ce eine lai ie eerie oe GRANDMA TRAVELS GIRL FLYER MONTREAL (CP) -- Mrs.. MONTREAL (CP) -- Caron Anne Marie Dening of Bremen, Stark is believed the first girl Germany, is a 70 - year - old air cadet in Canada to receive grandmother who visited here a flying scholarship. The 17- after touring Europe and the year-old girl belongs to the Ist Far East. She said that it is St. Laurent Air Ranger Squad-: easy for an old woman to travel|ron here, and her flying is --"No one will do anything to|sponsored by the Girl Scout an old lady." 'and Canadair. : HELSINKI Finland (ap)--| Cartwright Oats Plans have fallen through for) * Contest Winners a direct television transmission' via Telstar of part of the) world featherweight ehampion-) BLACKSTOCK -- Winners of ship fight Friday between de-| the Cartwright field crop com- fender Davey Moore of Ohio! petition for oats were: and Finnish challenger Olli, 1. Harold Swain, Nestleton, \Maeki. Because of technical|RR 2; 2. Lanmer Bros., Nes- |reasons, a_ television hookupjtleton, RR 2; 3. Roy Werry, Auth, from Finland to Europe's Eu- |Burketon, RR 1. 'Auth,| Provision network has to be) 4. Percy Swain, Burketon, RR made via Sweden's network. |1; 5. Ralph Strong, Burke- Grade 13 departmental examin-| Kimura, Donald I. -- Eng.|Sweden has barred live fight iton, RR 1; 6. John Carnaghan, ations written at Pickering Dis-|Comp. 78, Eng. Lit. 57, Alg. 53,| telecasts on moral grounds. --_ Blackstock. Blackstock: j i ic, "ata ak We Auth Fred Trewin, trict High School. Geom. 55, Zoo. 59, Phys. 53, Fr./Bot, 44, Zoo. 36, Fr. Auth, 47, i Highest ranking was achieved '8. Grant Edgerton, Burketon, Auth. 56, Fr. Comp. 59. Fr. Comp. 52, Span. Auth. 37, ; i ! RR 1; 9. Lawrence McLaugh- by Wayne Knapp who secured) KNAPP, Wayne J. -- Eng.) span. Comp., 43. ' : first class honors in seven lin, Nestleton, RR 2; 10. Bey] Comp. 85, Eng. Lit. 69, Alg. 91, Mearns, Ingrid Bot. 86, papers. Wayne achieved over|Geom. 86, Trig. and Statics. 96,|79, 86, Germ. Auth. 82, Germ B/ack, Burketon, RR 1. an average of 84 per cent on . Phys. 66, Chem, 82, Lat. Auth.!Comp, 84. -leight papers and will therefore RECORD MUSICAL 85, Lat. Comp. 79. Osterhout, Cairine A. -- Zoo. be named an Ontario scholar. | Lennox, Anne A. -- Eng.ig3- Reiffenstein, D. Bernice -- "My Fair Lady' broke all Complete results: |\Comp. 62, Eng. Lit. 76, Bot. 70. Bot. 79, Zoo. 70. records in New Zealand by Baker, Nicholas V. Eng |Zoo. 75, Chem. 63, Lat. Auth.' Konzelmann, Irene -- Germ. playing to 640,000 people at 566 Comp. 70, Eng. Lit. 65, Alg. 67,|75, Lat. Comp. 67, Fr. Auth | auth 91, Germ. Comp. 85. 'performances in 17 months. Geom, 61, Trig. and Statics, 59,/62, Fr. Comp. 65 . a Phys. 80, Chem. 71, Lat. Auth,| ndo, Dona » -- Eng.; RELAX _ REDUCE - REFRESH 75, Lat. Comp. 72. Comp. 61, Eng. Lit. 61, Alg. 54,/ Bandurchin, John Eng.|Geom. 63, Trig. and Statics. 