Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1962, p. 11

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|Market's Steady T TORONTO (CP) -- The stock market climbed steadily all day Tuesday, and industrials closed with their best index advance in more than a month. The main list rose on index more than six points, best gain since a 13-point jump June 28. Base metals and western oils moved into higher ground, while golds dipped fractionally. Banks were strong again as a group with Montreal, Royal and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce all gaining in a one to 14% - point range. Among industrials, gains of a point or better went to Alberta < Pr ie ee waa Tite es nee eee we lew Ke ee er SEETIS Climb uesday Canada, showed little further reaction. Denison gained %4 while Ma- cassa remained unchanged, Stanrock dropped 15 cents, Gun- nar fell 10 cents and Rio Al- gom slipped five cents. On base metals, Falconbridge climbed 144, Noranda % and Hudson Bay Mining %. Of the speculatives, McMarnac Gold Mines and New Athona both | traded more than 100,000 shares, jwith the former climbing 1% cents to six cents and the latter dropping a half-eent to 39 cents. Northgate fared best, rising 35 |cents to $6.70, Few Starlings Caused Death Of 62 Persons WASHINGTON (AP) -- USS. government experts say that perhaps as few as 15 starlings sucked into the engines caused an airliner to lose power and dive into Boston Harbor with a loss of 62 lives. A Civil Aeronautics Board re- port Tuesday said months of sleuthing has shown that only a few of the birds from a flock that flew across a runway were drawn into the engines as an Electra made its takeoff run. But these few caused Joss of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 1, 1962 11) q Eastern Air Lines propelier-jet) | plane nose - dived into Boston: Harbor about 7,000 feet from Logan International Airport on Oct. 4, 1960. The plane was en route to Atlanta, Ga. Eight pas- sengers and two crew members survived. The starlings were suspected immediately. | If only one bird was sucked jinto an engine, results would be negligible, C.A.B. tests showed. If two entered, the engine would retain at least half power. Four and six birds produced more se- rious results and the tests dem- onstrated that eight birds were likely to cause complete engine failure. BUSIEST CENTRE Airports at New York City handle an average 40 passen- gers every minute of the year, i || Civic Holiday Savings At GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA OPEN TILL 10 P.M. DAILY Specials for Thurs. -Fri.-Sat. Aug. 2-3-4 6 4 ' | Among western oils, Home A Gas, Canadian Tire, Interprov-' and Hudson's Bay both dipped incial Pipe Line, Dominion 4% and Pacific Petroleum %, Foundries and Steel and Im-\while Dome gained % and perial Oil. Great Plains Development %. | International Nickel jumped) ~-- er a es shar 0 684, ahead 3%4, prob- shisvon ihe sensi of rece' Steel Company Net Profits Up This Year | covered. gold in the Northwest Territories, HAMILTON (CP)--Steel Com-| Canadian Oil, object of a of Canada Ltd. had net} takeover offer from Shell Oil of} Canada, climbed % to a 1962) |} Gy coomm LSENIISEN- WALTER BRENNAN (ea PORES -SORCs BUNCH DAC TER aie power and control, and the bigiheaviest air traffic in the world. BUTTER <u: GRADE LB. 49° WITH 2.00 OR MORE MEAT ORDER ° (Limit 3-Ib. Per Customer) BREAD 2 ron 33°. CHRISTIE'S CHRISTIES ICED SPEC. 35° ANGEL CAKE "*" SUGAR "swum 83" RUBBER JAR RINGS "* 10° JAMS "a 432% 95° KAM "8 43 Strawberry JAM 39° 29° TOMATO JUICE SOUPS 'uc !2)37."" 