day today is Kenneth Louis Ostler who is seer with his Celebrating his first birth- | brother, three-year-old Chris- i. ALL SMILES FOR THE BIRTHDAY topher Martin. Kenneth and Christopher are the sons of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Ostler, Division street, and grandsons of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Bradica and Mr. and Mrs, E, M. Ost- ler, all of Oshawa, Ireland Studio UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES St, GEORGE'S WA The business and devotional meeting of St. George's After- noon Branch, WA, was held re- cently with 22 members pres- ent. The president, Mrs- John Sawyer presided. Prayers for prayer partners Miss Connie Colpus and Miss Mabel Jones, were read by Mrs, Charles Gibbs. The scripture les- son was read by Mrs. William Collins. Minutes of last meeting were read. Mrs. E. A. Seeley gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. S. W. Wotton read the Uni Thank-offering prayers. Mem- bers were asked to bring their Thank-offering the next meeting, October 9. Mrs. H. W- Browne donated a quilt. The quilt to be sold and money received to be put into WA funds. Mrs. C, 2. Oke read the correspondence, A rummage gale will be held October 25. Mrs. George Puckett, Dorcas secretary asked for donations of any kind of article for box to be sent to Diocesan Centre early in November. The deanery conference will be held October 10. Communion will be held at 10.30 in The Church of the Ascension, Port Perry. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Thomas Murrall, Mrs. John Sawyer, Mrs. John Beam- ish and Mrs. Charles Oke- KING STREET UCW The September meeting of Unit 2 was opened by Mrs. Wellington Trainer with a verse "I am Glad to Think'. The devotional was in charge of Mrs. Leonard Kellett, who gave a reading, '"'The Day of Beginning Again'; also a poem, Mark Anniversary At Open House Mr. and Mrs, Ray Burton, Jar- vis street, held open house re- cently. on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Burton is the former May Clar- ke, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Clarke of Bowman- ville and Mr, Burton is the son of Mrs. E. R. Burton of Oshawa and the late Mr. Burhon. Their marriage took place in St. George's Memorial Church with the Reverend R. B. Patterson officiating. Congratulations were received from over 130 guests during the afternoon and evening, Mrs. Bur- ton received in a green brocade dress with a pink rose corsage. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. James Elliott, Mrs. Harry Whitbread, Mrs. L. A. Parker and Mrs. William Tait. In the evening, pouring tea were Mrs. Benjamin King, Mrs. G. O. Grummett, Mrs. Donald Break- ell and Mrs. E. C. Clarke, Serv- ing were Mrs. Robert Stephens, Miss Susan Grummett, Mrs. Maria Wimpenny and Mrs. Carl LaPrairie, nices of Mrs. Burton and Miss Judith Whitbread. Miss Jennifer Grummett and Miss Debra Childerhose, nieces of Mrs, Burton, were in charge of the guest book. Congratulations from the Hon- orable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr were among the many cards, letters, gifts and flowers received, A family dinner party was held gt Club 401 and Mr. and Mrs. Burton were presented with a git of money by Miss Jennifer rummet of Ottawa on behalf of the family Among those signing the guest book were friends from Bow-| . manville, Brooklin, Burlington, Newcastle, Grono, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Oshawa. "Kneel to Pray'. A hymn was sung with Mrs. Roy Hood at the piano, The 90th Psalm was read also a poem, "Through the Years". The minutes were read. The financial report was given by Mrs. Gordon Pirie. Mrs. William Short collected the flower money and reported that she had sent out four cards. Fourteen hospital calls and 23 home calls have been made. Sympathy was extended to Mrs. William Mitchell in the passing of her mother. The Feast of the Seven Tables dl was planned. Mrs. R- B, Reed fas donated flowers for the unit's table. It was decided to cater. to The Eastern Star banquet on De- cember 4. The bazaar date was changed to November 28. Mrs. Leonard Kellett and committee served refreshments. COMMINGLE UNIT The first fall] meeting of the Commingle Unit No. 2 of Sim- coe Street United Church Wom- en was a pot luck supper re- cently with a good attendance. The business period was con- ducted by Mrs. Rex Harper, the president. Mrs. Orville Eagle read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs.. Arnold Duke gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Fred Thompson reported on flowers, cards and shut-ins, Mrs.. Charles Bennett had charge of the devotional period and chose as her subject '"'Evan- gelism in Rome." Arrange-' ments were made for catering to a dinner, also a wedding, both for the end of this month. Members were reminded of the Thank Offering in Septem- ber, also the one-cent-a-day saving plan to be turned "in at the November meeting. The meeting closed with a prayer by Mrs. Harper. LENORE GROUP The first meeting of the au- Group of Simcoe Street United Church, was held in the form of a pot luck supper on Tuesday evening, September 11,. with a good attendance: Mrs. H. H. Wells had charge of the meeting and conducted the worship service, During the meeting arrange. ments for the catering were made for the Moffat-Mundy wedding. WESTMOUNT H AND 8S Mrs. James