HAIL CAUSES EXTENSIVE DAMAGE day morning. The 10 minute | glass at the conservatory. An hailstorm in Winnipeg's south | estimate of repair costs has end caused extensive dam- | not been made. age, breaking 1,700 panes of (CP Wirephoto) Andy Senior, decorator and gardener at Assiniboine Park Conservatory, displays plants damaged in a hailstorm Tues- CAPSULE NEWS U.K. Air Cadets Exchange Visit MONTREAL (CP) -- Twenty-;per cent higher than year- ": ™ ig six British air cadets have earlier levels and the total for|dismissed by Magistrate G. G. arrived at St. Hubert air force|the first half of the year was Marshman, | who said circum. base as part of an international/up 8.2 per cent. stantial evidence presented at air cadet exchange visit pro- : : the trial was not strong enough. gram. They will visit Ottawa, DELAYED AGAIN Graat, owner and operator of the RCAF station at Camp! HONOLULU (AP) -- Unfavor- the Corral Restaurant on High- Borden, Ont., and St. Catharines|able weather caused postpone-|way 2 near here, was charged before returning to England)ment again Tuesday night of after fire damaged the restau- Aug. 9. the United ied tgs rant's interior May 19. , 2 a second high-altitude nuclear) An insurance investigator an TALKS FRUITLESS test. The shot was delayed at two fire officials testified the Arson Charge Dismissed By Magistrate |charge of arson against Anthony H. Graat of Lendon has been FIFTH RACE Three-vear-olds Claiming all $2500. Purse $1800. 61% Furlongs, Division of the Second Fight a Lot, NB 100 Stans Ace, Dalton 108 Menetair, Bolin 103 English Mint, Robinson 103 Spikerdrink, Turcotte X113 Rosequeen, Turcotte X110 i 1 - 117 Blues, NB 11 Three-year-olds and Purse $2000. GENEVA (Reuters) -- U.S. least another 24 hours, fire began in two places. The State Secretary Dean Rusk and . : investigator said pieces of Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei) DEFORMITY REPORTED debris contained traces of gas- Gromyko met for four hours} tdi yd Se bod oline, Tuesday to discuss the Berlin,couver Island mother who took pat White of Leamington, a question and other topics, but|the drug thalidomide during restaurant employee, said he the conference again ended with pregnancy has given birth to aland Graat left the restaurant the familiar report of "no pro-|deformed baby. Deputy provin-ithe night of the blaze. He said gress." The two have talked cial health officer Dr. J. A. Graat went back to fetch some more than 11 hours since|Taylor said Tuesday the drug nies, but returned in "two or arriving last week to sign the|is suspected in the recent births|three minutes." Laotian agreement. jof 12 other deformed babies in Magistrate Marshman said he : didn't believe Graat had time WANTS TOTAL BAN QUEBEC (CP) -- Quebec MANY SOs. LNT | * Ort un the aepprmine needed Agriculture Minister Alcide| BONN, West Germany (Reus o--- Courcy says he will work to-|ters)--The fate of 1,280,000 Ger- ward a Ca -wi b man soldiers in the Second Saistone ace Me. World War is unknown, says the Island Refugees Courcy said he would put his|West German refugees ministry P proposal 'o a 'session of Cana-/Tuesday. The German Red Urged To Remain dian ministers and deputy min- Cross has traced about 422,000 put) isters of agriculture here. men since 1950, but these were LONDON (Reuters) The 3 ' offset by 444,000 new requests government has recommended Ph Lapin one Boi ager for information. that homesick refugees from St. NES (CP) -- 3 <woipy Tristan da Cunha remain in Four teen-agers, part of acrowd) ESCAPE WITH JEWELRY Ea at least until] this fall of some 4,000 at a shopping) CANNES, France ~(Reuters) pecause of the risk of another centre's autograph party for/Thieves escaped with about yojcanic eruption on the iso- Fabian, 19-year-old movie and/$120,000 in jewellery from Brit-jated South Atlantic island. recording personality, were in- ish businessman Richard Mey-' Nearly all of the 250 refugees jured Tuesday