin Mrs. Stanley Hicks. parish ahll Wednesday, /0n October 16 at 8 p.m. | /™ PMA CLUB | The Pleasant Monday After- noon club met in the Leg- jion Hall for its weekly meeting The next meeting will be held THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 20, 1962 2 speaker at a meeting in the near future, Refreshments were served by Mrs, Olive. tison and Mrs. William EXQUISITE DESIGNS ae v ahesassaceuas 3 ae : | rings are noted for their designs and out- standing value. Priced from left to right respectively... ® Modern solitaire mounting with -- fine quality centre diamond of ex- ceptional brilliance $200.00 © Beautifully designed with im sive centre diamond sursetinded We : six small fiery diamonds $275. © The traditional tailored design of this setting serves to enhance the beauty of the large diamonds! $400.00 Set LMSS BS OPE See tH Seeaessy Sa eee 2: ALL BLUEBIRD DIAMONDS ARE GUARANTEED FLAWLESS r 3 at 8 p.m. with Mrs.| ; : ALBERT STREET UCW UNIT 1/ With the president, Mrs. Elwovd 'AND INSURED FREE FOR ONE YEAR Galpin as convener. | 'The fall meeting of Unit 1,|Bradley, presiding. aa ; just i Junior hadn't| eeeeeeeeeececeeee! Octobe By ELEANOR ROSS | And just in 'case « i | " ;.a.iday, September 22, from 2.00 Now that full - time maids|thought of it, remind him that)rrrreyyyyyyyyy!" It reminds! +, 5.00 p.m. on the occasion 00 Robert are about as scarce as whoop-|windows, fenders and whitejone of the old Molly Goldberg): ost) wedding anniversary.| At the next meeting a toY| of Albert Street United Church,| Mrs. William Vodden: was re-| AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY BURNS is JEWELLERS 32 KING W. nt l, LIMITED . " A is li be much more care-|to stuff cotton in my ears. 4 E. Wil- | 3 her family to pitch in and helpjis likely to be y SOKge Ml given. |Harvey presiding. Miss Harvey) Favorite hymns were sung but it requires a special efforliammy GARAGE jyoung women who attended)tg Mr. William Donald Henning, |PeOY0c by: Mrs. B. Cook, Mrs.| | the law or to shovel the snow! ict" cht up his alley. Both|'¥Pe. They all read your col-\urday, October 20, 1962, at 3\19TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.|were read and the roll called, |There is no membership fee and) PHONE 723.7022 i hat car if he has cleaned|Strangely enough, most of these| er | with the housework. jful of tha 4 liams eye | The meeting was closed by alopened the meeting by reading|and reports given. It was an-| : | bee I to get a teen-age son working.|"', Giean car, of course, can't|800d Eastern schools. son of Mr. and Mrs, William|~ pownirst, Mrs. H. Beadle-and|., 2% devotional leader, Mrs.|were n eeded for the club.| will often only make him balk) Toes and basements are|¥mn, so if you will just print/o'clock at St. Andrew's United) 'The eighteenth Scout Mothers|Unit 1 had change of the thank- the club is open to all, no bar to/ |creed or color: | i i i ial atten-'days -- '"'Mrs. Bl-o00-000m! ; n u e ing cranes, a mother is justi- wall tires need specia y ENGAGEMENT |shower for the Dorcas Christ-| was held recently in the friend-|ported to be on the sick list at { n : ; | , |Everyone is welcome and .| Nagging or commanding him to be kept in a messy garage--so| Please don't advise me to/Henning, all of Oshawa. The |Herman Laxton, took as her) ry and moth. | j | : all the more. lamong the most neglected areas|this letter it would be a public|Church. its |Auxiliary held September United offering meeting of the UCW: fied in expecting members of|tion, as does the interior. He, At about 5:00 o'clock I want oo oe |mas missionary bundles will be| ship room: with Mise. Cora| Hillsdale Manor, ; ann lit himself. |shrieking mothers are culturédof their daughter, Sheila Gai } The girls usually co-vperate,| 4 7 prayer and refreshments were! soem, *Seghiadier tak lsounoed that new.' Seemberd| pick up his belongings, to mow). another responsibility|t@/k to the mothers, I'm not the| marriage will take place on sat-|Mrs. E. Cay. ltheme 'Giving' .The minutes/¢Ts may bring their children. | PSYCHOLOGY BETTER | | "Applied psychology" 1s much} better. To encourage the habit of helping, promise a reward oc- casionally, along with the sly but subtle hint that the chores you would like him to under- take are those that 'belong' to a man. No,boy should feel that there is anything "sissy" about shoveling snow or mow- ing a lawn. Handling window screens is a job that calls for muscles. Do- ing the screens is a good time| for washing windows -- and a j task that he might well share! with you. WORK TOGETHER For instance, you can suds and rinse the insides while) Junior takes over the outside) job, which sometimes entails a bit of ladder climbing. Storm windows and screens should be washed at least once a year--right after they have been taken down for storage. Show your son how to use a sudsy sponge or cloth on the storm windows and a well-lath- ered brush for the fine screen . mesh. Both can be rinsed with the garden hose, then dried in the sun before being stored. | | |service.--TIN EAR IN MICHI- A of the home, and really benefit) from a good general clean-up: F ; ;,.