Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Aug 1962, p. 7

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MARRIED AT The former Margarct Caro- | lyn Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Neil of Greenwood, recently became the bride of Mr. George Frederick Bruce Johnston, GREENWOOD son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston of Oshawa. The ceremony was held at Green- wood United Church and the couple are residing in Oshawa. --tfreland Siudio (Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 16, 1962 7 PERSONALS Petty Officer 1st Class, R. F. Cane has returned to his ship the HMCS Outremont, after spending a few days leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cane, Kingsdale avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and daughter Linda, Sherwood Park, 'Alberta, have been visiting Mrs. Moore's - sister, Mrs. Frank Bourrie and Mr. Bourrie, Ade- laide avenue east. Mr. and Mrs. William Clif- ford Kelly of Pointe Claire, Que- bec, have had as recent guests, itheir son Mr. William Kelly land their daughter Mrs. Roy A. | Nesbitt, Mr. Nesbitt and grand- | daughter, Lisa Beverly of Osh- | awa. | Out-of-town guests at the ion Jones, Mrs. L. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. H. Massey, Mr. and Mrs. G. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. V. McInnis, Mr. and Mrs, Ron- ald Halfhead, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones, Miss Jean Neil; with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruick- shank, Mr. Wesley Allen, Mrs. J. D. Cole and Jean and Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dowson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bellman, Mr. Brian Ormiston, Mr. Douglas Stainton, Mr. Harold Mutton and Mr. Allan Brock all of Bow- manville. ' Miss Moira Aitken Feted By Friends | | Brown-Dalziel wedding were Mr. land Mrs, Ronald Cook, St. Ca-| ltharines; Mr. and Mrs. Harold | Pippard, Orlando, Florida; Mrs. Mildred Misner, Mr. and Mrs. Austen Rutherford, Mr. and \Mrs. K. McPherson, Mr. and | Mrs. Thomas Gale all of Hamil- ton. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Emery Toomey, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dalziel, Balti- more, Maryland; Mr. Alvin Masterson, Calgary, Alberta; Prior To Wedding Prior to her marriage in Cal- vary Baptist Church this Satur- day to Mr. Maurice Gene Allan, Miss Moira Isabelle Aitken has been honored by several show- ers. A personal shower was held by Mrs. William Markus, Ade- laide street west, assisted by Mrs, Juliene Carlson, C. Mr, and Mrs. Cadillac avenue Jack One-year-old daughter south, Carolyn Ann. Her grand- parents are Mrs. Archie Ter- AROLYN ANN ip Oshawa. of | willegar and Mr. and Mrs. sh, | Theodore Welsh, all of --Aldsworth Photography Mrs. Victor Henkleman, Glen- Canada House, London, Scene Of Many Friendly Encounters A Cool Tub And Picnic Fare Eases Sticky Days In The City If you're home-bound, can't get to the country and the heat and humidity team up to make you utterly miserable, here are a few ways to bring the cool of the country to you. Give the family a good sturdy breakfast as appetites will be sharper in the cool of the morn- ing than later when tempera- tures soar, After breakfast, be- fore the house begins to sim. mer, prepare picnic fare for the remaining meals of the day . . sandwiches, cookies and a big pitcher of lemonade for lunch, a meat or fish salad and ice cream or sherbert for dinner. Plan to serve meals picnic-style in the breeziest room of th -- or out on the porch or patio. them a bath tray on which to set their toys. A plain piece of plywood long enough to stretch across the tub serves the pur- pose nicely. While the tub pinch-hits for a plunge in the ocean or lake, a foot bath can substitute for a wade, Set up plastic or enamel basins full of cool water out on the porch or patio or indoors wherever you have a linoleum floor- Add several tabl ,|0f baking soda to each. Then let the youngsters all wade to- gether. This is a good time to serve lemonade and cookies, With cool feet and a cooling drink, that wilted feeling that generally promotes crankiness vanishes. SOCIAL NOTICES , ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coverly, Bowmanville, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Sheila Georgina, to John Oreste Infusini, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Infusini, Italy. The wedding is to take arg on one i 1962 at 12.15 hed St. Gregory's Roman Catholie Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Cornish, Bowmanville, announce the en- gagement of their a Margaret June, to Mr. James Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Ellis, Pa er eS aturday, ember 15, : p.m, in Albert U Church, Oshawa. $$$ senna e HS Dress as you might in the pose in bathing suits or Let everyone have a turn at taking a cool dip in the tub. Add a half-pound of baking soda per bath. It makes the water twice as refreshing; and gives it the spa-like benefits people travel thousands of miles to en- joy. It's also a wonderful sooth- er for scorching sunburns, the! itch that goes hand in hand with! poison ivy, oak and sumac,| prickly heat and hives as well| as dry and flaky skin. Young-| REGULAR PRICE sters will be happy to stay put! in the tub for a while if you give! BALANCED DIET A balanced diet will supply the necessary calories, proteins, minerals and vitamins, and make extra - cost supplements unnecessary, POISON IVY MITCHELL'S FOR PRESCRIPTIONS SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY 1.25 AQUAVELVA............... 