when a platelers' villa here Tuesday night have been seeking to return to pened ener -- Pf re-'during a party. the island, abandoned last er quired. suiches when they were ' . ' tober when a volcano erupted pushed through the window by wun ee ain Over a large area the crush, Begs" rol ashes cf Hh Their chief, Willie Repetto, EXHIBITS CUT ih se pete ace has picked a '12-man advance ; spe | e plains of central Luzon! yay to return to the island to OTTAWA (CP) -- The trade/Island under water and more|qocide for themselves if it is department has cancelled plans'than 500,000 people driven from}; habitable for Canadian exhibits at several!their homes. Some areas were| international trade shows in the/under five feet of water after FLOWER AREA coming year in line with g0v-\s6ven days of monsoon rains.| Haarlem, centre. of Holland's ernment austerity measures, a Seventeen deaths were -re-\bulb - growing industry, was government official said Tues- ported. chartered as a city in 1245, day. One show being dropped is the 1963 Tokyo Trade Fair, where a $100,000 Canadian rit e'se"*"*" NEW WOODBINE ENTRIES MARCHERS JAILED THURSDAY, JULY 26 ALBANY, Ga. (AP)--Several hundred singing Negroes started First RACE -- Two-year-old Maid-Betys Joe, Kallai 115 a march :oward the downtown pag nad all $2500. Purse $1800. oe Sa cue 115 one vo ee Triple Folly, Bolin 115 ke . 'uesday night. Abou wefe Little Joli, Fitzsimmons 103 taken to jail after "marching Sse Aig, Wauary x0 into an area in whic' u Chinos Jet, NB 112 said no demonstrations would ee ee be allowed. Brother Edwin, Ri 108 RUSSIAN WHEAT UP Worked Up. NB 10 ' SSA Lf Star Task, Adams 115 "See a 5 » NB 108 » Dreyer X11 ease Gee tarvae eg oo Traifie Count, Fitzsimmons 115 Bases me 120 s " as Al Eligible: Sweet Fashion, NB Waberiohe, Harrison X105 up this year despite difficulties 103; "Lady "Fontaine, NB sino; * Moon By Elector, Ditiiach 08 . j Sener | Step, ra 55 'avo le, reyer | Arctic , zsimmons with the weather, the Soviet) x17. maplehurst, Robinson 193; Foun-|Soft Touch, Parnell 110 news agency Tass reports. But dryman, Dalton 108. Also Eligible: Rail it said the output of meat, sae : 7 SECOND ¢ -- hree-year-olds.| SIXTH RACE butter and milk is "still in- Claiming att 32500 Purse 31800. 615 up. Claiming all $4500 sufficient," although growing. Gi an XXX105 Mighte bees NB 118 py, Simpson s Lagle, ? 'WALL' SHOWN LIVE Harry "Hotspur, Pots 108 |Qversoved, Dittiach ders ' : ory ire, NB 11 ol it, 1 NEW YORK (AP) -- A live eo fn NB ie Admiral fous, Hernander (A) XXX108 telecast of the wall between|Sunny Maple, Gubbins 111 Bull Pine, Turcotte (A) X114 East and West Berlin was trans- Barricade, Mallat 116, ce eee mitted to the United States from) Faithful Tom, Wolski X103 |Bobby Pin, Remillard 119 ' i jJoe the Captain, NBII6 Europe Tuesday nigh for the cuavagee Lanciey ae '(A) Miss M. E. Dressel and M. Viola entry QUINELLA BETTING SEVENTH RACE Builders and Realtors Assoc for Three and Four-year-old THIRD RACE -- Three and Four-|EUree 92000, One Mile snd 16th year-old Maidens. Claiming all $2500,|Ferdette, Remillard 116 Purse $1800. 6 Furlongs. Division of ist.|Demorosa, Simpson XXX111 newscasts live from Europe. Deacon D., Wolki X103 Apache Princess, Harrison %X1!05 Arctic Trust, Turcotte X117 Crystal Glass, Anyon 105 STONE IDLE TRAINS \ u i Seah ae. Aya BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- seh agh rose onggy Rh onribey x0 Warferd, Turcotte X100 Stranded commuters rioted oN|sSweet Wizard, NB 108 Castle Walk, Robinson 115 several strike-bound suburban|Rush mee, Dalton 108 te oe eto ie railway lines Tuesday, stoning) Seppe Teen Nn 110 Sweet Fennel, 'Turcotte X116 trains and smashing window|sweet Phantom, NB 103 Epic Charm, Fitzsimmons 105 ae ' 86 nein? a |Taquomee, Harrison X107 panes. Authorities said three/#eve's Doll, NB tio | Also Baigible Princess Guard } ste pd S| persons were injured. The strike Ghopora, MeComb 103 by 220,000 railwaymen protested) Also Eligible: Sand War; Kallai 108;/ A "et * |Donnon, Turcotte X103; Burning Hoofs, a delay in receiving Paying 'jos; Aptiy, Wolski X10. Tudor cheques. peer Simpson XXX100; Choppy Gale, Sosentino 110. U.S. VISITORS INCREASE OTTAWA (CP)--A sharp in- . 