{ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 16) 27--Real Estate for Sale é 27--Real Estote tor Sale [27--Real Estate tor Se'e 27----Real Estate for Sele LOWEST price ever offered, $10,950. $5080 monthly. Call Bit Millar, Castle Homes of Oshawa. 725-1186. 35000 FULL PRICE; 5 frame 26 Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estote for Sale Rouse. 'Must be sold, Vascants North . To inspect please weekdays. | soemen| HOUSE VALUES RG rei sink, Fi business a ee Sp set ea Pi may yh . ---- a ec BEAU VALLEY A Pleasont Place PORT PERRY to Live Central location, 5 room mo- dern home, con add rooms on second floor, extra lot, Pe $9,500. Close to shoppi brick home, sacri foreclosure. Real $6,500. Large selection of homes call HOWARD MACKEY Port Perry 985-2127 , 9 room e due to value house lis pa: For information. Quiet clean home| also double room. Sult Abstainers. Telephone} ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS Avollable in private home, ll between 5 and 7 pm. 82 PARK RD. NORTH 728-8671 PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and double, Television, Dining Room, Lunches Packed. 725-0078 27--Reol Estate for Sole HOMES NEEDED? We neve haere, some. with ell ca! ing homes in the $6, "000'te $ to 318 000 brack- ets, Both In the city and rurol erees. For free valudtion and prompt service call Schofield- Aker Ltd. 723-2265, open 9 til 9 -- Saturday afternoon ti! 5 p.m. ESTATE 100 ACRES All workable land, High producing level clay loam farm. biuld- ings. Eight room stone house on good county road. School bus by door, ASKING $10,000 DOWN 22 miles north of Oshawa, For appointment telephone PROPERTIES TO: SEE THIS WEEK-END Offered by A. E. LEPAGE Limited, Realtors TEN ACRES Highway Y location, mile east of Brooklin, $450. per acre.. More land if desired. Good frontage modernized house, all conveniences, high location. House and eight acres $14,900. sacrifice Modern house, 4 piece tile bathroom with color- HOME FOR SALE? LIST PHOTO CO-OP 723-1133 CARL OLSEN, REALTOR FUTURAMA MODEL HOME SHOWING Glenalon Street THIS WEEKEND DIRECTIONS: -- Turn North on Gibbons Street to Glenforest Street, fol- low Glenforest to Glen- elon. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR ©. J. BOE Seagrave 985-2079 S.J. NEWMAN Broker, Beaverton Possession October Ist VACANT North Oshowe, 2-story brick 3-bedroom house with moder» kitchen, newly decorated, on lorge lot, only $11,900, low down payment. PHILLIP MURRAY 6-room bungalow with 3-bed- room; nice lot on quiet street, storms and screens, full price $12,900. Reasonable. down poyment. COUNTRY HOMES $6,500 full price, 5-bedroom frame dwelling on 1} ocre lot, adjacent to Jorge trout pond, end swimming, on paved COUNTRY LIVING 7-roomed, 1¥2-storey frame house on Y% acre lot, 3-pc. bath, lorge kitchen, for only $4,000, $800 down CALL FRANK HUNTER 725-2974 ed fixtures, plus two plece washroom on main floor. Situated on ever- flowing Trout 'stream, 48% acres black sandy loam, hardwood bush; farm buildings fair cond- Ition, excellent location Greenwood. FULL PRICE $32,000 Low terms, one mort- gage with the owner. Owner will accept small home in Pickering. CALL OR WRITE Mrs. A. C: Corry 942-4231 EVENINGS WH 2-5077 AJAX BOWL BUILDING Realtor Newcastle OPEN HOUSE Northeast Area Nearing Completion "NEWER THAN TOMORROW" DIRECTIONS: Rossland Rood East to Central Pork Boule- vard, turn South and follow the signs. Sclesmean on Site 2 P.M, TO 6 P.M THIS WEEKEND S. D. HYMAN 39 PRINCE STREET LLOYD REALTY - LIST. WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BALDWIN STREET 6% RESALE 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW RECREATION ROOM Asking only $12,200., ail decorated and ---- 29---Autemebiles for Sele ees ry . secielin stke dncimeentailde THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 18, 1962 97" 32--~Articles for Sale Boot mowurs hb Tee. Neo tapler. He lela storms, etc. a lot 50' x 136', Very 'Clone to schools, buses and ping, carries for $88.00 per , ° interest, principal and taxes. Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123. Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, Realtor -- 728-5123 101 Simcoe St, N. Open Every Evening if iu 2 i 32--Articles for Sale Sea aoe a gy eg A 3 ene THLOMPD gor cary, FT John F. De With | Phone 728-6286 PRIVATE SALE NORTHEAST OSHAWA Five room bungalow Finished recreation room, fires place, broadioom. Close to public. schools, bus service, excellent location. $13,900 Full Price $1,000 DOWN FOR APPOINTMENT 728-8964 GUIDE REALTY Limited Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S, -- 723-1121 BUY OF A LIFETIME -- 100 ocres with house ond barn, 80 acres workable, only 35 miles from Oshewa. Full price $5,700. Terms. NORTH WEST--3-bedroom brick bungalow In new condi- tion, $13,200 GRANDVIEW SOUTH--Mag- nificent view plus an income. Lang low rancher with attach- ed gorage. Attractive living room 12 x 25, three good sized bedrooms, recreation room and leading to a glass- ed-in patio and terraced gar- den. PLUS a three room sep- Grate apartment, consisting of living room, kitchen, bed- room and bathroom, renting for $78.00 per month, 2 ACRES -- of land in the City 147 ft. by a depth of 500 ft. good terms. GUELPH ST, -- 2 yeer old rug brick home in excellent condition. Close to - schools end St. Hedwig's Church, Lorge living room, 3 bed- rooms, 4-pc. tiled bathroom, HARMONY RD.--Only $13, 500 for this cloy brick gg alow on lovely large lot, bedrooms, finished rec. room, natural stone fireplace, This is @ good home, well kept. Other extras included. INCOME PROPERTY -- Five minutes to' downtown. Re- duced to $14,900, Hes 5 rooms and 4-pc. bathroem on first floor. 2 rooms and 3-pe, bathroom on 2nd. 2 nicely finished rooms with stool end sink in basement. A good home. Must be sold due to illness. We hove several good homes for rent. One completely furnished. Immediote pos- session, Call today. For full particulars coil Ry Flintoff, Steve Zurba, Charles Rankine, Leon Manitius, Roy Yeo, Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Jean Peacock, Dick Young, Lloyd Corson, Luces Peacock ot 723-112) nes 725-9870 AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA AJAX, ONTARIO |WHITBY CLASSIFIED ¥ RECONDITIONED sfodent Paltas to 2 Sa280. Entite Tack of dvesses dress: to be sold at $10.00 ae Steccasiis tor batier abet Dept. Store, Whitby, choles, Hamaitin Ditlee Equip,, 137 Brock 5 SIX-ROOM house for Teak a Tralibis Children $90 sodded, carport and many ROSSLAND MANOR NEW FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW Beautifully decorated, large kitchen and bathroom, other features. PRICE $15,575.00 --- DOWN $1975.00 FOR APPOINTMENT - CALL JAMES O'MALLEY - 723-7122 PRIVATE sale, three - bedroom brick » ears old, Sharbot Street, Oshawa, accept car as down pay- meant, 725-2002. VARCOES road $9800. bg gen 4 ern, gi workshop, Bob Johnson 728-2548. Howe ee "Peters. weis00 "or boot tien, ee By ex,| after four, Aig yeas for sale. belo take trade in|728-0026. til particulars to "Box 911 Oshawa HCE a5 Ww Toman fa east of Oshawa, ioadlonaad Erale Realtor, Street East. a Hees Canam seven room house, large lot, new Lyreesh and heating, $11,000. Telephone 655-3 $4016, Whitby, SMALL home, full >asement, nace, new interior, All services, Mom Best offer, 228 Verdun Road. 723- Pe automatic ckou me Hee private sale. 29--Automobiles for Sale oo tee ie cea in a well division with roads, awa. Adjoining 'property available fo: development, An excellent eportaalty for a@ person in the build! Make offer. Apply to owner, Box 748 Oshaws Times. OPEN HOUSE / NEW N.H.A. HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION THIS 'WEEKEND Melrose and Willowdale location. Turn south just west of Rundle's Garden Centre ~ CARL OLSEN REAL ESTATE 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 trade. | $450 % CHEVROLET BelAir, song ie good tires, excellent Si body, fully equipped. Best offer, motor, Six | tranginission. oklin evenings, 655: 1008 CHEVROLET satus stake, tires, six| motor in excellent condition, ission. $995. Whithy, MO ENGINES -- Chevrolet 263, 19s: 1982, $300 Chevrolet, 1067 METEOR V-8, automatic, (mast sell), Telephone 9 a. 2 p.m, 725-5555 « 196? PONTIAC Parisienne coach, hard. top, beautiful beige, low mileage, auto- matic, radio, power brakes. Many extras. Private, 725-2802. 