sme _ |'Track Coach Sees SPORTS IN BRIEF Young Birds Race From Parry Sound | Seer Ao gg ee maa Five Gold Medals |.2720sc7rct wenger iret, Paste en] me ona Racing: Pann : ® ee State, has been put on waiversiOpen golf champion, in a close|« " tunda' | anadiar i G olf Boasts TORONTO (CP)--A visiting|ably in the six-mile, possibly in|by the Eastern Conference Ot-| contest, Ring Hoang ina Al 0 ; English track coach is con-jthe three, but not likely injtawa Rough Riders, the club competing, vinced Canada should win five] both; announced Monday. Ryan was GADSBY SIGNS ; gold medals at the British Em-| Gerry Moro of Trail, B.C., in|picked up by Riders when Tor-| DETROIT (AP)--Bill Gadsby| T¢ birds were released at 9.30 the pole vault. Moro set Com-|onto Argonauts put him onjhas signed his Detroit Red|a-m. and aided by a strong "tail & pire Games and that runner | ee ame ~ = will be "oe --. gee of 14 feet) waivers. Wings' contract for his 17th Na-|wind", they made excellent time miles in 13 minutes flat before| seven 8 y. tional Hockey League season. { rds-per> ar Ings é the 1964 Olympics. '| 'The one - mile relay team,| INCLUDES RUSSIANS __ |anager-coach Sid Abel made|" . " ™ John Disley is one of five|which will probably be Bili|. FOREST HILLS, N.Y. (AP)--Ithe announcement Tuesday|™inute, indicate. John Shew- 1961 ti Britons visiting Canada to in-|Crothers and George Sheppard|A quartet of Russians and play-|after personally signing Gadsby|Chuck had the fastest bird and MONTREAL (CP)--The golf-jbeen on the very edge of they Mrs. Darling won the Cana-jand in of was gait | struct at the first national clinic] of Toronto, Don Bertola of Van-|ers from Communist Czechoslo-|last week in Edmonton, Alta, |three in the top ten M. ing dynasty that has come down) Whitlock course, and all be-jdian Ladies Golfing Union open sister Judy in the Quebec}, track and field coaches. The|couver and Lynne Eves of Vic-|vakia and Yugoslavia are in- Korbij had half (five) of the through the Darling family has|came members--the youngsters|championship in 1936, and 20)ladies' championship. course starts in Guelph Thurs-|toria. cluded in' the list of more than} SEEK CONTRIBUTIONS _ [pest 10 birds. tended more toward the distaffjas soon as they were oldjyears later was runner-up for} Brian, 18 and on the small day. 80 foreigners who will compete} TACOMA, Wash. (AP)--The| 1, John Shewchuck, 1586.10; 2, side for its crown-bearers. enough. the Canadian ladies' senior title] side, Z _-- an heaped Y Disiey himself is world record SWISS TO COMPETE this year in the National Tennis| National Boxing Association of|W. Terlecky, 1584.91; 3. M. Kon Of the present generation, n.iciup YOUNGSTERS to the famed Ada MacKenzie of|ter. é oS reg °N!holder in the two-mile steeple-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Pierre|Championships, The champion-/1.. worg voted Wednesday to|Dii, 1584.06; 4. M. blonde Judy is best known, just|": eth Toronto, Currently she is the|ships have eluded ut, in-lchase, Olympic bronze medal-|siegenthaler, Switzerland's na-|sips begin Aug. 29 and con- y +0) 1581.23; 5, M. Korbij, 1579.47: ha her mother--Mes, A.B. Bill Darling saw to it i at the|Quebec ladies' senior cham-'cluding this year, he has twicelic¢ and has been an interna-|tional champion, will compete|tinue through Sept. 9. seek a small slice of champion- $, J. Shewchuck 1572,41: 7 M. Darling--was before her and in i ~ go | start. : er pion. been a member of the Quebec} tigna) runner for 10 years. in this year's North American ship fight gates for its new edu- Korbij, 1569,39; g. Pa Shew: a measure still is. ad nd ut te ggg n his)" Judy started to burst into the|interprovincial team in junior) He predicts these gold medals|Flying Dutchman yachting) NAMED TOP ATHLETE a. research end welfarelise 19. 