Anderson, pre- sided over the September meet- ing of Westmount Home and School Association, The minttes were read by the secretary, Mrs. H. R. DeMille. A financial report was given by the secre- tary treasurer, Mrs, Arthur Holdsworth. September 28 is the date set y for the Kindergarten and Grade 1 Mothers' Tea with Mrs. Stan- ley Gomme and Mrs. Robert Boneham in charge. Correspondence was read by) Mrs. Roy Spratt and a Dollar Drive in October was favored) to replace the bazaar. Miss. Sarginson's Grade 3 class won the room prize. Principal F. H. Ross spoke on organization in general and the subjects of spelling in par- ticular. The film, "The Sociable Sixes" to the "Noisy Nines" brought forth many points of dis- cussion. BACKACHE? eonot me! For relief from backache or that tired-out feeling U depend on-- tumn season of the Lenore|~ ANN LANDERS Tranquilizing Dear Ann Landers: I am wor- ried about my wife. She is 45 years old. About six months ago she began to lose interest in things which were once very important to her. She dropped out of the church auxiliary and resigned from her garden club. She began to find fault with her closest friends and refused to see them. About two months ago she read an ad for tranquilizing pills which 'could be bought without a prescription. Since she started on those pills she's a-different person. Her disposition is pure sun- shine. Nothing bothers her. And I do mean nothing. She can let the dishes stack up from one day to the next. If the beds don't get made. she says, "So what? We just have to unmake them to go to sleep." Some- times there's dinner when I get home from work, and some- times there isn't, dépending on whether she wanted to cook. She says she feels wonderful and has put on 10 pounds (which she needed). Frankly I don't know if this is good or bad, Can you tell me?--GUS Dear Gus: Yes, I can tell you. It's bad. Your wife is too tran. quil for her own good. No pill should be taken without first consulting a physician, Just be- cause a pill can be bought with out a prescription doesn't mean it's harmless. These 'don't give a darn" pills can be useful in gettos a person through a period of anxi- ety, but they were never in- tended as permanent problem- solvers. Your wife's age suggests she may be going through meno- pause. Her doctor can prescribe medication for her. When used to blot out reality pills can be damaging and even dangerous. Dear Ann Landers: My sister and I moved to this city last ear. We don't know many peo- ple here. Sis is going to be mar. ried around Christmas. She has her heart set on wearing a Protect little feet right IMPLICATION ! LIPSTICK $2.00 FASHION FORECAST; A TORRENT OF RED... DRENCHED WITH' CLICK-IN REFILL $1.25 by RICHARD HUDNUT HEAL with MECCA Get quick relief from painful piles by using nither of the Mecca pas fntiseptic Pile Remedies, sold st all drug counters, MECCA PILE REMEDY NO. 1 is for protruding piles, ont oa in tube, with internal MECCA PILE ; REMEDY ing fs for external in jar and is tor 28 KING ST. E. DRUGS OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M.--FREE DELIVERY 723-4621 with properly fitted BUSTER You can't be too careful about your baby's first shoes. Apoorly fitted shoe can push the foot out of shape:.. without a murmur of com- plaint from your child. That's why Buster Brown has a correctly made and fitted shoe for every stage of your baby's development. For crawlers, the super-soft sole and upper of Softie is just right. Toddlers need the firmer sole and heel counter of Walkie, After starting to walk, he should have the sturdy sole and stronger ankle support of Linden. To properly fit your child, we use the famous Buster Brown 6-Point Fitting Plan. 'This measures both feet at all key points and allows just the right amount of growing room. Let us start your child off with shoes that are prop 'erly fitted. ; LOOK TO.oe ancoip- © PROPER FIT FOR @ RIGHT. PRICES Goods Satisfactory or Your Money Refunded, Downtown Oshawa 18 SIMCOE ST. S. 725-1833 Pills No Problem Solvers white satin gown and a veil, Her fiance is in the army and will be The problem is getting a best man to stand up for Jake. He has no close friends and has asked my sister to make the selection. She doesn't know any- body either so she has asked me to help her out. The only person I can think of is our cousin who lives in town here, but he is going to play the wed. ding march on the piano. There is this certain fellow I see on the bus every morning. He is tall and handsome and would be ideal, I don't know his name but we always say "Good morning" to each other. I realize this would be un. usual, but it might be a perfect way to get acquainted. Shall I ask him to stand up for Jake?-- MAID OF HONOR Dear Maid: Inviting a stran- ger to stand up at a family wedding is no way to get ac quainted. Don't ask him or he will think you're off your rocker. Ask your cousin to stand up for Jake and hire a professional musician to play the wedding march. This would make much more sense. Dear Ann: My problem is too humiliating to discuss with any- one who knows me. months ago I was discharged! from a TB sanitarium. I must/Piccadilly room of the Hotel continue to see my doctor for)Genosha, The bride's mother periodic checkups but I am/received, wearing a champagne completely cured. My husband is afraid to come|with matching near me. He doesn't say it in : so many words but I know how|too young to spend the rest of he feels. His kisses are hurried) my life like this. I need help.