Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Aug 1962, p. 15

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RE. LEE TR OT I eS Set get ES AES bm ing trip to Ottawa, he got in/roamed the streets. Drunken- touch with the RCMP and re-iness was widespread, housing} jected the pleas of Soviet diplo-| scarce. | mats to return to Moscow. ; "In the U.S.S.R. a young man} courting a girl does not ask if THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, August 18, 1962 15° Ore Airlifted | Hebron Christian BIBLE LESSON Rising Prices Klochko Finding Hit Visitors Prophet Shows To Island By HAROLD MORRISON Stalin and how he planned for Canada Heavenly Klochko carried with him his| he erie Kis Wake be ove most precious possessions--two| ,-o. marriage. The important jsmall notebooks, about four!question is: 'Have you a room inches by six inches. Into these|of your own?' Any eligible girl By Helicopter | Reformed Church PORT ALBERNI, B.C, (CP)|] One block north of highway 2 on What is believed to be the first] ane' "* Se ,.you see te Recovery Steps By N. SPEER JONES {toward eivabine then, as NOW, government' austerity program The scene of this week's les.) was Tepentance. = ._ land rising prices have hit bar- son is still Babylonia, at the] Secondly, no matter how in| gain-hunting visitors at this one- ; ful a man has been, if he does} ime shoppers' paradise Chebar canal near the capital.|/repent and follow God's word,| ' ; Ezekiel continues to preach to/there is "'life." _ | The -- colony . oo the exiles there, with one very! Lastly, he points out that this Pierre - Mique4on, . hd important difference -- Jerusa-|disaster has not been due to France's Leola aid in Bs < lem has fallen to the conquerors| God's unfairness to His people,|America, lies "9 4 = ? in whose land he lives. jas they allege, but to themselves] southwest coast of Newfound- This i lindividually (Ezekiel 33:17-20), |!and. First, ghey ng porena Along with Ezekiel's change) Stores here sell some United many more exiles join the group| from warning to consolation|States and most European goods of captives already there. The comes a change in metaphor|for the same price as in the area around Babylon becomes ajfrom watchman to shepherd| countries of their origin. This is centre of the Judaistic remnant. | (see Chapter 34). Just as the|substantially lower than Cana- Second, th of this/200d Watchman and bad watch-|dian prices for the same goods. or di so Wace t Pi man were described, here we) Before the Canadian austerity great disaster means that Eze-) 0. Israel's false shepherds OF| program was announced, visit- kiel may stop preaching the dire ; inn | DIOR s , ; f ; ; °| ieaders (the literal translation St. P: lowed thi: to come. His warnings ae tae Onlors to St. Pierre were allowe ngs : NSS 'of "to shepherd" is "to rule")| ke $100 worth of goods back have.done no good, but now, at A to take orth of got a bgt: compared with the good ones, ev r 5 f eS,/to Canada duty free every fou! least, he may change his mes. especially the coming Messiah! months, Now they are allowed age to one of consolation and Himself. oor ss on uae Wel hope. | he false shpherds had driven! months. In fact, he terms himself a out the weaker people and sac- a . ee watchman (Ezekiel 33:1-9). In rificed the stronger ones to their ve an the seat a fine an agricultural community, this|own interests. Their cruel and tra tia 4 e chart ing bgt was a very meaningful term; a) unrighteous rule had helped| of do! - Solan past: five tower was often erected over! bring their downfall. God prom- years has force pr ces up. : pasture lands, where a watch- jses that in the future He Him-| However, bargains may still man might be on guard against self will look after His flock, be found in the islands. Cigar- attacking thieves or animals,|through Christ, One descendediettes sell for little more than} and. blow a trumpet to signal from His servant David. Verse|$2.00 a carton and a passable} danger. Ezekiel says that if he'23 bears the first reference to quality champagne can | had not warned the people of|this single Shepherd. bought for about $2.50 a bottle.