1980 AUSTIN Sprite, me owner, 16,000 miles. $800 or make "eater. Telephone T0273, i904 FORD % ton pick up truck; good running condition, $350 for quick sale, = -- Roed South, behind Texaco tation i803 CHEVROLET coach, radio, new tires, In very good condition. Asking $475, Telephone 7 728-9770 . OVERHAULED 1953 Chevrolét auto. matic, $365, Apply 127 Park Road South (rear door), 1955 CHEVROLET, two door, heater, radio, feo tone, white and blue. Tele- phone 725-5345. ib GMC one-ton pickup, $378. La lett. hry trailer, $450 or best offer, MO B gar to) ---- each; Powerglide, 6°2 $150, 655-3516, alter 7 o'clock. FILTE i Gieen nad Red Bervire, iib- ope tees demon: tion, Telephone 12 Fda canvas. Steen service estimates, Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North, '§ COM racer, excelient condition; perercion. P sobs bass Camergno, ie new. Single air foam mattress. 723-7071 142 Exhibits SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 HERTZ Drive-Y ourself CARS AND TRUCKS __|/728-9493 or 728-9641 Foote's Shell Station 97 King E, Oshowe TILDEN 1968 PONTIAC 348 motor, dual ex- haust 4 barrel carbar, automatic trans- mission, heavy duty springs. Low mile- age, one owner, Telephone after 6 p.m. 9785, 957 CUE CUSTOM Royal Royal Dodge, fully equip. ped, good condition, $850 or best offer, 'Teispnone 723-9318. CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Mokes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. Wehel n forced a 1o-year guar. per week, no ment, gt xaEe deal, $130. "Telephone WE = sell and pope r anything y SELLING good used farniture, eppli- ances, guid machine, or any article? Highest paid. Call Mid-T 'ale Furniture, 19 ¥ 19 Prince Street, 128-113 GUN (old) wanted, have 30-30 waa. ter, ne and BEFORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wesh- ers, call Eimer Wilbur, CO 3.2204. ast. 723-| By MRS, At Brooklin BROOKLIN. -- Flower Show of a on cently in the C tion Hall was a decided sue ° cess. The number of exhibits re- ceived far exceeded all tations, There was a FRENCH Provincial pleces, good condition, 4 burner gas 723-7244. yg Pe » 5 $90. Nearly new range, $50. Telephone ton 'and ight nthe Juno ion and eight in S oe tion, giving a total of 1 VICTOR Hesse hii, poe mene re, records Easy terms, Meagher's, 5 King Street West, 111 Dundas Street West. 1949 FORD tow track, ah toh capacity, fully winch, new tires, new Drskes ee ie reconditioned motor. Going out of business. Saveatoee TE 9-1432, 100 Liverpool Roa 1936 MONARCH, -- condition, 1960 AUSTIN Healey Sprite, green, im- y condition. 728-5067 after five. 1962 CHEVROLET Biscayne. Driven student during summer. Telephone d, F autimatic, 30, in good 1a 29--Automobiles for Sale oe Serna e cat a: on eee 2, auch sale, $650, $650. Pie 1964 BUICK, red and white, two doar hardtop, custom radio, new tires. Sacrifice for quick sale. Apply 208 Centre Street. DUMP TRUCKS We hove a selection of late model, reconditioned Dump trucks. Fully licensed and ready for the road. These units have to be cleared by . September 15th. See these specials ot Seaway Motors Ltd. 200 Dundas W., Whitby MO 8-3331 PRE- New Model Clearance 1962 Ford Galaxie FOUR DOOR SEDAN, 8 cyl- Inder, duel range automate, tadio,. white walls, wheel discs, etc., in rich black cherry finish, with mushroom beige interior. See it you will buy it! 1961 Triumph Ensign y FOUR DOOR SEDAN, bs matic. The King of the small cars, 2500 miles, White and Red with eo Interior, Sold hew for $2695. Clearing for $1500 September 28. See) Race holo grog Dy 3 Gund: 'ny from two to five, Apoty at 908 Arthas ur -Street. j| STORAGE space for "bos boats. Large in, lated building. aig im beens aan on Hignwas 'elep! 8.3752 