55, OSHAWA FINNISH STEAM BATHS, Comp. 54, Eng. Lit. 66, Alg. 73,;Phys. 64, Chem, 70, Lat, Auth Geom. 64, Phys. 56, Chem. 80,/60, Latin Comp. 57. Fr. Auth, 60, Fr, Comp. 60. Lumley, Carol A. Eng. Open for Men: TUES., THURS., FRI. & SAT. -- 2 to 11 p.m. SUNDAY -- 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4 =THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 16, 192= FUN AT THE PENNY FAIR | | GRRDE XI : Pickering Pupil Gains 7 Firsts were successful in 93.5 per cent|59, Lat. Comp. 66, Fr. of the papers written in the|54, Fr. Comp. 64. } | THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 *7 300 IN PRIZES INCLUDING 2 BIG SNOWBALLS EVER OFFERED AT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGOS. EVER OFFERED AT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO'S | PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE ] ? ----_----_-- Blackstock FAIR Sat, Aug. 25th OPENING PARADE 1 P.M. RACES and Special Attractions DANCE AT NIGHT 50-50 DRAW Beuk, Gerard F. -- Eng,/Comp. 52, Eng. Lit, 69, Bot. 84, Comp. 53, Eng. Lit. 61. Zoo. 77, Chem. 58, Lat. Auth. Buttars, John D.--Eng. Comp. | 81, Lat. Comp, 65, Fr. Auth, 75, 62, Eng, Lit. 80, Hist. 90, Boi,/Fr. Comp. 70. : 85, Zoo. 82, Lat. Auth. 63, Lat.) McCance, Linda R, -- Eng Comp. 68, Fr. Auth, 61, Fr,\Comp. 63, Eng. Lit. 64, Aig. Comp. 62. 77, Geom. 66, Bot. 54, Phys, 58, Cargill, William J. -- Eng, |Chem. 69, Fr, Auth, 68, Fr Lit. 63, Hist. 72, Bot. 76, Zoo,|Comp. 62 : : 60. McPherson, Carol J. -- Eng. Clarke, Sharon L Eng.|Comp. 89, Eng. Lit. 64, Bot. 86, Comp. 55, Eng. Lit. 77, Alg. 54,/200. 58, Chem. 50, Lat. Auth.| Zoo. 72, Chem. 75, Lat, Auth,|74, Lat. Comp. 60, Fr, Auth. 75, | 4 |79, Lat. Comp. 79, Fr. Auth, 72,|Fr. Comp. 68. : Fr. Comp. 70. Messer, Barbara E. -- Eng Craig, A. Stewart Eng. |Comp. 54, Eng. Lit. 78, His. 78, Comp, 55, Eng. Lit. 65, Alg, 84, Bot. 86, Zoo. 72, Lat, Auth. 79, Geom. 85; Trig. and Statics 73,|1.at. Comp. 79, Fr. Auth. 81, Fr./ Physics 74, Chem. 74, Fr. Auth,|Comp. 78. 56, Fr. Comp. 63. MILLER, Ruth A. -- Eng | Cresswell, A. Eldon -- Eng.|Comp. 50, Eng. Lit. 64, His. 74, |Lit. 74, Chem. 56, Lat. Auth. 57.|Bot. 70, Zoo. 65, Chem. 58, Fr. | Cresswell, Glennys B. -- Eng. Auth. 57, Fr. Comp. 58 Comp. 64, Eng. Lit. 79, Hist. MURISON, Rosslyn A, -- 82, Zoo. 59, Phys. 72, Chem, 73,/Eng. Comp. 55, Eng. Lit. 64, vat. Comp. 87, Fr. Auth. 69,|His. 73, Bot. 81, Zoo. 63, Chem. Fr. Comp. 76. 62, Lat. Auth. 64, Lat, Comp. 52. 'Davison, John R Eng Pegg, Marian A. _Eng.| Comp. 50, Eng. Lit. 63, Zoo. 53.|Comp. 64, Eng. Lit. 60, His. 70, Dawson, Alan D. -- Eng |Bot. 63, Zoo, 65, Lat, Auth, 70, ~ Comp. 67, Eng. Lit. 69, Hist, 73,/Lat. Comp. 73, Fr. Auth. 63, Alg. 61, Geom. 61, Fr, Auth. 53,|Fr. Comp. 62. ' Fr. Comp. 57. | Quigg, Mary Louise -- Eng. Death, Ronald N. Eng |Comp. 65, Eng. Lit. 57. Comp. 58, Eng. Lit. 81, Bot. 79,| Riches, Paulette D. -- Eng. Phys. 52 Comp. 59, Eng. Lit. 55, Hist. 56, ;| Dismay, Gladys L. -- Alg. 63, | Zoo. 63, Fr. Auth, 58, Fr. Comp Geom. 62, Trig. and Statics 60,56: Botany 76, Zoo. 67 Ritchie, Sandy W. Eng Edmiston, Gordon W. -- Eng.|Comp. 54, Eng. Lit. 61, Alg. 66, Comp, 55, Eng. Lit. 76, Alg. 62,|Geom. 65, Trig. and Statics. 55,| Geom. 65, Trig. and Statics 70,!Phys. 51, Chem. 62, Fr. Auth.