13 7 3 Z 0. crease this year in American|Biscy n ned. Dalton 1s) "| ince, Honter. Kallal 12 tourist travel in Canada WaSs| Fiddle Diddie, NB 115 Bonnie Bird, Simpson KB XXX% indicated today in a bureau of|Pick Field, NB 115 Last Time, Robinosn (A): 120 tatistics report on travellers'|see Log AR, US Friend Willie, Harrison X112 "ae : Maple Lou, McComb 115 (A) M., Tallieu and Armedam vehicle permits issued to for- ig | McComny 122 entry, (PB) "horndale Stable ind J " ] lan of ent, N 1s DR eign vehicles entering ana Sat Tali Fite mentine 190 De y the number in June was 17.4 Remillard 123 first time via the communica-|[earned Friend, Kallai 120 tions satellite Telstar. The pro-/Miss Tareen, NB 103 | gram was carried by NBC, one) oe Cartersville, Hernan- of three major U.S. ' "Niagara Frontier Purse" networks Fillies offering the first individual EIGHT RACE Three-year-olds and up. Claiming all $3500. Purse $2000 One Mile and 'sth Golden Cay, NB 114 All Cash, McComb 125 Captain Hook, Wolski (A) X120 + Formal Trust, Simpson (B) FOURTH RACE Two-year-olds./ Barley 2nd, 2 a X1i4 E 2 P.M Johneal, OLEAR AND MUDDY -jare a day old and are released! NB i12 XXX109 Stable THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 25, 1962 3 Pheasants Are Raised By Darlington Group | The commission is respon-,birds on separate farms in the sible for sale of all licences, | township. : control of number of permits! Members of the commission] § issued to hunters in the town-;maintain a constant patrol of| ! ship and also the members|the district following the re-| # carry out extensive program of/lease of the birds until Oct. 6. law enforcement. | Last year close to 1,200 li- "There is no pay attached to|cences were issued to hunters the job, but we get a tremen-|for the annual shoot. Majority dous kick out of our work,"/0f the birds released are shot, \said the president. said Mr. Millson, He added that | tte recalted that -Amhur mitl-| there have been instances when son and Lloyd Curtis of Cour-|>inds released one med adees lee were the men responsible NO! killed until the following sea- -- of the commis- Cost of food for the phea- : sants accounts for largest por-| , Lands and forests Senior CON-|tion of the money received. The) § servation officer Perey Swan-|phirds which are fed with spe- t son was responsible this year|cial turkey feed may weigh be- aration for the annual "shoot. digs! haeoineg§ program. Each|tween three and four pounds by | ird released has. a small sil-| ; ; 24,300 CHICKS ver band attachéd to its right -- = parry nggon' Jet-| ximately 24,300 of th > banding wi complet, Approximately | 24,300 Of the leg. When the pheasant is shot eq about the end of this month birds were chicks, 10,000 were|the hunter is asked to return. Mr. Millson. He said that lpouls snd about 1,400 wereline band to the Lindsay dee ee ase ; sole, this year mortality among the} | ae _ |partment ~ office or Toronto|pirds has been the lowest on | Pheasants may be hunted in headquarters office. record | all districts from Oct. 6 to 27) «The program. was instigat- ; inclusive. In the regulated town-|eq mainly to assess the value HARD TO REAR | Two buils which broke out ships of Clarke and Darling-|of the "farm' and also to gain 'They are very hard birds to) of a meat company truck ton, a special township licence is required in addition to the normal hunting licence. Bag limit is three per day of any sex. Howard Millson, president of the commission, explained thai 'the reason for the additional li- cence is to cover the cost in- curred in raising the birds. They are received from the farm at Codrington when they} LINDSAY -- Banding of phea- sants released' in