488 .93 BAYER ASPIRIN 100's........ .74 98 COLGATE DENTAL GREAM..... .79 1.19 ENO FRUIT SALTS........... 83 1.25 LAVORIS MOUTH WASH......1,09 1.29 LUSTRE CREME Lotion Shampoo 1.13 .83 LYSOL DISINFECTANT........ 14 oO TAMIR cus ecds peo eceeys ae INT PRICE !Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greengrass, |Long Bratch; Mrs. Leslie Fer- | guson, Meaford; Mr. and Mrs. cairn street, held a miscellan- eous shower, assisted by Mrs. Edward Johnston, Mrs. George Delaney and Miss Ruth Skinner. Mrs, Reginald Kit- A miscellaneous shower was chen, Lynden; Mr, and Mrs.| also held by Mrs. Otto Shar- sheath dress of cotton shan-|;. 1' williams, Trenton. Guests|tard, Emerson avenue, with tung with matching jacket,/) 3 Toronto were Mrs. Mar-|Mrs. Claire Henry, Mrs. Aivin beige accessories and a cor- Blair and Mrs. Violet Knapp d a isting. tions lta Un besa peri UNITS, GROUPS gyn was held at the AUXILIARIES left on their honeymoon trip to| home of the bride's parents, SA HOME LEAGUE 2.00 TON] HOME PERMANENT. ....1.69 1.38 SUAVE.........:.. 69, 2for 08 .98 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE.... .79 1.59 SLUG-A-BUG ............... 1,89 1.06 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC with small LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE .73 Poison ivy--scourge of the un- Thomas, T. D. Thomas, MLA, wary vacationer--is a low-grow- Miss Jean Laird, Miss Ada Kelly. ing plant usually, with three Prince Albert, Sask.: F. A.| leaflets on a stem and greenish-| Baldwin and Jean Baldwin. j|white berries, | Quebec: Gustave M. Lamon- | tagne, Jean Mercier. Sarnia: Stanley D. Parker. Remember the STARR - Timmins: Kenneth MacLeod. Welland; Dr. and Mrs. W. R. DYMOND PICNIC Clark, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. ON By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Among Canadian visitors recently 'registering at Canada House, London, were the following from Thomson newspaper towns and cities: Galt: Mr. Thomas Brown, Mr. J. Knowles. Kamloops: Miss Coleen Stain- ton. Kelowna: Miss Sharron Simp- son. Kirkland Lake : Mr. and Mrs. Betty Dalziel Becomes Bride . | Arno! owson and Mr. and Of Donald Brown of Bowmanville Mrs cle Dowson of Taunton; King Street United Church was the setting last Saturday for the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Jean Dalziel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalziel of Osh- awa to Mr. Donald Norman Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown of Bowman- ville. The ceremony was performed Briant, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Shinner. Woodstock: Gerald A. Par- sons. New York City. Briar crescent, giving friend ; , eal , s On their return they. will the opportunity to view the wed- make their home in Bowman-| ding gifts. ville. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Allen, by the Reverend L, W. Herbert. The organist, Miss Hazel Rundle, accompanied the solo- ist, Mr. Frederick Densham. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown designed with a lace bodice em. broidered with sequins and pearls, and lily-point sleeves. The hooped skirt was fashioned with alternate tiers of lace and accordion pleated nylon down the back and in the front an apron effect of French lace over accordion pleated nylon. Her shoulder length veil was held by a coronet of pearls and crystal and she catfried a white Bible topped with red rose buds and streamers. The maid of honor, Miss Beverly Abraham of Toronto, was gowned in pastel green with the bridesmaids, Miss Jean Neil of Toronto, Miss Jane Sloan and Miss Karen Melnychuk dressed in pale pink. They wore matching hats, white accessories and carried matching feathered carnations. Miss Debra Rutherford, flower girl, wore pastel pink, a halo of pink petals and pearls and carried a nosegay of pink feath- ered carnations. The best man was Mr. Rich- ard Peterson with Mr. Murray Brown, Mr. William Martin and Mr. Wayne Oheskavick as ushers. The reception was held at the home of the bride's par-| ents, King street east, with the hostess receiving in a white polished cotton printed with purple roses with a pleated! overskirt of lavender silk organ-| za, three-quarter sleeves and silver and white accessories.