9, K Korbij, 1558.11 But now there is Brian, and) oo ee aren night He was(golfing limelight as a junior. national competition. for Canada at Perth, Australia,/championships starting Friday) NEW YORK (AP)--Don Drys-|'undaliqn. 10, J. Isell, 1556.95, up-and-coming junior. There is cor re gy Ha: t, He ™~ Canadian ladies'|,, 7s. year also marks the fifth|in November: on Lake St. Louis in suburban|dale, 21-game winning pitcher| It will be a voluntary eontri- also Mary. And more or less| Whitlock club ¢ he mpion 11/She won the Canadian ladies'time Brian has been a member| Harry Jerome of Vancouver,|Montreal. Fifty yachts from|with the Los Angeles Dodgers,|bution of one per cent of gross tional th recently there has also been|'imes "-- om the cones Fec-|junior title in 1957 and, begin-lof the 10-player Quebec team|a double winner in 110 and 200|Canada and the United States|Sunday was named professionai|receipts from all title fights un-/6tam intended to provide insure nephew Mike. a 2 iy ears Mag © won| ning that same year while she|that annually meets an On-| yards; have entered the three - daylathlete of the month for July|der its jurisdiction. ance, pensions and other bene The line appears to have|()< estern Canada champion-|) 4. still a junior, walked off|tario team in age-class compe-| Bruce Kidd of Toronto, prob-'event. : in competition for the S. Rae| The foundation is a broad pro-|fts for boxers, started with J .A. Darling, sup. with the Quebec ladies' cham-|tition, Brian works as an ac-| -- TT ' Judy's grandfather, who was| Dora Virtue was only 15)yionship five times in a row--|countant in summer and con- the first president of tue Whit-/years old when she began play-/ay by the time she was 24. |tinues his school work in win- lock Golf Club in suburban Hud- rng golf. She was encouraged ter. gon Heights. y Frank Grant, then pro at|TWO BIG WINS Mike, nephew of Mrs. Darl- Then there was the late A, B.|Whitlock and now greenskeeper| Her big national wins cameling, has been on Quebec teams (Bill) Darling, who married at the Montreal Country Club.|in 1960 and 1961 when she WONlin Willingdon Cup competition Dora Virtue, and the golfing) She started playing right-|the,Canadian ladies' open title.|several times but has played Cc 0 @ : NOW EQUIPPING WITH line has continued. handed, and always has, al-|Last year she married Doug!as|jittle competitive golf in the The family home has long|though she does everything else|Evans, TCA employee, and has|jast year or two. f lefthanded. She won the Que-|Played little competitive golf} Mike was Quebeo junior] . bec ladies' championship in 1930|this year. champion four times--in 1943, Hit On Head and repeated--then as Mrs. A.| Mary, 21, a school teacher,|1944, 1947 and 1948--and, as a} B. Darling--in 1933 and 1935.) was several times winner of the| partner, won the Quebec four- She was runner-up four times.