| their impending doom, he would 'The fat and the strong (verse|In 1955 cigarettes were $1.10 a! have been a very poor watch- 16) do not mean the best, but) carton. man. those whose sole essence is} French silks and perfumes| Since the disaster, Ezekiel's wealth or might. are also high on the tourist-| helicopter airlift of ore in Brit- ish Columbia has started from an isolated mine near Tofino on the west coast of Vancouver Is- land. Vancouver Island Helicopters Limited is airlifting gold ore from the Tofino gold mine to Tofino. The mine is located on a steep hillside. Put on barges, the ore is then towed to Port Alberni and finally shipped by railroad to Trail, B.C., for smelting. W. E. McArthur, owner and manager of the mine, said the gold being mined: by his five- man crew in the early stages ran between nine and 10 ounces to a ton of ore. HARMONY -- | | UNITED CHURCH | Rev. N. T. Holmes, 8.A., B.D., Minister Ross Metcalf, A.R.C.1., A.C.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP A HEARTY WELCOME 'TO ALL : Albert Street United Church | ST. PIERRE, St. Pierre-Miq- uelon (CP) -- The Canadian Church of the "Back to God every Sundoy, 9:15 p.m., CKLB. SERVICE SUNDAY, Aug. 12 WASHINGTON (CP)Some Ca-|15 years to escape to the West. nadians may accept their coun-) It is an "open secret" in Rus- try with indifference. But to a/sia, says Klochko, _that Stalin defected Soviet chemist, Canada|murdered his wife in 1932. But is heaven. jit was Stalin's purges in later "Byeryone has his own con-\years that left its permanent cept of beatin" says Dr. Mik-|mark on Klochko. Many of the hail Klochko, the Russian scien-|scientist's frien ds and col--WESTERN ILLUSIONS \from frustration. They have a tist who defected to Canada|leagues were shot or jailed. His heart soared when he |creed, says Klochko, that goes last year, "and mine has al-\Klochko himself feared for his)reached Canada and found Ca-|like this: |ways been of a place where | life. |nadians ready to accept him.| Don't think. If you think, there was an unlimited supply|qapED STALIN But Klochko says he also found don't speak. If you speak, don't of books and some friends with! "<rrom these decds, which Westerners harbor many illu- write. If you write, don't pub- whom it was possible to discuss |toched so many I knew, I ac-/ 10" of what goes on in Rus-jjish, If you publish, denounce ideas freely. . niy_batred of m |sia. Soviet concentration camps|what you have written and con- "Now, at last, I think I sevelteree the only Y/have disappeared but the police|fess your errors." N, 2 |life--for Stalin," : jinstrument of terror remains.| found it. (has Klochko says he réalized that|he says. While the Russian gov- The 59-year-old expert in in-any person: who befriended him|ernment concentrated on politi-| GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH organic chemistry made that!in Russia would be immediately|cal crimes, gangs of hooligans) Cromwell Ave. & Highway 401 BYNG AVENUE Student Preacher | he had poured his life work--|who can answer yes to this the condensed form of masses | Westion Anes not remain. single of his unpublished works writ- ten in tiny, abbreviated script with the aid of a magnifying glass. | The Russian thirst for knowl- edge outside the Iron Curtain was great and largely un- quenched. Intellectuals suffered 10 A.M, REV. JOHN VANHARMELEN 7 OM, MR. HERMAN SALOMONS WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH |: FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T., R.M.T, Organist and Choir Leader REV. FRANK H. WARD, B.A, Minister Communist magazine, P ro b-\escaped. So for some 14 years,! lems of the Peoples of the/he adopted a "monk-like". exist-| U.S.S.R., where ~ ac of ve ence. He kept to the laboratory| bitterness against the late Josef and his room. He had no visi-| tors and seldom accepted invi- CHURCH meals varies from $6 to $8 ajtations. Fae ee C55 Pee day. His opportunity came when he} bi is At least two dance halls are|was allowed to attend an inter- 10:00 A.M. lin operation every night, and ajnational scientific conference at) SUNDAY SCHOOL Inumber of cafes feature occa-|Montreal in August last year. 11:00 A.M, WORSHIP SERVICE 700 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Everyone Is Welcome 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP REV. HUGH CROZIER remark in an article in the anti-|suspect and punished once he PENTECOSTAL E. KOSTIZEN SUNDAY SERVICES i One Service At: 9 a.m. "THIS 1S THE LIFE" REGULARLY ON. TELEVISION jsional entertainment. 'On Aug. 15, while on a sightsee- FREE METHODIST CHURCH 17 Erie St. Dial 725-3872 Rev. W. A. McMillan, Pastor 9:00: A.M.--"The Light And Life Hour' +--- 900 on your Radio Dial 10 a.m.