| The bridegroom's mother as-| sisted in silk brocaded satin of] floral green with matching! jacket, corresponding feathered) hat, black accessories and al gold corsage. | The bride chose a navy blue' Silver Can Come Out of Hiding It is now possible for the con- sumer to have her cherished silver hollowware items treated with an effective anti-tarnish finish, The consumer may now take her silver tea service or candelabra to her local jeweller who will make arrangements for the finishing in the factory. The finish, developed by Union Carbide, is a tough, invisible anti-tarnish finish which adheres to silver with unusual tenacity making it tarnish proof. Far thinner than the skin of a soap bubble, it keeps silver hollow- ware gleaming, without further treatment than normal washing. Food chemicals, soaps, deter-' gents, boiling coffee-none of these can affect the finish. It is expected that the new finish will be a boon to museums, clubs, churches and funeral homes where silver hol-| lowware is used largely for dis- play purposes. TWELVE -TONE COMPOSER Arnold Schoenberg, who evolved the 12-tone system of musical composition, was born in Vienna Sept. 13, 1874. Mrs. William James opened the Salvation Army Home Lea- gue meeting on Tuesday by leading the singing of a number lof favorite choruses. The mem- bers were welcomed, and the will be host and hostess at the Calvary Baptist Church tomor- row evening when the bridal! party will be entertained after the wedding rehearsal. James Rumball. The Reverend and Oakville: Mrs. J. N. McFaul. Orillia: Miss M. E. Kennedy. MOST MARRIAGES The Northwest Territories had the highest per capita marriage rate in Canada in 1960, with 8.7 Oshawa: Mayor Christine per thousand population. SATURDAY, AUG. 18 2 P.M. sick folk were remembered in a special prayer by Mrs. Ern- est Sargeant, Sr. The minutes lof last week's meeting were read by Mrs. George Beard. Mrs. Frank Buller collected the flower money and lead in singing the birthday chorus for those members who are cele- \prating birthdays this week. Mrs, John Bellingham was in charge of the devotional period, and took as her theme "Pray- er". Mrs. James Garvock gave & jreading called "Beside the still jwaters." Mrs. Ernest Sargeant \Jr, read a poem "Too tired to pray." Mrs. John Billingham and her small daughter sang a duet, \which was much enjoyed. Mrs. George Beard sang & solo accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Eldon McDonald. Mrs. Billingham closed the) meeting in prayer. The meeting} |next week will be in charge of} \Mrs. Edward Kitchen, and she} |will be showing some of. her; Novely pictures on the screen. Summer Fashions SELL at a LOSS! LADIES' DRESSES No use talking about it +. - our shelves must be cleared immediately, whatever the losses! This item is only a sample of the heart-breaking Reg to (for us) reductions ot. . NOW... 5.99 25.00 John PRESTON'S 201 SIMCOE ST. 5. PHONE 725-1551 EEE EAOEDVE CHECK THESE VALUES! LADIES' TAPESTRY beige. ONLY PRICED FROM CARRY-ALL HANDBAGS Practical for everday use. Colors: black b,rown and Check our complete range of FALL HANDBAGS .. 1.98 "1.98 .. 2.98 casual wear. ONLY OSHAWA Sanforized cotton prints, Johnny collar; individually packed in plain colors and patterns. A real value for Ladies' Tailored SHIRT BLOUSES 1.19 | 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STILL LOTS OF HOT SUMMER WEATHER AHEAD bf WE WILL NOT CARRY SUMMER STOCK OVER TOMORROW and SATURDAY OUR FINAL "GOOD-BUY" SALE 150 SUMMER DRESSES | GROUP 1 Reg. to 11.98 GROUP 2 Reg. to 16.98 GROUP 3 Reg. to 24,98 3.00 5.00 8.00 BROKEN SIZES SHADES STYLES IN ALL GROUPS 100 SKIRTS Reg. to 5.98 100 SHORTS Reg. to 6.98 100 SLIMS Reg. 4.98 to 10.98 197 297. 297 % 397 70 BERMUDAS Reg. to 8.98 120 TOPS Reg. 2.98 to 5.98 50 SHIRTS Reg. 3.98 to 6.98 3.97 9710997 1.97109.97 BATHING SUITS 1/3 to1/2 OFF A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD. ARRIVING DAILY! GORGEOUS NEW TRANSITION DRESSES FROM (0.98, ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GREENWOOD PARK (5 miles West of Brooklin) 9 SIMCOE 1, 8. LIMITED TELEPHONE 723-3431 Styling as modern as to-morrow PC. DINETTE SUITE oJ LARGE FAMILY SIZE TABLE 36x 48x 60 Now! Best Value Ever during Liberty's "Suite of the Month"" Sale! ibol ion of 456 Fi Stead The very low price is made p Dealers across Canada, They are Leading Valve of their August Sales. ONAL FEA To THOSE NOTE THE mont "gon e cxslecive Embossed stery. o Steet rae, braced ind welded. chs. YOUR CHOICE OF BRONZE TONE OR CHROME © Exclusive tntay Design Table Toh © Heavy Steel Extenston jes. al Self-locking Latch for © Comfort, * Table Top. Chair Ba nut Woodgrain, e"Pendant" design Injay in Mushroom Beige to match chairs. @ Chairs -- @ Chairs -- in "Fabrilite'. in "Fabri © Exclusive "Pendant? design in_ Mushroom design Beige with Brown Trim. ite". @ Exclusive "Pendant? ign in Sliver Grey with Charcoal Trim, COMPLETE SHOP LATE FRIDAY -- WE'RE OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. fetiiied these Geil Seles on SAVE $4000 Qs AS ADVERTISED IN WEEKEND MAGAZINE Cherney's The Quality Vinyl Upholstery. x

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