6/89 LEMON BUNS nc. 31° CIGARETTES °°" ro» 3.09 high of 35%. The stock was the} most active industrial, churn-| ing through more than 11,000) pany shares. Power Corporation,| profit in the three months ended which holds a substantial inter-| June 30 of $7,509,841 or 37 cents age PT est in Canadian Oil, rose 4, |a share, compared with $7,286,-|5" LUNCHEON MEAT 24-02. SIZE 48-0Z. TIN & bay SUNBEAM REG. 35¢ Oakah L. Jones, president of Consumers' Gas Company, lights a restored gas street Labor Relations Secret Divulged apes By FORBES RHUDE {of national emergency and the Bathurst Power and Paper| ' iness Editor| government would have to step| Co. Ltd., 6 mos. ended June 30: Canadian ee ae (CP)-- in "and one thing neither wants; 1962, $889,000, 60 cents a share; GENEVA PARK, Sp (Co; |is government interference." | 1962, $877,000, 58 cents. seeking /Peietes Both sides "understand that) Bell Telephone Co. of Can- formula' for they are inter-related, that each|ada, 6 mos, ended June 30:| exists 'and that they had better! 1962, $31,275,903, $1.31 a share; | |try to coexist." 1961, $26,954,239, $1.20. Chairman Arnold Edinbor-| Britich American Oil Co, Ltd., ough summed up the Swedish|6 mos. ee June 30: 1962, stem as outlined by Mr. Pet-| $14,870,000, 73 cents a share; ay aap mcr So opp hatin 4 : ominion Tar an em' ' itut | "It's realistic, idealistic and it of the Canadian Institute on siciica?? . SSuestisenownn vere eueawes ean! Sane | WINNER OF NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Atlantic Acceptance Corp., 6 |mos ended June 30: 1962, $290,-/ 1/095, 78 cents a share; 1961, Mysterians" "WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER" ed , we Shares of uranium companies|976 and 36 cents in the corres-| GRAND Q signed a contract to buy 24,000,-| ended June 30 ae $13,241,245 i ciaenaanind iE 000 pounds of. uranium from/ 65 cents a share compared DOORS OPEN AT 6 P.M. "{¥ : & increasing demand for steel products in the first quarter of Edgar Buchanan - Gigi Perreau - Juanita Moore Bowater Corp. of North resulting in record first - half sist apenas alehataaedce iii | E eS ica L 5 t .|/production and sales. | "f * iO 2 5 America Lid., per cent pfd./produ C TODAY ONLY! AM" Pi BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:15 ; 4 é i of the company's coal and ore,| ey SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! ee & > 7) er et Canada. Malling Co. Ltd., most of which is purchased in stored to 1850's period and | Steinberg's Ltd., class A 10,export business payable in U.S. home of William Lyon Mac- | now is open to public. jcents, Sept. 4, record Aug. 18.1 nines. kenzie. House has been re- ENTERTAINMENT AWARDS KIRK DOUGLAS: LAURENCE OLIVIER which rose. briskly Monday | ponding period in 1961. ALL-COLOR with $11,748 and 59 cents. : HOLISE DIVIDENDS land shine 'on ; the year showed further im- ; 62% cents, 5% per cent pfd., He said the devaluation of the 'LIGHTS CAS LAMP common 50 cents, Sept. 15, re-|the United States. However, --CP Wirephoto | 4 PHONE 725-2645 f to /howne JEAN SIMMONS : CHARLES LAUGHTON after disclosure that Britain had| Net profit for the six months SHOW ! ! President V. W. Scully said eo starring CHARL By THE CANADIAN PRESS |provement in the second quarter BILTMOR J Mm OPEN DAY EXCEPT MO - 168%, cents, Oct. 1, record Sept.! Canadian dollar adds to the cost 7. cord Aug. 15. there had been an increase in lamp in front of the original ADULT PETER USTINOV-JOHN GAVIN OAK LEAF LOOSE 3 us SI vw. 59° CHOICE BLADE ROASTS BEEF LEAN CHUCK ROASTS BEEF =» 39° POBK CHOPS :ision 2 ws $1 WIENERS 'i* "2" 49° BOLOGNA Wax'weer 2 ws. 79° BOILING FOWL "" ». 