--Sunday School for all ages 11 A.M, -- Open Session of || Sunday School will be held. EVERYONE WELCOME SIMCOE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH message from God to the peo-| The "hill" referred to in verse ple is threefold, First, he points out that there is no hope with- out repentance. The exiles were 26 is probably Zion or Jerusa- lem, God's promises for the fu- iture for His people are glowing ito the point of having "showers shopper's list. ] The cost of a room and three A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR EVERYONE WILL BE WARMLY WELCOMED 1:00 7:00 245 Simcoe St. S. Pastor; REV. R. A. BOMBAY REV. ALBERT E, LARKE, Minister Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. C. A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.--R.M.T. SUNDAY so discouraged that they ap- SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 11:00 A.M. -- PUBLIC WORSHIP ALSO AT 1042 ROSSLAND RD. W. 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--During July and August Worship will be held in conjunction with services at Erie St. LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 TO 6:00 P.M. CKLB -- DIAL 1350 | - The Baha'i World Faith God has created in man the power of reason whereby man is enabled to investigate reality . if only men would search out the truth, they would find themselves united. peared more indifferent to their|of blessing," a phrase famous) sins than ever, yet the first step!for its feeling of glory REPORT FROM U.K. 11:00 A.M. ~ 7:00 P.M. MISS DONNA PIPER ALL ARE WELCOME The Minister Will Preach LITTLE CHILDREN CARED FOR IN NURSERY Sex Segregation Angers Tourists "The segregation sign is quite ridiculous. Visitors are i » photographs of it to sen to For Eggnog friends at home. This could) damage seriously our tourist in-} LONDON -- Tourists from|dustry by giving the idea that England who have been aga the Irish are prudes and spoil- SUNDAY ing their holidays at seaside re-|sports, The bathing place,| » ate odrts in Eire are expressing sur.| known as 'The Captain's', is the yr nosigdhancpeeeay prise, and voicing strong pro-|only non-tidal bathing spot for UNDAY, 9:45 A.M: tests because of rules which pro-| miles. There is only one chang-| OVER CKLB, DIAL 1350 hibit mixed bathing on theling room -- for men -- which fos ade beaches there. When I was inithe county council built seven OPEN AIR that country earlier this sum-|years ago. It was supposed to mer, I made note of the signs|huild a second one for women, on some beaches enforcing se-|but it seems to have been for- gregation of the sexes for swim-| gotten." ming and bathing. | At Salthill, on Galway Bay,| OTHER SIDE | for instance, there are separate} From the parish _ priest,| bathing areas for men andipather Pearse Perkins, who| women on the beach, and these)<ypports the county council! are separated by a sort of N0-|orders, comes this comment: | man's land in between, This| , | seemed like a throwback to| 'The present arrangements much more puritanical days|4re quite reasonable. Men do than the present age, and in| not like women around when strange contrast to the practice|they are 'bathing. The few) in most countries. Yet it is the Women who like deep water can} accepted thing in Eire. use "The Captain's' three' hours daily. There are plenty of SEPARATE HOURS beaches where others can go, One of the popular resorts for; "Last year some priests who) .. English visitors is at Skerries,|)went down to "The Captain's'| 4 lew 20 miles north of Dublin. Over|were amazed to find women in ra 10,000 people from the North of|various stages of undress, The, Maier & Mrs, Fred England visit Skerries every|regulations are being violated at Corps Officers summer. This year they have/this moment, and I am. asking 133 Sirseoe South found mixed bathing banned. At|the county council to' appoint a the only deep-water bathing spot|man to enforce them." | on the beach, there is a county English tourists, 'however council notice which reads: quite disagree with the view ex- "Women may bathe only from|pressed by Father Perkins as 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.; 3.30\t9 whether or not men_ like p.m, to 4.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.