-- pecks on the cheek. He sleeps) MISERABLE with a surgical mask over his} fac. He pretends to have alyour husband have a talk with cold. This is his excuse to stay|your physician. If, after the out in November. away from me. 1 daughter of Mr. Norman,. Blanchard Nuptials Solemnized At A wedding of Oshawa inter- est took place last Saturday in Northminster United Church' when Donna Joan Blanchard, and Mrs, Harry C. Blanchard, became the bride of James David Norman, son of Mr, and Mrs, John David Norman, all of Oshawa. ed by the Reverend John Porter with Mr. Stanley Locke as organist and Mrs. David Weldon as soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a full- length gown of silk failla, The fitted bodice featured lily- point sleeves and the bouffant The ceremony was perform-|¢h, Northminster cloche hat and a corsage of tawny gold feathered carna- tions. The bridegroom's mother chose a powder blue brocade jacket dress with a white mari- bou fur hat and a corsage of powder blue feathered carna- tions. When the couple left on their honeymoon trip to Bermuda the bride was wearing a turf green shan-fir ensemble with a white maribou fur hat, match- ing iridescent accessories. and a corsage of apple green feath- ered carnations. On their return Mr. and Mrs, Norman will make their home THE STARS SAY __- By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Personal relationships will be governed by generous influ- ences tomorrow, so you can ex- pect all the co-operation you need from business associates, as well as happy domestic and social situations, Just one word of admonition: don't scatter en- ergies, If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates some fine prospects for you and your interests. During the next 12 months occupational matters will be under especially good in- fluences, and you should profit handsomely through any work at 333 Gibb street, Oshawa, which calls for vigor and en- skirt of deep inverted pleats the past lifting by this yea nd. Except for the months October and November, | nances will be under gené aspects, so that you m: id many of the pressures + Personal relationships ee governed by generous tions for most ahead, except for brief peri in October and March, and should find December and 1963 excellent for romance. © of the Avoid strain and nervous sion in October and Februar; and look for a good busin break in late December or ear! January. fell into a chapel train. A jewelled crown held her finger- tip veil of tulle illusion and she carried a spray . cascade of stephanotis and white sweet- heart roses. The matron of honor was Mrs. Robert Brewster with Mrs. Ronald Norman, Miss Heather Blanchard and Miss Lynne Andrews as the other attendants. They wore identical gowns of birratz blue chantilly lace over white organza fash- joned with sabrina necklines and three - quarter length sleeves. They wore mohair crowns with matching birratz blue veils and carried cas- |cades of white Pinocchio pom poms with blue centres. The best man was Mr, Ron- ald Norman with Messrs. Rob- ert Brewster, Larry Flintoff and Arthur Locke as the Several ushers. The reception was held in the sheath dress beige brocaded jacket and Dear Miserable: Insist that jtalk, he continues to treat you We've been married three|as if you had a contagious dis- years and have no children. I'm 'ease, then he needs therapy, When: Time: For: onan _eeneeemeemmmmememnatatl be Information Classes Regarding Anyone interested in learning more about the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. BOTH Catholics and Non-Catholics are invited to at- tend. No charge or obligations involved. INSTRUCTOR: REV. L. MCGOUGH The Catholic Church And Its Teachings Monday & Wednesday Evenings 8 P.M. . Where: St. Gregory's Auditorium Room 1 -- 194 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ont. Beginning: Monday, September 17th, 1962 725-8444 v. "DO I NEED With the help of your Metropolitan man-- 1. You check the facts: Your pension plan, your home, your life insurance, your savings and other assets. You may be surprised to learn how much you're worth. 2. You weigh your responsibilities: Mortgage or rent payments, education, retirement, accident and sickness emergencies; how much it would cost your family to live without you. 3. You learn where you stand. You determine your weak and strong points . . . whether the provisions you have made for your family will do what you intend. You get the facts in front of you. A FAMILY SECURITY. CHECK-UP?" Family Security Check-Up- What it is and what it does for you 4. You plan for the future, READ THESE FOUR POINTS | THEN ASK YOURSELF: 4 : a ~ wiv OM ra a Based on these facts, you decide what action, if any, may : be needed to give you a family security plan tailor-made to your own needs and ambitions--one which makes good sense for you, Whether you need insurance or not--whether or not your insurance is with Metropolitan--a Family Security Check- Up makes sense. Over 2,100 Metropolitan Representatives in 102 local offices across Canada are trained to bring you this service. Call your local office today. There is no obligation--except to those you love. OSHAWA DISTRICT JOHN D. GRAHAM, MANAGER 86 King Street East, Oshewa, Ontario Telephone 728-6224