dally. vi *. OPEN park-|$5.00 per pair, No tee x. No charg with | 8-2786. CLEARANCE sale of men's dress trous- . Values to on. Your _aholee at at fe for Is week ber, Diodes Times, Whiter' Bes Tie a8. FOR RENT: art bedroom washer and dryer. Telephone MO Driveway and Concrete For Delivery Call ERIC BRANTON MO _8-2660 ' tion Department, per roll. Wael os paper in 100 tolls, suitable for banquets, ete. Available at the cireula' Oshawa Times.' T7¢ DBESSMARING: Sills, coats, dresses, alterations, + covers, dra & specialty. Mrs, Toms, stom WO "a HOUSE THIS WEEKEND AT KINGSMERE GARDENS $1,298 FULL DOWN PAYMENT 3-BEDROOM For BENT - aperime vate, $85 mon! Availab! {he el thy. aval ¥ Ont Whitby's only fuel dealer corryng. a wheoune line of FUEL "blue coal" In various sizes, Semet -- Solvay Coke, Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals. Briquettes and Chorcoo! for Grills, Hardwood and Sottwood Slabs. Texaco Fuel end Stove Oils 7 4 ourrente APARTMENTS ond bedroom suites. Row avaieie Newly built, recessed balcony, dining crea, TV. outlet, Wesher, dryer, parking. Hected, fons, etc. PHONE MO 8-5212 FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this summer and guar- anteed trouble free all win- CLAY: BRICK SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock &. $. MO 8-354 Whitby ter, If you purchase 'White Rose" unifined fuel oi! from Western Oi! Company. DIAL 725-1212 ° Bw PHONE - BUNGALOW LOADED WITH EXTRAS, 37 SOLD THIS YEAR DIRECTIONS:--Proceed Along King Street One Block Past Grond- view, Turn South on Rockcliffe and follow the sign. SALESMAN ON SITE 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. THIS WEEKEND YMAN 728-6286 11956 Ford | 1962 Ford Fairlane 500 TWO DOOR, six cylinder standard transmission. Cher- ry Red and Red _ interior, radio, white walls, whee dises. rate, Be sure ond see it! 1957 Chevrolet HARDTOP FOUR PR., radio new white walls, two-tone In beautiful condition. Only .... $1075 1958 Vellindean ae Pg condition with Gniy $850 FOUR DOOR SEDAN, new motor, new paint job, 1955 Meteor Real nice condition, you can- 1957 DODGE station wagon V8, push bso Bs 1956 Buick » hardtop, standard transmis- bead Ooiss "@ RENAULT pg miles, clean. Best offer Telephone 728-9790. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V, $44 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 BABY cribs, two with mattresses; high chair, car bed, playpen; baby carriage, aaete oie ee ae eee 120 bass, ex it condition. Telephone} 725-4125. Y -- Tires, bet- 'tors, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, the largest number for several years. paper! arrangement. in th ; bowl Py Mg in the sugar The vate Oe and a of the gladioli, zinnias, and dahlias made an excellent for the roses, smaller and miniature arrangements. The judge, W. C. TYPEWRITER, adding machine, onlen. tater, -- writer, cash register, meat and chopper: alse scale. Snap! lin, expressed such 1 the ettistions ied tore See showings. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 :|Fred M. Holliday, read of ers for future Convener show, Mrs. of prize winners as follows: Class 1. Asters, double, miz- .;ed colors, three blooms --- Mrs, Bi FORD Fairlane 500, automatic, wer Telephéne 728-3945. 30--Automobiles Wanted fer aan white col 196 METEOR, x glider, two oom, . "TAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Highest prices paid. tion, new motor, Telephone 725.8552. OPEN SUNDAY SELLING $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. _ 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 BUYING . "STEW" 1s Worth Trying ANY MAKE, ANY MODEL "NEW or USED 45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Cer to "Ted" Talk coat to the» New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 | Joe Holdershaw, Mrs. Erie Green, Mrs. Cyril Wick. Class 2. Asters, le, mixed singl .