the Lindsay forest district of the lands and forests department is carried out by a unique group of men. The men, 12 in number, are members of the Darlington Township game commission. They are all appointed deputy game wardens. There are five farms in the townships where the birds are reared. Close to 36,000 pheasants have been transferred from the Cod- rington pheasant farm to Sim- coe, Lindsay, Tweed, Hespeler and Huron districts by depart- ment crews this year in prep- pens to the birds after their feed has reduced the number release,' said Mr. Swanson, Of deaths. : For the first After banding the pheasants). : " ; ave: plated }years the farms were in opera- in wooden crates}; < fs and transported to various sites esd snené by xga er where they are released. However, new improved fecd .In Darlington Township five|has considerably altered this "'brooder houses' are operated.| situation. At these brooder houses locat-/ Members' of the game com- ed on farmers' property, the| mission are: Lloyd Curtis, Cour- pheasants are cared for untilltice; Wallace Pascoe, Burke-| they are banded and ready for|ton; Thomas Wilbur, Enniski!- release. len; William Ashton, Oshawa; In all close to 3,500 birds|Frank Pascoe, Hampton; Clif-| have been raised on the five/ford Marsh, Courtice; Cyril farms this year. Mumford, Hampton; Roy Nich- Originally all birds were rais-|olls, Courtice; Arthur, Miilson, | ed on Leonard Hyndman's| Enniskillen; Fred Payne, ' farm, but about six years ago|Hampton; Ralph Hills and How-|No. 2511, which zones the land it was decided to raise the'ard Millson, Enniskillen. in the south part of Pickering ---------__--__--- - ---- _ Township, excluding Bay Ridges, which is zoned under a separate bylaw, Pickering Township Council considered some 20 suggested amend- ments brought up at the hear- ing at its meeting Monday night. The Ontario Municipal Board. two or three Officers try to decide where when six to eight weeks old. FORMED IN 1949 The group was formed in 1949. Mr. -Millson recalled that it was decided to establish a commission after efforts to make a game preserve in the township failed By' ELSA STORRY Plastic Bag | Real Danger To Kiddies The plastic bag that was a danger last' year is still one this year, and will probably continue to be one for many} years to come. No amount of safety education will change ithis fact, just as it can't take the poison out of furniture pol- ish or the scalding property jout of boiling water. The facts are simple and most of us know them by heart, Plastic film is air-tight. The very thin kind has the added ability to attract static electricity, allowing it to cling to the face, These facts put to- |gether spell suffocation if the fabric is misused. After all the warnings by safety groups in Canada over the years, it is difficult to un- derstand how a parent could carelessly put a used dry- cleaning bag in a crib, carriage or playpen. One might more easily see the possibility of a child finding one in a garbage tin or a drawer, and trying it on. But of the eight children who have died since the begin- ning of the year, six had plas- tic right in their cribs or car- riages used as mattress covers. Sheets which had covered the plastic were in every case pull- ed away to expose it. The Ontario Safely League warns parents again that thin plastic in the crib, in the car- riage or playpen, or in the house at all, is a suffocation threat to their children, Find it now, and destroy it. OBITUARIES 32 People Dead In Train Cras Near Bucharest moss cr. tn LONDON (Reuters)--The Ro-|study them further and report manian government today dis-|its decisions to the board. Few, closed 32 persons were killed) ~~ eer ng in ean oun Bocks: Galt Illnesses Cause Unknown MRS. RAE HALLIDAY The death occurred suddenly this morning of Mrs. Rae Halli- day, 58 Greta street, The de- ceased, who-was in her 74th year, had not been in good health for six months. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carroll, the deceased was born in Gatineau County, Quebec and was mar- ried in Ottawa in 1912. A resi- dent of Oshawa for 30 years,' she had previously lived in Ottawa, Mrs. Halliday was a mem- ber of St. Gregory The Great) Roman Catholic Church and) rest three days ago. The Romanian news agency Agerpres quoted a_ transport ministry announcement which said the train was derailed Sun- day as it took a curve at high)prown, Ontario deputy health speed while approaching the minister, says his department Bucharest marshalling yards. | of the Catholic Women's| 'The accident was caused by|teria as the cause of a League. the fact that the engine driver,/outbreak of "intestinal upse : : Neulae N. Ion, exceeded the)among residents of the Galt She is survived by her hus-| speed limit on a curve," the an- arpa, band and one son, Cleveland,| nouncement -said. of o. ae Media atact! The train was travelling to the ab Pads ates botanist a Communist capital from Faurei ray, of Lowe, Quebec an in Romanian Moldavia. three grandchildren. ; * a i Six years ago, in September, The deceased will rest at the\j956, travellers arriving in Vi- McIntosh - Anderson Funeral enna brought rumors of a ma Home for requiem mass in St.Jjor rail disaster the previous Gregory the Great Church at 9\month in Romania. a.m. Friday, July 27. Rt. Rev.) 4 night train between Buch-| c Monsignor P. Dwyer will sing'arest and the Black Sea port|it is not the paratyphoid organ- the mass. Interment will be in of ploosti was said to have been|ism." St. Gregory's Cemetery. derailed, killing about 100 per-) tH said the disease is not un- Prayers will be said at the sons and injuring 300 other pas-|.gmmon in the province and is funeral home at 8 p.m., Thurs-'sengers. usually spread in food and wa- day. The accident supposedly hap- tap pened Aug. 23, 1956, but the N guree GERRARD T, HERMANS government never released any N0, /'sures . fi -details of such a disaster. Gerrard Theodore Hermans The same thing happened in died suddenly July 24 at hisithe soviet Union . last May, home, RR 1 Kingston road west, when two trains were said to'! phoid and parathyphoid." However, Dr. Brown had been in the province, he said. The reported the disease, which results year. accident ever were ' stomach cramps and high fever. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John and the number of casualties, Hermans, the deceased attend-|if any, was not known. | ed kindergarten at St. John the Evangelist Separate School He was a member of St. John ithe Evangelist Church, Whitby. BING CONLEY DIES (Bing) Conley, 63, onetime New England middleweight boxing Postal President | Assails Fleming champion and for the last 25 years an actor and stand-in in KINGSTON (GP)--Dan Cross /films, died Tuesday of an ap- ? : of Kingston, national president) narent heart attack. Attendants He is resting at W. C. Town of the Canadian Postal Employ-|at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital Funeral Home. Mass of the an-jees Association, said today the|said he collapsed gels will be held July 26 at 9/federal government's decision! shortly after walking into the am, in St. John Evangelist}to freeze civil servant salaries hospital They quoted him as \Church conducted by Rev. L. J./is "more evidence of political!saying he had been refused Austin. Interment will be in St./justice, conservative brand.' treatment at another hospital iJohns Roman Catholic Ceme-) "Since Mr. Fleming has been faa ; : Besides his parents, he leaves two younger brothers, Frank, 4 and Joseph, 3. 'First Refugees Come In Augus OTTAWA (CP) -- The first of the 100 Chinese refugee fam- ilies Canada has agreed to ad- information on just what hap- rear, but improved quality of' Tuesday in Tuisa, Okla., par- | ade down a busy street while | BEEF ON THE LOOSE AT TULS to corner them. One bull fi- | ty where it wandered through BROUGHAM -- Following a|'ecommended by council. Municipal Board hearing re-|\CONTROVERSIAL POINT cently regarding zoning bylaw) |port Beach areas. TORONTO (CP) -- Dr, W. G.