|women around when they are| to 7.30 p.m Bathing for men at/bathing. Experience on all times except these hours". | heaches around the United King- It. is this ban which has\dom suggests quite the opposite. brought protests from English; -------------- re nore holidaymakers. It means that i eget families cannot bathe together. | SLOW RETURN It has brought embarrassment) MONTREAL CP)--It takes to the business men of Skerries,/an hour longer to fly from Lon- who have joined in the protests;don to New York than to fly to the Eire government. the same route eastbound, Pre-| vailing finds at flight level SPOIL TOURIST TRADE blow from west to east, !ength- Eamon Quinn, chairman of ening the return trip to eight the local' Chamber of Com-jhours, compared with the merce, sponsoring the official/seven-hour New York to London protest, says: flight GALLUP POLL Many Back Law To Stop - Feather-Bedding Moves By The Canadian Institute of Public Opinion With increasing pressures for automation, one of the major! issues of the next decade on this continent will centre on the practice of "featherbedding"' or "makework" by the. labor unions. If unions choose to follow the practice of requiring business to keep employees who are no longer needed, it is not likely to help their standing with the public here, or, to an even greater degree, in the States. At the present time a major- ity of U.S. citizens, and the largest segment of the Canadian public would be in favor of enacting laws to stop the prac- tice of having more men than are actually needed on a job. Gallup Poll reporters put the issue to the public in.both coun- tries, including in their proper proportion the nations' busi- nessmen, professional people, and both white and blue col- CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH REV. WARKEN G. DICKSON, B.A., MINISTER Mr. R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmoster king st. PENTECOSTAL cnurcu 611 KING ST. WEST Rev. J. M. MacKnight--Pastor 725-1661 Residence Church 728-5371 DRIVE-IN CHURCH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AT LOBLAWS 7 P.M. Pastor's Subject: 'ALL CAN BE SAVED" REVIVALAIRS QUARTET -- SOLOIST: GLORIA BELL SERVICE AMPLIFIED TO YOUR CAR 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR TRANSPORTATION 725-0318 11:00 A.M. -- Subject: "SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE" | THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the ci ith the World h NDAY RVI city wi ie World on its heart. SU SERVICES MINISTER: REV. JOHN K, MOFFAT, BA. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M., 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP AT ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH REV. JOHN LENG, D.D. -- Sunday School in St, Andrew's -- 9:50 A.M. SENIOR CLASSES. 11:00 A.M. JUNIOR~ CLASSES. C \ TO SERVE GOD! By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) For further information write: OSHAWA BAHA'! COMMUNITY SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 ~ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Bronch 2f The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, e SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "Seti WEDNESDAY (Inciudes Testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM HOURS Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS 10 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker: REV, H. H. MUTTON, Whitby EVERYBODY WELCOME. St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV. JOHN R. LENG, M.C., 8.A., B.D., D.D: Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. ___ 11:00 A.M. HOLINESS MEETING 2.00 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 6:15 P.M, OPEN AIR (SIMCOE ST. SOUTH) 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Sermon Subject: 'Test, Examine, Return" The Minister Will Preach. BROADCAST OVER CKLB Combined Service with Simcoe St. United Church in St. Andrew's. Baby Care Provided 11:00 A.M. ---- Sunday School in Open Session" 7:00 P.M, SALVATION MEETING TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M. HOME LEAGUE WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P.M | MID-WEEK PRAYER MEETING || "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU || AT THE ARMY" Lewis ' 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--'THE DISCIPLINED WILL' 7:00 P.M--"'THE CHALLENGE | OF CHRIST" _ Wednesday 8 P.M., Mid-week Fellowship ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 -- 9th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 9.00 A.M--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M--MORNING PRAYER--Rev. T. H. FLOYD 