Nebuchadnezzar's seige of Jerusalem lasted a year and a half. The famine was so severe that the faces of the people grew black and shriveled, and a third died of starvation and plague. When the leaders were captured the eity fell--II Kings 25:1-7. ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Seripture--II Kings 24--25; Jeremiah 40:1-6; 42:1-6 fide After a suspenseful wait of nearly a month, the city knew its fate. Nebu- zaradan, the captain of the Baby- lonian guard, arrived and fired the temple and all the great houses, while his men broke down the walls of the | city:--II Kings 25:8-10. with a ee GALLUP POLL Hospital Cost Opinions Differ in East, West (World Conmriaht Reserved) |beliind in disapproval. The West, vy which has pioneered in health THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE | insurance programs holds a dif- OF PUBLIC OPINION ferent nion altogether to In the Maritimes, Quebec, and|Eastern Canada, as the table Ontario, most men and women|below reveals. believe the hospital costs} Interviewers for the Gallup River, Westmoreland. It was a days previously by a fellow- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, August 4, 198E 15 WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS Marle Taylor, A.R.C.T., R.M.T. Organist and Cholr Leader VALUABLE CATCH ' APPLEBY, England (CP)-- Angler Tom Percival hooked a "60 - pounder" in the Eden wallet containing £60 lost a few fisherman. charged in their area are too high. In the Western Provinces, the majority think these charges Poll asked this question of a national sample, especially se- the situation is reversed, and|lected for this report: "What do you think about the As the captain took away all the leaders in chains, he freed Jeremiah, gift and food, telling him to go where he wished. Jeremiah stayed Babylonian-appointed' governor, and with the remnant of his people, and when they asked his advice, he told miah 42:1-6; II Kings 25:22-26. them to stay.--Jeremiah 40:1-4. One more the people flagrantly dis- obeyed God's word, even after they sought it. A group assassinated the all the people fled to Egypt.--Pere- GOLDEN TEXT: Hosea 8:7. BIBLE LESSON Ancient Of Deportment * By N. SPEER JONES This week's lesson deals di- rectly with the actual fall of Jerusalem in 587-586 B.C., and with the vast deportation of her people to Babylon at that time. This deportation was not at all unique in ancient times. For many years the Assyrians had practised such a policy, trans- planting people from conquered mations to sparsely settled areas fm their own land. 50 Children Attend Solina Bible School By GLADYS YELLOWLEES : SOLINA -- The United Church Vespasian sent his son, Titus, to} women charge repress a rebellion there. After| church service Sunday morning. one of history's most frightful) The president, Mrs, E. R. sieges, the town was leveled/payior conducted the service once more, and lay in ruins for) ang Mrs. W. Crawford, of Ennis- over two centuries, until Comirijien was guest speaker. Sev- stantine's Christian mother in-jorai of the group formed the duced the emperor to rebuild it.|choir and Mrs. M, Vice and Policy zar's siege--which lasted a year! Jjadies of the community and a half--are all too graph-|gathered at the home of Mr. ically recorded in Ezekiel and)and Mrs: J. Knox, Friday night the Lamentations of Jeremiah.|to honor Helen (Mrs. Gmrant People's complexions gre@W\Down) with a miscellaneous black and from famine, | shower. The Bible Vacation school held GOLDEN TEXT "They sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." last week, had a attendance of over 50 children. On Friday --Hosea 8:7. |night a program was presented This policy apparently stemmed from the difficulty of maintaining control over an- other country, especially when that country was far from the seat of empire. Thus it follows that the leaders--the nobility, the craftsmen, the military men and the leading citizens--were the first to be carried off (as they were in Jehoiachin's reign. A side advantage of this policy af deportation was, of course, the building up of the conquer img country through the addi- tion of such able settlers. These captive peoples were mot treated cruelly, t herefore. The despair of the captive Jews described here, it suf- ave destroyed the temple. -|lical history. It was om a high ridge in Benjamin, pre gpen! between the pont rac fered under the Persians for|cient site, it had apparently| 'ears; Artaxerxes Ochus may|been a place of sacrifice for] by the leaders and children. and -- even devoured their! "wir. and Mrs, Percy Dewell chil with Me and lara. ©. Langmaid of thelwere guests at the Bittner-Cry-|Trust Fund for Mural Painting. The details of Nebuchadnez-|Mns, H. Yellowlees sang a duet./Teqd Kroekenstoel, Burketon, on and family, Hampton, were Sun-|: MURAL FOR CHURCH LUTON, Bedfordshire -- A -- oat Adie. Wm, Hoar,|750-square foot mural depicting Orono, visited at Mr. and Mrs,|the Crucifixion and costing' Bruce Taylor's. more than $6,000 is being paint- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylored beltind the altar of the new visited on Thursday evening|St. Francis Church, Luton, by with Mr. and Mrs E, Larmer, Mary of London. Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor were Sunday visitors derman wedding on Saturday |-- are about right. Quebec is the) hospital rates that are most dissatisfied with present/in this area -- are they conditions wth Ontario not far! high, too low, or about right?" Too High Too Low About Right No Opinion NATIONAL 6% ee 40% 14% Maritimes 32 2 48 18 Quebec 60 oo 2 ll rl " ntario 53 31 16 The West 6 39 14 -- Less than 1% © REV. FRANK H. WARD, B.A. Minister _ HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., 8.D., Minister 11:00 A.M. | MORNING Ross. Metcalf, A.R.C.1., A.C.CM, Organist and Choirmaster WORSHIP 10:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL 11 A.M. --- Open Session of Sunday School will be held. EVERYONE WELCOME _ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "LOVE: eee Age A . rs, ra Westlake © Sr. oe visited at Mr. and Mrs, Percy) Hebron Christian Westlake's. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Taylor! Reformed Church and family visited Mr. and Mrs, One block north of highway 2 on Thickson Rd, and you see the church! Church of the "Back to God Hour" every Sunday, 9:15 p.m,, CKLB. SERVICE SUNDAY, AUG. 5 Sunday evening. COOKING METHOD A casserole generally is used for braising food, a combination of frying, stewing and baking. 10 A.M, REV, JOHN VANHARMELEN The ancient Greeks, expert) goldsmiths, were fond of intri- cately carved gold ornaments without colored gems. 7 P.M, MR. HERMAN SALOMONS | WEDNESDAY (includes Testimonies) 6 P.M READING ROOM HOURS | Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m | The Baha'i World Faith "When the divisions of humanity have become unit- ed in obedience to one God, when all recognize that they have been created to carry forward together on ever advancing civilization, then, and then only will mankind attain its full: stature". For further information write: OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m | EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS SI y St 24 5 Simcoe St. S Pastor: REV, R. A. BOMBAY SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. --- 7:00 P.M, Some estimate that Nebu- rprpeqan chadnezzar took as many as 60 ar re = easel thousand captives when he eon-| Mr. and Mrs, Wes Yellowlees| quered the city. and sons attended e family| However, the number of per-|gathering on Sunday at the! sons killed or deported, as welljhome of Mr. Charles Allin, who! as the remaining population, is\on Saturday observed his 85th| impossible to determine, owing) birthday. \to the prevailing Oriental cus-| Mr. and Mrs. G. Heal, Scar- tom of exaggeration in figures./boro, Mr. L. Squair, Salem, Josepims speaks of a population|visited Mr. and Mrs: Roy Lang. of'a million in the first century;;maid on Sunday. 30,000 is the figure scholars sug-| Mr. and Mrs. Bill Awshton, GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Cromwell Ave. & Highway 401 | Student Preacher E. KOSTIZEN BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor: REV. G. A. CARROLL Telephone 728-2426 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY. SERVICES Nebuchadnezzar est ablished the new capital of the country) in Mizpah, a town eight miles) north of Jerusalem; there he| set up his governor, Gedaliah. This town was famous in bib. LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 TO 6:00 P.M, on WT CKLB -- DIAL 1350 northern . An an- BLOOR STREET BAPTIST es. | Here it was that Samuel as-) hia' 1 Paste pi-| invasions to Hellenize the|here it was that royed the wails, robbed/uel 10:17). It was also . temple and built an altar Zeus where God's had: been. Only one other disaster, how- A.D., when the Roman emperor a i@ people to | their sins during the Philistine! f (I Samuel 7:5), and | i CONGREGATION Saul was pro- claimed king of Kisrael ( I Sam- ee oe Bloor St. east of Harmony ently the place (called Nob) Mr. W. J.D. Lewis, B.S.A. Pastor from which the Assyrian tyrant) Sennacherib looked down on the! city before his attack (in 701) B.C.) and the height from which) 11:00 A.M "Psalm 85 and - 11:00 AM. One Service At: WORSHIP SERVICE / 9 a.m. "THIS IS THE LIFE" REGULARLY ON 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE MRS. BEULAH SMITH ALL ARE WELCOME ACQ§ PENTECOST AL CHURCH | Albert Street United Church | REV. ALBERT E, LARKE, Minister Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. C, A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.