39° PICNIC 'cicoes = "ms 1.43 MINCED BEEF i Su: *] I, "VEGETABLES" Fresh Fruits and Vegetables SWEET poz. ¢ ORANG SUNKIST 163 SIZE SANTA ROSA c PLU QuART GARLIC 2 xa. 29° FOR CUCUMBER PICKLING 6 DILL BUNCH LETTUCE 2 reas 25° HEADS FRESH RASPBERRIES and CUCUMBERS Right From The Patch At LOWEST MARKET PRICES been ¥ lies with people and "a will to agreee."" the reply given ano TONY CURTIS an ANTOMINUS tecncovor' SUPER. TECHNIRAMA' 70 Lenses or panansront FEATURE SHOW AT: 2:00 -- 5:10 -- 8:20 P.M. AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT a ng Pe | Co, Ltd., 6 mos. ended June 30: 'wi airs. ' | $7,328,837, 50 cents a _ share; chief ©CO-| 1961, $6,107,816, 42 cents. Domohue Brothers Lid. 6) "|mos ended June 30: 1962, $700,- 210, $1.16 a share; 1961, $535,- 317, 89 cents. Great Lakes Paper Co. Ltd., 3 mos. ended June 30: 1962, | $1,123,001, 31 cents a_ share; "Suspense-filled! ...80 remarkable because the basic plot is true!" --LIFE Magazine processes. : 4 ; ee oh gg Petters-| human capacity to find com: of the Confederation of Swedish| "wir Meimberg eel a. Ger- 1961, $846,977, 24 cents; 6 mos. Trade Unions, both trade un-jmany's greatest problem is pogo <gng - eye ee op ions ve are strongly! "creeping inflation." page csr are; 1961, $1,287,- rganized. ae ts. oe" at the reality level," he/HAS SAME TROUBLE Moore Corp. Lid., 6 mos. added, "the important thing is|, Mr. Pettersson said Sweden ended June 30: 1962,° $6,766,543, the people who lead the organi- has the same problem, though|$1.01 a share; 1961, $6,203,238, | zations--they have a positive|Perhaps it isn't an altogether 93 cents. : will to come to compromises." bad problem because it. re-| Steel Co. of Canada Lid., 3 ' flected a growing economy. mos. ended June. 30: 1962, $7,- LIKE STRATEGIC STRIKES Mecca ong Velebit, a Yugoslavian|509,841, 37 cents a share; 1961, Unions mi sometimes like|Who is executive secretary of| $7,286,076, 36 cents; 6 mos.) a Oe as strikes the Economic Commission for|ended June 30: 1962, $13,241,-| ge tes br cgene | SUIKeS | europe, said Yugoslavia has it| 245, 65 cents a share; 1961, $11,-| to play one part of an industry | against another, he said. But too. 874,748, 59 cents. they know that employer asso- ciations would retaliate with symppathetic lockouts, to which the unions would respond with more sympathetic strikes- This would lead to a condition Lost Hyphen and their Well worth a trip to TORONTO! PREMIERE WED. AUG. 15, 8.15 p.m. Tickets Now on Sale BOX-OFFICE OPEN 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY THE FIRST DRAMATIC FILM IN FABULOUS STARTS TODAY now there was * no time 7% to talk---" ONLY TO \! LOVE! x Canada Forestry Sales Said Vital MURRAY BAY, Que. (CP)--|from the U.S. than did Asia, as Forestry Minister Hugh Johnimuch as Central anti South Flemming has pointedly told an|America and twice as much as /American wood-products group|the United Kingdom. that Canada has to export to; The excess of Canadian pur buy from others and that her|chases from the U.S. over sales forestry sales abroad are vital.|there had averaged nearly $750,- His speech Tuesday followed/000,000 in each of the last 10 an announcement last week by years: President Kennedy of proposals Cost U.S. $18,000,000 that could sharply curtail Cana-! dian lumber sales to the United WASHINGTON (AP) -- ThelSiutee Gonata's male" expor Five Congo Seamen t United States lost time in the outiet' Sales to the U.S. last) T)t : space. race, prestige and $18. vear exceeded $250,000,000. Die In Ship Blaze 900,000 because of Se Forest products account for hyphen im an equation, Te nearly 30 per cent of total Cana- House of Per Ton a'? dian exports, Mr. Flemming cmomittee was fo uesda} vi told the U.S. National Wooden The error in a compu x Council of Washington, D.C equation led to the destruction' Mr. Flemming said Canada July 22 of a Venus probe launch| consistently buys more from the vehicle and its scientific _pack- U.S, than she sells that country Gra: Nez age, a few minutes after it was and added: ris Nez, launched from Cape Canaverai,| 'In our own self-interest, we| Both the 9,000-ton Monthouet | Fla. The rocket was purposely|are looking for an expansion of/and the Liberian-registered Ara destroyed after it strayed from|trade but this in turn will en- bella caught fire but the Ara- its path and went out of control.