|. Dear Ear: I'll do more than Phe 9) Poa by more often just print your letter. I'll offer panel Sd hechiyhrsiceag 9 ja solution with multiple a masculine aura, heavy indoor) noices cleaning often calls for manly : strength. One needn't attend a "'gv0d |Eastern school' to know that OTHER CHORES \shrieking for children offends Washing walls, floors and/people of taste. Venetian blinds are other tasks} Mothers can let their young- that shouldn't damage his mas-|sters know they are wanted at culine pride. And that aiso goes}home by using cow bells, scout for keeping his room tidy and) whistles, triangular gongs and a neat. variety of other less-offensive Although cleaning his room| noise-makers, : is really his mother's responsi-| A colleague of mine recently bility, a boy should still develop|btained a hunter's duck - call. the daily habit of putting things|He reports that his wife gets an away, making his bed and wip-|0Ccasional mallard, but the kids ing dust and soil from surface| always come home- areas. Dear Ann Landers: Our daugh- meeting at Courtice October 3 plans were made and ENAGEMENT | It was planned to have al nem Mr. and Mrs. John Hope- \Brown of Whitby announce the jengagement of their daughter, | Judith Anne to Mr. Stanley Jos. |eph Stacey, son of Mrs. Philip James.Stacey of Oshawa and the late Mr. Stacey. The marri- age is to take place Saturday, October 27, in All Saints Angli- can Church, Whitby. ce FINE PRODUCER KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont. (CP) Charies Tucker, a Harris town- ship farmer, has a cow quali- fied for an award as a "red seal" producer of more than THE 100,000 pounds of milk a year. His prize-winning milker pro- duced 107,686 pounds of milk with 4,112 pounds of butterfat. ter is 19 and too good-looking HELP WITH LAUNDRY And then there's no reason why Junior shouldn't occasion- ally lend a hand with' the fam- ily laundry, either, Any boy who plans to be an engineer might well familiarize himself with the household equipment and that certainly goes for the washer. BF Goodrich Store x In Home Entertainment! G Enjoy the Finest +7 Once a teen-ager learns to fit household duties into his weekly routine, his mother's job will be easier -- and he will acquire valuable training for that big WASHING CAR Point out that cleaning the| family car is a "natural" for a boy who hopes to borrow it. To- day's cars are easy to take care of since most of them have fin- ishes that require no washing, but just a sudsy hosing-down. Special gadgets that get the job done quickly and easily in- clude king - size, overstuffed foam-rubber mitts and long- handled hose attachments with self + sudsing rotating brushes. The garden hose is good for rinsing -- as well as wetting down the car to remove loose dirt before washing. | Own. day when he has a home of his HOUSEHOLD HINT Your dumplings will be light- r if you wrap a clean cloth! around the lid of the pan in| which you cook them. This will | absorb the moisture which) forms inside the lid and drips) back onto the dumplings. | NEW TOTA MOR, ~\ RCA VICTOR 'i | WOMEN LIVE LONGER Females in Canada have al-| ways had a higher life expect- ancy than males, the difference increasing to 5.3 years in 1956 from 2.1 years in 1931. GRAND OPENING SALE 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS RROP IN THIS W 23" Table Model Detachable Legs New Vista Specie! Chassis Longe Range Viste Tuner 26 Tube Function "Golden Throet" Sound EEK. FREE DRAW FREE GIFTS. FABULOUS PRIZES HOT SPECIAL! ! 2-PIECE _ LIVING ROOM SUITE KO ee ORES SEE TE THERE ee ILSO HURCH STREET 73° FM/AM Redio BSR UAI6 Record Changer Diamond Head Stylus 2 IF Stages On FM 2 Audio Stages 6 Tubes RCA VICTOR 1963 NEW VISTA TUNER TV L SOUND STEREO Compact Cobinet In Walnut Finish 18,000 Volts of Picture Power 50 - 12,000 Frequency Response BEL. The . Newport Sleek, The most deble T.V. RCA Victor History with modern hag egg Advances thet give you the clearest 7. Pleture you priced See th other 29.98 quality performance 219% With Approved Trade The Matinee RCA VICTOR "Totel Sound" STEREO brings dynamle tone quality to all recordings. es new depth, new timension and new magic to music in your home. Built- in styling for lasting becuty. 22955 navy. Low Down Payment FURNITURE COMPANY PHONE 723-3211 88 KING STREE B.EGoodrich - Easy Budget Terms T, W. 726-4543 OSHAWA You will tee... when you see the trim look of these high fash- ion wool, double-knits . . . all partial. ly lined for « beautiful fit... and oh so low! Be sure to shop our new, exciting knit department... the best knit department in town. ese, and our large selection of styles available . . . from - 49.98 (a) A Seventeen fashion styled by "Holiday" in 100% Botony wool. Three-piece outfit in red with black, camel with brown. Sizes 7 to 15 (b) "Art Knitting" designed this high bulk Orlon 2-piece outfit especially for you, with a fringed front and fully lined skirt. Sizes 9 to 15, red, SHOPPING CENTRE a 14.98 Shop on Walker's Lay-away or 'Plan' Account WIALKER'S PHONE 728-4626 saci sidiinuiaannitiaiidiimicmir ce

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