--RM.T. SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 11:00 A.M. -- PUBLIC WORSHIP Pulpit Supplied during August by Visiting Speakers LITTLE CHILDREN CARED FOR IN NURSERY xine st. PENTECOSTAL cnurcx 611 KING ST. WEST Rev, J. M. MacKnight--Pastor 725-1661 Residence Church 728-5371 DRIVE-IN CHURCH Everyone ts Weicome TELEVISION OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE REV. M. B Anointed 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY, 2:30 MEETINGS THROUGH TO MIRACLE REVIVAL TENT Now In Whitby SALVATION HEALING CRUSADE AB AINSWORTH T. L. Osborn film will be shown tonight IGELIST preaching. THE 12th AND 7:30 P.M. EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT MONDAY LOCATION: WHITBY block North of Water Tower. Corner of Centre N. ond Beech, | PENTECOSTAL AND INTERDENOMINATIONAL AT LOBLAWS 7 P.M. Soloist: Doreen Cox -- Inspiring Singing -- Testimonies PASTOR MacKNIGHT PREACHING SERVICE AMPLIFIED TO YOUR CAR 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR TRANSPORTATION 725-0318 11:00 COMMUNION SERVICE PASTOR'S SUBJECT: "FAITH" Titus got his first glimpse of the city he was to destroy. Indifference' Preacher's Trip To Russ Church By R. BARCLAY WARREN My friend Myron F. Boyd spent a month behind the Iron Curtain. Let me share with you one of the most interesting experiences which I heard him relate. Dr. Boyd had been invited to speak in the church in Lenin- grad Sunday morning and had been given the street address. The Communist who had been guiding him on his tour did not accompany him to the church. He was just a block from the church when he showed the ad- dress to a man and was mis- directed. After walking 10 blocks he inquired of another and who was very friendly and offered to walk with the American tour- ist to the given address. On the way, the new guide learned that this was the address of a church, With that he began to curse vehemently. After walk- ing a few blocks he stepped off the sidewalk and drew a cross with his foot. Then spitting on it and stamping on it with his foot, he burst forth into a fur- ther volley of curses. Fortunate. ly, he did not attempt to use the revolver he carried, Dr. Boyd earnestly prayed that God|3-.49 14 would help him in this desper- ate situation. Then he began to laugh. Finally, the Communist smiled a bit and continued to walk with Dr. Boyd, When they arrived at the church yard, a man was waiting to lead Dr. Boyd up the crowd- ed aisle to the front of tite church. Arriving at the front he A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS ALL WHO COME found that inadvertently he 'had/| been holding on to the Commun-| ist's coat sleeve. The Commun-| ist was given a spot on the front) seat and he listened attentively | as Dr. Boyd preached of Christ! and Him crucified, | The minister asked thos el C 2:00 P.M. BIBLE SCHOOL | | THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM 17 Erie St. Diol 725-3872 FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev, W. A, MeMillan, Pastor 9:00 AM.--"'The Light And Radio Dial 10 a.m.--Sunday 711:;00 A.M.--MORNING 7:00 EVERYONE WILL BE Life Hour" -- 900 on your School for all ages WORSHIP P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR WARMLY WELCOMED in conjunction ALSO AT 1042 ROSSLAND RD. W 9:45 A.M.---SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--During July and August Worship will be held with services at Erie St. St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV. JOHN R. LENG, M.C., B.A., 8.D., D.D: Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Sermon Subject: "THE ENCOUNTER" The Minister Will Preach. BROADCAST OVER CKLB Baby Care Provided Combined Service with Simcoe St. United Church in St. Andrew's. 11:00 A.M.--Sunday School In Open Session. | CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH | H REV. WARREN G. DICKSON, B.A., MINISTER Mr. 'R, K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster | NO SUNDAY SCHOOL UNTIL SUNDAY, AUGUST 19th | 11 AM.--""THE GLORY OF THE CROSS" (Gal, 6:14) This is the fourth in the summer series of sermons on "The Cross" EVERYBODY WELCOME. ET 1 i \ ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. SUNDAY, August 5 -- 7th Sunday After Trinity 9.00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION -- Rev. H. Newman 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER--Rey, L. Ware CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS present not to return jn the) evening so that others who want-| ed to attend might have room.) Have you ever heard that in| this country? | On dismissal of the ser¢ice, amidst the throng of people,| Dr. Boyd missed the opportun.