| able ety maintain our econo ni Mgpscongp og put out be- hoard Morrison, Jaungh| Mic well-being and increase our fore she put into Dunkirk and vane Alig for ihe. Na-|Purchases of the things that/no casualties were reported on tional Aeromatics' and Space| ahers wish to sell here. board Administration, told the com-|MUST EXPAND mittee Tuesday the missing) "We have had an imbalance hyphen was not noticed in 300) in our commodity trade for) test runs of the equation before|some time. We believe that the| it was used to guide the Atlas:|best way.to redress this imbal- Agera vehicle. on the Venusjance is by expansion of trade| probe. rather than by contraction. | of ; "With the countries in the --. os yl poses free world being drawn .ever| uy wath NAA but en ad by oye! closely together, our aims) NASA, prodd jin this regard are in accord) the Ton gga ge gl with the major trends in thé 7. 'id today." hnoto; boratory, 4 Usi"s és : hie uve eon etre Mr. Flemming did not men- M-G-M and CINERAMA present a GEORGE PAL Production The first dramatic movie that puts YOU in every scene. Technicolor" 1 Lal | MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO EGLINTO! [__Oubol-town orders MUST include bank exchange charge. BOULOGNE, France ' (Reut- ers)--Five Congolese seamen, |trapped by a wall of flame, died lin a Belgian ship Tuesday and four were injured by burns and hydrochloric acid fumes after a sea collision three miles off Cap EVENINGS AT 8.15 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY oe. SAT. SUN, & HOLIDAYS ' MATINEES AT 2 P.M. WEDNESDAY... . Ws SAT. SUN. & HOLIDAYS 2.00 2.25 EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! ALL SEATS RESERVED! EGLINTON THEATRE 400 EGLINTON AVE. WEST, TORONTO HU.8-42715 WU 8-401 SPECIAL CONSIDERATION AND ACCOMMODATION GIVEN FOR THEATRE PARTIES AND GROUPS OF 50 OR MORE. PHONE WAlnut 4-417! ORCH, LOGES 2.25 FROZEN. BIRDSEYE TV DINNERS "" » 59° SUPREME FROZEN " 2-LB. C4 BAGS GREEN PEAS SPECIALS IN OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT KOTEX PKGS. OF 12 spatias 43° FUN HATS edd 59° Shaving Cream """" &: 39° SHAMPOO 'rte. 139-"seecur 1.00 FACE CLOTHS ™* 39° WILLIAM HOLDEN-PALMER in tre PERLBERG "SEATON THE Production of COUNTERFEIT TRAITOR PRINTS AY (4) TECHNICOLOR' METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER #75 wesents A GEORGE PAL PRODUCTION , H.G. WELLS' ® THE TIME s 3 BIG Thrills and $ HITS! ~ALLNEW Hel iio aeto and in COLOR Wwe > RACERS" jfren: - presents £ --- STARRING -- 'TARZAN | ALAN SALLY FIGHT FOR LIFE" WE URGE YOU TO SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING! REG, 25¢ HUGH GRIFFITH FEATURE AT... 1:40 - 4:10 6:35 9:10 tion the potential lumber curbs) "I don't know who the indi-|sought by Northwestern U.S. / states. But he said exports of all commodities account for about one-fifth of Canada's in- come compared with 1-20th in the U.S. In 1960, Canada bought more, vidual was,"' he said,*"but I would imagine he is a senior engineer with a doctor's degree in mathematics and consider- able experience in celestial mati ics." { DINEHART @ FRASER in METROCOLOR in METROCOLOR ° storing GORDON SCOTT iW] @ TODAY ONLY ¢ "Secret of the Purple Reef" "The Young Doctors" REGIE wi "OPEN DAILY TILL 10:00 P.M. SHOP and SAVE at GLECOFF'S Store Closed for Civic Holiday Mon., Aug. 6th £ :

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