a a i NT aa teams of matched Clydesdales| The carvings are all between pulling a dray complete with|two and three feet in length barrels, bales and a driver. |and one foot wide. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, August 18, 1962 PORT PERRY RESULTS High Mark Set By Pat Midgley PORT PERRY -- The Grade|Phy. 52, Bot. 63, Hist. 58, Eng. 13 examination marks for the|/Comp. 54. Port Perry High School are| Midgley, Patricia: Chem. 85, llisted below. Zool. 76, Bot. 90, Geom. 63, Hist. 86 Ontario secondary school). 4 honor graduation diplomas will|, Morton, David: Phy. 50, Bot. g ae wu.|74, Trig. and Stat. 52, Alg. 52, law Friday, Ajax, between Tor-|be awarded to 11 of the stu-))0) "oT onto and Oshawa, said existing | dents: Beare, Ian; McArthur,|Alg. 56, Eng. Comp. 55. " provincial and federal grants|Ardis; McMillan, Douglas; Ph James: Fr. Comp. 55, should be continued and be|Medd, Elaine; Morton, David; |_f- Engg 61, Chem. 66, Phys. extended to include services as Midgley, Patricia; Read, : rig. and Stat. 74, Geom. wall us beds, |James; Ross, James; Skeratt, a gg Eng. Lit. 56, Eng. The brief also called for|C@tol; Smith, Carol; Wilkin, Ross Hees he Oar establishment of a hospital con-| Donald. Chem. 63, Phys. 68. Tri r and struction fund by the Ontario} Patricia Midgley attained the|cia 74 7, Peli 63 Alg te En Hospital Services Commission,|highest single mark of 90 perjrit 50,'Eng. Comp. 58. ws to be financed by a $1-a-month|cent. Simpson, Brian: Bot. 52 increase in the premium now| Several of the candidates| Skerratt, Carol: Lat, Comp of grays pulling an old hay rack charged under the Ontario hos-|have to their credit, papers in|50, Lat. Auth. 58, Fr Comp 51, whose driver carries a pitch- pital insurance plan. addition to the eight required|Fr, Auth, 54, Bot. 52, Hist. 59,|{0K, while another shows two 'Ajax, along with a brief from|for the honor graduation dip-|Eng. Lit. 60, Eng. Comp. 75. | the town and village section of|loma. Ardis McArthur has 11) Smith, Carol: Chem 58 Alg j Sitviling MONDAY the Ontario Municipal Associa-|papers; Douglas McMillan has|54, Eng. Lit. 50, ae EDGAR ALLAN POE'S THEP] [nv THE tion, also called for eventuai)+? papers, David Morton has. 10} Somerville, Ralph: La abolition of the county system in/papers, Elaine Medd has nine/55, Hist. 61." oe ne noncom PANAVISION 1x0 COLOR Farmer Takes Craft Awards TORONTO (CP) --A retired farmer who took up wood carving last September because he thought it would be a "nice little hobby" won three awards for his craftsmanship. at the Canadian National Exhibition. Robert J. McTavish, 74, of Arthur, 25 miles northwest of Guelph, won two awards in the handicrafts contest of the CNE's women's division Friday |} and also won the special Aiken- head award of wood turning chisel for the originality of his exhibits. His series of four carved rural transportation scenes, now on display at the CNE's Queen Elizabeth Building, are complete to the last detail. One carving depicts a team Ajax Suggests Grants To Pay For Hospitals TORONTO (CP)--The town of Ajax has recommended that the federal and provincial govern- ments bear the cost of hospital construction to relieve the prop- erty owner of the burden. In a brief to the legislature's select committee on municipal SKY! WIDE AS THE WORLD! "BLUE HAWAII--plus "ABBOTT and COSTELLO" TANAY STINDAY Solorfoedostoefocforys the province, with the provincial|/papers; Patricia Midgley has} Tripp, Dorothy: Chem. 59,! government and municipalities|nine papers; James Read has/Trig. and Stat. 65, Geom. 57, assuming the responsibilities|nine papers; and DonaldiAlg, 60, Eng. Lit. 52. Eng. | now borne by the counties. Wilkin has nine papers. Comp. 61. : a, The Central Ontario County| Wilkin, {District High School Board of|and Stat. Bond Markets |Education's § holarship for the|Comp.. 62. highest aggrerate marks in the| Wilson, . 1962 examinations will be|and Stat. 51, Hist. 55, Eng. Lit. | Gain Strength [sie , same: Read ad genom | Led A. B ingens gee fo eae ane rote Posen: > ithe candidate stan ing highest]? e successful: rock; eee canad market s/zfive Grade 13 papers will be|G.: Zool. 9; Wilson, K.: Zool strengthened this week in mod.|2Warded to Patricia Midgley. 