-'! ity of speaking with the Com-/ munist. The' people in the' church were very friendly. They expressed their hope that! there would not be war. Chris- tian love was in evidence. | Curtains, whether of tron or |bamboo, cannot hinder the -ear- |nest seeking soul from knowing! jJesus Christ as Lord and Sa-| viour. In the words of Paul, let} us heed the exhortation to '"'put/ HOME LEAGUE on the new man, which is re.| WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P.M. newed in knowledge after the] MiO-WEEK PRAYER MEETING image of him that created him: |] -- there is neither Greek| "A WELCOME nor Jew, circumcision nor un- circumcision, Barbarian, Scyth- ---- rad ian, bond nor free; but Christ] AT THE ARMY is all, and in all." Colossians | LTO SERVE Gop! SUNDAY 10:15 A.M OPEN AIR (HOSPITAL) 11:00 A.M. HOLINESS MEETING 2.00 P.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 6:15 P.M, OPEN AIR (SIMCOE ST, SOUTH) 7:00 P.M, ' SALVATION MEETING TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M, Major & Mrs, Fred Lewis Corps Officers 133 Simeoe South BANS THALIDOMIDE | ROME (Reuters)--The Italian health ministry has taken thali- domide-type drugs off the reg- ister of medicines b of| Catvary Cc Affiliated with the Fellowship oor : Baprist CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada Pastor; REV, W. NIVEN AITKE> 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11;00 A.M.--STUDIES IN EPHESIANS | 7:00 P.M. -- "TRUTH' | WED. 7:45 P.M.--PRAYER Al ' THIS SERVICE BROADCAST ON CKLB RADIO ND BIBLE STUDY SAT, 8:00---PRAYER & TESTIMONY HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH NOW MEETING IN DR. C. F. CANNON PUBLIC SCHOOL 9:45 -- SUNDAY SCHOO! 11:00 -- WORSHIP MR, WM, REINER iy RECTOR: THE VEN. H. D. CLEVERDON -- PHONE 725-8795 SERVICES: 8 A.M. -- 11 AM. 2 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH URT AND BARRIE STREETS AND BLOCK EAST OF ALBERT. OPN Gane és REV, DONALD WILSON, B, ENG. "SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 -- Seventh Sunday After Trinity _ 9:45 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER--Rev. L. Ware ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD, SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE, (NCUMBENT: THE REV, R, A. SHARP -- 725-7064 JULY -- 8:00 A.M, ond 9:30 A.M. AUGUST -- 9:30 A.M. ONLY NO SUNDAY SCHOOL OR EVENING SERVICES UNTIL SUNDAY, SEPT. 9th ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD, NORTH ON BEURLING AVE REV. A. WOOLCOCK -- 728-3055 9:00 A.M, -- 11:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M, -- CHURCH SCHOOL Nursery Facilities at 11:00 A.M, Service SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on Ite heart, MINISTER: REV. JOHN K, MOFFAT, BA. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C,M, 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP AT ST, ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH REV. JOHN LENG, D.D. -- Sunday School in St. Andrew's -- 9:50 A.M. -- SENIOR CLASSES. 11:00 A.M. ---- JUNIOR CLASSES, | | | eT raat Street United Ohiurcl REV, L, WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams Choir Director end Orgenist BABY CRECHE, NURSERY AND CHURCH SCHOOL, 10:00 A.M, | | 10:00 A.M. : GUEST SPEAKER: YOUTH DEPARTMENT 10:00 A.M. REV. DR. GEORGE TELFORD "HOW LOVELY ARE THY DWELLINGS" (Liddle) Guest Soloist: Mrs. Harry Smith ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Solo: First their danger to pregnant| it was din the al, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks from King) Minister; : The Rev. Robert B, Milroy, M.A, Musicel Director Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.CM, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, Morning Worship Only 11:00 A.M, "THE CROSS AND THE CROWN" Communion Service, 7:00 P.M. "WHAT DOES IT MEAN T SAVED?" mre oe Wednesday & P.M, There will be no evening service until September 16th A Hearty Welcome Awaits You, Midweek. Fellowship. ST. LUKE'S Rossland Rd. W. at Nipigon Minister REV. D. R, SINCLAIR, B.A, 10:00 A.M PUBLIC WORSHIP | | All Compiatly Invited ST. PAUL'S KING ST. E. & WILSON Rev. D, A, B. Allen, B.A, T.C.D, Minister. 445 Beverley -- 728-6014 Mr, Frank Waiter, Organist and Choirmaster 10;30 A.M MORNING SERVICE NURSERY CLASS 812 HORTOP ST. Rev. .N. Frank Swackhammer. B.A. - UNION SERVICES . . . August Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A. Minister 11:00 a.m. -- "OUR LORD JESUS 7:00 p.m. - "DID YOU HAVE A CHRIST" (1) The Gospel He Preached Bible School in Norhmins'er at 9:45 Jr. Church and Nursery at 11 a.m. "Come let us worship ...GOD.. . together!"' Baptist Church ™ United Church Northminster SIMCOE N, at ROSSLAND RD. Minister, Rev. Harry Mellow, B.A. in Northminster United Church GOOD VACATION?"