| Phys. 65, Chem. 73, Fr. Auth.|58, Fr. Comp. 57. 68, Fr. Comp. 63. .. Tranter, Ronald J Eng. | Fenton, Aaron H. --' Eng,|Comp. 67 ,Eng. Lit. 51, Alg. 54, Comp. 55, Eng. Lit. 64, Alg. 70,)Geom. 60, Trig. and Statics 57. Geom. 88, Trig. and Statics 74,)Phys. 65, Chem. 74, Fr. Auth, Phys. 61, Chem. 75, Fr. Auth./57, Fr. Comp. 66. 59, Fr. Comp. 61 Ufnall, M. Margaret -- Eng. Foster, William A Eng.|Comp. 61, Eng. Lit. 57, Fr. Comp. 60, Eng. Lit. 74, Alg: 53,;Comp. 54. Geom, 73, Trig. and Statics 60,| Waltier, Dale M Eng Phys. 52, Chem. 62, Lat. Auth.|\Comp. 55, Bot. 64, Zoo. 64. 50, Lat. Comp. 53 White, Gail L. -- Eng. Comp.) Gray, Patricia E. Eng.'|60, Eng. Lit. 75, Alg. 81, Trig.| Comp. 58, Eng. Lit., 74, Alg. 58,,and Statics. 59, Zoo. 72, Phys.| Zoo. 80, Chem. 67, Lat. Auth.|71, Chem. 63, Fr. Auth. 58, Fr. 84, Lat. Comp, 86, Fr. Auth. 74,,\Comp, 58 Fr: Comp. 84. Willson, Hortop, Douglas W. -- Alg.\55. 50, Bot. 86, Zoo. 75, Fr. Auth.| Wright, J .Keith, Bot. 76, Zoo 56, Fr. Comp. 58. 75. Jack, Maureen A Eng.| 'Young, Linda A. --. Eng. Comp. 56, Eng. Lit. 78, Hist, 72,,\Comp. 61, Eng. Lit. 59, . Bot. Bot. 62, Zoo. 53, Lat. Auth. 63,/68, Zoo. 63, Lat. Auth, 57, Lat. Lat. Comp, 64, Fr. Auth, 56, Fr.|Comp. 63, Fr. Auth. 58, Fr.! Comp. 53. Comp. 68. Jackson, Lyle A. -- Alg. 67,| Results of private study stu-| Geom, 63, Trig. and Statics 60,/dents and night school students) Open for Women: WEDNESDAY -- 2 p.m: to 11 p.m. 42 Bloor St. S., at Albert 725-9093 SIMPLE SYSTEM DEEP FOR Self-Reolization, Relief of Tensions, Peace of Mind LECTURE BY BRAHMACHARI DEVENDRA DISCIPLE OF MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 8:30 P.M. at the Y.W.C.A., 199 Centre St. Sponsored by $.R.M. Foundetion ef Canede Enquiries: Telephone 921-6526 THURS., FRI. ONLY 1 Maherishi Mahesh Yogi BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:15 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! vu CHARD PLUS ! pee "SWORD Of SHERWOOD FOREST" DANNY KAYE "ON THE DOUBLE" for the most exciting adventure comedy Dorothy E. -- Bot. fj JULES VERNE RED BUTTONS « FABIAN + BARBARA EDEN + CEDRIC HARDWICKE PETER LORRE « RICHARD HAYDN + BARBARA LUNA a BILLY GILBERT Phys. 65, Chem. 74, Fr. Auth 53, Fr. Comp. 62 James, Ross D.--Eng. Comp. 2\57, Eng. Lit. 64, Alg. 53, Trig.| g\and Statics 65, Zoo, 80, Phys 6\65, Chem. 75, Lat. Auth, 62, Lat. Comp. 53. JOHNSTON, Alan E. --Eng. Comp. 62, Eng. Lit. 60, His, 64, are as follows: Findlay, Norine C Bo! 82, Zoo. 78, Haus, Florence M.| Eng. Comp. 60, Eng. Lit.) }52 Hollinger, Phyllis E. -- Bot, 53, Zoo. 60; Irish A. Robert -- Eng. Comp. 55, Eng. Lit. 57, Bot. 53, Zoo. 68 WALT DISNEY'S "BON VOYAGE" IN TECHNICOLOR tronimunue een TODAY ONLY ee | 'ii Kirmura, Ronald R. -- Alg. 161, Geom, 61, Trig. and Statics. | 7 iss se zs It's Fun and laughs for all the Family, old an young. iit ie bt alicia Bot. 67, Zoo, 52, Lat. Auth. 63, For one cent a jLat. Comp. 64, Fr. Auth, 59 pomp 79, Phys. 67. could throw (Fr. Comp. 59. BO Wl deed od Y 7 : "Jus J Sharyn J En MacKenzie, Rosemary E. -- pore oases g Pligg Thong | wet sponges at