| mit as immigrants from Hong 7 eg ae tery, Whitby. lemdetataw anna? ee ' Kong will arrive in Canada Aug ry, Whitbs jminister of finance,' said Mr. 7 Cross. "He has hoodwinked the civil servants of this country in no uncertain manner. "The Bill of Rights. states The immigration department FUNERAL OF said Tuesday that four families Mi G. SERGE --a total of 15 persons--will ar- The memorial service for i cit rive in Vahcnase: from the Brit. John G. Sergeant, 81 Patricia|*here will be no discrimana| | ish colony and fly to Toronto avenue, who drowned at Al-|28ainst anyone, relative to race, that day. : donia Beach, Canal Lake, olor or creed,' the CPE nc The immigration department Wednesday, July 18, was held ig fing Ties igh el ri said the four families are|at the Armstrong Funeral/ine in It relative to disc are among 36 families totalling 92 Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July tion against civil servants. persons selected to date for em- "*° EYE igration to Canada. The other Rev. R. A. Sharp, rector of EXAMINATIONS 67 persons still are being pro- St. Matthew's Anglican Church, by appointment cessed in Hong Kong for admis. conducted the services. Inter- sion as immigrants. ment was in Oshawa Union The refugee families being Cemetery. PHONE 723-4191 admitted to Canada all have ar- The pallbearers were K. Mc-] F, R, BLACK, O.D. rived in Hong Kong since Jan, Donnell, F. Sergeant, H. Crain, 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 1 this year. G, Connell and L. Willison. | MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgaces N.H.A, LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 723-2265 -- 360 King West After Hours -- 728-3376 Mette Piumbing Co. Ltd. WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS FROM FRIDAY, JULY 27th BOLAHOOD LISTS ONLY -TO SELL! - Times have changed. The successful realtor NOW lists to SELL: Experience must be recog- nized by both; buyer and seller otherwise .. . NO SALE! 9 YEARS OF SELLING EXPERIENCE WHEN YOU LIST WITH JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTOR 725-6544 ie) TUESDAY, AUGUST 7th has ruled out paratyphoid bac-| recent) . : 4?"|cial consideration?' He said his department had} not determined exactly what or-/be made by this council to pre- ganism caused the disease, but/vent the sterilization of lands said "'it is basically an organ-|that have been bought in good|Planning Associates, in attend- ism similar to those causing ty-|faith," he said. T saidjmany people seriously affect-|suggested amendments, Tuesday, "a study of cases ined by this bylaw." the Galt area has shown that! | Ni HCLLYWOOD (AP)--William|nue, until Thursday, August 16. Euchre | inexpensive | | | and died)$160 JACKPOT INCLUDED } i 6 -- $40 Jackpots _ 4 %, ¢ Se atl: Rat cleoltc A a pasture. While the officers _were chasing the footloose animals, residents along the streets were frightened onto porches. Many tried to help in the chase. (AP Wirephoto) nally was cornered in a park, and a city health department officials shot it. The other was last seen heading across the county line into Osage Coun- Consider Amendments To Pickering Zoning Bylaw were, situation that already exists. If |we permit houses to be built and septic systems installed, the owners will never agree to One of the most controversial|pay for sewers. points was brought up by) He said financial problems W. G. Lawson, solicitor, on be-|surmounted any health prob- half of a number of residents!