|younger girls' provincial title! ball title five times. By Baseball, e ® 10-Yr-Old Dies Norm Raike Says... LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Wilfred Graham, 10, hit on the head by a baseball as he watched two ic Yo . junior players warm up at a gh. Q Here s A Real park in Brigden, near Sarnia, : dees : LE : a a died Tuesday in hospital here ' & egtinwe th Age a 2 % SUPER-FLEXIBLE e boy, descri as a keen sf Mg re y Z 4 baseball fan, was struck Friday ust Loade rbd _ DOUBLE STRENGTH after a young catcher missed a f With Extras" | oe) < } _ a throw from a pitcher. " : Bi, : eo 2-PLY with He walked home to tell his ' y H if : - scart ae ne | Me 1959 CHEVROLET | \ | , See LY Raina pital at Sarnia, ee con- ' BEL AIR teen iy ps ; dition became worse, however, aes e and he was transferred Monday ; to London's Victoria Hospital. tint j Truly « pleasure to drive! This smart Chev sedan ts Hospital officials at Sarnia : complete with automatic transmission, power steering, said the boy's head was not cut Shadelight glass, wheel discs, windshield washers, white when Mr. and Mrs. John Gra- ' . . wall tires, A beauty in rich Sapphire Blue eMtallic, ster the nccident, Co CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO CONVERT? after the accident. The Brigden Juniors were ce ites 4 : ts ew eo at; these TRADE'N SAVE SPECIAL PRICES the park that day. Wilfred was % aaire in the Brigden Bantams. ONTARIO ? The Grahams have three m other children, all girls. . , SNOW CROSS MOTOR SALES LTD. Ki a 42-Months' Comprehensive Service and Extended Road Hazard Insurance jprics te of tetings and inctudes installation and Guaranteed Whee! Balancing with wulghite Holy Cross Mountain, Color- se dilied ravines which have] 140 BOND STREET WEST PHONE 725-6507 PRI Pg YOU SAVE --_ TIRES You save the appearance of a cross. -- T IRE SIZE ing wheels) K - he Pep ll yr Lge gregnaoyd your best for spare Bas Ice your best for spare BAS cen andcompects ss | 49.80 27.80 26.90 11.90 ain | ae 33.60 32.90 14.80 ee on ie 69.80 46.00 : 37.90 20.00 PRICES SHOWN ARE FOR TUBE TYPE WHITEWALLS = titscc'sr'cct"tin (yi ~ A QUALITY, LONG SERVICE AND PRICE vis Wewen COMBINATION THAT DEFIES COMPARISON STRONGER--Dbecouse--2140 Nylon Cords SUPER NON-SKID--because--Theusends of give, tetal ef ever 128, unds total ves "h} gee gl 0 Head shape teeth are ready end welting te provcatios. weet elses oid oo aod inte smooth slippery pavements, when ond EC tee Givempeend fer pound: stronger emergency erises. . ' ' ' , ; i i ; ; t : ' ' , a . ' * * « . . + ' ' t ' i] ' t ' ' ' . . . . . . ' 4 ; ' , t i 23? HIGH MILEAGE -- because ---- Just the potdlgeeh semana yf isa on AMOUNT of scarce Polybutadlone ls added. build-up--a preven major cause of blow. butadiene ts the new man-made duplieste MILLIONS OF wetural rubber end is now widely wed te ot teree, on truck tire treed miles, iszi ECONOMI: 'You get extra for sure. Super-Lastic Nylon Twin-Ply (4-ply rating) Is ROAD HAZARD INSURE: 42 Months of Service. (You pay only for tread worn, see complete Rood Mazerd Terms), And you get the full benefits ef tenger tlre fife, thanks to double-size, heevy Nylon, combined with the mirecle treed mileege extender--Polybutadiene. if] : om Ese ree reces ce i YOU'RE IN SAFE COMPANY WHEN YOU ¥ OR AIR WITH SUPER-LASTIC NYLON TWi ¥ "TOUGHIE* CK GUARANTEE MOWWSED TIRES regardless tomer funded gy Riise Sales rr month o Every drop of Calvert Old Rye § : ENF A ' 670/ 15 CONVENTIONAL must pass 96 rigid quality control EA TI ppp orsiong 750/14 95 BLACKWALL TIRES 12-MONTHS' ROAD HAZARD INSURED checks before leaving our distillery. .. Ny _ 600/16 No Trade Needed 2 ae CANADIAN TIR ' Your taste is the 97th check. Try light, smooth Calvert Old Rye. QLD RYE CANADIAN RYE WHISKY SY AMHERSTBURG, ONTARI. @ FREE CUSTOMER PARKING e@ BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE ASSOCIATE & FRIDAY ee AWA ° WHITBY . . im . Led. 115 Simcoe St, 728-6272 _-- badly a PORT PERRY MO 8-3828 QUEEN ST. 985-2824 EDS OS SE RE OE HIE Re SR Se Aeee Re ae eee