her. In this ones, Siatyy 5 | Comp. 67, Eng. Lit. 68, Bot. 49,'Eng. Comp. 61, Eng. Lit. 65,) "but it's lucky 13." The low- | Picture she was taunting | : ' : Dae Be en ee, Grade XIII Exam | Results At Ajax Get tay x MAR | Lane, all set to take her | (CP) -- Eleanor spending his holidays with Mrs iy T va : leted \X B Leroy Hamilton. vane iurner, who completcd|iion results for Ajax High/Zoo. 67, Latin Authors 52, Lat. Grade 12 at Victoria's Oak Bay} anni Comp, 58, Fr. Auth, 50, Fr. Augusta Thornton, Millbrook, |pigh school, won the Governor-|"©70° HE Dita ain dears Therese Kitney of 160 Liberty | punishment. street north, ponders over | throw, kiddies Bowmanville Recreation De- partment's ninth annual Pen- ny Fair Wednesday was a hit among local youngsters There were games of alt sorts and lots of prizes, all for just one penny a try. In { the top photo, nine-year-old ER| JAMES | MAUREEN a ss, (Oshawa Times Photo) JOAN BLACKMAN » ANGELA LANSBURY "MACY WALTERS oi ae ex Troma' Group Recalls Newtonville Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gilbey of| spent a few days with his sis Lf Walsall, England. Mrs. Gil-jter, Mrs. C..L. Powers ey is the niece of the former. |~ ea race ° Norman F. Fisher has re- turned home to Guelph, after STEWArT TOP STUDENT VICTORIA OHaRA AJAX -- Grade 13 examina-|Eng, Lit. 53, Alg. 59, Bot. 68, § School Days ORONO Fifteen mates of the Newtonville Public School in the early 1900°s gath. ered at the home of Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, last week. School photographs were pass- ed, projector slides of previous gatherings were shown and an- ecdotes related. Lunch was served by the hostess and each pronounced it a grand reunion.| Ladies were present from New-/ tonville, Newcastle, Bowman-) ville, Oshawa, Toronto and Orono. This was the third an-! nual gathering. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Tamblyn of Brampton and Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Dyke moved into 'the Kumrite Apartments over the weekend. Mr. Dyke is the new principal of the Orono Public School: Mr, and Mrs. Harley Jobn- ston, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. George Morton, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Powers of Scarboro stopped. on their way home from Bon Echo Lake, spending the weekend with the former's mother. Mr. John Schoenmaker at-| tended the wedding-of Mr. Ken Lauzon and Miss Florence Pilon in Cornwall on Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rickaby spent Tuesday with Mr. and! Mrs. Cuff at their cottage on Chemong Lake Mrs.. Charlies R. Prust and Miss Lynn have as their guests,| spent last week with Mrs. C, L. school) Powers and called on a few old/est standing in junior matricu- friends in Orono. Cleave Clemence of Oshawa, 'Columbia. LONGER IN THE EAST Mrs. Sara Chase, a. native of Uxbridge, Ont., said as she | celebrated her 104th birthday in' Edmont Tuesday that 'people from Eastern Canada | Carl Bignell: Eng. Lit. 54,) |Alg. 92, Geom. 88, Trig. 98,! \Phys. 91, Chem. 87, Fr. Auth.