|ems. who own lots which do not con-| form to the bylaw and contain SPRAWL PROBLEM less than the 15,000 square feet} 'The whole problem 'Is required. They were in the|'sprawl, said Councillor Milton Frenchman's Bay and Fair-| Mowbray, "'and the high cost of servicing at a later date. Mr. Lawson maintained that| He said that the type of de- and minor, amendments |these lots existed before the|velopment could possibly not bylaw, and now the owners|Warrant spending money on were not permitted to build on|Services, and that he believed them until services are install-|the best way to minimize ed, He said that the situation|sprawl is to introduce services. is that the owner of a 50-foot| Mr. Lawsons request was lot in that area may wish to|denied. have water and sewers, but be-| Reeve Scott pointed out that cause his neighbors do not want|the bylaw was quite restrictive. them, he may not be permitted) 'People are not going to be to build for years. jable to do very much what "They can do nothing with|they like with their land," he |their land except pay to have|said, and added that the Plan- the weeds cut," said Mr. Law-|ning Board would be able to son. |grant no consents on register- "Should they receive any spe-|ed land. asked the! "In the past it has been. a little too easy to do what they said Councillor Mow- Reeve. Mr. Lawson answered in the liked," affirmative. bray. "1 thi ' ink 'every effort should syypATHIZE WITH OWNERS Ray Percival, of Project ance at the meeting to advise Council regarding the various said \that he sympathized with the lowners of non-conforming lots, 0 HEALTH PROBLEMS but did not feel that building Mr. Lawson suggested that ifjshould be permitted on lots a health problem existed, the|under 15,000 square feet. bylaw should not be relaxed,) 'Unless we curtail the area,' but he had heard of no healthjsaid Mr. Percival, '"'we are problems. jnever going to be able to serv- "If you believed in what youlice it adequately.' ' "The owner 'has nothing left. There will bel com- say," he said to Council, "'you|, He related that there was a pleted on the number of cases! would force water and sewers.|staging program, and housing "Necessity will force them,'|}would be permitted in various health department is continuing said the reeve. "If we permit|stages of the Township, com- } ts investigation to pinpoint ex-|housing we will aggravate a'pleting one stage at a time. Whitby. He was in his seventh|haye collided. No details of the/actly which. organism causes} COMING EVENTS '0 BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalie Ave-/TOO MANY PETS? Sell them with an Classified Ad. Dial 723 3492 today to find them new homes. RADIO PARK Euchre every Wednes day at 8 o'clock sharp, through July. Good prizes. Refreshments. Everyone welcome. % |'CHARTERED BUS' Going to Montreal, : Quebec City, also St. Anne de Beaupre Week end of August 3-6 Inclusive. HOTEL RESERVATIONS Telephone TU 5-2527 PORT HOPE ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY _ on Saturdays at 8 p.m. as usual ~ NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL, (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled Door Prize $15 BINGO Union Hall, Bond Street Wednesday, July 25th 7:30 P.M j | | | WHITBY KINSMEN BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th EARLY BIRD GAME--SHARE-THE-WEALTH Return 20 Games-- 6 ond $10 Share-The-Wealth Bus Leaves Oshawa Terminal--25c KINSMEN ORBIT SPECIAL -- MUST GO $20 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE--$100 FULL CARD. NOW WORTH $300 IN 54 NUMBERS Church Bus Leaves 4 Corners.at.7:20.p.m. 5 GAMES AT $30--20 GAMES AT $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES ~No, 51; 2nd--No. 53 -- $30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Children Under 16 Not Admitted » Ist Door Prizes OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO-Thursday, July 26th 20 GAMES AT $20--5 GAMES AT: $30 1--$150 JACKPOT ($20.00 PER LINE PLUS $50.00 PER FULL CARD) 2----$250.00 JACKPOTS JACKPOTS NOS, 50 - 55 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200.00 PER FULL CARD IN 50-55 NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25.00 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EXTRA BUSES RED BARN,' Oshawa "a ' DOOR PRIZES ee a ee ae