9 erate trading. | The Laura L, Jones Memo- The 91-day treasury bills 8 ne Scholarship in English was b : d 5.05 per cent compared] "9 by Tan Beare. € announced. : eraged 5.0: pi ; inet pe kl Following are the papers and) The following corrections for pen gag ® 9 ey ag Pesta pass marks as copied from| Grade 11 and 12 have been Pe Cuumaran Wilh 3.45 perl ee ee Tenet of, made: cen year wi oe Per) Education Grade 13 certificate:| Pickard, John: completed ae tg Pik oy Sgr sock! Beare, Jan: Chem. 55, Trig. Grade 12 and was awarded a ore cmt wail Pndavlte Goh eee oe Secondary School Gradua- ir was realleble at Ovel pie oe oe 1 een. ogi | Blain, Murray: Chem. Morrow, Carol: Miss Mor- per cent. |Eng. Comp. 54. 'lrow's total marks places her| ' i -ltheir yields down to an attract-| i On the government market] Carnegie, Richard: Zool, 57,/!2 the First Class Honor group| A Jate-week sag in the 'stock |, Superior Propane, target of Aline Canada 4-per-cent 1966 is-|Bot. 5: iv i K | ' rather than in the S d a fared some of the ad-jive level. This week. Novaltakeover attempt y 2. ye Secon em Seored earlier, but was| Scotia, Toronto - Dominioa and|this week asennned that ne oft sold at $96.25, the Canada| Clark, Philip: Zool. 56, Bot.|C!@ss Honor group as previous- not enough to prevent the mar-|Commerce showed advances/fer from Propane Corporation |4¥4-per-cent 1983 issue at $88.25 *, Trig. and Stat. 63, Geom. |/¥_Shown. | ket's third consecutive weekly|ranging to about $2. |Cleveland, had been expected|2"4 the CNR five-per-cent issue | 2 Pao 53, Eng. Comp. 55. | -- |REFLECT GOSSIP ee wa 2 let-| "ere were no new provincial Trig. a0 'State 78, swig st By the middle of the week,| Takeover gossip continued to| ter to shareholders said Super-| ial,| Trig. 2 Stat. 70, Geom. 60, t ioe , Alo ride! pd the industrial index -- a cross:/be reflected in the actions of jor has been invited to Giscaye Snes oe rougit the ged Sharon: Hist, 87 section compiled from 20 lead-|several selected issues. New-| Donald: Bot. 72, ari | 63, Geom, 55, Eng. | OUT OF NOWHERE Lloyd: Bot. 52, Trig. | It's something of an enigma | hibition in Toronto before they just how these five boys, all opened Friday. One of them 13, popped up inside the gates | insisted they had all paid, al- of the Canadian National Ex- | though the ticket wickets had- Stock Market Climbs 3rd Consecutive Week tion in banks to the fact beast pea All companies denied they!) the recent slump had brought!were discussing mergers. n't opened. The perplexed policeman, presuming they'd sat on the bench since this time last year, let them stay. The Department of Education bursaries and scholarships will Show Times 1:30--3:25----5:20 7:25--9:15 By PETER DUNN 5 Canadian Press Staff Writer D.E.A, SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, Pre-School, Kinderdance. RARE CAT Only 11 individual specimens of the king cheetah--with its distinctive stripes as well as the| usual spots--have ever been) known, | TODAY & SUNDAY | (omg Sut Jacky ame, | tthe Giant DANCE /|/\ Killer | | FANTASCOPE! TECHAICOLOR' sacs | TONIGHT ADDED HIT! i ACTION WITH A WALLOPI. REGISTRATION: SATURDAY, SEPT. 8th |merger with another company,| ; : ' ' . *|\market during the week. Hayes, Eliz ' i ing issues -- had climbed to al-| comers to the growing group of| 8 3 zabeth: Eng: Lit. } tance of the $18-a-share BA of-| | : IH Only Company Lade, John: Hist. 63. ) " \Alg. 57, Eng. C 55 three weeks, shapest of any) igher. International Nickel,| ee ae ee brokers and analysts that the| bridge climbed $3. Canadian motor - vehicle com-/Comp, 51. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. howev is ed 10 a eomers own ofl RETSI, aretha seebaer 9, Eng: Comp most 562, about 40 points above) rymor-riddled stocks this week| o defer accep-| Jeffs, Robert: Hist. 58 Peres et seem head inrdlthe pareiie GU Co. tan, smal Par Neg 7 Rage - Toe an toe week Lid., Royalite Oil Co. Ltd., and| eit tats : | Martyn, Mildred: Phys. 60,! an eight points '|Calgary and Edmonton Corp.|. re in the market, sen-| . lTrig. and Stat. 59. Geom. 72/| The industrial rise of the last) ~ base metals were mixed to] Making Vehicles , « %4;| : |. McArthur, Ardis: F: | similar period this year, has} Blood Rushed mane by its half - yearly re-| TORONTO (CP) -- Interna-'51, Fr, ik fig | served to support statements by| port, gained $2, and Falcon-|tional Harvester was the only|Phy, 61, Bot. 67 Alg. 50 ara! Heavy trading in a handful of/pany manufacturing this week,| McKenzie, Kay: Eng. Lit, 55.