| 155, Fr. Comp. 63. Robert Cassan: Eng. Comp.| |52, Eng. Lit. 55, Alg. 70, Geom.' |60, Trig. 81, Phys. 53, Chem. 56, 'Fr. Auth. 53, Fr. Comp. 50. | David Claringbold: Geom. 51. Lyle Ensoll: Bot. 58, Zoo. 52. Eric Foskett: Eng. Comp, 52. Terence Gadd: Eng. Comp. '64, Eng. Lit, 61, History 56,| @ | Alg. 82, Chem, 62, Lat. Auth. 60, iLatin Comp. 68, Fr. Auth, 60, Fr. Comp. 59. Walfried Gotthelf: 50, Germ, Comp. 69. William Gowans: Eng. Comp. 51, Eng. Lit. 55, Alg. 64, Geom.) 63, Trig. 68, Latin Auth. Latin Comp. 65, Fr. Auth, Fr. Comp. 56. Stuart Greer: Eng. Comp. 50, Eng. Lit 56, Alg. 61, Geom, 63,/ Trig. 62, Phys. 53, Chem. 52, Fr. Comp. 51. /| Graham Hunt: Eng. Comp + |\74, Eng. Lit. 64, Alg. 53, Geom *\51, Trig. 66, Bot. 56, Zoo. 52. William Miller: Eng. Comp 56, Alg. 73,'Geom. 52, Trig. 82 Phys. 73, Chem. 67. Carl Moore: Alg. 63, Geom. 54, Trig. 54. Eric Moore: , Eng. Lit, 58 70, Bot. 69. James Robinson: Alg Trig. 78, Bot. 50, Zoo. 55 Ronald Sloan: Eng. Comp.| \52, Eng. Lit. 52, Alg. 74, Geom.| |87, Trig. 72 | Marilyn Daniels: Eng. Comp. 56. Alg. 56, Bot. 59, Zoo. 47 Latin Auth. 55, Lat. Comp. 58 Judith Ellis: Eng. Comp 64,| General's silver medal for high- lation examinations in British Germ. Au 50, Comp 59, Trig. Eng. Alg 68, seem, to live longer." Mrs. Chase moved to Edmonton with her husband and four children in 1906 (CP Wirephote) ' 156. Geom. 57, Bot. 61, Fr. Auth |passing |below: Comp. 65. Margaret Elrick: Eng.. Comp.'§ 61, Eng. Lit. 66, Bot. 57, Zoo.|2 53, Latin Auth. 55, Fr. Auth, 53.) @ Adelaide Francey: Eng. Comp. |¢ 51, Alg. 58, Geom. 57, Trig. 63, Chem. 57, Lat. Auth, 53, Lat. Comp. 53. Jo-Anne Galloway: Eng. Comp. 54, Eng. Lit. 51, Zoo. 51 Jo Ann Gorman: Eng. Comp 64, Eng. Lit. 60, Trig. 55, Bot. 80, Zoo. 75, Lat, Comp. 50, Fr Auth, 58, Fr. Comp. 52. Rosemary Hunter: Eng. Com 58, Eng. Lit. 64, Fr, Auth, Ann Huxter: Eng. Comp. Eng. Lit. 69, Alg. 61, Geom. Trig. 63, Phys. 65, Chem. p 4 "SSMALL sven Latin Auth. 67, Lat. Comp, 69. 59,, Ann Rees: English Comp. 63, iEng. Lit. 75, His. 73, rie C 75, Geom. 70, Lat. Auth. 72,/§ the Giant Lat. Comp. 75, Fr. Auth. 64, Fr. Comp. 66. Sandra Stewart: Eng. Comp. 53, Eng. Lit 51, Alg. 59, Geom. |¢ 60, Trig. 57. Andrea Walker: Eng. Comp 54, Eng. Lit. 58, His. 65, Alg. 'e Fabulous 53. Glenda Varty: Eng. Comp 51, Eng. Lit. 51, Alg. 56, Bot. 59, Zoo. 51, Lat. Auth, 58, Lat.|¢ Comp. 70, Fr, Auth. 60, Fr.l@ Comp. 62 4 The following private study! students .were successful in/é the subjects listed 7 FOR YOUR ADDED Herverd Fie Conpermton preven Boy W 'An explosive acon rama about the most Elizabeth Kusiar: Zoo, 57 ra: Rosemary Linck: Germ. Au-/@ thors 50, Germ. Comp. 57 Patricia MacCorkindale Comp. 51 Fred Thomas: Geom. 62. Eng. fy -- Killer _..____ FANTASCOPE. TECHMICOLOR + KERWN MATHEWS JT MeReom To Tharcoer ENJOYMENT ! A REAL FIND IN FILM ENTERTAINMENT! : ho Caught ACrook |... JOHN | SAXON» MARIE WILSON + REGINALD GARDINER UR PEERS WERE ROM. nner HENRY KOSTER® NUNNALLY JOHNSON. """ON™ PE MONE tes (asses g AIR-CONDITIONED SMOKING IN LOGES FEATURE TIMES--1:30 - 3:25 - 5:20 . 7:25 - 9:15