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER--Rey. L. Ware BLOOR STREET BAPTIST CONGREGATION Base Line School CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS RECTOR: THE VEN. H. D. CLEVERDON -- PHONE 725-5795 SERVICES: 8 A.M. -- 11 A.M. the] Cantvary Baptist CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS Affiliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada Pastor: REV. W. NIVEN AITKEN Bloor St. east of Harmony Mr. W. J. D, Lewis, B.S.A. Paster HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Ki Street United GOhurel CORNER COURT AND BARRIE STREETS AND BLOCK EAST OF ALBERT. REV. L. WARE REV. DONALD WILSON, B, ENG, SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 -- 9th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 9:45 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER -- REV. L, WARE ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD, SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. INCUMBENT: THE REV, R. A. SHARP -- 725-7064 AUGUST -- 9:30 A.M. ONLY NO SUNDAY SCHOOL OR EVENING SERVICES UNTIL SUNDAY, SEPT. 9th ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE, REV. A. WOOLCOCK -- 728-3055 11:00 A.M. FEELING INFERIOR ? 2:00 P.M, BIBLE SCHOOL | 'Christ and the paralytic' || A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS ALL WHO COME. STARTING MONDAY Vacation Bible School :. . from 1:30 until 3:45 for all boys and girls 4 to 13 five days a week from this Monday, Aug. 20 to Aug. 31. COME AND. LEARN REV, L, WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist YOUTH DEPARTMENT 10:00 A.M. - BABY CRECHE, NURSERY. AND CHURCH SCHOOL, 10:00 A.M. 10:00. A.M. REV. W, G. DICKSON Soloist: MR. FRED DENSHAM 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.--STUDIES IN EPHESIANS 7:00 P.M.--"REACHING FOR THE STARS' THIS SERVICE BROADCAST ON CKLB RADIO WED. 7:45 P.M.--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY SAT, 8:00--PRAYER & TESTIMONY HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH NOW MEETING IN DR. C. F. CANNON PUBLIC SCHOOL 9:45 -- SUNDAY SCHOOL --'11:00 -- WORSHIP REY. ERNEST WINTER 9:00 A.M. -- 11:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. -- CHURCH SCHOOL Nursery Facilities at 11:00 A.M. Service First ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH do you feel about this -- should there be a law against this practice, or not?" Columns below compare atti- tudes on both sides of the bor- der. In both cases, indecision is unusually high Northminster Baptist Church United Church CANADA 42% 33 9n 29 Should be law 55 Should not be 23 No opinion 22 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH iN CANADA KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S SIMCOE ST NORTH Rossiond Rd. W. at Nipigon KING ST, E. & WILSON (Four blocks from King) Rev. D, A. B. Allen, B.A. T.C.D. Minister 445 Beverley -- 728-6014. Mr. Frank Walter, Organist and Choirmaster 812 HORTOP ST. N. Frank Swackhammer, 100% 100%, Objection to such a law is much greatér among labor union families than others; in- decision only about a third as great SIMCOE N. at ROSSLAND RD. Minister. Rev. Harry Mellow, B.A. Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A., For August 7:00 P.M. in First Baptist B.A. UNION SERVICES . . . 11:00 A.M. in Northminster "Our Lord Jesus Christ" (3) THE DEATH HE DIED Rev Minister Minister: REV. D, R, SINCLAIR, B.A. The Rev. Robert B Milroy, M.A, Labor Musical Director Union| Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, 43% . 28 29 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Only Labor Union Families 42% 48 10 Non- A.L.C.M, Should be law Should not be No opinion No Worship STEPS IN FOLLOWING CHRIST Service 10:30 A.M. Oe 100% 100% MORNING SERVICE Findings like these bear out others which indicate that the public in both countries There will be no evening Bible School in Northminster at 9:45 SERVICES AT service until August 12th to 19th lar workers: "In order to provide work for union members, some unions require more workers than. are needed on a job. How' although approving in principle of the labor union movement--' has serious» reservations about some of their practices. (World Copyright Reserved) | CORONATION SCHOOL DURING RENOVATIONS September 16th A Hearty Welcome Awaits You. All Cordially Invited Nursery and Jr. Church for the 11 A.M, Service O Come let us worship.

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