|colors, five blooms -- 2nd prize, Mrs. Cyril Wick. Class 3. Container of Cosmos, Lazy| mixed colors (not more than a9 Frank B blooms) -- Mrs. Mrs. Cyril Wick, Mrs, Ene Green. Class 4. Decorative Dahlia, Mrs. Burnett Jamieson, Mrs. siectrie andi meric Green. Class 5. Dahlia, ca sem Ges aay a er ost second prize -- "ine, F Frank Bray. Class 6, Dahlias, three minis- tures --Mrs. Fred M. Holliday, . Mrs. Burnett Jamieson, Mrs. . Sydney Lockyer. Class 7. Basket of Dablias -, 31--Automobile Repeirs Mrs. Burnett Jamieson, Mrs. | Eric Green, Mrs. Sydney Lockyer. Class 8. Gladiolus, one '|white -- Mrs. 'A. C Met "Loans Arranged" Liens-Paid $25 DOWN $10 PER WEEK _. BUYS RELIABLE CAR 10% OFF FOR CASH ! ! SPECIALS ! ! $998.00 OR BEST OFFER BUYS HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND Mrs. Frank Bray. Class 9. Gladiolus, one red -- Mrs. A. C, GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 RENAULT--PEUGEOT AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for Renault 59 KING PRY west 1958 PONTIAC STRATO.-CHIEF Fully Equipped $598.00 OR BEST OFFER BUYS 32--Articles for Sale 1957 WOLSELEY A luxury sports sedan, twin carbs, radio. Immaculate leather interior, paint and tires excellent, 90-day guar- antee. MUFFLERS We buy, sell, exchenge. We buy the mest. We sell the most. We pay-the most. Most Modern Designs; ab- stract, Colonial ond floral patterns, Made to order, Drapery Fabries yd. 98¢ up. M and C Dry Goods 74 CELINA ST. 7ae-7807 FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 Installed by Class 'A' Mechanic $6.95 up GOOD USED TIRES MOST SIZES $3 UP 6& 12 Volt Batteries $4.85 and Trade Self-Storing Windows Aluminum with Vinyl channels, push . ion ade Jugtment. 'Installed. Windows $18-----Doors 39.93 100% Satisfaction Gueron- teed or yout money refunded. Phones 728-9257, 728-5253 GARAGE SPECIALS! 10 x 20 ft. $250. 12 x 20 ft. $280. Other sizes available. Complete Home Improvement ". ~ SERVICE | Bathroom | Recreation Rooms Home Extensions 90-DAY GUARANTEE not beat this value. At Only ... $550 | used cars A lot more good at Low, Low Prices . . . Trade and Easy Terms. OSHAWA FORD SALES AND SERVICE | Smith's Sports | 353 KING ar WEST PHONE 723-9311 OPEN SUNDAY STEWART MOTORS (Closs "A" Garage) KING W. at THORNTON 725-1667 Open Until 11- P.M. FOR SALE Wringer Washer .... Semi-Automatic Washer $100 $75 | . Bully Automatic Washer (Installed) $125 Well known name bronds Year Warranty on. all CALL CAESAREA | * TEL. 986-4342 | Al Siding Storms and Screens, Awnings. No Down P. t Free Estimates Custom Built Homés From $8; Cottages from $528. LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION LTD. 3 178 Simcoe Street North A. C, Cultoch. Class 12. "ey pink -- Mrs, A. C. Mee pene As co wick, Mrs. Erie® ere 18, Gladiolus, one ye : any other color --Mrs. A. McCulloch, Mrs. Eric deo: * Mrs. Lorne Crawford. Class 14, Gladiolus, three spikes, miniatures --Mrs. Erie Green, Mrs. A, C, Class 15. Basket of 'mixed colors -- Mrs. Bray, Mrs. A. C. eaeen Mrs, mpg Page oF Class a "mY three blooms --Mrs. lc Green, Mrs. A, -C. McCulloch, Mrs. | Norman Alves. Class 17, Marigolds, African variety, three blooms -- Mre. Frank Bray, Mrs. Sydney Lock- - yer, Mrs. Lorne Crawford, | Class 18. Marigolds, French - variety, five Blooms -- Mrs. Cyril Wick, Mrs. Burnet Jamie. son, Mrs. Lorne Crawford. Class 19. Petunia, Horticultural Society held sristan ues: eee eel "| Flower Show. * T, Brook, et the list asional -/one bloom -- Mrs. Frank ny " " s,s \Mrs. Frank Bray, Mrs. Lorne milton| Crawford. : . clase if 10. Gladiolus, one -| yellow -- Mrs. Cyril ' [ning Crawtord. 3 Mrs. Class 11. Gladiolus, 1 spike, ° -- or purple -- one oe: Gladili, double, . three blooms -- Mrs. Tom ~ \Bailey, Mrs, Frank Bray, Mrs. - A. C. MeCulloch. Class 20. Petunia, single, five blooms -- Mrs. Frank ray, rp Cyril Wick, Mrs. Ernest Acti Class 21. Petunia, ruffled or fringed, three blooms -- Mrs. Frank Bray, Mrs. Tom Bailey, Mrs. Guy Stevenson. Class 22. Container of Sweet Peas -- Mrs. A. C. McC Mrs. Mark Lockyer, Mrs, Nor- man Alves. Class 23. Container of annual Phiox -- One entry aw d first prize, Mrs. A. C. Me- Culloch. 728-4614 Open 9 am, Until 9 p.m. (Continued on )