| speculative issues boosted daily|says the Canadian Automobile) McLeod, 'Doris: Chem. 60,| March-June slump appears to| be over. With renewed conti-| To Animal dence, investors returned to ms In Surgery market. | Brokers. attributed heavy aad TORONTO (CP) -- Blood was DIVIDENDS rushed from an east-end Toronto hospital to. a small animal surgery at the Canadian Na- By THE CANADIAN PRESS. | tional Exhibition's v et e scope Dominion Fabrics Ltd.; com-| show Friday night in a televised mon 15 cents, second pfd. 3714|battle to save the life of a cents, payable Nov. 1, record Oct. 15. | Emco Ltd., 12% cents, pay-| able Oct. 22, record Sept. 22. | Minden Water Plan Tentatively Okay TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Municipal Board gave tentative approval Friday to an Ontario} Water Resources Commission plan for construction of 000 water supply it is built, will be underwritten by the townships of Anson, | the Hindon and Minden. Dr. Fred Griffiths, officer of health, told the OMB that between a third and a half of the prospective subscribers to the water system now use water from Gull River, The river, he said, is periodically contaminated with bacteria from human wastes. Other resi- water. a $135,-| system at) Minden. Costs of the project, if} ot medical) ' The fight to save Terry's life dents of the Minden area use) wells which are occasionally in-| adequate to meet demands tor German shepherd dog. An operation to remove blad- der stones from the ailing dog, Terry, was delayed for half an hour until the blood could reach the surgery in the old Hydro Building. The operation was one of a series being carried out as part of the Vetescope program--a presentation by the 2,000 Cana- dian veterinarians of the work of their profession. EDr. William Meway, the at-| tending surgeon, who will con.) duct at least 30 necessary oper- ations on dogs and cats during the 15<day exhibition, ordered blood transfusion because the dog was in a weakened condition due to a loss of blood. was viewed on closed circuit television in the building, and directly through the glass walls of the surgery by CNE visitors to the Vetescope building. Veterinarians said supplies of cat and dog blood--like stocks of human blood--are kept on hand at several Toronto animal hospitals for use in emer- gencies. volumes to their best in recent weeks, but price changes were for the most part minimal. Min- Ore Mines was an exception, more than doubling its price with a climb of 10% cents to 19 cents. GOLDS WEAK Golds were their weakest in weeks. Dome Mines dropped al- most $3. Western oils were well mixed. Total volume at Toronto was 15,209,426 shares compared with last week's 8,359,359. Dollar va- lue was $33,142,537 compared with $19,672,199. On index at Toronto, Indus- trials gained 8.70 to 560.08, base metals 1.41 to 189.74 and wesi- ern oils .15 to 106.39. Golds dropped' 2.91 to 94.44. Volumes at Montreal: indus- trials, 620,114 shares compared with 596,577 last week; mines, 1,616,394 shares compared with 1,807,319. On index at Montreal banks 132.1, industrials 7.7 at 310.2, combined 5.4 at 250.8 and pa- pers 7.2 at 477.7. Golds dropped 1.14 at 78.33. Chamber of Commerce. The company produced 245 trucks compared with 183 last week. To date this year it has produced a total of 6,980 trucks compared with 7,573 in the same period last year. Annual summer holiday and model changeover periods have shut down Canada's other pro- ducers. Production to date this year by Canadian companies is ex- timated at 321,454 units com- pared with 244,669 in the cor- responding period in 1961-- made up of 270,621 cars com- pared with 202,474 and 50,833 trucks compared with 42,195. Sunderland Boy Dies Under Plow SUNDERLAND, Ont. (CP)-- Kenneth Rynard, 13-year-old son lof Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rynard, was killed Friday when he fell from a tractor into the path of a plow on his father's farm near \this community 40 miles north of Oshawa. CLEAN FUEL MONTREAL (CP) -- The In- ternational Air Transport Asso- ciation permits only one