el ON Gl et Ng het AGT I et tual cet" ea atlanta (RG THE OSHAWA TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1962 BRICK AND STONE BLEND IN McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE PROFILE Learning Helped By Kits, Games This year, primary grade students can get off to a good, sound start with the funda- mentals of math, reading, so- cial studies and science, thanks to a prize assist from design- ers of home recreational ma- terials as well as from educa- tors. Developed in _ collaboration with leaders in the field of education, a wide variety of kits and games are now avail- able to help youngsters "learn while playing." According to Dr. Mary Mof- fit, of the Toy Guidance Coun- cil Educational Advisory Board, these home recreational mate- rials help make learning more pleasurable to the younger stu- dent. Monotonous arithmetic drills, such as the multiplication tables, repetition of words for spelling, and other rote rou- tines are outmoded, and frown- ed upon by educators. Instead they recommend to modern parents that children learn through a variety of games keyed to make math, spelling and other facts through competitive, able play. memorable} pleasur- | | Whether the play. and learn-| ing project is a study of a spec-| include such ingenious devices imen through a group micro-|as a "Fractions are Easy as scope, a game of global flash, Pie' game which helps chil- cards or understanding phone-|dren learn the relationship be- tics by competitive "play", a} tween fractions. A game based prime requisite for successful' on counting to ten, and another learning is the patience of the called "Link Numbers" create parent or older youngster, ad- vises Dr. Moffit. It is important that the pri- mary objective of this "learn and play' be interesting and fun-filled. The educational ace tivity should never be repre- sented to the child as punish- ment or a chore. Significant in the pattern of a 1962 home recreation, is the development of math games with self-checking features, so that they can be played alone, as well as with parents or older youngsters. For example, flash ecard kits now encompass divi- sion and fractions, as well as addition, subtraction, and multi- plication. The frantic search for scratch paper is solved in some of the flash card kits by wipe off plastic sheets. Play ways. to learning math co :netition around math bas- ics using well-proven _ class- room techniques. To dramatize ties teaches ane beehe eel NEW SCHOOL the relationship between frac- tions, common fractions, deci-|§ mals and percentages -- there is a new math wheel. Rugged Shoes Gain In Favor College men, keeping pace with new fashions for the cam- pus, will be wearing "more shoe" this fall. Interpreted in A complete line of schools supplies for elementary and secondary schools including all the re- quired Text Books of Oshawa and dis- trict ,.. school list available. Nylon Tartan Variety to ¢ and leather. A wide from, 1.49 to 3.98 BRIEF CASES now." 1.98 Handle Style rrou ™ 2.95 DRESSES' The apple of your eye gets a great new start on a grand riew school year... with dresses that head the fa- shion class. In the collec- tion . . . shirtwaists, full- skirts, costumes, jumper styles and many more... in fall favored colors and prints . . . delightful easy care fabrics. COME IN TODAY AND CHOOSE FROM THIS WIDE SELECTION. ZIPPER BINDERS FROM 2.95 a Saywolla LEATHER GOODS AND STATIONARY 14 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 728-8821 VL SHOP 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-1221