milli- gram of solid impurities every litre of jet aircraft fuel-- the same maximum allowed in drinking water by health laws. Soa ae Stat. 56, Geom. 58,/ Alg. 51. | | 'McMillan, Douglas: Phy. 58, |Zool. 66; Trig. and Stat. 60, Geom, 64, Alg. 62, Eng. Comp. f 55. | Medd, Elaine: Fr. Auth, 50,| RED BARN ADMISSION -- $1.00 Old Time -- Modern | uRE AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA Information: 723-7253 in| 5 Cal 17'S HIGH ADVEN ' a>. ANDA SKYFUL OF IRWIN ALLEN'S deine JULES VERNE'S RED BUTTONS + FABIAN + BARBARA EDEN « CEDRIC HARD WICK ate * RICHARD HAYDN + BARBARA LUNA aoe BILLY BLEERT PMSA | CInmmascore cuestey COLOR by DE LUXE FEATURE SHOWN |DAILY AT .. . | 2:25 -- 4:45 7:00 -- 9:15 | Entrance Class Boosts Budget Previous to the meeting of the Durham District High School Board at Clarke High School on Wednesday evening the board members were conducted on a showing of the new school and expressed themselves as being well satisfied with the progress so far. Most of the furniture and equipment are installed with some odds and ends still to be delivered. It appears that there will be more students in Grade 9 and 10 in Port Hope High School than has been anticipated and was allowed for in the budget of grant texts. Permission was given to order extra texts, if needed, to the amount of $500. At the advisory vocational meeting at Port Hope, the mat- ter of the night classes for the Vocational Wing was discussed and it was decided in view of the possible late opening of some of the classrooms, that no night classes would be consid- ered until January. The matter will be further discussed again in the fall and a final decision will be arrived at. In the mean- time, information is to be pro- cured as to the n of stu- dents who will be interested in vocational night school and in the particular subjects in which there would be the most inter- the high school and express an opinion. The possible opening of the new school at Clarke Township was discussed and a tentative date was set for late Septem. ber or early October. Two or three names were mentioned as possible guest speakers. Noted in the principals' re- ports was the fact that Port Hope had 75 per cent of the papers written in Grade 13 as passes; the Courtice High School had the same figure; of the 10 students writing at Millbrook, eight had passed. In regard to the bus trans- portation, especially to Port Hope High School, for the vo- cational wing, it was suggest- ed that the bus routes be adver. tised in the three newspapers, in. Orono, Oshawa and Bow- manville, advising parents and students of the tentative routes of the buses, so that there will be as little confusion as pos- sible on the day school opens. The Board approved of this idea and the ads will be ap- pearing fiext week. As far as the. academic stu. dents for all the other schools are concerned, the buses will run the same route as for last year, at least for the begin- ning, as changes will be made as the occasion arises. The next meeting will be in est. Anyone interested in Night|Millbrook, Wednesday, Sept. 19 Classeg-in Vocational can phone at 8.00 p.m. PHYLLIS O'KEEFE CENTRE: Opens Monday, Aug. 20-Sept. 1 HOLIDAY THEATRE ICE REVUE DILLER THEARTE PARTIES @ DISCOU e@ CALL OR WRITE PARTY ON ANY PERFORMANCE ay on FRI, AND SAT. EVENINGS. CENTRE FRONT AND. YONGE ls iE | aa ALL COLOR PROGRAM! "WHRE THE BOYS ARE" JIM HUTTON -- CONNIE FRANCIS ---- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- PLUS! Audie Murphy LACK HORSES" INT ON 40 OR MORE SEATS JOOKING MANAGER, O'KEEFE STS., TORONTO EM. 6-8484, 75¢ to 3.75 KEEP COOL Box Office 11 a.m, - 10 p.m. Phone Orders EM 3-6633, AT O'KEEFE. THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401. . . PHONE 723.4972 CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON Train comfort Ca is travel comfort nadian National the way of the worry-free This Year It's Bigger and Better Than Ever ! OSHAWA 1 ALEXANDRA PARK MON. -TUES.-WED.-AUG. 20-21-22 BIG DAYS & NIGHTS Featuring: ® Livestock ® Agriculture & Floriculture ® Needlecraft @ 4-H Club AND STRICT --IN-- PRIZES!! You'll see some of the finest and fastest harness racers in the country, GRANDSTAND SHOW TUES. AND WED. EVENINGS Adults 50° scusot Children FREE ,.(t!c" Students 25¢